South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited
1. 2. 3. 4.
Name of the project Project proponent Location Address
5. Board of directors
6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
: South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited : Golden Crown Enterprises International limited : Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ) : Plot No. 93-100, Dhaka Export Processing Zone Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. : Mr.Ngan Hung Tak, President Mr. M. Subid Ali, Group of Company Secretary Mr. Calvin Ngan, Managing Director Mr. Kort York Nam, Executive Director : The project is easily accessible by road. Product name : Woven solid dyed (100% Cotton & Cotton/Lycra) Product Mix : 100% Cotton & Cotton/Lycra fabric of Customized Construction Such As: • Twill • Canvas • Poplin • Sheeting • Ribstop • Herringbone • Dobby • Broken Twill • Slub • Other Customized Structure Fabric
Annual production capacity: 96,000,000 Yds per year. Factory area : 2.5 acre Type of the factory : Horizontally integrated. No. of employees : 1000 Project cost : Not Found Different Departments a) Administration b) Human Resource and Development Department c) Greige Fabric Inspection Department a) Bleaching Department b) Dyeing Department c) Finishing Department d) Brushing Department e) Printing Department f) Mechanical Department g) Laboratory
h) i) j) k) l)
Fabric Warehouse Quality Assurance Department ETP Utility Department Chemical Storage Department
Site Location: South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited is situated in Dhaka Export Processing Zone two kilometer far from Nobinagar. There are two easy way to go from Dhaka. 1. Motijheel → Satrasta → Mohakhali → Uttara→ Abdullahpur→ Ashulia → Bipile → DEPZ → South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited 2. Motijheel → Farmgate→ Mirpur Road → Gabtoli → Savar → Nobinagar → Bipile → DEPZ → South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited
Goldtex Storage
Goldtex Garments g DEPZ
South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd
Figure: Schematic Diagram of route plan
History of the Project Development South China Golden Crown Enterprises International Ltd., Hong Kong, an umbrella organization, has started its operation in the field of fabric processing in Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh under incorporation in the name of South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. and has been meeting the growing demand of 100% Cotton & Cotton/Lycra fabric in Bangladesh readymade garment sector largely. Physical infrastructure Two storied building with Concrete structure (about 35 ft high) Remark:
South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. is one of the largest woven dyeing mill in Bangladesh. The total environment of this factory is very good & friendly. The management of this factory tries to increase production day by day.
Organization Chart:
Man power in different section of South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. Total Manpower and Section wise manpower: Department
1. Weaving
2. Pretreatment
3. Dyeing& Finishing
4. Quality assurance
5. Maintenance
6. Utility
7. Warehouse
8. Administration
1. Weaving Section
1. Warping
2. Sizing
3. Drawing
4. Knotting
5. Loom
2. Pretreatment: Section
1. Singeing & Desizing
2. Scouring & Bleaching
3. Mercerizing
3. Dyeing& Finishing: Section
1. Solid Dyeing
2. Finishing
4. Quality assurance: Section
1. Quality assurance
2. Inspection/ Rolling
3. Sample development
4. Solid Dyeing lab.
5. Maintenance: Section
1. Mechanical
2. Electrical & Electronics
6. Utility: Section
1. Boiler
2. Pump house
3. Utility maintenance
4. Power distribution
5. Power generator
7. Warehouse: Section
1. General warehouse
2. Dye chemical sub-store
3. Greige fabric store
4. Delivery fabric store
8. Administration: Section
1. Admin & General service
2. Marketing
3. Accounting
Shift change: There are two shifts per day in South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. So each shift contain Twelve hour. Shift
A B General shift
08.00 AM – 08.00 PM 08.00 PM – 08.00 AM 08.00 AM – 05.00 PM
General shift is applicable for administration, human resource department & some officers. Responsibilities of production officer A production officer performs the following duties: 1. To monitor the production rate. 2. To check the machine setup. 3. To check the causes for stopping the machine. 4. To check the fault. 5. To report the concern people. 6. To eliminate the dyeing faults.
7. 8. 9. 10.
To maintain the optimum machine efficiency. To control the lower concerned like supervisor, helper etc. To take immediate steps when needed. Overall supervision of dyeing & finishing production
Job Description Production Officer Department Report to Job responsibility :
: :
Sr. Production Officer Department : Report to : Job responsibility :
Dyeing Sr. Production officer To plan, Execute & follow up the production activities & control the quality production with related activities Dyeing Assistant manager (production) To plan, Execute & follow up the production activities & control the quality production with related activities
Remarks The organization and management system are good and the employees do their duty sincerely according to their job description which is very necessary for a good management system. Plant Layout of South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd
1. Sanforizing Machine 2. Calendering Machine 3. Printing Machine
4. Stanter Machine
5. Scouring-Bleaching Machine 6. Thermosol Dyeing Machine 7. CPB Dyeing Machine
BRUSHING 8. Mercerising Machine DEPARTMENT.
Number of machine in different department
Name of the machine
Number of machine
QUALITYmachine ASSURANCE 4 1. Grey fabric inspection DEPARTMENT 1. Sewing machine
2. Unrolling machine
3. Osthoff-Senge machine
4. Kuster machine
5. Mercerizing machine
Thermasol dyeing machine
Cold pad batch
Sample dyeing machine
Washing machine
Sewing machine
1. Stenter machine
2. Sanforizing machine
Total 4
1. LISA 4 Brushes
2. Peach Finish Machine
3. Double Acting Raising machine
1. Screen Preparation machine
2. Screen Printing machine
3. Mercury Light Box
4. Curing Machine
1. Pad mangle
(Sample Section)
2. Finishing Pad mangle
3. Electric oven
Name of the machine
Number of machine
1. Vatting machine
(Sample Section)
2. Pressure dryer
3. Washing machine
4. Dryer
Laboratory (Color 1. Data color V.3.1 matching section) 2. Light box
1 4
1. Martindale abrasion tester
(Q.C. Department)
2. Elmatear digital tear tester
4. ICI pilling tester
5. Tensile strength machine
6. Tear tester
7. Dry & Wet bulb hygrometer
8. Hygro thermograph
9. AATCC crock meter
10. Automatic crock meter
11. Fabric marker for shrinkage wash test
12. Wrinkle recovery replicas 13. Teflon test kit 14. Shirley crease recovery tester
1 1 1
15. Impulse sealer 16. Moisture Meter 17. Yarn Count tester
1 1 1
18. Perspiration tester
(Q.C Department)
19. Absorbency tester
20. Water repellency spray tester
21. Washing Machine 22. Water Extractor
6 1
Quality Assurance
1. Generator
2. Boiler
1. Delivery machine
2. Delivery fabric packing machine
Description of machines in different department: Greige Inspection 1. Grey fabric inspection machine Grey fabrics are inspected in this machine. Faults found in the fabric are estimated by 4 point system. Fabric Defect
1” – 3”
3” -6”
6” – 9”
Above 9”
Some common defects are given below: 1. Color Spot 2. White Spot 3. Crease mark 4. Bug Spot
5. Oil Spot 6. Water mark 7. Hole 8. Yellow bar 9. Broken End 10. Broken pick
Bleaching Department 1. Sewing machine a. Two sewing overlock No. of machines are five b. Five sewing overlock No. of machines are two Mainly used for piping & fabric for brushing. 2. Unrolling machine No. of unrolling machines are four Used for unrolling fabric from the bale. 3. Osthoff-Senge machine Model
U97/3, No. - 6935
Made in Germany
5 batch
Machine speed in singeing: 92 m/min No. of Burner No. of Box
: :
Drying system
2(1 scouring +1 bleaching) : Horizontal cylinder dryer, no. of cylinder 36, cylinder Temp above 100c
4. Kuster machine Name
Eduard kusters maschinefabrik GmBh & Co. Kg Krefeld
Made in Germany
8 batch
No. of box
3 (2 scouring + 1 bleaching)
Drying system
Vertical cylinder dryer, no. of cylinder 36, cylinder temp above 100c
5. Mercerizing machine No. of machine
Machine speed
Dyeing department 1. Thermasol dyeing machine Thermasol dyeing machine is used for dyeing with Vat dye. There are no specific documents about this machine. This machine is assembled by different parts by the processing department to fulfill the need. 2. Cold Pad Batch dyeing machine Cold Pad Batch dyeing machine is used for dyeing fabric with Reactive dye. There are no specific documents about this machine. This machine is assembled by different parts by the processing department to fulfill the need. Finishing Department Brushing Department 1. LISA 4 Brushes Model
No. of brush roller
Brush roller type :
2. Peach finish machine Three types of peach is done here •
Light Peach
Medium Peach
Heavy Peach
Sand paper is used hear for peach finish. Sand paper count varies according to the type of peach. For light peach use 280, 320 count sand paper & for heavy peach use 60, 80 count sand paper. There are two parameters in this machine•
Fabric Speed
No. of sand paper roller: 13 3. Double Acting Raising Machine Double acting raising machine has 29 rollers in one cylinder. Only raising is done in inner side or back side. Name of manufacturer :
FRANZ MULLER maschinerfabrik
Made in Germany
Finishing Machine: 1. Stenter Stenter machine is a versatile machine & it used in various process in the finishing department. After dyeing, woven fabric is required to finish. During dyeing all woven fabric are dyed in open width form. There are lot of finish is done in this factory. Stenter is used for the following finis1. White Finish 2. Soft Finish 3. Hard Finish 4. Wrinkle Free 5. Etc Name
No. of Gas Burner Chamber:
No. of Pre-Drying Cylinder:
Batcher Speed
Machine speed
Padder Pressure
3 bar
Burner Temperature
140 c
Burner Gas Pressure
Colling Fan
2. Sanforizing Machine Sanforising is a mechanical treatment of fabric for shrinkage of soft fabric and transforming the fabric into soft glossy and smooth fabric for end use. Equipment
Monforts Sanforising machine
Operation procedure: •
After completion of check list the operator sets the feed site batcher and checks the shrinkage of the fabric by a special type of scale and the fabric is guided up to the damper. The fabric passes through the friction and heat of the rubber belt region and also through the felt calendar of the sanforizing m/c.
