July issure of transform

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Michael D. Steller Loan Officer Academy Mortgage 300 Union Blvd, Suite # 650 Lakewood CO 80228 www.michaelstellerhomeloans.com Corp: NMLS #3113 Regulation by the Colorado Division of Real Estate

Editor’s Note Reaching out to new clientele can be a difficult process for anybody, so the focus of this issue is to display the finer points of getting your name out to the public. Reaching out to the people in a simple and vibrant way can be well accepted when trying to establish a new relationship. These relationships created can become reliable clients for years to come. In the Internet age, it’s rare to find someone who isn’t connected to the online world in some way, so reaching out to this form of communication can end up being very lucrative for any business. Improving your business’ online footprint is a must when reaching out to the public. In this issue, you’ll find some ideas to help grow your online presence. The online business updates mentioned in this issue are sure to help steer you in the right direction. A key piece to attracting new clients is to associate your business with attractive signs and vibrant pictures. These are appealing to the eye and will draw in viewers for at least a first look. This first look could mean a future customer, which is ultimately the goal. Underneath it all, how well you run you business is the most important factor to how well your business will perform. The most effective form of advertisement is word of mouth so offering the best possible service will translate to the growth of your customer population. Listening to your client, as well as offering your professional knowledge can go a long way in the client’s mind. I hope this issue offers you some insight and ideas on what you can do to further improve your business. Let me know if there are specific topics you would like to see in future issues!

Contact Me! Feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like your peers added to the distribution list.

Michael D Steller Academy Mortgage Loan Officer 300 Union Blvd Suite #650 Lakewood, CO 80228 Ph: 303-914-3820 Mb: 720-224-1679 I Office: 303-914-3820 Email: michael.steller@academymortgage.com LO NMLS: 501897 State Lic: 100049329 Corp Lic# 3113 Regulation by the Colorado Division of Real Estate.

This information is provided exclusively to real estate professionals and is not intended for public use. This is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit. All loans are subject to credit and property approval. Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Not all products are available in all states or for all loan amounts. This magazine is only to be delivered to real estate agents, not consumers. This is not to be shared with the public.


CONTENTS 4. Why Every Real Estate Agent Needs a Mobile Site

Real Estate Listings

14. Press Release Ideas to Your Business

16. How Buyers Choose Agents

This magazine is published monthly. Entire contents are protected under copyright law where applicable. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. All images are copyright protection of 123RF.com and its photographers.


Why Every Real Estate Agent Needs a Mobile Site

Your real estate business could be missing valuable opportunities to generate new marketing leads and reach out to potential clients ready to buy a home without a mobile marketing site.

via mobile devices, from smartphones to tablets. However, that’s just the start. You also are able to: • Collect leads more easily

A standard website will provide some information to people interested in your real estate business, but it doesn’t have the same advantages as a mobilefriendly site. Mobile sites format your website information in a way that it is easily read and accessible 4

• Supply and manage information remotely • Engage buyers at the point of sale A mobile site is like having a 24x7 customer service system that works hard to keep your sales funnel full at all times, even when

you are asleep at night.

Why You Need to Go Mobile The normal activities for a real estate agent seeking to sell a house is to put out a sign on homes they represent. They will then network to obtain clients and try to sell them a house, either one they represent or one that allows a buyer’s agent commission. These activities often rely on word-of-mouth to generate

referrals, however, a standard website can also be a starting point to generate a client/agent relationship. The problem with only relying on this model is that the real estate agent must learn how to push their information out through their website to generate significant traffic to their site. If they fail to do that, the potential client may never know their website exists. Or, if they only provide a standard website and the person accesses the URL via their smartphone or tablet, it may not be formatted for them to quickly search and view the information on a tablet or smartphone. If the visitor becomes frustrated with the online experience because of a website that is not mobile-friendly, they will tend to leave the site and never return. With a mobile site, a real estate agent can rely on techniques to attract those same people with a strategy that includes mobile marketing concepts to provide an outreach where potential new clients might be congregating, both oline and online. Then by using real-time information and customer relationship management services, including apps for both real estate agents and customers, a real estate agent can present a virtual presence to a potential client, even when they’re not around and the person has never heard of their website.

