MuDJoB 02

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English 6: Group 1 4 Montse Ramos ................................................................ 4 Roger Gilberto Moguel Marin ........................................ 4 Diana Ramos ................................................................... 5 María Fernanda Aguilar Pérez ........................................ 5 Paty Diaz......................................................................... 6 Rafael Vidal .................................................................... 7 Eliza Valdez .................................................................... 8 Hanna Hernandez Alvarez .............................................. 9 Luis Felipe Escobar Aguilar ........................................... 9 Carlos Eduardo Estrada Ruiz ........................................ 10 Carlos Chapital Ortega.................................................. 10 Selma Valdes ................................................................ 11 Daniel Guerra................................................................ 12 Fer Leon ........................................................................ 12 English 6: Group 2 13 Carlos Alberto Prado Trujillo ....................................... 13 Rebeca Vazquez Ozuna ................................................ 13 Isabel Avendaño Ibáñez ................................................ 14 Alejandro Cordero Rodriguez ....................................... 14 Gaby Ruíz ..................................................................... 15 Karime Habib Reyes ..................................................... 17 Ana Barbara Arguello Marin ........................................ 18 Daniela Ramirez ........................................................... 19 Julia Velázquez Miranda .............................................. 20 Mariana Molinar Zenteno ............................................. 21 Miguel Sansebastian ..................................................... 22 Emily Sangeado Rosales ............................................... 23 Sai Grajales ................................................................... 24 Paola Mayor .................................................................. 26 Andrea Cisneros Monzon ............................................. 27 Hugo Enrique Méndez .................................................. 28 Gabriela Zentella .......................................................... 28 Monserrat Buentello Malpica ....................................... 29 Amaranta Miranda Bellato............................................ 30 Sonny Michelle ............................................................. 31 Luz Elena ...................................................................... 32 Brenda Martinez ........................................................... 34 . ..................................................................................... 34 MuDJoB edited by Michael D. Brown


Advanced English 3 35 Lucina Gordillo ............................................................. 35 Francisco Fdo. Macías .................................................. 35 Carolina Velasco Kanter ............................................... 36 Ana Torres Palacios ...................................................... 36 Pedro Ramirez ............................................................... 37 Andres Colin Sanchez ................................................... 37 Conrado De La Cruz ..................................................... 38 Isabel Zuart Gris............................................................ 38 Yantzil G'C.................................................................... 39 Hector Constantino ....................................................... 40 Sofía Cancino ................................................................ 40 Abraham Ramos Palomeque ......................................... 41 Felipe de Jesús Granda Corzo ....................................... 42 Martha Camacho ........................................................... 43 Martha E. Niño Cabal ................................................... 44 Silke Hoppenstedt Pedrero ............................................ 45 Raul Farf ....................................................................... 46 Valerie ........................................................................... 47 Remedial English 4 48 Jose Guillermo Moguel Narcia ..................................... 48 Maria de Jesus Lorenzana Peña .................................... 49 Roman Antonio Lopez .................................................. 50 Límbano Miguel Moreno Martínez ............................... 51 José Eduardo Olayo Delgado ........................................ 52 Mariana Girón Ruiz ...................................................... 54 Fernan Zenteno ............................................................. 55 Cristina Zenteno ............................................................ 56 Vera Mendoza ............................................................... 57 Merari Santos ................................................................ 58 Rodrigo Bustamante Luna ............................................ 59 Johana Chavez Meraz ................................................... 60 Alejandra Graham ......................................................... 61 José Pablo Zenteno Alonso ........................................... 62 Mauro Gordillo ............................................................. 62 Ana Laura González Gutiérrez...................................... 63 Juan de Dios Aguilar ..................................................... 64 Alix Morales ................................................................. 65 Issue No. 2 Fall 2010

English 6: Group 1 Montse Ramos MICROFICTION Juanito “el frijolito” was sleeping in his bed. In the morning he woke up very scared because he had a bad dream. He was very worried about this dream because it wasn´t the first time he had has it. So he decided to find the cause of this dream. He wrote in his journal the main causes he thought that could cause the bad dreams. Then he began to research about the options. He like to research information of everything and finding solutions to everything. He is fat, funny and very smart. He eats very much. Eating too much at night was one of the options. The other one was watching terror movies. In the internet he began the research. Then he went to the library and ended the research. At the end he found out that the problem was eating too much very late at night. He is very happy because he found out the problem of his bad dreams. He hates bad dreams and finding this cause of it, will help him to avoid having them. So he is going to eat earlier and less. He is a little sad because he likes to eat very much. He will try to do his best to avoid eating late at night. Because he knows he won‟t have any more night mares avoiding eating late at night. Now he is in calm. He has no night mares and he is very relaxed at night. HOW TEC DE MONTERREY CHANGED MY LIFE I studied in the School Fray Victor Maria Flores and I thought that it was a hard school, but then in High School I came to Tec and I learned this was harder than my old school. I have learned that an excess of freedom isn't good all the time. How did I learn that? Because in 4th semester I failed 4 subjects because of the excess of freedom in this School. I was very confident of my intelligence, but at the end being smart is not everything. To have good grades you need to study very hard and pay attention in every class. This school is just for people that want to learn. I didn‟t have the chance to graduate with my generation because of my laziness in 4th semester. Now I am paying for my mistakes and I am studying my 7th semester.

Roger Gilberto Moguel Marin MICROFICTION In hot and wet afternoon in the middle of nowhere. there was a little fat and funny monkey staring at a singular rock. The monkey was walking and walking around the rock and appreciated it, suddenly he decided to grab and play with the rock, when he wrapped the rock and it broke and the little monkey started to cry, and the other monkeys that were near him saw him cry for his singular broke rock .So all the monkey gather around him and started to find a rock, until they got a singular one, and all started to play happily ever after. MINI-SAGA If life leaves you with a lemon, make lemonade. A man went to the park, and a woman went to the park to get candies. The man ate a big healthy apple , and a woman travel far away. He got more candy to eat, but she felt so bad injured. Had he not gone to the par an ate all those candies, she never would felt bad injured, and she would ate candy with him. HOW TRAVEL CHANGED MY LIFE Travel is a beautiful way to know and get more information about the world. I really enjoy traveling because it‟s amazing to see and live with other kind of people. It‟s amazing to get information about their customs, traditions, the way they celebrate parties. It‟s wonderful to know about new foods, drinks, to see different paradises. That‟s the best thing for me; when I travel I get to know new places and appreciate the paradises. Ii like to travel.

Diana Ramos MICROFICTION Once upon a time, it was a little girl who lived in a orphanage, her name was Ursula. Ursula was playing with the rope, but she was really sad. She was sad because she needed home love so she tried to find a family who wanted a daughter. Ursula talked with the orphanage charge in order to find a good family. Fist she met a singular family, but she didn't like it. Then she met a strict family, and she was afraid. Next, she met a Christian family very nice, but she was catholic and they weren't agree with her. Ursula didn't want to know more families, she thought that she wouldn‟t find the correct family. The orphanage charge told her that a great family wanted to meet her. She didn't want but finally, the orphanage charge convinced her. At the end, she was so happy with her new family MINI-SAGA The universe is expanding. A man had eyes for getting married. A woman had an ambition of studying medicine. The man had a passion to get graduated. The woman itched for get married. He discovered a lost city. She founded a huge corporation. HOW TRAVEL CHANGED MY LIFE I always travel with my family (my parents, my brother and my sister), but 2 years ago I went to Guadalajara to my cousins house, She is 34 years, is married and has 3 beautiful kids. I was in her house around 2 weeks. First I was very exciting with the idea because I love her children and they love me too. I played with them all the time. Then I was tired about it, because I'm used to be the smallest in my house and is too different be the "big sister" When I returned to my house, I appreciated more my family and our customs. Despite everything I had a great time with my Guadalajara family.

María Fernanda Aguilar Pérez MICROFICTION In 2010 Marie was with his cell phone. She decided to send a message to ask about the party. She was looking for a contact to send the message and ask about the Halloween party. She found his platonic love's number in his contacts list and she decided to sent the message to him. She waits a few moments to saw that the message was sent. Her lover answers the message. She read the message and She gets shocked. The message said that he wasn't going. She was too sad that she almost decided to stay home, but her friend Priscilla convinced her to go. At 10 he arrive to her house and hugs her and ask to Marie if she wanted to be his girl friend. She was so happy that she said yes, and they went to the Halloween`s party and spent a very beautiful night dancing. MINI-SAGA Horoscopes provide useful information about future events. A man had a passion for lecturing. A woman had an urge to become a doctor. The man went to Harvard university. The woman went to the most important designer school. He sold all his famous drawings. She designed the pages of a magazine. LESSON LEARNED When I went to Europe in my 15 birthday, I learned to be independent because for me it were the first time I traveled "alone" only with some friends so that taught me to do not trust in every people.

Paty Diaz THE FINAL BLOOD In New York City, between the parties of Halloween there was a teenage girl. The night of a party in her party she was raped by her boyfriend. The months passed so her baby was growing inside of her, but the problem was that she didn´t want to talk with her mother. So she had contact the demons from hell to give her power to survive with her baby, in exchange she had to give her soul to them. They gave her a bracelet to be protected all the time. When the baby born she protected him with the love all the time, also the baby born with the care of the demons. One night her mother was walking in the streets alone with her baby, but some guys followed her a started to hit her, they touched her and before they killed her she put to the baby the bracelet, then they killed her and the baby was alone crying. The demons protected him to keep him alive. The boy grow alone without love, and with a heart of rock, he hated the people. He decided to search for the man that killed his mother to killed them, so he searched them with the help of the demons. He killed them, but he died because he used the power of the demons, and in exchange he gave his life at the final of the fight. But nobody knows where the bracelet is, but the person who has it would lose his or her soul or its life forever. MICROFICTION Days Ago, A little kid, named Paco was walking to his school and found a big white box. The kid opened the big white box to see what was in there. He was surprise to see what was in the box, it was not what he expected, because there was a little duck with a broken leg inside of the box. Paco took the duck out from the box, examined it and tried to heal the duckâ€&#x;s leg. After his try, the duck started to get recovered. Paco made a little house for the duck with the big white box. He felt happy about his good work helping the duck. He felt in love with the duck, and realized that the duck was an animal who needed to be free. He planned to leave the duck free in the nature. So he took the duck to a forest to leave it in a safe place where it can be in its natural environment. Paco felt really sad, but he understood it was the best for the duck. MINI-SAGA The universe is expanding. A woman had a passion for designing houses. A man wanted to learn to build houses. The woman had a need to enter ITESM, but first she needed a scholarship. The man was going to try to enter Julliard. She became the most famous model in the USA. He finally climbed Mount Everest.

Rafael Vidal MICROFICTION Shortly before the girl left the school, she found an old book. The girl, called Caroline, opened it to see what was written in there, but the book was totally blank. She was confused because the book had a title, “Future is coming”, but nothing was in there, so she started to think what it could mean. She quickly took a pen and tried to write her name, but the pen started to write by its own. She wrote the date of the next day as a diary and she described her mom‟s death. She instantly threw the book to the floor. She began to mourn; she was too scared and paranoid. She started to think it was some friend‟s joke. She calmed down and took the book again, she was thinking of showing the book to her mom. After a few minutes she thought that it was ridiculous, so she opened the book once more and it was blank again. She was confused of what was happening, so she decided to do nothing about it, bad decision, her mom died in a car accident as the book had said. BEING A MUSICIAN Some people think that being a musician is sometime easy. Also there are some people that think being a musician is not a career. At least here in Mexico. In my point of view orchestral and instrumental music is the maximum expression of art. In Europe being a musician is something big and respectful, and if you want, better paid. I‟m not saying that Mexico has not a great culture about this art, it‟s only the fact that this kind of culture is not extended to the whole country. We prefer popular music. I respect everyone‟s likes, but you can‟t compare the logistic and complexity of Mozart or Beethoven with a pop star. It‟s true that music is changing, but not all the new things are better. Let‟s make a new culture, where being a musician is not a small thing or someone that picks this career because he is not good at other thing. Where a musician is something important. CONFRONTATION There is a lot of love between my mother and I. I receive her attention and I find everyday her support in many ways. However, there are some moments that she wants to control my schedule of life. I know my mother is always looking the best for me, but there are sometimes that I don‟t understand her. I wonder if it is love or just overprotection. She is always telling me things such as: “It‟s important that you be here before 11:00 pm” or “I suggest that you not have those kind of friends”. It‟s true that she has more experience than I, but I would like to have my own space and I am creating a way of how to make her realize that I am going to a process of change. MINI-SAGA Aliens have visited the earth and kidnapped some people. A man had an ambition to be an impresario. A woman hungered for money. The man went to an English university. The woman started her own business. He finished as a babysitter. She didn't pass the exam. At the end the man and the woman escaped from aliens and were put in rehab for a month. MY LESSON LEARNED When I went to Queretaro, I realized how important my family is to me. I have always wanted to have a vacation by myself because every time we go out of town, I thought that it was terrible to have my sister talking all the time all the way in the car. My mom prepares a lot of food for the journey and my father always brings different kinds of music. All these things annoyed me. But last August I had the opportunity to travel alone. I missed my sister next to me telling me her things about the trip. I had a guy sleeping and snoring all the way. I was hungry so I missed my mom‟s food because it was forbidden to eat on the bus and we should remain silent all the way to the final destination, so I also missed my father‟s music.

Eliza Valdez MICROFICTION Much later, although it hardly seemed as if time had passed, just outside the big house between a grocery store and a mall. A tall muscular boy of sixteen called Adam, abandoned a cute dog. Those cute big black dog eyes that exclaim for forgiven were like guns to the boy‟s heart. Mrs. Hook traded Adam with indifference until he says goodbye to his dog. Adam cannot do that so easily, no! He wouldn‟t do that, he really loves his dog. He went to all his friend‟s houses and offered his dog. Nobody wants to see how a man kills his dog. Searching who wants the dog seems like a better idea. In disappointment, nobody wanted the dog, for weird that seems, nobody wanted the cute dog. Adam started to demonstrate fear against the idea of his dog, but dead. Adam‟s mom was a Little bit concerned about him, but this didn‟t stop Adam for looking someone else that wanted the dog. Now Adam almost makes a deal with this pretty Young lady called Anna, she‟s his neighbor. Adam will demonstrate his mom that anybody can love a dog even if they didn‟t meet it before. Adam thought that his mom could change his mind and accept back the dog, but this didn‟t happen. Maybe doesn‟t work with everyone, maybe his mom is not human at all. Can that be possible? He asked himself. He was just thinking without a break. Why my mom can‟t take back my dog? It‟s not that bad, he just bite me once and I was able to forgive him, he chewed the couch several times and I was still able to forgive him. My dog is not a bad dog, he is just innocent. MINI-SAGA A man had to choose between his friends and studies. A woman longed for something. The man slept in the library. The woman went to a designing school. He died alone. She became crazy because she always got what she wanted. CONFRONTATION :) Once upon a time there was a girl called Eliza, one day she went to her best friend‟s Sweet Sixteen, but the party end at 3 am, she took one hour to arrive home because she needed to say goodbye to everybody, and all that stuff. She arrived home at 4 am, she opened the door, turn on the lights and the first person she saw was her mom! Eliza got scared because her mom looked at her like if she could kill anybody with just a look. Eliza‟s mom didn‟t look so happy at all, obviously if you found out that your daughter was in a party at 3 am, been mad is valid. Eliza‟s mom asked her why she arrived so late at home, so Eliza said that girls don‟t have Sixteen years every day. Eliza was very tired and sleepy so she asked her mom if the discussion can be moved to the next day. Eliza‟s mom was really mad but she agreed and went to bed. Eliza was so sleepy that make her slept on the couch. At the next day Eliza‟s mom act normal, so Eliza didn‟t said anything about it and continue her normal life.

Hanna Hernandez Alvarez MICROFICTION On the cold, damp day after the funeral, on the banks of the river, a tall muscular man of thirty was thinking, with a rose in his hands. The petals fell slowly into the water of the river, and he cried strongly without a noise. His mother tried to stop him before he stopped the wedding, but he ignored her and sped away in search of the bride. He had searched the invitation and he had bought a rose, he knew that he was making a stupid thing, but it wasn`t bad to try. He arrived to the church, and with little hope he entered. When he saw that the bride was dead, he run into the forest, and reached the river. He grabbed the rose strongly, regardless of the wounds of the thorns. Even that he couldn`t arrived in time to tell the woman that he love, how much he wanted to be with her, maybe one day he will find someone special. He passed all the day there, just thinking of what he saw at the church, he decided to go to the place where he meet her. He asked himself for a moment some questions, Why did she die?, What I did make wrong?, Did she still loves me even that she isn`t here?... MINI-SAGA A man had a passion for drawing passages and creating art, and a woman wanted to study "Arts in digital design." The man joined a reading club, while the woman went to a medical school. He became an expert building houses and she became a famous house designer. If you work well, you won‟t have problems in the future. HOW TRAVEL CHANGED MY LIFE Today in the morning Kevin entered to his house and his mother was angry with him. He walked silently to the sofa and his mother started raising the voice level, telling him that it was his fault to leave his little sister alone all the night of the weekend when she and his father were in a restaurant. Kevin said that he was a studying an important section of his book, and he couldn‟t pay attention to his sister that night. His mother was also angry, because she related her problems of her job with her son. She tried to focus on the problem of his son, but she was tired and she was trying to have control of it. Kevin suggested her to resolve the problem tomorrow, because he was also tired and irritated of his own problems.

Luis Felipe Escobar Aguilar MICROFICTION A long time ago a boy named Jerry found a sword in a rock in the middle of the forest. He pulled the sword away from the rock. When he got to take out the sword from the rock, suddenly the sword shot fire. Like an accident, he got the forest in fire. He went to jail. His father took him out of jail. He came back to the forest and he found again the sword in the rock. HOW ITALY CHANGED MY LIFE In December of 2008 I went to Italy. That trip changed my life´s point of view, The Vatican is great, I get to know really famous things, like the popes tombs, and some beautiful statues. I was in the Urbi et Orbi of that year, it was an incredible experience. Assisi, beautiful city, in Assisi I get to know the of San Francesco d´Assisi and all life of this saint. This trip really changed my life in an spiritual mode.

