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Appendix 1: 5 year social housing need by Settlement/LHA 2018 2023
Appendix 1: 5 year social housing need by Settlement/LHA 2018-2023
Ballymena Town Carrickfergus Town Larne Town Whitehead Ahoghill Broughshane Kells Carnlough Ballycarry Portglenone Ballymarlow Clough Craigywarren Cullybackey Glarryford Glenarm Glenoe/Mounthill Glenravel Glynn Greenisland Islandmagee Magheramourne Moorfields/Glenwherry Procklis Slatt Straid Taylorstown/Moorlands
Total Social New Build Requirement Mid and East Antrim Social Housing Need (Units) 5 Year (2018-2023)
242 217 10 15 39 41 6 13 0 10 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 10 3 18 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Housing Needs Assessment January 2019 15