2 minute read

Learning for Life

Community Plan (2017 to 2032)

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council leads the Community Planning Partnership in the development and delivery of the 15 year Community Plan for the Borough, “Putting People First”.

Council intends to deliver the same long-term vision and themes for the Borough that are set out in the Community Plan. We continue to work with a wide range of partners to develop and deliver action plans to improve the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the Borough.

Corporate Plan (2019 to 2023)

Our Corporate Plan sits at the heart of everything we do, setting out our vision, themes and objectives that guide our work towards 2023. The Plan was developed with reference to a number of internal and external drivers that make up the complex strategic landscape in which we operate. Through its delivery, we will support the ‘Programme for Government’, and other strategies that benefit the prosperity and wellbeing of the whole region.

Internally, among others, the Corporate Plan links to the Community Plan, Local Development Plan and the Performance Improvement Plan.

Performance Improvement Plan (2022 to 2023)

Our Performance Improvement Plan aligns with the key priorities of the Community Plan and Corporate Plan, and outlines the specific areas we intend to focus on in the year ahead.

Diagram 1: Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023

H ig h Per forming Council Sustainable Jobs & Tourism

High Performing Council Good Health & Wellbeing

High Performing CouncilOur Environment

Mid and

East Antrim will be a strong, vibrant, safe

Mid and East Antrim will be a strong, vibrant, safe & inclusive community, & inclusive community, where people work together to improve quality of life where people work for all.

together to improve the quality of life for all. Hi gh P erf o r m i n g Counc il Community Safety & Cohesion

Learning for Life High Performing Council

The diagram shows Council’s Corporate Plan, which includes the six strategic themes of:

1. Sustainable Jobs & Tourism 2. Our Environment 3. Community Safety & Cohesion 4. Learning for Life 5. Good Health & Wellbeing 6. High Performing Council Five of these themes are within the circle, with our vision at the core. The sixth theme of ‘High Performing Council’ forms the outer ring of the circle to show that everything we do as a Council helps to meet our strategic objectives and ultimately, our vision for the borough.

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