During the process the operator stops the m/c to check the shrinkage of the fabric at the neat end. If the shrinkage setting is all right then the bulk production continues and if there is any deviation in the shrinkage setting then setting pressure and pressure are adjusted.
For wrinkle free fabric the shrinkage is controlled by resin finishing.
3. Calendaring Machine Calendering is a mechanical treatment of fabric for producing smooth crease free fabric. Name of the machine
Monforts Calendering machine
Printing Department 1. Screen preparation machine Name
STORK Screen preparation machine
Screen Width
Chemical used :
SCR 101 (Dicromate sensitizer) Suprasol 007
2. Screen printing machine Name
Rotary screen printing machine
No. of printing head
No. of drying chamber :
Chamber 1 temperature range 140c
Chamber 2 temperature range 150c
Chamber 3 temperature range 140c
Machine speed
For single color 55 m/min For multi color 45 m/min
3. Mercury Light Box Mercury light is used for preparing screen. Model
Not found
Not found
4. Curing machine Laboratory (sample section) 1. Pad Mangle There are four padding mangle for dyeing in the sample section Padder Pressure :
2.5 MPa
2. Finishing Pad Mangle There are two Finishing padding mangle in the sample section Padder Pressure :
2.5 MPa
3. Electric Oven Model & Type :
Not found
Drying Temperature:
For light color- 45min For dark color- 60min
4. Vatting manhine Used for vat dyeing in the purpose of reduction cleaning. No. of machine :
Not found
30 second
Not found
20 second
450-500 KPa
5. Pressure Dryer
6. Washing machine Used for dewatering from the sample fabric Model
Not Found
Top loading washing machine
Electric dryer
7. Dryer
Laboratory (color matching section) 1. Data color machine Name
Data color v.3.1
Software Version
2. Color Box No. of color box
♦ Visual assessment of color by reflectance & transmission ♦ Mainly used for shade matching ♦ Four types of light source are used ♦ Sometime it may be more such as TL84, CWD etc ♦ Metamerism of the fabric is checked Types of light source which is used in the m/c is given belowSymbol
Full meaning
Ultra violet
Used for white color matching
Fluorescent light
Check the metamerism of the fabric
Tube light
L D65
Artificial day light
Used for color matching
Laboratory (Q.C. Department) 1. Martindale abrasion & pilling tester Type
Abrasion & pilling tester
Made in Italy
9kPa for Abrasion 12kpa for pilling
2. Elmatear Digital Tear Tester Manufacturer: Tames H. Heal Origin
Made in England
3. Thread Evaluation Tester Name
4. ICI pilling tester Manufacturer: SDL International Textile Testing Solutions Type
Pilling Tester
5. Tensile Strength Machine Name
Manufacturer: Hounsfield Type
Tensile Strength tester
Elmendorf Tearing Tester
6. Tear Tester Name
Manufacturer: Thwing-Albert Instrument Co. Origin
Made in USA
7. Dry & Wet Bulb Hygrometer Type
Moisture Regain & Moisture Content Measure Instrument Manually measure Moisture Regain & Moisture Content.
8. Hygro Thermograph Name
Moisture Regain & Moisture Content Measure Instrument Automatically measure Moisture Regain & Moisture Content.
9. AATCC Crockmeter Manufacturer: Atlas Electric Devices Co. Chicago 60613 Origin
Made in USA
Rubbing Fastness measure instrument
11. Automatic Crockmeter Manufacturer: Redington Counters International Origin
Made in USA
Automatic rubbing fastness measure instrument
12. Fabric Marker for Shrinkage wash Test Manufacturer: The Sanforized Company 13. Wrinkle Recovery Replicas Method :
Wrinkle recovery appearance method
14. Teflon Test Kit Manufacturer: CIBA, DU PONT Teflon Specification Test Kit Type
Water Resistant measure instrument
15. Shirley Crease Recovery Tester Method :
Wrinkle Recovery Angle Method
16. Impulse Sealer Type
PFS-400 Power 600W (Impulse)
17. Moisture Meter To measure moisture in the fabric 18. Yarn Count Tester 19. Perspiration Tester Perspiration fastness measure instrument 20. Absorbency Tester Manufacturer: Sandlatee Corporation 21. Water Repellency Tester Method :
Spray Test
22. Washing Machine Type
Top & Front loading Washing machine
Manufacturer: Made in China 23. Water Extractor Remove water from the fabric. Utilities Department: 1. Generator Brand Name
Gas Generator
Gas Pressure
15 PSI
Air & Gas Ratio
No. of Cylinder :
Cylinder Temperature: 500c (max.) Lubricating Oil Pressure:
1 bar
General Parameter of Generator: 1. Oil System
2. Ignition
Time setting for each cylinder
3. Gas system
4. Exhaust system
Amount of gas per cylinder :
7000 Cubic meter/min
5. Water Temperature
6. Load
700 KW
7. Voltage (max & min) :
8. Frequency
9. Power Factor
10. Battery Voltage
-0.98 :
2. Boiler Two types of boiler are available in South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited. Steam Boiler Oil Boiler Steam Boiler: Brand Name
Made in USA
No. of Boiler
5, 10, 12.5, 15 Ton
350-600 HP
Brand Name
Made in Taiwan
15 Ton
958 Hp
No. of Boiler
General Parameter of Boiler : Boiler Water PH
2500 (maximum)
Steam Pressure
70-80 PSI
Maximum Steam Pressure
No. of Input Water Motor
Power Management: 5 Ton Boiler used in Bleaching Department for Desizing & Scouring 10 Ton Boiler is used for Bleaching Department 12.5 Ton Boiler is used in Goldtex Ltd.(in Sizing) & Dyeing Department
3. Air Conditioner: Name
Best Air Conditioner
No. of Supply fan
No. of Return fan
Dust collector motor:
Washer Pump :
4. Compressor: Machine No.-1 Name
Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor Centac
Serial No
90 Nm3/m
Intake Pressure :
0.972 Bar/A
Discharge pressure
7.005 Bar/G
Rated speed
975 rpm
Intake temperature
35 deg.c
Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor Centac
Serial No
81 Nm3/m
Intake Pressure :
1.012 bar/A
Discharge pressure
10.011 Bar/G
Rated speed
572 rpm
Intake temperature
35 deg.c
Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor Centac
Serial No
81 Nm3/m
Intake Pressure :
1.012 bar/A
Discharge pressure
10.011 Bar/G
Rated speed
572 rpm
Intake temperature
35 deg.c
Machine No.-2:
Machine No.-3
Remark: The average machineries in this factory are more or less same compared to the other woven dyeing factories but the dyeing machineries are very much different from the other factories. Maximum number machines are modern & run with great efficiency. Introduction
Raw material is a unique substance in any production oriented textile industry. It plays a vital role in case of continuous production & for high quality fabric. The South China Dyeing & Bleaching factory limited uses the best quality raw materials Types of raw material The basic raw materials used are: 1. Fabric 2. Dyestuff 3. Chemicals & Auxiliaries 1. Fabric Source: 1. Goldtex Ltd. - 2 million yards per month 2. Other local factory- 2 million yards per month Product range: 100% Cotton & Cotton/Lycra Fabric of Customized Construction such as1. Twill 2. Canvus 3. Poplin 4. Sheeting 5. Ribstop 6. HerringBone 7. Dobby 8. Broken Twill 9. Slub 10. Other customized structure fabric 11. 2. Dyestuff 12. Source
Product range :
Hauntsman, Everlight, Dyestar, BASF
Reactive, Vat, Pigment, Disperse
Remarks The South China Dyeing & Bleaching factory limited uses the best quality raw materials. It produces fabric from the best quality yarn. They use the best quality dyes as compare to price. Actually the
