Death Of The Phoenix: Rise- Avery D. Jameson

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Table of Contents
 1. Pre(sh)Amble(s)



2. Recollection



3. Death



4. Life



5. Negativity



6. Threshold



7. Acceptance



8. Rising


Renewal: The Next Octave


rEvolved Revolution

9. Re- Calibration 10.


Death Of The Phoenix:

RISE Avery D. Jameson IV


This book is dedicated to my family and to my grandmother Lila, and to the three special women in my life. J, A, D

Remarks: I urge you to read this book as if it were written in a letter to you personally. Imagine it were an ancestors journal, or notes they had made about life. From a grandparent or someone wise whom you admire. Someone you could trust and heed their counsel.

Pre(s)Amble(s) “All of man's troubles come from his inability to sit in a room quietly." Define or REFINE?

Free agency; not an agency that works for free. Instead, quite different from some group or organization. A human ability or duty, that reaches all peoples ‘crossed the world's nations. The power to choose. So tragically abused. Pain wrought by choices of those who misuse. Delegate intrinsically, this physical pain deliberately. What a way to keep men trapped... to tempt them into their own confusion? Make them great, when they create, even makers of their own doing.

Such self-fulfilling prophesies, clutching wealthy, those willing for monstrosities. Samsara, Rebirth, Repentance, Animosity… Aristocracy in bureaucracies rewarding this mediocrity. Mindless, muddled morons, merely making more monotony. Birthed from heretic hypocrisy…

The truth is here, it’s just got to be! Within these words, birthed ever so truthfully. The truth…? Now that’s my theocracy. They seek to trap and confuse you, and even try to misuse you. But we are great, when we create! So don’t let ‘em do how they do.

Excluding NASA’s “classified” information, no other thing or being we, as the general public, are aware of can do what we do. Everyday, a phenomenon goes taken for granted. This ability to move, not just our own mass of cells, but to impose free will upon other masses of matter. We move other objects, animals, and even inventions we as humankind have built. We are able to manifest movement physically. Moving particles through this endless vast space known as our universe; our galaxy, even our planet’s atmosphere. WOW.

When realizing all that we are empowered to do, even on the smallest scale, it becomes easier to realize just how immensely powerful and blessed, or fortunate and gifted, we are. Attempting to maintain humility however, let us note that we are seemingly insignificant, minuscule even. Just tiny fractions of this small portion of space and time in which we even exist, currently.

But let's not get carried away with existential negativity. That would be counter-intuitive to the message that lies within these words.

Back to the choice at hand, a choice of perspective: Powerful and explosive with energy? Beyond all realization, like light? Or some things just spaced out among nothingness, like darkness.

Light versus dark, Pain versus pleasure, Fear versus love.

Reflection As I reflect and inspect, this event called my life, I look back in retrospect, All the rolls of the dice. With vast memories and friends, With whom you speak, it depends. Ones who came, and ones who went, Passed like rain flows, like money they’ve spent. You may enjoy water some, …Though a time will come. It's then, you must exit the water, Although, to it, you had succumb. You may enjoy water, sure you may find it fun, However, remember when you were dry, before it all begun? Right then and there… such regrets, For now, left only so cold and so wet... Right there and then ponder: Will I ever again enter I wonder?

You may enjoy water, you may get in to play or swim... You may enjoy water, Or you may drown; doomed to a death so grim‌ You may enjoy water, For life and cleansing, it may allow, You may enjoy water, yet you still enjoy it now? Surely, springtime brings colors of purity, Steamed sweat from your brow. Draining, rising, Sinking, enticing. What a blessing? ‌What a curse! As we remain here on this earth.... Yet there lies water, Endless renewing pain, Still remains all the same. Once gone under, so hard to regain, It seemed not as far down the drain.