When the user pulls up the mobile-friendly website, it is formatted to be easily searched and viewed with the tap of a thumb or a swiping motion to view multiple listings.

Integrate Mobile Techniques into Your Business Model Now, instead of just putting up a sign with your phone number and URL, you can go a step further and publish a QR code on the sign (a digital squiggly barcode symbol read by smartphones and other mobile devices). This can direct them back to your mobile site. Individuals who are attracted to the house and are driving by, can obtain all the information they need about your business, contact information and that particular home for sale by accessing the information available through the QR code on their smartphones. You can even embed URLs in the QR code that can lead people to virtual tours and your own mobile website. This information is stored on the phone and can be easily retrieved by the person if they want to call you about scheduling a walk-through or buying the house they were just viewing.

sets of information without the need for a pen and paper and to be directed to your mobilefriendly content.

Other Apps that Benefit Real Estate Agents A QR code reader is just one app that people with mobile devices can install and use. There are many apps to help real estate agents manage their business. House4Cell allows customers who download the app to send a text message to get all the details of a house for sale. In return, the real estate agent will automatically be given the buyer’s contact details. House4Cell is a subscription service that charges by the listing or property. Smarter Agent allows you to customize an app with your information, making it your own, with images, GPS information, and email. This app can then be provided to the visitors of your mobile website. Use your app in connection with social networking sites and you can also mine these areas for potential customers, too.

Once you get the hang of QR codes, you can put them on business cards, listing sheets, and anywhere you want to make it easy for people to grab entire


Copywriting Ideas to Improve the Quality of Your Real Estate Listings Real estate listings suffer from a common problem - most of them just aren’t that well written. While the real estate agents who sit down and pen the listings do their best, many do not have the copywriting chops necessary to effectively draw in their readers. Fortunately, there are several steps that can be taken to improve the quality of your real estate listings. These steps will entice the reader to look further in the listing and find out more information rather than skip over and go on to whatever catches their eye.

1. Optimize for a keyword Centering an article around a keyword is a common practice in Search Engine Optimization, but not for everyday readers. However, when done properly, the brain will catch on to the repeated usage of the phrase and instill it into the mind. The reader will take away the overall topic of the listing with just a quick read, which allows them to quickly recall the information later. The trick is to use the key phrase in moderation – use it too much and the copy looks like it was meant for a computer to read, not a human. 6

2. Include a Call-to-Action at the End

more effective way of ending the article.

One of the main struggling points for people who write articles is the closing. There are only a few effective ways to close an article that is meant to garner a response, and abruptly stopping is not one of them.

Not only does it gracefully close the article, but it informs the reader about the next steps they should take.

Asking the reader to call the phone number for more information or visit a website to set up an appointment is a

There is a prevalent idea that run-on sentences convey more information, but this is not the case. The brain processes

3. Keep Sentences Short and Sweet

information in bite sized chunks, divided by periods; it’s how humans are trained to read English. However, when a sentence continues for a long period of time without a period, it makes the information much more difficult to remember. It’s better to break your message into smaller sections that are easy to remember, rather than try to get all the information across at once. Save the longwinded prose for Dickens and Bronte; consumers want their information delivered in the fastest way possible.

4. Write an Effective Headline

be removed in the second draft of the work.

The headline is read 5 times more often than the body copy. This fact holds true no matter what sort of copy you’re writing.

When the consumer sits down to read over your real estate listing, they are focused on one thing only: finding out if the property is right for them.

For this reason alone, your headline has to rock. You can’t afford to slack off with it. Take the time to write a headline that draws attention – include the key phrase as part of it.

By keeping your focus honed in on that information you can better hold their attention and provide them with what they need.

Pay attention to the headlines that catch your attention in day to day life and strive to mimic those.

If a reader has to search for the information they want, they’ll likely pass over your listing for one that is clearer.

