3 minute read
3.2 Consistency Tests
3.2 Consistency Tests
C1: Did the Council take account of the Regional Development Strategy? Comments
The RDS is the government’s overarching spatial strategy for Northern Ireland up to 2035. The RDS seeks to influence the future distribution of development throughout the Region with a view to achieving sustainable development and social cohesion.
The RDS Spatial Framework and Spatial Framework Guidance has been one of the main building blocks in developing the LDP Spatial Growth Strategy. The LDP Spatial Growth Strategy will help to achieve the RDS objectives of promoting growth and economic development opportunities in the ‘main hubs’ of Ballymena and Larne and support the role of Carrickfergus within the Belfast Metropolitan Urban Area, whilst sustaining rural communities living in smaller settlements and the open countryside. The RDS has also informed the strategic spatial proposals and the strategic subject policies. The Technical Supplements highlight how the RDS has been taken account of in the formulation of the proposals and policies.
See ‘Regional Policy Context’ section of DPS-117 – DPS-141
C2: Did the Council take account of its Community Plan?
C3: Did the Council take account of policy and guidance issued by the Department? Preferred Options Paper
The Preferred Options Paper highlights that the LDP vision and strategic objectives have been shaped by a number of factors, particularly the aspirations of Council’s Community Plan. In addition, the Spatial Growth Strategy in the Preferred Options Paper aligns with the thrust of the Council’s Community Plan.
draft Plan Strategy
The strategic priorities of the Council’s Community Plan were taken into consideration in the preparation of the draft Plan Strategy. The Technical Supplements which accompanied the publication of the draft Plan Strategy highlight how the proposals and policies align with the Council’s Community Plan.
The draft Plan Strategy proposals and policies are in accordance with the SPPS. In addition, the draft Plan Strategy has taken full account of extant planning policies contained in the suite of PPSs and the policy approach is consistent with these. The LDP has also been prepared in accordance with the guidance issued and published by the DfI (and DoE), including the Development Plan Practice Notes. See ‘Local Policy Context’ section within DPS-117 –DPS-141
See ‘Policy Context’ and ‘Evolution of draft Plan Strategy Policy’ sections within DPS117 – DPS-141
C4: Has the plan had regard to other relevant plans, policies and strategies relating to the Council’s district or to any adjoining Council districts? Extant Area Plans
An important consideration in the preparation of the draft Plan Strategy was the existing strategies and policies of extant Area Plans within the Borough, and regard was given to: Ballymena Area Plan 1986-2001; Larne Area Plan 2010; and Carrickfergus Area Plan 2001.
Whilst the Carrickfergus Area Plan remains the extant statutory plan for this area, the draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (2004) as the most recent expression of local planning policy was also taken into account in developing the draft Plan Strategy.
Council Strategies
Amplify – The Integrated Economic Development Strategy for Mid and East Antrim 2018 -2030 (May 2018) Mid and East Antrim Car Parking Strategy (November 2018) Draft Outdoor Recreation Strategy and 10 Year Action Plan for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council (April 2019) Draft Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Out to Play Strategy (July 2018) Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Draft Cycling Routes Masterplan (February 2018) Arc21 Waste Management Plan (September 2015) Mid and East Antrim Local Biodiversity Plan
Adjoining Councils
In developing the LDP, account has been taken of the local policy context as it relates to the emerging LDP’s of the three neighbouring Councils: Mid Ulster District Council published its draft Plan Strategy in February 2019. Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council published its draft Plan Strategy in June 2019. Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council published its Preferred Options Paper in June 2018.
See ‘Local Policy context’ and ‘Cross boundary context’ sections within DPS-117 –DPS-141