2011-2012 Student Handbook

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Marine Math & Science Academy Student Handbook

2011-2012 Academic Year Marine Math & Science Academy 145 S. Campbell Chicago, IL 60612 (773)534-7818 www.marinemilitary.org

STUDENT INFORMATION Name: Rank: CPS Login: Student ID#

Division :

Locker # Company:






Class Schedule Pd

01 02 02HR 03 04 04A 04AB 04BC 04C 05 06



Table of Contents Administrative Staff


Principal’s Message


Chicago Public Schools Chain of Command


Mission/Vision Statement


Student Policies


General School Policies


Academic Information


Discipline Codes


Counseling and Special Services


Extra – Curricular Activities


Military Protocols


Cadet Creed & Marine Corps Hymn


Administrative Staff Leonard Harris Principal


John Keith Assistant Principal


LtCol Michael E. Stewart Commandant


School Support Staff William Berry Dean of Students


Ila Faulkner Counselor


Stephannie Jennings School Clerk


Rosa Salazar Attendance Coordinator


Matthew Murphy Technology Coordinator


Roosevelt Singleton Head of Security


August 2011

WELCOME ABOARD FOR 2011-2012! Welcome Students, As we embark upon another exciting year at Marine Math and Science Academy I would like to congratulate all of you on your continued success. I would also like to welcome and congratulate the incoming class of 2015 on making it through the selection process. I am confident that all of you will meet the academic challenges set before you this year. I am very proud to present the fourth edition of the Marine Math & Science Academy Student Handbook. Many hours of hard work and planning as well as years of experience went into this manual to make sure it is comprehensive, yet understandable. If you understand and follow these procedures and rules, you will be able to meet all challenges that come your way both academically and socially. We will have a successful and enjoyable school year.


Leonard Harris Leonard Harris Academy Principal

City of Chicago Rahm Emanuel Mayor, City of Chicago

Chicago Board of Education David Vitale President Jesse Ruiz Vice-President Henry Bienen Member Dr. Mahalia Hines Member Penny Pritzker Member Rod Sierra Member Andres Zopp Member

Chicago Public Schools Jean-Claude Brizard Chief Executive Officer Charles M. Payne Chief Education Officer

Mission: Marine Math and Science Academy provides our students with a challenging and engaging curriculum that prepares them to be successful in post-secondary education, military, and/or a career in the diverse work force while instilling in every student the ideals of self-discipline, leadership and civic responsibility.

Vision: Marine Math and Science Academy will be a highly competitive premiere high school in academics, sports and clubs. We will accomplish this vision by providing our students with a motivated, highly qualified staff, state of the art classrooms, and a variety of co-curricular activities. MMSA will continue to provide a rigorous and enriching learning atmosphere that cultivates academic excellence while adhering to the Marine Corps values of honor, courage, and commitment.

Student Policies STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES The enrollment process at the Marine Math and Science Academy is designed to identify students who possess the academic skill, motivation, and self-discipline necessary to achieve academically in a military academy environment. Students are responsible for the following commitments: To achieve academically. To attend school and formation promptly and on a regular basis. To follow the Chicago Public School’s “Student Code of Conduct.” To properly wear prescribed uniform. To adhere to the MCJROTC Core Values. To follow military protocols and chain of command.

Students who do not honor these commitments are subject to administrative transfer and will be reassigned to their neighborhood school. The following circumstances are some reasons for administrative transfer: Failure to properly wear a prescribed uniform. Failure to successfully pass JROTC classes. Accumulation of excessive demerits. Disciplinary expulsions. Attendance below 95%. Receiving a D or below in 2 or more classes. Excessive cuts/ unexcused absences.

METAL DETECTOR SCREENING In order to ensure a safe and secure environment, students and visitors are subject to screening by metal detector. Walk-through and hand-held metal detectors will be employed for this purpose. Students should arrive at school early and remove all metal objects from their person prior to entering the building. BOOK BAGS/PURSES A student may carry a book bag to and from school, but it must be left inside their locker during school hours. Book Bags and oversized purses are not allowed in the classroom. Students are to carry their books to class and visit their locker between class periods. Military dress codes states purses or handbags must be black in color. The purse can be leather or synthetic and with or without straps. LOST AND FOUND A lost and found will be located in the main office. At the end of each ten-week period, all unclaimed items will be discarded. DISCLAIMER OF RESPONSIBILITY The Marine Math and Science Academy is not responsible for the loss or theft of any personal items brought to school by students. Students are strongly encouraged not to bring personal items of value to school. This includes, but is not limited to cell phones, CD players, MP3 players, PSP’s, Nintendo Game Boys, and large amounts of cash.

STUDENT FEES School fees are necessary in order to help implement the sound educational programs we have planned for all our students. We must ask parents for 100% support on school fees.

2011-2012 Fee Schedule School Lock $7.50 School ID $5.00 Student Organizer $7.50 Student Handbook $10.00 Technology Fee $10.00 Copying Fee $10.00 Department Fee $40.00 Yearbook $35.00 JROTC Picnic $10.00 JROTC Fee $15.00 Total Fees $150.00 Optional Fee Athletic School Fee $30.00 LOCKS & LOCKERS Upon the start of the school year a locker will be assigned to each student. Only locks provided by MMSA can be used on the locker. Locks will be issued to you at the beginning of the school year. Replacement locks cost $10.00. Students are not allowed to share lockers or use unassigned lockers. If an unassigned locker is found to be in use, the lock will be removed and any contents will be removed. Unauthorized locks will be cut off and access to that locker will be denied. Student locks and lockers should be secured at all times. The Academy is not responsible for items stored within lockers. If your locker is left unsecured, the contents may be removed. Adhesives, markers, or any other materials that may damage the locker are not allowed. You are responsible for keeping your locker in an orderly manner. The Academy Superintendent reserves the right to hold locker inspections without notification. CTA BUS CARDS The cost of a CTA card will be $5.00. The fee is exclusive of the student activity fee. CTA Bus Cards can be purchased in the main office. Additional instructions and an application form are available for students who register late. All late applications must be mailed directly to CTA. IDENTIFICATION CARDS The Marine Math and Science Academy will provide you with an ID card with your current photo, CPS Student ID Number and schedule. Students must wear IDs clipped to the right pocket or collar point at all times in the school building. Students must present their IDs upon request of any staff member and at lunch daily. Temporary IDs are available but are good for one day. The cost of the temporary ID card is $2.00. Replacement ID’s may be purchased for $5.00 during in the main office.

