2024 Shelterbelt Program

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GOING LIVE MARCH 12, 2024 @ 10 A.M.

Amur Maple Acer ginnala

The low canopy makes this a great option for planting under powerlines. Grows best in full sun to partial shade and grows well under average landscape conditions. Fast-growing tree with leaves that turn fiery red in the fall.

Height: 6 m (20 ft) Life span: medium Spread: 5 m (16 ft) Growth rate: fast Moisture: normal Suckering: Light: partial low shade, full sun Maintenance: Fall Colour: low scarlet red Flowers: yellowish, white md.bonnyville.ab.ca

Tolerates both moist and dry conditions and is not affected by soil pH.

Amur maples are a lowmaintenance tree. They should only be pruned in the summer after the leaves have fully developed as it may bleed sap if pruned in late winter or early spring.


Balsam Poplar Populus balsamifera

Hardy, fast-growing deciduous tree native to Canada. Known as a pioneer species. Male variation, so it will not produce fluff.

Height: 25 m (82 ft) Fuzz/fluff: no Spread: 9 m (30 ft) Moisture: normal Light: full sun Maintenance: low


Life span: medium Growth rate: very fast Suckering: medium

Balsam poplar prefers moist to wet sites, and can handle seasonal flooding.

Winter is the best time to prune when the tree is dormant. Pruning when plants are young can help them establish and thrive fast.


Blackberry -Chester Thornless Rubus fruticosa Chester (Thornless)

Self-pollinating fruit-bearing shrub. Produces large, sweet-tasting, heart-shaped blackberries, perfect for fresh eating. Chester thornless blackberries are floricanes, primarily fruiting on second year canes.

Height: 0.9 m (3 ft) Flowers: pink Spread: 3 m (10 ft)

Life span: short

Moisture: normal

Growth rate: fast

Light: full sun

Suckering: high

Maintenance: high Berries: black, heart shaped


Chester thornless blackberries prefer to grow in average to moist conditions, and should not be allowed to dry out.

Don’t forget to protect your berries - birds love this shrub almost as much as you will.


Cherry-go-round Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hokomaburlac

Compact flowering shrubs with deep red flowers, blooming in late spring and lasting until fall. The flower colour can be influenced by the pH of your soil. These hydrangeas may need to be over wintered in a garage or shed, the flower buds may require additional protection.

Height: 0.8 m (2.5 ft)

Flowers: deep red, reblooming

Spread: 0.8 m (2.5 ft)

Life span: medium

Moisture: normal

Growth rate: medium

Light: partial shade

Suckering: none

Hydrangeas should be watered thoroughly a few times per week and not allowed to dry out.

Flowers grow on old stalks which requires only spent flowers and damaged stalks to be removed.

Maintenance: low



Colorado Spruce Picea pungens

Ideally suited for shelterbelts, privacy screens, or as accent trees. People are attracted to the distinctive bluegreen colour of this hardy evergreen. Tough, long-lived, and adapted to a wide range of growing conditions.

Height: 27 m (90 ft) Spread: 6 m (20 ft) Moisture: dry, normal Light: full sun Maintenance: low


Cones: monoecious Life span: long Growth rate: slow Suckering: none

Water your seedlings regularly to keep the soil moist through the first season and then only during dry spells.

Colorado spruce is grown from seed. The needles vary in colour from green to blue.


Common Purple Lilac Syringa vulgaris

Cold-hardy variety, easy to grow, and can tolerate most soil types. This popular lilac is a large shrub providing excellent privacy and wind protection. Flowers are pleasantly fragrant and add a beautiful lavender colour to your property.

Height: 5 m (16 ft) Spread: 2.7 m (9 ft) Moisture: dry, normal Light: full sun Maintenance: low


Flowers: purple, fragrant Life span: medium,

Common purple lilacs grow best in well-drained soils, but can tolerate some moisture.

