Meadowridge School 2008-2009 Annual Report

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12224 240th Street, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 1N1 Tel: 604-467-4444 Fax: 604-467-4989

Celebrating Excellence

Meadowridge School

We thank you for your service...

Meadowridge School Board Member

Years of Service

Board Member

Yasmin Alladina Ronald Andrews Ken Antifaev

1993/94, 94/95 1985/86 1999/2000, 00/01, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05 1987/88, 88/89 1991/92, 92/93 2002/03, 03/04, 04/05 2001/2002, 02/03,03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08, Chair 08/09 1988/89, Chair 91/92, Chair 92/93, Chair 93/94, Chair 94/95, Chair 95/96, Chair 96/97, Chair 97/98 2003/04, 04/05, 05/06 2002/2003 1987/88, 88/89 1995/96 1990/91 1996/97, 97/98 1987/88 1997/98, Chair 1998/99, Chair 99/2000 1987/88, 88/89 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04 1985/86, 86/87 1986/87, 87/88, 88/89 1990/91, 91/92 2000/2001, 01/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 06/07 2003/04, 04/05, 06/07, 07/08 1991/92, 92/93, 93/94, 94/95, 95/96, 96/97, 97/98 1993/94, 95/96 1996/97, 97/98, 98/99 2007/2008, 08/09 2005/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09 1995/96, 96/97 2005/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09 1999/2000 1996/97, 97/98, 98/99 1993/94, 94/95, 95/96, 96/97 1997/98 1985/86, Chair 86/87 1991/92, 92/93, 98/99, 99/2000, 00/01 1987/88, 88/89 1991/92 1985/86, Chair 86/87, Chair 87/88 2005/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09

Bruce Johnston

Gregory Ardon Awni Ayoubi Randy Bach John Becker

Anil Bharwani

Ted Bojanowski Gary Campbell Marjatta Chapman Greg Clark Jos Clement Stephen Coret Trish Darby Pat DeLuca Thomas Dinsley Cori Doering Louis Duprat Kenneth Eis Faye Embree Ann English Peter Ferguson Julie Ferguson Clarence Fernandes Kim Fox Kelly Fry Diana Germain Christopher Godwin Daniel Gouws

We endeavour to form positive relationships with others and seek to better the community as we better ourselves. Our school’s mission looks beyond gender, nationality, and culture to guide staff, administration, students, and families to both meet responsibilities and fulfill dreams.



Shirley Hannah Toni Hawkes Susan Hayes Paul Hayes Trish Higgins Karim Hirji Ron Hoffart Deborah Hogarth Wilf Jacobson Mike Jahraus

Al Just Eboo Keshani Frank Klassen Anne Kober Ockie Lampen Jeanne Kurz Susan Levine Roy Lind Gary Lycan Lloyd Mah Gareth Mason Hanif Mawji Darrel McEachern Donna McKenzie Susan McLeod Leo Mide Ken Miki Lorne Montaine Donna Moore Chris Nieman Stephan Nolan Michael Orser

Scott Park Harry Perler Anar Popatia James Prince Richard Rainey Mary Robson Gordon Robson Chris Rounding Joy Rutquist Fares Salloum Rudy Sanchez Ron Seymour Rajindar Singh Donna Slauenwhite Donna Telep Jolanta Teszka Kevin Thomas Masami Tomioka Dereck Walker Maureen Walsh Andrew Walters Aurora Weinlein Susan Waugh Chad Whyte

Years of Service 2004/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09 1999/2000, 00/01, 01/02 1991/92, 92/93, 93/94, 94/95, 95/96, 96/97 1988/89, 90/91, 97/98, Chair 91/92 1990/91, 91/92 2007/2008, 08/09 1990/91, 91/92 1997/98 1987/88, Chair 88/89, Chair 90/91 1988/89 2000/2001, 01/02, 02/03 2008/2009 2005/06, 06/07, 07/08 1985/86 1988/89 1998/99, 2004/05 1988/89 1986/87, 87/88 1987/88, 91/92, 92/93, 93/94, 94/95 1991/92, 92/93 1994/95, 95/96, 96/97 1991/92 1998/99, 99/2000, Chair 00/01, Chair 01/02, Chair 02/03, Chair 03/04, Chair 04/05, Chair 05/06, Chair 06/07, Chair 07/08, Past Chair 08/09 2007/2008, 08/09 2001/2002 2002/2003, 03/04, 04/05 1999/2000, 00/01, 01/02, 02/03 2007/2008 1986/87 1985/86, 86/87, 87/88, 90/91, 00/01 2002/2003, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07 1988/89 1991/92, 92/93, 93/94 1998/99, 99/00 1998/99 2004/05, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09 1986/87, 87/88 1999/2000, 00/01 1993/94, 94/95, 95/96, 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04 1985/86 2005/06, 06/07 1985/86 2004/05, 05/06, 06/07 1998/99 1991/92, 92/93 2007/2008, 08/09 1986/87 23

