The Official Publication of the City of Alabaster
Alabaster Connection
The new
Administration Building
Inside this issue... Highway 119 Widening Local Art Auction
From the Mayor’s Desk... The summer fun and family vacationing are behind us as we gear up for another great year of school and school activities - and of course, Football Season! The city has partnered with the YMCA in their 5th Quarter parties after five THS home football games. Students in grades 9–12 can swim, dance, and/or play basketball after they have cheered for their favorite high school team on Friday nights. This is a great opportunity for our youth to go and just hang out in an environment which is safe and positive. I know you share my appreciation for the YMCA staff and volunteers in offering such events for our teens. Marty Handlon The month of September also means the end of another Mayor, City of Alabaster fiscal year for our city and will be plenty busy as we begin to finalize budgets for the new fiscal year starting October 1. This year, council work sessions have been full of pressing matters, averaging 3 or more hours of good, lengthy discussions, and proved to be very productive for the benefit of our city. I am happy to report we have met, or will meet, most of the goals we set for this year - in both projects and revenues. The areas in which we fell short were due to circumstances beyond our influence and/or control. Some were even weather-related. There is not enough room to list all, but I would like to highlight a sample of the ones with greatest impact on customer service. Parks and Recreation received lights for our soccer fields and a new basketball court at Municipal Park; Building Services employed a new building official, Emmit Stallworth, with a customer service mindset and goals for improved processes; Alabaster Fire & Rescue received mandatory upgrades for health and safety at Station 1, under the leadership of new forward thinking Fire Chief, Jim Golden, with an additional fire truck being delivered soon; and Public Works and Environmental Services received new and much needed heavy equipment to enhance its ability to provide quality services. Our Administrative Department has improved processes, developed new policies and procedures, and hired a new Finance Director. We have also made great strides in providing support and exposure to our local small businesses with quarterly meetings, Buy Alabaster First websites and apps, and monthly business spotlights in our newsletter. I am pleased to report the optimism I feel after finally having a face-to-face meeting with representatives from CSX Railroad Company. They expressed their desire to also have a good working relationship with our city, which has developed around their tracks. As we provided examples on our city tour, Mr. Ryan Gustin, Manager of Community Affairs and Safety, was very appreciative of the issues and concerns we have regarding damaged or non-maintained CSX right of ways, rough railroad crossings, and health and safety blocks. We will have a follow up meeting in the coming months. Mr. Gustin asked that we also encourage our citizens to report non-emergency questions and concerns by calling (877) TellCSX, or emailing, or >Contact Us. These concerns include rough crossings, vegetation, media concerns, blocked crossings, and horn noise. They keep track of the frequency of particular issues and prioritize corrective actions accordingly. State Representatives Mike Hill and April Weaver, along with State Senator Cam Ward, were extremely helpful in facilitating this new relationship - for which we extend our appreciation. This month’s spotlight business is Kathy’s Kreations. Keep those nominations coming in support of your favorite local business!
Official Publication of the City of Alabaster Alabaster Connection is published monthly and it is delivered to citizens of the City of Alabaster Editorial Board The Public Relations Committee of the Alabaster City Council Committee Chair Councilwoman Sophie Martin Councilman Rick Walters Councilman Stacy Rakeshaw Editor Luke Camara, me2graphics, LLC Contributors Shana Camara Becky Beall Heather Leavell Asha Ashley Eva Shepherd Bobby Joe Seales Chris Jones We welcome your comments and suggestions. Call 447-2214 or email
To advertise call 447-2214
201 First Street N. Alabaster, AL 35007 ©2013 City of Alabaster
Non-Emergency City Numbers Police 24-Hours 663-7401 Alabaster Water Board 663-6155 Fire Department 664-6818
Blessings, 3
C O u n ci l C o m m e n t s
Scott Brakefield, Ward 6 City Council President
As August comes to a close and we begin Fall 2013, the City of Alabaster opens a new chapter in the City’s history. As of this month’s newsletter, the Alabaster City Schools have officially opened. The City has worked diligently to create opportunities for retail, healthcare, industrial, and residential growth. Now we can proudly include the public school system on the list of areas we will expect excellence. During the month of September, the City will open its new administration/court facility located next to the Alabaster Senior Center at 1953 Municipal Way. This facility will consolidate multiple city departments, increase efficiency, and enhance customer service. Additionally, it will be the location for the Alabaster Board of Education. Lastly, I hope you all have an opportunity to come out and support the THS Warrior Football program this fall. Home games will be held on 8/30, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27 and 10/18. Outside of Cityfest and the Christmas Parade, these events are the most attended in our community; and the City can only continue to be successful by the involvement and dedication of its residents and stakeholders.
Sophie Martin, Ward 1
Progress continues in Ward 1. Enhancements and repairs are being made to Abbey Wooley Park located off Simmsville Road. Painting, asphalt maintenance, new basketball goals, and other park equipment repairs are being completed. Thank you to Parks and Rec. Director Tim Hamm and his team for doing an exemplary job for our city. The city is still working towards finalizing a solution to repair the aesthetic issues along Alabaster Boulevard. Resolving this issue is a long process considering the parties involved, but the end result will be long-term durability that is cost effective. We always want to ensure we our getting the best use and investment from our tax dollars. Safety officials are still asking drivers to observe the speed limit
and use caution when driving on Alabaster Boulevard. Congratulations to Pastor William Fitts of Emmanuel Temple Church for recently being honored by Mayor Handlon and the City Council. Pastor Fitts was recognized for 35 years of ministry, making him one of the longest serving pastors in Alabaster. Thank you to the many Emmanuel Temple members who also attended this special event. I truly appreciate the many lives positively changed in our community by Pastor Fitts and his church family. It is an honor to continue to serve the residents of Ward 1 and our City. Please contact me by phone or e-mail if you have any questions. Blessings!
Bob Hicks, Ward 2
The first year of the Alabaster City School System is fully underway. The excitement and enthusiasm is contagious. The efforts to spruce up all our schools yielded noticeable and very overdue improvements just about everywhere. The new tile, paint, furniture and repairs presented open arms with a new look to returning students. Kudos to the ACSBOE for hitting the ground running. Now comes the real work: providing the optimal educational experience for each and every student that enrolls. I am fully confident that Dr. Vickers and the board will do exactly that. Please join me and the thousands (yes, thousands!!) of other supporters who intend to lift our children on our shoulders to the heights they are fully capable of achieving. It is INDEED a great day to be a Warrior. As you are reading this, the new administrative building across from the senior center is about complete. The ability to combine several departments heretofore housed a good distance from each other offers many benefits. Increased efficiency in interdepartmental activities, streamlining of procedures, reduction of utilities and costs by the vacation of older buildings and storage facilities, and a more central location for the transacting of city business all will cause the wheels of government to turn much better in our little town. I am eternally grateful for the decisive leadership of George Henry, our city manager, in the completion of this Herculean task. We will all benefit. Finally, Labor Day approaches. Join me in saluting those who built this country by sheer determination and hard work. Whether your collar is blue or white, your efforts are to be celebrated on the upcoming holiday. Grace and peace....