Growth rate: fast Suckering: medium

Some people alternate common purple and villosa lilac to create the impression that the hedge is in flower for almost a month.


Evans Cherry Prunus cerasus Evans

A cold-hardy tree developed in Alberta.

Self-pollinating and low maintenance. White blossoms in the spring and reddishorange fruit that ripens to a dark burgundy.

Height: 3 m (10 ft)

Flowers: white

Spread: 1.8 m (6 ft) Life span: medium Moisture: normal Growth rate: Light: full sun medium Fall colour: bright Suckering: low orange

Cherries do not like "wet feet" and are not tolerant of poor draining soils. Select your planting site carefully.

The fruit is good for cooking or fresh eating when fully ripe.

Maintenance: low



Golden Willow Salix alba vitellina

Fast-growing willow, commonly used for windbreaks, shelterbelts, and ornamental planting. Willows are important native pollinators as they supply food early in the spring. This tree has glossy narrow leaves that turn gold in the fall.

Height: 15 m (49 ft) Fuzz/fluff: yes Spread: 15 m (50 ft) Catkins: yes Moisture: normal, wet

Life span: medium

Light: partial shade, full sun

Growth rate: fast

Suckering: Maintenance: low medium


Prefers moist to wet ground but can tolerate dry conditions.

Golden willow tree care might include heavy pruning. If you want the tree to grow as a multi-stemmed shrub, cut the branches back every winter.


Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Native to the prairies and well-suited for drought and cold. Can tolerate soil compaction, periods of flooding, and a wide variety of soil conditions. Fast-growing tree with incredible golden leaves in the fall.

Height: 18 m (60 ft) Growth rate: fast Spread: 12 m (40 ft) Suckering: low Moisture: dry, normal Light: full sun Fall colour: bright yellow


Maintenance: low

Green ash is very adaptable to both moist and dry locations, and will grow well under average home landscape conditions.

Life span: long Pruning for diseased, damaged, or dead branches should occur in the spring.


Haskap - Aurora Lonicera caerulea Aurora

Very cold hardy, fast-growing shrub.

Self-and early-pollinating variety. Aurora is a great companion variety for Borealis.

Height: 3 m (10 ft) Spread: 1.8 m (6 ft)

Life span: medium

Moisture: normal

Growth rate: medium

Light: full sun

Suckering: none

Berries: blue, oblong


Maintenance: medium

Water new plants near the base. As they grow, water at the dripline. Well established shrubs do not require a lot of water.

The berries are similar to blueberries but large and have a taste between a raspberry and blueberry. Berries are ready for harvest at the end of June.


Haskap - Borealis Lonicera caerulea Borealis

Very cold hardy, fast-growing shrub. Does not self-pollinate. Plant with an earlypollinating species such as the Aurora variety. Will produce an abundance of fruit within the first three years.

Height: 1.5 m (5 ft) Spread: 1.5 m (5 ft) Moisture: normal Light: partial shade, full sun Maintenance: low


Berries: large, blue Life span: short Growth rate: medium Suckering: none

Water new plants near the base, but as they grow water at the dripline. Well-established shrubs do not require a lot of water.

The berries are similar to blueberries but larger and have a taste between a raspberry and blueberry. Berries are ready for harvest at the end of June.


Hedge Rose Rosa rugosa x Rosa woodsii

Long-living, fast-growing shrub. The flowers are very similar to the Alberta Wild Rose. Excellent choice for shelterbelts, ecobuffers, and wildlife habitat.

Height: 3 m (10 ft) Spread: 1.8 m (6 ft) Moisture: any Light: partial shade, full sun Flowers: pink or crimson


Life span: medium Growth rate: medium Suckering: high Maintenance: low

Roses love water. Weekly watering is normally sufficient. However, the growing conditions can affect this.

Prune roses between late winter and early spring . Pruning encourages new growth, removing old, dead wood and reduces the chance of disease.


Highbush Cranberry Viburnum trilobum

Native to Alberta. Attractive white flower clusters that bloom in June. The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked into a sauce.

