22 minute read

Performance Improvement Plan 2022 to 2023 - Quarter One Review

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?


What you will see A series of preemployment programmes to upskill and enable residents to access employment opportunities that provide a progressive career pathway.

The promotion of new jobs in the Borough by successfully delivering the ‘Go for it’ Programme.

An effective and efficient Planning Service to maximise economic development. Five programmes are currently underway, including:

1. A Transport Academy (Feb 2022 to Mar 2023). 2. A Health and Social Care Academy (Dec 2021 to

Dec 2022). 3. A Pilot Hydrogen Academy (Nov 2021 to Dec 2022). 4. Welding (Jun to Nov 2022). 5. Get into Childminding (Feb 2022 to Mar 2023).

A further three programmes will launch by September 2022, including:

6. Fibre Skills (Aug 2022 to Mar 2023). 7. Female into Manufacturing Academy (Sept 2022 to Mar 2023). 8. Hospitality and Tourism (Sept 2022 to Mar 2023).

Council remain on track for achieving our ‘Go for It’ targets, with 53 business plans developed and 32 jobs promoted so far.

The Department for Infrastructure sets statutory planning targets for Councils each year. Annual figures for 2021 to 2022 are now verified and published, with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council achieving two of the three targets.

We were the top performing NI Council for the average processing time for local planning applications and the percentage of enforcement cases concluded within 39 weeks. We narrowly missed the average processing target time for major planning applications due to the statutory consultation process.

*4 Statutory target of ‘85’ at May 2022 is expected to increase to ‘111’ during the 2022 to 2023 financial year, pending changes to legislation. Our aim

7 employability programmes or academies delivered by March 2023.

120 participants engaged.

120 qualifications achieved.


How we will measure progress

10 participants progressing to Further Education.

60 participants gaining employment or selfemployment.

85*⁴ jobs promoted through the ‘Go for It’ Programme by March 2023.

Major Planning applications processed within an average of 30 weeks by March 2023.

Local Planning applications processed within an average of 15 weeks by March 2023.

70% of planning enforcement cases concluded within 39 weeks by March 2023.

How are we doing so far this year?

Eight programmes or academies are either planned or underway.

At 30 June 2022, 60 participants were engaged in the pilot Hydrogen Training Academy (41 on KnowHy Level 5 Train the Trainer, 12 on the Northern Regional College Level 3 pilot and seven on the non-accredited, practical, H2 Gas Safe Lab). An additional 40 participants are engaging through the four other active programmes, thereby totalling 100.

To date, participants have gained 44 qualifications.

The 41 participants of the ‘KnowHy Birmingham Level 5 Train the Trainer’ (Hydrogen), are from both private sector and academia, and can now develop materials and deliver training at a lower level. They have greater knowledge for application within private and public sector organisations that have a reliance on hydrogen technologies.

To date, 11 participants have progressed to further education.

6 participants have gained employment or selfemployment.

32 jobs are promoted so far.

Quarter one figures for all three planning indicators will be available in September 2022 and published in the six-month update report.

Supporting the historic conservation of Carrickfergus, contributing to the sustainability of the local economy


Who is responsible? • Carrickfergus Castle is a key landmark and popular visitor attraction.

• Significant factory closures, changes in buying habits and proximity to Belfast have led to a decline in

Carrickfergus’ traditional town centre economy.

• Director of Operations

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?


What you will see Up to 10 buildings of historical and architectural interest restored (including eight existing awarded schemes), through the Townscape Heritage Initiative, with Council and Heritage Lottery grant assistance, by 31 March 2023.*5

The local community will have a better understanding of built heritage. Nine properties have now received Letters of Offer from the Townscape Heritage Initiative. Seven buildings of historical and architectural interest are successfully restored to practical or final completion. The restoration of a further two sites is underway.

Some education and interpretation work continues. A closing event and booklet will be scheduled before the end of March 2023.

Increased inward investment and local employment opportunities related both directly and indirectly to heritage and tourism growth.*⁶ By 31 March 2022, at least 25 construction jobs had been supported through the scheme.

The number of jobs created will be established on completion.

*⁵ Timescales updated following funder approval to extend the scheme to 31 March 2023. *⁶ Prior key performance indicators relating to increased town centre footfall and lower vacancy levels have been removed. These targets are no longer deemed achievable by March 2023, in light of current economic trends and the on-going impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


How we will measure progress

Our aim

Up to two new grants awarded by 31 July 2022.

A total of ten buildings of historical and architectural interest restored by 31 March 2023.

An Education Programme completed by 31 March 2023.

Increased floor space for retail, commercial or residential use by 31 March 2023.

