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Inspiring Philanthropy

Generous support from far-sighted philanthropists Martha Morris (l.), Kathryn Davis and Wistar Morris were essential to MDIBL’s transformation over the last decade.

Inspiring Philanthropy


Laying the groundwork for lifesaving breakthroughs

Federal grants such as the IDeA program play an essential role in supporting the MDI Biological Laboratory’s research and education programs, but private philanthropy is a crucial partner in making outstanding science possible. P

hilanthropy can be the catalyst that allows a scientist to obtain his or her first research grant. This is why charitable support from donors like you is so important. Your generosity provides the vital seed money needed to establish proof-of-concept for a scientific enterprise and generate the data that convinces federal funders of its worth.

We appreciate each and every one of our donors who generously support the Laboratory’s innovative research and educational programs. We could not do this work without you.

We are profoundly grateful to Kathryn W. Davis and Wistar and Martha Morris for their partnership in shaping the MDI Biological Laboratory into an international hub for the growing field of regenerative and aging biology. Their belief and trust in us, their ability to see the possibilities when few others could, inspired us to believe in ourselves.

The Morris and Davis buildings proved to be a transformative space for our year-round faculty and a force-multiplier for our work. The high-tech facilities are key to the recruitment and retention of the most talented researchers for MDIBL’s Center of Biomedical Research Excellence and to accelerating additional federal funding.

The visionary philanthropy of the Davis and Morris families laid the groundwork for lifesaving research breakthroughs and positioned the MDI Biological Laboratory to play a pivotal role in extending healthy lifespans.

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