Pelham Public Library

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Pelham Public Library

Smart investing @your library Grant Final Report Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 1

Letter from Director Elementary – Valleyopoly

August 31, 2015 Mr. Robert Ganem FINRA Investor Education Foundation 1735 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Dear Mr. Ganem: I am pleased to submit the final report for Pelham Public Library’s Smart investing@your library grant. Programs have been provided for all target groups outlined in the grant. I hope you will be pleased with the following grant statistics: • 66 programs presented • 7 public relations events • 5,574 total attendance at programs • 3,876 information packets distributed • 1,266 total attendance at public relations events • 3,692 financial literacy materials circulated at the library • 3,268 financial literacy materials circulated at deposit collections at local schools I hope you agree that these statistics indicate that the grant was very successful. Please extend my sincere thanks to the Board of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation for allowing this library to be part of this very worthwhile program. Also, I would like to thank you and Margaret Monsour for all of your help and assistance. Best regards, Barbara Roberts

2 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start


The Pelham Library Smart investing@your library Grant received amazing exposure via the largest print and websites in our market. These include the following publications:

The Shelby County Reporter and its’ corresponding website

The Pelham Reporter and its’ corresponding website

The Birmingham News and

The Pelham City News

The Shelby County Reporter has a distribution of 16,000 copies per issue. The Pelham Reporter has a distribution of 8,500 copies per issue. Combined the websites receive over 90,000 unique visitors per month. The Birmingham News has over 400,000 readers each week. And it website is the number 1 news website in the state reaching over 7.2 million unique visitors every month. The Pelham City News reaches every household in Pelham each issue, for a total reach of 24,000 people. The Pelham Public Library has had 47 total articles published, in print and online. This equals 2.9 stories per month during the period of March 2014-July 2015.

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 3

Print Publications Elementary – Valleyopoly Publicity 04/01/15

VES Students learn to save - Pelham Reporter


Get Your Garden Ready for Spring - Pelham Reporter


VIS Student Finishes Valleyoploy First - Pelham Reporter


How Much are Chores Really Worth? - Pelham Reporter


Library offers Free Tax Preparation - Pelham Reporter


Off to a Great Start program coming to Schools - Pelham Reporter


Financial Fun for the Very Young - Pelham Reporter


Library hosts CEFA program - Pelham Reporter


Library hosts CEFA presentation - Pelham Reporter


Learn to coupon - Pelham Reporter


Library focuses on financial education - Pelham Reporter


Pelham Library offers teen reading clubs - Pelham Reporter


Library offers career info session - Pelham Reporter


Pelham Public Library hosts canning program - Pelham Reporter


Pelhamopoly comes to public library - Shelby County Reporter


Financial education gets creative - Shelby County Reporter


Valley Elementary students’ reading pays off - Shelby County Reporter


Makes sense to seek guidance during tax season - Shelby County Reporter


Bank on Books challenge - Pelham Reporter


Pelham Public Library awarded $83,500 grant - Pelham Reporter


Pelham Library receives grant - Pelham City News

4 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Online Publications

Publicity 7/23/15

Pelham Library Offers Access to ReferenceUSA -


Pelham Public Library Providing Free Vegetable Seeds in April May


Protect Personal Information at the Pelham Library Shred Event -


Get your Garden ready with the PPL -


PPL Donates Nearly 100 Books to RMS and VIS -


Get ready to shred at the Pelham Public Library -


Learn to coupon at the Pelham Public Library -


Library hosts CEFA information session -


Pelham Library offers teen reading clubs -


Career training at Pelham Public Library -


Pelham Career Training - APLSeeds


Class teaches about preserving food at Pelham Public Library on July 28 -


‘From the garden to the jar’: Pelham Public Library hosts canning program -


Library offers skilled trade career information session -


Interested in a construction career? Learn about a training program on July 29 at Pelham library -