Stacy Rakestraw, Ward 3
We are in the process of working on our fiscal year budget which begins October 1, 2013. Feel free to come to council work sessions at the Alabaster Senior Center to listen in and ask questions. Dates and times can be found on the city website or by calling city hall at 664-6800. Also, thank you to Alabaster Sports and Entertainment Foundation for their support in Warrior Day and the unveiling of the new city logo, as well as, Parks and Rec and the THS QB Club. Recently, we passed a revised sewer ordinance removing old verbiage from the original 1979 version. The new ordinance is available on-line along with many other ordinances. In the near future, all city ordinances will be available via the city website. The new city hall is very close to completion and will house all city services under one roof. The police department will be able to spread out in the current city hall which has space that they so desperately need. It is a blessing to keep our local tax money right here and put it into our children’s education with our new city school system. Many positive changes have already been made. It is a great day to be a WARRIOR!
Rick Walters, Ward 4
As the new school year begins, our City budget year comes to a close. The ACSBOE has been working diligently within its financial means to provide essential services. The City Administration has also been working on our annual budget. Both entities continue working together, realizing that even though they are separate, the performance of one has a direct effect on the other. The same thing can be said of your neighbors. The care you take (or lack of) of your property has a direct effect on your neighbor’s home and the neighborhood. Ordinances and regulations concerning your property are diminished by those who do not take pride in their own homes. For most people, their home is their biggest investment. Simple things like lawn maintenance, parking on paved surfaces and stowing your garbage/recycling bins after collection help everyone’s property values. Have you ever passed by a garbage can and thought you smelled a dead body? Rotting garbage naturally emits an odor, but it can be reduced by making sure all garbage is discarded in plastic bags - not just dumped into the bin. Freezing spoiled food to be put in the garbage on collection day will also reduce those noxious emissions. Rinsing out your bins on a regular basis is another way to keep odor and insects away from your home. A happy neighbor is a good neighbor,
so please be considerate of those who live around you. It is their largest investment too. Keep in Touch!
Russell Bedsole, Ward 5
If you took the time to read my message last month, you will recall that I passed on some of my feelings regarding effective communication. Please indulge me as I give a real-life example. On a recent trip to Birmingham International Airport, my kids and I found ourselves trapped in an elevator that suddenly lost power as we traversed between floors. After some forty minutes we were freed by rescue personnel that were able to force the doors open. During these forty minutes, there was one voice that would repetitively call out to me and the kids with comforting words to let us know they were working on getting us freed from the hot elevator. As I reassured my children that everything was going to be fine, the “voice” was giving me a play by play of what I couldn’t see on the outside of the door. The “voice” wasn’t a technician for the elevator company or a trained rescuer; he was a very effective communicator that made an unpleasant situation better. My hat is off to you kind sir! Alabaster, here is your chance to be the “voice.” Budget time is quickly approaching. What do you want for your city? What are some of your wants or desires - either short term or long term? Let me hear them. Send the items you have to
Tommy Ryals, Ward 7
I’ve had several inquiries lately about annexation into Alabaster. The annexation process is outlined in the Code of Alabama, Title 11, Section 42. It is the City’s choice as to whether they will annex a property or not, but it must all be done in accordance with the State Code. The School Board should have input as well. The most common method of annexation is if a property is “contiguous” to Alabaster; in other words, it physically touches a part of the existing city limits. If so, the property owner fills out a form (from City Hall) to “petition” (request) annexation by the city. After the required advertising and public notice, the Council holds a public hearing and votes on the annexation request. If the vote is yes, the city limits are altered to include the property and it is properly zoned. For property which does not touch the city limits, another less common method of annexation is accomplished through the State Legislature, sometimes called “lassoing”. This is very difficult in that it takes a lot of coordination between the City and State Representatives and requires a vote of the entire Legislature. Contiguous is the way to go if possible. 5
The New
Administration Building A Step Forward It took a few more months than originally planned, but all good things come to those who wait. Now the wait is over and Alabaster is going to be enjoying a new Administration Building that will reflect the growth and forward thinking of our city. The new facility is an impressive combination of advance technology, accessibility and forward thinking. The new Administration Building will house City Hall, Municipal Court, Building Services and the Alabaster City School System central office With the additional space, the new facility provides a much needed consolidation of city services, which will provide a superior customer service experience for residents and stakeholders. For example in the new facility when a business wishes to open in Alabaster they can apply for their business license and then walk across the foyer to speak with the building department. In the past they would have to drive across town to accomplish what is now a simple feat. The final touch on this consolidation is the inclusion of the Alabaster City School’s administrative offices on the second floor. Their space will have the same amenities as the rest of the facility and will include space for future growth.
Even departments not moving into the new facility will be able to expand. With the administrative offices leaving, the old city hall will have space for the police department to expand and consolidate locations, also allowing for a better customer service experience from police administrative services. It also allows the police to have a visible presence on one of the main roadways in the city. The municipal court will receive an increase in efficiency. They will now have mobile workstations allowing the magistrates to handle an influx of walk up counter service in a more efficient manner. The flow of people, from their entrance, to paying fines, to exiting, will now follow a path that minimizes bottlenecks. The new facility will also be installed with new high capacity storage freeing up much needed Rosie Robinson, city magistrate, storage space for current and looks over the floor plans for her future court records. new office space.
Widening of Highway 119
Magistrate Rosie Robinson and City Manager George Henry look over the plans for the office set up.
The whole facility has been designed with an eye towards leveraging technology to provide superior service. In the council chambers, which will also serve as the courtroom and meeting room, t.v. monitors and a large projection screen have been installed. Each will be individually controlled so that specific data can be shown on each screen. Workstations have been designed to allow any user to login to the pc and access their files and profile. Even the heating and cooling systems are state of the art allowing for maximum efficiency and usability. The security system will allow monitoring of who is entering the building, at what time and even control what doors they can unlock. The security camera system can be accessed remotely via an app for smartphones and tablets. Access will be controlled while at the same time allow the city to conduct the necessary business in a safe and inviting environment. The final touch of the Administration Building is the address: 1953 Municipal Way reflecting the year the city incorporated. Even as the city moves forward it has not forgotten it roots. As another visual reminder of this truth the new building sits beside the historical water tower that once served the old Siluria Mill. The two structures stand as a symbol of progress of Alabaster while at the same time paying homage to our past.
