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Ribbon Cutting: Higher Road Biomedical
Higher Road Biomedical
Higher Road Biomedical is a Ft. Myers, Florida-based provider of biomedical services including depot repairs, onsite service, leasing and sales. The company provides service and support to medical care facilities to deliver “optimal uptime of biomedical devices” to ensure those medical facilities can optimally, effectively and safely serve their communities. We found out more recently via an interview with Higher Road Biomedical President Craig Park.
Q: WHAT ARE SOME OF THE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS YOU OFFER? A: We provide on-site service for all types of medical facilities, plus depot repairs at our Ft. Myers location, device leasing and biomedical equipment sales, both refurbished and OEM. It has been interesting as we have ramped up, we started out thinking the depot repair part of our business model would provide the initial growth of our business. We have been pleasantly surprised by the demand for on-site service here in Southwest Florida. So that is ramping up and we are able to move on that opportunity and invest in that. We believe we are well positioned geographically, demographically and resource-wise to provide what our target customer base needs; efficient and professional partnerbased service.
Q: HOW DOES YOUR COMPANY STAND OUT IN THE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FIELD? A: We are very new, but we are ahead of target on how well the Higher Road Biomedical business model is resonating within the medical service and repair sector. We are a very young company, yet
Craig Park President of Higher Road Biomedical
we are being sought out for contracts with much larger entities. Our new partners find our approach refreshing and innovative. For instance, one large, well-known OEM has directly approached us to resell their equipment for surgery and radiology, and across the whole country we are 1 of only 2 companies they have approached. Why? Because their traditional (existing) distribution model isn’t working as well in this new business environment. They need to adapt to the new business environment in acute care. Which is prevalent across the entire business-to-business ecosystem. The OEM was attracted by how we go to market, our professionalism, our ethos and our understanding of what is needed for success. Likewise, we just signed an on-site servicing contract for a leading medical service group. They found us. We focus on where we can add value to our customers, and where there are inefficiencies that can be addressed. And, although these are early days, our initial progress has been ahead of target. Of course, we will be announcing all our new relationships in due course, so stay tuned to the wonderful TechNation!
Q: WHAT IS ON THE HORIZON FOR YOUR COMPANY? A: Our customers and the opportunities we find will dictate how we scale the business and what we can achieve. The future is bright, there is sector consolidation via M&A, plus there are sector dynamics at play which all help us as we humbly and nimbly go about our business, offering customers value delivered with high service levels. In terms of goals, we believe in phasing in the business and continually measuring our progress. Our immediate goals are to be the first choice for our target Southwest Florida customers for their service and repair needs. Once we achieve good critical mass in (Southwest) Florida, we will then expand our geographic horizons as and when the opportunities are there. We are off to a terrific start. These are exciting times.
Q: IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE OUR READERS TO KNOW? A: This is a people business first and foremost. And we are attracting great people to come on board. Not just team members, but customers also. It is terrific to be doing business with aligned stakeholders. In all we do, we take the “Higher Road,” by doing the right thing. Having integrity, being a trust partner and following through on what we say we will do. Higher Road Biomedical is excited for what is to come, and grateful for all the opportunities we have now and in the future. Onwards and upwards! For more information, contact Craig directly at Craig@HigherRoadBiomedical.com or visit higherroadbiomedical.com.