Recollection Oh come ye, blessed child, Son of a The Most High, Sent here to unite: all the youth, and all the wise. …But man's plans, we've made long, Laughed at by the almighty. How we've faltered in this generation, So tragically. How long shall they take our freedoms.... In the name of false security? Some say it's for our “safety,” but in it there no purity. So who can help me sing, Another song of freedom? That's all we've ever had! Redemption song.

So contemplate yourselves, Just what they're saying, None of them are free from lies! They'll steal and break your hearts a bit, As they pretend not to hear our cries! How long shall they preach such nonsense, while we drown ourselves in sorrow? They can keep all of our yesterdays, Cause we've got our own tomorrows! Won't you help to sing, Our brother’s song of freedom?

I'm a blessed child of whatever (whoever) God is to everyone.

I was sent here to unite the people of the world, using music as my weapon, in efforts to tear down all social boundaries and eliminate social conventions. Those illusions made up, just to separate us and make us think and believe that we are different. These are the Illusions, that make us think we must hate each other because of those differences.

Death You've gone too far it seems....I mean if you are here, how you got here should be all too clear. All the while, it's gripping and growing, this foreboding...this fear. With such grip, its non-slip, only dips and then delves deeper, digging deeper. Meanwhile, your dreams summit only growing steeper. ...Silence. Now, with this... having chosen to reminisce. Choosing pain over bliss...With industries that reign by fists, sustaining chaos in steamed guile‌ ...Esteemed trials. ...Silence. Stillness, taking you up out of your realness. As their planned demands enslave your hands. How long, you'll withstand‌? Will you withstand? God always laughs at man's plans... and so you are here.

Oh, good!

You've made it! ‌well at least what's left of you has made it...‌ Er- no... -OK! Let's start over...: Oh, good! Now -whatever remnants of who you thought you were- have made it! Once, it was said, that one must do what seems to be necessary at the time, to arrive in the place where one thinks they want to go.

So in other words, "...It seemed like a good idea at the time."

This isn't exactly the destination or outcome desired, mainly of course, due to the fact that nobody ever initially, begins with the desire to be here...

Here... in this seemingly vast void, where all who enter may wander. Whatever you choose to call it, a stormy sea, a dark mist, the unknown, the abyss... even hell... Oh well, if you're going through it, don't stop to drown, or burn, or become further lost. Eyes up, straight ahead, towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

Easy, right?

Life Do you remember? All that you have forgotten? …Forgetting more than we could possibly ever know perceivably- or at least in this mortality. Depending on how one defines reality- or at least this one- excluding technicality…. “Gee… I should've gone to physics class that day.” Even chemistry or biology might say: principally, theoretically, it matters not what matter or which no beginning or end can unstitch. Energy condensed to slow vibrations; in different rates and frequencies of oscillating waves through the air when we speak and breathe. Light, sound, radio, air, and water; even radiation and electricity! They all adhere to how ocean surf may behave… down to DNA, we're all the same, remember?

What applies to one thing applies to all, regardless of how big or small. One way or another, only shedding light on a matter, only after having been through it personally. Its funny how observation - or in this case - personal experience rather, is illuminating the unknown paths with our mind’s eye. That is required to know. Not only just to “understand” something- sure, you may “comprehend” something, or objectively grasp the concept, but only experience eclipsed by new understanding is necessary to truly know. …Alas, the wise doth prosper… but if you knew that, you wouldn't be here now, would you?

A great deal of what we face as self-conscious living organisms is acceptance. I love poker for this reason. To some, it maybe obvious how the two are correlated. To some others, you might be thinking I just started a new book‌ Now, my love for the game is not to boast or claim any impressive skill when playing it, but merely because of the simple, poetic justice I relish in its metaphor for life. Life is a game; you're dealt a certain hand. Some just get a dead hand, with a little playing options. When others are born with a royal flush. You don't win them all, but knowing when to fold can save your life. So here you are sitting at lights poker table, and you play to win. Just accept that some hands are losing hands.