Report from the Governance Committee Structure The Chair of this Committee is Dr. Daniel Gouws. Committee members for the term were Mr. John Becker, Mr. Gareth Mason, Mr. Gordon MacIntyre and Mr. Hugh Burke regularly attending. I would like to thank them all for their valuable input and hard work during the year. Policies relating to Board of Governance issues:

We started off the year with Mr. Gareth Mason, our new Board member joining the Governance Committee, and spearheading our Policy Sub-Committee, which has made progress in formalizing and reviewing policy and protocols for the Board of Governors.

Constitutional and legal matters:

We continued with the review of the Bylaws of the Meadowridge School Society, a process that was started in the previous term. This was a long and tedious task, and I would like to thank Mr. John Becker, Chairman of the Board for his significant input and research into this matter. The proposed Bylaw changes were sent out to the members of the School Society provoking considerable interest. The planned Extraordinary General Meeting for approval of the proposed Bylaw changes did take place but it was determined that it would be appropriate to allow more time for a dialogue with the membership and a motion to adopt the new Bylaws. A second motion accepted for the Governance Committee to adjourn this topic to the Annual General Meeting set for September 23, 2009. In the interim the Board’s Communication Committee is implementing a process for dialogue with families so that the intent of the Bylaw changes can be clarified, and so that concerns can be addressed and shared for discussion. We feel confident that we now have relevant and up to date Bylaws that will serve the Society well.

Review of Board structures, CESI accreditation:

Meadowridge is undergoing a Canadian Educational Standards Institute (CESI) evaluation this year. CESI has created different standards and effective practices that they believe all great schools should have. It was our task to address the standards that specifically speaks to Governance. The standard Governance is broken into 10 effective practice sections with questions to answer for each one. One of the goals of the CESI accreditation process is for it to be used authentically as a school improvement document, which


added considerable value to this exercise. Therefore, it was important to note our areas of strength as well as focus on the ones that need improving.

Evaluation of the Head of the School:

Considerable work went into crafting a Head Evaluation Process (as part of the Head Evaluation and Support function), and we are very thankful for the input from Mr. Gordon McIntyre in this regard. After various models of assessment were reviewed we finally decided to create our own document and process which included the strategic planning goals for the Headmaster, as well as making use of existing evaluation instruments. The Head Evaluation and Support Committee have subsequently met with the Headmaster, and have found this a very useful process and dialogue, which will now be used on an ongoing basis.

Table of Contents

Annual Board Evaluation:

We have adopted the practice of reviewing and discussing the individual chapters in the International Trustee Handbook, at monthly Board meetings throughout the school year, both to stimulate discussion of a Board’s current practices and to motivate Board members to familiarize themselves with the corresponding chapters in the handbook. The idea was to transform the concept of “Board training” from a once-a-year, isolated event into an accepted and valuable item on the Board’s monthly agenda. This process was then expanded to include and implement a strategic Board assessment process, which will be ongoing. Dr. Daniel R Gouws Chair of the Governance Committee

Board of Governors


Message from the Chairman of the Board


Message from the Headmaster


Report from the Advancement Committee


Capital Campaign


Annual Giving Campaign


Award Winners


Report from the Facilities Committee


Report from the Finance Committee


Statement of Operations


Statement of Financial Position


Report from the Governance Committee


Past Board Members

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Meadowridge School

Statement of Financial Position

2008-2009 Board of Governors

As at June 30, 2009

Assets Current Assets Cash Term Deposits Tuition Fees Receivable Other Accounts Receivable Inventory Prepaid Expenses

Kelly Fry

Diana Germain

Daniel Gouws

Deferred Financing Costs Property, Plant, and Equipment

June 2009

June 2008

$1,990,252 80,210 21,883 109,763 7,684 81,332 2,291,124

$2,630,790 80,210 28,593 265,127 4,349 106,858 3,115,927







$1,625,681 532,885 5,648 1,908,937 208,655 4,281,806


Liabilities and Net Assets Mike Jahraus

Bruce Johnston

Ockie Lampen

Gareth Mason

Current Liabilities Bank Indebtedness Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Deposits Payable Unearned Tuition Revenue Current Portion of Long-Term Debt Deposits (MEID) Deferred Contributions Long-Term Debt Total Liabilities

Mike Orser

Scott Park

Rajindar Singh

Susan Waugh

Net Assets Invested in Property, Plant, and Equipment Unrestricted Total Net Assets

$321,019 26,501 1,683,593 102,102 2,133,215

3,126,000 502,127 7,664,387

2,935,500 450,818 10,086,310



4,646,040 (116,504)

3,799,982 658,578





The Board’s decisions and long-term vision for Meadowridge are guided by the strategic plan for the school, which is revised on an ongoing basis. An important aspect of the Board’s mandate is the clear distinction made between its governance role and the operational role of the Headmaster and his staff. The Board of Governors are the guardians of our future, providing strategic advice while focusing on the long-term well-being of the school.



