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Purpose of the Open House

• Introduce the Land Use Review and Update project

• Get your comments and feedback on opportunities and constraints that should be considered.

• Provide an opportunity to speak with the M.D. staff and project consultants about the Land Use Bylaw Review and Update

There will be a brief presentation about the project at 7:00 pm.

We need your comments and feedback!

Land Use Bylaw Review and Update

Why are we reviewing and updating the Land Use Bylaw?

The M.D. of Bonnyville is undertaking a review and update of the current Land Use Bylaw which was adopted in 2017. It has undergone several amendments and additions since then. This review will:

• Align the LUB with regional and provincial legislation and policies that have come into effect since the last update such as the Municipal Government Act.

• Align the LUB with the M.D. of Bonnyville’s long term development direction from the new Municipal Development Plan.

• Align the LUB with recently approved Statutory Plans.

• Ensure that the LUB addresses emerging trends and reflects desired potential developments in the M.D.

Project Schedule

Phase 1: Project Initiation (January - April)

Phase 2: Baseline and Context (February – May)

We are here

Engagements Events #1 – Opportunities and Constraints (May 8th & 9th)

Phase 3: Drafting the Land Use Bylaw (May – November)

Engagement Events #2 – Review and feedback on the draft Land Use Bylaw (October)

Phase 4: Finalizing the Land Use Bylaw

(November 2024 – Early 2025)

Public Hearing on the Land Use Bylaw

Hierarchy of Planning

Municipal Government Act


• Governs planning and development processes in Alberta

Municipal Government Act (MGA) - The MGA sets out the requirements and authority of the hierarchy of planning documents that guide municipal planning and development in Alberta. It provides the framework for land use and development decisions for all municipalities within the province. The M.D. must comply with the hierarchy.

• Requires municipalities to prepare and adopt plans according to the Hierarchy of Plans

Lower Athabasca Regional Plan (LARP) – This framework provides high level provincial land use policies. All municipal planning must be consistent with the policies outlined in LARP.


Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDP) - An IDP is a collaborative document prepared in collaboration with neighbouring municipalities to plan land along their shared boundary.

Municipal Development Plan (MDP) - A MDP provides the policy framework for planning and development decisions at the Council level.

• All planning documents must be consistent with each other from Intermunicipal Development Plans to Area Structure Plans

Area Structure Plans (ASPs) – These plans provide land use policies and development criteria for specific lands, including hamlets, and assess the impacts of future development. This plan details required servicing infrastructure including roadways and upgrades.

The above noted plans are statutory documents and the policies within them must be consistent.


The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) assigns land use districts (zoning) to every parcel of land within the municipality. Land use districts are used to regulate residential, recreational, commercial, industrial, and agricultural land development and buildings. The M.D. of Bonnyville LUB controls the use and development of land and buildings following the direction outlined in IDPs, the MDP, and ASPs.

Development Permits Municipal Government
Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Area Structure Plan (ASP) Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Redistricting (Zoning) Subdivision Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) HIGH LEVEL SPECIFIC
Lower Athabasca Regional Plan
Act (MGA)

Land Use Bylaw Parts

The M.D. of Bonnyville Land Use Bylaw is divided into 9 PARTS, below is a summary of each Part

Part 1: Enactment and Administration

• Outlines the purpose, area of application, and effective date of the Land Use Bylaw and the obligation of a person obtaining a development permit to comply with all other applicable municipal bylaws, and municipal, provincial and federal legislation.

Part 2: Municipal Offices

• Establishes the duties of the of the Development Authority, Development Officer, Council and the Subdivision and Development Appeal Boards.

Part 3: Development Application

• This section outlines the development permit application process.

Part 4: Amending the Bylaw

• This section outlines the process for amending the Land Use Bylaw.

Part 5: Contravention and Enforcement

• This section outlines what constitutes a contravention of the Land Use Bylaw and the mechanisms for enforcing the Land Use Bylaw.

Part 6: General Regulations

• This section provides regulations for specific uses or development requirements (e.g., Country Residential, Home Business, Lighting, and Parking).

Part 7: Establishment of Land Use Districts and Land Use District Regulations

• This section establishes land use districts which lands within the M.D. of Bonnyville are divided into. Each land use district defines the specific types of uses that can occur within that district.

Part 8: Definitions

• Provides definitions for land uses and terminology used within the Land Use Bylaw.

Part 9: Land Use District Maps

• Contains associated mapping for the Land Use Bylaw.

Land Use Bylaw Areas of Review

The following items are examples of the requirements under review.

Accommodate a variety of housing opportunities

• Land Use Bylaw districts will be reviewed to investigate expanding housing opportunities in the M.D.

Sea Cans

• Provide additional clarity regarding the number of sea cans that may be permitted on a parcel of land depending upon the size of parcel and location rural vs hamlet.

Keeping of Animals

• Review and provide for additional clarity regarding the number of livestock that would be allowed on a parcel of land.

Side Yard Setbacks

• Review setback requirements to accommodate larger building envelopes.

Your thoughts? (put your comments on a sticky note and place in this space)

Land Use Bylaw Areas of Review

The following items are examples of the requirements under review.

Intensive Recreational Development

• To provide clarity, the Intensive Recreational District will be reviewed to determine a maximum development density as there is currently no mechanism in the district to determine density.

Solar Collection Systems

• The M.D. of Bonnyville LUB does not currently address solar energy collection systems. To provide clarity solar collection systems will be defined and will be proposed as a permitted or discretionary land use in appropriate land use districts.

Grading and Landscaping

• The Land Use Bylaw currently provides limited information regarding requirements for grading and landscaping. To provide transparency and user-friendliness regulations will be added to identify what is required when a development permit for grading and landscaping is being applied for.

Which areas of the Land Use Bylaw do you think should be reviewed?
Your thoughts? (put your comments on a sticky note and place in this space)


Land Use Bylaw Review and Update

Your thoughts? (put your comments on a sticky note and place in this space)

Let us know if there is anything else you want to comment on.

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