Are you beginning to remember can you hear it yet? It seems that our senses have the closest ties and quickest triggers to memories. Perhaps if you were to hear it, or something similar, with a semblance of a hint. A foreshadowing, reminding us of that original sound, maybe then you’d remember? Prevailing against the grain, in the light of creation. Here, hindering sounds of silence, hellbound, halting in hesitation, in such sweet vibrations. These sounding sirens with the flashing Temptations‌the enemies are at the gate, seeking to bring extermination. All heirs to the throne, who bear burdens as they break us down, to make us think you're all alone. Yet, before it is all said and done, perhaps you shall remember we are really all one.

Cold air’s cutting chills cannot contradict, these plans once chosen and previously picked. Do not dissect disillusionment daily, for early extremists emanate elaborate evil, and it's encaging. So don’t waste time trying to solve problems and conflicts that’ll never absolve. Simplify, declutter introspectively. You're trying to find your “I” in “Team,” and its affecting WE. And so… imbalance does seem to be the challenge. Mind, body, and soul; their pain and pleasure lie within you. Like wolves; so choose what you feed to which. These ravenous wolves; three white - three black. Created to create. Synthesize purposefully. Here to purify; to perfect. Our’s is a crystalline consciousness, its all our own knowledge, building intellect.

Much like “subtext” from a film or a Broadway play, that which we seek is carefully woven into the world around us. Almost inter-dimensionally, in attempts to resemble the outliers of truth. Supposing it could it be that all we see that is truly false? Just outlandish myths, perpetuated to remain...? As if to hold convincing power of the majority over our heads? Be in the world, not of it.

The truths in the “subtext of reality,” are always there, for those who have eyes to see it; For those who can remember to turn down the background noise and listen. Tune into the subtleties, rather than tragedies. Searching for calming seas, instead of calamities. Then see we shall, but when shall we see?

Vocabulary, jargon, nomenclature; Whether it be man-made, or made by nature. We choose these tools to describe-or at least, we try. Using numbers to map it out, with science and math. And using words to describe emotions down our own intricate paths. Words.... Another tool we use and choose to employ. Their tone and delivery can make the words more profound, And powerful than ever fathomed!
 Or..... they can be brittle, frail, empty and void… 
 Are we men of our words? …Or are we just the words of men? Just close your eyes and reflect, then ask yourself again.

 Vocabulary sets are much like operating system for computers, only its parameters are dictated b y c u l t u r e , n u r t u r e , r e l i g i o n , p h i l o s o p h y, circumstance, nature‌. Similar to a computer programmer, destined to link all operating systems by a single code. The code of music.

Music my rock. My consolation, my escape, My weapon. My constellation. My fate. This fire from my ever-combusting soul, Told as it unfolds, Holds on note by note. Harmonies and slack key strums in melodic dances, Skipping and swaying like love's true beat. One's true song.

 Instrumentation, in strummed meditation... The collaboration between various tools of the trade. Some strike a beautiful chord, yet others may exist in such disharmony and dismay. How relevant and pertinent they all really must be? How powerful and permanent? ...Just beyond what we can see.

The sweet sounds of you, And all the colors that stretch between Like a distance that divides. ...And every scent that rides the wind, Like telegraphs from you to me.. ..echoing whispers of a dream. In a voice, surely yours, as I reread. All the calls and letters, as I recall, ...those bittersweet passing glances... And getting in with such successful advances. 'Tis all at risk, but I'll take my chances‌ Trying to minus me from all exigent circumstances. Left longing to shower you in romances. With songs we surely sing in twirling dances. Alas, just points on a plot maybe shapes on a grid. the only way to define how we live... To define what we see, it just may be, So let's do the equation that will bring you to me.