EMERGENCY DATA CARD All students must have a current emergency data card on file in the main office with current address and daytime home/business phone, cellular phone of their legal parent/guardian, as well as, two additional people in case we cannot reach your legal parent/guardian are required. TEXTBOOKS You will be issued a textbooks for your classes. Students are responsible for the care of the book. This book is loaned to you by MMSA for the time you are enrolled in the class. The book must be returned at the end of the school year. You will be charged for the book if it is lost or if it is damaged. If you lose a textbook, your teacher will issue you a new book and you will be charged for the cost of the book. ILLNESS OF STUDENTS (During School) If student feels ill and/or is injured during school hours, student is to notify their teacher immediately. If student is not feeling well, he/she is to request to be escorted to the main office. The main office will have the student call home and request an early dismissal if needed. The legal parent/guardian must pick up the student from school MEDICATIONS (Ref: CPS Policy Manual; Title: Administration of Medication During School Hours: Sec: 704.2; Brd Rpt: 02-0724-PO01 July 24, 2002) No student may have in his/her possession any prescription or over-the-counter medication and may not take any form of these medications on the school campus without a written doctor’s request for the administration of medication during school hours. Marine Math and Science Academy, in collaboration with the school nurse, will contact the physician to verify the request (CPS medication request form). If you are required to take prescription medication (s) during school, the medication must be brought to the school nurse with a signed Parent’s Authorization to Release.

General School Policies EARLY ARRIVAL/EARLY DISMISSAL Marine Math and Science Academy will be open every school day at 7:00 a.m. No student shall be admitted prior to this time. Students are encouraged to eat breakfast at 7:30 a.m. If a student needs to leave school because of an emergency, the student must report to the main office for an early dismissal. CPS policy requires a parent/guardian be notified to pick up the child or release the child from school. ATTENDANCE POLICY The attendance policy is established to encourage academic achievement. All students are expected to attend all classes daily. Regular attendance and promptness is expected. It should be understood that absences, whether excused or unexcused, may have a negative impact on the class grade. Attendance is very important to your advancement and academic progress. After eighteen days of unexcused attendance, you may fail all your classes. The following are acceptable causes of absences: Illness: The student brings note from the physician or parent/legal guardian. Appointment or Early Dismissal: Only registered guardians are permitted to sign students out. Family Emergency Death of an immediate family member Observation of Religious Holidays

All absences must be reported via phone or online and the student must bring a note from the parent/guardian on the day of return to the attendance coordinator in the main office. TARDINESS Marine Math and Science Academy will not tolerate tardiness to class. Students that are tardy to school st after 1 period are to report to the main office for a tardy slip before reporting to any classes. Excessive tardiness are subject to disciplinary action. Passes are required when walking in the hallways. The time, date, your name and destination must be clearly indicated. Students should have a classroom pass or office pass. The teacher should be immediately shown the pass when entering the classroom. CUTTING CLASS One cut will result in parent notification and detention. Repeated cuts will result in out of school or in school suspension and parent conference. Students who cut will also be subject to probation. HALLS AND STAIRWAYS Students will move from class to class by the most direct route. There will be no loitering in the halls or stairways. There will be no loud behavior involving screaming, yelling, running, play fighting or use of profanity. Establishing a meeting spot is not permitted. Students caught in forbidden areas of the school will be dealt with accordingly. No student is allowed in the hallway during class time without a teacher’s official hall pass. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a pass prior to leaving a classroom. If the teacher does not give the student a pass, the student is not allowed to leave the classroom. Students who leave the classroom without permission are subject to disciplinary action. All students must have a pass to leave the classroom except in extreme emergencies. The school will utilize only official hall passes as designated by the school administration.

CELL PHONES/ ELCTRONIC DEVICES Students are not allowed to have cell phones or electronic devices in-sight, or in use during school hours in the building, unless directed to by staff or teachers. Students who abuse this rule will have their devices confiscated and sent to the disciplinarian to be returned to the parent. Electronic devices are kept in student lockers, turned off, to avoid being lost or stolen. Confiscated devices may be picked up on Wednesdays and Fridays from the Dean of Students between 3:30 and 4:30 PM. LUNCHROOM REGULATIONS The CPS policy states that neither teachers nor students are allowed to bring homemade food for any official classroom event. Teachers cannot make food for students and students are not allowed to make food for other students for any reason. Only store-bought items may be used for classroom events. This policy is to protect the health of all involved. Students are not allowed to eat or drink in the classroom unless it is an organized event or is required with proper documentation. The exception is non-flavored water. Food and drink of any kind is not allowed in any of the school’s designated computer labs. LUNCHROOM Breakfast is available in the morning before school and lunch is mandatory for every student. Lunch generally costs $1.50 - $3.00. Ala carte items are available at additional costs. Free and reduced lunches are provided. Students must have an I.D. to obtain service. Good behavior and manners are expected from all students in the cafeteria. Loud, discourteous and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Food or drink is not to be taken from the lunchroom at any time. Students must maintain proper uniform while in the lunchroom. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES School-sponsored, after-school activities will be provided. Students that are participating in an after school activity must be accompanied by their sponsor/coach and in their assigned area. Students that leave the building for any reason will not allowed to re-enter the building. Students must remain in their assigned areas for the length of the activity. Leaving that area requires a valid hall pass. At the conclusion of the activity, students are to leave the building in a timely fashion. Loitering after school is not allowed. LOITERING Students found loitering in the halls at any time are subject to disciplinary action. The passing periods are four (4) minutes in length. Students who loiter in the halls during the passing period and ignore the direction of staff members to have them move along are subject to disciplinary action. For the safety of all students, they are to leave the school immediately after dismissal. Loitering outside the school especially near the CTA bus and train station is prohibited. Students who loiter are subject to disciplinary action and/or arrest. FIRE DRILLS Fire drills are serious activities designed to prepare students and staff in case of emergency. Students should always check the disaster/fire drill cards in each classroom to ensure knowledge of their evacuation route. During a fire drill, routes can be blocked and teachers may have to shout directives to hundreds of students. It is important to be quiet and pay attention to all staff and teachers. Stay with your teacher, move quickly, and walk away from the building. Form up in the designated area by class. Once outside, your teacher will take attendance. When the all clear is signaled please pay attention to your teacher so you know where to re-enter the building.