Height: 4 m (13 ft) Spread: 2.7 m (9 ft) Moisture: normal Light: partial shade, full sun

Life span: medium Growth rate: medium Suckering: none

Berries: edible, red Maintenance: low Flowers: white


Highbush cranberry prefers to grow in average moist conditions, and shouldn't be allowed to dry out.

The dark green foliage emerges brick red in the spring and turns an amazing scarlet red in the fall.


Hybrid Poplar Populus x Okanese

One of the hardiest and fastest growing trees you can plant on the prairies. Makes for good privacy screens on larger properties. Produces no fuzz.

Height: 18 m (60 ft) Life span: medium Spread: 8 m (26 ft) Growth rate: Moisture: any medium Light: full sun Suckering: high Maintenance: low Fuzz/fluff: no


Hybrid poplar is a very adaptable plant, tolerating both dry conditions and even some standing water.

Prune hybrid poplars at the end of the second or third growing season when they are dormant to correct their shape.


Killarney Raspberry Rubus x Killarney

Cold weather and disease-resistant variety, developed in Manitoba. Self-pollinating, producing fruit on second year growth. Berries are firm with good flavour, great for pies, jams, and jellies.

Height: 1.8 m (6 ft) Life span: short Spread: 1.2 m (4 ft) Growth rate: fast Moisture: normal, dry Light: full sun Berries: large, firm, good flavour


Suckering: high Maintenance: low

Raspberries need enough water that the soil is always slightly moist to the touch. Too much water and the roots will rot.

Prune stalks down each winter or early spring to get higher fruit yields and easier harvesting.


Lewis Mock Orange Philadelphus coronarius

Deciduous shrub that has a dense, rounded growth habit. The white flowers smell like oranges with a hint of jasmine. Suitable for planting alone or in groups as a hedge or privacy screen.

Height: 3 m (11 ft)

Flowers: white

Spread: 3 m (11 ft)

Life span: medium

Moisture: any Light: partial shade, full sun Maintenance: medium


This shrub can tolerate a wide range of soil types as long as they have good drainage. They prefer moist, but not soggy, soil.

Growth rate: medium Suckering: high

Mock orange shrubs bloom on the priors year's growth. To avoid missing out on flowers for the next year, prune right after blooming.


Nanking Cherry Prunus tomentosa

Highly regarded as a shade-tolerant fruit. It will thrive in low-light conditions. Small deciduous shrub known for its attractive white blossoms and edible fruit. Planting two or more Nanking cherries is required for self-pollination.

Height: 2.4m (8 ft)

Flowers: white

Spread: 2.1 m (7 ft) Life span: short Moisture: normal Light: full sun Berries: 8-12 mm


Growth rate: medium Suckering: low Maintenance: low

New trees need frequent watering to establish roots. Once established, they are fairly drought resistant.

Pruning encourages this plant's natural spreading growth habit. Prune the centre of the shrub for proper airflow and light.


Royalty Raspberry Rubus X Royalty

Royalty raspberry is a productive and delicious red-purple raspberry. Floricane variety meaning fruit will only produce on second year canes. Berries ripen in late August and are ideal for jams, preserves, and fresh eating.

Height: 1.2 m (4 ft) Flowers: white Spread: 1.2 m (4 ft) Berries: firm, deep red Moisture: normal Life span: short Light: full sun Maintenance: medium


Growth rate: medium Suckering: high

Raspberries need enough water that the soil is always slightly moist to the touch. Too much water and the roots will rot.

Do not cut this variety to the ground, only prune away dead canes as needed.


Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris

Hardy, adaptable evergreen. Oval crown and distinctive orange bark when mature. Most common pine tree used in shelterbelts and windbreaks.

Height: 15 m (49 ft) Cones: monoecious Spread: 5 m (16 ft) Life span: medium Moisture: dry, normal Growth rate: Light: full sun medium Maintenance: low Suckering: none


Scots pine prefers dry to average moisture levels with very well drained soil.