Carlos Eduardo Estrada Ruiz MICROFICTION In 1845, Sir John Franklin and his two ships, along with his crook of fate -a magical and very powerful item that he found in an old castle in England- tried to find a route to cross the Arctic. Two years later, he and his ships shipwrecked in the frozen sea, because his crook wasn´t working. The lack of provisions started to get noticed, and Franklin tried to broke the ice with his crook of fate, but he found that it was broken. He escaped the camp where his crew was, searching the Eskimos, because he heard they can fix his crook. He walked and walked over the frozen valleys of the north of Canada, and he found nothing. When he wanted to give up, a young and pretty women suddenly appeared, and she told him "I know what you are looking for". He had no other option but to follow her into an icy cavern, apparently invincible. The woman put a white stone in his crook, and started to sing and dance with unintelligible sounds and indescribable movements. Then a blinding light knock him out. When he woke up, he was just a few meters of his camp and with his crook fixed. He melted the sea with his crook, and guided his ships back to England, not before bringing the young woman with him. MINI-SAGA Horoscopes provide useful information about future events. A man desired to be an archeologist. A woman had a need for success. The man went to all parties to meet girls. The woman studied for her university request. He became a great impresario and had his own business. She lost her money in the stock market. CHALLENGE OF SENTENCES 1. I suggest he add the design for the administration field, however he didn't focus on that section. 2. He has access to the main level of the develop area, although his degree isnâ€&#x;t related. 3. He did receive his section's schedule; moreover the service policy doesn't provide the description of the course. 4. In the description, the process' view was public and present in its site, nevertheless the community found it not available. 5. By my own experience, to control the situation you have to create a support group, as long as is just for review what has already been seen. 6. Meanwhile I ask the staff for the current University address, you go to the cafeteria and bring me some water. Because I used 40 vocabulary words (I used the vocabulary list 1 too, because I was missing the last week) the sentences might seem a little weird. (:

Carlos Chapital Ortega CONFRONTATION One day, when I was on the way to school, I had a very bad experience. I was going late to the school, so my mom started to shout at me, "You are always going late to school. You are lazy!" She was very mad at me, and when she turned to see me, a car almost crashed into us. She stopped the car. I found my bag, and I received an apology from my mom. I suggest that if you or someone is driving, don't have this type of distraction.

Selma Valdes MICROFICTION: "SNOP" Once upon a time in Fairyland, a place with lots of animals and pretty flowers, lived a young woman named Tina. One day she was walking in the forest, when suddenly she found a little dog and felt bad because it was lost, so she took him home and put him Snop. Tina was a wonderful woman, she was really kind and take care of the environment. She was really getting along with Snop. The young woman felt so happy, because she had a new pet, and it was really cute. Snop was kind of sad because he missed his real family, but Tina didn´t notice that. Then she realized something was going bad with Snop, he wasn´t eating and didn´t want to play anymore. Tina tried to do her best, so he could be okay and happy again, but it didn´t work. She decided to search for his family, because they might be worried about Snop. Tina, put papers of a lost dog in Fairyland, so maybe the parents could see them. Two persons, went to see Tina and took Snop, they were the real owners. At the end Tina knew that it was the best for Snop, and that he‟ll be happier. MINI-SAGA Every person has the potential to be evil. A man wished to be an architect. A woman had a passion to design houses. The man went to Everest. The woman went to a modeling school. He met a woman in his reading club. She became an excellent doctor. TRAVELING One day, when I was out of town traveling and knowing more places. I learned about different cultures and ways of life. And that in other places respects more the others and is cleaner. Traveling really helps to learned more things, like you need to be more organized because if you are not you can lost your flight, o something else. It helps to view things in different ways and know more people. When I travel I learn a lot o lessons, I love traveling and it helps me to be a better person every day. VOCABULARY 3 Sarah from section one with her few experience had a great development last year. She was cursing an environment career and she will continue studding until she complete all. Sarah was a member of the society of the local association to save animals. In her previous semester she didn‟t go well, but in her new results she‟s now a master. She is considering moving to the location near hers, because she has a great opportunity. HOMEWORK One day Tina asked her father if she can go a party, but her father told her no, because she was almost going to fail her own course. Tina said to him that the current level she is taking y really difficult, but that she will try to be more focus and available in the whole schedule. Her dad told her that It‟s okay, she can go but he need to receive and view the grades next week. So, she be shown the changes later. And they were being hugging happily.

Daniel Guerra MICROFICTION Yesterday, a pretty and smart boy, of Mexico, bought a new pair of shoes. These shoes were supposed to be special, because with every step the person made it would make them fly. The boy was so angry because the shoes didn't work at all. He started to become angrier every minute and every second and wanted to kill the person that sold him the shoes. So he went to the store and waited outside. While the owner of the store was closing it, the boy started smacking the owner with a bat. When the owner was knocked down, the boy started wandering around. He thought about what he had done, and got sick of himself. If he could not fly with the shoes, no one could; he proposed himself to burn the shoes and the owner of the store also. After an hour of thinking it, he started to act; he just went to the gas station and bought a gallon of gasoline, trapped the owner of the store inside and the shoes and started to burn the hell out of all. The smart and maniac boy started to laugh and thought that what he had just done was the right thing, and then he committed suicide. MINI-SAGA It is possible to create a society where everybody has equal wealth. A man was a perfect basketball player, the man was studying for his test, he was killed by a terrorist. A woman wanted to be a doctor, the woman was in a big party, she was tired of being in the same class.

Fer Leon MICROFICTION One morning, in a car, Carlota, who was wonderful and smart, discovered a loaded gun. The gun was shining in Carlota's eyes. She thought that was the perfect time to go to the police and accuse her boyfriend for the murder of his neighbor. So she took the gun with some bullets in it and went to the police department to accuse her boyfriend. She was on the road, a very quiet road. Suddenly, her boyfriend came up out of nothing and tried to make her lose control of the car. So she started to go faster, and tried to avoid him. But she didn't notice that the police department was on her back and she missed out. Now she just wanted to stay alive to see her parents again. She thought in that moment that if she had just left the murder of the neighbor alone, nothing of that would have happened. But before she backed down she saw the police patrol and ran to them to show the evidence and be safe from her crazy boyfriend. MINI-SAGA A man had a passion for books. The man lost some friends for studies. He lost a lot of money buying books. A woman had eyes for designing clothes. The woman got what she desired. She became the most famous designer in the world.

English 6: Group 2 Carlos Alberto Prado Trujillo MICROFICTION In 2010 one boy was with his blackberry. He started to send a PIN. He was looking for a contact to send the PIN. He found to his girlfriend and sent her the PIN. He waits a few moments to saw that the message was sent. His girlfriend answers the message. He read the message and he gets shocked. The message said that she was pregnant. He was too happy and goes quickly to his girl's house. He arrive and hugs her and gave a kiss and tell her that everything is going to be alright. They were so happy with the born of the baby. MINI-SAGA A man aspired to buy a car, a woman wished to be a model. the man jumped from a bungee, the woman went to Europe to see her boyfriend. He was happy because it was his birthday, she was killed a man with a knife. Monday, September 13, 2010 9:30 AM HISTORY Once upon a time there was a pretty lady named Scarlett, she was such a good student she was the best one of her course. She used to have everything in order she had a good administration of her own stuff. But she had also a boyfriend, he was a good man, he loved her and he always respected her. She used to have a good relationship with her father. One day she was library studying in the chemistry section and she started to feel so bad she went with the nurse and the staff tall her that she did not know what happened. So she suggested Scarlett to go to the hospital. When she arrived there they did an ultrasound and they told her that they will notify her what had happened. The day before she received a letter from the hospital. It said that she was pregnant she went into panic so she decided to hide the letter. When her father got inside her room he found that paper, he was so angry that he told her to leave the house and since that they she would be responsible for her future by her own.

Rebeca Vazquez Ozuna MICROFICTION: Truly Love In a beautiful garden in 1939 USA a man is waiting for his girlfriend with a old pen. He gives the pen to his girlfriend and said: write me every day and she answer every hour. And the pen has recorded: "Our love is infinite as the stars of the heaven. They are falling in love, but they are living during the second world war, and he is a military, so he has to go to the war. He need to go to Germany and he's girlfriend doesn't know if he will back for her. As a result of the war, he never receive the letters of his girlfriend, so he start a new relationship, but this time to get married. Weddings gifts were sent to his house, when they open the gifts, he receive the pen. When he saw that, he remembered the promise, he has a new motivation for come back to USA and find his girlfriend. The man thought that the love was the only thing that needed to stay with his ex girlfriend. He decided to come back to USA and regain the love of his girlfriend. He saw her, and he was really happy, because he had never stopped loving her. People that knew the boy thought that the only thing that it will do you happy is the love, just like that pair. MINI-SAGA Looking to be someone or something, getting something different, The man preferred to take a multimedia class, the woman missed her husband. The man got the telephone, the woman went to the cafeteria, he was alone all his life and he hadn't more friends anymore, she was very good and talented and famous doctor.

Isabel Avendaño Ibáñez MICROFICTION Once upon a time, in Lucinda‟s city, there was a beautiful and lovely girl, called Lucy. She was looking for someone who loved, and she wished that someone would loved her as she loved him. That love would be forever. A wizard loves her and hates her because of her beauty. She needs to spotted the secret potion. She had a spell from this wizard. Every new moon she got frozen one week. She was looking for her prince and the wizard. One day in a coffee she found a guy pretty handsome and them got in love. They found the wizard and fight with him and the wizard LOST. Lucy and her prince got married and today are very happy together. MINI-SAGA Every person has the potential to be evil. A man liked the idea of becoming an actor, a woman wanted to be a model. The man studied in administration school, the woman married her boyfriend. He married a rich girl and didn't have to work, she assassinated all his students, and many people show that to the world!

Alejandro Cordero Rodriguez MICROFICTION Once upon a time a night of 28 d in October, the best DJ in the world visit Mexico for the first time. The concert was held at the Aztec Stadium. Aztec stadium was completely full. People never stopped singing and dancing to the music of DJ. DJ Alex invited to play with DJ Eduardo. Alex made sure the night was a success with your music HW 2 It is important to have your parent‟s confidence. I learned from the mistakes that my brothers made. I have 4 brothers and I am youngest. Now my brothers don‟t live in the house because one is married, others are either working or studying in the university. That‟s why I have to behave well. My brother Sergio is the one who always caused problems. He used to escape from the house at night when my parents were traveling. When my mother used to call at home she would find out that he is not there. He also used to get in trouble by lying. He used to tell that he is going to his classes in the evening but he used to go to see his girlfriend. For this reason my parents stopped having too much confidence in us. Now that I am alone at home, I understand that it is important to have your parent‟s confidence. Therefore I have to behave very well. MAP RELATION I was born in the state of Chiapas in Mexico. Mexico is a big country that has a lot of history . The people in Chiapas are friendly. There are many different indigenous groups still in Chiapas which make the state of Chiapas very cultural, each group has a different customs. Many people come to Chiapas for holidays because Chiapas has a lot of places to visit for example, san Cristóbal, Comitán, Agua Azul, Chiapa de Corzo, etc. I love Chiapas. it is my hometown and all my family live in Chiapas, but I don´t agree with some of things about the government, i.e., election procedure.

Gaby RuĂ­z A DREAM MADE IN BACKGROUND Once upon a time in a small town in England there lived a girl named Stella, who loved to read books forever. Books were important to her. Each day looking to be a better person, she was very intelligent; she had always aspired to be better and improve her world, to fill it with love and happiness even if that seemed impossible. One of her main goals was to change the world, but before that could happen she needed to change everything around her. Stella had an important job but could not do it alone. So she decided to call her best friend and embark on a major trip to change the thinking of everyone. The books were of great importance to her goal and her big final test would be to read more than 1000. Her parents did not want to let her do this because according to them nobody could ever do that. But she never gave up, and after reading the books began to question people and make them change gradually. Despite all the obstacles they were always together and both never left anything for tomorrow, changing many people, feeling that this life made just a moment and that they should enjoy it much. And so the life of the town changed a lot and now it is a beautiful place where people are happy and enjoy all to the maximum. MICROFICTION One day in a small home in England lived a girl named Stella, who loved to read books forever. The books are as important to her. As each day looking for a better person, was very intelligent but always aspired to be better and improve his world, fill it love and happiness even seem impossible. One of his main goals was to change the world but before that illustrated needed about everything around her. Stella had an important job but could not do it alone. So I decided to call his best friend and so embark on a major trip to change the thinking of everyone. The books were of great importance to his goal and his big test final and wanted to read more than 1000. Your parents do not want to let you do this because according to them no could never do. But never gave up and after reading the books began to question people and make them change gradually. Despite all the obstacles were always together and both never leave anything for tomorrow, changed many people, Feeling that his life made just a moment and that should enjoy it much. And so the life of the town changed a lot and now is a beautiful place where people are happy and enjoy all the maximum. MINI-SAGA (correction) It is not possible to create a society where everybody has equal wealth. A man aspired to do good work last year. A woman preferred being a doctor than being in any other profession. The man got a scholarship to a medical school. The woman studied hard and asked her uncle to help her. He couldn't be famous, because he didn't have the "sparkle" to be. She was a big famous singer in all the word. We never know the direction our lives take and where we are heading. ADVANCE 1 STORY Stella was a great visionary and one of his visions had discovered that the world would end precisely on the same day ... He ran to the first phone booth with tears running down his face full of concern and hysteria, began to call their loved ones. hit the house, crying, screaming and was saturated and phone calls and did not know what to do was in a nervous breakdown. The police came for her and she ran out the anguished Red Square in Russia. One man preached a very old Bible with fallen leaves with were bringing the wind every time ... A buildings began to crack and within the palace of the Romanovs and all people were screaming, running and did not know what to do and the end of the world was coming ...

VACATION Last Winter I went to see grandma in a very small region of Michoacån, is very small place and really though I would die of boredom because there was nothing to do, the evening were boring just came out the sidewalks to take the air. Every morning the cows out to graze the field and in the afternoon they return, the houses are small, not many people there are only old people and young children and women also waiting for their husbands reach United States where day labors work. I thought that would bore me too much but I learned to talk to older people to listen to their ideas, feelings and all that have gone but most of all those who still hope to make. Also discovered that life in the countryside is wonderful, the air has a distinct aroma, I discovered the beautiful sound of the rain on the earth and nature itself, certainly knew what was really have a life like before‌ ADVANCE: Introduction: In the present project for this semester will be a travesty of many films to be released this year as Harry Potter. at the same time we will release them another point of view not will only see the movie, but rather will see the friendly side all serious this can become. We decided to do this project because there were many similar but none like ours and we expect to please everyone so we can be the best. We had many ideas but all this turned out to be the most original but above all we believe could end up being liked by everyone and might like more than others that always make projects such as Miss Laura, Fear Factor and something like that. Where will record: Recorded almost all the scenes at Tec because it has a very good extension and many different places and in houses of us, parks and other places that still have not decided at all. Acknowledgements: We welcome all people to help us to complete our project, the extras, to help us record, which go to each of our members, our families and also to our friends who always help us everything. *Rebeca Våsquez *Karime Habib *Mariana Molinar *Karla Ruiz E6G2 Fernando had a community of kids their age and other contacts for the colony all they wanted was to play rock but his mother hated that kind of music Day by day she wanted to take control of her life and she gave suggestions to make another musical instrument. His father said: if you do not do to your mother you would be punished all week without going to any course of drums. But music was his life, his greatest dream and always seeks to accomplish so much constancy long after the practice became one of the best drummers in the world and show everyone that for more distant and fools Dreams never will be impossible if you so wish. BAD DAY! "Yesterday I received my class schedule and Brenda called me into to the section in the school administration because I have a scholarship but I forgot I had an essay on all policy areas and applied to my experience and apply in the current approach to physics class, review the area where the staff the Orchestra for this new course, describe the community that makes social service, develop a new service for blind people, culture present my project to my conductor and await their response so that we have a better level available, developed with public access as the government gives us are important to society, do quality control related to the support they give us Coneculta, design and create a website for a new contact from a main grade than me in school, in so my life became a mess and only for being so distracted and forgetful. Please do not be like me.

Karime Habib Reyes MICROFICTION: "Smile" Alejandra was an student from Mexico City, but she was living in Los Angeles because her parents moved there. She was studying for being a writer with her closest friend Maria. One day, they decided to go to the cinema. When they arrived, Alejandra noticed that the cashier was angry, so she smiled to her and the cashier responded with an smile too. Alejandra told Maria what occurred with the cashier, and Maria just laughed. The next day at school, Brandon, a classmate and friend of Alejandra, was telling her an story that he wrote, then Maria appears from nothing. Brandon was very sad because he and Maria were boyfriends in summer, but now, they broke up two weeks ago. Alejandra noticed and she didn't like that her friends were like that. So Alex talked to him, finally he was happy with a big smile in his face. The most important thing for Alejandra is that her friends have a good relationship after all the things and problems. Maria and Brandon are best friends and Alex is happy for that. The next vacations they will go together to Mexico City. MINI-SAGA Some people can see the future. A man had ambitions to be famous. A woman had eyes for being a singer. The man went to find work in an office. The woman went to a hospital to work. He started his own business. She went to a fabulous party. AN EXPERIENCE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE When I was 14 I traveled for first time on a plane. First, I was so nervous, I was traveling with my mother to Tampico, Tamaulipas because the next day will be the wedding of a cousin. I remember when I was on way to the plain, it was exciting and it was more when the plain started to move so fast. The journey almost finished when I started to feel dizzy and I tried to feel better but I couldn‟t, so I decided to tell it to my mom but the plain had arrived in the airport of Mexico‟s city. After I get out of the plain, I went to the bathroom but I was more dizzy so my mom tried to calm me. By the next journey I wasn‟t so dizzy, so I felt so much better. That weekend was amazing; my mom and I could see a big part of my family, and I had the opportunity to visit some places of Tampico, but I learned that you can‟t change your family because for me, they are the most important thing in the life.