5. Remain Focused on the Information

6. Edit, Edit, Edit

It is often tempting to allow your inner poet to run wild and write sentences that aren’t strictly business oriented. These should

The single most effective thing anyone can do to improve their copy is to edit. First drafts are often poor, but that’s okay – it’s common knowledge that

first drafts are not meant to be effective. Still, the mistakes that plague a first draft should be removed in subsequent edits as you narrow down the focus of your listing and ensure all the relevant information is present. Effective copy is written over a period of editing and revising, not in a single sitting. Writing effective copy is not an arcane art. There is a sort of science to it than anyone can master. The key is to treat it as such. Don’t expect to write a winning advertisement within five minutes. It takes time. When you realize this and treat the copy with the respect and care it deserves, you’ll not only see an increase in your conversions, but the copy you write in other areas of life will improve as well.


8 Eye Catching Photography Tricks Getting great pictures can provide customers with the information they need to make a purchase decision. At first glance, real estate photography seems to be an easy task. Some real estate agents will take their cell phone out of their pocket and expect to get great pictures without any preparation. The task at hand, though, should involve some thought and anticipation of the best way to sell a house. The attributes you want to hide could simply be omitted while the best selling points should be illuminated. Here are 8 key real estate photography tips and tricks.


1. Take Advantage of the Best Lighting Situation Lighting can be everything in the world of photography. If a house has an incredible front, you probably won’t want to take pictures when the shade is completely hiding the beauty of the house. You might remember the object is to get people out to see the house so you can do your job. Conversely, there is a chance you might want to take advantage of bad lighting if you don’t want to illustrate that a house has age and deterioration. The most important thing is to highlight the best features of

a house in good lighting. This also means that the photograph might be better during a time without a ton of reflection from the sun on the windows.

2. Clean Up the Space Clean the area where you are taking pictures. There’s nothing worse than a photograph of a nice room with a giant junk pile. Customers need to visualize what the space will mean for their respective property and not have that image clouded or distracted. A clean house looks as if the owner is neat and takes great care of the space. A dirty or even cluttered house speaks volumes

about how the owner has cared for it. Nobody wants a house that was previously occupied by an unorganized owner.

3. Keep Trying Until You Get a Photo in Focus Take several pictures of each image you plan to use. An out of focus image typically could illustrate that the real estate agent doesn’t pay attention to detail.

6. Remove Wall Pictures You should remove all pictures from the walls of a home. Nobody wants to see the other family and their pictures. A home buyer wants to envision their family living in that house and where their own pictures might hang on walls. This is an integral part of helping the buyer paint their own picture.

7. Interior Lighting If you return to your office and find the images are blurry or terrible, go back and do it again. You can never take enough pictures on site.

4. Go to a Far Corner of the Room to Take Pictures One mistake real estate agents make is taking pictures of rooms that don’t show its space. You need to go to a far corner to take a picture to help illustrate its space. This is important because purchasers need to feel the size of each room will be adequate.

5. Avoid High and Low Angle Photographs A potential customer wants to see what a room or house looks from the average height. Low angle and high angle shots certainly look fancy but it doesn’t give the prospective buyer a realistic view of what a property looks like. You are much better off sticking to normal shots with a solid composition.

When you take pictures indoors, make sure the interior lighting is adequate. A dim room may look stuffy in a photograph. You want to give potential clients that warm and fuzzy feeling that comes with either soft or natural lighting.

8. Use a Professional Grade Camera These days many cell phones have professional picture taking ability. There’s nothing wrong with using a cell phone if the picture quality is adequate. A real estate agent shouldn’t use a phone that consistently takes blurry or out of focus pictures. You can ask another real estate agent for advice or even consider taking a photography class.

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Call Michael directly at 720-224-1679

It’s important to remember that a real estate photograph is the first thing a potential customer typically sees. Taking professional pictures will increase your chances of catching the eye of a potential buyer. 9

The Components of a Good Sign Real estate agents have to do more than simply prepare a home for showing. The right signage creates buzz for a listing. Advertising and real estate go hand in hand today. A welldesigned sign stands out and lures in potential buyers. The following are design tips for how to shape a real estate sign worth remembering.