VISITORS All visitors must enter MMSA through the school main entrance on Campbell Avenue. They will be required to produce an official photo ID and sign the visitor’s book at the security desk. They will then receive a Visitor’s Pass, which must be worn at all times in the building. When possible, visitors should make prior arrangements with school officials before arrival. If you notice someone unfamiliar in the school and they are not being escorted by a school/CPS employee or they do not have a visible Visitor’s Pass, immediately alert the closest teacher/staff member, the main office or a security officer of the suspicious person. Anyone who avoids the main entrance security and/or does not wear a Visitor’s Pass will be considered a trespasser and will be removed by Security or Chicago Police and may be arrested PARENT CONFERENCES Parent/guardians may contact or leave a message for a teacher through our voice mail system or by emailing the teacher. Teacher contact information can be found on the school website: www.marinemilitary.org. Parent/guardians who wishes to call a conference should make arrangements through their child’s teacher, counselor, or school administrator. The school will also contact parents to set up conferences with teachers or staff. PAC One of the best ways for parents/guardians to get involved in the school and in their student’s education is through the MMSA PAC or Parents Advisory Council. The organization helps the school and its students through various activities such as fundraising and volunteering. Please visit the school’s webpage for more information on the PAC BOARD OF GOVENORS The Board of Governors is an Alternative Local School Counsel for CPS military academies. Meetings are open to the public and all parents are encouraged to attend any meeting. The board meets every third Thursday of the month to discuss various school issues and concerns. More information about the Board of Governors can be found on the school website.

Academic Information GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS English four (4) years Social Science three (3) years Math four (4) years Science four (4) years World Language two years (2) of the same Fine Arts two (2) years R.O.T.C./Health four (4) years One (1) elective PSAE

In addition all students must complete the following: Public Law Test (The Constitution Test) Driver Education Health Consumer Education 40 service learning hours

24 total credits necessary for graduation. Only those students who have completed all graduation requirements may participate in the commencement exercises. Those who participate will be required to adhere to all rules and regulations. Special students are honored at commencement. Valedictorian is the student who has the highest weighted grade point average in the class. If there is a tie, each will be designated. To be eligible, a student must have completed a minimum of four semesters at MMSA. Salutatorian is the student who has the next highest weighted grade point average. If there is a tie, each will be designated. To be eligible, a student must have completed a minimum of four semesters at MMSA. The Honor Stole is worn by members of the National Honor Society. The Honor Cord is awarded to students that have at least a 3.5 weighted GPA. The Student Marshall position is an honor given to male and female juniors who are chosen by the faculty. COMMUNITY SERVICE LEARNING HOURS Students must complete 40 hours of community service in order to graduate from any CPS High School. You need a minimum of ten hours each year and you can complete them early. You may do this in a variety of endeavors that will be announced in school. Your homeroom teacher and your counselor can assist you in selecting programs to fulfill your community service requirement. GRADE REPORTS/FIVE-WEEK PROGRESS REPORTS Every fifth, fifteenth, twenty-fifth and thirty-fifth weeks an academic report will be sent to your home. On the tenth, twentieth, thirtieth and fortieth weeks, you will receive report cards. The tenth and thirtieth weeks, the teachers will see the parents for parent/teacher conferences. If you are going to fail on a report card, your parent must be notified. This may be done through a failure

notice in the mail, e-mail, or phone call. The twentieth and fortieth week (semester 1 and 2) grades count towards the student GPAs. GRADE REPORTS/FIVE-WEEK PROGRESS REPORTS CONT. The twentieth and fortieth week grades are cumulative from the previous twenty weeks. If you have more than 18 days unexcused absence in a semester, you will fail your classes. COURSE EXAMINATIONS Written examinations are administered in all classes during the school year. Quarterly examinations occur during the ninth and twenty-ninth weeks of school. Semester examinations occur during the nineteenth and thirty-ninth weeks of school. A final testing schedule will be distributed prior to the examinations. HOMEWORK LAB/ TUTORING The homework lab is available to students for the completion of missing work or to receive tutoring. Students participating in the homework lab are required to stay the entire 50 minutes. We encourage students to attend homework lab in efforts to bring up any failing grades. Homework lab will be mandatory for students failing any course. HONOR ROLL Students may achieve one of three Honor Roll standings each semester at MMSA. The three honor roll categories are Honor Roll, High Honors, and Principal’s Award. Honor Roll: Student must maintain a G.P.A. of 3.0 – 3.49. High Honors: Student must maintain a G.P.A. of 3.5 – 3.99. Principal’s Award: Student must maintain a G.P.A. of 4.0 and above.

STANDARDIZED TESTING PROGRAM MMSA administers tests to students each year. The following tests are administered at each grade level: in the fall, freshmen are administered the Explore exam while sophomores and juniors take the PLAN exam. This testing program is mandated by the Chicago Public Schools. In the spring, juniors take the Prairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE). The PSAE consists of the ACT, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) exam, and Work Keys Exam. In the fall, sophomores will take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), which correlates closely with college entrance exams. COLLEGE PLACEMENT All students will take the ACT (American College Test). This test is offered in October, December, February, April, and June. The ACT will also be given as part of the PSAE (Prairie State Achievement Exam) administered during the junior year and is a requirement for graduation. The SAT (Scholastic Achievement Test) may be required by some colleges and should be taken in spring of the junior year of fall of the senior year.