Ana Barbara Arguello Marin MICROFICTION: "Marry Me" On Valentine‟s Day Paola is having a dinner with her boyfriend in a very nice restaurant and she found a ring hidden in her food. She put the shining and beautiful ring out of the desert. Because all the emotion and happiness she cried, Paola´s boyfriend was frightened because he thought that the surprise was a bad thing for Paola. Minutes later Paola explain that when she usually cry when she are so happy Her boyfriend made the most waiting question for all the people; do you want to marry with me? Paola think a lot her answer because that moment is the decisive moment for all her life. Her boyfriend was really scared but for all his love he still there with a smile in her face. Paola asked to he why he wants to be marrying with her. He answer because the person that you choice is the one that you are going to pass the best and the worst moments, and I choice you because you are the person that I want next to me for the rest of my life. Paola hug him, and said yes I want to be married with you for all my life, in that moment the entire restaurant clap. MINI-SAGA Every Person has the potential to be evil. A man required a job and a woman wanted to be a teacher, then the man attended to actors courses, the woman studied in a model's school then she died in her birthday and he killed his wife that‟s why all of us can be evil. EXPERIENCE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE In my life have been incidents of which I have learned a lot but there is one very important that I will never forget. When I was 13 years, my dad ask me to go visit with him my grandpa, but I didn't want to because I had a party so my dad went alone and I went to my party, that success was on Friday and in the next morning when I wake up my mom told me that my grandpa died, at first I didn't it believe it but then I cried a lot because I had the opportunity to saw him for the last time and to said goodbye and how much I loved him but I lost it and I felt so terrible with myself, at finally I learned that my family is the most important thing in my life, since then I always have to put them at first in all. CONFRONTATION In my house I was in my area that it‟s my room talking with a friend and I hate when my dad come and tell me who is it? Tell me a description of him. That‟s why the confrontation start and developed so fast, I told my dad that was important that I had my own space and he had to leave me in peace, but he didn‟t understand me and told me that I had to obedience all the policy in my house like present him my friends and to be more focus when he talk to me, I was angry and I called to my mom for support but she add more things like she didn‟t have a control of me and that was the main problem, they said that they weren‟t going to provide me money and I have to go up to the public transportation to go to my courses, after that I had to review and order my ideas, I had to apply another strategic, that I had to create and design in that moment, I went to the next level of my house take a pen and I wrote a letter for my apologize to them, then I received a kiss from them. Ana barbara Arguello Marin A01170848 VOCABULARY! 20 WORDS IN 6 SENTENCES The last month the administration of my school told me that I had to address in my grades because I needed to add best notes but at the end of the year I not did it and I went to another school, one that own a good level of education and in my first day I received the main policy, I cannot wear shorts, then I met my new friends, I will tell you a little description of them, They are good persons and so cool, in order they present me with the other guys , support me in my courses and show me all the public areas and the site of the lockers, The school staff provides our books and have a coffee service, This is a new experience for me.

Daniela Ramirez MICROFICTION: "Falling Petals" It was a cold night in a little town where the last small house was completely quiet because the lit tle girl was sleeping next to a beautiful rose. The petals were falling down and sounded like tears so it woke the little girl up. She was worried about it, she didn't know why that flower was there, but when she saw it she started to feel sad. She took the rose and looked at it. She really wanted to stop the falling petals. She looked for a glass of water and put the flower inside of it hoping it could stop the petals. The girl put the rose into the glass. Suddenly, the petals stopped falling down because it only needed a little bit of love from someone. The little girl thought maybe "love" was the thing that the rose needed to be happy, just like people. She decided to give her love to all the people that could need love to be happy. So she was always nice and smiley with all the people, she was very loving and she was always caring about people. People that knew that girl started to do the same as she did, to be loving so everybody can have a good day, just like that little girl that was worried and sad about the falling petals of a rose. MINI-SAGA Reincarnation is true: we have all had past lives. A woman felt the need to go to the bathroom. A man preferred to go to the movies. The woman was working and she didn't know where the bathroom was. The man found his friends at the movies. He was poor so he can't buy the pizza. She had a passion to be a painter. EXPERIENCE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE I was in Junior High, my second year. My best friend and I were inseparable, her name is Alison. We had a different SCHEDULE but we were still very close. She was always AVAILABLE for me when I needed her and I always SUPPORTED her, until she met her boyfriend. I never liked him because he was always CONTROLLING her and when time passed by he CREATED on Alison a new different person who FOCUSED only on the bad side of everything. We fought and then we stopped talking. Now that I have the OPORTUNITY to say that I regret about this EVENT and not being there for my friend after we fought I think I became a better friend and I will be there for my friends. I wish I could APPROACH to Alison. HOMEWORK 1 :) I'm excited about going back to school since this year I have the whole access to create new experiences with my friends in the administration area. There is a new available field that is in another section of the school, where you can relax but I think the main is to be focused in your schedule and your classes. The developed request about math level was very good, but I need to add that I degree with some politics about the design of the school.

Julia Velázquez Miranda MICROFICTION That lonely afternoon, on the street, there was a pretty young woman who liked to ride her beautiful bicycle every day. The young woman was riding her bicycle when she noticed that the bicycle had a flat tire. She was so tired, that she couldn‟t walk anymore, and she didn‟t want to fix the tire. So, she decided to go to the next coffee shop and asked for a latte, but when she turned back, she saw that someone was stealing her bike. She left the coffee and started to run behind the person who stole the bike. She ran very fast and she got him with the bicycle. She saw the burglar‟s face and recognized him immediately. She took her bike exalted, and asked him: What are you doing!? Didn‟t you see that the bike had a flat tire. How can you steal it like that? She didn‟t know from where she knew him. He told her that he didn‟t know that it was her bike. And she thought: oh well! I don‟t really know who you are, but you are not so good stealing bikes. She told him: If you are going to steal something, at least check that it is in good condition. The boy confused, took his backpack and ran away from this pretty young woman. She thought that the better way to treat problems, is by talking. MINI-SAGA Some people can see the future. A man aspired to be the richest man in the world, a woman had a passion for the diamonds. The man tried to meet famous people, but he can't, the woman went to a school of music where she was famous for her voice. He failed all his classes, she can't have kids. It was a prediction of my grandmother. CHALLENGE 2 The damage was already done.. That afternoon I got home to eat with my mother because my brother weren‟t at the house. We talked during the meal and my mom told me that Sam, the fish of my brother, died in the morning. My mom asked me to aid her because she didn‟t want my brother found out the event of that day. So we went to the pet shop approaching the opportunity that my brother would arrive at the home in the night. We selected the fish most similar to Sam and we bought the new fish. We leave it in the same fishbowl of the past fish, hoping that he wouldn‟t realize that the fish wasn‟t Sam. When my brother arrived to the home, he realized that it wasn‟t Sam and he got sad because we didn‟t tell him that Sam died that morning. WHAT I’VE LEARNED FROM TRAVELING The past summer I learned things that helped me to grow up more. The first time that I traveled alone was to Paris, France. I went alone because I like to walk alone and decide by myself where to go, but I didn't have experience and I started on this trip to organize my days and the places that I wanted to go. The first week in Paris I decided to go to the Jardin de Luxembourg but I didn't ask for the address of the garden and I got lost. I didn't want to ask someone because the French people are so serious and I was ashamed to ask in French, so I walked about an hour just for not asking. I learned to have with me always a map and to ask for help if I needed to and also I could practice my French.

Mariana Molinar Zenteno MICROFICTION: Elena's Ring It was a normal morning in the official school of Manhattan, the elite way school, Elena saw carefully the ring of her boyfriend Damon. Damon didn‟t burn exposed to the sun, with the ring, despite he‟s a vampire. Elena was amazed with the ring; she didn‟t know how the ring does that. Elena wanted to know what was happening with the ring, and she would argue against Damon to know. Elena asked the other vampires how the ring protects Damon. Elena took Damon‟s ring to examine it, and know what the ring had. Elena put the ring to know if it was really enchanted. Damon turns Elena into a vampire so she can understand what the powers of the ring were. Elena understands the power of the ring, and what is being a vampire. Elena was repented of being a vampire and to try all the time to know the truth. Elena understands that the power of the ring was that she has to be with Damon for all the life. AN EXPERIENCE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE A perfect time for myself at the Riviera Maya. My vacations at the Riviera Maya were a great experience. I went with my family; one day we took the decision of going to Playa del Carmen, all our friends told us it was a great idea so we finally launched the adventure. When we arrived to Playa del Carmen we got really disappointed. It was awful, thought it would be cooler; with more places to have fun and stuff but there wasn‟t cool thing at all. After all, the next day we went to Cancun. It was definitely not the same as Playa del Carmen. Now this is Cancun, a perfect place to have a perfect holiday. We went shopping at the “La Isla” mall. We had a lot of fun at the hotel, it was enormous and beautiful, the beach wasn‟t great but we saw a lot of little fishes. The second week I saw my best friend and her cousins. I really miss her a lot but now, I feel much better. It doesn‟t matter where we are now, we can still talk to each other. After going to The Riviera Maya I went with my father to Merida. We never made a trip like that before, as the two of us alone. That showed me that I really need to be more polite with my family; I should start sharing more moments with my dad. He is a great guy and I really appreciate him… is just that, sometimes, I don‟t know how to get to him. Maybe cause‟ he works a lot. Well, he took me shopping and treated me like his little girl, like never before. I felt really cool sharing that moment with my dad, specially because he made me feel a kind of spoiled. The last day of the trip to Merida we went to a known restaurant of the place –nearby- it‟s a kind of small but they have delicious sea food. The trip was short but I`ll never forget about it. It made me feel alive, feel more new experiences that I never imagined I would ever have. I realize that it doesn‟t matter where you are; the little things of life are the ones that make you smile. A CHRISTMAS PROBLEM Christmas the more requested holiday, it‟s all about family, friends, and love but no to Lily and Erik. Lily was focus on the wedding with his new husband, and give Erik any support in his disease. On Christmas Eve Erik create a plan to separate her mom of his new husband. Lily discovers his plan and punishes Erik; their relationship never was good. Erik scream to his mom: “you don‟t have the right to punish me, you don‟t pay me any attention”. Lily was shocked she found that was true. Christmas pass and they had a better relationship, Lily support Erik and Erik receive Lily‟s husband like a new father. THE NEW Long time ago in a field area of difficult access, Elena was focus on the main idea. She was the new vampire, added in the only available section of administration and development, for the battle process. She receive a schedule designed by the most experienced vampire. The vampire was creating an army related on the blood degree. The most request level was the final work, killing more humans. To be continued…

MINI-SAGA Horoscopes provide useful information about future events. A woman spoiled for being a queen. A man craved an apartment. The woman kissed a frog. The man learned at home. She was killed by the car agency lady. He cheated on his wife and he had another family.

Miguel Sansebastian MICROFICTION A long time ago, in an old town, a poor little boy, who had an impossible dream found a small bag. Coming to his house, he started to look for something inside the bag. When he was looking inside the bag, he discovered that the bag was magic and it could give him a lot of money. He thought of a good idea, he could use all the money for his own benefit and did not say anything to his parents. After that he started to buy all the things that he liked. Then his dad found all the new things that his child bought and asked him what happened and he did not say a word. The bag had written on the back a message and the boy understood why it was magic. The boy decided to tell all the truth to his dad and both used the money to help other people. The little boy talked to his parents about what they would do in the future with the bag. Both of them took a decision and it was to donate the bag to the poor people. Then all of the family received excellent news and all their lives changed and they became rich. MINI-SAGA Some people can see the future. This is something real because some people have dreams call déjà vu. A déjà vu is when you dream about some things that will pass in the future. A man had ambition to be a winner. A woman missed his old life. The woman was working and she did not know where the bathroom was. The man found his friends at the movies. He began to sleep in his job. The woman lost all her money and die for hungry. AN EXPERIENCE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE An experience that changed my life was in a hotel in Cancun because all of the family was in the restaurant eating breakfast, and then my sister asked my dad if he could give her the key to enter the room, and my dad said yes. And later everyone of us was looking for my sister because my dad forgot that he gave her the key. After that I went to the hotel room and I found my sister. When we returned to our home I started to take more care of my sister. CONFRONTATION One day, a mother and her son were having a discussion, because both of them had a very big problem of communication. Then, the son asked to his mother if he can go outside but the mom said that they could not do it because he always go outside, but the son said, I suggest that you be patient and let me go. The mom said: Ok but I suggest that you control time to leave the house. The son said: Yes mum, and I am sorry for make this discussion

Emily Sangeado Rosales MINI-SAGA Horoscopes provide useful information about future events, a woman desired to study Chinese, the woman went to the car agency, she met a new man in the trajectory. What I'm talking about is that the horoscopes give you some ideas and in some way your subconscious made that to come true so the way the horoscopes works is it make subconscious believe that but is not true. A LESSON LEARNED A few weeks ago some of my friends invited me to go to Classico, I was so excited about the idea and I went to ask my parents if they would give me the permission to go. At the moment I asked my parents they told me that they prefer to wait because I'm too little and young to go to that places, besides they don't believe the police would let me enter, after everything I tried the last word they told me was NO! I was so angry with them and all my friends were so sad because they wanted me to be there with them, so I told them that maybe in other occasion, after that they went and the next day they called me to tell me everything and then I heard all the bad things that happened, the police went to the place and take out everyone from Classico. In that moment I understand the reason why my parents didn't let me go. My lesson of life is. Obey and understand my parents, since that moment I became an empathic person with parents. VOCABULARY 1 & 2 Panchito is a boy that is going to change him house to a new community, I know him because he always is supporting me, He is a good friend. Panchito used to go to a course to develop his potential create new ways to save money, his main idea was start in a small place but after a little while his schedule started to add new clients all related with old clients so he received a lot of work and his degree of small place changed, he saved a lot of money and his new house is an example of his hard work. I believe that place was a big expenditure of his currency, maybe if I had a better administration on my money I would have my own and not public home with all the services I could ask for and also in a great site. His new address is better than the old one because the old one could not be found by a GPS and at the present the GPS help us a lot. His house has a beautiful view, but the new place has his own policy like you can be provided with water by the staff only if you order it on time and that only apply with the people who have a specific card. Another plus is that the security is fine because not all the people is available to access to the area and you have to give your name so you can get in, are cameras on all the field those are designed to focus in every section of the area and every hour theme review all the levels, I really enjoy that experience and I hope to find a place like that on the future.

Sai Grajales MICROFICTION (Plus): The Broken Hero and the Don't-Forget-Me Flower When the sun light was already gone with the moon nowhere to be seen, the hero scrutinized fiercely around into the forest, keeping his face hidden with a long piece of cloth, holding an unknown object against his chest. His fingertips were hurting for the force of his grab, and his entire body kept trembling for the cold feeling of the wind hitting him from the front. Shivers went though his spine while the shadows got bigger, just as his fear, but he kept walking quietly, his sad eyes and brown locks been the only visible part of his head and face. As his home became too far to see, a scream started to surge from his soul, but he didn‟t let it go, he fought the desperation that was shown in his dark eyes; he had to resist. He was sure that he had chosen the right path, but it didn‟t make easier the fact that he had turned his back to his own people and beloved ones to do what he had to. It hurt so badly. He pulled apart his thoughts and started to look for the way to his destination, the darkness making his intentions harder. When he didn‟t find it, he narrowed his eyes, starting to get frustrated. With one hand, he looked for a signal of the way wildly, scratching his skin. When he found the sign, he sighed in relief and began to walk once more time, locking his fear deep inside. He walked for days, losing the sense of time, just advancing forward, everything turning in a confuse dream, falling asleep when his legs couldn‟t take it anymore, dropping him in the ground, and waking when the soft sound of a “don‟t forget me” came from the form draped into his arms. He was terribly weak when he finally arrived in front of those gates he had only heard about; suddenly the gates were somehow opened and he stared the long place, which only had a little lake in the middle. He went to the center, nervous, and get to his knees, placing his treasure in the ground; when he put aside the dirty clothes that were involving it, a sphere with a flower inside was revealed. He stared at it while caressing it with his fingertips, then a voice came from the sphere, “Don‟t forget me” it said, he closed his eyed in sorrow, and answered in a whisper “Never”. He looked at the sphere as it started to fly, above the water, before falling in the lake. Suddenly, a woman merged from the water, and stared at him with a sad smile. She approached to him, until their foreheads were touching and their breath trembling. There was a lot to be said, but the both of them remained in that blessed silence, full of desperation, sorrow, forgiveness and love; an obsessive and intense love. As they stared into each other eyes, the night of that day came, as did another, and the soul of the hero, stayed there, keeping the don‟t-forget-me flower alive, forever. SHADOW HATES LIGHT Shadow hated darkness. It felt like home, and that was so wrong. He couldn't choose how to feel about it, those feelings were just there, interposing to his free will. Shadow felt jealous of light, hated her and despised her. Though sometimes, he also loved her. Right now, he was feeling sympathy for her; just like him, she was not allowed to choose. And he saw her, in the darkness, dancing in the luminosity. He will always be hiding, but at the sight. A very known secret. While she was recognized and loved by everyone, being adored, admired... When in his staring, she gave back a look, he couldn't do more than hate her because the both of them were the same, faces of the same coin. God, it was so painful to look at himself reflected in her. She smiled sadly, but shadow knew that it was a false smile, a false sadness because his own hatred was a fake. MINI-SAGA Great jobs that left people unsatisfied, and don't prevent personal tragedies are everywhere. A man ached to be a doctor. A woman felt the need to be a teacher. He bought the newspaper and she went to the university. He was disgusted with his job. She was abandoned by his husband, who went with another girl. Dreams, dissolving in front of your eyes, and happiness, escaping between your fingers.