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The City of Alabaster was recently awarded funding to widen State Route 119 from County Road 26, by Zaxby’s, to at least County Road 80 via the ATRIP that was established by Governor Robert Bentley. ATRIP, Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program, is an Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) administered federal aid highway program that funds up to 80% of the construction of important roadway projects. The remaining 20% comes from local contributions. “We want to thank Governor Bentley and the ATRIP selection committee for agreeing to fund this project. This has been a project worked on by internal members of our team for some time and would not be a reality without the assistance of Representative Mike Hill and Senator Cam Ward. These two members of our local delegation worked tirelessly behind the scenes to set up meetings wherein the City was able to share its vision and need for this corridor,” said Alabaster City Manager George Henry. “As we can see from the awarded ATRIP funding for Shelby County
Governor Bentley recently announced funding for an expandition of Hwy 119.
as a whole, we are thankful to have such an active delegation representing our area.” The county received a total of almost 24 million dollars. Mayor Handlon and the Alabaster City Council having a strong vision and supporting the project by setting aside matching funds validates this as an attractive and viable project for ALDOT to fund. This project has become a necessity for Alabaster to decrease congestion and to increase growth. The traffic count on SR119 hits in excess of sixteen thousand cars at County Road 80. By County Road 12 that number pushes eighteen thousand. And by county road 26, near Zaxby’s, it exceeds twenty thousand. The increase from one lane to two lanes will allow for better flow of traffic to Highway 31 and I-65. It will also increase future development. The southwest side of Alabaster has room to expand in terms of residential and commercial growth. The next step in the widening project is to get appropri-
Ha p p e n i n g s
ate air quality testing, environmental documentation, and an overall scope. This step is beginning immediately. It is expected that “dirt will move” in the next 24 months. The City is currently working with ALDOT and the Shelby County Highway Department to signalize the CR80/SR119 intersection by the Chevron. Since the City was awarded the entire widening project sooner than initially planned, the administration will reassess the scope of the signal project to ensure tax dollars are utilized as judiciously as possible. “We will continue to move towards completing this much-needed improvement project,” added Henry. This is not the first project the City has received from ATRIP funds. The City is currently working on another ATRIP project, in partnership with the Shelby County Highway Department, to replace a bridge on Thompson road, plus other roadway improvements along this corridor. Alabaster’s leadership will continue to take steps to position the City to bring even more opportunities and success to our community.
Silent Art Auction
Your local Starbucks team is joining the Shelby County Arts Council (S.C.A.C.) to benefit the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) through a Silent Auction and Art Show. “Starbucks started a partnership four years ago with JDRF,” said Rhett Blackwell, the manager of the Starbucks on Kent Dairy Road. “It has grown during that time – from Starbucks volunteering on the day of the JDRF Walk to holding fund-raising events for JDRF.” The Silent Art Auction and Art Show will be held September 24th -27th at the Kent Dairy location. The bidding will begin at the open of the business day on the 24th at the designated booth inside the coffee shop. The art will be publicly displayed throughout Starbucks the entire week. The S.C.A.C. Director, Susan D. Gordon, and S.C.A.C. Instructor, Bruce D. Andrews, will be the “curators” of the auction and will be inviting reputable artists to contribute. “The main goal is to raise money and awareness for JDRF - as 100% of the proceeds from art sales will go to benefit the organization!” Andrews said excitedly as he scribbled out some of the plan onto the back of a pastry bag at Starbucks. “The secondary goal is to have a fine art show right here at Starbucks in Alabaster.” The auction/show will climax with a family-
Jerry “Boogie” McCain by Bruce D. Andrews.
oriented night out on the 27th. There will be live music and locally handcrafted artwork to make final bids on, and this will be from 5:30p.m. – 8:30p.m. “We invite you to contribute in any way you can to JDRF and to find out more about the artists involved and S.C.A.C!” Andrews voiced.
Liberty Missionary Baptist Church Couples’ Ministry
Liberty Missionary Baptist Church (LBC) is located on Arrington Drive in Alabaster, AL and is excited about a renewal on marriage ministry. Zel and Gisele Brown have been servants of LBC Couples’ Ministry since January 2013. This is an active ministry with members ranging from 4 months to 40+ years of marriage. They meet monthly to encourage healthy marriages and strengthen family relationships. The theme for this year is “Love and Respect”
The couples just before they released their balloons signifying what negative aspects they wanted to let go of in their marriage.
and the list goes on…. Additional information about LBC Couples’ Ministry can be located on the church’s website or at (205) 663-0975.
LBC Couples’ Ministry has date nights, movie and dinner outings, cookouts, City Council and Bible study with a lot of Meeting Minutes (Abridged) version of minutes and resoultions/ordinances can be open dialogue. (Unabridged found on city webpage at
A regular meeting of the Alabaster City Council was held in the Municipal Annex on Monday, July 15, 2013, at 7:00 p.m.
for your spouse. “This ministry is under the guidance of The Holy Spirit. We recognize that Satan’s first victims are the heads of homes where marriages are constantly under attack,” said Gisele. LBC Couples’ Ministry has date nights, movie and dinner outings, cookouts, and Bible study with a lot of open dialogue. They have open communication with each other via email and quarterly newsletters. “It is so refreshing to renew the romance with your spouse and keep the “fire burning” in your relationship, regardless of how long you have been together. It is encouraging when we have personal testimonies of how a couple overcame adversities in their marriage and when spouses openly express their love and gratitude for each other in front of a group without any reservations,” shared Gisele. This June, the ministry held a cookout at Oak Mountain Park which culminated with a special balloon ceremony where the couples individually discussed what they wanted to release and let go in their marriages. “Together,” said Gisele, “we released those hindrances from our relationships as we released the balloons from our hands. For minutes, all eyes were looking upward to the sky as the balloons faded away.” She added, “We realized that there was no power in the balloons, but the faith that we have in God was attached to those balloons.” They will be attending a marriage conference in October and hosting an annual Sweetheart Ball on Valentine’s Day. Future activities for 2014 include a couples’ retreat, workshops, volunteer time at homeless shelters and other related facilities, concerts,
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Present: Bob Hicks, Rick Walters, Tommy Ryals, Russell Bedsole, Stacy Rakestraw, Sophie Martin Absent: Scott Brakefield AGENDA ITEMS 1. Resolution 071513 Waiving Impact Fee for 1509 Royalty Drive Council Member Hicks made a motion to approve Resolution 071513. Council Member Rakestraw seconded. Motion Passed Unanimously 2. Resolution 071513-A Extending deadline to close development agreement Council Member Rakestraw made a motion to approve INTRODUCING...