How are we doing so far this year?

One new grant was awarded in May 2022, a second is due July 2022.

Seven properties are successfully restored.


By 31 March 2022, vacant floor space restored and converted for reuse was 249m² (195m² for retail or commercial use and 54m² for museum or culture space). Since then, a further four properties are restored. This data will be published in our six-month update.

Supporting MEA citizens’ health and wellbeing by providing quality, inclusive play and recreation facilities, and promoting safe and responsible outdoor recreation


Who is responsible? • The need for play is evidenced through the ‘Play

Strategy’ and ‘Play Investment Framework’ for Mid and East Antrim. We are committed to invest in fixed play in the Borough, and to make play provision more inclusive.

• Our ‘Outdoor Recreation Strategy’ sets out how the Borough’s rich landscape provides excellent opportunities to enhance the health and wellbeing of our residents and visitors. This was particularly evident during the global COVID-19 pandemic. With more and more people engaging in outdoor recreation on our waters and hillsides, it is important that these activities are enjoyed safely.

• Director of Community

Our aim

The delivery of four replacement Play Parks across the Borough.

Three new or upgraded Multi Use Games Areas (MUGA’s) or ‘kick about’ areas.


What you will see A programme of training and development opportunities for people to take part in safe and sustainable outdoor recreation.

How are we doing so far this year?

Procurement is underway for an Integrated Consultant Team for all four parks.

Portglenone MUGA gained planning permission in early July 2022, allowing for detailed designs and contractor procurement to advance. Concept designs and community consultation for Carnlough and Glynn sites will progress in August 2022.

12 people from the Borough underwent the ‘REC 2’ (Rescue Emergency Care), two day, outdoor emergency first aid course. Taking place at Carnfunnock Country park, it utilised numerous outdoor spaces, grassland, woodland and foreshore for various scenarios. This accredited course is valid for three years.

Sport NI also hosted three free Stand Up Paddle Boarding safety and kayak safety courses, in partnership with Council. 37 people attended over three days, at Ballygally and Carnlough.

Hill and Moorland and Lowland Walk Leader training courses will take place later in the year.

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?


How we will measure progress 4 replacement play parks by March 2023: - Ballymena Road,

Ahoghill - Martinstown - Ferris Park, Larne - Woodburn, Carrickfergus

3 new or upgraded Multi Use Games (MUGA’s) or ‘kick-about’ areas by March 2023: - Portglenone - Carnlough - Glynn

A minimum of 5 outdoorsafety training courses delivered by March 2023.

A minimum of 50 participants across the five programmes. Procurement is underway.

Completion is now anticipated July 2023, due to supply chain delays and specific weather conditions required for the laying of new 3G surfaces.

2 delivered so far.

49 participants.

Improving infrastructure to encourage electric vehicle uptake in the Borough to reduce emissions and protect the environment for future generations


Who is responsible? • The UK Government has announced the phase-out date for the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans will be 2030. From 2035, all new cars and vans must be fully zero emission at the tailpipe.

• Improving the Borough’s electric vehicle infrastructure will facilitate a sustainable transition to low carbon transport systems.

• In a survey conducted in 2021 as part of the FASTER

Project to establish attitudes and behaviour towards transport use, almost 30% of Northern Ireland respondents (464) were from Mid and East Antrim (134).

Of these, 34% of respondents who plan to change their vehicle in the next 3 years said they would be likely to purchase a battery electric vehicle*7 .

• Director of Operations


What you will see

Our aim

A target of three ‘rapid’ electric vehicle chargers (50kW, 80% charge in 20 minutes) installed at strategic locations in the Borough by December 2023, as part of the crossborder FASTER project. *⁸

A minimum of 12 ‘fast’ chargers (22kW, charge in 1 to 2 hours) installed throughout the Council area by September 2023, as part of the Onstreet Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS). *⁸ *⁹

A communications and awareness campaign to influence behavioural change toward electric vehicle use.

How are we doing so far this year?

Three rapid charge point locations are agreed, one each, in Ballymena, Larne and Carrickfergus.

Approval from the Department for Infrastructure is awaited for all charge points in Northern Ireland.

12 charge point locations are agreed throughout the Borough.

The Energy Saving Trust completed their review and peer review of the joint Council ORCS application, and confirmed the application was submitted to OZEV on 14 June 2022. The outcome is expected in July 2022.

An Electric Vehicle Webinar event was held on 20 April 2022, as part of the FASTER project Spring communication campaign. A second was held in June 2022, and a third event is planned for later in the year.

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?


How we will measure progress Three rapid chargers installed at key strategic locations by December 2023.