Negativity They don't even care.... any of them!So, why do we aspire always to please or impress them? Who even appointed them and gave them such conventional power, anyway? "Know your role!” ...they'll say, "Know your place!"
 "Only learn this!" "Then pass this test!" But no, "Don't read that! Don't smoke that!" "Sure, drink this, but don't partake in that!” ...Meanwhile, what options are readily available, are merely a hop-skip-and-a jump away from poison. But not to worry! Because it's all in “Approved negligible amounts." A little more for now, have some more! “Just hurry~ because its only for a limited time!” … Forever. Accruing forevermore, just taxing we… but not to worry! Just go back to bed America! You're free to do what THEY tell you! So moderate everything! Even moderation.

That's the thing about intent and precision. That's the thing about in accuracy and inadequacy…. emasculation.

This is the thing about the way practicing be, like getting mad at the sea… in exacerbation, exasperation.

Elusive illusions; but not the kind of what you see in some picture book. Nor is it the kind you see the magic show. It's the kind far more dangerous, I'm afraid.

The type of illusion made to weaken your individuality and encourage you only to give up.

An illusion nonetheless, although false, is still widely believed. That is where it gets its power, but it's only an illusion. To attain understanding and to ascertain the ways, what physics and math say, can help you measure and understand your days. That surely is the way to understand…

To understand how, who-or-what we call God, has created this universe, this reality... 
 For example, the way to complete a circuit, regarding electricity or sound, or even combustion. In particular, referring to energy and the lifespan of stars. If only one could understand why and how to create self-sustaining miniature stars, even if not everlasting(and of course, outside of reproduction), would that not resemble a very small scale version of what God has done for this universe?

Threshold “For once in my life, I don’t have a plan, and I’ve never been happier.”

A dear friend I once knew, said that. They were younger than I, so I enjoyed watching them grow and develop their true gifts. It was my unspoken duty and privilege to remind them of such gifts, which were undoubtedly meant to be used as weapons against the adversary one day.

In which ways does the adversary may manifest for them? I know not…I only pray that I helped them have the eyes to see the truth and have the foresight to see through those illusions.

To watch beauty unfold from what once was enslaved, to set you down this road, for which you will soon pave. Music the weapon, with which I have armed you, Play on, Play I Music, so that no evil may harm you. Spark the dark to create light from your heart. A semblance, a reminder, your light to impart. Fallen upon deaf ears, as rainbows pass before blind eyes. You shall do far more and in turn it's you, you’ll surprise. Make no mistake, Just press on through. and soon you’ll then break, Any and all who may try… …to bring you harm or your demise. No words may console, or soothe or undo, Their burning, of those lost souls. Not I, Nor you, This is what THEY chose.

Here’s an Idea: Let's go ahead and take any situation ever, And make it worse! Wisdom only becomes knowledge in random cyclical spurts of lessons and opportunity. Mistakes, misfortune, misery. Like some sort of apostasy. Like similar sounding stages of Samsara. All too familiar, bound and caged, They only seek to hurt and then scar you. Let wisdom prevail in plenty. The more time spent contemplating ones jump, journey, or joust, the easier it becomes for the jitters to convince ourselves; That it's simply not possible.

So jump!!


We seem to settle for such unacceptable toxicity in our lives. All aspects, whether people, places or things. They oftentimes are built upon foundations of sand. Don’t make yourself subject to be washed away with their storm. For on dangerous tides I have sailed, aimlessly it seemed. Wave crest to crest, trough to trough, in ebbs and flows… You’ll give it your all, yet all in vain, I’m afraid. You’ll give it your all, you’ll give it your best, You’ll still lose sight of your dreams... …And so, the devil schemes. Yes, you’ve made it here.

Rising Through darkness comes the light, Out of reach and out of sight, So mysteriously, from the blackness that is me... Oh!! It just doesn’t make any sense!! I won’t surrender my last defense! For your sins, there is no recompense!

Inside, still… just there….Wherein lies what used to be something sacred…. Something familiar. Now a stillness, yet not the peaceful kind. More of a quiet, a cold even…. A chill resounding void, where warm waves of affirmation and comfort once came echoing back. But you can never go back. Not this time. "You shouldn’t you know..." as you repeatedly try to convince yourself. "You wouldn’t, even if given the chance..." "You couldn’t do it, not even if you tried..."