Message from the Chairman of the Board

Financials Statement of Operations For the year ended June 30, 2009

June 2009

June 2008

$5,781,378 1,101,180 170,144 77,399 208,500 7,338,601

$5,379,033 1,055,742 178,906 70,186 88,400 6,772,267

3,795,085 1,949,321 1,795,664 7,540,070

3,503,392 1,594,895 1,666,788 6,765,075



Other Revenue Other Expenses Net Other Revenue

293,945 21,500 272,445

539,046 26,000 513,046

Excess of Revenue over Expenses



Revenue Tuition Government Grants Field Trip Revenue Program Revenue Registration and Assessments Expenses Instructional Operating Administrative Income from Operations

Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended June 30, 2009

Operating Activities Excess of Revenue over Expenses Amortization (Loss) Gain on Disposal of Property, Plant, and Equipment Net Change in Non-Cash Working Capital

$70,976 863,203 (426) 600,622 1,534,375

$520,238 609,502 767 (526,642) 603,865

(1,665,650) 2,878 230,000 (39,500) (64,260) 51,306 8,000,000 (10,315,370) (3,800,596)

(4,916,549) 1,000 207,000 (127,500) 5,314 65,683 4,105,129 (89,030) (748,953)



Cash and Cash Equivalents Beginning of Year



Cash and Cash Equivalents End of Year



Financing and Investing Activities Acquisition of Property, Plant, and Equipment Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment Net Deposits Received Deposits Donated Deferred Financing Costs Deferred Contributions Received Proceeds From Long-Term Debt Principal Reduction of Long-Term Debt Change in Cash Position


John Becker

In 2009, Meadowridge School forged ahead with its plans of excellence in all aspects of school life. One of the most important achievements of the year was accomplished with little fanfare at the end of the school year. I am very pleased to announce that the services of Mr. Hugh Burke as our headmaster have been secured for another seven years. Mr. Burke’s internal and external achievements would require the full annual report to detail and celebrate. It will have to suffice here to say, our school’s commitment to excellence has been guaranteed. The Board of Governors continues to work diligently on the current issues and strategic planning of the school. Meadowridge School is fortunate to have such a great team at its helm. It has been my pleasure to work with them over the past year. I am pleased to report that we have for the first time in some years the full return of all of the existing Governors. I would particularly like to thank Dr. Michael Orser as Past Chair for his continued friendship and mentorship. It was during Dr. Orser’s many years as Chair of the Board that our financial stability and commitment to excellence were assured. In 2008, the Board of Governors approved a new Strategic Plan. In 2009, through the facilitation of Governor Mr. Mike Jahraus, the Board of Governors together with the senior administration team began to build a Strategic Financial Plan to prudently cost, prioritize, and budget the Strategic Plan initiatives required to keep Meadowridge School as one of the finest schools in the world. The Strategic Financial Plan will be in place during the 2009/2010 school year.

Our larger fundraising and friend-raising projects (the Welcome Back Fair, Gala and Golf Tournament) were again great successes. Increasing the sense of community within the school is hugely important and thanks go out to the many volunteers who made these projects the successes they were. Updating the Bylaws of the Meadowridge School Society remains a consultative work in progress. The Board will have the changes completed over the summer months with the final draft ready to be put to the Annual General Meeting in September 2009. Lastly, but most importantly, our children continue to excel at all levels. Our academic achievements continue at a very high level while at the same time fine arts, athletics, and community service prepare our children to be citizens of the world when they graduate. This would not be possible without the dedication of our wonderful educators and administration - they cannot be thanked enough. Mr. John Becker Chairman of the Board

The Board of Governors will be embarking upon an Advancement Strategic Plan in 2009/2010. Together with the creation of a formal Alumni Association the Advancement Strategic Plan will bring together the past and current members of the school community to support strategic initiatives and capital plans.