CHALLENGE 2: THE MISTAKE The damage was already done. There was no POINT in trying to make up the mistake, but the MAJOR problem was that even if is it was useless, I wanted to do so. I CONTINUED trying hard, again and again. The ball was a bonus AID, or perhaps it wasn't, because she wouldn't let me APPROACH her at all in the EVENT. But I looked for an OPPORTUNITY and got one after, at the ball's end. All my PREVIOUS courage disappeared and the only thing that I was able to say was a pitiful, "I'm sorry," and when she left the LOCATION after sending me a glare with the full of RANGE, hurt and hatred...I knew that no one INDIVIDUAL in there deserved such a glare more than me. Wasn't it bad enough the fact that I was still in love with her? : ) SPECIAL MOMENTS There are special moments in a person's life when she or he realize that while she/he is the protagonist in her/his own life, there are people in the world suffering, dreaming and enjoying too. One of those moments came to me when I was 10 years old and starting to "suffer" the adolescence. It was my last class with my teacher Esperanzita, and she had asked us to bring the most important things of our childhood. While everyone was narrating the stories behind shoes, balls, toys and pictures, I was able to see the human (the kid) behind the mask and I couldn't help it; I felt so identified. In conclusion, being able to see the person under the mask is a great gain that make you more emphatic and gentler, a better person. CONFRONTATION: MASTER vs. APPRENTICE One morning a fine lad called Arthur decide to apply as the apprentice of the current greatest wizard of his community and maybe even the world; Merlin. When he went to the closest administration area of the super castle of Camelot, he notice that the staff were formed by the strangest creatures that he ever seen. After they provided him his lessons schedule, he found out that such experience had been add to his black list of nightmareâ€&#x;s material. The following day, the young man was requested by his Master in a weird room with the craziest design. That was the first class of the many that Arthur received. After 10 years, the both of them were as powerful as the other and Arthur became the king of Camelot, that his apprentice hold such power and control over Camelot made Merlin jealous, and because that he created an army against the king, who in the final battle won and put Merlin in the white tower until his death.

Paola Mayor MICROFICTION: The Magic Plant In the morning, a pretty girl wanted to have a beautiful garden. The girl called Paola, started to imagine what type of flowers she wanted in her garden. Paola was very excited with the idea, so she bought different plants. She started to plant a lot of different flowers. The girl took care of the plants. She singing and watering everyday for her garden. But one of those plants didn't give a flower. After weeks, the plant still without giving a flower. Paola was worry about that, she didn't know what to do. Paola looked for a lot of solutions, but the plant didn't give a flower. One day a lady told her that the plant was magic, It never give a flower in weeks, because the plant need more time. She had to be patient. Paola took care of all the garden, but she gave special attention to the magic plant. Because she knew one day the plant will be something awesome. Finally, one day the plant started to shake. First It was a strange noise, but then the plant turn to a beautiful baby. Paola was surprised, and also pretty happy. That day changed her life. MINI-SAGA A golden key can open any door. A man called for the police. A woman aspired to be the best chef. The man started looking for a job. The woman began to produce her own shoes. He bought a great apartment in L.A. She only achieved becoming a princess. VACATION OR EXPERIENCE :) When I was in junior high school, I never used to study for the exams, because I was really good in the school. I had excellent grades without study. So, when I started in Tec's high school, I used to do all my homework; but for the first partial, I didn't study :( because I didn't do it in junior high school. The consequences about not study, were too bad.... I felt 2 subjects: math and English, I had 64 in both. I was really confused and sad, because I never felt in all my life. But this accident changed my life because since that I started to study for all partials, and also interpartials. Now I have good grades, I pass all my subjects with 90 or something like that. The last semester I had 90 for my final grade, and I hope I still with that grade. CONFRONTATION Once upon a time, It were a father and his daughter. They had a lot of problems of communication. The father always said: "I suggest you FOCUS on your homework". Then the daughter said: "I suggest you GO to another AREA" They were DEVELOPING a bad relation father-daughter. With the time, they think about their problems. They are trying to fix it and CREATE the best relation father-daughter ever.

Andrea Cisneros Monzon MICROFICTION: Cinderella Girl Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl who studied in a lovely school and she was very happy from the outside but in the inside there was one thing that she didn't has, a person to love and who show her love. One day in school, she was a little sad because of her score in math, but then, like magic appear a wonderful publicity for Halloween: "Monster Party", so she get dressed and look gorgeous. she seems like a princess and unexpectedly in the middle of the dance floor, next to her, show up a handsome guy, just as she were dreaming all the life, so they looked each other and at that moment they knew they will live happy together forever. MINI-SAGA Every person has the potential to be evil. This is something real because all the people can decide to do things right or to do things bad. The decisions you take in life are going to be part of your past, present and future, so it is better you decide well. A woman had ambition to be a supermodel. A man was angry all his life. The woman was at home and she understand that she wants to be mom. The man found his old girlfriend in Paris. He began to have fun. The woman won a lot of money and lived happy for ever. HMWK 2 Two years ago my grandmother suffered a stroke and was a very unpleasant experience, you don't know what it feels until you live it. However you realize how important is to be well with your family, enjoying every moment as if it were the last. From that moment I show the love I have for all my friends and family and I live happy. HOMEWORK #1 Today I am going to create my own experience at field, because I am going to receive a community not only with an excellent degree moreover, focus with some policy that is going to provide us such a good service. The site has many sections available to the access of the guests so it is consider a public area. The administration has a schedule design to develop and support the process of adds people of many ages. At present in order to control the level of the course of capacitating of the staff we have to apply a review to the request that we found. The main idea of the current description is related with the point of view of the managers whose are going to give us their address.

Hugo Enrique Méndez MICROFICTION Teo was in the kitchen Tuesday night in the kitchen thinking about an event that had been happening. He discovered that the sweater that always wear give him lucky, He was really happy about the sweater. Teo begin to think how the sweater began to be so especial. Teo could not wait and started making a list of the things that he did when he was wearing the sweater. But he did not find something interesting. Theo started wearing the sweater for weeks and weeks until it is off because her mom was going to wash it. His mother saw that the sweater was ugly and dirty so she gave to the poor. And she bought another sweater almost identical for his son would not notice. He realized that his sweater was not the same, but two days later. So Teo understood that things do not give lucky, The fate depends on the security that the person has. So he started to dress and act normal otherwise surely see MINI-SAGA Many people do whatever for feel comfortable. A man had wanted to go to the bathroom. A women preferred a super car. The man felt so relaxed. The woman stole a car. He started to feel a void. She was imprisoned. To feel comfortable or relaxed we just have to do the right things. EXPERIENCE The previous week, I went with a friend to doo extreme sports. First we review the materials and support staff for enjoy the risk. We receive a message of another friend telling that was another better place for extreme sports. Everything was so cool the location was in another level of risk. Then like always something came bad, my friend felt and broke his leg. Now we just take ways that we already take.

Gabriela Zentella MICROFICTION: The Wonderful Rose A windy noon in an old street near the park, a young woman walks fast to get home with a rose in her hand. She puts the rose into a glass of water in front of her bed. When she looked at beautiful rose she smile because a boy had giving it to her at a cafeteria. The day before the dance a friend had told her that she needed to invite someone to the dance, because she could not go without a partner. That notice had made she had been sad all the morning. When the class over, she had decided she wouldn‟t go to the dance. Instead she went to a cafeteria to think what she going to do. When she were there sad a boy appeared with a rose. The boy explained her that he had sawn her really sad. So he gave her a rose saying “A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl.” She thinks that was the best day of her life and then fell asleep. CONFRONTATION My mother and I have several fights all the time. Like the other day when I comeback from the schools with a lot of homework and tiered. My mother demands that I need to clean my bedroom. I got angry said “It‟s my bedroom, leave me alone”. She suggested that I be grounded for month. And now I finished with a lot of homework, grounded and I can‟t go to my best friend's party. MINI-SAGA Every person has the potential to be evil. A man desired to have his own business. A woman had ambitions to be a mother. The man went to the economics university. The woman bought $3000 dollars of diamonds. He was going to the theater and was murdered. She was working at Victoria´s Secret and was fired.

Monserrat Buentello Malpica MICROFICTION Once upon a time in 1993 there was a girl called Scarlett. She used to play with a stuffed animal which was Pegaso. One day she told him that she wanted to have a blue prince. So Pegaso told her: “If you want a blue prince you should kiss me.” When Scarlett heard that she was shocked, she could not believe that Pegaso talked to her. She took a couple minutes to think what to do. And Pegaso told her: hurry up or you won‟t have your prince. So she took Pegaso quickly and gave him a kiss. Then magically Pegaso turned to a handsome prince. She was so happy to finally get her prince. The prince was so in love with her, so he asked her to marry him. MINI-SAGA A man aspired to be famous. A woman preferred to buy a car. The woman went to Disneyworld. The man went to see apartments in rent and buy. She went to china. He became a chef in Paris. AN IMPORTANT LESSON :) An important lesson of life was to obey my mom. One day my family and I took a trip from Mexico City to Houston. I was like 12 years old and I took my cell phone with me. When we got in the plane my mom told me to give her mu cell phone, because she wanted to put it on her purse, I did not give it to her because I wanted to play during the flight. When we arrived to Houston and get off the plane, we were on the Customs and I looked for my cell phone I had lost it. When I told my mom, she punished me and she said: "I told you". Since that day I learned to obey my mom and do what she says. CONFRONTATION (: A long time ago, there was a man named David. He was a student teenager, but he used to have lots of problems with her mom. She wanted him to be a good student and be focus on the administration of his school schedule. They never used to talk to each other, and when they do the just fight. Their conflict was so big that he never let her access to him room, and when she tried to do so, he always shouted her: GO TO YOUR OWN ROOM. All the community knew about that problem, but no one did anything to try to fix it. One day the mom tried to make order because she received a letter of his son's school, and it said that he has failed his French level class, so she add more house rules. As he did not want to keep obeying the orders he decided to leave the house. So he moved to a guesthouse which was available for him.

Amaranta Miranda Bellato MICROFICTION: A Weird Canderella Story. Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a young girl named Canderella. She was washing a tap and preparing the clothes of her step sisters. Canderella threw away the clothes because she was angry with her stepsisters and stepmother, all of them hate her. They bother her a lot! Canderella was excited for the dance, her step sisters don't know that she is going! The next day, the day before the dance, Canderella was excited because she was going to the dance, her friends, the butterflies and her fairy godmother help her to do the best dress ever. Canderella has only one condition, she needs to be on time, at 12.00 o'clock the spell will be broken. At the dance she met her almost perfect prince, he was the perfect man for her, just in the way she looks and she wanted in a guy. They seen each other, he was short, thin, with brown her and purple eyes. He was kind of weird, and a little ugly, but somehow all the girls wanted to be with the prince. Is almost 12.00 o'clock! Canderella ran away from the arms of the prince, and she left a shoe in the stairs. The next day the land was extremely rare. The ugly prince did everything to find his half soul. A wizard put the shoe on the stepsisters foots but it didn't work, they didn't know that she went to the dance so she passed through the hall and a man invited her to the place. The shoe was from Canderella, the ugly prince fall for her, and the stepsisters and stepmother were angry because all of them wanted to be with him, he prefer to be with a town girl. They live happily for 3 more years, had 3 kids and suddenly... She crashed with a tree and died. FINISH... LESSON OF LIFE I'm sure that everyone has a lesson of life. Everyone has been trough to some important and significant strong things in life. Things that changed you. I have got a lesson of life a few years ago. When many members of my family started to die, I mean... just passed away. Since that age to nowadays I began to being closer to them, to my family. I learned that they are not going to be always there, or maybe the time that they were there you just never appreciate them enough. Even your parents are going to be there someday, we usually avoid that fact, because we just think it impossible. However since then I changed my self. I mean; now I am closer to them, I take care of them, I get worried of what do they have and I am beginning to express my love to them. When I say "them" I mean every member of my family. P.S. Mr. Brown! I thought that we were going to post it! Emily told me a few minutes ago that the others gave this hmwk to you yesterday! I didn't listen that! And I was at the classroom with all of you. I really did it before. PROMISE! JEAN JAQUE JULES JULLIARD The access to the heart of Jean Jacque J.J is protected by a strong weird woman, who suffers from a strange sickness. I believe that each person have to create something for themselves, each person needs to do something, not just being one more face in the whole world. The large and colorful fields from some towns in Europe are a big source of inspiration to many good writers. Many years ago, in a fifteen girl's birthday; a hometown girl receive a letter from a wolf, a tiny and curious wolf, the letter tried to explain her how that year was going to be. A dwarf added to the letter that she needed to be so patient and that she needs to be attend for every step that the letter says. I believe that we can fly, if we stay focused on the things that we want, we are going to go so far away. The imagination doesn't have limits, as long as your heart does. The attitude of everyone in everyplace is connected to the way that your parents are with you at home. The administration of the dance school is planning to cancel the classes, whereas the normal school will be open every day. The consequence of that case, is that some students has sent a request to the school, demanding them to open the dance school again.

MINI-SAGA The universe is getting worse; make a wave. A man wanted to be a dancer. A woman hankered to be recognized in Political Sciences. The man went to Europe. The woman entered a language school. He needed money to fix his crunch car. She wanted to drink alcohol because she passed the test. This kind of things are making a world kind of dangerous. Make it happen and change it. If you are dreaming for something, go for it.

Sonny Michelle MICROFICTION Once upon a time in a tiny and pretty house, in the middle of the forest, there was a little princess called "the woods princess." She was the owner of all the woods in the world. She was able to talk with the animals, the trees, and mostly she loved to talk with the mountain., but why?. Because the mountains where wise, and understood everything she wants to talk. But one normal day she started to have some problems, normal humans wanted to burn all the woods. She was really worried, so she decided to talk with the mountain, and it told her to talk to all the animals. All of them gave her their support, and they were able to save all the wood´s. Humans understood that they were an important part of the world. And she was happy for the rest of her girls. MICROFICTION Since the first day she took the decision, he was the man she would marry; she took the cutest dress she have ever seen. She prove it on, it was amazing how completely it favored her body, it appeared to have been made for her. She start walking toward the man of her life, with that dress that she was sure it would surprise him. He was handsome, young, everything a girl wanted. He had been watching her since she walk in the living room, he have never been in love in that way, he was sure she was the one, all he wanted was to be with her forever. He stood in front of her, smiling, looking everything she did. Then he ask her in a low voice, “would you marry me?”. Even though she knew he was going to ask her to marry him, she was still surprise. She looked him in the eyes and said “yes! I would marry you”. He kissed her and told her she was the most special person in his life, and she kissed him. When someone have a true felling, he would do whatever was necessary to make it happen. MINI-SAGA A man aspired to buy a bicycle, a woman wished to be a chef, the man jumped from a tree, the woman went to the pet shop, he was happy because he got a woman, she was death because she didn´t wanted to be married. CONFRONTATION Once upon a time there was a princess called Jessy, she lived in the lonely room in the castle, because she was very naughty. Her mother told her it was the best room, but the truth was that she didn‟t wanted Jessy to meet someone, because she was like her little princess, until one day she said she was tired of been so far, so she escaped from the castle. Then she meet someone called Andres, he was a middle class boy, nut she didn´t care, at first her parents didn´t agree, but her love was so big that they accept it. WHEN I TRAVEL! :) Traveling is something, that change your life. Is something that gives you access to many different places, it help you to learn history, culture, and also to have fun! When I travel, I feel like another person, a new person that its living a new life, completely different than the one she really have! :) STORY WITH 6 SENTENCES Once upon a time, there was a girl called Merry. She was used to be a lonely girl, until her 7th birthday. That day she met lot of friends. She was really happy because of that. Because she played all day long. And from that day to now, she was never left beside.

Luz Elena MICROFICTION: "The Mysterious Necklace" Matías was in the garden of his girlfriend‟s house Saturday night waiting for her with a necklace. Suddenly, the necklace begin to move in his hand and to be really hot. He was really angry because the necklace burned his hand. Matías begin to think about the possibility that the necklace had something special and he wanted to know what was that. Matías couldn‟t wait and run toward the store where he bought the necklace and before come in he saw that it was an antiques store. He went with the old man who gave to Matías the necklace and asked him the story of the mysterious necklace. Matías became very nervous and confused because the old man said to him that the necklace was charmed; he couldn‟t believe it. Matías believed the old man because never in his life he had seen or heard about a necklace who burn things. The old man didn‟t say to him anything else; therefore, Matías remained in doubt and he proponed to him that he would research about the collar. Matías went running to his house and began to investigate in Internet about charmed necklaces. He understood that things happened for a reason and that the necklace always choose a good person who‟ll take care about it until he die; thus, he concluded that if he loved and took care of the necklace, there‟ll not be any problem again. MINI-SAGA It's so true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it. A man chose to be hated. A woman preferred to be a doctor than to be a nurse. The man went to Germany for take his multimedia class. The woman called her husband. He was killed by his patient. She became a teacher and after a headmaster. It's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. A LESSON LEARNED Each spring vacation, I go to France to visit my family, but when I go there, I always go with my sister and my mom... But this time I went ALONE. It was such an experience! I mean, I always had to be acutely aware of myself because if I wasn't, no one would do it for me... I always had to be alert and vigilant about the times of my flights or about the notices given in the airport. I stressed out and worried a lot about all this because I was alone, which made it hard to take care of myself. Sometimes I felt very lonely and I missed my sister because we are always together and supportive of each other, it was strange to me to travel without her. She didn't go to France this time because she was going to Miami. But then when I finally arrived home, it all came back to normal, no need to feel alone. From all this, I learned that you always have to value (valor) your family, give thanks to God everyday for giving us a family that loves and supports us always. Because as the saying goes, you never know what you have until you lose it. CHALLENGE 2 I remember when I was studying my career and I really wanted to have a masters degree; therefore, I always was submitting my homework one day before the day it was due in order to do well. I had the opportunity to study in Paris and that was a dream come true for me because I liked to be an individual, indeed I could be member of a society to help poor people and that excited me. There was a French series that I loved and I truly enjoyed everything that had to do with France. What I loved the most is that there's a lot of events that help support people who don't have a lot of money to live off and these events help them to continue living healthy. I think that this event is really a good thing do because we have to learn how to approach all people of our society and not to always make life about just us.