That would mean, turning back, settling. Becoming stagnant or stale. Even having settled for that which you told yourself you would not tolerate…. WILL NOT TOLERATE. NOT NOW, NOT EVER.

Even so, indecision’s paralyzing grip seems to prevail. Failure is an illusion, only a more extended extensive path to success. You may feel at your worst, but it's only along your way to becoming your best. Don’t forget to do what you were sent here to do. Don’t forget all the blessings and gifts that you were promised to you. Only if you can follow through. Blessing bestowed, if you close your eyes and listen, You'll see it's all true.

Re-calibration “A man convinced against his will, Is of the same opinion, still.” Well, I am not here to convince or even to persuade. Rather, I am the like a ship’s craftsman, merely trying to reinforce and make sturdy, the hull. The ship’s hull that will one day, inevitably set sail on its own course ‘cross treacherous waters. A course we all must face alone. I aim to further instruct you, that you may better support your hull. So you may stand strong in your own perfect storm.

Atrociously precocious, Captain of Resilience. Viciously ferocious, Adaptive with brilliance.

Rhythm In a way… each time, when all I say does successfully rhyme, well in turn, is also a success. So that would mean that, if these menial words used to connect in between the cracks, if they don’t affect you or make you react, then that is a failure. Don't be so crossed. Sometimes we all get a little bit lost. Just remember you are and can be the boss, no matter what cost. So even though, instead of riding wisdom's rail, you were experiencing life for yourself, Just know that materials are the least valuable way to measure your wealth. Sometimes I find it absurd, to think a picture would only give us just 1000 words. Sometimes I find it offensive! Attempting to describe things perceived with just five of the senses… So, how can failure be measured by someone else's snapshot? ...just a snapshot?! At least now you know why I get up and rap thoughts.

Blues One can keep that poison kept up, or one can use it as weapon. If one can cast themselves into exile, one ought to watch where they're stepping.

Supposing one could actually do anything they put their minds to, how would it be any different once the damage is done?…

It seems hopeless, really. …yet we remain the few and far between who are further from corrupt. We seek to harm no man, we aren’t the enemy… we’re are merely these heart broken hopeless romantic’s, who've only been forced to give up.

I am continuously vigorously, Pleasantly pleased, by the amount of virtuous value a little patience can ease. Instead of burning out, just stop and ride in the breeze, And, dance with the leaves. Only try to avoid the thorns. Still we’ve got to have gratitude for those thorn bushes with flowers, Such beautiful roses, you cannot ignore. When it becomes less of a chore, and a little more of a rose-colored world, in which you are meant to explore. Vigorously invigorating, And entirely entertaining. A little patience will make it seem as though you are no longer waiting.

When looking down on things in our lives, shall we consider everything implied by actually looking down on something? First, let's agree that life is a staircase across time. Wherein each step upward signifies progression and improvement. Looking down of course, referring to negativity and pessimism or regression. Everyone is constantly moving either upward or downward. To even look down, one would require an edge, Or Cliff ...or a threshold. Anything of the sort really. The nearest of which is behind you on the staircase.... So, one would not only be reversing direction but also one would stop moving altogether. Furthermore, rendering them as "stuck." Or the proverbial: "Stuck up on the shelf" ...On yourself. Rather than falling victim to negativity on life's staircase as previously mentioned, we could move forward with gratitude. Be grateful for opportunity to improve. Those chances are not always available. So a gracious outlook is a progressive one, and its stable.

A wise man once said, “Patience, gratitude, and generosity are the holy Trinity of demeanor… …To be humble, kind, and courteous? …The Trinity of interaction.”

Demeanor and interaction, both introspectively and socially, determine our character. And character is what constructs our soul to balanced with mind and body… So get control.