Report from the Finance Committee

Meadowridge School

Message from the Headmaster

Mr. Hugh Burke, Headmaster


The 2008/2009 school year was a very successful and productive one, both academically and institutionally. Our enrolment climbed again, and we were glad to welcome many new students, who joined our community of wellrounded and highly achieving students. Once again, all of our graduates were accepted to post-secondary institutes, both in Canada and around the world, and were offered hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships. We continued to post outstanding measures of success in government exams at grades four, seven, ten, eleven and twelve, leading the province in academic achievement. Our grade five and ten students completed, respectively, their final year of PYP and MYP, and also completed independent and publicly demonstrated individual projects, of which they can be proud.

Structure The Chair of this Committee is Mrs. Kelly Fry. The other members of the Committee are Treasurer Mr. Mike Jahraus, Governor Mr. Bruce Johnston, and Mr. Mike Schutz has joined as a member at large, approved by the Board of Governors. Administration is represented by the Business Manager Mr. Don Hincks and Controller Ms. Julie Bournival. Functions The role of the Finance Committee is to provide advice and oversight of the budget and strategic financial plan prepared by Administration for the Treasurer and the Board of Governors. The Committee is concerned with the long-term benefit to the school in all financial matters, including property acquisition. They are also responsible for drafting financial policies for Board consideration and approval.

Accomplishments In collaboration with the Administration and the Board of Governors, the Committee has participated in the following: The Finance Committee was pleased to see the transition of the banking and financing to the Bank of Montreal as approved in last summer’s extra-ordinary general meeting. As a result of the move there has been substantial interest savings particularly due to the low interest rates on the variable components of our current debt structure. The Finance Committee, in conjunction with other board members and staff members, worked to quantify the cost of implementing the goals and objectives as outlined in the strategic plan. The Finance Committee, with the administration, has continued to monitor the school’s cash reserves for the Meadowridge Education Investment Deposit Funds and for major facility improvements or maintenance. Our financial comparatives continue to be among the best in the country and are helping us to establish financial stability. During the year the Committee and the Board reviewed comparative financial data from independent schools across Canada provided as part of an annual survey done by CAIS. Revenues were in excess of expenses again this past fiscal year, despite lower than expected fundraising. A higher than projected student count generated revenue in excess of budgeted amounts.

Goals Now that we have completed the 5 year Financial Plan, we will be working with Administration to determine how we will be able to fund the implementation of the high priority objectives. We will continue to work with the Business Manager and the Administration to develop improved reporting to assist the Board and Committee members. We will provide ongoing support and recommendations in conjunction with the Facilities Committee with regards to the acquisition of neighbouring land and properties. We will offer solutions to hedge the school from rising costs and inflation through investments and additional revenue sources. We will continue to prepare policy recommendations regarding the ongoing financial requirements including cash reserves, signing authorizations, approvals for variance levels, etc. We will provide an ongoing review with the Administration regarding the current accounting software and the school’s insurance coverage and risk procedures. Mrs. Kelly Fry Chair of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee, in consultation with the Board and Administration, approved a 7% tuition increase to cover most of the school’s operating costs and keep pace with the increase in teaching salaries.


Meadowridge School

Celebrating Excellence Our halls were overflowing with outstanding student art work, which indicated that our children have developed wonderful visual literacy, and are able to express nuanced thought through a dynamic and growing visual and graphic vocabulary, which is growing in importance and use due to the growth of digital communication. This visual literacy is enhanced through the growing use of personal computers from about grade five on; in fact, it is because of this growing use that the school has now mandated the purchase and use of computers from grade six and up for next year. We have also moved to become one of few schools in Canada to be a licensed Microsoft IT Academy, which will provide great opportunities for our children in years to come. The digital revolution may be changing the landscape of learning and business, but things such as confidence, interpersonal skills, focus, courage, and imagination continue to be foundations upon which our children can build, and are brought out not only in academic classes, but also, and importantly, through the performing arts and athletics. As I noted last year, we are building our athletic program consciously over five years, and last year was the first of those building years. I am pleased to note that our teams have done very well this past year - notably in soccer, water polo, and basketball - and we will continue to build on these emerging strengths. We continue to push for even greater participation, and for greater achievement. Our performing arts programs this year have been exceptional in number and quality, and include performances at each IB level, each of which was terrific for the development of our children, and terrific entertainment. Our graduation students provided our first rock opera - RENT - as well as a remarkably enjoyable production of "The Comedy of Errors". Both stretched our students to do their best work, and both incorporated dramatic risks, excellent acting, and top production values. The musical quality of RENT was also outstanding. The MYP production of "Into the Woods" was also just excellent, as was the PYP production of "Pirates". In addition, the many musical nights, concerts, and productions enhanced our community, provided enjoyable evenings, and developed our children well.

