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Table 16 Tenure Breakdown Mid and East Antrim 1991 2011
Social Housing
Social housing in Northern Ireland is defined as housing provided at an affordable rent by registered Social Landlordsand is allocated through a Common Waiting List administered by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. The Housing Executive has a statutory duty under the HousingNI Order 1981 to” regularly examine housing condition and need”.
The Common Waiting List is a dynamic database and is split into a number of smaller geographic areas to facilitate applicants’ areas of choice for housing. For reporting purposes an annual Social Housing Need Assessment is produced from the Common Waiting List at the end of March each year. This allows the Housing Executive to assess the level of social housing need for defined geographic areas. The level of social housing need is projected for a five year period from March each year. This is presented annually to each of the councils in the Housing Investment Plan document.
Social Housing in Mid and East Antrim
According to the 2011 Census Mid and East Antrimhas alowerproportion of social housing at12%compared to 15% for Northern Ireland as a whole.
Table 16: Tenure Breakdown Mid and East Antrim and Northern Ireland 1991-2011
Tenure Owner Occupation Social Rental Private Rental Other *
N. Mid & N. Mid & N. Mid & N. Mid and Ireland East Ireland East Ireland East Ireland East Antrim Antrim Antrim Antrim
2011 68% 72% 15% 12% 15% 14% 2% 2% 2001 70% 74% 21% 19% 7% 5% 2% 2% 1991 63% 66% 31% 29% 6% 4% n/a 1%
A profile of Housing Executive stock is highlighted below. There remains 4783 Housing Executive units with just under 10,000 units sold. There are approximately 559no Housing Association Properties in Mid and East Antrim.