AN EXPERIENCE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE A couple years ago, something happened that changed my life and has played a big part in my life till this day. I have always lived with my mom and my sister; my dad moved to France for better work and had to sacrifice not seeing us in order to take care of us. A similar experience happen to me when I moved to Tuxtla, Gutierrez to study. I had to leave my mom and my sister back home in San Cristobal. I thought it was going to be easy for me to be on my own, but as time went by, I realized how much I depended on my family. I spent a lot of days and nights by myself, the only way I could talk with my family was by phone or internet. It still wasn't enough to fill the hole in my life. As more time went by memories came into my head that kept me happy when I was alone. The time when my family and I would go to dinners, go the movies and watch TV at home on rainy days. Not to mention the family lunches we would have on Sundays! With this experience I learned to be independent, to take care of myself and do things on my own, even when I was use to my mom doing everything for me. You can almost say I matured and grew as an individual. I am now doing things that most kids my age won‟t learn or go through for another couple years. I will always have this experience to teach me the meaning of family and the meaning of having people that love you, in your life. Even though my family and I are apart, the love that they showed me growing up, I will carry with me in my heart wherever I go. CONFRONTATION Son, I suggest that you get work on your studies and make sure and provide me with any questions you might have. I insist that you support your ideas on your work and once you are finished view the questions over again. Mom I don´t want to do any work right now, I just got a friend request to access a private chat room. Son that can wait, if you want to do well in school, you have to get your things in order and I promise that I will suppose you in any area I have experience in. Okay mom, but please let me focus, I don´t want to feel pressured with you in the room, I need to do this on my own. I will leave the room but promise me you won´t be on that site when I get back because you won´t be able to focus. "MY FUTURE" I had around the clock access to the library and all the available times for computer design class to further develop my area of study. I couldn´t ask for much more when it came to getting my degree, I was creative, which meant I could create things at my will. Furthermore receive many related minors to the field of experience I was most focused on. The administration was all over me, telling me I wasn´t good enough or that receiving my degree wasn´t going to be as easy as adding or subtracting. I knew this was going to be a hard process and it requested careful scheduling and class selection that related to my main level of my degree. I was going to make it, with or without their help and I had every study section reserved to prove it.

Brenda Martinez MICROFICTION In 1970, in October, in a forest a little girl started to talk with a common rock. Then the rock started to talk also. The girl was shocked, and she couldn't speak, then she started to think what were happening? The rock saw that, so tell her that the forest was magic. The little girl couldn't believe it and took the rock to her house. The little girl and the rock talked all night and the girl promised to protect the forest. The rock was now little girl's best friend. The girl cleaned garbage the forest and asked the people not to throw garbage. The rock was very happy and proposed something better. The girl and all her friends started to plant trees. All the village understood the important of taking care about Nature MINI-SAGA Aliens have visited the earth and kidnapped some people. A man needed to live alone. A women fancied having thousands of shoes. The man preferred to eat pizza. The woman moved to another country. He remembered that he was a police officer. She forgot the way to the school. That's because the aliens love to make the people become rare! A LESSON LEARNED I'm a girl that has everything a lovely family, a home, happiness, friends a cell phone and the economic resources to study in an excellent high school. In y life, my parents do all they can to make my life easy. Sometimes they limit unnecessary things like a pair of pink headphones, and it's ok because I'm not always going to has the opportunities I have and when I visited a little village in Oaxaca, where my dad's family was born, I understood. My cousins are poor. Well, they have only what's really necessary. They are 9 siblings and they are very smart, but they don't attend the school. The big sister takes care all her brothers and sisters because my uncle has some problems and my aunt doesn't take responsibility about her siblings, it's very sad. My dad told me that these kids maybe are going to learn the lesson and be better people that make the best for reaching all they want. Or maybe they are going to have troubles or the same problems that their parents have. So all my old clothes and that of my brother's clothes that were too small for us, we gave them. Now I know that is not always rainbows and butterflies, you have to do your best to get what you want. "Everything has a prize; you only have to win it" (: 6 SENTENCES Daughter: Dad, Can I ask you a question? Yes? Ok! Dad: I didn't say yes, but ok tell me. Daughter: Well suppose, the police has an ORDER that says I need go with the judge for something RELATED with public disorder, Do you going to help me? of course, suppose it. Dad: Suppose you be alone. What you going to do? Daughter: Ammm... I guess I be in a PROCESS and I'll have a bad EXPERIENCE about it. Dad: Yes, and you RECIVE a document saying you need to do a COMMUNITY SERVICE. Daughter: Uff! I suppose I need to pay.


Advanced English 3 Lucina Gordillo MICROFICTION Adriana is a girl that lives in LA. Her life will change very soon. She will realize of the things that are important in life. Adriana is having a new experience in a different world. She feels very stressed out with all the working thing. She is a very pretty girl. She is tall and thin. She has white skin and dark hair. But she is starting to think she is fat because of her boss. She is starting to make more exercise. But she is getting tired to. Her stress is very high. She wants to be a top model. So, she wants to make everything to make this possible. She will try harder to please her boss. But she is starting to think this is not for her because her dream wasn‟t to be under pressure. She decided to get back home and enjoy her family. She feels a little bit sad but she knows is the best for her. She is really happy to see her mom and to hold her in her arms. With this she learned that the main thing in life is family and friend. She knows there is always going to be the chance to be a model but in the future. Her new purpose is to study, to have a career and then make her dream possible. Now she is going to enjoy her adolescence surrounded by family and friends. MINI-SAGA NO PAIN NO GAIN.. A woman had a great surprise. The woman got a call from a friend. I think the friend probably was a film director. She got a few auditions. And she started her actress career. Years later she won an Oscar. VOCABULARY In two weeks we will have our first partial exams. We should start designing our schedules to organize our time better. Schedules are available for everyone and easy to do. As a result we will have a great level of study to have excellent notes. Our work in the “evaluation week” is to focus on studying and learning everything. Concentration is related 100% with having great results with studying.

Francisco Fdo. Macías MICROFICTION About one month ago, in a nice bar, in Austria, a man asked for a tequila. The barman came and gave it to him saying, here´s your tequila shot. The guy drank it, spat it to the floor and threw the glass to the barman, He was really angry, that tequila shot was awful. Furious, the client shout to the barman: That‟s the worst tequila shot I've ever tasted. The poor barman felt so terrible, thinking that he doesn't deserve to be a barman. He ran out of the bar and cried a lot. When the barman felt better he entered to the bar and said to the client. I'm very sorry, I think that you don´t deserve to be attended by a terrible barman like me. The guy then consider and asked for apologies to the barman saying: Come on, I guess I was over reacting, Why don't you go and get me a black pearl? The barman answered, right now sir. MINI-SAGA A young man sat in a restaurant with a beautiful woman. This was an important day for him as he wanted to talk to her about his feelings. Another man came in and said to her, "Darling, sorry I'm late, let me introduce my son," pointing to the young man. MY SUMMER TIME In last summer I spend all the time in Monterrey coursing the physics class, studying and reviewing what we saw at school in my free time. That was an incredible experience because I had never lived alone; well I was with my brother that was supporting me all the time. However is something that will help in my own growing-up.

Carolina Velasco Kanter MICROFICTION Once upon a time in a snowy and tall mountain in the middle of the Himalayas, a short and funny guy found a big and strange flower. The guy climbed all the way to the top to observed the beautiful flower. He was sad because he couldn‟t get the flower. So, we went all the way down to bring all types of equipment and thing to trap the beautiful flower and bring it to his house. He started to think and realizing that bringing someone else is going to be a good idea, he called his brother Bocho to come and climbed with him. They couldn‟t wait to make it to the top. They arrived and brought that beautiful flower. REVIEW: Hope Finds Travis I read the story before I left Tec yesterday, after reading it, I think is a sad, but real story because it shows you what difficult life sometimes can be. While I was reading it I realize how lucky I am. I like it although the story was hard to read, I read it several times to finally understand it. MINI-SAGA You cannot unscramble eggs A man went to the bathroom, and a woman went to the office. The man broke a bottle of water, and a woman arrived first. He got a big idea, but she fell into a hole and never come back. Had he not gone to the bathroom, she never would have fallen into the hole, and she would have come back.

Ana Torres Palacios MICROFICTION Once upon a time , there was a little boy and a girl that lived in a small town in London, they were in love , and the only thing they want it was a gift ; but there was a problem she was older than he is. Their families were friends and they don't knew anything about the situation. One day they decided to talked with their own parents, so they can be something more, like a couple. But in the girl's family there was a discussion because they said that she to older for he. In the boy's family there was the same reaction. So they were sad but also upset and they don‟t care what their parents said and became a couple , their families were kind of mad on them but after all they love each other. After a couple of day's more they decided that it is time for the gift, so the boy give it to the girl a box of chocolates that she love it. And the girl give it to him a box bubble gum that he enjoy it a lot. They grew up and become adults persons and now they have plans to make a wedding. MINI-SAGA: THE BOOK The man loved the library. That day, he was engrossed in a book. He hoped to finish reading it completely. It was almost the end and then…The woman who wanted to be a lawyer. Decided to invited the man to dinner. They went and discover the missing part of the book, but they found that it was a section missing , they get sad and said: “this book is close to real life. You don‟t know happens next…”

Pedro Ramirez MICROFICTION Once upon a time a child found a ring in the old school. He pretend to make money with that ring. He was dreaming to build a new hospital for kids and he is searching for a buyer of the ring. He is now thinking in the people he can save with that action. He put in the newspaper, internet, radio and television to find a buyer for the ring. He try to find the ring because he lost. He find a buyer but now he do not find the ring. He do not know what to do. He proposed to say no to the buyer because he do not have the ring and continue with his life. He is not comfortable with the situation. He will not rest until he find the ring. MINI-SAGA Title: A journey of thousand miles begin with a simple step. There was a man who had a passion for videogames, and a woman who had a wished to be happy. The man saved money all his life, and the woman date millions of gentlemen, at the end he met his future wife, and she became very famous all over the world. CONFLICT BETWEEN BOSS AND EMPLOYEE There was a wonderful employee with a lot of characteristics like, charming, responsible, intelligent and much more but his boss of the STAFF don‟t like him. His angry boss REVIEW his curriculum to see if he can filled him. Their partners FOUND this marvelous and colorful plan and try to put ORDER making a big and awesome party. In the party they plan to CREATE a good and healthy friendship. But their experiences between each other are not good and have many bad finals. At the end they only FOCUS in one thing to revenge, pain, and death for both. HOMEWORK SENTENCES WITH ADJECTIVES A youth white Mexican Guy live with a nice fat dark cat. He has a pretty curious Colombian girl. They live in a square red wooden house with her tall charity Russian mother and his skinny grumpy Jamaican father.

Andres Colin Sanchez MICROFICTION Yesterday it was looking through the window of its room. It could see everything out there because of the window, but it was very afraid of everything out there. It just wanted him to see through the window because he was very logical. It found him in the attic and took him to the window. It and he saw through the window carefully. Afraid of what was out there, because they didn‟t know what was that, he and it looked for her and she told them that what was out there was a thing. Both, he and it were afraid of the thing. They tried to call the thing to do something to the thing, but the thing did not make a move. They were angry because they couldn‟t did something to the thing so they decided that it was time to stop watching the thing through the window and go and do something to the thing leaving the place with a room and an attic. When it and he told her that they wanted to leave the place with a room and an attic to do something to the thing she laughed at he and it and told them that they were crazy if they wanted to leave the place with a room and an attic. MINI-SAGA If life hands you lemons, throw them to the people. A men wanted to see his English friend, because a woman wanted to eat pizza, after that the man made his own wallet, and the woman went to a beach, when he got chickenpox, she entered to kung fu classes. Never is the life predictable for any of us.

Conrado De La Cruz MICROFICTION Once upon a time in a very mysterious place at the end of the cemetery, a big and ugly spider was scaring some people. The spider was scaring all the people that went to that part. The spider was so angry because it was ignored by everyone. So, the spider started scaring people as a revenge. She started scaring people at the street and at some houses; but there was a problem, the people instead of getting scared was making fun of it. The spider was very sad because of it so then she transferred to the cemetery which was a more phantasmagoric place. At the cemetery she started making all the people frightened. People was making rumors about the spider. As a result all the people started visiting the cemetery as a way to get scared. MINI-SAGA A miss is as good as a mile. A man hoped to find his wallet when a woman aimed toward getting a dog. The man traveled to Hollywood while the woman. visited Cancun. He had a heart attack whereas she laughed until she fell asleep. Had the man not lost his wallet, the woman would not have fallen asleep. BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL SEMESTER The 7th of August was my worst day in 4 months more or less because after coming back from my exchange in Canada, I had 4 months of vacation but this day I was back to school. One part of me wanted to enter for seeing my friends and stuff, but the other part didn't because of the stress, the homework and the exams. REVIEW: Closely Watched Trains The film created in 1966 which name was "Closely watched train" was directed by Jiri Menzel based on the story of Bohumil Hrabal. This story is developed during the WW2 and was filmed in Prague. During this war the Czech republic was on depression and the way of creating this story as a way of fun was the only way in which they had fun about this period of time which was very difficult for some people. ADJECTIVES IN A SENTENCE Once upon a time there was a small 14 year old Canadian boy which was called "fag", but he was tired of this. The big bad American football team guys abused of him by calling him like that and punching him. He was getting tired of always getting tied up to the blue small nasty toilet. One day he went with a 60 year old ugly man which taught him Kung-Fu. The next day at the old big school the guys tried to attempt versus him but he defeated them. Next to this action all the cute blonde hair blue eyed girls started following him.

Isabel Zuart Gris MICROFICTION Once upon a time there was little boy who lived in Scotland. He had a beautiful girlfriend, they were in loved, and the only problem was that the boy wanted a wedding ring to propose to her beautiful lover. But he wasn´t very wealthy. He decided that he wanted to have a good life and try his best to earn enough money. One day he decided to talked with her parents, to ask her daughter´s hand. But the family taught that he couldn´t support a life that she was use to. Because she was wealthy. After a couple of day's more they decided to escape so, they packed up everything and run to the south. In the way they find a suitcase with 20 million dollars in it. The boy could propose and lived happily ever after. MINI-SAGA "Life is unpredictable”. A man have an urge for a soda. A woman had a passion for reading. The man bough a big hamburger at McDonalds. The woman took singing class. His thirst calm down and he continue with his boring life. She became a mega movie star

Yantzil G'C MICROFICTION Once upon a time, there was an old man who was living alone after his wife passed away. He was really sad because all his sons and daughters were living in Canada, while he was in France. He was completely alone. The old man's name was Carlos Lacouture, and he was a French teacher. The only happiness he had was giving class at the University because all his students loved him. One day Mr. Carlos found a car key, he was surprised because it was exactly outside of his house. He went with his neighbors to ask about the key but no one answered him the way he would like to. Carlos was really surprised when he noticed a Jaguar in front of his house; he put the key that he had found and the car opened, he noticed a letter, which he slowly opened and read : Dad, we know that you can't go out of the house because you are not young anymore, you are afraid to walk in the street and you get tired easily that's why we decided to give you this beautiful car. We hope that you go out and be happy as we are for having you as a father. Thanks for everything and see you next week. Taking few tears out of his little eyes when he was keeping the letter, he returned to his home and sat down in his favorite chair as he was contemplating the beautiful car outside his house. MINI-SAGA A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A man inclined toward being a singer. A woman chose Cancun as her favorite place. The man went to a hotel. The woman saw a comedy. He lost his new wallet. She bought a bird, but it died. Had they not taken their first step, the bird would not be dead COLORFUL CONFLICT Greg is regarded as a great spiritual teacher, and Brian is a young enthusiastic Christian. They began talking about religion in a sunny blue nice day. Brian: Greg, I think that from the regard to the Bible the Christians had come to the definite conclusion that only this is true; anything else is worthless. and I believe it. Greg: It seems that there isn't among the Christians even one Christian who says about the Bible, this I know; this I see; only this is true; anything else is worthless. And there hasn't been among the Christians prophets of the past, the creators of the scriptures, the composers of the hymns... even one who said about the Bible, 'This we know; this we see; only this is true; anything else is worthless.' That‟s a false, silly, incoherent idea. Brian: NO! the truth is that the only things we see are the ones that are true. Greg: think it slowly, the truth is not only the thing you see, and that you know, the truth is what you believe. Brian: I said that God maybe exists, I am Christian but I don‟t believe in everything. Greg: The important thing is not the level of your belief, but that if you want to preserve the truth you do it responsibly by acknowledging your belief is just that, a belief. Your belief might be right. Your belief might be wrong. However you came to your belief isn't important, it is still a belief. To put it simply, you cannot know with certainty the truth, so proclaiming the truth is not responsible preservation of the truth. Brian: maybe you are right, I like your coherent brilliant utile style of thinking. ADJECTIVES Once upon a time there a silly short beautiful girl called Mariana. She was born in a happy little reserve, when she was a child she was always playing with other girls. All days and nights they go out to play ball or other games, the dream of Mariana was to play Barbies because that was her favorite game, the only problem was that Mariana hasn‟t had a Barbie. One day she found a blond pretty little Barbie in the park, there were nobody around so Mariana took it, she take it home and she brush her long red curly hair, she dress her with new cloth. All days she was making nice modern fashion cloth for her. The next day she played with the other girls and Mariana was really happy because for once she played with her own Barbie. Mariana is now a famous rich powerful designer of Barbie‟s clothes.

Hector Constantino MICROFICTION A long time ago a boy named Luis found an axe in a rock in the middle of the dessert. He pulled the axe away from the rock to rediscover the thing. When Luis got to take out the axe from the rock, suddenly the ax shot fire and his hands got burned. Like an accident, he got his body burned. He went to hospital. His father took him out of hospital and took him to his home. Months later Luis came back to the forest and he found again the axe in the rock. He accidently pull off the axe. Several Consequences appear again because of that. Luis ended dead in the dessert in which he found the axe. MINI-SAGA A man had an urge for a soda. A woman was thinking about sex. The man was planning to travel all around the world. The woman was also trying to pay some taxes. The man was playing soccer there in Classico.