Meadowridge School has come a long way in a few short years. We have built a school that is safe, caring, warm, and one that provides our students with opportunities to take risks and shape their own futures.


This year was the first full year of occupying our new facility, and the whole community enjoyed the wonderful spaces, facilities, and programs that can now be offered. We also enlarged the library, doubled the size of our fitness facility, added another athletic area on the old stage, and enjoyed the hugely expanded parking lot. Notably, we are now completing the final stages of our campus plan by adding a new, full-sized lit field. Our children are eagerly anticipating being able to use this sand-based natural grass field, which will now provide the space for all of our teams to practice and to play games.

Our teaching staff has done a wonderful job for us in the past, and I am pleased that all will be returning, except for those who were only hired to fill in during a maternity leave. Our administrative team has also done a great job this past year. I am also pleased to note that at the time of writing this report - early August - it appears that our school will open with another record number of students. Given the difficult economic times, this is a testament to the commitment of our parents and children, as well as to the value provided by our school. This coming year, we will welcome an arms-length criteriabased accreditation by the Canadian Educational Standards Association (CESI), which is highly regarded both nationally and internationally. We have worked all this year to prepare a description of everything in our school, and, in November, a team of about twelve educators from across Canada will spend seven days going through our school, interviewing parents and students and alumni and teachers and Board members and - well, everybody. They will go through our policies and practices, examine our facilities, look at our finances and admissions, and review our academic and co-curricular programs. At the end of that week, they will gather to write an extensive report which will be provided to our Board, outlining strengths and any areas of concern, and providing recommendations. We are anticipating this eagerly, as it will be a chance to really look at our school in depth, and make it even better. Currently, only three schools in B.C. are, like us, members of CESI, and it is just another external indicator of quality for our parents and our Board. As well, we have also spent the past year preparing for two other external accreditations by the International Baccalaureate Association (IB) which will also happen in the next eighteen months. Finally, I would like to take a moment to thank our Board members, all of whom have devoted many, many hours to ensuring the quality and health of our school. The quality of an independent school is directly attributable to the quality of its Board. We are fortunate to have an excellent one, and so I think that our school is in very capable hands. I also want to especially note the commitment, skill, and ability of our Board Chair, John Becker. To be a Board Chair is a demanding and often thankless task, and John - in his first year as Board Chair - has demonstrated both the humility and ability which characterize outstanding Chairs. Thank you, Mr. Becker. Mr. Hugh Burke Headmaster


Report from the Advancement Committee

Report from the Facilities Committee Structure

In a year of economic uncertainty we are fortunate our Meadowridge families rallied to maintain our philanthropic culture. Without volunteers, gifts in kind and monetary donations Meadowridge could not remain one of the top schools of our nation.

The Chair of this Committee is Dr. Diana Germain. The Advancement Committee consisted of Dr. Ockie Lampen, Mr. Scott Park and Mrs. Susan Waugh as well as Administration representatives Mrs. Lyn Tyler, Mrs. Kalie Whitaker and Mr. Sandy Wakeling. The school’s committed Headmaster, Mr. Hugh Burke supported us routinely. We were grateful to have Mrs. Sue Leighton with us every month to take minutes. Thank you all for your valuable time and insight. This past year our Gala committee consisted of a remarkable group of volunteers. They were able to corral more individual sponsorships and ticket sales than ever. The atmosphere and entertainment were extraordinary. This single event raised $77,000 for our children. I am pleased that many families have taken advantage and have purchased their tickets to next year’s Gala along with their re-registration. It is bound to be another spectacular event and time to connect with other families of the school. The golf tournaments, chaired by parent volunteer Brent Perry, soared to new heights. All targets were not only met but exceeded. The tournament sold out for the first time since its conception and the participants were showered with food and drinks from the numerous sponsorship tents. The event was a remarkable community builder and raised an incredible $35,000 for the school.

Annual Giving campaign then we will be able to meet the needs of our children. I am pleased with the advances of the school and thank each and every one of you that do their part to raise Meadowridge to new heights. Dr. Diana Germain Chair of Advancement

The Chair of this committee is Dr. Ockie Lampen. The other members of the Committee are Mr. Rajindar Singh, Mrs. Cindy Gallagher, Mr. Terry Jung, Mr. Steve Olah, Mr. Don Hincks, Mr. Denis Saltel, Mr. Scott Spurgeon, Ms. Julie Bournival, Mrs. Colette Roussy, Mrs. Lyn Tyler and Mr. Hugh Burke. Meadowridge School was started on a five acre rental property. The building was 18,000 sq. feet of prefabricated modular units. There were 85 students from Kindergarten to grade 9 with 12 teachers. Over the years we have expanded to add a double gym, library, MYP area and the latest expansion to add a cafeteria, theatre, kitchen, additional classrooms and administration offices is now complete and the school is now just under 106,000 sq. feet. We now have over 500 students in grades Junior Kindergarten to grade 12. At the present time, we are completing a 110 x 60 yard playing field to the east of the school. This area will include a multisports area. Around the field, there will be natural berms for bleachers and lighting so the field can be used in the evening.