All promotion/demotions for freshmen, sophomore, and junior students will be done in June of each year. All deficiencies must be made up in summer school, during the next academic year (schedule permitting) or evening school. Each credit in summer school will come with fee. Please see the main office or counselor for more information. For promotion to the next grade level, the promotion policy is as follows: Sophomore Status: 5.0 units of credit and 10 Service Learning credits Junior Status: 11.0 units of credit and 20 Service Learning credits Senior Status: 17.0 units of credit and 30 Service Learning credits

HOMEWORK Homework is a constant and daily commitment. Parents/Guardians should make a habit of checking their students School Agenda Book for homework assignments. Parents can also help their children in pursuit of their education by providing a place and time at home devoted to study each day.

FIELD TRIPS Field trips are a privilege and students attending a trip must behave accordingly. All students must have a completed and signed field trip form prior to leaving the building. A field trip experience is defined as a school-sponsored learning opportunity for class. A field trip is an integral part of classroom instruction that would be difficult or impossible for students to obtain independently. To go on field trips you must have a signed permission slip from your parents, and a signed permission slip by each teacher. If you are missing any signature, you may not attend the trip and only the Academy Superintendent or Designee can override this lack of permission. To go on a field trip, you must have not been recently suspended. Teachers need notification before being excused from a regular class for an in house project, assembly, or a work detail. The permission slip system will be used will be required. VOLUNTEERS (Ref: CPS Policy Manual; Title: Volunteer Policy; Sec: 801.2; Brd Rpt: 02-1218-PO02; Date: 18 Dec 02) Your parents/guardians and community members are welcome and encouraged to volunteer at the academy during the school day. In order to protect your safety and security and our academy personnel, a volunteer, except a parent/guardian who is accompanying your class on a field trip or on another type of occasional extra-curricular activity, must pass a criminal background investigation and have a current tuberculosis certification. The potential volunteer must then be approved by the principal.

Discipline Codes POLICY ON STUDENT BEHAVIOR Any student found to violate school or district wide rules will be subject to disciplinary actions as laid out in the Student Code of Conduct handbook. This document is provided to every student enrolled at MMSA each year and is also available online at www.cps.edu under Student Resources. Students also receive a copy of MMSA policy and disciplinary procedures for tardiness to class, class cutting, and infractions of class/school rules. CADET ADVISORY BOARD The Cadet Advisory Board (CAB) will be formed to assist you in becoming a better citizen student. The CAB is an important part of a battalion enforcement process of intervention to counsel students and improves individual student behavior. If you have violated CPS Uniform Discipline Code groups 1-3, or have accrued 20 demerits, the Disciplinarian or Commandant may assign you to a CAB hearing. You can request the Advisory Board for a hearing through the Discipline or Military Office. The purpose of the board is to counsel students who have committed acts of misconduct. These hearings are setup using the guidelines of the Chicago Public School Peer Jury Program. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS/CONSEQUENCES DETENTION Periods of discipline are served in the Detention Center for infractions of school rules related to cutting, tardiness, or school/class discipline. The Dean of Students will inform the student of the detention. Detentions will last for one hour. Detentions may be served after school, lunch, or on Saturdays with the Detention Center staff. Failure to serve detentions in the specified time will result in a parent conference and suspension for the student. IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION In some special instances, in-school suspension may be used in lieu of an out-of-school suspension for specified periods. Students remain in school but are assigned to the discipline office for the day or specified periods. Students are to report to in-school suspension immediately after morning formation. Students will bring all necessary textbooks and materials. Students will be provided with daily work. SUSPENSION The student Code of Conduct states that “For gross disobedience of misconduct a pupil may be suspended temporarily for a period not to exceed ten school days for each offense.” During any suspension, the student may not attend class, participate in school activities, or visit the school grounds. Students found on the premises will be arrested for trespassing. The misconduct report will be sent home with the student along with a phone call explaining the incident. The misconduct report will also contain the length of the suspension. ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS Students who accumulate multiple inappropriate behavior of suspension in categories 4, 5, and/or 6 of the Student Code of Conduct are referred for EXPLUSION AND/OR EMERGENCY PLACEMENT EXPULSION The Student Code of Conduct states, “Whenever a pupil in any school is found guilty of gross disobedience, misconduct, or other violations of the by-laws, rules and regulations of the Board of Education in the City of Chicago, he/she may be expelled from school. The parents or guardians shall be requested to appear before a hearing officer to discuss the pupil’s behavior. The District Superintendent may take such action upon recommendation of the hearing officer as he shall deem appropriate.”

Among the acts of misconduct that necessitate the referral of a student for a mandatory expulsion hearing are: the use, possession, or sale of illegal substances such as marijuana and alcoholic beverages and, the use, possession, or concealment of any weapon including guns, knives, and utility knives (box cutters). CONDUCT DURING SCHOOL SPONSORED SPECIAL EVENTS Your behavior represents every student at MMSA, so show your school spirit by displaying proper conduct before and during the assembly. These are the guidelines for conduct during special events: Do not proceed to the assigned room until lead by a teacher. Students will sit in assigned seats with your classroom teacher. Show appreciation by clapping. Do not block aisles. Please be quiet and courteous towards performers and speakers. FALSE ACTIVATION OF FIRE ALARM/FIRE EXTINGUISHER False activation of a fire alarm is a crime punishable by law and carries a fine of $500.00. If Students are found guilty they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. False activation of a fire extinguisher compromises the effectiveness of the school’s fire prevention capability. Students who falsely activate a fire extinguisher will be suspended from school and will be responsible for the cost involved in recharging or replacing the fire extinguisher.