Sofía Cancino MICROFICTION Once upon a time in a very deep hole at the middle of a backyard, a big and muscular ant found a big apple. The ant went all around the apple and appreciated it. She was sad because she couldn't eat it just by one bite. So, she thought if she called her friends they could eat it all. She went to Telcel and bought a cell phone and called her friends; But there was another problem, the reception of the cell phone wasn‟t good enough to call them all. She started crying and got a Nextel so she could communicate with everyone. All the ants friends arrived and admired the apple. They couldn't wait to eat it . They gave the first bite at the same time and were happy ever after. COLORFUL CONFLICT In the Runway Magazine Company there was an employee for who her boss was always mad at her because she found out that every time she get to the office she was dressed in everyday cloth, old, ugly, bigger than her, etc. So, the boss talked to her about the Company policy and told her that if she didn‟t follow the rules she was going to be expelled from the company or she was going to be moved from section because she was such a good employee that the boss didn‟t want to lose, but there was a reason for the employee to be dressed with such silly cloth, she was poor, she didn‟t have her own cloth, she was always asking for some cloth to her friends. The boss found out that she wasn‟t able to dress with brand new cloth, so she focus on that and support her with some money for her family and of course she designed and gave her some cloth because before becoming one of the best magazines of the day she experienced what her employee was going through. From that day, the employee was always beautiful at work and was even more responsible because of the support the boss was giving to her. MINI-SAGA If life leaves you with a lemon, make lemonade. A man preferred Pizza Hut. A woman preferred mushroom and double cheese pizza. The man studied in USA College. The woman expected nothing. He won the lottery and paid for his son‟s school. She did not like the dresses, and went to another mall. They took advantage of what they had. Had the man not taken an advantage of what he had, his son would not be graduated

Abraham Ramos Palomeque MICROFICTION The last year in the center of the city an intelligent student named Luis carried a big blue book. Luis was reading this big blue book. He loved to read this book and he used to carry it all the time as that day. He knew this book was great so he wanted all people to read it. He started to look for the way to make everyone know about it. He was very sad he could not find the way so he dropped the book to the floor. He missed his big blue book a lot. He decided to wait until the other day and look for it, but he did not find it. Now he had lost his book he decided to take another way and make his own book. He started to wonder “What am I going to write about?” He knew he wanted to write about what the book was, about the feeling it made him feel, and about all he learned; and at the end that new big blue book was written by him. MINI-SAGA A golden key can open any door. A man wished for a lot of money to pay for his son‟s school and a woman required some help in selecting a dress. The man liked Mexico, so he required staying there, where the woman studied penalty laws very hard. He was the greatest doctor until she was very thankful. Were all doors open? Yes, because the man and the woman worked with a lot of effort. CONFLICT One day there was a civilian guy who wanted to access to the big old blue administration of the campus. But a military man told him that the impressive green grass area (where the big old blue administration was) was closed. The civilian guy started to ask the reason why it was closed to the pretty, kind, innocent public as him. The military man began to yell ¡¡Don‟t you understand, that section of the fantastic big square field is not available!! Later the civilian guy entered to the big old blue administration and talked with the strong old Mexican boss of the military man and told him what happened. The strong old Mexican boss of the military man ask the civilian guy an apology, because the military man was just a crazy, fool new staff of the organization, and surely he was mistaken. A HISTORY WITH ADJECTIVES =) One day, there was a friendly fat young man. He tried to make some nice, good young friends. But everybody was bad young ugly people because his weight. After that, he started making exercise with an intelligent big old man. He began to make an incredible big new transformation with his weight by the exercise. And the cruel young ugly people started to be friendly with him.

Felipe de Jesús Granda Corzo THE RAVEN On a cold winter night the kind of night when the howling wind chills through your bones. There was an old lady who had lived in the little town of timberline all of her life and she still remembered. Suddenly as the cold wind blew into the living room she heard the caw of a crow that could only mean something it was back. A young man named Jack Morrigan was driving through the highway that connects forks (yeah the vampire town) with timberline. The highway went through a dense foggy forest. As he was entering a curve at high speed he heard the caw of a raven. Suddenly a thick layer of fog started to form around the car. Jack was blinded by the fog when all of the sudden it disappeared again and he found himself at the edge of a cliff that was by the road. He got really scared but he still had time to react so he gave a tight turn and returned to the road. “Welcome to timberline” he said to himself as he crossed the town limit. it‟s not finished but I would like some suggestions thank you :D MICROFICTION One day, a young adventure-loving boy found an old book in his attic. Andrew, which was the boys name, examined the book with a lot of detail. He was very excited because the book was full of carefully drawn maps. Andrew ran to Jimmy´s to show him the book because they had been obsessed with pirate treasure for a long time. He found Jimmy having breakfast with his parents so he showed him the book to get his attention. Andrew and Jimmy examined the maps together. The boys asked Jimmy´s father for help Jimmy´s father upon seeing the book began laughing because that book was actually an "atlas" of the city he and Andrew´s father had drawn together when they were young. The boys were very disappointed first because they thought they had found a pirate's treasure hideout. Then the boys noticed that some things in the maps were wrong because the city had changed so they concluded they would update their parents "atlas" of the city. So the boys went around town every Saturday and tried to remember every detail to put it in their atlas they started getting very excited with the project because they saw the progress in it. When they finished they showed it to their families who were really amused and proud of the adventurous spirit the boys had. MINI-SAGA Crime always pays. A man wanted to be a rock star. A woman was sitting home waiting for her husband. The man went for a drink at his favorite bar. The woman went to meet prince Richard. He adopted Bobo the trained monkey. She didn‟t know if what she saw was real. MY HOMEWORK :D once upon a time there was an evil big fat bald man who owned an evil rich big corporation which did some really evil polluting operations. there was also a handsome young ecologist who fought against these evil big company and their evil bad world domination schemes with his loyal companion a small brown furry monkey. one day he discovered that the evil bad man was planning to destroy a solar panel field to make people use more fossil fuels. he was going to do this by destroying the transformer that conveyed the energy to the rest of the city so the young ecologist and his monkey had to protect the transformer. when the bad mans horrible big strong henchmen came to destroy the transformer they felt something was wrong their fear permeated the whole room with their screams when they noticed the change. the ecologist had moved the transformer somewhere else and placed a decoy instead so the henchmen went into the room and then he locked them in and called the police.

Martha Camacho MICROFICTION Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lucy, she lived in a small town in the forest and she owned a beautiful tea cup that her mother had given her as a present before she died. One day she was playing in the woods and she always carried the tea cup , that day she was sitting alone and suddenly the cup started shaking and suddenly a little figure came out of the cup. She was really surprised and started talking to the figure, it was a fairy; she was so excited that she went and told all of her friends about the fairy that lived in the tea cup. Some days passed and the fairy , whose name was Lily, became great friends with Lucy. One day after school Lucy wanted to talk to Lily but when she looked for the tea cup in her bag it was gone. Lucy got all worried and started crying and after that she was determined to find her tea cup with Lily in it. She checked the bags of all her friends and she found the tea cup in one of them. She got mad at her friend but at the end the important thing was that she got the tea cup back. MINI-SAGA The best things in life are free. A man was very poor and a woman was very wealthy. The man had a loving family that he knew he could count on while the woman only new about shopping and nothing about love. He was very happy despite his economic situation but she was bitter and empty inside. Itâ€&#x;s funny how you can think the material stuff can complete your life, but the truth is that the joy that material things or the ones that involve money bring only lasts a bit. Therefore the best things in life such as love are free! REVIEW: Closely Watched Trains The film was released in 1966. It is based on the book with the same name by Bohumil Hrabal. When the movie was released it became very popular despite the fact that they were under communism. It was certainly more popular among the international community than the Czechs. The film captures the reality of Czech civilians who, in spite of the great war that was going on around them and the fact that they were being closely observed by the German soldiers and military , still found time to laugh, share stories, and, enjoyed discussing the romantic affairs of the train worker MiloĹĄ. SIX SENTENCES A horrible, greedy businessman was always in a bad mood. He would leave his son and wife alone for months. Loneliness was his best friend. One day he had to go to a beautiful old Spanish city in a business trip, in that city he met a kind old helping man. They both started talking and the horrible, greedy businessman realized what a mistake it had been to forget about his family. He went back home to his beautiful small loving family and they lived happily ever after.

Martha E. Niño Cabal MICROFICTION In the morning, a pretty little girl found a beautiful flower in the grass. The girl, called Sofia, observed the pink flower carefully. She was so happy because inside the flower was a butterfly, so she started to laugh. She cut the flower and thought that she could show it to her mom. She ran toward her mom with the flower in her hand. The little girl gave the flower to her mom. Her mom saw the flower with sadness, and Sofia was confused because of her mom's reaction, not knowing it was like the first flower her dead husband had given to her on their first date. Sofia thought about her father when her mom told her about their first date. The little girl realized that her mother was still sad about her dad's death, so she came up with an idea; she was going to give her mother one flower every day, so she could remember Sofia's dad. She did it every day, as she said she would, and she thought she was doing a good thing for her mother because she smiled more every day. Her mom gave her a hug and a kiss, and Sofia began to cry because she was so happy and proud of her mom. MINI-SAGA The best things in life are free. A man had a need for food because he hadn‟t eaten since breakfast and a woman hoped to become an artist. The man participated in a championship in Los Angeles while the woman traveled around the world for five years. He got intoxication because a can was infected with bacteria when she had an art gallery that became very famous. Have you ever noticed that in life the best things are free? REVIEW: Closely Watched Trains The film closely watched trains was made in 1967 at the height of communist oppression and yet was popular, How was it possible? This is possible, because the people and the government were more tolerant at receiving socio-political critics. That‟s why the film was accepted despite of its wry content. The film has a nice mix of rural lethargy, surreal hints, and comic knowingness about the landscape of teenage ambivalence. Also it shows “the shock of a confrontation between dreams and real-world obligation, particularly in a world gone mad through no fault of one's own.” --Tom Keogh. STORY USING ADJECTIVES Once upon a time a beautiful young British princess felt very sick, but people in the castle didn't know what to do. Her desperate old fat fathers decided to take her with a doctor. The doctor worked in a cute big white hospital. The smart Italian doctor told the princess that she had to take her medicines to get better. She didn't want to take her horrible small green medicines so their parents decided to punish her until she did it. After a difficult long week the princess got better. THE END CONFLICT STORY: Boss-Employee The morning of September 11th, was just that, a regular morning. Although the desperate tall boss Carlos knew it was the day he was going to follow one of the most important rules of his work's strict old policy, he had to dismiss Maria from her work. Maria was pregnant, so the successful huge company couldn't ask her to provide more services to it. Besides, she wasn‟t able to follow correctly the requested schedule. Maria was so mad at the company's cruel decision, so she decided to discuss with her boss. Carlos received so many bad words that made him became very angry, so he hit Maria. She felt strong pain, her beautiful little baby was hurt. A minute later, a weird new gray airplane hit the enormous old American tower where they worked, the whole company's staff was under big rocks.

Silke Hoppenstedt Pedrero MICROFICTION Last week. a pretty young lady found a gold ring in her school. She took it and put it in her pocket. She was so happy, and excited, and started to laugh out of the blue. She pulled out the ring, and thought that it would be the best birthday present for her mom. She waited for her mom's birthday; and bought a tiny box to put the ring in it. She cleaned and polished the ring until it became as bright as the stars in the sky. Finally her mom´s birthday came, and the pretty little girl gave the ring to her mother. Her mom absolutely loved the ring, and gave her little daughter a huge kiss. She was very happy about her mother liking her present so much. Suddenly the mom started shouting at her without any reason. The pretty little girl was so sad, and started wondering why her mother was so mad; maybe she didn't like her gift? MINI-SAGA No man is an island. A man wished to become a rock star ,and a woman dreamed about having a good job. The man bought a Coke in a restaurant while the woman invested in an art Gallery. He lost the championship, but he won the respect of everybody when she got lost in China, and no one knew anything about her. Rarely can one live on their own, without friends. CONFLICT STORY Once upon a time there was a extremely poor young employee; Who has a really big family that were: his wife, 3 boys and 5 girls. He worked at “The Store” since he was 18 years old; Now he is 30 and he is still in the same place. He was so frustrated because he couldn‟t get a promotion. His boss was the worst of all, he was always angry and there wasn‟t a time for talking with him without him getting really mad. One sunny day the employee decided to talk to him; but he rejected; and so all the days but he never said yes. And suddenly one day the employee didn‟t go to work because he decided to look for another job to be a better person. And so the old greedy boss stayed alone in his store. REVIEW: Closely Watched Trains As opposed to the fifties which was characterized by a reign of terror, the government in the next decennium was more open-minded. The crimes of the past were admitted and socio-political criticism was tolerated. This gave a new generation of filmmakers the opportunity to criticize political and social aspects in their productions and to strive to personal expression. In agreement with their French colleagues this new trend was called „Nouvelle Vague‟ or Czech New Wave. This Movie was very popular because despite the fact of being communist in that time people was looking for something new and understandable; some even could have change their mind because of this movie. AN ADJECTIVE STORY Once upon a time there was a gorgeous 14 year-old Scottish girl, who lived in a horrible little old house. Near her house, was the beautiful enormous new castle of the handsome 15 year old prince. One sunny nice day, they meet and instantly fall in love. He gave her a big yellow tulip promising that they would see each other the next day. While they were talking a hideous fat old witch was planning a very bad short plan for them not to see each other again The next day she tried her plan but she failed, and she couldn't keep them apart. And so they lived a nice happy ending.

Raul Farf MICROFICTION Once upon a time on a fresh morning of December, Jackie was holding a bright stone. She pick it from the edge of a river that morning, now she was bouncing it, figuring out what kind of stone is. It wasn't any kind of rock, it was special, gorgeous. As fast as a blinking, Jackie discovered that the stone she was holding was a diamond, the most beautiful of all, but what she mostly impress her was that it wasn't the first time she saw it. In order to find where she saw for the first time that diamond, Jackie decided to travel around the world to find that place. Japan, Mexico, Spain, Russia, France, South Africa... Jackie searched everywhere One day she was sitting on a bus stop while she was again bouncing the stone Suddenly a flashback crossed in her mind, she was waiting for someone in Rio Now she knew where to go, but all her money was spent on plane tickets and food. With no other option and with her goal in mind, Jackie sold the diamond, she got enough money to get to Brazil. When she landed in Rio, she crossed cautious with someone familiar, both felt the same way, there it was, true love. MINI-SAGA A man had ambition of driving a Ferrari he lived in Alaska, unfortunately died. The woman lusted true love, she was studying in New York but she didn't found what she was looking. CONFLICT Flashing...lights...lights...lights...add more vodka... music... lights... ... ... A beautiful drunk American girl was staggering beside the highway that leads to USA on the lonely dark barren desert, a field where there's no chance of survival, of the north of Mexico, just because she struggle when a bad looking fat man was trying to persuade her to do things Iâ€&#x;m not allowed to tell you here, and he just leave her here, when she apparently saw an enormous secret military base. Definitely, she said, that's the mall. But what she didn't see about this particular huge place, that looks like an Area 51, was the horrible smell and the war based hummers intense guarding, It is unusual in this epoch of the year that the well trained Mexican soldiers are that frighten, even if the "narco" is taking life's tremendously fast, but this time is different, they are kind of... waiting for a request. Just a few kilometers far away, four armed modified Shelby mustangs were running as fast as a F1 escorting a trailer with some bright silver curtain when they saw the drunk girl. As the protocol says, anyone near the perimeter of the base must be interrogated. Right before the girl was captured. When captured, the dazed girl hear some masculine strong voice saying strange things related with OV, OV something, and NASA and then, she fall asleep. ...(interference) Girl captured, we're on time with the schedule, focus on the mission (interference)... An intense light wake the girl up instantaneously on a section of the base never seen by civil eyes before, suddenly a complete white dressed man appear, he said with a horrible smile on his face, you will experience something really painful, she fainted. ...she'll develop some amnesia, don't you worry...things related to what happen tonight are erased.. The next day she wake up in a widely illuminated room with the waves sound coming from her window. Unconsciously she stand up and read the note beside a basket of fruits: Please receive this basket as a grant of your preference. The administration. Then she went outside, the beautiful sight of the morning in Cancun just exited her, but right after that, she started to remember, suddenly she felt down. What a tremendously bad ass headache. I can't remember a thing. Where am I?, what's this sound in my head?. REVIEW: Closely Watched Trains Despite of the communist oppression, closely watch trains was a masterpiece of the Czech New Wave when it was in its heady time so the movie attracted the attention internationally winning the Oscar in 1967 of the best foreign language movie. Returning to the main idea, the film was popular because of the social annoyances and the claim for political liberation, because of that the filmmakers, in this case JirĂ­ Menzel, were able to show disgust on the big screen. One year later the student movement, Prague Spring, occurred starting the gradual collapse of the Soviet Union control on Czechoslovakia.

HMWK: ADJECTIVES A friendly fat young man was sitting on a bench watching the twilight while some fantastic old musicians were playing some blues on the bench next to him when he discovered something that surely will change his entire life, on the floor was some kind of wrinkled paper with lots of equations. He remembered that when he was researching in college with a gorgeous black haired green eyes girl, that sooner he convey her to become his girlfriend, they almost got the answer to a formula for some kind of indecipherable ancient text found on the "solar" chamber (scientist call it that way because the philosopher who write the text was a sun lover) on Athens, Greece that nobody could answer. As you can imagine, they couldn't solve it, now, he's got the answer. What he always dreamt is now in a piece of paper, in his hands. Right before he ran desperately to the gorgeous black haired green eyes girl's house to tell her what he just find, but just a few streets before her house, a transformer blow up and a sparkle blind him, suddenly, he woke up.