In the past year, the Committee had to budget for some major upgrades and repairs. At the present time, the area of concern is the roof above the PYP art room and library and this will be repaired over the summer. The roof over the primary building will have to be repaired in the coming years. The boiler and water tank in the primary area also needs replacement over the next few years. This year we are pleased to say that we completed the CESI accreditation report and the Board Facility Committee joined with the Internal Facilities Committee to form a joint committee. Dr. Ockie Lampen Chair of the Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee plans to complete improvement to security around the campus for the students. Electronic entrance, exit and pedestrian gates have been installed. Entry doors were equipped with electronic locks and we now have the ability to program the gates and key scan cards for access. Security beams were added to all outside areas as well as external buildings and twenty cameras were also installed around the school to monitor the property at all times.

The retention of our donors for our Capital campaign remains high and their on-going pledges continue steadily, donations in excess of $160,000 were received. That being said, Annual Giving was the only fundraising campaign that actively sought support this year. Annual Giving raised $51,042.50. It was wonderful to see many families that have never given to any of our campaigns initiate the process. The school depends heavily on donations. If everyone can support the school’s



Meadowridge School

Capital Campaign Our Capital Campaign has completed its third year and is steadfastly bringing in financial support for the expansion project. This has been an economically trying year for our whole community, however many of our families held fast to their commitment to this vital campaign, contributing over $160,000 this school year.

It is with greatest appreciation that we thank the school families who made contributions to the Capital Campaign in the 2008/2009 school year: Mr. & Mrs. John & Terry Becker Ms. Christine Bickle Mr. Hugh Burke & Ms. Eva Boyd Mr. Peter Burke & Ms. Lisa Theimer Mr. Seok Hyun Cho & Ms. Kyung Wha (Nicole) Kim Dr. & Mrs. Darren & Rochelle Dahlman Dr. & Mrs. Anton & Elna de Klerk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Heather Dearborn Mrs. Amrita Dhanji Mr. & Mrs. Ryan & Selena Dobie Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Kelly Fry Ms. Cindy Gallagher Drs. Robert & Diana Germain Dr. Daniel Gouws & Mrs. Kimberley Buchanan-Gouws Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Dana Hagberg Dr. & Mrs. Jacobus & Marthie Hauptfleisch Mr. & Mrs. Don & Linda Hincks Mr. Nick Hohorelos & Ms. Trudy Conniff Mr. Kuang-Chih Hsu & Mrs. Chiu-Lin Chen Hsu Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Maureen Jeknavorian Dr. & Mrs. Alkarim & Eileen Karmali Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Vesna Kliman Mrs. Wendy Ko

Mr. Todd Ko Dr. Wayne Kuan & Ms. Tracy Lu Mr. Hyeok-Sang Kwon & Mrs. Ji-Yeon Ahn Dr. Ockie Lampen & Dr. Kathy Robson Ms. Sue Leighton Dr. Shiraz Mawani & Mrs. Yasina Ismaily Dr. & Mrs. Alan & Shaunda Moore Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Barbara Niwa Mr. Suk In Oh & Ms. Eun Suk Kim Mr. Sae Won Oh & Mrs. Jin Hee Lee Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Lisa Park Mr. & Mrs. Rexford & Marlene Perry Mr. & Mrs. Igor & Katerina Pogrebinsky Mr. & Mrs. Ross & Julie Paul Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Lynn Rounding Mr. & Mrs. Rajindar & Sheila Singh Dr. Bhasker Thakore & Dr. Nimisha Mehta Mr. & Mrs. Julian & Marilyn Turner Mr. & Mrs. David & Lyn Tyler Mrs. & Mrs. Alexander & Alison Wakeling Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Kalie Whitaker Mr. Ken Yen & Ms. Su-Ming Tang Mr. & Mrs. Jacob and Esther Zwanenburg

We wish to acknowledge the following families for completing their pledge to the Capital Campaign in the 2008/2009 school year. Dr. & Mrs. Anton & Elna de Klerk Dr. Bhasker Thakore & Dr. Nimisha Mehta Dr. Wayne Kuan & Ms. Tracy Lu

Our Mission Statement: Learning to live well, with others and for others, in a just community.

