1 minute read
4.0 Summary Table
What you will see
How we will measure progress
• Autism is a lifelong disability that affects the way an individual relates to people, situations and the immediate environment.*8
• In Northern Ireland, 1 in 24 children have a diagnosis of Autism. *9
• Improving people’s health and wellbeing (and reducing health inequalities) is one of residents’ top five priorities for making the local area a good place to live (Household Survey 2018).
• An awareness-raising programme to develop the borough as an autism friendly place.
• We will secure ‘Autism Friendly’ organisation status as a potential model for other Community Planning Partners.
• Commitment to become a JAM friendly organisation, as this will allow people with a learning difficulty, autism or communication barrier to tell others they need ‘Just A Minute’ discreetly and easily.
• Development and launch of sensory garden and sensory trail at
• A further 3 Council venues will be accredited with the Autism
NI Impact Award: • Carnfunnock County Park • The People’s Park • The Gobbins
• A further 6 staff members and 3 elected members will be trained as ‘Autism Champions’
• 3 ‘Autism Friendly’ virtual public awareness sessions held for businesses, Council staff members and the local community, with at least 70% of attendees reporting that their knowledge of autism has increased following training.
• Sensory garden and sensory trail launched by September 2021
Who is responsible?
• Director of Community.
*8 Autism NI *9 https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/news/publication-prevalence-autism-including-aspergers-syndrome-school-agechildren-northern-ireland-2020