prices vary with the market, availability. The procurement department does the purchase. The annual requirement of the chemical was not available. Production Planning, Sequences & Operations Production planning Production planning means planning of production. Planning demands a careful and exhaustive study which of co-ordinate and related activities which are necessarily performed by a host of different departmental groups. Objects of production planning The objects of production planning are: 1. Determine the expected capacity of each work centre. 2. Allocate a proportion of this capacity to each broad category of manufacture. 3. Prepare sequential load statements for each major product. Keep a record of the expected capacity of each work centre, by each manufacturing category for each production period. A planned work brings success. Without planning nothing is completed within the required time. So planning has its own importance which is intolerable. "Planning" gives a scheduled task and 'control' completes it successfully. But production planning and control is not an easy task. So South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited has a self-sufficient and high-performance department called "Production Planning & Control". Its Basic working procedure is as follows – 1.
Taking orders from marketing division.
Analyzing the orders.
Planning for weaving the fabric.
Planning for dyeing the fabric.
Planning for finishing the fabric.
It is only a basic procedure. It may change according to the type of order. Sometimes, order is places only for finishing the material or only for dyeing the white goods. Then some steps are omitted for planning procedure. 1. Taking orders from marketing division: SCBDFL marking division supplies Fabric Orders to the Planning and control division by a special format. 2. Analyzing the orders: This section analyzes the orders according to buyers, Order Quantity, type of orders (i.e. type of fabric, color to be dyed etc.), delivery date etc. Then it selects which M/C. to use, no of M/C. to use, time required for production etc. This section plans for required quantity of fabric to be produced (Order quantity + 6% of Order Quantity), weaving balance, fabric need to be dyed. Dyeing balance, RFD (Ready for delivery), RFD balance, delivered fabric and delivery balance. 3. Planning for weaving:
This section plans for weaving production. It selects machine for weave the fabric for specific type of fabric, type of yarn used, required GSM, width etc. It also gives delivery data for woven fabric. It also places orders for buying of yarn from spinning mills by a specific schedule. 4. Planning for dyeing the fabric: Production planning for dyeing is called 'Batch Plan'. According to the batch no. And color, width, style and construction the batch plan is made. For easy understand this section gives some 'T.' cards. 'T' cards are serialized according to the priority of delivery. The batches and 'T' cards also serialized as to dye light shade at first and lastly the dark shades, since faulty shades can be converted to dark color later.
5. Planning for finishing the fabric: Finishing schedule is same us the dyeing. After dyeing the material goes to the finishing section with the batch plan. Finished data is written to the batch card and is informed to the planning section. However, this section always enforces to all the departments to finish all the works within the delivery time given by the buyers. This section delivers materials by truck, micro, air etc to the customer within the meantime. Thus it plays a very important role in the success of the company. Process Flow Chart: Taking Order from Buyer ↓ Lab Inspection & Processing ↓ Weaving the desired fabric ↓ Grey Inspection ↓ Batch ↓ Singeing ↓ Desizing ↓ Scouring ↓ Bleaching ↓
Mercerizing → Physical Finishing ↓ Dyeing ↓ Finishing ↓ Final Inspection ↓ Delivery to Buyer
1. Taking Order from Buyers: The first process of production is taking order from buyer. Different well known buyers work with South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited. Buyers give order of known construction or others. The lab departments process the order & give construction about the production process of the given order. 2. Lab Inspection & Processing: In South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory, Lab plays an important role about the production. Lab examines the customer swatch & gives different properties of the given sample. In the lab fabric properties, color matching, fastness measurement and many other tests are taken place. Sequence of operation in the lab: Defining the color as buyer wanted ↓ Recipe formulation by spectrophotometer/ From previous history ↓ Lab dip preparation ↓ Send to buyer for approval ↓ Send the recipe of approved sample to Dyeing section Recipe formulation: Buyer can give fabric sample or color code or pantone number. So at first the colour is to identify if the buyer gives color code or pantone number. It is easier to formulate recipe by spectrophotometer
from color code or pantone number because they are very specific. But if it is fabric sample then with the help of spectrophotometer several numbers of recipes are to formulate.
Sample dyeing: With these recipes several numbers of samples are to be dyed. Results send to buyer: Now for every separate sample dyeing with separate recipe are send to buyer for approval. The buyer approves one sample and the recipe of that approved sample is now send to dyeing section. 3. Weaving the desired fabric: South China Bleaching & Dyeing factory produce woven fabric from her sister concern woven factory Goldtex Limited & purchase woven fabric from reputed local factory. The capacity of South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited is 4000000 yds. 4. Grey Inspection: To detect the woven fabric defects grey inspection is done in the factory: Equipment used: a) Inspection machine. b) Inspection Table. Machine Setup: M/C set up
Parameter range
Set value
Roller speed
0-40 m/min
25-30 m/min
Not applicable
Artificial day light
Length measuring unit
Not applicable
Attached with m/c.
Four – Point System: Size of defect
3 inches or less
1 points
over 3 but not over 6
2 points
Over 6 but nor over 9
3 points
Over 9 inches
4 points
Acceptance calculation: Total point per 100 square yards
Actual points counted =
Actual Roll length
36 Actual width
× 100
= Points/100 square yards. Acceptance: Generally any piece of fabric with 28 points or less faults per 100sq. yard is allowed to pass however for a roll; the average value should not exceed 18point per 100sq.yard. More than 28 points faults per 100sq yard is recorded as “REJECT”. 5. Batch Preparation: Process sequence of Batch preparation receive batch card from Grey In-charge ↓ Make the priority as per dyeing plan ↓ Take one specific Batch card. ↓ Read the Batch Card for own understanding ↓ Check the availability of fabric ↓ Take required quantity of body fabric from ware-house. ↓ Stitch the fabric ↓ Write down the length against roll no. in the back side of the Batch Card. ↓ Write the total length in Batch Card. ↓ Put signature & date. ↓ Fill up the production report form.
6. Singeing: Singeing is the process of burning of the fiber hairs projecting through the fabric surface. In a gas-singeing machine this burning is carried out by passing fabric against hot flames under specified conditions.
Objects: 1. To obtain a uniform & smooth fabric surface by removing hairiness. 2. To ensure uniform optical reflectance throughout the fabric surface in subsequent fabric wet process. Equipment-used : Machine
:Kuster Gas Singing m/c.