We gratefully acknowledge the donors who made significant contributions in the 2006/2007 school year. These gifts laid the foundation for the continued success of this campaign. Ms. Vicki Jermyn Johnston Meier Insurance Agency Mr. Ron McNeil Mr. & Mrs. John & Janet McLaughlin



Annual Giving Campaign The Annual Giving Campaign directly supports our students through academic, athletic and cocurricular program enhancements. With funds raised this year we were able to purchase some exciting new items. Significant upgrades to the fitness facility Booster seats for the primary grades A new set of home reading books for the elementary students Several new resources for primary classrooms, including a loft play area for the Kindergarten class A dimmer rack for our new theatre A digital camera for our art classes 6 additional television sets for photo display A clowning workshop for the “Comedy of Errors” production Diaper changing station in new theatre washroom facility Two new table tennis sets New house banners for use by Junior and Senior Student Councils Portable art gallery walls for student art exhibitions Two new goal posts and nets for back field

We wish to thank the donors who contributed in excess of $50,000 which made these and many other Annual Giving purchases possible. Mr. Gashaw Abebe & Mrs. Nancy Johnson Alouette Animal Hospital (Dr. Michael Orser) Mr. & Mrs. Claus & Debbie Andrup Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. Raffi Antepyan & Mrs. Karen Ruckenstein Mr. Tony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Mr. & Mrs. John & Terry Becker Ms. Christine Bickle Ms. Julie Bournival Mrs. Lana Brindley Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Shirley Brunetta Mrs. Raylene Burke Mr. Peter Burke & Ms. Lisa Theimer Mr. Xiang Jing Chen and Mrs. Xiao Ming Yang Ms. Michelle Clarke Mr. Nigel Collett Dr. Isabelle Cote Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Heather Dearborn Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Doris Didyk Mrs. Pat Duprat


Mr. & Mrs. Roger & Debbie Duyvesteyn Ms. Allison Esau Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Kelly Fry Ms. Cindy Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Stan & Kathy Giles Mr. & Mrs. Andy & Cathy Graetz Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Dana Hagberg Mr. Byueung Gyu Han & Mrs. Joo Yun Kang Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Cherie Harbour Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Daphne Herberts Mrs. Cynthia C. Hill Ms. Cindy Hops Mr. Roger Hsueh & Ms. Lily Chiu Mr. Shengtao Huang & Ms. Zhi Ying Jiang Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Nimala Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Karen Jahraus Ms. Paula Jasek Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Judy Johnston JPE-Design Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gurdeep and Harpal Kainth Mr. & Mrs. Lyle and Valerie Kennedy Mr. & Dr. Imran and Hafshah Khan Ms. Kyung Wha Kim Mr. Mas Kosaka Mrs. Ki Jeong Lee Mr. Keun Jae Lee & Mrs. Kyung-Hee Park Mrs. Joanne Lee Ms. Jong Hae Lee Ms. Sue Leighton Mr. Bill Li and Mrs. Mindy Yang

Mr. Liao and Mrs. Lu Mrs. Xiao Ling Ms. Shirley MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Ivo & Justine Marchand Mrs. Sophia Mark Mr. Gareth Mason & Ms. Carolyn Treger Mr. Ryan McWhinney & Ms. Renata Ruiz B. Meetarbhan Inc./Port Coquitlam Medical Clinic Mr. & Mrs. Guy & Patricia Merry Mr. Michael Nice & Ms. Danielle Noel Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Barbara Niwa Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Margot Olah Mr. Jaysen Palangio Mrs. Rita Palangio Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Lisa Park Mr. & Mrs. Kern & Sarah Pegg Ms. Toni Perretta Mr. Alex Podulsky & Dr. Marni Heed Dr. Martin Rebele / Cedar Grove Animal Hospital Mr. & Mrs. James & Susan Rumble Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Kelly Rusnak Mr. Majid Sarmady & Mrs. Mahin Shakeri Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Emily Schlagintweit Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Karen Schouten Mr. and Mrs. Matt & Suzanne Stadnick Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Susan Waugh Mr. & Mrs. William & Kim Weselowski Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Kalie Whitaker Mr. Wen Yong Yang & Mrs. Jie Luan Mrs. Xiao Ming Yang Ms. Delores Zibulak

Award Winners 2009 Grade 7

Grade 6 So Yeon Ahn Elina Blomley Danielle Chapman Yu Jin Go Connor Goudal Taya Hanson Alexander Howkins Rosie Hsueh Jessica Jacob Charaney Johal Siara Kainth Kalvin Kwan Luna Lo Diana Oh Jarek Olah Maxine Owers Elizabeth Ren Alia Virani Morgan Waugh Mia Yin Douglas Zhu