Regression It was wet... I could feel the water on my face after having a rolled through it. In the darkness that held the cold in down there‌ on the concrete, with an eerie stillness. Which was only combated by an indifferent yet gentle gurgle, coming from a lavish, circular fountain‌ which apparently, was leaking.

Well, I don't remember crying at least not during‌ Lying upon that slashing cold, where wetness wallowed and lingered.

Powerless, paralyzed by an instinctual reaction consisting of a mother who raised me right, and simply not knowing what to do.

...But who really ever does anyway?

Yet, that one relaxing sound which I clung to, left me forsaken, and had long since been drowned out by an even louder, silence. A silence that evolved into a thud....and eventually, the sound became a “crack.” Followed by a deafening pulse of what must've surely been my own blood as if it were resonating ‘cross my bones. Each beat sent throbbing through my veins and indifferently collecting on the ground…

My nose was bloody, and my eyes? Red and bruised… ...My body? .... exhausted. Also broken, feeling ashamed. ...Yet my mouth remained silent. “Reconnaissance, check!! What the hell happened? It's hard to say.... my limbs are intact...OK.. Just breathe, and then-…Acghhh!”

I was struck by an immediate pain that ripped and gripped around my chest. As I tried to breathe, I was greeted by the embrace of a vest-sized Iron Maiden, with splitting pain.

Shooting down the length of my rib cage and wrapping ‘round me like an embrace from a scorpions tail. What was worse, is that due to the pain, I had developed an inability to breathe and my oxygen supply had grown low. The realization of this induced several instinctual pulses of rippling gasps throughout my lungs. Hyperventilation and panicking convulsions, riveting through my body‌ subsequently followed by immense pain, and more scorpions... Each succession flashed sequential snapshots played out, frame by frame. Much like a dreadful rerun of an old Hollywood flop.... The bloody horror began its aftershocks, in strobe-light memories.

The memory of what happened exactly is still unclear, and may remain that way forever.... So what happened exactly? I'll tell you what happened; It was a hurricane...

Hurricane Kendahse… Looming on an intensive- high, stage-five. Culminating from a verybroken, high-pressure system and a low self-esteem... And it was headed straight for me. …Or perhaps it had already hit, and I was already in the most dangerous position. Wherein, at the time it appeared calm and peaceful, in the eye of the storm. That's where one wrong move in the slightest would surely lead to my inevitable, prompt... "readjustment." In this case, ‘twould send me either back into the eye of the storm, for more suspended animation… Or the opposite; which resembled something like being thrown out, rent and twain, or drawn and quartered...none of which left me unscathed.

I find it intriguing and I should note, that even now, I can feel“myself” trying to dissuade myself, already from articulating this… putting these words down… Then again, that's not really myself that I'm hearing now, is it?

The illusion of fear can manifest in many forms and wear many masks. It will put on quite the act just to dissuade you from following through. Terrifyingly, the most persuasive mask that fear can wear is yourself.

After all, you've spent all these years, if not your entire life, just learning and trying to trust yourself...

…Just to love yourself.

Well, let's just say“you” can be quite convincing. Back then, I was convinced that I could do something about it … about ...her. Before, …back when I was fearless.

It would appear as though my problems, like many other multitudes of people throughout time, stemmed from an identity crisis.

Or maybe, I had completely lost touch with who I was all together...

Maybe, it’s not that I didn’t know who I was, but rather…. I had no idea... Who or what I was… to her.

Resentment As a young boy I can recall a time where I had an experience and I'm sure most anyone could and would have; well, anyone with a home with windows and exposure to avian wildlife. I can remember a few different occasions where I was going about my day, doing little boyish things, and playing little boyish games, when I was abruptly interrupted by a loud Thud!

The alarming crash came from the nearest window which of course, caused it to vibrate and resonate in a loud, humming chime and would certainly cause anyone to divert their attention towards it.

So I, being the inquisitive little fella I was, naturally sought to investigate the foreign sound. My investigations led me outside the house, just under the window in question. Where I immediately discovered what was now, a flightless bird.