Valerie MICROFICTION Once upon a time, in the middle of nowhere, a young girl destroyed a tiny green pencil. She stared at the pencil not knowing what to do. She was mad because she didn't know where she was. She was frustrated and decided to find her way back home because she couldn‟t see anything around her but the broken pencil she picked it up. Holding the pencil she realized that there was something inside it. She opened the pencil up even more and pulled out a piece of paper. She noticed that it was not only a piece of paper it was a map! If she could read this map the right way she would finally find the exit to that dark place. After a few hours she found a hole in the ground (thanks to the map) climbed down through it until she was out and went home :) THE END COLORFUL CONFLICT On a normal Wednesday morning at Vanessabruno's boutique, an eccentric but fashionable rich woman tried several dresses to wear at her best friend's wedding until she found the right one, and because she was an expert in the fashion field she knew it was a very good piece, and the best part ... it was 50 percent off, she went directly towards the cashier and happily paid for the dress, but the moment she saw what she had paid for and focused on the math ... that couldn't be 50 percent off ! so she went back and fought to have her money back, it was a long discussion but the eccentric fashionable rich woman kept saying: but it was on the sale section ! ... and finally she ended up paying for it just like she had on the first place. THE END SIX SENTENCES Once upon a time, my smelly old math teacher told me to pay attention and do my homework, but how can I do my homework if I can‟t even breath in his smelly old classroom? That day a thought crossed my mind. Hey, he IS a good teacher, and that‟s why I decided to bring a deodorant to my next class. THE END

Remedial English 4 Jose Guillermo Moguel Narcia MICROFICTION During a hot afternoon and after being at school and having heard the collective sound, a young man walked into a very large store and started looking around. He was dazzled to see a lot of shine in the store. His mother scolded him in the morning but he had a suppressive and began to see something. Once he saw what he was looking for, he approached to observe and analyze. When he sprayed a bit of liquid in his hand, he called a lady. The lady was watching the young man and began to ask some questions, and talking with the young man was convinced. The young man reflected according to his taste. The young man took the product and approached the lady, saying that he liked it and he was sure. Half an hour after taking the product, he arrived home and tested his new fragrance and once he smelled the fragrance. The young man was very excited because he bought a fragrance in Liverpool and his mother was happy to smell it after she was angry. MINI-SAGA A good love is hard to find. A man had eyes for getting married. A woman felt a need to be with her son. The man studied to be a daddy. The woman had an ambition to buy a new car. He won the lottery and paid for his sonâ€&#x;s school. She prepared spaghetti for dinner. GIVE ME MY WALLET! Two men were discussing in public because one of them found a wallet and the other one was claiming to be the owner, suddenly, a police officer came in and asked the gentlemen if there was any trouble, hoping that he could somehow provide his support and get to solve the problem. They told him about the situation and the officer, having previous experience in those kind of things, suggested the man that was holding the wallet to look for an ID and know if the other man was in fact the owner, but there was no ID inside the wallet, so the officer had to come with another idea: he said that if the man who was claiming to be the owner could provide a description of the contents of the wallet, then he could have it back. END OF SUMMER: BACK TO WORK In the summer I worked with my parents, and I went to Merida with them because we picked up our visa. Then, I was with my girlfriend, and then I'm in the school working, and Michael put me working in MudJob. STOP: I stopped smoking. I stopped to smoke. I stopped in order to smoke. REMEMBER: I remembered playing on the ranch. FORGET: I forgot to sleep with you. PREFER: I prefer to eat in the house.

Maria de Jesus Lorenzana PeĂąa MICROFICTION: A Fun Weekend This weekend we decided to go camping with my friends, about cabins that are going on San Cristobal. We arrived on Friday night were, it was very cold and we could not leave the hut, we spent the night talking and telling stories of terror. The next day in the morning to find my clothes, I realized I had not gone. Just got a shirt and jeans. We had to go to San Cristobal, so I could buy clothes and ate all coming together. After lunch I went to buy clothes and stayed in a hotel. In the night we have fun we went to dinner and Makia. THE LAST SCREAM! Last month I went to a small town, this place was frightening, I was shocked, I went with five more friends. We logged in an old hotel, we didn't want but it was the only place and the town was desert. We did the check in and we went to ours rooms with my friends. We entered to room when a big monster go out to the closet, my friend and me ran for all hotel and screamed, we was terrified. My friends go out, they didn't know what was happening. I began to cry because the big monster was running behind us. My friends called the police, but there wasn't line. Finally when the sun came out the monster disappeared we was confused. The police arrived and ask us what happened but we were in shocked and we can't answer to the police. THE END CONFUSION BETWEEN CUSTOMS AGENT AND TOURIST/TRAVELER Today at the airport the custom agent asks a tourist about his trip, and the tourist answers that his trip is for pleasure. And he wanted to stay for week. The tourist was looking at his passport in his bag while his wife was talking with the agent. While the wife was talking with the agent the daughter was in the store. This day while the family was at the airport in the city was happening a fest. The man talked to the agent that he needed to go for his baggage. The wife remembered that the passport was in the daughterâ€&#x;s baggage.

Roman Antonio Lopez MICROFICTION: THE WOLF DOG One day walking in the forest a girl that I met had a big dog, this girl was surprised to see it and went to her home. The next day she returned to find the same dog when for instance walking in the woods at this time she look again and surprising with this hallucination, therefore she neglect to observe the dog and tell her mom. For a time the dog turned into a wolf every full moon night, and ate children so the girl decided to flee, but just before she got home she fell and hurt herself, and went to hide in a cave , she was many days, hungry and thirsty, just as she could go out and get home, is surprised that she had eaten the potatoes , so the girl decided to leave home and go to shelter to side with some guys, just when she ran it again fell and scraped her knee, so he decided to kill the wolf dog, as I look forward to and hid in a tree and when the dog least expect the girl fell from the top of the tree with a stick and killed it, a somewhat controversial history THE END MINI-SAGA Once upon a time a men called Antony Santiny Bentral Leyba was a drug dealer with troubles with the cartel of Sinaloa, the sold many drug like cocaine, marihuana, methamphetamines, in Chiapas he hide in the hole of the center avenue and when the police officer find him he shoot it and escaped, those was a mystery but in all of the states in Mexico he is one of the most searched and when the police can find him he is going to die. CONFUSION BETWEEN A POLICE OFFICER AND A CIVILIAN Some day in far away a police officer has some problems with his administration area because he design a new way to find thieves but a civilian said that have more experience and the only thing that all have to do is to focus in the main process that the thieves receive the drugs in a schedule but the offices said is not available to the people in conclusion all of this develop is an access to stop the crime. STOP FORGETTING TO REMEMBER I must remember to pay your credit card or you are going to jail. I need to do more exercise to get in a better condition. I can´t forget to do my push-ups every day. I can´t forget mathematics in my Physics class. I have to remember how to assemble my airplane. I prefer to be with my girlfriend and not in a classroom.

Límbano Miguel Moreno Martínez MICROFICTION One day in the house of Miguel Moreno (mogul :) ) was him sister Diana Moreno. She wanted to be in México but her parents didn´t want that she go. Miguel (mogul) want to help to her sister in some way but he didn't know how. He started to talk with them. He was explaining why was good that him sister go to México, but they never accepted that reasons, so he gave money to her to go to México and she go. There was a problem because in Mexico she lost the money that Mogul gave her, so she had to call to her parents and they was annoy. MINI-SAGA A good man is hard to find. A man was in Mexico. A woman fell in love with a pilot. The man planned to do some songs. The woman tried to be a doctor. He was the boss of the police department. She slept late to wait for her husband. A good husband is even harder to find. THE PARK Some time ago a men was running in the park, when suddenly he stop to running. He saw old men that had lost and he was trying to keep walking but he couldn‟t because he couldn‟t remember where he lived. The men helped to the old me to call a police to can find his house. While the old men were eating he went to call to the police. The old men were found by his son on the police department. The men felt good with him. STOP FORGETTING TO REMEMBER I must remember to study on days before a test. I need to stop being on Facebook. I can´t forget to do my homework every day. I can´t forget to pay attention to the best teacher in the world (Michael D. Brown) =) When I don't understand something I have to remember to ask to the teacher. I prefer to be in my home than being in the Tec ja-ja-ja

José Eduardo Olayo Delgado MICROFICTION During those magic hours the Spanish call la madrugada was a noisy music behind my old house; a young man was having a party. Every chord hurt my ears as I listened. I had threatened Charlie with the police if he ignored my advice of turning off his music. Charlie interpreted my message. He turned off his stereo. He thought how to say to his friends that the party was over. In his sadness, he turned on the music again. That music was written by an artist that died decades ago. They held a lot of meaning on Charlie. He reflected about the action of turning on the music at the first hours of the day. Why couldn't he discover the best action for him and his friends? Was he not one of the most boring boys of the street? An hour later, he was confused by thinking about if he did the right action. Who won this battle? He asked. The police arrived to his home. “Why,” he thought, “Why can't I think the best for me?” MINI-SAGA It is better late than never. A man had a passion for cars. A woman had a yen to be a great architect. The man felt a need to get married. The woman decided to be a good mother. He became a great painter. She went to buy a soda. Never too late if that is good; if he didn´t have a passion for cars, she would never have bought a soda. THE MYSTERIOUS MAN I was visiting a town of Chiapas, the night was coming so I decided to go to the hotel, then I started to walk and 15 minutes later I got lost, I asked with people for the direction of the hotel, a man told me to be careful because there was a ghost that takes you to the other world, I didn´t believed him so another time I started to walk, then I hear a strange noise, like horses pulling an Australian cart, I was scary because I saw that the horseman was a ghost slaughtered, so I hid behind the bushes, and then finally the ghost goes away. Then I got at the hotel, so I asked to the workers about who was that man? They told me that is a ghost searching for revenge and if he sees you, he takes you into his Australian cart and you disappear forever. MIXED MESSAGES: CONFUSION BETWEEN A CIVILIAN AND A POLICE MAN In a cold night, there was a man that traveling, was calling his mother. She said him: remember to go to the gas station, he stopped in the gas station and then he went to a store by the road to buy something and acceded to the bathroom too. He didn´t realize that the owner of the store was closing it, when he came out of the bathroom he was confused because there wasn‟t anybody, he was searching a way to go out of the store. The owner of the store came back because read a message that said: remember to turn off the lights, when he was near from the store he saw the man, he thought that the man was stealing his store so he call to the police station. After a time, the man finally found a way to go out while the police man arrived, the police man saw him so he said: stop moving! The man was very scary so he started to explain all the process that happened, the police man was not understood anything, so he said: Stop talking, calm down! , Then the man explained what happened. After that the police man requested him to be careful at traveling and he said: you need stop worrying about this! Then man of the administration of the store asked for an apology, because he remembered seeing him enter to the store. MIXED MESSAGES: CONFUSION BETWEEN CUSTOM AGENT AND TOURIST There is a big confusion between a custom agent and tourist, so stop thinking that they have the same function. As the majority knows a custom agent is a person authorized by the office or accredited with the latter by the competent authority to dispatch goods for hire or reward and a tourist is a person that travels to know culture of other places,. Tourists have access to important places of other countries or continents, so they can develop their knowledge. We need to add that they prefer to visit historical places or beauty nature places. Try to remember that a custom agent is a person that is focus to work and a tourist is someone that travels for satisfaction. Custom

agent has a lot of experience collecting and safeguarding customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including animals, personal effects and hazardous items in and out of a country. So don‟t forget thinking about the different functions and process that they follow. END OF SUMMER: BACK TO WORK Remember to have more time to do my HW. I need to stop doing nothing. ha-ha I can´t forget to do all my homework on time. I can´t forget to pay attention in class. Remember to ask if you don´t understand I prefer being at home all time. ha-ha That´s not true.

Mariana Girón Ruiz MICROFICTION A long time ago was something strange about Mr. Smith‟s old house on the coast of Missouri. Many people thought that there was a ghost in the rooms on the east side. On windy nights people heard strange noises there. They thought it was a baby crying. But there wasn‟t a baby in the house. For years many people tried to find the answer to the mystery. Finally people said “Sell the house.” Mr. Smith sold the house to Mr. Jones, but the strange noises continued. After some time, Mr. Jones said, “I think the noises come from the old apple tree next to the house. Its branches hit the east side of the house when there‟s a strong wind”. He cut down the old apple tree, but the strange noises continued. “Move the house”, people said. Wooden houses are easy to move, and Mr. Jones was a rich man. He called in some workmen. “Move the house to a new place, in Part street” he said. While the workmen were moving the house, they found an old box under the floor. There was a child‟s skeleton in the box. Many people said that the child‟s ghost made the strange noises. “Rebury the child” they said. Mr. Jones reburied the child, but on windy nights the strange noises continued... When Mr. Jones died, his son Frank lived in the house. Frank didn‟t believe in ghosts. Sometime later there was a fire in the house. It burnt part of a room on the east side. Frank called in some workmen. “Repair the room” he said. While the workmen were repairing the room, they discovered something. In one of the chimney‟s, they found a wind harp. The builders put the harp into the chimney to make music on windy days, they told Frank. “now it‟s old and instead of music, it makes a crying sound like a baby”. MINI-SAGA An army marches on its stomach. A man had eyes for Italian food. A woman felt a need to be with her son. The man bought soccer game tickets. The woman prepared spaghetti for dinner. He became the boss of the police department. She had a lot of money because she was promoted. A great strategist, recognizes the importance of provisions for his army. THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE Last month I woke up and I was falling from a plane to a jungle, I was really scared and was trying to open a parachute that was behind me. Fortunately the parachute was opened on time and I fell without hurting myself a lot, but because of the fall I went unconscious. When I was waking up I saw to more people falling from the sky like me; together we agreed to check what was happening. We were walking to the center of the forest when we heard strange noises, someone or something was coming after us, fortunately, we managed to calm the beast that came behind us and we leave the jungle to safety, but the beast that attacked us was not alone, there were many more waiting for new victims. THE WORST NIGHT FOR ROMAN =S Roman is a guy who is working in a grocery near his home, he is responsible for the cash register there. Last Wednesday, he was working in the grocery when he heard a strange noise coming from the back of the store, as he is a little scary, he decided to hide and start calling the police. After a while, he took courage and decided to see what was happening. When he beginning to open a window, he fell and could not see who was outside, but he assumed that it was a thief trying to get in, so he ran to the cash, took the money that was there to save it and left the store, but he was forgetting that he had called to the police's office and the police was coming on the way. When he ran from the store, an officer police was watching him and arrested him like a suspect. Roman was trying to explain to the officer what had happened, but he wasn‟t paying attention to him. Finally everything was cleared, but definitely that night was the worst night for Roman.

Fernan Zenteno MICROFICTION: The SUPERBOWL XLIII The other day I try to win the game with my own effort, but I have been defeated. But I‟m not going to be sad, because I gave all I have. I need a jar of Artridol, because I so hurt for the hits. I have to do an exercise program, because the next year I want to be the champion! MINI-SAGA An Englishman's home is his castle. A man was greedy to be a soccer player. A woman had an ambition to buy a new car. The man studied to be a daddy. The women bought a ticket to NY. He died by heart attack. She had a car accident, so she left the school. THE MONSTER WANTED TO KILL ME I was walking on the forest. When on my way I saw a monster that was eating a bear. The monster saw me. And I started to running. The monster tried to kill me. I was running to try to escape of the monster. The monster wanted to eat me. The monster was really hungry. When I was running, I broke my foot. I was trying to walk, but I couldn´t. I was the prey of the monster. Suddenly I was falling at the earth. And I hit me in the heat. And I didn´t remember anything. But I guess that the monster went away for me. CONFUSION BETWEEN CUSTOM AGENT AND TOURIST/TRAVELER The custom agent was working on section B of the airport. The tourist asked for his flight. And the custom agent said that it was available. The tourist was disagree because the flight was out of schedule. The tourist was talking to the custom agent that the service was out of control The custom agent comment that the staff was disorganized Finally the tourist found an entertainment area, and he was playing pinball. END OF SUMMER: BACK TO WORK I prefer doing my homework to playing soccer. I can´t forget to buy my notebooks. I have to remember to do my objectives. I need to stop eating too much. I prefer asking the teacher than looking dubious. I need to remember to be on time at school.

Cristina Zenteno MICROFICTION One afternoon in the work of Luis, had much work to do, he asked for help with one of his companions which is named Carlos, he was told he could not because I had a party and would not let go just to help. Then Luis thought he needed to do something to have completed the report of the company and the boss needed urgently because I thought something was wrong with the company. To finish quickly the first thing he did was to alter the information to complete fast and above all not to realize the boss who needed money, he knew he was committing a crime but did so even after the boss check the information and said that something was wrong that it would investigate with someone more knowledgeable of the topic, after a few days the head and the other person found the error and dismissed Carlos to have committed fraud and have no ethics. STORY...!!! In one house away from the city with nothing to around more than a small town that was two hours. It was a spooky night, they heard the sound of lightning, owls, trees moving. Elena and I were home when suddenly the power goes out and we began to hear footsteps on the stairs. We went straight to see what that was because we were the only ones in the place because the others had just been shopping for things for stay there. When we reached the stairs were stained with mud, we grabbed the first thing to find because we thought he was a thief, at that time a lightning throne showing the shadow of a person who was wearing a raincoat and his face was covered with a scarf, all we could clearly see his eyes were black after we started running and we were following, we hid under the bed, the man arrived and started looking around distinguish who was carrying a bat. After we tried to leave the house but when we descended the stairs, he grabs my shoulder when I started screaming and tried to hit him but I stumbled a chair and I fell down the stairs ja-ja-ja-ja..!!!! my friend Elena trying to help and she hit him. When we were wanting out the door we came across Carlos. we told him everything and told us that Louis had long since gone to get parts because a tire blew out and to our surprise Luis was the man with the bat because he started to listen noises. ja-ja-ja-ja-ja

Vera Mendoza MICROFICTION I still remember that day, it was February 28. The sky was really blue and the ocean was so clean that you could drink the water. I had trained so hard for a long time but I was still nervous and excited. It was my first competition in open waters. Cancun it was going to be the first city to watch me swim. That day I woke up at 6 am in the morning and I got ready for the competition. I went down to the lobby where I meet the rest of the swimming team. My friends Antonio and Mauricio where waiting for me. We were really good friends, and also we where de bests ones of the team, our coach had a lot of expectation in us. At 7 am the hole team left the hotel and we went to place where the competition was going to be. When we got there, y saw a recognized a lot people, some of the best swimmer in Mexico. I was so happy, I was going to have the opportunity to swim next to them. It was a honor, and also it was a big challenge because it was a 5 km competition, and it was in the sea. Mauricio, Antonio and I went to the sign up and register our names. I can still feel that feeling, I was excited, my hard started to beat even more fast. The competition was closer and closer. Our coach gave us the last indications, and a few minutes after I was in the start line. My hard stopped for a minute, in on second I remembered everything a had learned and how hard I trained for that special moment. Two hours later I arrived to the finish line, y got the fifth position of my category. 25 swimmers were in the group and I got the fifth position. It did a really good competition, I was so satisfied of myself. Of course a learned a lot of that competition, things that I shouldn´t have done in the middle of the race. But thatâ€&#x;s okay, because after that I had the opportunity to swim in more open waters competitions. MINI-SAGA All's well that ends well. A man had a passion for music, and a woman had an ambition to be a big boss. The man married his best friend. The woman decided to be a flight attendant. He was killed by a drug dealer. She was living with her lover in Cancun. A BIG MONSTER I´m a big and ugly monster, the last year, I was on the forest and saw in the top a big castle, in the castle lived the king and queen of the place. one day I decided to enter to the castle because I liked the king, but I decided to enter this night because was a strange, mysterious and dark night, so I entered to the castle to steal the king, but he saw me and run for the whole house. when I took to him, I gave a graft to him in the neck and he transformed in a handsome monster for me, and the queen has been crying for a long time. STORY ABOUT ONE TRIP the winter break, John planned to go for a walk in Europe and Asia so went to a travel agency to plan the ride, was crowded but the agency decided to do it by phone. Ticket payment by card, but when he went to airport workers in the airline told him that the trip was paid for a flight to Africa and south pole. He spoke to the airline and the agent discussed a tourist to see what had happened, but the problem was reminded of why change the tickets of another customer. John was very upset because I already had planned to travel to Europe with his girlfriend. Because of their discomfort company sued the travel agency because the winter holidays remained in their country. It was the worst holiday for him, because he saw his girlfriend until next year.