Pelham Library starts summer with a boom -


Pelhamopoly comes to the Pelham Public Library -


Summer Reading in Pelham - APLSeeds


Bank on Books - APLSeeds


RMS students learn to save -


Read to win at Pelham Public Library -


“Smart Investing” in Pelham schools -


Teaching Taxes - APLSeeds


Valley Elementary students’ reading pays off -

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 5

Facebook ElementaryStatistics – Valleyopoly

Facebook Likes March 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Facebook Likes November 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776 Facebook Likes August 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871 Total Number of People Reached Via Facebook March-November 2014. . . . . . 52,737 Total Number of People Reached Via Facebook December-August 2015 . . . . . 141,126 Total Number of Ads Shown to Local Facebook Users. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,896

6 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Website Statistics

Total Website Visitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,047 Smart Investing Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Google Keywords Used to Find Website: teen money, smart investing at your library pelham public library, differences between value line and morningstar reports, financial literacy + coping with financial stress + video, library and financial resources, list of financial resources of library, smart investing at the library, investing + library

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 7

PR Material - Banners

8 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Brochure - PR


Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 9

PR Material- Bookmarks/Banners

CHECK OUT THESE GREAT BOOKS How to Run Your Own Babysitting Business History of Money Death by Toilet Paper Lemonade Crime Everything Money Flat Broke VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VALLEY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL RIVERCHASE MIDDLE SCHOOL

Lawn Boy Little Princess Pet War

10 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Valleyopoly Board-PR





Read a chapter book (novel) from the financial fiction list and write a quote on the green money wall about what it taught you about money.

Read Pickle Patch Bathtub and think of a business you might like to start. Come up with a business plan for your business. This book will stay in the library for students to have access.

INVENTOR / ENTREPRENEUR BIOGRAPHY Read a biography from the list of biographies about inventors and entrepreneurs and write a quote on the green money wall on why they were a success.






Create a budget of what you think your family spends each month for: food, clothes, housing, entertainment, water, gas, electricity, phone, sports or other activities, school expenses, etc.. Talk to your parents about how good your guesses were. Tear off your parent’s signed evidence from the bottom and bring it to the library for credit (not the corrected budget).

Read One Hen . What do you think about the end of the book when his taxes pay for roads, schools, etc. What do you think about taxes? Write a paragraph about what you would like your taxes to pay for.

Check out and read a mythology or fairy tale book in the 398.2 section. Tell which of the 7 habits the myth or fairy tale relates to. Write the title and the habit on the blue wall.

Read a book from the list of money management books in the library and write on the green money wall the most important thing you learned about managing your money.

Write a list of chores you do at home and what you think each is worth. (If you did them for someone besides your family what would their financial value be?)

SAVING’S GOAL Make a savings goal and tell: #1 where you will keep your savings, #2 what are your opportunity costs (what you don’t buy with the money you are saving instead of spendingex.: you don’t buy candy or a magazine or go to a movie (your opportunity cost) #3 what is your goal, #4 write a prediction of how long you will need to save to reach your goal #5 write where the money will come from; allowance, chores, birthday, Christmas, etc.






Complete a monthly budget worksheet using the suggested monetary goals.

Visit Alabama Virtual Library, Kids Search. Search for Making Money. Find an article that shows how to make money. Read and cite the article in a brief paper sharing what you learned. Wild Card may substitute for another activity.

Read the wordless picture book – The Girl and the Bicycle and write a story to go with the pictures.

Read a Newbery winner or honor book and write which of the 7 habits you found in the book.





See a librarian to take a short survey and receive a special prize.

Check out and read a poetry book in the 811s, tell the librarian which of the 7 habits one of the poems relates to. Write the title and author of the poem and the habit on the blue wall.

Read a book about how to help the environment (from list) and write on the blue wall what you will do to help the world

Read a Caldecott winner or honor book and write which of the 7 habits you found in the book.

Read a book about an inspiring person who helped others by raising money for a project (from the inspiring person list). Identify the goals of the person and how they reached it. Write what project you would like to raise money for and how you will go about it. Write this goal on the blue wall in the library. Examples: Ryan and Jimmy, Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library, Librarian on the Roof, Olivia’s Birds, 14 Cows for America, Wangari’s Trees of Peace

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 11

Preschool Fun for the Very Young Elementary– Financial – Valleyopoly Pelham Reporter January 28, 2015

Financial Fun for the Very Young January 2015

Outreach Librarian Maylene Bambarger visited local day care facilities in Pelham and presented storytime programs using financial literacy themes. She used books and activities to engage students and teach the financial literacy concepts of goal setting, recognizing wants and needs, and saving.