Counseling and Specialized Services COUNSELING SERVICES The counselor is available to all students in need of guidance regarding academics, personal and social issues, and college / career planning. The main objectives of the counselor is to assist students in their personal and social development, to help them navigate through high school successfully, and to guide students toward preparing him/herself for opportunities and widening their knowledge base about post-secondary options. Much of this guidance will transpire through group work, individual sessions and classroom guidance lessons. The counseling office is located in room 220 and is open during school hours on Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Appointments must be made in advance with the counselor, however, walk-Ins are welcome before and after school and during all lunch periods. Students should not drop by the counseling office during class time except in the case of an emergency. Students should frequently check their cps email account and the “Counselor’s Page” on the MMSA web page (www.marinemilitary.org) to obtain information and updates on testing schedules, scholarship opportunities, college fairs and tour dates, internship and various academic enrichment programs, credit recovery opportunities and other topics related to academic enhancement and post-secondary options. Parents, students and staff are welcome to contact the counselor for resources, referrals or other counseling related issues. Professional Counselor: Ila Faulkner LPC, (773) 534-7308 or email: ijfaulkner@cps.edu CRISIS INTERVENTION A crisis is a situation which occurs as a result of a traumatic event and alters significantly, the ability to carry on day-to-day activities by students and the school community. All MMSA staff, under the leadership of the counseling team and principal, will follow the protocol of the MMSA Crisis Intervention Plan. The overall goal of the crisis intervention protocol is to meet with the affected individuals and restore them and/or the school community to pre-crisis level of functioning. SOCIAL WORK SERVICES We have one social worker that is available one day a week. A counselor, teacher, or member of the administrative staff may refer a student to the social worker. A student may also seek service on his/her own behalf. In addition, parents may request services for their child.

Extra-Curricular Activities ATHLETICS The Marine Math and Science Academy has a variety of interscholastic sports activities and participates in the Chicago Public Schools Athletic Association. Students must meet academic eligibility requirements and practice requirements to participate on a team. Sports Baseball Basketball - Boys & Girls Cheerleading Cross Country - Boys & Girls Football Soccer - Boys & Girls Track - Boys & Girls Volleyball – Girls MMSA also has numerous clubs, organizations, and activities in which students may participate. All students are encouraged to participate in a club or sport to round out their education. School Organizations and Clubs Book Club Chess Fidelis Literary Magazine Improv JROTC Special Teams National Honor Society Peer Jury Phi Beta Chi Science Club Robotics Student Council Yearbook SPORTING EVENTS If you are a student athlete, you must be signed out of class in advance to participate in sports events. If you do not receive permission, you will not play that game. If a student goes to the game without permission, the student will receive truancy and a zero for all work collected, assigned, or completed during the class periods missed. In order to compete, all athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA. If you are a spectator at a sporting event, remember you represent MMSA. It is expected that you cheer our team on in an appropriate manner. School spirit is a hallmark of military academies. All disciplinary rules that are in effect during the school day are still in effect at sporting events regardless of the location. Students are to show good sportsmanship at all games. STUDENT ELGIBILITY Students must be passing all core classes and have an overall GPA of at least a 2.0 to be eligible for participation in all extra-curricular activities including Illinois High School Association contests. A weekly grade check is made to determine your current eligibility.

THE INDIVIDUAL STUDY PLAN (ISP) In conjunction with students earning passing grades in at least twenty (20) credit hours of high school work per week, students must strive to attain or maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale throughout high school. The student who cannot attain or maintain this grade point average will be required to participate in an Individual Study Plan (ISP), which shall be developed by the student and the counselor, with sign-offs required by student, counselor, athletic coach or extracurricular activity sponsor, and the student’s parent/guardian. The ISP shall be developed within two calendar weeks following the end of the marking period in which the student did not attain or maintain a 2.0 grade point th average, and shall require the student’s participation in 8 period, tutoring, or other academic opportunities in order to provide the student with additional academic instruction.

Military Protocols CORE VALUES The Core Values form the basis of the MMSA program. All students should endeavor to uphold these principles and lead their peers by their example. Academy recruits are required to memorize the principles, Core Values, Honor Code, and Cadet Creed and be able to recite them upon request from faculty members and senior students. The Core Values of Marine JROTC: Honor Honor guides Marines to exemplify ethical and moral behavior: I will act responsibly and be held accountable for my behavior and hold others accountable for their behavior as well. I will conduct myself with the qualities of maturity, dedication, trust, and dependability. Courage Courage is a mental quality that recognizes fear of danger or criticism, but enables a leader to proceed in the face of it with calmness and firmness. It is a quality of mind that gives leaders control over fear, and enables them to accept responsibility and to act properly in a threatening situation. I will adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct by leading by example, mastering my fears, and making tough decisions in the face of adversity. Commitment Commitment means the dedication to carry out all unit tasks and to serve the values of the country, the MCJROTC, and the unit. Commitment leads to the highest discipline for your unit and yourself. I have an unrelenting determination to achieve a standard of excellence in every endeavor. OUR HONOR CODE A Marine Math and Science Academy cadet does not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do. This underlying code is one of truth and honesty and it establishes the principle that the honor code is of higher value than personal friendship. Lying, cheating, stealing, and plagiarism are wrong as well as condoning or ignoring these acts when they are being done by other students. This honor code is meant to inspire all to act honorably at all times. Definitions: Lying is to state knowingly an oral or written untruth; omitting information to leave a false impression. Cheating is unauthorized assistance on work that is represented as your own including tests, homework, and plagiarism. Stealing is to wrongfully take or obtain anything of value from the true owner permanently, or temporarily. A Non-Toleration violation occurs when a student learns of a violation of the Honor Code by other students and takes no action. A friend who commits a violation and then expects a student to forget about the violation is not a true friend. Students who violate the code cannot help being aware of the bad position in which they place their friends, since they know what the Honor Code means. Insubordination is talking back to a person in authority, repeating an action that has been already corrected, or expressing a non-cooperative demeanor in any form. All violations of the Honor Code must be reported in writing to the Disciplinarian and/or Marine Instructor