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Ha p p e n i n g s
Resolution 071513-A. Council Member Bedsole seconded. Motion Passed Unanimously 3. Resolution 071513-B Surplus items within Police and Library departments Council Member Bedsole made a motion to approve Resolution 071513-B. Council Member Walters seconded. Motion Passed Unanimously 4. Resolution 071513-C Concerning definition of pygmy & dwarf goats as pets Council Member Walters made a motion to Table Resolution 071513-C pending further administrative review. Council Member Rakestraw seconded. Motion Passed Unanimously 5. Council Member Bedsole made a motion to approve the purchase of a 100KW natural gas powered generator from the City of Mountain Brook to be installed at Fire House #1, not to exceed $20,000 from capital funds. Council Member Hicks seconded. Motion Passed Unanimously
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Meeting adjourned at 7:32 P.M.
Employee Spotlight
Michelle Edwards, Nancy Martin, Nancy Burns, and Debbie Stewart Alabaster City Hall is never without a smiling face to greet you when you enter the door. The often unsung administrative support staff is there to answer your questions, hear your concerns and provide you with quality customer service. The staff is made up of Michelle Edwards, Nancy Martin, Nancy Burns, and Debbie Stewart. Between these four ladies they have decades of experience working for the community. For many people Nancy Martin is the face and voice of Alabaster. She sits up front to answer walk up customer’s questions and provide them with the answers they need. She also answers the phone as the primary receptionist for the city. “I like helping people and connecting them to the right person,” she said with a smile. Part of her duties encompass the issuance of garage sale permits, set up garbage service and as the general point person for contact at city hall. 10
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“I think it reflects the small town feel of Alabaster but with a city mentality of moving forward.” - Nancy Martin Nancy Martin, Michelle Edwards and Debbie Stewart (Not Pictured Nancy Burns).
Sitting right beside her is Michelle Edwards. Michelle has been with the city for over nine years. She currently holds the position of Senior Accounts Clerk. A typical day for her is comprised of answering questions from residents and working with new businesses who are moving into Alabaster. For her the highlight of her job is serving others and making them leave with a smile. “When I get to help customers and make them feel good about coming into the city to live or run a business, it is the best part,” she said. Just behind the two ladies are the desks of Nancy Burns and Debbie Stewart. These two ladies handle accounts payable and receivable. “I have always liked dealing with
accountant type work,” said Debbie. She handles all the accounts payable. This includes keeping track of vendors, cutting checks and tracking the funds. She has been with the city for six years and just loves everything she does. Even with all these numbers swimming in her head every day she still looks forward to serving the customers. “I am a naturally shy person, but I love dealing with the public,” she said. All of the administrative support staff is very excited about the new building. They see it as an improvement over the current city hall and as a means to providing a higher level of customer service. “The new facility is more indicative of the nice community we have become- a modern community,” said Nancy Martin. She added, “I think it reflects the small town feel of Alabaster but with a city mentality of moving forward.”
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September 2 City Offices Closed-Labor Day 3 City Council Meeting, 7 p.m. (A) 5 Water Board, 7 p.m. (A) 9 Alabaster City BOE Meeting, 7 p.m. (A) 10 Housing and Abatement, 5 p.m. (A) 11 Municipal Court, 9 a.m. & 2 p.m. (A) 16 City Council Meeting, 7 p.m. (A) 23 Board of Zoning Adjustments, 6:30 p.m. (A) 24 Planning and Zoning Board, 7 p.m. (A) 25 Municipal Court, 9 a.m. & 2 p.m. (A) Key: (A)=Annex; (SC)=Senior Center View full calendar, agendas and resolutions at
Recycling COllection Schedule Red -September 8th-14th, 22nd-28th Blue - September 1st-7th, 15th-21st, 29th-30th
Senior Center
The Alabaster Senior Center is located at 1097 7th Street S.W., Alabaster. If you would like more information concerning senior programs, please contact Alabaster Senior Center at 663-1307 or awalters@ 6 week Conversational Spanish Class Monday, September 9 - October 14, 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. The last class we will take an outing to a local Mexican restaurant and grocery store. The class will cover basic conversational Spanish and vocabulary. Space is limited and cost is $15 for the 6 week class. Sign ups begin August 1. Men’s Monthly Breakfast Social Monday, September 9, 9:00 a.m. All men are welcome to join us! Special thanks to Arby’s for donating the biscuits! Free Blood Pressure Checks Tuesday, September 10 at 9:30 a.m. Provided by Comfort Care Hospice. Flu Shots Wednesday, September 11, 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Provided by Brooklere Pharmacy .There is NO charge for the following insurances: Medicare, Viva, Health 12
Springs, UMWA, Blue Advantage, Secure Horizons, some Blue Cross plans and Rail Road Medicare. Bring your insurance card with you. Cost for flu shots if you do not have insurance is $29. Sign up today at the Senior Center. Wine Tour and Lunch Thursday, September 12, We will tour the Hidden Meadow Winery and enjoy lunch at Ezell’s in Calera. Bring $10 – $12 for lunch. Space is limited and $1 reserves your spot. Gardening with Betty Tuesday, September 17, 9:30 a.m. We meet every 3rd Tuesday of each month. The September 17th class will be making glow in the dark stepping stones. $5/ class and includes all supplies. Must sign up ahead of time. Coupon Class Tuesday, September 24, 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Cost is only $3/person for a 2 hour class. Sign up today! NEW Tai Chi exercise classes Mondays and Thursdays,1:00 p.m. Space is limited. Encouraged donation of $2/class. Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. Space is limited. Encouraged donation of $2/class. Basic American Sign Language Class Every Tuesday in October from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. This class will teach you the alphabet and a base of 100 words. You will have an opportunity to use your skills before the end of the 5-week course. Classes will be held every Tuesday, October 1 – 29 from 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Cost is $3/person. Space is limited. Day Trip to LaGrange, Georgia Thursday, October 10 Bringing Ancient History to Life. The Explorations in Antiquity Center is a living museum of life in ancient Biblical times. Through archeological replicas, Biblical meal presentation lectures, and other personal experience, ancient Biblical life becomes real today. We will also visit the Hills and Dales Estates. The property has been lovingly preserved by two generations of the Callaway family. Cost is $75 for the first 30 Alabaster Senior residents, and $85 for all other Shelby County Seniors. Sign up today!