Manufactures :Kuster manufacturing co. Required Parameters : a)Steam
:Steam is supplied to the steam box of the machine.
b)Compressed air:The standard air supply pressure requirement is 4 kg/cm 2. c)Water: The standard water supply pressure requirement is 1-1.2 kg/cm 2. d)Natural gas: The standard gas supply pressure requirement is 3 kg/cm 2. Machine Setup: Setup parameters
Set value
55-60 for cotton.
Potentiometer Setting (rpm)
80-90 for cotton fabric
Burner in use
1 or 2
Burner operation mode.
Flame height (cm)
Flame angle with the direction of fabric.
45 to 90
6 for white & light shade fabric. 6.5 for medium & dark shade fabric 0
450 for blends 900 for cotton Low – not used
Flame intensity
Medium – for white & light shade
High – for medium & dark shade fabric
Singeing Fault: a) Singeing line : Due to ununiform joint of bricks by cement, there become gaps between flames and thus singeing line is formed. b) Uneven singeing : One to uneven flame height uneven singeing is occurred. 7. Desizing: Desizing is done for the removal of size ,material from the fabric. Desizing is done by the Enzyme. Enzyme degrades the starchy material & produce fabric ready for the next process. After desizing fabric role is kept for 4 hour in continuous rotating. Machine Used: 1. Kuster Machine 2. Ossthoff Machine 8. Scouring: Objects: 1. To remove fats, wax, impurities from fabric. 2. To increase absorbency of fabric. 3. To remove natural nitrogenous coloring materials, dirt, dust, husk, broken seed, protein, leaf etc. by oxidizing on chemical treatment. 4. To obtain pure & permanent white color. 9. Bleaching: Bleaching is the process of removal of natural color from the fabric & to produce a pure, permanent white fabric. Bleaching is done with Hydrogen-per-oxide. Where H 2O2 strength is 50%. Scouring & bleaching is done in the same continuous process but in different bath. 10. Mercerizing: Mercerizing is a physio-chemical process in which cotton fabric is treated with concentrated solution of caustic alkali & subsequently stretched & washed under specified conditions.
Objects: 1. To increase lusture of fabric. 2. To increase the strength of fabric. 3. To improve dimensional stability. 4. To increase dye absorbency. Equipment used: Dornier mercerizing m/c (Germany). Required parameters: Parameters
Squeeze pressure
1.5-2 bar (by compressed air)
Temperature of washing
PH after mercerizing
Caustic solution temperature
In mixing tank : 80-900c In caustic stroage tank : 70-800c
Function of machine parts: a. Padder Pressure: To squeeze and drive the fabric to a little extent otherwise there is a risk of forming edge line at two sides of fabric. b. Water valves: Supply water to washing tank. c. Steam values: Steam value supply steam to washing chamber. Mercerizing process faults: 1. PH variation 2. Crease 3. Water drop mark 4. Spot 5. Holes 6. Distortion of dimensional stability
11. Physical Finishing: Physical finish such as Micro sand, Micro suide, Raising is done in this factory. 12. Dyeing: Mainly Reactive & Vat dyeing is done in South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory in CPB & Thermasol machine respectively. Sequence of Reactive dyeing in CPB: Fabric Pre-treatment ↓ Lowering the temperature of the fabric by air cooling system ↓ Dyeing the fabric by Padding Mangle ↓ Batching the fabric role for 12 hours ↓ Wash the fabric in both hot & cold water ↓ Drying Recipe for Reactive Dyeing in Cold Pad Batch Job No. :
Grey Morn LRH8-08-34747104
Qty/yds :
Chemicals & Dyestuffs
Nova Olive NC
Nova Brown NC
Nova Yellow NC
Sequence of Vat dyeing in Thermasol: Fabric Pre-Treatment ↓ Dyeing the fabric in a Padding Mangle ↓ Fabrics pass through a Infrared Dryer ↓ Fabrics pass through Steam Chamber & curing Chamber ↓ Chemical Bath for Vatting process ↓ Steamer ↓ Washing ↓ Oxidizing ↓ Washing ↓ Drying 13. Printing: Various kind of successful printing is done in South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory. Rotary screen printing is done by a rotary screen printing machine. There are lot of design collection is present in the printing section. Mainly Pigment printing is done here. Name of the machine
Printing head/Capacity :
14. Finishing: a. Stenter Machine: After dyeing, woven fabric is required to finish. During dyeing all woven fabric are dyed in open width form. There are lot of finish is done in this factory. Stenter is used for the following finis6. Pigment Dyeing 7. White Finish
8. Soft Finish 9. Hard Finish 10. Paper Touch 11. Wrinkle Free Post cure 12. Wrinkle Free Pre cure 13. Teflon 14. Water Repellent/Water Resist 15. Etc Other Finish is done in this section are as follows:b. Sanforizing Sanforising is a mechanical treatment of fabric for shrinkage of soft fabric and transforming the fabric into soft glossy and smooth fabric for end use. Equipment
Monforts Sanforising machine
Operation procedure: •
After completion of check list the operator sets the feed site batcher and checks the shrinkage of the fabric by a special type of scale and the fabric is guided up to the damper. The fabric passes through the friction and heat of the rubber belt region and also through the felt calendar of the sanforising m/c.
During the process the operator stops the m/c to check the shrinkage of the fabric at the neat end. If the shrinkage setting is all right then the bulk production continues and if there is any deviation in the shrinkage setting then setting pressure and pressure are adjusted.
For wrinkle free fabric the shrinkage is controlled by resin finishing and then passed through the calendar region for getting the
c. Calendaring Calendering is a mechanical treatment of fabric for producing smooth crease free fabric. Name of the machine
Montfort’s Calendaring machine
15. Final Inspection: Inspection refers to an investigation process of accepting or rejecting the final finished fabric from the bulk. It is an observation process of finding. Out each and every visible fault in the fabric. Responsibilities : 1.100 Fabric Inspection 2. Joint Inspection with buyer. 3. Problem rectification.
4. Fabric transfer to store. Equipment used: a)Nazer Inspection m/c, Pakistan. b)Verivide Day Light box. Following faults are detected & identified in final inspection for body: a)
Penalty points legend : H= Hole OS = Oil stain CS= Chemical stain. W= Water spots. Fy= Fly yarn. YC = Yarn contamination. WX= White speaks. IS = Insect spots. R= Rub mark. DS= Dye stain. D= Dirt stain.
Faulty appearance: US = Uneven shade. N = Neps CR = Crease Mark P = Patches. HR= Hairy MS= Machine stoppage. N= Needle line. BR= Barre mark. CM= Crumple mark. DC= Dead cotton. BW= Skewing.
Beside these, role to role and meter to meter variation is checked.
Four – Points system: Size of defect
3 inches on less
1 point
over 3, but not over 6
2 point
Over 6, but not over 9
3 point
Over 9 inches
4 point
Acceptance Calculation: Total point per 100 square yards =
Actual points counted Actual Roll length
36 Actual width
= Points/100 square yards. Some definition processing faults: a. Crease mark: Uneven heat control during process. b. Unevenness : If dyestuffs are not fixed with fabric uniformly causes this problem. c. Patches: This problem causes due to different color on some portion of fabric. d. Crumple mark: This problem is as like crease mark but looks meeting effect over PC fabric. e. Dye stain: Marks of color on fabric surface cause this problem. f.
Dirty mark: This mark can appear any where in fabric.
g. Rub mark: Caused by friction with metallic component of m/c. h. Water spots: One to accumulation of water. i.
Chemical stain: Stain caused by chemical during dyeing or finishing.
Rust stain: If m/c is affected by rust then rust stain appears on fabric.
Remark: Process planning is very important for successful operation of a textile mill. South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. Maintain the process plan very strongly. Quality Assurance Quality Policy: It is the policy of South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited to produce quality dyed woven fabrics that meet or exceed customer’s expectations & needs. To implement this policy the top management of this factory is committed to provide adequate resources in terms of good raw
materials and trained personnel & continually improve / upgrade its processes and systems. Quality Objective:
Overall material/product loss (Level of rejection) for the company during the production process (in a year) shall not exceed 1.5 % Process capability shall be maximized by maximizing the m/c breakdown time. M/c breakdown time should be reduced to 20 % form its current status/position by the mid 2008. A quality procedure manual in line with the requirement of ISO9001 shall be developed and implemented by August 2006. To ensure better work environment for the personnel working in the organization.