Pruning your Scots pine is necessary only if you want to maintain the classic Christmas tree shape.


Sea Buckthorn Hippophae rhamnoides I.

Grown in ornamental hedges or as a first row in a shelterbelt. Attractive pale silvery-green leaves, dense branches, large thorns. Produces attractive berries that are high in vitamin C.

Height: 5 m (15 ft) Spread: 4 m (12 ft) Moisture: dry, normal Light: full sun Maintenance: low


Berries: small, edible Life span: medium Growth rate: medium Suckering: high

Sea buckthorn is extremely drought-tolerant, so there is no need to get the watering can out for this shrub.

Sea buckthorn berries contain various essential fatty acids and antioxidants.


Siberian Crab Apple Malus baccata

Beautiful, cold-hardy, ornamental tree. The stunning white blossoms burst in the spring to produce deep red fruit. If you are looking for a great landscape or shade tree, this is a great addition to your yard.

Height: 7 m (23 ft) Fall colour: yellow Spread: 7 m (23 ft) Life span: long Moisture: normal Growth rate: Light: full sun medium Maintenance: low Suckering: none Flowers: white


During its first year, crab apple trees need regular watering. Keep the soil moist over the root zone.

Crab apple trees do not need to be trained or thinned. Prune only in early spring to remove dead branches.


Terrafibre Tree Squares Weed Suppressant

Improves the growth and survival of a tree seedling by preventing weeds from germinating. Protects seedlings from competitive weeds stealing light, nutrients, and moisture. The insulation properties in hemp ensure protection from temperature extremes.



Thiessen Saskatoon Amelanchier alnifolia Thiessen

Popular with homeowners because of its taller tree-like shape and larger berries. Produces delicious, edible fruit. Deciduous shrub that is one of the most productive Saskatoon varieties.

Height: 5 m (16 ft)

Berries: blue

Spread: 3 m (10 ft)

Life span: medium

Moisture: normal Light: partial shade, full sun Maintenance: low


Growth rate: fast Suckering: low

Thiessen Saskatoons thrive on plenty of organic matter, but need good drainage because they do not like wet roots.

The fruit is great in pies, preserves, or eating fresh.


Villosa Lilac Syringa villosa

Large, cold-hardy shrub that provides excellent privacy and wind protection. Fragrant, pink flowers grow in clusters during mid, to late summer, and fade to light pink over time. Fast growing, and drought resistant make it suitable for the outer row of your shelterbelt.

Height: 5 m (16 ft) Spread: 3 m (10 ft) Moisture: dry, normal Light: full sun Maintenance: medium


Flowers: fragrant, purple clusters Life span: medium Growth rate: medium Suckering: low

Villosa lilacs grow best in welldrained soils but can tolerate some moisture.

If you alternate villosa lilac and common purple lilac, your hedge will bloom longer during the summer months.


White Birch Betula papyrifera

Large, attractive, deciduous tree. Fast-growing, cold-hardy species that has a distinctive white papery bark. Makes a beautiful ornamental and accent tree.

Height: 18 m (60 ft) Catkins: yes Spread: 11 m (35 ft) Fuzz/fluff: none Moisture: normal, wet Light: full sun Bark: white, paper, peeling


Life span: long Growth rate: fast Suckering: none Maintenance: low

White birch adapts to most growing conditions but prefers moist, well-drained soils.

It's best not to prune a white birch unless absolutely necessary - it attracts insects and the tree bleeds sap when cut.


White Spruce Betula papyrifera

Hardy, long-lived evergreen tree.

Requires very little maintenance. Well-suited for use in shelterbelts, privacy screens, hedges, and as an ornamental.

Height: 25 m (82 ft) Growth rate: fast Spread: 6 m (20 ft) Life span: long Moisture: normal, dry Suckering: none Light: partial shade, full sun


Maintenance: low

White spruce is adapted to growing in many soil types and moisture levels.