You won’t want to miss all the other activities at the Senior Center... Men’s Social Group, 1st Monday of each month 9 a.m. Timeless Treasures (singing),–Mondays, 10 a.m. Wii Bowling, Tuesdays, 12 p.m. Rook, Wednesdays, 9 a.m. Rummikub, Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. Zumba Gold (exercise), Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Beginner/Inter Line dancing, Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. Beginner Line Dancing, Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. Bridge, Thursdays, 12-3 p.m. Tempo exercise, Fridays, 10 a.m. Zumba Gold Toning, Fridays 1-2 p.m.
The Albert L. Scott Library is located at 100 9th Street N.W., Alabaster. Hours of operation are: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - 9 a.m.-7:50 p.m. Wednesday - 10 a.m.-5:50 p.m. Friday - 9 a.m.-5:50 p.m. Saturday - 10 a.m.-4:50 p.m. Sunday - 1-4:50 p.m. If you would like more information concerning programs, please contact the Library at 664-6822. Closed for Labor Day Monday, September 2 Library Board Meeting Tuesday, September 24, 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 19, 10:00 a.m. Interviewing Skills Workshop Thursday, September 26, 10:00 a.m. Networking Workshop American History Made Simple Join us on Monday nights in September for a look at the history of America from the end of the Civil War to the present, taught by historian and storyteller, Mark Sims. History doesn’t have to be complicated. These four classes will help make sense of the Wild West, the Roaring Twenties, two World Wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War, and our national journey into the 21st century. Programs take place in the meeting room. Monday, September 9, 6:30 pm Monday, September 16, 6:30 pm Monday, September 23, 6:30 pm Monday, September 30, 6:30 pm Mobile Device Workshop Thursday, September 12, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 pm. Computers, Tablets, and Smartphones: Your Questions Answered! – Join us as Bob Fitzgerald, of Personal Computer Consulting in Alabaster, offers a FREE workshop where experienced techs will answer your questions about your mobile electronic devices. Troubleshooting, how-to, and consulting provided. Program takes place in the meeting room.
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Adult Events
Adult Computer Classes Call or come by to sign up. 664-6822. Wednesday, September 4, 10:00 a.m. – Computer Basics Wednesday, September 18, 10:00 a.m. – Basic Internet & Email Library Book Group Thursday, September 19, 7:00 p.m. Join us in our discussion of The Secret History by Donna Tartt. A transfer student from a small town in California, Richard Papen is determined to affect the ways of his Hampden College peers, and he begins his intense studies under the tutelage of eccentric Julian Morrow. Program takes place in the meeting room. Positive Maturity Job Search Workshops Join us as A.W.A.R.E. volunteer Denise Stamps guides job seekers 50 and over through the process of returning to the workplace. Programs take place in the meeting room. Thursday, September 5, 10:00 a.m. Orientation Workshop Thursday, September 12, 10:00 a.m. Resume Workshop
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Library events continued...
youth Events
Swings into September Story Times: Wednesdays, 3:30 p.m. Tunes & Tales for all ages in the meeting room; Children six years old and younger must be with an adult Fridays, 10:30 a.m. Toddler Tales in the meeting room; Children must be with an adult. Toddler Tales Themes: Grandpa’s Farm; Let’s Go to the Fair; Dream Big; Going on a Safari Homeschool Happening September 9, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Writing Workshop with author Kerry Madden. The library is excited to launch a brand new monthly program to help families involved with homeschooling called Homeschool Happening. It will feature a different topic and activity each time. Our first one is a writing workshop with local author Kerry Madden. She has written the Appalachian Maggie Valley Trilogy: Gentle’s Holler, Louisiana’s Song, and Jessie’s Mountain. She has also written Writing Smarts to help kids write their own poems and stories, as well as Harper Lee - part of the “Up Close” biography series. Ms. Madden is excited to come to our library for our first Homeschool Happening. It’s for kids in first grade and up. Lunch will be served. Sign up is required. Families can sign up at the circulation desk by September 8. Meets in the meeting room. Lego League September 10, 4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m. In the meeting room; Program is for all ages but children six years old and younger must be with an adult American Girls Club September 13, 4:00 p.m. The spotlight will be on Felicity living in 1774. Girls with or without a doll can come learn about her world. Girls 7 years old and older can sign up at the circulation desk. Meets in the meeting room. Teen Beach Movie Mania Tuesday, September 17, 6:00 p.m. Are you a surfer or a biker? Do you know the songs and the dance steps? Want to join in on some cool activities? Kids 6 years old and older can sign up for an evening of fun inspired by Disney’s Teen Beach Movie. Meets in the meeting room. Kids 6 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Ben Franklin’s A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned September 18, 3:30 p.m. Youngsters and their caregivers will get to meet Ben Franklin who has some very wise stories about saving and using money! His visit to our meeting room is part of a new series of programs called: MakingCents-Resources to help your money grow a Smart investing@your library® Series, a partnership between the American Library Association and FINRA Investor Education Foundation. This grant project provides free, unbiased information to the community about financial literacy and personal finance. The Albert L. Scott Library is
one of the select public libraries in Birmingham, Jefferson and Shelby Counties. Our library’s resources include brand new books for children and adults, DVDs, and more. The goal of the project is to empower library patrons to make smart financial decisions for long-term investing and day-to-day money matters. FOR ADULTS and Teenagers (with parental permission): September 30, 10:00 a.m.-4:00p.m. Whole Blood and Platelet Drive. Once again there will be a liquid gold rush in Alabaster. Library patrons and other residents can help prospect. Alabama is in need of liquid gold—a life-saving treasure within everyone’s blood system – a treasure that most people do not realize they have. It is blood platelets. The library is joining forces with the nonprofit Liquid Gold Foundation and LifeSouth to host a whole blood and blood platelet drive in the library’s meeting room. There is always a demand for whole blood, and the platelet shortage is a chronic problem - according to Birmingham’s Donald E. Pierini, founder of the Liquid Gold Foundation. “Liquid
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gold is a metaphor for blood platelets which are gold-ish in color… after they’re filtered out of your whole blood,” Pierini explained. Platelets are tiny cells in blood that help clots form and are used during heart surgeries and for patients being treated for cancer, serious burns, trauma accidents, and more. Pierini said the state of Alabama collects only half of what it needs in platelets every year. He said it takes about 8 units of whole blood to create one unit of platelets. Because LifeSouth has a policy of taking its platelet collecting equipment into the community, it makes collecting easier. LifeSouth is a strategic partner of the Liquid Gold Foundation. Donating platelets takes between 90 and 120 minutes depending on a person’s normal platelet count and how fast their blood flows. Donors must weigh 110 pounds or more and show I.D. All donors receive a recognition item and a cholesterol screening. All blood donors can sign up for a time slot by calling the library at 664.6822 or by coming to the library’s circulation desk to sign up. Potential platelet donors should be aware that for 48 hours before donating, they must avoid ingesting the following: aspirin and any medications containing aspirin, garlic supplements, Vitamin E, green tea, grape juice (purple), Gingko Biloba, ginger, ginseng. More information can be found at the Liquid Gold Foundation’s website: LifeSouth’s website is The blood drive will be in the meeting room behind Caroline’s Corner through the double glass doors.