A minimum of 12 ‘fast’ chargers installed throughout the Borough by September 2023.

A public survey conducted to examine any changes in attitude and behaviour towards transport use by December 2023. In March 2022, Ulster University, Northern Ireland Electricity and Council officers agreed the three locations for FASTER charge point installations.

12 locations for charger installations are agreed with Northern Ireland Electricity, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Council officers, and the funding application has been submitted.

A second online FASTER Electric Vehicle survey has been shared across social media platforms to determine residents’ attitudes towards electric vehicles.

*⁷ Survey conducted in July 2021 as part of the FASTER project, in conjunction with Transport Research Partners. *⁸ Note deviation from the Performance Improvement Plan Consultation Document - project timescales extended and targets have been updated. *⁹ This scheme is subject to a successful external funding application, the outcome of which is expected in June 2022.

Creating an Autism Friendly Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

Why? • 1 in 22 children in Northern Ireland have a diagnosis of

Autism*10 .

• Autism is lifelong, and affects the social and communication centre of the brain. It affects the way an individual relates to people, situations and the immediate environment. Many individuals with autism have difficulty processing everyday sensory information like sight, smells, touch, taste and sounds*¹¹.

• Improving people’s health and wellbeing (and reducing health inequalities) is one of residents’ top five priorities for making the local area a good place to live*12 .

Who is responsible? • Director of Community.

*¹⁰ ‘2021, Prevalence of Autism in school aged children, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety’. *¹¹ https://www.autismni.org/about-1 *¹² Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Household Survey 2018. amended – internal action plans will be delivered, rather than external formal recognition.

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?

The continued rollout of an awareness raising programme.


What you will see Additional Council venues becoming ‘Autism Friendly’ places*¹³.

Additional Council staff recognised as ‘Autism Champions’, to advocate on behalf of individuals with autism within Council venues and events. Since April 2022, five workshops have taken place with the Northern Ireland Fire Service’s Blue and Red Watch, Sainsbury’s, Tullyglass House Hotel and the Tourist Information Centre.

‘Top Tips’ for businesses to promote autism friendly practices has been drafted and will be distributed to local businesses.

The Steering Group have not yet confirmed venues.

On confirmation of venues, two members of staff within each one will train as an Autism Champion.

The continued rollout of ‘Just A Minute’ (JAM) Awareness Training to Council staff. An online training invitation will be reissued to staff during quarter two.

*¹³ Note deviation from Performance Improvement Plan Consultation Document – Outcome and Indicator amended – internal action plans will be delivered, rather than external formal recognition. Our aim How are we doing so far this year?

Four additional ‘Autism Friendly’, virtual or in-person, public awareness sessions held for businesses, Council staff or the local community by March 2023.


How we will measure progress At least 90% of attendees reporting that their knowledge of autism has increased following the training sessions.

Autism-Friendly action plans delivered in three Council venues by March 2023*¹³.

Six additional Council staff recognised as ‘Autism Champions’ by March 2023.

An additional 100 Council staff completing ‘Just A Minute’ (JAM) Awareness Training by March 2023. Five workshops were delivered from April 2022.

100% of attendees reported their knowledge of autism had increased following training.

Venues to be confirmed.

Will progress in quarter 2.

Improving customer engagement and service delivery by enhancing Council’s use of information technology

Why? • Our services will be more effective and efficient, providing greater satisfaction and value for money for ratepayers.

• Digital transformation will lead to improved management reporting and will support better and more informed decision-making.

• The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the need for greater flexibility in delivering online services. ICT can be used as a driving tool to minimise face-to-face scenarios and help ensure our services are more accessible.

• Our Household Survey (2018) found that 39% of residents said they would like to be able to report a problem online, 37% would like to book activities, 27% would like to buy tickets and 22% would like to pay bills*14 .

Who is responsible? • Director of Corporate Services

*¹⁴ Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Household Survey 2018.


What you will see

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?

The continued implementation of Council’s Agile Framework, through delivery of a number of citizen-focused projects to include:

A redesign of Council’s website, developed from user experience feedback (Phase 3). In 2021, our website had almost 1.8 million page views and over 400,000 unique users, with 77% of people using a mobile device.

Our current website provides an inconsistent experience, lacks uniform standards, and information can be out of date, hard to find or inaccessible. A specification for the new site has been finalised and will be issued pending budget approval (Phase 2).

Phase 3 will see its implementation; delivering accessibility features across all devices. The website will also have its own content management system. Data cleansing in preparation for the move will commence following budget confirmation.

An expansion of the Automated Customer Call System into an additional service area. Following a successful pilot, our ICT team are working with the Leisure department to scope and plan for potential implementation.