White spruce normally does not require pruning. Pruning is only required when removing overly dense, diseased, and dried branches.


Best Practices Creating a plan for your shelterbelt before you plant is extremely important. It allows you to determine the purpose of your shelterbelt, where the shelterbelt will be planted, what species of trees and shrubs are most suitable, and how many rows you are planting.

Knowledge of soil properties such as soil texture, salinity, organic matter, and moisture content is important to determine what types of trees and shrubs would be best suited on your property.

Cultivate the soil where you intend to plant your trees and shrubs. We suggest this is done a year in advance to get a start on controlling unwanted vegetation that will compete with your seedlings.

Plant your seedlings as soon as possible once they are picked up from the M.D. of Bonnyville. If you are unable to plant them right away, keep your seedlings in a cool, dark place for no more than five days.



Best Practices Seedlings should be planted at the same depth as at the tree nursery. Shallow planting can cause the roots to dry out, and deeper planting can prevent oxygen from getting to the roots.

Seedlings can be planted by hand or mechanically depending on your selection of trees and shrubs, the size of your shelterbelt, and soil type. The M.D. of Bonnyville has a tree planter available to rent for large plot planting of seedlings. Call 780-826-3951 to find out more about our rental equipment.

Applying mulch is a great way to control weeds, conserve soil moisture, and provide other benefits to your shelterbelt. A consistent watering schedule is essential to ensure the survival of your newly planted seedlings.

Government of Alberta. (2014). Planning, Planting and Maintenance. Shelterbelts for Livestock Farms in Alberta, 1, 11-12. bit.ly/ShelterbeltPlanting.



Resources Shelterbelts: Design Guidelines for Farmyard, Field, Roadside, Livestock, Wildlife, and Riparian Buffer Plantings on the Prairies bit.ly/ShelterbeltDesignGuideline Shelterbelts for Livestock Farms in Alberta: Overview bit.ly/ShelterbeltOverview Shelterbelts for Livestock Farms in Alberta: Planning, Planting, and Maintenance bit.ly/ShelterbeltPlanting Shelterbelts for Livestock Farms in Alberta: Shelterbelt Planning Workbook bit.ly/ShelterbeltPlanningWorkbook Agroforestry & Woodlot Extension Society www.awes-ab.ca Pests of Deciduous Trees and Shrubs bit.ly/TreePestsandDiseases Shelterbelts in Alberta bit.ly/ShelterbeltsinAlberta M.D. of Bonnyville Agriculture Services Department 780-826-3951



Glossary of Terms Catkins: a flowering spike of trees. Cold hardy: the ability to resist injury during exposure to low temperatures. Compaction: occurs when soil particles are pressed together, reducing pore space between them. Compaction reduces the rate of water infiltration and drainage. Cross-pollination: pollination of a flower or plant with pollen from another flower or plant. Deciduous: a tree or shrub that losses its leaves annually. Evergreen: relating to or denoting a tree or shrub that retains green leaves throughout the year. Height: the measurement from base to top. Growth rate: refers to the vertical increase, with canopy spread. Life span: the length of time for which an organism functions (short 10-30 years, medium 30-100 years, and long 100+ years). Monoecious: a plant species in which male and female organs are found on the same plant but with different flowers. Native: (of a plant or animal) of indigenous origin or growth. Ornamental: serving or intended as an ornament; decorative. Saline soils: one that inhabits the growth of most crops because of the higher concentration of neutral soluble salts. Self-pollinating: a flower is self-pollinated if pollen is transferred to it from any flower of the same plant, which can also be referred to as self-fertile. Spread: the maximum width of the plant as measured at its widest part from leaf tip to leaf tip at maturity. Suckering: vegetative formation of a new stem and root system from an adventitious bud of a stem or root, naturally or by human action. Variety: a more precisely defined group of plants, selected from within a species, with a common set of characteristics.





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