Options for reporting a non-toleration situation: Immediately report the incident to a staff member or a student officer. Discuss the incident with the suspected offender, encourage them to report it. Report the offender if needed. Caution and counsel the offender and carry out a warranted response. Drop the matter if it appears certain that no violation has occurred. CLASS MILITARY PROTOCOL Students are expected to be in their classrooms when the bell rings. If you are tardy, enter the class and stand at attention by the door while roll call is being taken. You will respond “Cadet (name), tardy sir/ ma’am.” If you miss roll entirely you will stand at attention inside the door. When the teacher calls you forward, present a tardy slip/pass if you have one and take your seat. Class Leaders will be chosen in every class and should be the senior ranking person in the room; however, your teacher always has the final choice. When an important visitor comes to the academy and enters a classroom, either the class leader or the first student nearest the door, will call “Attention on deck.” The students will remain standing at attention until the VIP, or someone in charge, says “Carry on.” MILITARY DISCIPLINE Lack of discipline in the classroom, halls, or stairways requires immediate corrective action by a faculty or staff member. They may: Call you to attention as a way of stopping negative behavior; Present information to you on how to improve; Give pushups to a maximum of ten per offense; Give you demerits; Send you immediately to the Commandant or the Disciplinarian accompanied by a misconduct report, which can result in serious disciplinary action. DEMOTIONS Demotions may be approved for students who have serious violations of the CPS/Student Code of Conduct, or have failed to maintain minimum requirements for the rank earned. Demotions in rank are the sole purview of the Academy Superintendent, and the Commandant but in ALL cases, the student can request a peer review by the Student Advisory Board. A demotion is not treated lightly. Recommendations for demotions, submitted through the student chain of command to the Company/Battalion Commander, must be in writing and must adequately set out the reasons for the demotion. Demotions can also be brought about by action from the Academy Superintendent, Commandant, or the Disciplinarian. Demotion Criteria Demotion may be recommended for violations of the rules and regulations of MMSA. Demotions may be recommended for inefficiency, misconduct, or poor duty performance. Demotions may be recommended by the administration or Student Advisory Board. Demotions may be recommended for the greater good of the Student Corps honor code violations. Demotions do not occur on the spot; there must be due process. ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFER At the Marine Math & Science Academy, we incorporate high standards of leadership and discipline into our program; thus, we have higher expectations for the behavior of our students. According to the CPS

Military Academy Guidelines, those individuals who refuse to conform to military standards and uniform policies undermine the mission and discipline standards of the school thereby affecting the education of other students and can be subject to involuntary reassignment to their neighborhood school. Reasons for Administrative Transfer: Recorded refusal to adhere to Marine Math and Science Academy’s military uniform policy on and/or off campus. Failing consecutive semester grades in JROTC. Demonstrated unsuitability based on accumulation of excessive demerits or consistent unacceptable behavior relating to the Military Standards as outlined in the Student SOPs Manual. Failing to meet the terms of any probation, or failure to correct the deficiency for which students were placed on probation. ADVANCEMENT/PROMOTION Students will be promoted twice each academic year, at semester end (January & July). To achieve advancement in the enlisted ranks, you must maintain a 2.0 overall GPA, with no grade of “F” during the promotion period. To be considered for an officer promotion, a student must maintain a 2.6 un-weighted GPA, with no grade of “F” in the promotion period. For each rank there are specific requirements for advancement. Early promotions and selection to a rank are possible and will be determined by the Commandant. The specific requirements under each rank can be completed in any order. Students who subsequently receive a grade of “F” during a grading period will be demoted or will lose all rank and privilege. DRESS CODE/UNIFORMS All Students will wear the prescribed MCJROTC uniforms daily. The uniform of the day will be prescribed in the plan of the week which will be posted on the school web site. The Academy principal has the right to authorize the specific dates for the uniform schedule. Please look at the MCJROTC manual for further pictorial clarification. All students are required to wear their cover as they enter the school campus. Wearing of civilian clothing with uniforms, as in the case of civilian coats, ball caps and hoodies, is not authorized. Students wearing the uniform improperly will receive demerits, misconduct write ups and be subject to suspensions. Male Grooming Standards Hair Students will keep their hair neat, clean, and well groomed. The following is a list of grooming standards all students are expected to follow: Hair above the ears and around the neck shall be tapered from the lower natural hairline upwards at least 3/4 inch and outward not greater than 3/4 inch to blend with hairstyle. Hair on the back of the neck must not touch the collar. Hair shall be no longer than four inches and may not touch the ears, collar, extend below eyebrows when headgear is removed, show under front edge of headgear, or interfere with properly wearing military headgear. The bulk of the hair shall not exceed approximately two inches. Bulk is defined as the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp. Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Faddish styles and outrageous multicolored hair are not authorized. The unique quality and texture of curled, kinked, waved, and straight hair is recognized, and in some cases the 3/4 inch taper at the back of the neck may be difficult to attain. In those cases hair must present a graduated appearance and may combine the taper with a line at the back of the neck. One (cut, clipped or shaved) natural, narrow, fore and aft part is authorized. Varying hairstyles, including afro, are permitted if these styles meet the criteria of maximum length and bulk, tapered neck and sides, and do not interfere with properly wearing military headgear. Plaited or braided hair shall not be worn while in uniform or in a duty status. Keep sideburns neatly trimmed and tailored in the same manner as the haircut. Sideburns shall not

extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, shall be of even width (not flared) and shall end with a clean shaven horizontal line. "Muttonchops", "ship's captain", or similar grooming modes are not authorized. Shaving The face shall be clean shaven unless a shaving waiver is authorized by the Commandant. Mustaches are authorized but shall be kept neatly and closely trimmed. No portion of the mustache shall extend below the lip line of the upper lip. It shall not go beyond a horizontal line extending across the corners of the mouth and no more than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth. The length of an individual mustache hair fully extended shall not exceed approximately ½ inch. Handlebar mustaches, goatees, beards or eccentricities are not permitted. If a shaving waiver is authorized, no facial/neck hair shall be shaved, manicured, styled or outlined nor exceed 1/4 inch in length. Female Grooming Standards: Hairstyles shall not be outrageously multicolored or faddish, to include shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline), or have designs cut or braided into the hair. Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Haircuts and styles shall present a balanced appearance. Lopsided and extremely asymmetrical styles are not authorized. Ponytails, pigtails, widely spaced individual hanging locks, and braids, which protrude from the head, are not authorized. Multiple braids are authorized. Braided hairstyles shall be conservative and conform to the guidelines listed herein. When a hairstyle of multiple braids is worn, braids shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (approx. 1/4 inch), and tightly interwoven to present a neat, professional, well groomed appearance. Foreign material (i.e., beads, decorative items) shall not be braided into the hair. Short hair may be braided in symmetrical fore and aft rows (corn rowing) which minimize scalp exposure. Corn row ends shall not protrude from the head, and shall be secured only with inconspicuous rubber bands that match the color of the hair. Appropriateness of a hairstyle shall also be judged by its appearance when headgear is worn. All headgear shall fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion or excessive gaps. Hair shall not show from under the front of the brim of the combination hat or garrison. Hairstyles which do not allow headgear to be worn in this manner are prohibited. When in uniform, the hair may touch, but not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar. Long hair, including braids, which fall below the lower edge of the collar shall be neatly and inconspicuously fastened, pinned, or secured to the head. No portion of the bulk of the hair as measured from the scalp will exceed approximately 2 inches. A maximum of two small barrettes/combs/clips, similar to hair color, may be used in the hair. Additional bobby pins or rubber bands matching hair color may be used to hold hair in place, if necessary. Fabric elastics and colored rubber bands/pins are not authorized. Hair ornaments shall not present a safety hazard. Hair nets shall not be worn unless authorized for a specific type of duty. Uniforms Summer “Charlieâ€? Uniform: Awards Belt Buckle

Ribbons Khaki (brass tip) Brass

Cover Shirt Shoes Socks Pants Undershirt Boys Girls Miscellaneous Outerwear

Green, Garrison Khaki shirt (short sleeve), open collar Black oxford Black, crew Green, issued Plain white crew-neck t-shirt white or skin tone bra, required as well as a plain white crew-neck t-shirt Student ID badge, name tag, rank insignias. Issued all-weather coat; issued quarter length jacket and/or issued green sweater. These are the only authorized outerwear items.

Winter “Alpha/Bravo” Uniform: Awards Ribbons Belt Khaki (brass tip) Buckle Brass Cover Green, Garrison Necktie Khaki Shirt Khaki, long sleeve Shoes Black oxford Socks Black, crew Pants Green, issued Undershirt Boys PLAIN white crew-neck t-shir Girls white or skin tone bra, required as well as a PLAIN white crew/v-neck tshirt. Miscellaneous Student ID badge, name plate, rank insignias Outerwear Service Dress Coat; Issued All-weather Coat; and/or Issued green sweater. These are the only authorized outerwear items. Optional cold weather items include: black gloves, green scarf, black ear muffs, black watch cap. Women’s Optional Items: Plain black handbag, leather or synthetic, envelope style, with strap or strapless. Earrings, one per ear, brushed silver or gold ball only no greater than ¼ inch in diameter. Worn in lower ear lobe. Jewelry No more than one ring on each hand Nails - clear or neutral polish One bracelet or watch per wrist One necklace, not showing EXTRA MILITARY INSTRUCTION (EMI) Extra Military Instruction is a form of detention, which will be utilized according to prescribed procedures. If you are assigned to EMI it will be a minimum of forty minutes after school. Be prepared because it will consist most often of marching and Physical Training. EMI will be served during the lunch periods, after school, and on select Saturdays. EMI will last for forty minutes and include marching and physical activity. EMI cannot be rescheduled except for a bona-fide medical reason and a parental request. Students who miss EMI because of an early dismissal or absence are required to reschedule. Students with unexcused EMIs will receive progressive consequences that can result in suspension. If there is failure to complete EMI, you will face further action by the Commandant and/or the Disciplinarian.

EMI Conduct Guidelines You are responsible to show up for EMI. You will muster in the uniform specified by the MCJROTC department. If you are up to five minutes late, you will be assigned ten pushups for each minute. If you are more than five minutes late you will be considered unexcused and rescheduled for two additional EMIs. Personnel inspection may be conducted immediately after your muster. If you do not pass inspection you must return to the next EMI and pass inspection. Bring athletic clothing and gym shoes or you will be required to perform PT in your uniform. If your attitude, behavior, or conduct is unsatisfactory during EMI you may be dismissed, considered unexcused and assigned two additional EMIs. At the conclusion of EMI, you must change back into the uniform of the day before leaving the school property. MERITS AND DEMERITS Merits are awarded for positive behavior that is above and beyond what is expected. Merits can be awarded for any outstanding deed or action deserving of recognition. Demerits are given when unsatisfactory behavior warrants disciplinary action. As a result of negative behavior, and when on the spot action is not enough, demerits may be given by the Commandant and any JROTC Instructor. Excess demerits can result in EMI or appearance before the Student Advisory Board. You will receive demerits for the behaviors below. The Disciplinarian can also assign you to appear before the Student Advisory Board to adjudicate the following negative behaviors: Negative attitude 1 Use of profanity 3 Disrespect/Insubordination 5 Out-burst in class 1 Uniform Violations 1 per item Unacceptable behavior 1-3 After you receive 20 demerits, the Disciplinarian, or the Cadet Advisory Board, has a variety of options that assist in the correction of your misbehavior but they are not limited to: Parents called Letters of apology After school EMI Improvement plan Uniform repair assistance & monitoring Saturday School Suspension Demotion in rank/removal from a command position Disqualification for promotion Recommendation for dismissal from the academy Miscellaneous Promotions can be accelerated in special cases by the Commandant i.e. to meet requirements of a company or staff position. Students transferring from other military academies and other JROTC programs will appear before a board to determine their appropriate rank.