Parks and Rec
The Parks and Recreation Office is located inside the Depot at 100 Depot Street, Alabaster. Office hours are Mon.-Fri. from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. If you would like more information, call 205-664-6840 or visit BASKETBALL Registration, Sept. 16 thru Oct. 4 Registration weekdays only from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Depot. On-line registration should be available beginning at 8 a.m. on Sept. 16 and ending at 5 p.m. on Oct. 4. The cost is $80.00 ($10 additional fee for non-residents). It is open to boys in Kindergarten through 9th grade and girls in Kindergarten through 6th grade. *IMPORTANT: 9th graders who turned 15 before September 1, 2013 are not eligible. Kindergarteners have to turn 5 before September 1, 2013 to be eligible to play (no exceptions). FOOTBALL/CHEER We have around 425 children combined in both programs. Games will start around Labor Day, and run through the end of October. All home games are played at Buck Creek Park located at 701 Sixth Ave. S.W. All games are played on weeknights with game times beginning at 6 p.m. Football Picture Day is set for Saturday, Sept. 14, at the THS football stadium off of Thompson Road. Cheer Picture Day is set for
Sunday, Sept. 15, at Buck Creek Park. We look forward to seeing you at the park this season as you show your support for the future Warrior football players and cheerleaders. FALL SOFTBALL Practices will probably begin the week of Sept. 2. Games should begin around Sept. 16, and conclude at the end of Oct. FALL BASEBALL The program is scheduled to begin on Sept. 10. It will run for 6 weeks. FALL SOCCER Games are scheduled to begin on Sept. 14 at Municipal Park located at 500 Warrior Drive between TMS and THS. Pictures are scheduled for Sept. 21. START SMART SOCCER One hour sessions will be held each Tuesday night from 6:00 until 7:00 p.m beginning Sept. 3 and ending on Oct. 8. The sessions will be held at Depot Field (located at 100 Depot Street outside of the Parks and Recreation office). The program will conclude with a scrimmage and party on Oct. 12 at 10:00 am at Depot Field. Bark n the Park Saturday, Oct. 5, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. It will be held at Veterans Park, 7305 Hwy. 119, Alabaster. Mark your calendars now so you won’t miss out on lots of fun. There will be food, music, inflatables, dog contests, vendors selling everything from dog bones to t-shirts, etc. PAVILIONS FOR RENT Outdoor Rental Facilities: Several of our City Parks offer pavilions for rental use. The best way to make sure your event happens at the location of your choice is to contact Parks & Recreation before our books are filled with reservations. Pavilions are available for use by permit only. There is a $40 rental fee and an additional refundable $40 deposit which must be paid before your reservation is complete.
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Around Town The Beginning
of Thompson High School An Editor’s note: As we dawn into a new era with a city school system, we thought it would be advantageous and entertaining to look back at the formation of Thompson High School. We asked Local Historian Bobby Joe Seales if he would share with us the story.
Prior to 1920 there was an elementary and junior high school at Siluria, Shelby County Alabama, consisting of a five-classroom building. The need was keenly felt for a high school. Owing to the generous donation of property and personal funds from Thomas Carlyle Thompson, the school was named Thompson. The Peoples Advocate, dated Thursday, June 9, 1921: “Another School Building for Siluria, Arrangements have been made for the erection of another large school building at Siluria, the same to be completed in September. The new building will be located near the one built a few years ago, which is too small to accommodate the large number of pupils that attend this school. The Buck Creek Cotton Mill Company and the citizens of Siluria are furnishing the money to put up the new school building.” Before the beginning of Thompson High School there was a one-room school in Elliottsville, located about one mile south of Siluria. This building was torn down and the students were transferred to the “new school” in a covered wagon, called The Transfer. This was drawn by two mules 16
and was first driven by Mr. J. Walter Foust, 1888-1926, and Mr. Jacob Zuiderhoek, 1849-1936. This was the first “school bus” that Thompson High School had and was used until 1934. Mr. Samuel Perry Williamson (born July 8, 1868, died May 26, 1937) was the Superintendent of Education at the time Thompson became the second consolidated school in Shelby County Alabama. [Shelby County High School in Columbiana was the first consolidated school in 1914-1915. They had a total of 13 boys and 2 girls to graduate in their first class.] The Peoples Advocate, dated Thursday, August 25, 1921: “Notice to Teachers, October 3rd, 1921 is the uniform date set by the County Board of Education for the public schools of Shelby County to open. S.P. Williamson, County Superintendent stated, “Mr. Jesse Richardson was the first principal of the consolidated school with a total of ten faculty members. Miss Olivia Young was a member of this faculty and continued teaching there until her retirement some eighteen years later.
