What is RSS feed and how to use RSS in Wordpress
What is RSS feed? A common question all of SEO beginners. Meaning of RSS is-Really Simple Syndication, but its functionality is so broad, surely. Most important thing is that it could be a news aggregator for your web site or blog.
Why you should use RSS .simple answer for: •
Syndication and
Many people, even me, don’t like to read by clicking page by page of any web site. It seems a time consuming, that’s why we choose to subscribe RSS Feed and using RSS to consume the whole content about the blog .Just click any web sites RSS icon and read every post at a glance. So instated of going each and every page separately you can read the whole content from rss reader . Another great use of RSS is to get feeds from others sites. In Search engine optimizationRSS feed has contribution to make your web site popularity.Many high quality web sites and blogs are using it . So you can use their feed url to your site to get their updates instantly through your site.It is another method of creating back links. CNN RSS feed is an example from whare their news feed can be get easily. Here is top ten RSS site list given .You can use them in your site and enjoy reading their latest updates and news feeds.
10 High PR RSS feed sites :
RSS-Rolling Stone
RSS-Market Watch
RSS-Fox News
So how to setup RSS feed in your web site: Most popular and obviously favourite search engine Google has a RSS Feed generator “Feedburner “for you and like other Google services it’s also free of cost . RSS feed can be easily created for any web site , blog by using any CMS like: wordpress, joomla, Drupal and Blogger etc. Some of them like wordress has RSS built in features.
How to use RSS feed in Wordpress First you have to understand your wordpress site have RSS built in and already activated. Very simple, go to your browser address bar and write your website like: example.com/feed if the result is showing any xml generated feed then it is RSS inbuilt. You can also check from Wordpress dash board ,then appearance, then
widget section and see the RRS in available widget list, just drug it to the widget area.
Now go to Feed burner and write your web site url like:http://www.example.com in the field 'Burn a feed right this instant' and click next,your rss feed is ready to use. Now copy the feed link and pest it to your wordpress widgets RSS url section, save it and see a RRS feed button is created in your site. Feed burner have an awesome feed analytic facility to analyze your feed i.e how many feed users are have been subscribed with your feed ,which browsers they are using most, average feed users, Google boat crawling status etc.From this you can get idea about your post and browser compatibility.The more you increase your Feed users the more your chance to get permanent readers for your web site.It will also help you to make a good relationship with your visitors and your blog. Similarly if you want to show w3schools feed just copy and pest their feed link to your site. A news feed will create automatically in your site. In conclusion, RSS feeds are an easy way to allow others to syndicate your contents and to get links. It is a great media to make your visitors more attractive to read your articles. I hope you get a crystal clear idea about What is RSS feed how to use RSS in Wordpress To get more information You can visit Techsata official web site.