How many of us have had that experience where we try to mend the wings of a broken bird? How many times have we actually succeeded? The bright faithfulness from our innocent hearts-of-gold, coupled with an innate connection and desire for life to thrive once again within these broken birds, still proved ineffective after several futile attempts to nurse them back to health. The beauty in its simple naivety, is truly hopeless romanticism.

So knowing how to spot a bird that is truly broken, before it breaks your spirit, or your heart, or even your body? Well, that would've saved me a great deal of pain. I just had to realize that sometimes,

No matter how we try to fix its wings, the neck has already been broken. 

Restitution Unfortunately, that was the hand I was dealt in this round of the game. Like any game, we all have to choose the play. Believe me, if I had known how badly the odds were in favor of the house, I might never have sat down! Maybe it pays to know how to count cards or to have a spotter, or team…

…But that's the thing about love… any unsuccessful love. Not the only ones idea of love, but the sad attempts at manifesting it. By the time you get to whatever point that was, the dilapidated concept of being ‘team” might have previously existed, was most definitely thrown overboard long ago in desperate, unhealthy attempts to save your ship.

Clearly, I was dead before the ship even sank. I was set up to lose before I had even began to play. Maybe a more tasteful, patient selection may appear to have been the remedy. Giving people the benefit of the doubt seemed to result only in repugnant coincidence with the “ignorance is bliss theory” or at least, with people like that. Damaged people… Some are able to break free of the perpetuation of such vengeful chaos. Others well, I'm afraid are not so lucky. Damaged people damage people. Sad but true, how truly sad. I never imagined I would lose all that I had… …But that's the way it is when you play when the stakes are high. You never know how long you'll be paying for something, and in most cases like that, the expenses and costs are almost never satisfied with a dollar sign. Dollars would've been the cheapest way to pay....

Reconciliation One should not hold such blatant disregard ‘Lest year turn cold quickly, like the lifespan of stars. Slow and steady as she goes, igniting in all its glory. Combustion, in traumatic ebbs and flows. A lovely soul sounding allegory.

Disheartening disillusionment, turning cold to Ashy black... Darkness cannot win, should you be able to get back on track. I fear my star has turned cold, but still, I know that I can still shine through from my heart of gold.

“Through darkness comes the light, through it maybe out of reach, out of sight. So mysteriously, It’s the blackness that is me.”

A simple observation and reality check with natural innate physics or math, can surely help identify your enemies on your own intricate path. Only you can allow yourself to wax and wane; dimming yourself. Or in other words, inviting darkness. You are meant to only prevail against it. Through darkness comes your light, so allow the spirit to dwell there. Invite the spirit which gives rise to your beacon. So you may stand is a lighthouse to wayward souls. It's then you'll realize you can and will simultaneously save your own. ...Even so, yourself to console.

Repentance This book, belongs to someone I used to know...and so, ’tis only apropos. Before one may lay and rest their soul, to bid them adieu, just so they’ll know… To whom it may concern: I’m sorry I treated you with such neglect, taking you for granted, without due respect. It seems that it was a process from numb “someones” to infect. Even as it were, still when asked how close we were? There is only this to be said and only that to be done. Afraid I don’t recall just how I used to know, that particular someone. I’m sorry about the times I ignored or doubted. When I simply turned a deaf ear, for crimes of boredom, I shouted, then impishly burned like death’s near, left in tears. I’m sorry indeed, to see you now go, Here's to none closer than I, that I did once know. To the self and the death of that faded gold. Goodbye, that somebody whom I used to know.

Refinement “Oh! It’s all starting to make some sense, As I surrender my last defense, For this there is only recompense.”