Inspection Area:
Shade match of fabric Different Fabric Test G.S.M. Fabric diameter Shrinkage (%) Length wise Width wise Wash fastness Light fastness Rubbing fastness Faults Weaving Faults Bleaching Faults Dyeing Faults Printing Faults Finishing Faults
Faults Found In QA Department Weaving faults: Hole Slub/Knots Broken End Broken Pick Coarse Pick Coarse End Stop mark Weft Bar Fly Yarn Oil Spot Long Stripe Bleaching Fault: Uneven Desizing Uneven Scouring Uneven Bleaching Uneven Mercerizing Dyeing Faults: Uneven Shade Running Shade In fastness Property Improper Dyeing
Crease Mark Printing Faults: Print Mistake Dirt on fabric Crease mark Shade Variation Improper Printing Design Faults Finishing faults: Brushing Variation Pre Skew Control Uneven Chemical Application Shrinkage Control Length wise Width Wise Quality Assurance : Quality Assurance Procedure: South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. assures the quality of their products in the following three steps: In Laboratory In Dyeing section In Finishing section Procedures are described below: In Laboratory: Swatch card from buyer according to their requirement Recipe prediction for sample dyeing Sample dyeing until matching with swatch card If matching is OK, then it is sent to the buyer for approval. If buyer approves the sample then bulk production. Different fabric test is done here1. Abrasion & Pilling Test 2. Tear Testing 3. Thread Evaluation Testing 4. Fabric Strength Testing 5. Rubbing Fastness Testing 6. Fabric Shrinkage Test 7. Wrinkle Recovery Test 8. Crease Recovery Test 9. Yarn Count Test 10. Perspiration Test 11. Absorbency Test 12. Water Repellency Test In Dyeing Section: • After approval form the buyer, sample dyeing is done in dyeing m/c in dyeing shed & again matched with the approved sample • If result is OK. then balk production, • During dyeing, samples are taken until accurate shade matching. The interval may be
• • •
30-40 minutes After dyeing sample is collected after softening matching is done Last of all, sample is collected after fixation & matched Then allowed the fabrics to be finished
In Finishing Section: • Correctly dyed, after treated & matched fabrics are allowed for finishing • By using a series of finishing machines correct width, softness & appearance are maintained according to requirements • Then sampling is done for several times to test GSM, Shrinkage & fastness properties. • Finally fabric is inspected & prepared for delivery List of Equipments: Machineries & Equipment Used: Spectrophotometer with software (Data color) Color light box Lab. Dip AATCC Crock meter Washing Machine GSM Tester PH meter Martindale abrasion & pilling tester Elmatear Digital Tear Tester Thread Evaluation Tester ICI pilling tester Tensile Strength Machine Tear Tester Dry & Wet Bulb Hygrometer Hygro Thermograph Fabric Marker for Shrinkage wash Test Teflon Test Kit Shirley Crease Recovery Tester Impulse Sealer Moisture Meter Yarn Count Tester Perspiration Tester Absorbency Tester Water Repellency Tester Water Extractor Some Testing Procedure in Laboratory: 1. Abrasion Test: Mount the test specimen in the specimen holder Put the specimen holder at its respective position & close it with the respective bearing Place 9KPa (395 gm or 0.871 lb) or 12KPa (595 gm or 1.31 lb) weight according to the standard followed on specimen holder spindle. Repeat the same procedure for the remaining positions Turn on the instrument by means of the main switch and the front switch Set the value according to the standard followed 2. Pilling Test: Place the test specimen in the specimen holder Put a 260gm weight over the specimen holder
Position the specimen holder at its respective workstation and close it with the respective bearing Turn on the instrument by means of the main switch and the front switch Set the value according to the standard followed 3. Teflon Test Procedure: Beginning with the lowest number test liquid, carefully place one drop in several locations on the surface, repeat with higher number liquids until the highest number is reached that does not wet the surface in 30 seconds(oil) or 10 seconds(water) Oil Rating Flash Point Composition Case No Deg. C Deg. F Number 1 Kaydol (Mineral Oil) 8012-95-1 >100 >212 2 65/35 Kaydol/n- 8012-95-1 >100 >212 Hexadecane 3 n-Hexadecane 544-76-3 >100 >212 4 n-Tetradecane 629-59-4 99 211 5 n-Dodecane 112-40-3 74 165 6 n-Decane 124-18-5 46 115 Water
Rating % Isopropanol Cas No. % Water Cas Flash Point
No. 7732-18-5
Deg. C
Deg. F
Reagent grade, Percentage by volume Isopropanol in the water test kit is Flamable with A Flash point of 13 Deg. C (53 Deg. F) 4. Thread Per Inch (TPI): The Procedure for TPI of Finished fabric is as followed: Machine Used : Thread counter. Manufacturer : James H. Heal & Company , Halifix, England. Frequency : Every order. Procedure : 3 inch square samples are taken from a fabric, one from center, one from right & another from left. Threads of each sample are counted both warp & weft. Performance std. : +5% In case of non-conformity : Re-finish.
5. Fabric Weight: The Procedure for Fabric Weight of Finished fabric is as followed:
Machine Used Frequency Procedure:
: :
G.S.M. cutter. Every order. 3 samples pieces are cut with GSM cutter. Find average GSM. Gram per square meter (GSM) = average wt100 Ounce per square meter (Oz/yds) = GSM 0.0296 Performance std. : According to buyer’s requirement In case of non-conformity : To increase GSM. Reduce width mechanically. To decrease GSM. : Increase width mechanically. 6. Width Test: The Procedure for Width Test of Finished fabric is as followed: Machine Used : Measuring tape Frequency : Every order after every finishing process. Procedure : Manual measurement by tape Performance std. : 150+2cm or specified by the customer. In case of non-conformity : Re-finish. Overall Width : Total width. Useable Width : Width without selvedge. 7. Tensile Strength: The Procedure for Tensile Strength of Finished fabric is as followed: Machine Used : Alphateus Tensile Tester. Frequency : Every order. Procedure : According to buyer’s requirement In case of non-conformity : To increase Tensile Strength re-mercerize 8. Tear Strength: The Procedure for Tear Strength of Finished fabric is as followed: Machine Used : Element Tearing Tester. Manufacturer : Messmer Instrument Ltd. Frequency : Every order(only for 100% cotton light fabric). Procedure : According to buyer’s requirement In case of non-conformity : To increase Tearing Strength re-mercerize & Re-finish. 9. Pilling Resistance: The Procedure for Pilling Resistance of Finished fabric is as followed: Machine Used Manufacturer Frequency Procedure
: :
Performance standard : In case of non-conformity
ICI Pilling box. James H. Heals. : Whenever required. BS 5811(36000per)ASTMD 3512 & according to customer requirement. Grade 4, Grade3 (for each fabric). : Re-singeing followed by re-finish.
Fabric Inspection: The inspection of fabric is a procedure by which the defects of fabric are identified and fabric is classified according to degree or intensity of defects. The fabric inspection is done for both grey and finished fabric.
Grey fabric inspection: In South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited finished fabric inspection is performed according to 4 point system. Finished Fabric Inspection: 4 point numbering system is followed for finishing fabric inspection. 4 point inspection system: 0”-3” ------------ 1point 3”-6” ------------ 2point 6”-9” ------------ 3point Above 9’’ ----------- 4point Quality standard: South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. follows the quality standard: ISO-9001 . 2000. Remarks: South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. always aware about the quality of the product. The quality of the product is always approved by the buyer. They follow the quality standard: ISO 9001: 2000, this mill is well equipped for checking the quality of the product. Maintenance System Maintenance: Every machine is thoroughly tested & inspected by manufacturers before selling it & the purchaser before it is put to use. When it is used, it will be subjected to wear & tear, hence proper attention should be given to protect the machine & its components from undue wear & thus protect them from failures. A proper attention means lubrication, cleaning, timely inspection & systematic maintenance. Maintenance of a machine means efforts directed towards the up-keep & repair of that machine There are two types of maintenance: a. Breakdown Maintenance b. Preventive Maintenance Breakdown Maintenance: Breakdown of a machine occurs due to the followings two reasons: 1. Due to unpredictable failure of components 2. due to gradual wear & tear of the parts In breakdown maintenance, defects are rectified only when the machine cannot perform its function any longer and the production department is compiled to call or maintenance engineers for repair. After repairing the defect the maintenance engineer do not attend the machine any longer until another failure occurs.