239 Students Participated 18 Teachers Surveyed

12 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Financial Fun for the Very Young – Preschool

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 13


14 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Off to a Great Start

Off to a Great Start

– Elementary

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 15

Providing Resources

Deposit Collections - Pelham City Schools 189 Donated 3,268 Total Circulation

16 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Providing Resources

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 17



Valleyopoly Pelham Reporter March 11, 2015


February 2015 – April 2015 Valley Intermediate School 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students at Valley Intermediate School participated in Valleyopoly. Valleyopoly is based on the iconic game Monopoly. Activities and tasks related to financial literacy were arranged on a game board. Students advanced around the board by completing activities such as making a budget, reading a financial literacy book, assigning values to chores, finding quotes about money and saving, and answering questions on a financial skills worksheet.

700 students participated 299 student surveys filled out 70 students completed all Valleyopoly activities

18 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start



Pelham Reporter March 18, 2015

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 19


20 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start




Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 21

Savings and Cravings


Savings and Cravings March 3-March 12, 2015 The Pelham Public Library recently visited Valley Elementary School with an exhibit from the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum called Savings and Cravings. The exhibit is reminiscent of the game show Wheel of Fortune with a wheel that students could spin to make decisions about spending or saving money. After students participated in the game they took home a book bag with the book, The Berenstain Bears’ Dollars and Sense as well as a coloring book, crayons, and a bank. These activities fit in with the school’s curriculum of learning about money and basic math skills of addition and subtraction.

Presented to 41 Classes Approximately 750 students Participated

22 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Savings and Cravings - Elementary

“This game showed me there are things I really need and there are things I just want. It is better to save money for what you really need even if you have to give up something you want for a little while.”

Principal Deberah Miller said, “ our students were actively engaged as they learned about saving and spending money. In addition, they were provided “tools” to take home and share with their family members. ”

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 23

Middle School –

Reality Check

“I am never going to leave my parents’ house.” “I am going to divorce my wife and put my kids up for adoption, then I will have enough money.”

Reality Check- Riverchase Middle School May 4 & 5, 2015 Pelham Library Staff and Ruth Brock, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, presented two Reality Check programs to Mrs. Simpson’s Consumer Science Classes. Reality Check is an interactive activity in which students are assigned a career, salary and family situation. They are then tasked to make decisions about how to spend their money after they have paid taxes. The activity was very popular with the students and the teacher was so impressed she requested that we provide the program again next year. Many students had a hard time budgeting their expenses with the salaries and life situations they had been assigned.

41 Students at Riverchise Middle School Participated 9 Students at Shelby County Juvenile Detention Center

24 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Reality Check

Middle School

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 25

Middle School

Teen Boss

Survey Results After his program the students were administered a five question assessment to evaluate what they had retained from the program 144 students (56%) 100% CORRECT RESPONSES

85 students (32%) 80% CORRECT RESPONSES

32 students (12%) 60% CORRECT RESPONSES

Teen Boss May 4, 2015 This year former educator Tommy Johns conducted a series of programs at Riverchase Middle School entitled Teen Boss. Teen Boss is a money workshop which teaches middle school aged students financial literacy concepts of compound interest, saving, investing, and the true cost of credit when only paying the minimum payment on a credit card. This year instead of one large program of over 200 students the program was presented to each math class individually. The content was also shortened to fit into a class period. The more concise program for a smaller audience proved very effective in engaging the students’ attention.

The Entire Eighth Grade, 261 Students, Attended the Programs

26 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Teen Boss

– MIddle School

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 27

High School –


MinecraftEDU- Summer Reading Program June 13, 2015 One of the most popular programs of the YA Summer Reading Program this year was MinecraftEDU. Teens came to play a specially modified version of the game that emphasized the importance of budgeting and the value of earning the things you want to buy. Players were given a special set of challenges within the game to build their creations with a limited set of resources – and everything had to be earned. Teens responded well to this handson simulation of resource management.

