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In Focus
Krissie D. Stich enjoys developing teams and leading by example.
Krissie D. Stich, MBA, R.T. (R), is the Radiology Director, East Market, University Hospitals. Her career path can be at least partially attributed to her participating in youth athletics.
“I was very active in both fastpitch softball and volleyball growing up and had my fair share of injuries. I felt like I could have performed my own X-rays by my senior year! Radiology always impressed me and intrigued me to want to know more,” Stich explains.
Her decision to enter the diagnostic imaging field is a home run!
“My greatest accomplishment would be finishing my MBA in 2018 and being in the exact role that I am currently in. I absolutely love my new role and cannot wait to see what the future holds with the challenges and accomplishments,” she says.
When asked why she loves her job, Stich says, “Because every day we make a difference in the life of a patient. We are all here for the same reason day after day. My role just plays a bigger part in the behind-the-scenes satisfaction for patients,” she adds. “I have been with UH 21 years and enjoy my job every day!”
As a leader within the imaging realm, Stitch likes to think that a part of her role is to help develop the next generation of leaders. She describes her leadership style as one where she models how to be successful and lifts others up along the way.
“Leading by example and developing teams to be successful. I am the leader that truly cares about helping to develop the next leaders in our organization. No one can be a great leader unless you truly
Krissie D. Stich talks with members of the imaging team.

care about the success of everyone else on the team,” Stich says. “With recent changes to the radiology leadership structure at UH, we have quite a few new managers. I am enjoying being a mentor for them.”
In short, she has benefitted from the advice of mentors and hopes to serve as a positive example to others.
“Over the years, I have had one particular mentor, Claudia Kraly, who has since retired from her role at UH. She was the director of radiology for mainly CMC, but helped with the regional sites as much as she could. She contributed to my success for always listening and providing an ear when needed. She also included me with networking opportunities and areas for improvement and additional leadership experience,” Stich says. “I have learned quite a bit with my overall leadership skills as well as not being afraid to speak up as a woman in a leadership role. Mentors help you truly become more confident in yourself as a leader. You develop strong leadership skills, gain new perspectives and the lessons you teach in return can also serve as reminders to yourself to follow your own good advice!”
“I currently am mentoring new radiology managers that were recently promoted from supervisor roles. I am excited to share my best practices and help them to grow and become better leaders: Trisha Majette, Angela Meyer, Anne Tucker and Brook Underwood,” she adds.
Away from work, Stitch is a leadership partner for another very important team.
“My husband, Kevin, and I have been married for almost 16 years. We have three children who are all grown up and on their own. We recently became grandparents in March 2022; and RJ is now our entire life,” Stich says. “We are so in love and spend as much time as possible with him. I am also a proud fur mama of dogs and cats.” •
MBA, R.T. (R)
1. What is the last book you read? Or, what book are you
reading currently? “The 4 Disciplines of Execution”
2. Favorite movie? “Dirty Dancing”
3. What is something most of your coworkers don’t know
about you? We live on three acres and truly enjoy the peace and quiet. We enjoy the country feeling and the privacy.
4. Who is your mentor? Claudia Kraly, retired from radiology director role at UH CMC
5. What is one thing you do every morning to start your day?
Drink lots of coffee.
6. Best advice you ever received? You make your own choices in life and your life is your responsibility.
7. Who has had the biggest influence on your life? My mother
8. What would your superpower be? X-ray vision
9. What are your hobbies? Family time especially with our new grandson, RJ; and being outside every chance I get.
10. What is your perfect meal? Any type of macaroni and cheese