Preventive Maintenance: Preventive maintenance is sometimes termed as “Planned maintenance” or “Scheduled maintenance” or “Systematic maintenance” etc. It is an extremely important function for the reduction of
maintenance cost and to keep the good operational condition of equipment and hence increase the reliability. Preventive maintenance aims to locate the sources of trouble and to remove them before breakdown occurs. Routine: 1) Daily Maintenance: Every machine is taken maintenance daily by the operators during production. When a production is started by the operator after handing over from previous shift operator, he takes a routine maintenance on the machine. He cleans the machine, assures fabric is fed to the machine properly, cleans the roller & motor, signal lamp sensor etc. All around of the machine are kept neat and clean as if there is no dirt in the fabric. 2) Schedule/Routine Maintenance: Every machine has a schedule of maintenance of 10 or 15 days. According to date, schedule maintenance is taken on the machines. Operators are informed about the time of maintenance. After pre-estimated production, they hand over the machine to the fitters. Thus, fitters assure all machines are OK. for any time. 3) Break down maintenance: When product quality hampered and to complete production in due time break down maintenance is taken. There are many faults seen in the fabric during production due to padder roller, motor, driving wheel etc. Then operators inform the mechanical fitters and they fix it. 4) Restorative maintenance: Restorative maintenance is taken for design change or new design development. According to advice or order of production officer, a machine is fixed for new design and mechanical fitters rearrange cam and needle system. Maintenance in Bleaching Department Bleaching department contains the following machines: 1. Desizing, Scouring & Bleaching machine 2. Mercerizing machine Daily maintenance is done in these machines by the workers by cleaning the machine. Change of different gear, gear driving wheel, electric wire is done by the maintenance crew periodically & efficiently. Maintenance in Dyeing Department Dyeing department contains the following machines: 1. Thermasol dyeing machine 2. Cold pad batch dyeing machine 3. Jigger dyeing machine Following maintenance check should be done in these machines: a) Padder b) Infrared dryer c) Motor
d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k)
Motor driving wheel Feeding system Delivery system Heating system Electric wiring system Electric control panel Drainage system etc
Maintenance in Finishing Department Finishing department contains the following machines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Raising machine Microsuide/Microsand physical finishing machine Stenter Sanforizing machine Calendaring machine Printing machine
Following maintenance check should be done in these machines:
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k)
Brush roller Raising cylinder Motor Rubber Belt Printing head Printing roller pressure system Printing dryer Padder Feeding & Delivery system Electric control panel Stenter machine clip
Maintenance in Utility Department Utility department contains the following machines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Gas Boiler Oil Boiler Generator Compressor Air Conditioner
Following maintenance check should be done in these machines: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
Boiler gas burner Boiler filter Water filter Boiler blow down Heating arrangement Boiler pressure control system Different parts of generator Gas feeding system
i) j) k) l)
Exhaust system Filter Compressor moisture management system Air duct & conditioning of air
Maintenance in drying section Drying system is very important for producing the moisture free dry fabric. If moisture present in the fabric after drying then it creates difficulties in good conditioning of the fabric & it downgrades the quality. So drying system should be proper. The main responsibility of the maintenance department to check up regularly the steam pipe, steam pressure valve, drying cylinder, motor related to rotation purpose etc. Lubrication System A good lubrication program should be chalked out in different parts of the machine for finding out the best possible output from the machine. For this purpose a right lubricant is applied in the right place at the right quantity at the right time. Maintenance department should make the chart for lubrication program for each machine & this routine must be follow strictly. Maintenance Tools & Equipment: Maintenance tools/equipments 1. Adjustable wrench 2. Pipe Spanner 3. Spanner 4. Socket spanner 5. Hammer 6. Screw driver 7. Punch 8. Lock opener 9. Hack saw 10. Outside calipers 11. Inside calipers 12. Slide calipers 13. Venire scale 14. Chain ton 15. Welding machine 16. Grinding machine 17. Tester 18. Pliers 19. Avometer/Voltmeter 20. Steel tape 21. Chisel 22. Gasket cutter 23. File
Functions Used for setting nut & bolts For pipe fitting Fixed Spanner for nut & bolts fitting Handle system for nut & bolt fitting To apply load where required To release any screw Used to fit any worn out shaft To open the clip of bearing To cut any metallic thing To measure outside diameter To measure inside diameter To measure very small diameter To measure very small diameter To lift heavy load To join metallic parts To make the smooth fabrics To test electric circuit To grip anything & cut anything To measure voltage To measure length, width & height To cut any metal For gasket cutting To smooth the rough surface
Manpower set up for maintenance Total manpower in the different section is followingName of the Department Bleaching Department
Manpower arrangement 8
Dyeing Department Finishing Department Utility Department Others Total a) No. of mechanical engineer b) No. of electrical Engineer c) No. of Supervisor
8 10 6 5 37 :
3 : :
Maintenance in Mechanical Point: S/N 1
Item Needed to be checked or serviced Grease the machine bearing
Complete cleaning of the machine
Clean the drain valve
Check air supply filter
5 6 7 8 9
Clean filter elements and blow out Lubricating of unloading bearing Checking of oil level Checking of all belts & its tension Checking of all door seal
Cleaning of main vessel level indicator
Maintenance of Electrical Point: S/N
Item Needed to be checked or serviced
Check all motor terminal
Check main panel
Check panel cooling fan & clean its filter
4 5 6
Check main pump inverter & its filter Check DC drive of reel motor Check all indicator lamp
Check all on-off switch
Check all signal isolators
Check keypad & display of controller
Check of emergency switches
Maintenance work to the different machines: Boiler Maintenance Schedule: Daily: Check gas pressure Maintain log sheet Chemical dosing
2 6
Weekly: Check all steam line Fire quality of boiler Monthly: Check all steam line Fire quality of boiler Gas consumption report Burner clean Quarterly: Burner clean Economizer clean Feed tank clean Chemical tank clean Sight glass clean Half yearly: Burner clean Feed tank clean Chemical tank clean Economizer clean Replace gasket Replace valve Check gas line & filter & pressure Yearly: Overhauling of boiler Chemical cleaning of boiler Safety valve test Economizer clean Feed tank clean Chemical tank clean Burner clean Check safety valve setting Replace valve & gasket Boiler inspection by authority Dyeing machine maintenance Schedule Daily:
Check belt tension Check steam or water system & air supply Check chemical pump Machine clean
Weekly: Bearing & belt check Check leakage of air, steam & Water line Greasing bearing points Add gland packing at pump Monthly: Greasing bearing points Replace bearing points (if required)
Gas kit check Clean steam trap Lubricating all chemical pump
Quarterly: Replace belts Repairing of pulley, shaft & bearing housing Painting m/c & pipe line Clean steam trap Replace seals (if leakage) Change gasket of steam of water lines Half yearly: Replace belts Repairing pulley, shaft & bearing housing Painting m/c, pipe line Replace seals Machine body repairing Half yearly: Replace belts Repairing pulley, shaft & bearing housing Painting m/c, pipe line Replace seals Machine body repairing Yearly: Machine overhauling Singeng machine maintenance Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Check & tightening all motor terminals Check & clean pressure sensor & tightening terminals Clean the A/C ventilation fans of Panel board Clean the fan & the heat sink of the inverters in the panel board Check & clean exhaust fan Check & tightening the proximity switch terminals
Raising machine maintenance Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Check & tightening all motor terminals Check & clean pressure sensor & tightening terminals Clean the A/C ventilation fans of Panel board Clean the fan & the heat sink of the inverters in the panel board Check & clean exhaust fan Check & tightening the proximity switch terminals
Mercerizing machine maintenance Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4.