MJROTC (Marine Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) The MJROTC curriculum teaches high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. Our core values are Honor, Courage, and Commitment. CHAIN OF COMMAND Chain of Command is a military term that means: “where do I fit in?” It lets someone know who is above them and who is below. Typically, to make operations smooth, a person deals with those directly above and below, preventing any one position from experiencing information overload. If there is a problem or a question a student should work through their chain of command respecting the person of authority immediately above them. In general a student should not skip people in their chain of command and go right to the top. At the Marine Math & Science Academy, there are two chains of command; one for MCJROTC and one for the classroom. In ascending order MJROTC Related Squad Leader Platoon Commander Student Company Commander Student Battalion Commander Student Regimental Commander Marine Science Instructors by seniority MJROTC Commandant Assistant Principal Academy Superintendent MARINE MATH & SCIENCE ACADEMY STUDENT RANKS Student Private First Class (E-2): To advance to Student Private First Class, you must: Be a member of the Student Corps for ten weeks, Maintain a 2.0 GPA with no grade of an “F,” Maintain at least a grade of 70% in Military Science, Have satisfactory citizenship and military bearing in all classes, Be recommended by the Chain of Command and the faculty, Pass a written test on the Chain of Command, Pass the practical test on 'Basic Drill, Accumulate no more than 15 demerits in the 8 week period. Have no out of school suspensions.

Student Lance Corporal (E-3): To advance to Student Lance Corporal, you must: Be a Student Private First Class for 8 weeks, Maintain a 2.0 GPA with no grade of an “F, Maintain at least a grade of 75% in Military Science, Have satisfactory citizenship and military bearing in all classes, Be recommended by the Chain of Command and the faculty, Pass a written and/or oral test on the 11 Orders to The Sentry and Chain of Command. Pass the practical test on advanced drill.

Accumulate no more than 15 demerits in the 8 week period, Have no out of school suspensions. Student Corporal (E-4): To advance to Student Corporal, you must: Be a Student Lance Corporal for 8 weeks, Maintain a 2.0 GPA with no grade of an “F, Maintain at least a grade of 80% in Military Science, Have satisfactory citizenship and military bearing in all classes, Be recommended by the Chain of Command and the faculty, Pass a written and/or oral test on the 11 Orders to The Sentry and Chain of Command, military time and general military knowledge. Pass the practical factors test on 'Drill with Arms,' Be involved in Unit Activities, Accumulate no more than 10 demerits in the 8 week period, Have no in or out of school suspensions. Student Sergeant (E-5): To advance to Sergeant, you must: Be a Student Corporal for 8 weeks, Maintain a 2.0 GPA with no grade of an “F,” Be enrolled in Military Science II or above, Maintain at least a grade of 85% in Military Science, Have outstanding citizenship and military bearing in all classes, Be recommended by the Chain of Command and the faculty, Pass a written and/or oral test on the 11 Orders to The Sentry and Chain of Command, military time, general military knowledge, military alphabet and Marine ranks, Pass the practical test on Drill with Guidon Satisfactorily complete all jobs assigned to the student, Be an active member of at least one unit team or committee, Accumulate no more than 10 demerits in the 8 week period, Have no in or out of school suspensions. Student Staff Sergeant (E-6): To advance to Student Staff Sergeant, you must: Be a Student Sergeant for 8 weeks, Maintain a 2.2 GPA with no grade of an “F,” Be enrolled in Military Science II or above, Hold a leadership or staff position in the Battalion, Maintain at least a grade of 90% in Military Science, Have outstanding citizenship and military bearing in all classes, Be recommended by the Chain of Command and the faculty, Pass a written and/or oral test on the 11 Orders to The Sentry and Chain of Command, phonetic alphabet, all NS1, CFM and NS2 material and leadership. Pass the practical test on Basic Color Guard Test Pass a practical test on leading a squad or platoon in the drill maneuvers specified in the advancement to E-2, Satisfactorily complete all jobs assigned to the student, Be an active member of unit teams, or committees, Accumulate no more than 5 demerits in the 8 week period, No in or out of school suspensions.

Student Gunnery Sergeant (E-7): To advance to Student Gunnery Sergeant, you must: Be a Student Staff Sergeant for 8 weeks, Maintain a 2.4 GPA with no grade of an “F,� Be enrolled in Military Science II or above, Hold a leadership or staff position in the Battalion, Maintain at least a grade of 90% in Military Science, Have flawless citizenship and military bearing in all classes, Be recommended by the Company and Battalion COs, SMIs, MI and faculty, Pass the practical test on Sword Manual of Arms and all E1-E6 practical requirements. Pass a practical test on leading a squad or platoon in the drill maneuvers specified in the advancement to E-3, Pass an oral board, Accumulate no demerits in the 8 week period, No in or out of school suspensions. These are the Practical Tests required for advancement through the ranks. Student Private First Class (E-2) - Basic Drill Attention, parade rest, at ease, rest Cover/Uncover Hand salute Left face, right face, about face Normal/Close intervals Dress right, dress left, dress right or left, open ranks, close ranks Forward march, column left/right, to the rear march, halt. Student Lance Corporal (E-3) - Advanced Drill Eyes right, eyes left, ready front Mark time Half step Side step to the right/left Back step Right/left flank Change step Right/left oblique. Column left/right Student Corporal (E-4) - Drill with Arms Order arms Parade rest At ease and rest Port arms Right/left shoulder arms Inspection arms Rifle salutes from order and right/left shoulder arms Present arms.

Student Sergeant (E-5) - Drill with Guidon Order guidon Carry guidon Present guidon Guidon salute Parade rest At ease Rest Student Staff Sergeant (E-6) - Basic Color Guard Drill Close interval, dress-center dress Carry colors Right/left turn Right/left wheel Counter march Eyes right/left Present colors Order colors Dismissed Student Gunnery Sergeant (E-7) - Sword Manual of Arms Draw sword Carry sword Present sword Order sword Parade rest At ease/rest

These Student Standard Operating Procedures are in effect until the Academy Superintendent deems that changes are necessary. All graduation and promotion requirements will not be changed once a student enters the Marine Math and Science Academy.

Cadet Creed I am a Marine cadet. I will be true to myself and to others. I will not lie, cheat, or steal. I will serve my school, community, and nation. I will wear my uniform with pride. I will do my personal best at all times. I will honor those who have gone before me -The few, the proud, the finest.

The Marine Hymn From the Halls of Montezuma, To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title Of UNITED STATES MARINES. Our flag's unfurled to every breeze, From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far off northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job -The UNITED STATES MARINES. Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve; In many a strife we've fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven's scenes; They will find the streets are guarded By UNITED STATES MARINES.

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