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Many of the people in the community would proudly boast that Miss Young taught them in the sixth grade. On May 24, 1922 the first Thompson High School graduation ceremony was held. This graduating class consisted of (1)Mr. Floyd Truman Harper, 19031985. (2) Mrs. Lena Grace (Roy) Zuiderhoek, 1904-1984, married Cecil Brown Zuiderhoek. Her Thompson High School diploma is now on display in the Shelby County Museum & Archives. To my knowledge this is the only one of the six that remains in existence. (3) Mrs. Lucy Jane (Zuiderhoek) Nabors, 1903-1989, married Burr Billings Nabors. (4)Mrs. Elma (Still) Sharp, 1905-1988. (5) Mrs. Onzelle (Foust) Templin, 1904-1984. (6) Mrs. Pauline (Scott) Rogan Towery, 1903-1996. In 1933 she returned to Thompson High School and taught Home Economics for about nine years. The Peoples Advocate, dated Thursday, May 18, 1922: “Commencement At Siluria High School, The Siluria Public School will close Friday, May 19th. The pupils of the primary and intermediate grades will present a very interesting program Friday afternoon. Commencement Sermon Sunday, 11:00 a.m. - Dr. Battle. High School Play, Kicked Out of College, Monday evening 8 o’clock. Graduating Exercises Wednesday evening 8 o’clock. Dr. Orr will deliver the address to the Senior class.” On Tuesday, January 23, 1951, at about 10:15 p.m. tragedy struck in the form of a fire, totally destroying both school buildings. Shelby County Reporter-Democrat, Thursday, January 25, 1951, “Thompson High School Destroyed By Fire Tuesday - Tuesday evening a fire, reported to have started in the school lunch room, completely destroyed both school buildings in Siluria. Thompson High School is rated as one of the most progressive schools in the
Transportation to Thompson High School.
county and was on the agenda for many long-needed improvements. Bids are advertised this week in the Reporter-Democrat. We are reliably informed that the loss is a total one, including most of the equipment. Supt. P.B. Shaw is in Siluria investigating the amount of damage.” As a result of this fire, a beautiful brick building was constructed as an addition to the existing modern eight-room brick building that was built in 1949-1950 and was not destroyed by the fire. It was completed in 1952 and was used until November 1987. The class of 1951-1952 was the first graduating class at this building. For a more detailed history of Thompson High School visit
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Would you like to nominate someone for a Citizen Spotlight? E-mail Mayor Handlon, Council Member Sophie Martin or editor Luke Camara
Cash value 1/20¢. Price may vary. Tax may apply.
How do you define an extraordinary person? What makes that person stand out from the rest? Is extraordinary expressed by talents and abilities or is there more? Two words, Thomas Rayam. Rayam grew up as the youngest of six children. His family encountered many obstacles, but defeat was never an option for him. He quickly learned the value of “God and family,” and built upon these principles at a young age. Throughout high school, he excelled in football and wrestling and kept active in his high school choir. One of his older brothers, LeNorris, “devoted his life to caring Thomas Rayam for others before his untimely death inBONELESS 1994.” And, according to his WINGS dium 1-Topping, c. Chicken website, LeNorris’ “life of service witnessed to Thomas a Dish and motivated him to reach out to others.” After graduating high school, Rayam was heavily sought after by different school recruiters, but when he accepted a scholarship to the University of Alapm. bama to play for7/1/13. the Crimson Tide, he got the next Expires jump-start that he needed. “Playing for the University of Alabama was a blessing and a dream come true!” Rayam enjoyed his time playing for UA. He built lifelong friendships and gained priceless skills. “My most memorable arge Onemoment X-Largeas a football player is definitely the Penn State gamePizza in 1989,” said Rayam, g Pizzas 3-Topping recalling the exciting game. “As expected, the game was hard fought by both teams… 11 seconds… 4th quarter… we were up, 17-16. Penn State went for the EACH field goal to win the game and the play ‘desperation Limited Time Offer. block’ was called. The ball was kicked and I felt it hit my hand and miraculously, the kick was blocked!” Three years into his college career he met his wife, Elaine. Only months after their introduction, he was drafted by the Washington Redskins into a career of over a decade of NFL and CFL (Canadian Football Pizza, One Large League) games. Extra Large Pizza for ® dsticks, Cinna Stix
Cash value 1/20¢. Price may vary. Tax may apply.
Thomas Rayam
Rayam and his wife settled with their three children - T.J., Madison and Jalen - here in Alabaster, teaching them the same values and principles he had learned growing up. Now, Rayam pursues his other love - serving others. He either volunteers as the defensive line coach for Thompson High School or participates in other endeavors. This is what places him in that elite group of extraordinary people. Rayam has always known he wanted to give back to the community. “I knew that I wanted to give back and encourage young athletes to keep God first, work hard, stay focused, determined and never give up - whether on the field, in life, or in the classroom!” As part of his efforts to give back, he founded a nonprofit group. “Team Rayam Outreach is a nonprofit organization I started, dedicated to serving youth in our community by promoting a healthy, active lifestyle,” he said. “Our goal is to encourage youth in our community to excel, to believe and to achieve through physical training and Christian teaching.” Thomas wanted to express a special “Thank You” to Coach Michael Montgomery for allowing Team Rayam to use the high school practice field for their summer workouts. For more information visit
Cash value 1/20¢. Price may vary. Tax may apply.
Around Town
Citizen Spotlight
Business Spotlight Kathy’s Kreations
Featured in the Birmingham News Lifestyle Section twice, the Bham Home and Garden Magazine, and an Affiliate member of Interior Design Society and Window Coverings of America, Kathy’s Kreations is no novice to the interior decorating industry. So, how did it get to this point? Through the “back door.” One Christmas, Kathryn Neighbors, owner of Kathy’s Kreations, outsourced two interior decorating companies to spice up her monochromatic den. After the holiday décor was put back into storage, she realized she had also stored the cheer and life that came with it. She decided to take the advice given by the two firms. She purchased a little furniture, some paint and some accessories and Voila! Her creation prompted the designer of one firm to ask the question: “Have you ever thought about doing this type of work… You have an eye for it.” So, marrying her zesty creativity with her technical degrees in computer sciences, accounting and (eventually) design, Kathy started Kathy’s Kreations, a now 17-year-old company. “Kathy’s Kreations can benefit Alabaster by connecting
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Kathy Neighbors, owner of Kathy’s Kreations
the customer to different product avenues (in the decorating industry) that they may not know about. Or they may have heard of them, but just do not know how to pull it all together,” Kathy said about the onsite coaching that tends to happen as they complete the task at hand. “We are a local company that can afford to charge local prices,” she added. “With very little overhead, we have the freedom to offer very competitive pricing in anything you want done.” The work of this firm is not limited to furniture staging and fabricating, but they specialize in turning houses into homes and have begun branching out to other aspects of the consum-
ers’ needs. About 10 years ago, for the fall football season, Kathy’s Kreations started a “sideline business.” By manipulating extra fleece materials she had left over from a previous project, Kathy reengineered scarves in a lighter, easily manageable format. By watching for the latest and hottest trends, and creating her own twist on them, “Team Scarves” materialized. “Team Scarves,” called “Team Fleece” then, started trending after she realized she could make money while tailgating in Auburn at the home ballgames. She started with just eight scarves hanging in a tree in front of Domino’s in Auburn. From there she went on to sell 25 scarves at a Georgia game. She kept moving forward and was granted permission to sell scarves outside of Anders Bookstore during the parade following the 2004 season. And now both Alabama and Auburn scarves are being sold in local Team Spirit stores! Kathy’s Kreations is taking orders for the fall and preparing to debut new merchandise soon. “No job is too large or too small for us,” said Kathy. “Do not hesitate to present your ideas to us, whether they be for home decorating or team apparel, as we are open to custom orders as well as new ideas.” For more information 19
Around Town
eAGLE sCOUT Troop 396
Joshua Fuller, an Eagle Scout with Troop 396, which is chartered at Hunter Street Baptist Church in Hoover was recently recognized by Mayor Handlon with a proclamation for his achievement in becoming an Eagle Scout. One of the requirements to earn to the rank of Eagle Scout is to complete an Eagle Scout Project. For his project, Joshua created a picnic area in Red Mountain Park, along with a side trail leading to it. During his scouting career, Joshua attended National Youth Leadership Training; and has achieved the level of Brotherhood in scouting’s National Honor Society – The Order of the Arrow. While serving as his troop’s Senior Patrol Leader, Joshua led the troop to winning many awards and recognition during their 2012 summer camp. Joshua is soon to begin college, but plans to continue to serve Boy Scouts whenever he is home during school breaks.