Check & tightening all motor terminals Check & clean pressure sensor & tightening terminals Clean the A/C ventilation fans of Panel board Clean the fan & the heat sink of the inverters in the panel board
5. 6. 7. 8.
Check & clean exhaust fan Check & tightening the proximity switch terminals Checking the Fabric Tension controller Functional test of the temperature controller
Stenter machine maintenance Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Check & tightening all motor terminals Check & clean pressure sensor & tightening terminals Clean the A/C ventilation fans of Panel board Clean the fan & the heat sink of the inverters in the panel board Check & clean exhaust fan Check & tightening the proximity switch terminals Checking the Fabric Tension controller Functional test of the temperature controller Check & tightening the Gas burner terminals Check & tightening the analog pressure switch
Remarks Maintenance of machines is very essential to prolong the m/c life and good maintenance is important for economical consideration. In this industry maintenance program is done by expert maintenance team. So very few times production are stopped due to machine problem. Utilities Services Available facilities of utility: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Electricity Gas Water Compressed air Steam
Electricity: The main utility electricity is supplied from REB and also by Generator. Specification: Brand Name No. of Generator Power Voltage : Type Gas Pressure Air & Gas Ratio No. of Cylinder : Cylinder Temperature : Lubricating Oil Pressure
: GUASKOR : 5 : 700KW 400V : Gas Generator : 15 PSI : 75:25 16 500c (max.) : 1 bar
General Parameter of Generator: 1. Oil System 2. Ignition 3. Gas system
: 1500rpm : Time setting for each cylinder Amount of gas per cylinder
4. Exhaust system 5. Water Temperature : 6. Load : 7. Voltage (max & min) : 8. Frequency 9. Power Factor : 10. Battery Voltage
: 7000 Cubic meter/min 93-95c 700 KW 400V-380V : 50Hz -0.98 : 26V
Gas: Gas is mainly used for steam production in Boiler. The gas is used from DESCO. Generally 36m 3 gases are required to produce 1 ton steam. Water: Continuous supply of water for SCBDFL is ensured by DEPZ 4inch diameter supply line & Water storage tank. Steam: Pure steam with required temperature must be produced to meet the continuous demand of steam in different sections. Two types of boiler are available in South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited. 1. 2.
Steam Boiler Oil Boiler
Steam Boiler: Brand Name Origin No. of Boiler Capacity Power
: : : : :
CLEAVER BROOKS Made in USA 4 5, 10, 12.5, 15 Ton 350-600 HP
Brand Name Origin Capacity Power No. of Boiler
: : : : :
TIZAN Made in Taiwan 15 Ton 958 Hp 1
General Parameter: Boiler Water PH TDS Steam Pressure : Maximum Steam Pressure No. of Input Water Motor Temperature
: 9-11 : 2500 (maximum) 70-80 PSI : 150PSI : 2 : 300F
Oil Boiler: Brand Name No. of Boiler
: :
Unknown 3
Made in China
Power Management: 5 Ton Boiler used in Bleaching Department for Desizing & Scouring 10 Ton Boiler is used for Bleaching Department 12.5 Ton Boiler is used in Goldtex Ltd.(in Sizing) & Dyeing Department Compressor: Natural gas is drawn by pipe through the filters above the compressor & the air is compressed. In such a case the air becomes slightly hot. Hence cold water is drawn to educe the temperature of compressed air. Thus the cold water becomes slightly hot & goes through outlet pipe to the overhead reservoir. Then the water falls slowly through a sieve and becomes cool & again feed to the compressor. At the other hand the cooled compressed air along with some vapors are transferred to the reservoir where the vapors are condensed and outlets drop by drop. The moist compressed air is transferred to the dryer & a slight warm compressed air is delivered to required sections of SCBDFL. Specification: Machine No.-1 Name Model Serial No Year Country Capacity Intake Pressure : Discharge pressure Rated speed Intake temperature
: Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor : 20V35M*3 : C12093 : 2005 : Brazil : 90 Nm3/m 0.972 Bar/A : 7.005 Bar/G : 975 rpm : 35 deg.c
Name Model Serial No Year Country Capacity Intake Pressure : Discharge pressure Rated speed Intake temperature
: Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor : 20V33M3 : M92-6612 : 1992 : USA : 81 Nm3/m 1.012 bar/A : 10.011 Bar/G : 572 rpm : 35 deg.c
Machine No.-2
Machine No.-3 Same to Machine No.2 Chemicals used: 1. Shell Turbo-T-68.
2. Grease. 3. Nalco 7328 & 7330. Chiller: The machine by which water is cooled down below its normal temperature (i.e. 9 – 9.5ºC) is called chiller. To chill water which is used at A/C plant to maintain required amount of relative humidity and temp. Manufacturer Origin Capacity Gas Used Evergreen Chiller is used.
Carrier : USA : 420 Ton of Refrigeration : R-134A
Settings: L-cut set point CHWSP : Cooling water inlet temp set point: HTG temp. set point for AC drive: L-cut hysterics : Std. continuous flow :
8 C. 20 C. 140 C. 2 C. 12.2 C - 6.7 C(Temperature reduction).
Chemicals used: 1. LiBr (Lithium bromide) Components S.G MP BP
: : : :
Li=7.99%; Br=92.01%. 3.464 at 25 C. 549 C. 1265 C.
2. Lythium Molybodate. 3. Octyl Alcohol (2-Ethyl-1 feanol). 4. Nalco 7328 & 7330. 5. Refrigerant. Source of Utility: Electrically Steam Water Compressed air : Temperature control: Gas
: REB & Generator. : Boiler. : DEPZ Authority. Compressor. Chiller. : DESCO.
Cost: 1. Electricity 2. Gas 3. Water
: : :
The Effluent Treatment Plant:
2laks BDT(appr.) 2laks BDT(appr.) Not found
The effluent generated from different sections of a textile mill must be treated before they are discharged to environment. Various chemicals & physical means are introduced for this purpose. The effluent treatment plant in SCBDFL is chemical-bio9logical combination process developed by India. Objects: This process is provided for treating the effluents of dyeing, printing, finishing, weaving & thus allow discharging it as per norms given by World Bank dept of environment of Bangladesh. This process comprises of collecting, pumping, clarification, filtering, setting, aeration, pH correction, discharging, etc. Characteristics of raw effluents: Volume Peak flow PH BOD COD TDS SS Color
: 3600 cubic meter/day : 225 cub met/hr : 10-12.5 : 500-800 PPM : 1300-2000 PPM : 2000-5000 PPM : 100-400 PPM : Black/ Blue
Requirement of dischargeable effluent as per World Bank: PH BOD COD SS TDS Color
: 6-8 : <50 : <250 : <100 : Not stated : Clear
Chemicals used & their colors: Chemicals used Ferrous sulphate Lime Polyacrylate Sulphuric acid Alum Na-hypochlorite Hydrochloric acid
Appearance Granular solid, greenish color White bulk form White granular solid Clear liquid White bulk form Clear liquid Clear liquid
Product quality check: Following chemical tests are carried out to check the quality: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
BOD COD Total suspended solids Total dissolved solids Color PH
Flow chart of effluent treatment: Raw effluent
Skin chamber Collection Sump Pump station Dissolved Air Floatation Tank Clarifier Aeration tank Setting tank Clear water, pH check Sand filter Carbon filter Drain
Sludge separation: Sludge of DAF Sludge thickening plant Sludge drying Typical output of the plant: Raw effluent treated Raw effluent color Raw effluent pH Treated effluent color Treated effluent pH
: :
15000 LPH : Black : 11 Light greenish : 8.5
Treated effluent temp. : To0tal suspended solids :
38 C 35 PPM
Remark: Utility services are the heart of a textile processing mill. It should need proper maintenance to run the mill efficiently. Store & Inventory Control Inventory System for Raw Material: In South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. there are different inventory systems for different raw materials. Grey fabrics Store: All the grey fabrics arc stored in the fabric store, near the batch section. Different types of fabrics arc listed in the sheet according to the fabric types, quantity & consumerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s requirements. Fabrics GSM, shrinkage, diameter & other properties are also taken into consideration. The batches are prepared by taking the required fabrics from the grey store. Dyes & Chemicals Store: Various types of dyes & chemicals arc stored here according to the dyes & chemical company. Different types of dyes & chemicals are listed in a sheet. In the sheet the stored quantity of dyes & chemicals are also included. Everyday the sheet is updated & a copy of this sheet is supplied to the Manager (production), Dye house & lab section. Spares: The required amounts of spares of different machines are stored in the mechanical store room. All the spares are listed in a sheet which is controlled by the mechanical & maintenance personnel. Spares are arranged in the store room according to there size, quantity & requirements. There are shelves in the store room to keep the small spare parts. Finished goods: The South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. supplies its finished dyed fabrics to its garments section & different buyers. So, dyed finished fabrics are stored for short time/long time in the finishing goods storage section. All the delivered fabrics are noted on the tally khata according to the lot no, quantity, fabrics diameter, buyers name, color & considering other technical parameters. Others: There is a central store at the South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. In that store the various types of forms, papers, stationary & other necessary goods are kept. Frequency of inventory control: 1. Monthly inventory control 2. Annual inventory control Scope of inventory control 1. Raw materials a) Dyes store b) Others chemicals store c) Grey fabrics
2. Finished fabric 3. Spare parts 4. General store a. Capital equipment b. Accessories c. Stationary d. Maintenance parts. Inventory system for raw materials a) Raw materials partially received from production planning & directly from head office. b) Material Receiving & Inspection Report (MRIR) is prepared. Received quantity is mentioned & noted down. c) Submitted to QC department. Some are OK & few rejected. d) Entry of data of goods in DATATEX . e) Goods are arranged according to OK or rejected group. f) Department gives store requisition to warehouse. g) As per requisition materials supplied & this record is noted down. Stages of grey fabric inventory control a) b) c) d) e)
After weaving production Grey inspection Warehouse Batch preparation Dye house.
