Deaf Community Advocacy Network
2111 Orchard Lake Road, Suite #101 Sylvan Lake, MI 48320 (248) 332-3323 TTY (248) 332-3331 Voice (248) 332-7334 Fax (866) 939-3253 VP
April 7, 2011
IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ At the March Division on Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DODHH) Advisory Committee Meeting we found out the State’s Interpreter Coordinator’s position has not been filled. The State Interpreter Coordinator works to test new interpreters for the BEI. The State interpreter Coordinator also is responsible to: Renew current Interpreter’s certifications Process and Approve Units for BEI and RID CEU’s DODHH and the Michigan Commission on Disability Concerns were part of a Department called DELEG – Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth. In October, 2010, they were transferred to Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS). Then, just after Governor Snyder took office, he ordered that DODHH be transferred again, to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. DODHH hasn’t been transferred yet and they are stuck between MRS and Civil Rights. Because of DODHH’s transfer, neither MRS or Civil Rights will approve funding for the State’s Interpreter Coordinator position. So what does this mean for you? It means if we don’t get the state to provide money for this position, there will be no one at DODHH to take care of the Interpreters or test new Interpreters. This could really hurt the community and hurt the agencies. If Interpreters cannot get their certifications processed (renewed), they won’t be able to legally work in Michigan. We also won’t have anyone to give the BEI test to the new Interpreters. We have already lost the Hard of Hearing specialists position. DODHH tried to hire someone. They interviewed people for the job and were ready to hire someone. Now it seems they cannot hire anyone until DODHH is transferred. This will happen on April 25, 2011 but there is no promise that the position will receive funding. This is very serious. DODHH has been doing everything to test and renew certifications with only two staff. However it is impossible for them to keep up with everything. Because of this, interpreters will not be able to work. This will be terrible for our community. Please contact both of the people on the next page and tell them the we MUST fill the Interpreter Coordinator’s position. Send a copy to Governor Snyder and your state Representatives/Senator. Please do this IMMEDIATELY! I thank you in advance for your support and commitment to the signing community. Sincerely yours,
Marcy Colton, MA, LPC, BEI 1 Linking Deaf and Hard of Hearing People with Community Services
Send your letter to: Mr. Daniel Krichbaum, Director Michigan Department of Civil Rights Capital Tower Building 110 W. Michigan Ave., Suite 800 Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 241-6300 Fax: (517) 335-3882 TTY: (517) 335-3881 Ms. Jaye N. Porter, Bureau Director Executive Office 201 North Washington Square 4th Floor, P.O. Box 30010 Lansing, MI 48909 1-800-605-6722 (toll free) 1-888-605-6722 (toll free, TTY) Governor Rick Snyder P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, Michigan 48909 (517) 373-3400 (517) 335-7858 - Constituent Services (517) 335-6863 fax Find your State Representative/Senator
SAMPLE LETTER Dear Governor Snyder, My name is ____________________________. I live in __________________________. I am a member of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing/DeafBlind Communities. In the past 20 years, the Division on Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DODHH) has gone from 7 staff people to 2.5 people. We are not getting the services that we need. We are the largest disability group in the state and we have 2 people to serve the whole state. Our state Hard of Hearing specialist’s position was taken away and now Michigan Rehabilitation Services and the Department of Civil Rights will not allow DODHH to hire a person to fill the empty State Interpreter Coordinator’s position. If we do not get someone to fill this job, our Interpreters will not be able to have their certifications renewed and we will not be able to test new Interpreters. Without Interpreters, it will make it difficult for me to communicate with people. Renewals and testing is required by our state law, Public Act 72 of 1937 and the Deaf Person’s Interpreter Act. Please help us get this position funded immediately. Sincerely,