The implementation of the new Northern Ireland Planning Portal for Mid and East Antrim.

The digital transformation of at least one customerfacing service. A new Northern Ireland wide planning portal is planning to launch in October 2023. Testing to date has been successful.

The original planning portal was troublesome for both staff and customers; the modern redesign will enable interactions between all aspects of the planning application to take place electronically, helping to streamline the process. It will also create a more modern agile working environment, with remote possibilities and onsite inspections.

Our ICT department are actively researching several possible customer-facing services that could be digitally transformed this year, with detailed plans to follow within the next three months.

Our aim How are we doing so far this year?


How we will measure progress A minimum of 4 digital projects completed by March 2023. On track.

*¹⁴ Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Household Survey 2018.

4.0 Update on previous Improvement Objectives

We have provided an update below on Improvement Objectives that were not taken forward into the next year’s Performance Improvement Plan, and which had outstanding deliverables at the end of last year.

Objective Outcome Key Performance Indicator 2021 to 2022

Improve customer engagement and service delivery by enhancing our use of information technology. A redesign of the Council website developed from user experience feedback (Phase two).

Deliver ‘Community Centre Digital Connectivity’ via Full Fibre NI. A minimum of 5 digital projects completed by March 2022.

Council Procurement Portal.

Development of Sullatober Household Recycling Centre. A larger site with improved infrastructure and accessibility to maximise re-use and recycling.

Financial savings by compacting waste and reduction in fuel consumption.

A more effective and efficient service with increased customer satisfaction and value for money for ratepayers.

6,500m2 by 31 March 2022.

Increase recycling rate by 23.2% by 31 March 2022.

1,046 additional tonnes of recycled materials by 31 March 2023.

12 additional tonnes of reused materials by 31 March 2023.

50% reduction in containers hauled per newly compacted material by 31 March 2023.

Reduce tCO2e by 800 by 31 March 2023. Increased rate of customer satisfaction.


The procurement specification for Council’s corporate website and ‘The Braid’ is finalised, and will be issued pending budget approval.

High-speed fibre infrastructure was installed into all community centres and has been tested and signed off by suppliers. A joint procurement exercise undertaken with all other NI Councils for an internet connection supplier has now closed. It is hoped that additional community centres will have an active internet connection depending on specific needs by December 2022.

The final configuration and implementation of Council’s new Finance system have affected the Procurement Tenders Portal delivery timescale. Now that the procurement contract management module is up and running, implementation can proceed. The new recycling centre opened in May 2022, with robust recycling data expected by September 2022. Updates will continue to be measured and reported in the Performance Improvement Plan 2022 to 2023 quarterly reports, as appropriate.

This data is due by March 2023.

A customer satisfaction survey is taking place during summer 2022.

Objective Outcome Key Performance Indicator 2020 to 2021 Status

Encourage people to value our natural environment through the promotion of the Green Dog Walkers scheme. Responsible dog ownership through increased participation and support of the Green Dog Walkers Scheme. At least 1,500 active Green Dog Walker Pledges by March 2021.

A marketing and promotional campaign to challenge attitudes and change behaviours. A further 2 organisations committed to taking action by March 2021.

A cleaner borough. A 10% reduction in the number of dog fouling complaints by March 2021.

A reduction in the number of residents perceiving dog fouling to be an issue in our local areas. The COVID-19 pandemic affected pledge numbers greatly, as Council were unable to attend road shows and promotional activities were restricted. The number of active pledge numbers at March 2021 was 1160. Council’s current focus is on reducing dog foul and building community participation. An update on the scheme will be provided in the annual ‘Environmental Performance and Carbon Footprint’ Report (2021 to 2022) as an example of an environmental initiative. This will be reported to Council’s Direct Services Committee.

14 community groups are now participating in the Green Dog Walkers Scheme. New themed signage has been displayed throughout the borough, and regular social media messages have been posted to promote the scheme and to target dog foul. Council presented to the Outdoor Recreation NI Webinar in February 2022 as a best practice showcase. New video content is also in development. There was a greater balance between enforcement and education during 2021 to 2022, with an increase in the number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued on the previous year. This resulted in a 25% reduction in dog foul complaints. A Green Dog Walkers Facebook page has been set up as a key engagement tool. Focus groups will be organised for community participants by the end of this year.

We have indicated our progress as follows:

Green | Achieved or on track Amber | Delayed but progressing Red | Not achieved or stopped Grey | Not due yet or not available

You can view previous Performance Improvement Plans at www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/ www.midandeastantrim.gov.ukperformance | 20 | 23

Objective: 5.0 Statutory Performance


In addition to the improvement areas identified by us, the Department for Communities also sets statutory targets for Councils in the functional areas of Planning, Economic Development and Waste.