Use Complementary Colors

Clean Logos or Images

No sign should only be black and white. Conversely, it is important that there aren’t too many colors present either.

Marketing builds your reputation. Including a well-designed logo in the sign explains who is selling or showing the property. A bold logo makes the sign more memorable, and it also builds a professional image in your farm area. Other included images need to be crisp or high quality and relevant to the property’s sale.

Use two colors that complement each other. These colors should be used not just in the sign itself but in promotional materials too. Matching colors create a strong brand and help buyers remember properties.

Clean and Simple Is the Mantra


Relevant Details Only the most pertinent information should be included on this real estate sign. For example, you should include location, day of showing, and maybe one unique feature about the home. Extraneous information only clutters the sign’s message. A sign’s purpose guides the language. For instance, some signs are to advertise the property whereas others are focused on open houses.

important, but there should also be room for the real estate agent’s logo, slogan or eyecatching photo.

Size of the Sign Different signs should be different sizes. For example, advertising an available property in an urban setting means investing in a large sign that can stand out amidst the other signs and activity. A sign for a small space in a quiet neighborhood can be smaller in size.

Include Contact Information

Add a Frame to the Sign Every detail matters when posting a real estate sign. Metal signs are sleek and secure. The sign will not flop over if there is wind, and it gives the property a polished appearance. Smart professionals attach a small box with brochures that have additional information about the property for sale: everything from the price and unique amenities to the square footage and content about the neighborhood.

Consider the Font Different fonts send different messages. It is important that information about this property listing is easy to read in less than 30 seconds. Viewers need to know that the home is for sale and why it is special. Large letters are

Potential buyers need to know how to contact you. Including your phone number and email in addition to your website URL is important. Business cards can be attached to the sign too.

Accessorize the Sign Real estate agents who want to stand out from competitors will

add something unique to the sign. For instance, balloons are great to advertise an open house. Small trinkets like pens or keychains pique people’s interest, and it’s always smart to include sales sheets and brochures of other available properties too. A sign really shapes a real estate agent’s image. It’s important to come across as genuine, helpful, and professional. Accessories build this reputation. A sign can shape a buyer’s first impression of a real estate professional. Such marketing materials need to be wellconsidered. Thinking about everything from the colors and images to the font and language ensures the sign is easy to read, attractive and builds a great reputation for you. Well-designed signage helps sell properties quickly. Knowing the components of this marketing tool helps build buzz for a property.

How to Generate Real Estate Leads Using Twitter Dashing, invigorating and innovative are words you want used to describe your real estate ventures. Traditional methods of marketing that are well-seasoned help to target some members of your target audience, but no reason exists to ignore the changes that Twitter has birthed. Using Twitter to generate real estate leads has the potential to increase your business if you use the tool properly.

Know Your Audience Twitter is a powerful social media tool that reaches millions of people, but all of these individuals do not necessarily constitute your target audience. While you want to promote activity from all types of people looking to purchase a home, 12

niche marketing can help you to connect with more specific clients. For example, you might gear your posts toward individuals who are looking for their first home or to long-term home owners who want a vacation house.

Incorporate Your Location The members of your target audience want to know about specific properties, but they also want to have an idea of what the area is like. You can use your account to let people know about some events or activities taking place in the community. Follow-up that announcement with a plug about how buying a house in the area can allow potential buyers to

always enjoy these amenities. Taking this step also shows that you know the market and are qualified to assist people when it comes to answering questions about this locale. The more knowledge you have, the more likely buyers are to trust you.

Promote Your Specific Listings Having a general scope of the area is important, but you also want to let followers know what properties you have in-stock. Ultimately, the goal is to rotate as many properties into your Twitter account as possible. Focusing on just a couple of them over a long period of time does not give you the opportunity to reach as many people as possible. Work to include houses that match

with your audience for a specific method. For example, if you are advertising to first-time home buyers, include a ranch or other smaller home with the list.