Do you remember now? Did you hear it? Our senses are the closest and quickest trigger of memories. So now that you've heard it, that similar semblance, to remind us of the original sound... Go forth, and prevail against the gran, as the light of creation. There, thinning sounds of silence, They’ll expound, exalting our creation. Designating within many, meek migration. Each profound song sung, inspired to rip any clashing notations. Friends and families cannot escape teachings, endearing ‘till salvation. All heirs to the throne, to share the burden as blessing bestowed. Make none weak who would feel cast down. Instead, now, that it's all said and done, these last words exclaim that we're really all one.

Renewal: The Next Octave “Over and over I’m turning the page, As night becomes day. Writing our stories, Becoming better with age, and so it goes… …On and on and on…. But I’m gone.” When understanding the fundamental nature of our existence, concerning the synthesis of energy outside of biological organic organisms, it is important to keep in mind the age old expression of “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” Bearing a resemblance to the idea that we are also composed from the same materials as the stars. Specifically, what exactly happens during its combustion. From nothingness and darkness, into creation of light, taking place like that which occurs in the form of synthesis, in our cells. That would mean that we are the light. ...Spontaneously combusting, constantly.

We are the light from the sounds of music, manifesting as love connections. As all individual vibrations of that original sound, manifesting in different songs.

That would mean our direct, dualistic opposing forces of nature and our existence are: silence and darkness.

So be that light, even late at night. Hold fast, stand as a beacon. Maybe were just sparks alone, but together we are flames.

Dividends that result from only beauty untamed, if we can let go of all prior dogma, and any previous pain. In these electric colors from fluorescent lights, manifesting in love connections and sound rippling lights.

As I’m resonating, reverberating, on such pleasant vibes, and never ever before, has it been so cleverly scribed.

This systematic chaos only deconstructing perception, while biological instinct’s only instructing conception.

Remembrance of our inheritance from our divine causation, starts recollecting that which once was just a single vibration.

So we snap life’s pictures as our minds illustrate the fixtures, so let’s take the one and only cure; Let’s call it the Light Elixir.

rEvolved Revolution “And so the curtain closes, on my day, and my old ways… Still, I’m better off this way!” Unity as an unspoken movement, initiated by the universal collection of consciousness’, is required to create any momentum towards an agency ascension. In the pursuit of such an illuminating enlightenment, taking responsibility for our free agency must be a congregational effort and state of mind.

This mental attitude and perspective, and even the manner in which we, as a society theoretically may conduct ourselves, is surely a direct result of an exponentially inclusive, metamorphic cycle of infinite, fractal enlightenment cycles. Simultaneously spiraling and birthing only more. Upon the completion of one cycle, a natural “threshold” of sorts is created.

When humanity approaches such a threshold, it surely would emulate our perpetual steady development of technology.

Much like an anticipated new release of the "iPhone 12," folks will either be ready and able to upgrade and proceed to the next, new platform, ...Or they simply will not.

For those who won't be capable or ready to upgrade their mindset, inevitably due to a bad choices, or by default of circumstances. Call it a social evolution, a "Consciousness Samsara." The struggle will come down one of two possible outcomes: Fight the easy-seeming choice to freeze over become stuck in your ways, OR To fight the ease of contentions amongst themselves.

For example, the blame game, corrupt judgment‌. Things like that. Hmm, where have we seen that before? Gee, sounds familiar‌

Such cataclysmic redundancy will mean that the more people tear themselves apart in cyclical lunacy, the more the adversary wins. If our light dims from shining forth into the world, the adversary wins.

We either climb up, or fall down. Progressive, perpetual generation of light; or return into the dark ages. It’s your choice.

Find Yours They seek to bring us to a halt, standing still and stuck on our paths. They seek for US to find US at fault Hiding and waiting with cunning traps. They seek to bring you to your knees, in each and every way every single day. Then, when you're down or that it may seem‌ Although much to your dismay, you'll realize it just might be a good time to pray... Set yourself up for success, so that you may find your Zen regardless. That which you seek can be found, Although at times, we all get a little down. Should if you find yours amidst this nearly lawless, it must surely be your own unique Flawless Solace.

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