Our arrangements to meet these are through the delivery of our statutory services. They are outlined in our annual business plans, and as far as possible, within our Improvement Objectives.

We closely monitor our performance to ensure we are progressing in line with targets, and we submit our results to the Department for Infrastructure, the Department for the Economy and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs every three months. Reports are then issued comparing our performance with all other NI Councils. We publish the results on our website at least every six months at www. midandeastantrim.gov.uk/PIP

Our latest available results are summarised on the opposite page.

*¹⁵ Quarter 1 figures for the period April to June 2022 are not yet available for both Planning and Waste indicators, therefore 2021 to 2022 year-end figures are reported.

*¹⁶ The final Waste figures for 2021 to 2022 will be audited and publicly released by Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) by December 2022. They can be used as a strong indicator of performance and are unlikely to change, but cannot be published anywhere in advance of their release by NIEA.

*¹⁷ No statutory target is set for this indicator.

Indicator Target

The average processing time of major planning applications.

Major applications processed within an average of 30 weeks.

The average processing time of local planning applications.

The % of enforcement cases concluded within 39 weeks.

Local applications processed within an average of 15 weeks.

70% of all enforcement cases progressed to target conclusion within 39 weeks.

The number of jobs promoted through business start-up activity.

The % of household waste collected by district Councils that is sent for recycling.

The amount of biodegradable Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste that is landfilled.

The amount (tonnage) of Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste arisings. 85 jobs.

50% household recycling by 2022.

16,387 tonnes.



34.7 weeks *15

9.6 weeks *15

90.5% *15

32 jobs

51.9% *15 *16

14,528 tonnes *15 *16

76,689 tonnes *15 *16

6.0 Improvement Objectives 2022 to 2023 Summary

Improvement Objective

Growing the economy and creating jobs.

Supporting the historic conservation of Carrickfergus, contributing to the sustainability of the local economy.

Supporting MEA citizens’ health and wellbeing by providing quality, inclusive play and recreation facilities, and promoting safe and responsible outdoor recreation. What you will see

• A series of pre-employment programmes to upskill and enable residents to access employment opportunities that provide a progressive career pathway. • The promotion of new jobs in the Borough by successfully delivering the ‘Go for it’ Programme. • An effective and efficient Planning Service to maximise economic development.

• Up to 10 buildings of historical and architectural interest restored (including eight existing awarded schemes), through the Townscape

Heritage Initiative, with Council and Heritage Lottery grant assistance, by 31 March 2023. • The local community will have a better understanding of built heritage. • Increased inward investment and local employment opportunities related both directly and indirectly to heritage and tourism growth.

• The delivery of four replacement Play Parks across the Borough. • Three new or upgraded Multi Use Games Areas (MUGAs) or ‘kick about’ areas. • A programme of training and development opportunities for people to take part in safe and sustainable outdoor recreation.

Improving infrastructure to encourage electric vehicle uptake in the Borough to reduce emissions and protect the environment for future generations.

Creating an Autism Friendly Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.

• A target of three ‘rapid’ electric vehicle chargers (50kW, 80% charge in 20 minutes) installed at strategic locations in the Borough by December 2023, as part of the cross-border FASTER project. • A minimum of 12 ‘fast’ chargers (22kW, charge in 1 to 2 hours) installed throughout the Borough by September 2023, as part of the On Street

Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) *¹⁹. • A communications and awareness campaign to influence behavioural change toward electric vehicle use.

• The continued rollout of an awareness raising programme. • Additional Council venues becoming ‘Autism friendly’ places. • Additional Council staff recognised as ‘Autism Champions’, to advocate on behalf of individuals with autism within Council venues and events. • The continued rollout of ‘Just A Minute’ (JAM) Awareness Training to

Council staff.

Improving customer engagement and service delivery by enhancing Council’s use of information technology.

• The continued implementation of Council’s Agile Framework, through delivery of a number of citizen focused projects to include: - A redesign of Council’s website, developed from user experience feedback (Phase 3). - An expansion of the Automated Customer Call System into an additional service area. - The implementation of the new Northern Ireland Planning Portal for Mid and East Antrim. - The digital transformation of at least one customer facing service.

We welcome ongoing feedback on our Performance Improvement Plan. If you would like to make any comments, our contact details are on our website www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/PIP

*¹⁸ Timelines are subject to change. *¹⁹ Subject to a successful funding application.

By when *¹⁸

March 2023

March 2023

March 2023

December 2023

March 2023

March 2023

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