Even worse, they might guess that your business has closed its doors.

a personal level, and you don’t want to make interested parties feel anything else.

When to Post

Answer Questions in a Timely Fashion

After a long day of conducting open houses and taking clients to visit properties, you might be tempted to post a listing in the middle of the night.

Many people look to buy homes after they are married or when they are expecting a baby for the first time or a second child.

Twitter is a platform for advertising, but it also allows you to connect with potential buyers. When you have dozens of questions coming in on a regular basis, answering all of them might seem overwhelming. However, failure to address the concerns of possible clients means that you may very well lose their business. This task does not have to be one that you deal with by yourself. Instead, consider hiring a social media expert to keep the Twitter account up-to-date in terms of answering user questions and concerns.

While this time period may work for you, chances are, most of your prospective buyers have already retired for the evening. Think about to whom you are trying to speak. Let’s say that you have a five-bedroom home that would be perfect for a family with three children. Post your information at lunch-time or after dinner when parents would likely be on a break from work.

Carefully weave these elements into your Twitter updates. You might want to pose a question asking if any of your followers are getting married this summer or expecting a baby when the spring comes. Then, you can follow-up with information about a home that would be just perfect. In the 21st century, using Twitter to connect with people is practically a must for real estate professionals that want to have long-term success and to speak with as many people as possible.

Incorporate Life Events Twitter certainly helps you to connect with your audience on

Starting a Twitter account opens the door to many new marketing possibilities.

Don’t Lose Touch In addition to actually answering the questions that your followers have, you want to maintain a regular presence on Twitter. While you don’t need to post constantly throughout the day, you should try to log-in on a regular basis and give clients and future clients an update on what you are doing. If a long period of time goes by and you do not post anything, individuals might assume that you have no new listings or information to share with them. 13

Press Release Ideas to Gain More Exposure for Your Business Publishing press releases is a common tactic real estate businesses use as part of a public relations strategy. Press releases are a great tool because they get picked up by other publications, create links to your online media entities and provide one solid source for information.

press releases can make a huge difference in maximizing your selling power.

So how do you add value to your traditional press release and make it stand out in front of the competition?

Using a news release distribution service like prweb.com can greatly increase value and your credibility.

The best press releases provide content for other social media channels and are easily sharable. Getting a little creative with your

Submitting your release online is a good strategy because other news sites can easily pick up your information. Local journalists


This article will give you some modern and creative tips to gain more exposure for you.

could even contact you for article quotes. If you are looking to publicize specifically in local markets, news distribution websites are great because they allow you to promote in local markets only.

Submit It Online Overall, submitting your press release online is a good SEO strategy that will benefit your personal real estate site.

Use Momentum from National News When national news hits related to your industry, it’s an

opportunity to add strength to your press release. Piggybacking off national or local news, especially when it’s trending, gives a natural edge to your press release. As an example, when new research is published on how consumers are using technology to purchase homes, mention the technology options your business is offering. If you have an angle that works with a headlining story, use it to make the release as attractive to media as possible. When distributing your release on social media channels use keywords and hashtags that are trending to increase your visibility.

Offer Professional Tips Professional expertise is valuable to readers. This is why professional opinions are regularly quoted in press releases and media. An example is giving first time buyers advice on what they need to know before buying a home. Offering valuable tips builds your credibility, amplifies your voice and increases the views of your press release because viewers are looking to gain something. Use this tactic when something interesting is going on in your industry. This will increase the interest in your professional advice and get more impressions for your release.

Customized Infographics An infographic offers a truly unique and modern addition to your press release. People love infographics because they are easy to read, visually stimulating and convey information more quickly than videos. Infographics bring the text in your press release to life and extends the core message of your business. Remember, an infographic has to be meaningful, interesting and easy for the audience to digest. Infographics are also easily shared on social media channels.