28 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Love Your Money

– High School Teachers

Love Your Money March 25, 2015 In cooperation with the Pelham Board of Education twenty teachers were selected from Pelham High School to attend a day of training programs at the Pelham Public Library. Dr. Ann Berry, University of Tennessee Extension Service conducted a program entitled Love Your Money. Love Your Money is an online teaching tool developed by the University of Tennessee with a grant from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. Dr. Berry went over all the modules in the program instructing teachers on the ways it could be used to teach their students financial literacy. As part of her program she administered a pre and post test.

Pre test showed an average score of 62.7% Post test showed an average score of 88.5% 20 High School Teachers participated

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 29

High School Teachers –

Ready to Work

Ready to Work March 25, 2015 Dr. Dena Wise, University of Tennessee, conducted an afternoon workshop for twenty Pelham High School teachers on the program she has developed entitled Ready to Work. The five modules making up the program are: Trends, Interest, Relocation, Education, and Salary to form the acronym TIRES. Dr. Wise offered interactive activities for the teachers to illustrate how they might use the program with their students. Each participant was given a disc with the entire Ready to Work program including all activities and lesson plans.

20 High School Teachers participated

30 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Fraud Awareness – High

School Teachers

Fraud Awareness March 25, 2015 Dr. Ann Berry, University of Tennessee, also did a unit on Fraud Awareness. After the training she distributed copies of the NASAA-CSA Investment Fraud Awareness Quiz. Seventeen responses to the quiz were completed. The average score was 94% correct responses. This unit was taught in conjunction with her presentation of Love Your Money. Dr. Berry also covered materials from the National Endowment for Financial Education. Copies of NEFE materials were collected in a binder for all program participants to take with them back to their classrooms.

Post test showed an average score of 94% 20 High School Teachers participated

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 31



Earn it! Keep it! Save it! Pelham Reporter February 18, 2015

Free Tax Preparation February 21, 2015 The Pelham Public Library provided free tax preparation and tax strategies for low income familes during the 2015 tax season.

28 people took advantage of Free Tax Preparation

32 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Organic Gardening –


Pelham Reporter March 26, 2015

Organic Gardening April 13, 2015 Regional Extension Agent, Nelson Wynn presented Organic Gardening at the Pelham Public Library. This program covered a large number of topics for home gardeners concerned about the rising costs of food and what possible harmful materials are used on those fruits and vegetables sold at stores. The only real costs are for the plants or seeds. Financial topics covered in this program were saving money by using personal creativity and a little elbow grease by making your own compost, mulch and fertilizer, self-sufficiency through good garden management, protecting yourself from potential health related costs through exercise and avoiding harmful pesticides, and finally cutting down your grocery budget throughout the

year through crop rotation.

25 Gardeners and Potential Gardeners Attended the Program

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 33

Adult – Hispanic Financial Classes

Financial Class for ESL Parents Oct 30-Nov 4, 2014 Johanna Alvarez, Hispanic Coalition of Alabama (HICA), presented a series of five programs to parents of ESL students. There were 31 participants in the training and the training was held at Valley Elementary School. These parents are part of the LEAPS (Learning English and Parenting Skills program) that meets from September through May three days a week. Johanna Alvarez presented a series of financial literacy programs including topics on banking, saving, credit, fraud and taxes. 28 of the 31 participants graduated from the training and received a certificate.

28 of 31 participants graduated and received a certificate

34 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Hispanic Financial Classes –


Alabama Cooperative Extension Programs for Hispanics January 30, April 30, & May 8, 2015 Angela Treadaway and Ruth Brock presented three programs for Hispanic families. The three programs were Saving Money with Coupons, Using Credit Wisely, and Budget Basics. The students were part of the LEAPS program at Valley Elementary School.

