3 minute read



The M D is undertaking a review and update of the Municipal Development Plan

A Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a statutory document that provides broad-term guidelines for future development in the municipality. Provincial legislation requires all municipalities with populations greater than 3,500 to develop and adopt an MDP.

The plan provides a framework for the long-term growth and development of the municipal district. The MDP also provides policy direction that helps form the basis for the preparation of area structure plans and the M.D.’s Land Use Bylaw.

The MDP represents the overall vision and growth ideals of the community. The Municipal District of Bonnyville's current MDP was adopted in September of 2007

Public engagement sessions will be held on the following dates:

Tuesday, February 21 at Eastbourne Community Hall

Wednesday, February 22 at Willow Prairie Hall in La Corey

Thursday, February 23 at the Cherry Grove Community Centre

All Open Houses will run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. with a formal presentation at 6:30 p.m.

A survey to get feedback from our residents and ratepayers is underway. Visit bit.ly/MDPSurvey2023 or scan the QR code above to take the survey. At the end, you can choose to be entered into a draw to win one of three prizes.

The deadline to complete the survey is February 28, 2023


There are three rinks in the M D There are covered rinks in Ardmore and Cherry Grove, and an uncovered rink in Fort Kent

Parks staff try to flood all three rinks at least three times a week – Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

In Ardmore and Cherry Grove, there is a timer for lights so you can even go for a glide after dark. And, if you need somewhere to take the chill off, check out the heated warmup shacks. It’s a great place to get ready before you hit the ice and take a break when you need one.

Skate safe and have fun!



The M.D. is one of 33 collection sites in the province for an agricultural plastic recycling pilot project for twine and grain bags While the pilot project does not include bale wrap, the M D does accept it at our sites

Currently, bale wrap makes up about 95% of the Ag plastic material being dropped off at our sites. The Waste Department been stockpiling this material. The bales will be tested for its recyclability by an Albertan company. For bale wrap to be accepted at our sites it must meet two conditions it must be in clear bags (which the M D supplies), and the material must be clean The same goes for twine The clear bags must contain only twine or only bale wrap We need to remember that materials have to be clean in order for them to be recycled. This step needs to happen on the farm during collection in order for it to be an economical program.

Given the size and weight of grain bags, they are not simply dropped off the landfill for recycling

In 2018, the M.D. purchased a trailer and grain bag roller to offer a grain bag collection service to local producers at no charge. With the efficiency the grain bag roller provides, our crew can visit numerous sites and have rolled up to 40 bales of grain bags in a single day. These grain bag bales are then sent off to one of a few recycling sites in Alberta to be shredded and pelletized for new plastic products Over the past four years, the M D has shipped 247 grain bag bales, with each one weighing more than 200 kilograms

As for net wrap, the M.D. stopped accepting it for recycling as there isn’t a recycler in North America that will take it. If you have net wrap, please bag it and dispose of it with your household waste.

If you have empty grain bags that need rolling or any questions about agricultural plastic recycling, please contact our Waste Services Department at 780-826-3951.


Do you have a business in the Municipal District of Bonnyville?

Would you like to enhance your online presence?

Would you like to shop local and source your goods or services from other M.D. businesses?

The M.D. has an online Business Registry for local businesses. The registry is used to promote buying/partnering with other local businesses and keeping them informed of opportunities and programs in our community.

The M D does not require business owners to register for a license in order to operate The M D Business Registry creates a venue for information sharing, providing updates on M.D. business opportunities and tenders, while offering online marketing. In return, the M.D. and specifically our Economic Development Specialist, Scott Kovatch will enhance the understanding and appreciation for what local companies are offering

M.D. Council and Administration believe this is an important initiative for the M.D. and our business community. The Registry enhances support and communication within our municipality’s business community.

Please note: by participating in the free registry, you will be automatically signed up If you wish to receive the M.D.'s quarterly Economic Development e-newsletter, please check the subscription option below and return this form to the M.D.

Note: it is the sole responsibility of the subscribing business to provide up to date information to the M D , when changes have been made . To opt out of the e-newsletter, please contact the Economic Development Specialist at 780-826-3171.



Economic Development Specialist

780-826-3171 ext. 9206 skovatch@md.bonnyville.ab.ca

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