Photos This might seem very basic, but it’s surprising that the majority of press releases do not include photos. Including photos in press releases is one of the simplest ways to get your materials picked up by media. If your news release is about a new service your business is offering, include a photo of your building and team. Adding this gives value to your content and makes it easier for journalists to write about your business. According to data by PRESS feed, including photos increases the chances by 80 percent that your press release will be picked up by media.


a video along with a photo in your press release actually doubles the engagement rate. If you have a listing you want to showcase, make a brief video tour of the space. Videos should be short, concise and news-focused. Embed it in the press release instead of being included as a link. While uploading videos to other social media websites is also recommended, the viewing opportunities will be greatly increased if the video is distributed over the wire with your press release.

Sharable on Social Media It goes without saying that you should always connect your social profiles and online entities to your press release, like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, your website, etc. If you include videos or photos make sure that people can send them to each other by embedding a “share” option at the bottom of the content in your release. This way, if someone sees a listing they like, they could easily send your photo to a friend on Facebook who may be searching too. The point is to make everything as simple as possible for those viewing your press release to get the word out for you.

Data from PR Newswire and Crowd Factory show that adding


How Buyers Choose Agents There are several tools available that help potential owners buy homes without the assistance of a real estate agent. Although this method is effective for some buyers, others should be using the services of a professional real estate agent.

search for in real estate agents. Compare these qualities by giving yourself an honest assessment and then determine a plan of action for making improvements.

As you know, the housing market includes local, state, and city laws that can be difficult to navigate. A good real estate agent helps guide potential buyers through many of the legal and technical processes, but what do buyers want in a real estate agent?

Do you offer up-to-date market anaylsis and use the data to educate buyers?

What if you could look through their eyes so you can see where you match up? Here are typical qualities buyers 16

general trends? A good agent should be able to inform the buyer of figures that are specific to the designated area as well as nationwide figures.

2. Listening Skills 1. Professional Knowledge

This information helps a buyer decide what offers are acceptable in the current marketplace. The market changes quickly and the agent should review values on a consistent basis. Are you current on value fluctuations and understand

When a buyer has a budget of $350,000, what price range of homes do you show? Do you show them listings that range from $350,000 to $400,000? A good real estate agent guarantees listings of $350,000. They don’t show higher priced listings hoping to increase the size of their commission even if the buyer can afford it.

When a buyer requires a property close to downtown do you show listings in the suburbs?

areas may average sales of 1.5% above tax-assessed value, while other areas may average only 1.2%.

buyer does not notice potential problems is a salesperson solely focused on earning a commission.

The answer might be obvious but take a moment and think about your past showings with clients. Did you deviate from anything they expressed about the type of home they needed?

For a buyer to understand what a specific home is comparable to, they may need to have access to other homes in the area.

A good agent listens to their buyer’s specific interests and delivers based on those expectations.

Many real estate agents only view homes when buyers request to view the property. A good agent has viewed many properties so they have firsthand experience with different homes.

A buyer does not need an agent that simply confirms how attractive the floor is or how detailed the kitchen is. A good agent is a skilled professional that walks through the property and provides information on issues that may need attention.

3. The Finer Details Are you detailed oriented? Do you help your buyer understand every disclosure and purpose of each form in the real estate contract? Do you review the closing documents before the buyer signs to be certain everything is correct? A good agent explains the purpose of each form to help the buyer make an informed decision about what needs a signature.

4. Brokers Opens Do you attend Broker Opens weekly and take notes? Over the course of time, a good agent will have acquired a group of listings for a specific area and know the values of specific homes. They will know the price the home is listed for, what other homes in the area have sold for, as well as how much the figures are inflated. For instance, some

When a buyer describes what they need from a home, the agent should say, “I have just the house,” or, “I have two or three homes that fit that description.” It’s unrealistic for an agent to view every home on the market, however, they should have acquired a book with hundreds of listings that include detailed notes. This will help the agent offer factual information to potential buyers when needed and demonstrate their expertise.