27 participants attended the three classes

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 35


- Financial Boot Camp

Financial Boot Camp January 16, 2015 Ruth Brock, Extension Agent with Alabama Cooperation Extension System, presented a program for library staff and volunteers on financial materials applicable for use by teachers in local schools. The speakers for the program were Judy Woods, Financial Stability Partnership, United Way of Central Alabama and Ruth Brock. Judy Woods presented information on financial literacy programs available through United Way of Central Alabama including Individual Development Accounts. Individual Development Accounts are a means to assist saving by low income families. The accounts may be used to purchase a home, education, of to start a business. A qualifying family may apply on behalf of a high school junior or senior for an education grant. For each dollar saved the account will be matched with two dollars. Fox example if a family is able to save $2,000 the account will be matched with $4,000 for a total of $6,000 available for tuition. Families may apply up to three times for this amount of money up to the maximum contribution of $18,000.

Pelham Board of Education had 2 Representatives Present 6 Library Staff Members and 1 Volunteer participated

36 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Better Shred than Read -

PR Event

Better Shred than Read: Preventing Identity Theft May 2, 2015 Safe and secure disposal of personal information was stressed. Over 117 residents brought over 4 tons of materials to be destroyed. While waiting for disposal of materials, attendees were given FINRA information on protecting against identity theft.

117 residents participated Over 4 tons shredded Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 37

PR Event –

Plant a Seed

38 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Plant a Seed – PR


Plant a Seed April - June 2015 From April through June 2015, Pelham Public Library handed out free vegetable seeds as a part of Smart investing@your library. Those interested in participating were invited to stop by the library to pick up a seed bag, which included packets of lettuce, garden beans, and tomatoes. The seed packets were printed by 4imprint with the Smart investing@your library and Pelham Public Library logos. (Please see graphic insert below.) The purpose of the seed distribution was to help library patrons save money by producing their own vegetables and to enrich the community through the promotion of a healthy and enjoyable pastime, as well as to promote additional library services related to financial literacy.

500 Bags of Seeds were Distributed

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 39

Bilingual Parenting

- PR Event

Bilingual Parenting Packets April 2015 During April parenting packets were assembled containing the book, Tia ISA Quiere Un Carro. This is a story about a young girl and her aunt saving money to buy a car. Included with the book was financial literacy information in Spanish and a flyer in Spanish about Smart investing@your library materials and programs for children and adults. 30 packets were handed out to ESL parents at Valley Elementary School.

30 Packets were Handed Out

40 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Money Expo

- PR Event

Money Expo- Carver High School March 7, 2015 Financial Education Outreach presented Alabama Money Expo 2015 at Carver High School. The Pelham Public Library was one of 32 exhibitors at this event from 8:30-3:00 on Saturday, March 7. The library had a booth and two of the Betty Brinn Museum exhibits on display. 101 packets of information were distributed and 35 children used the Betty Brinn exhibits. Parents of all 35 children indicated that they felt their children learned a financial literacy lesson after playing with the exhibits.

Approximately 300 people attended the event.

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 41

Print Publications PR Event - Saving for a Rainy Day Survey Results Are you aware we carried financial items?

Yes 87

No 13

Are you aware we carry items to help you prepare for? Retirement Yes 72 No 28 College Yes 81 No 19 First time home buying Yes 64 No 36 Estate planning Yes 61 No 39 Are you familiar with the financial resources available on our website? Yes 44 No 56

Saving for a Rainy Day May 2015 During the month of May patrons who visited the library and agreed to fill out a survey about the financial resources at the library were given an umbrella imprinted with the Smart investing@your library logo and a packet of financial literacy information from the Department of Labor and FINRA. The survey was a measure of how effective promoting financial literacy materials to the public has been. 100 patrons filled out the surveys. The results show overall that library users are familiar with the items available at the library, but the information on the website needs to be better highlighted.

100 Patrons Filled out the Survey

42 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

Thank You

Dear Members of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation Board, On behalf of the students and parents in the City of Pelham please accept my sincere appreciation for the opportunity for this library to participate in this very worthwhile grant program. By receiving a second Smart investing@your library grant we have been able to build awareness within the community for the need of financial literacy programs, materials, and services. The inroads we have made in the community will provide the basis for the future sustainability of this project. Sincerely, Barbara Roberts, Director Pelham Public Library

Off to a Great Start – Pelham Public Library 43

44 Pelham Public Library – Off to a Great Start

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