Municipal District of Bonnyville 2020 Annual Report

Page 16



Report from the General Manager


Infrastructure Services (IS) is home to the Transportation,

Also in 2020, IS along with Council began creating the flooding

Utilities, and Infrastructure departments, and is the largest

and drainage project priority map to help identify, alleviate, and

department in the M.D. Just over $69 million of the M.D.’s 2020

mitigate flooding in the M.D.

budget went to IS. In 2020, the department updated the Roads

At the end of 2020, the M.D. took over operations and

Classification Map (originally created in 2019) which assigns a

maintenance responsibility of the Bonnyville Regional Airport.

category to each M.D.-owned road. Each category outlines the

There was minimal impact on the 2020 budget for this new

specification of each road — taking into account location, traffic

endeavour, with upgrades being planned for 2021.

volume, and surface type — and sets a standard for future

Meanwhile, in Utilities, we saw the continued progress of the

capital road projects. This classification system goes hand-in-

regional waterline from Cold Lake to the Town of Bonnyville.

hand with the capital road project priority map, which outlines

In Infrastructure, work on the new grader shop/fire hall in

road construction projects for the next five years.

Ardmore and the fire hall in Fort Kent was well underway, while

The Transportation Department has equipment to help with

the M.D. also took possession of the old Kopala building at the

all of the maintenance and construction projects handled over

southwest end of Bonnyville to become the new home of the

a year, including graders, loaders, excavators, and heavy-duty

Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority administration centre, as well

trucks that are used to deliver aggregate in the summer and

as Station 5 (Bonnyville), EMS, and the 911 call centre.

plow snow and apply sand in the winter.


It will be rescheduled in 2021. The plan will be finalized

Work on a drainage map began in 2020, with the final map

after receiving public input. The plan identifies problem

being passed in January 2021. The map outlines projects to

areas, as well as improvements to be undertaken, in phases,

be undertaken by the M.D. and how to tackle the identified

on a priority basis.

issues in a systematic manner. In the spring of 2020, Transportation staff put a significant focus on culvert steaming


to mitigate flooding and assist in drainage from the melting

Residents who, due to circumstance or life conditions can-

snowpack. A draft Master Drainage Plan

not perform snow removal, can enrol in the M.D.’s Hardship

for Crane Lake was created. Due to

Program. This program sees M.D. staff clear out driveways

COVID-19, a public engagement session

of residents who cannot after a large snow event. This is a

was unable to be held.

free service that is conducted after all M.D. roadways have been cleared. In 2020, there were 185 people utilizing the service.

INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 780.826.3171 Ext. 9300


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