The real estate agent should offer a fair assessment of the home’s physical value and knowledge about other homes in the area. How would you rate your skills? If you surveyed your past clients what would they say about your qualities? Where is there opportunity for improvement? Focusing on qualities through the eyes of your buyer can help you become a better real estate agent so you build a stronger business and enjoy an abundance of referrals.

For example, when the agent is asked, “What do you suggest I offer?” the agent can answer with a solid number that is based off research and market knowledge. How well do you know your inventory in your area?

5. Skilled Technician A good agent informs the buyer of all the deficiencies within the home. A real estate agent that remains quiet and hopes the


Relationships Matter! What You Can Expect from Working with Me

…A Profitable Alliance

…Quality Customer Care

Here’s the Best Part… How we work is by spending the appropriate time it takes to learn about your business. Unlike many loan officers who seem to only care about how many deals you’re sending them, I focus on how to help grow your business. My philosophy is built around guiding principles:

1. Customers Are Serviced For a Lifetime Does your daily routine make it difficult to stay in touch with your customers? If you work long hours, which is common for many career-oriented agents, chances are you’re not keeping a message in front of your customers to create a stream of new and repeat business.


If so, how much is this costing you annually? Not only do satisfied customers provide a valuable source of repeat business, they are your best source of referrals. They have relationships with family, friends, co-workers and business professionals that could one day be your customer. However, this can only happen if you are able to cultivate the relationship over time. Service is the backbone of my business. I enjoy a strong referral base of customers because of the commitment I’ve made to servicing and keeping in touch with my clients.

and embarrassment for you. No matter how well you try to explain things, it’s quite painfully obvious not to expect any future referrals from the customer. Can you see how much income this is costing you? What if you could work with a Mortgage Specialist, who was trustworthy and accountable? What if you could work with someone who communicates during the entire process and delivers what is expected? How much would that be worth to you? I believe in a united alliance in front of the client.

I can help you cultivate relationships by keeping you in the forefront. I execute timely and predictable campaigns that help you cultivate relationships with little effort and can add to your income annually.

3. Success Means Constant and Never-Ending Improvement

2. Both Parties Need to be Trustworthy & Accountable

You don’t earn a salary while you’re trying to figure out how to crack the code to success. Yet, here you are in a highly competitive industry and have found a way to survive.

Example: Loan Officer who isn’t accountable You’ve been told that the status of your customer’s loan will be approved. Then in the eleventh hour, lender conditions popup and cause you and your client to scramble to provide what’s needed. As the Close of Escrow date fast approaches, the loan documents are not delivered to the Title Company as promised. The entire experience causes stress for your client

that, gosh, I should see better results!” Still there is the fear factor. If you could learn to change for the sake of betterment and be confident that you’d see steady, predictable results, would you do it? How much income would a few new customers provide monthly? How many more referrals would you enjoy? What the impact on your selfconfidence? Top agents depend on predictable systems to produce results, and they don’t work any harder than you do - they just work smarter!

Most people who enter real estate sales ultimately leave it because of lack of success.

You see the kind of dollars the top agents earn, and you wonder how they do it. Because you are experiencing some success, you may not be afraid to change. You say to yourself, “Well, at least

I’m generating some business, and doing some business is better than doing no business,” or, “I’m working so hard now


Beat the Odds, Overcome Resistance and Conquer Real Estate!

Build a Loyal Following, Attract Fame & Money Stop chasing prospects and wasting money on advertising. Get all the referrals you deserve today and start enjoying the real estate business! - Become Recognized as a Leading Authority - Build Your Reputation So It Goes Viral - Create a Line of Prospects at Your Door It’s the perfect solution for new agents getting started or for experienced agents who need to differentiate over competitors and dominate their area.

Contact me today for more details...act now before it’s too late! Michael D. Steller, Loan Officer NMLS #501897 | State Lic #100049329 | Corp NMLS #3113 Branch: 303-914-3820 | Direct: 303-914-1315 | Mobile: 720-224-1679 Email: michael.steller@academymortgage.com www.michaelstellerhomeloans.com Regulated by the Colorado Division of Real Estate

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