Alabaster Firemen The Alabaster Fire Department was recongized by Mayor Marty Handlon for their work with the Muscular Dystrophy Association Fill the Boot campaign with a proclamation declaring August as Alabaster Fire Fighter Appreciation month.
National night out
Home owners association meeting Mayor Handlon recently held an information meeting for Home Owners Associations and their representatives. She introduced the group to various department personnel and fielded questions from the audience.
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The Warrior Dance Team at the National Night Out recently held at Target. The event featured Alabaster Fire and Police, as well as other local first responders, as a way to introduce the community to their services.
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Inaugural Employee Institute Day Attending the Alabaster City Schools Inaugural Employee Institute Day were (L-R) Mr. Derek Henderson, ACS Board Member; Dr. Wayne Vickers, Superintendent – ACS; Dr. Tommy Bice, State Superintendent of Education; and Mr. Adam Moseley, ACS Board President.
annual warrior Day This year’s annual Warrior Day was the first as an independent school system. Dr. Vickers shared his vision of a school system that leads the state. The event also was the official unveiling of the Alabaster City School logo and slogan “Champions of our Future”
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Sc h o o l N e w s
Alabaster Schools get a facelift
Dr. Wayne Vickers, Alabaster City Schools Superintendent, is adamant that the community knows that the city school system and the board are working hard to make the transition from county to city control a positive experience. “That being said, there will be bumps along the road, but you will not see a tremendous amount of changes in policy and procedures,” he shared. As Dr. Vickers has stated before, he is not interested in making change just for change’s sake. He wants all changes to move the school system forward into excellence. To prove his point, Dr. Vickers points to the change in policy of cell phones in the classroom. “We did make
In addition to the general cleaning and landscaping at all the schools’ facilities, the high school and the intermediate school have received special attention. At the high school, carpet from 1988 was replaced with VCT tiles in thirty-one classrooms. In
“This is the cleanest our schools have ever been,” -Dr. Vickers the lobby, new flooring and ceiling titles have been installed. The assembly room received new flooring and a new coat of paint for the stage. At TIS, broken windows have been replaced, the lobby has been painted, the gym has been cleaned and new flooring installed. “We want our parents, faculty, staff and students to see that we care about the environment they are learning in,” he said. In addition to all the capital improvements on the current buildings, Dr. Vickers hinted that by the beginning of next year he plans to announce plans for a new high school. “It is something we are looking at,” he said. Dr. Vickers wished to thank the outstanding work that has been accomplished by Operations Coordinator Jeff Atkins, the central office staff, the school board, the city leadership and of course the wonderful faculty and staff of the Alabaster City School system. Visit for more information.
Dr. Vickers and Jeff Atkins stand in one of the classrooms receiving new flooring.
some small changes to code of conduct. We wanted to give the school flexibility in cell phones. I believe that cell phones will be used as part of the classroom experience. We want to turn it into a positive learning tool,” he said. Dr. Vickers then let out what is quickly becoming a catch phrase for him, “We want to be a pacesetter in the classroom.” The big changes for this school year were focused on the visual improvements. “The most notable difference is that we have invested almost half a million dollars in upgrades at our facilities,” he shared. “It is going to be apparent to every employee, parent, and student who walks in, that things have been improved,” he offered. Part of the investment was spent on deep cleaning from classrooms to restrooms to assembly rooms. “This is the cleanest our schools have ever been,” he exclaimed. In the past the custodial staff would handle this cleaning along with their other duties such as maintaining the grounds, stripping and waxing floors and making minor repairs. “There was no way for them to do it all,” said Dr. Vickers. The school board decided to hire separate crews to clean and landscape. Now the custodial staff has been able to focus on floors alone. “It is clean,” he declared. 22
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Alabaster City School Homecoming Parade
Alabaster City Schools is proud to announce that for the first time in over 35 years, we will have a homecoming parade complete with a community pep rally. The parade will be held Wednesday, September 25 at 6:30 p.m. The parade route will begin at Thompson Middle and travel down Warrior Drive and Thompson Road before ending at the stadium for the pep rally. The parade will consists of floats from each school, THS and TMS cheerleaders and football players, Thompson Youth Football play-
ers and cheerleaders, the THS Marching Southern Sounds, and TMS/THS Homecoming Court. Our Grand Marshals will be Superintendent Dr. Wayne Vickers and Mayor Marty Handlon. Spirit sticks will be awarded for Best Float, Most School Spirit, and Most Creative. If you are a former THS homecoming queen and would like to ride in the parade, please email Dorann Tanner at
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City of Alabaster 201 First Street North Alabaster, AL 35007
Marty Handlon, Mayor, 664-6800
City Council
Sophie Martin, Ward 1 358-8742 | Bob Hicks, Ward 2 663-1801 | Stacy Rakestraw, Ward 3 529-3326 | Rick Walters, Ward 4 281-7394 |
Russell Bedsole, Ward 5 205-229-6021 | Scott Brakefield, President, Ward 6 685-0302 | Tommy Ryals, Ward 7 664-1301 |
Postal Patron
Featuring LiLy and Laura BraceLets
Lily and Laura Bracelets | Antwerp Diamond Importer | In-store Master Jewelers Jewelry Repair or Custom | Large Selection of Pandora Jewelry
205-664-4400 300 colonial promenade pkwy | Alabaster, al
(Across from lowes next to Moes)