Merari Santos MICROFICTION In a day of Halloween, a group of friends organized a costume party to celebrate Halloween, sporting gaily when things began to happen a little strange things began to move and appeared a shadow in the shape of a monk after people but tonight was not going to make unique because the party was in a vampire who had gotten into the party to take some blood, he realized that a princess was alone and decided to attack on that came another girl realized what was going to happen and prevented it, the vampire to see that he decided to call another vampire to take charge of others so we can kill the girl. MINI-SAGA A man had passion for his family and friends. A woman had ambition for be a great mother. The man bought a luxury house. The woman decided to get married. He was an extraordinary actor. She was an amazing wife. A man with passion for his family is a terrific husband STRANGE NIGHT long ago began having strange dreams, sometimes frightening other confusing but remembered nothing of waking dream, in general everything was normal until one day I realized that someone was following me anywhere that out, days after it was stopped without giving importance to the matter went on with my normal life until the day of the dead night, when I went to a friend's party everything was going well until I saw a person she thought she knew and if so was the person with whom dreaming horrible things and strange. the whole party went well until I finish, as he lived a few blocks dell where was the party decided to walk to my house a few blocks before reaching home I realized that I followed and started running as fast as could the person who followed me did the same and I reached up to grab my arm and throw me to the floor, suddenly saw how the person became a werewolf he approached me with their sharp tooth and nothing appeared a group of people who started shoot the wolf, do not know what to do and ran to my house, between my home as fast as I could and went up to my room I slept still trembling with fear. never knew that happened that night. MIXED MESSAGE One day to get a travel agency was planning a family vacation. They wanted to travel to a beautiful but inexpensive place, they did not know that instead choose they decided to speak with the manager of the agency to give them advice about the most visited places in the world. The father gave his family brochures on places that seemed beautiful among the many discussions they decided they would visit Spain. When I started to talk to the manager of the place they wanted to visit the manager told them that the agency conducted only travel by boat. Disappointed the family left the place and began to look for another agency.

Rodrigo Bustamante Luna MICROFICTION One day in my house I was with my mom, and we were doing some families activities. My mom felt sick and we had to run to the hospital. I was so scared because I didn't not what was happening with her. The doctor told me that she wasn't sick she had just a "mareo" MINI-SAGA A house is not a home. A man wanted to travel. A woman wanted to get one hundred in the exam . The man bought a pizza in Villaloma. The woman prepared lasagna for the dinner. He was so glad, 'cause his cousin was crazy. She gets married with a handsome and rich man. THE MONSTER OF TUXTLA Once upon the time I was a monster. In the night I went to the night's parties and bit every girls what I see. First every girls running for fear, but when they was bitten they last fear. My attack was simple, first I began to see my target, next I began my hunt, I ran in silence, always watching my target, when I was close, I bit the neck just the vein which went to heart Sincerely Rodrigo Bustamante "the worst and most terrorific monster" MIXED MESSAGE One day a guy was driving on a busy street circulated, the boy was listening to music when suddenly a dog is running through the street to avoid running over the dog the boy turn the car sideways and accidentally hit the curb, not long several minutes until the traffic police arrived to see what was the problem, the police saw the car which was against the curb is realized that the boy had crash, approached the boy to give the fine and confiscate the car, the officers spoke with the boy about what had happened the guy explains in detail what crash to avoid running over the dog, the officer saw the dog near the car and so decided to forgive the fine boy

Johana Chavez Meraz MICROFICTION The morning was cool this summer August 2, when the girl knocked on the door of the Edelman‟s' house. For two months, every day, at seven o'clock in the morning, she had to care for the child of the couple. Meanwhile, Clara Edelman finished showering and Martin, her husband left on the kitchen the coffee cup for go to open the door. He opened the door without asking. The child was sleeping and the dog shaking his tail in the top of the stairs. The routine was the same every day. The boy would sleep until nine. The girl would take coffee with Martin, in silence, while he was reading the paper. Clara would drop to around eight , she would drink standing two sips of milk while picked up the briefcase and car keys. Five past eight and the whole house for her until nine. No one knew of his hobby incendiary. If the morning had not been fresh, she would not have done. MINI-SAGA A good man is hard to find. A man had a passion for being a police officer. A woman had ambition to be rich. The man went to Due-Torre for dinner. The woman bought a ticket in a bus station to go home. He was angry because his team lost. She slept late to wait for her husband. If the man hadn't been a police officer, the woman would not slept too late. Because a good man is hard to find. SCARY STORY One day when I was 14 years old, I was afraid of night, because when all the lights went off, I began to feel different. I felt my hands and face were swollen; my skin color changed and only thought of going out and attacking anyone who was put in front of me. One day I decided to go out and in front of me was a boy and when I saw him I just wanted to kill him, the boy ran, but I was faster, when I reached the boy I put my hands on his neck and while I saw him stop breathing, and awoke I was in my bedroom. I felt scared and sometimes I think it wasn't a dream. MIXED MESSAGES Officer: Good day sir. , may I see your driver‟s license please, and don't say: "I forget". I always hear people saying that. Man: Excuse me, but did I do anything wrong? Officer: No sir, it‟s only a revision that we are doing because we are searching for a guy who drives a similar car like yours. Man: Here you go. Officer: Sir. Please get out of the vehicle. You are under arrest. Man: But I haven‟t done anything, this isn‟t possible. Officer: You have all the characteristics of the offender. The same car color, height, hair color and the same plate number, 008-EWO, are the same. Don‟t try to lie me. Man: Are you blind? Stop to accuse me. My plate number is 008-EMO. Officer: Ups! The plate number in the report is backwards. I‟m sorry Sir. Go on and remember to wear a seat belt. STOP, REMEMBER, FORGET AND PREFER. - What did you forget the homework? - Don't forget to be punctual. - Teacher Michael said to me: stop drinking when the class has started. - I decided yesterday to stop running in the stairs when I go to classes. - I always remember write my name in all my books. - When I come to Tec I always remember to bring my lap. - I prefer to arrive Teacher Michael's class than go to snack. - When I stay in Tec I prefer to go to library than go to DAE.

Alejandra Graham MICROFICTION A sunny fall morning a teenager very unquiet was painting a beautiful painting in her small but cozy house. María enjoyed mixing the colors to create her painting. Lucía, her sister wanted a dress for her graduation. María decided to make some paintings more to sell and to buy her sister's dress. In a newspaper she announced a garage sale in her house. She put on sale her best painting. A very rich man offered Maria much money for her painting, because the painting was really beautiful. The garage sale was a success, so María decided to work hard to make another garage sale. If the people buy her paintings she can help her family and build a bigger house. While this happens her sister is very grateful with María because she bought her dress for the graduation. MINI-SAGA Dreams can come true. A man wanted to study Law. A woman wanted to sing in the auditorium. The man bought tickets for the cinema. The woman prepared lasagna for the dinner. He was so glad, 'cause his novel was published. She get married with a handsome and rich man. If you strive constantly. SCARY STORY All the afternoons I go to English classes, but one afternoon my dad couldn't go for me, so I had to walk for arrive to my house. I passed in front of a solitary park. The park was really dark, I tried to walk faster 'cause I saw a shadow. The street looked don't has end it was alone and dark, I wanted to run but I couldn't my legs were shaking. And when I saw the corner a woman old appeared. She called me, but I followed walking, she followed me and I really scared I couldn't scream. In front of me appeared an ugly and black cat. I almost fainting but a light appeared in front of me. It was a taxi. The taxi man looked at me very scared, so he help me and I arrived to my house. CONFUSION BETWEEN AGENT AND TOURIST/TRAVELER The last week a tourist arrived to a travel agency, because he had got a rise in his job and he wanted to celebrate it. The agent suggests him traveling at the beach, because is a place where he can live an amazing experience. The tourist was so glad with the idea, but he had forgotten to tell it to his boss and had forgotten attending the meeting too. The tourist regrets to inform to his boss all his plans and regrets not having attended the meeting. To another day, then to check his schedule and has the support of his boss the tourist came back and bought his ticket. The tourist was excited with his trip, he carried in his luggage his swimsuit, sun glasses, sunscreen, towel, etc. When the plane landed the tourist left to the plane and took a big surprise, he was in the North Pole feeling cold. Immediately he called to the agency and he complained. The agency offered him to pay more for take other plane and go to the beach. He was really angry; because he was dying of cold and he had to pay for go out from there. He regretted having gone to the agency and the agent apologized for making him a bad vacation. He was very angry and just wanted to forget this holiday.

José Pablo Zenteno Alonso MICROFICTION I still remember that day, it was March 14. The sky was really blue and the camp was so clean that we could stay there and sleep. I had trained so hard for a long time to be there some days but I was still nervous and excited. It was my first camp in open cities. My ranch it was going to be the first camp and meet people. That day I woke up at 8 am in the morning and I got ready for the first activity. I went to downtown where I meet the rest of the camp team. My friends Brenda and Marco were waiting for me. We are good friends, and also we were de bests ones of the team, our coach had a lot of expectation in us. MINI-SAGA A man had passion for sports and all stuff like that. A woman had ambition for be a excellent cheerleader. The man bought all the outfit to play soccer. The woman decided to be cheerleader. He was an excellent player. She was an amazing cheerleader. A man with passion for soccer is a good man. STORY In America there was a mass murder. Policemen went to investigate. Trying not to tread on the bodies, the police took pictures of each one. One policeman saw something on the opposite wall, but he couldn't read it. He walked over to it and saw the numbers "7734" in calculator form, written in blood. When taking pictures of this, he turned his camera upside-down and told an approaching police officer. When he pointed with the hand that the camera was in, he accidentally took a picture of the upside-down numbers. The policeman was about to delete the picture when he realized something. The numbers were now a word. The word was "HELL." Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:00 PM José Pablo Zenteno Alonso

Mauro Gordillo CONFUSION BETWEEN AGENT AND TOURIST/TRAVELER The last week, a men arrived to the agent because he finished her school and he wanted to celebrate it. The agent suggests him traveling at Cancun, because it is the correct place to live an terrific experience. The men was magnificent with Cancún , until he realized that his ticket fly was wrong. He had forgotten to tell to the travel agent that he needed to come back one day before the ticket fly date because he will present his final exam. To another day, he called immediately to the travel agency to resolve the problem. The agency offered him to pay him the fly ticket because the travel agency confused the date of the ticket. He regretted having gone to the agency and the agent apologized for making him a bad moment because he almost lost the chance to present the final exam.

Ana Laura González Gutiérrez MICROFICTION A long time ago, a sad little boy had a charming dream to have a job to pay for the medicines of his mom. Coming to his house, he started to read the newspaper. When he was looking at page number 3, he read something that said, "looking for a boy to work inside of the motor plane." He thought it was a good idea, if he went looking for the work he could probably take it, and have money for his mom. After that he went looking for some clothes which were better form. Then he go and talk with his mom about the work, and the mom was really happy. The boy go to the airport and talk with the person who appeared in the newspaper. The boy decided to take the work and the man was happy to work with the little guy. The little boy worked hard, and finished so tired. He took the money to the drugstore to buy his mom's medicines. The guy got back to his house, and bring to his mom the medicines, and she was so happy and thankful with her son. MINI-SAGA Another day, another dollar. A man had a passion for watching soccer games, but he had a lot of work; his wife was so excited like a woman wishes to take a dinner with her husband so the woman were angry and tried to kill he. The man went to a police academy to learn how he could defense himself. The couple broke off and the woman worked so much every day to have a nice and new life. After separated, he was happy for the rest of the week, and she was fired for her job. CUSTOMS AGENT AND TOURIST Agent: May I help you?? Tourist: Yes, please; I need to find a flight to Toronto!! Agent: What's the airline?? Tourist: OMG, I forgot to ask my wife about that!!!! Agent: Please try to think was Mexicana, Continental airlines??? Tourist: Ohhh I remembering was Continental airlines flight number A033143JK Agent: Oh yes, here is!!! How many tickets you want? Tourist: Two please; a child and me! Agent: Ok, First Class? Tourist: Preferring in tourist class!!! Agent: Ok, here are you're tickets!!! Nice to served you!! Tourist: Thank you and have a nice day!! END OF SUMMER: BACK TO WORK I have stop to thinking about the beach; but I remember to call my parents for say to them that I‟m in my house, and I can forget to said that I came back in bus, because they prefer that I came in bus than in my car. I was remembering when my parents came to my house I was so sad. I prefer to stay at home in this moment but I can't because I was forgetting that today I have math exam; when I stop to do my exam I go back to my house

Juan de Dios Aguilar MICROFICTION I stopped to smoke a cigarette because this I have to remember, where did I put my cigarette lighter? Maybe when you don't find the answer, think in the impossible, there you'll find it. I have had enough of this problem! So, did you Study Political Science? Yeah! ha-ha Fancy that me too. Man the hit that you take on the ground feels so painful Oh! Good! I totally forget my keys in your house. I tell you, Fernán is such a good friend as Olay is! I've been here for the last two years. That man you see right there is so powerful that even the rich ones are afraid of him. MINI-SAGA Everything that has to happen, will happen. A man who was noting a canvas had a great passion for art, so thinking about his own future he decided to study art at Berkeley University. The days made weeks and the weeks months and the months years, He could take his career to the finish and become the best in the field. Although infusing the difficulty never stopped him, now with love he misses the moments alone noting his own canvas. A woman had a wish for potato chips, but the time of work was still on the clock, and she couldn't break out of the office until the time was finished, so she waited. She was singing a song, and when the time was over, she was free to take all the potato chips and could sleep a little. SO WHERE IS THE WOLF MAN? It was Late, The Climate was rainy, but I was there sitting behind a bush waiting for a prey to eat, so I saw him running in the forest, in the middle of the night, running like usually you worry, I‟m a nature Hunter so it was easy get myself Closer and smell his Blood, it just alter my hunger, so I made my move, I jumped from the bush and take him surprise and in a second I was biting his neck, ohh that taste of blood felt really good, but the guy start to shout and the people of the town start to on the lights of their homes, and a lot of men take their weapons and went inside the forest, so I let the guy dying on the ground knowing what I have sentenced him, at morning I start thinking to leave the town but I couldn‟t let the guy there alone, so I follow him all the process of transformation, it was hard for him, he had a girlfriend and he really loved her that's why when the hunger of meat and blood stared he decide get a silver stake and make it disappear, I admire that guy, whose name I never knew but I also envy him because he was bravest than me, I tried to make what he did every night I felt hunger but I can't because I don‟t have the incentive. CONFUSION BETWEEN A POLICEMAN AND A CIVILIAN Stop, Right There!-Shout the policeman - Don‟t Make Any move, sir. Please turn around with the hands where I can see it. The man put his bags on the ground and then he put his hands on the air..-Ex cues me did I do something wrong officer?., The policeman get closer to look his face, when he recognize that face , he felt very embarrassed, -Hi Mr. Harrison I‟m so sorry, I didn‟t watch yourself Cleary, I must be confused .-exclaimed the policeman, when he watches one of the most powerful man in the world walking to him. What happened officer why are you so nervous?? – Mr. Harrison talks like if nothing happened ,- oh well this guy try to kill one of the more important man in the president‟s staff so when I first received the calling I run out through the city watching for him, the description match with yourself., well officer I‟m sure there must be a mistake, I was all day taking care of my kids , sure I prefer to take a walk before dinner and buy some groceries,- I must be mistake Mr. Harrison, you‟re right I watched you a few hours ago I pass near your condo and I saw you playing with your kids , Please Accepted my apologize, I most continue my research excuse me.- say the policeman while he walks… Mr. Harrison turns around and watched the bunch of people starring him, he takes his bags of the ground and keep walking like if nothing happened, but in his back inside her pants he was carrying a weapon.

FORGET, REMEMBER, STOP, PREFER I most remember my password here in MuDJoB I really prefer to do my homework that have an exam If I Stop visiting MSN I will not have any conversation with friends from High School I don‟t forget the junior school yet I prefer to be outgoing that pushover I forget to do my Homework at time.

Alix Morales MICROFICTION: Shot By Cupid The last week, I was walking on the middle of the Street, and suddenly I stumbled with a big rock. When I was on the floor, I looked up and I saw a really cute smile. At that moment, the only thing that was crossing through my mind, was the possibility to talk with him. But unexpectedly he came to me, and asked me if I was ok Then, I stood up and told him that I was really ok, and it was unforgivable couldn´t be ok with the single act of looking. One week later, I was eating at a fast food restaurant, with my best friends, and when I went to the area of orders, I came across a pleasant surprise… The person who was at the counter was the guy on whom I had fallen in love. At the final of the history, we established in a relationship. MINI-SAGA All´s well that ends well, a man aspired to be a wonderful father and , a woman had a passion for traveling around the world. The man went to Canada with his wife. The woman looked for a job in Canada. He was poor because he sang in the street, and she was deficient to control a company. Like all the couples in the United States they have marry and they lived happily ever after! STOP FORGETTING TO REMEMBER - I have to stop exploring in the Web. I lose my time! - I need try to stop my high laud. - You never have to forget your English homework, Mr. Brown can be angry! - If you want to go the party you never have to forget taking your money - I have to remember my dentist date! - Maria have to remember drinking a cup of coffee, she always sleeping at the morning - When I go to the commercial place with my mom I frequently have some problems to choose what I have to buy, so I have to prefer taking with me a list! - If my parents give me a present on my birthday I have to prefer talking before and tell them what I prefer!

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