Stages of finished fabric inventory control a) Finishing section b) After final inspection c) Warehouse. Store capacity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Dyes Chemicals Grey fabric Yarn storage RFD Set range of dyes Set range of Chemicals
: : : : : : :
Inventory system of different department:
6-7tons 33-35tons 20-25 tons 50 tons 50 tons 80-100kg/day 2-2.5ton/day
Remark The inventory system of South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory covers both weaving & dyeing inventories. The space is noticed to be insufficient considerably. An expansion of space is thus desired for sound inventory. The department is computer oriented & connected by ERP. Cost Analysis Costing of the product: Costing system mainly describes how the cost of the final product is fixed by the company/beneficiary. According to buyers/customers requirement at first the fabric is collected from local and foreign suppliers. Then it is calculated how much dyestuff and chemical is required till the end of the processing of that specific fabric. After that, the final cost is fixed including some profit. Then the unit price is offered to the buyer for approval. If the buyer approves it, all the transaction of money is carried out by bank. Costing of the product is done by the consideration of the following factors: 1. Amount of raw materials consumed.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Direrct labor. Indirect labor. Factory cost. Office and administrative cost. Sales and distribution cost. Profit, etc.
Cost Sheet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Cost of fabric/Doz garments or cost of yarn/Doz garments Cost of accessories/Doz garments CM/Doz garments Cost of transport from factory to sea port/airport Clearing & Forwarding Cost Overhead Cost Commission/Profit
The above processes are applicable in case of sending goods abroad on FOB basis. Sped Sheet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Fabrication single tuck back pique Accessory required button (3 pc per body) Interlining (0.5 yd per body) Level (main, size) Sewing Thread: 40/2, 20/2 or 20/3
Packing 1. Poly bag 2. Carton Sticker 3. Cartoon Finishing Packing 1. Gum tape for dust 2. Gum tape for carton 3. Scotch tape Price Calculation 20’s Combed yarn 2.75$/kg 26’s Combed yarn 2.80$/kg 30’s Combed yarn 2.90$/kg 34’s Combed yarn 3.20$/kg 40’s Combed yarn 3.80$/kg Remarks: The costing of product is a secret matter of the industry. They are not interested to flash up the cost related data. So, we could not collect the price of the product and costing of the product. Marketing Activities Consumers of Product:
The South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. is a 100% export oriented industry. All the goods produced in this industry are exported into various foreign countries. Name of the main buyers are given belowName of the Buyer: 1. Merchantex 2. H&M International Limited 3. TMS 4. UNIQLO 5. Actor Sporting 6. Shelsham 7. Mondial 8. Red Point 9. Garvis 10. Phillips-van-Heusen Far East Ltd. 11. Kapphal 12. GVBH 13. Celio 14. Mercury 15. Lee Hung Fat Garments 16. Mexx Far East Limited Importing countries: There are some countries which are importing goods from The South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. The name of the countries are given below-
1. Spain 2. Germany 3. Denmark 4. Europe 5. Denmark 6. Europe Union 7. United State of America 8. China Manpower of Marketing: Marketing plays a vital role in the field of displaying / showing the goods criteria of the products to the buyer & to communicate with the buyer. There are about 25 people in the marketing section of the industry. Marketing Strategy: Marketing strategy is a very important factors to sale the products to the buyer. If the marketing strategy is not so developed, it will be very hard to reach the goal. In case of garments marketing the dealings with the buyer is a very important factor. The South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. mainly senior marketing officers, merchandiser & higher officials deal with the buyer. There are some fixed buyers of the industry. The buyers give their orders continuously all over the year. The marketing officers & the merchandisers communicate with the buying houses to collect the orders. By both side understanding the rate & the order quantity are fixed. Duties & responsibilities of marketing officer: Dealing with the buyer & convince the buyer is the main duty of marketing officer. A marketing officer also has some other duties. The main duties & responsibilities of a marketing officer are given bellow1. To prepare cost sheet by dealing with the buyer 2. To take different steps by discussing with the high officials & merchandisers 3. To maintain a regular & good relationship between commercial officer & merchandisers 4. To maintain a communication with the buyers and buying houses Communicate with better criteria of the products Actually the responsibilities & duties of marketing officer begins from getting order of buyer & ends after receiving foods by the buyer. So, he should be always smart, energetic & sincere.
Remarks: The South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. has a well learned marketing & merchandising team. They always communicate with the buyers. South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. has some fixed buyers. The marketing section also looks the quality & quantity buyers. Conclusion We have completed our industrial attachment successfully by the grace of Allah. Industrial attachment sends us to the expected destiny of practical life. The completion of the two months Industrial attachment at South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Limited we have got the impression that factory is one of the most modern export oriented woven dyeing factory in Bangladesh. Though it was established only a few year’s ago, it has earned “very good reputations” for its best performance over many other export oriented textile mills. During our training period, talking with the clients of this mill we knew that the mill is fulfilling the country’s best export oriented white finished fabric as well as very good colored fabric due to its modern machinery & good management system. Mill is settled with utility to give all convenient supports to the productions for twenty-four hours. It had self-power generator system to satisfy total power consumptions of the mill. We are enough fortunate that we have got an opportunity of having a training in this mill. During the training period we are received co-operation and association from the authority full & found all man, machines & materials on appreciable working condition. All stuffs & officers were very sincere & devoted their duties to achieve their goal. Limitations of the Report: 1. Because of secrecy act, the data on costing and marketing activities has not been supplied & hence this report excludes these chapters. 2. We had a very limited time. In spite of our willing to study more details it was not possible to do so. 3. Some of the points in different chapter are not described as these were not available. Lastly What special in this report is that the information, data & description very much subjective & practical. So, one can easily have an idea about the whole dyeing unit of South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. at a single look on it. The newcomer can use this report for further detailed study or can know South China Bleaching & Dyeing Factory Ltd. without much work. But what should be remembered the chemical, some process steps may be modified within the period this paper goes to the readers.