Grade 8

Grade 9

Shyla Badiani Christopher Awram Caja Blomley Bayley Germain Lauren Crawford Somayan Chakrabarti Stephanie Cramer Davina Gounden Janine de Klerk Emma Germain Emma Graveson Sarah Dugdale Kerrin Hagberg Victoria Horne Raheem Esmail Madeline Hanson Mehar Kang Tyler Goudal Alex Kwon Joshua Lampen Ming Hsu Lyndsey Merry Thomas Laurie Katrina Kwan Kimberley Paletova Helena Lee Shermaine Lee Allan Read Adriana Marchand Marlena Ornowska Kyle Sholes Kyle Monda Ashwin Singh Diba Taghvai-Arabi Emily Pegg Melody Sizer Sydney Umlah Katlyn Richardson Adrian Spira Aidan Waugh Eric Tsoi Geneva Weber Omar Virani Rebecca Zhang

Passport to Education Grade 10 $250.00 Anne Liao Celia Palmer Alisa Walsh Khallil Mangalji Rachel Kosaka Heidi Ye Harrison Collett

Passport to Education Grade 11 $250.00 Carla Jahraus Georgina Price Zahra Mawani Samantha Bull

Passport to Education Grade 12 $500.00 Krystina Bojanowski Anita Chang Nicole Jahraus Andrea Palmer Suhani Thakore Sandra Wan

Board of Governor’s Scholarship

Grade 11

Grade 10

Grade 12

Carla Jahraus Olivia Andrup Michael Abebe Soleina Maherali Krystina Bojanowski Alysha Badiani Zahra Mawani Anita Chang Harrison Collett Georgina Price Nicole Jahraus Gabrielle Gouws Matthias Kempe Omar Hasham Michelle Kosaka John Jacob Andrea Palmer Reza Jahanbakhsh Nava Taghvai-Arabi Khalil Kassam Suhani Thakore Annie Kim Tamsyn Tyler Rachel Kosaka Sandra Wan Shaun Lampen Anne Liao Khallil Mangalji Amir Mohammadi Kevin Oh Alannah Olah Celia Palmer Kelsie Perler Taylor Perry Kathleen Read Alexander Speckman Alisa Walsh Heidi Ye

Alumni Scholarship $500.00 Nicole Jahraus

Hookey Family Scholarship $1,000.00 Michael Abebe

Greg Moore Memorial Scholarship Nicole Jahraus $5,000.00 Anita Chang $2,500.00

McLaughlin Scholarship

Tamsyn Tyler $4,000.00 Krystina Bojanowski $4,000.00 Andrea Palmer $4,000.00

Provincial Scholarship Recipients Krystina Bojanowski Anita Chang Nicole Jahraus Michelle Kosaka Jasmine Mah James Maksymetz Andrea Palmer Suhani Thakore

Thank you

$500.00 Carla Jahraus


Award Winners 2009 Top Academic Awards Jennifer Ahn Victoria Horne Katrina Kwan Melody Sizer Mira Motani Alisa Walsh Georgina Price

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade

6 7 8 8 9 10 11

Headmasters Art Choice “Trees” “My Paper Face” “Clay Faces” “Defiance”

Brianna Tsuyuki (Kindergarten) Nicole Chua (Grade 4) Zameer Devraj, Mia Yin, Nicholas Larsen,Thomas Laurie, Jaspal Sanghera (Grades 6 & 7) Carolyn Pelton (Grade 12)

General Financial Gifts

Long Jump

We wish to acknowledge the families and businesses that made general financial contributions to the school in the past year. These gifts were not made in response to one of our campaigns or events, rather they simply saw a need for support and made a decision to help.

Old record Njideka Obioha ‘07 - 26.68 New record Njideka Obioha ‘09 - 25.92 Old record Njideka Obioha ‘08 - 5.02 m New record Njideka Obioha ‘09 - 5.27 m

Esprit de Corps Award Bradley Perry

House Bowl Jr. Sr.

Alouette/Fraser Fraser

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Level


Alex Kwon Faran Mahboubi Dashen Gounden Somayan Chakrabarti Kerrin Hagberg Kyle Grewal Kimberly Paletova Kyle Sholes Madeline Hanson Kelly Han Stephanie Cramer Allan Read Diba Taghvai Lyndsey Merry Shyla Badiani Amir Jinnah Mira Motani Yoo Jung Go Blake Didyk

Science Council Award

Silver Level

Female Athlete of the Year Grade 8 to 10 Grade 11 to 12

Celia Palmer Andrea Palmer

Male Athlete of the Year Grade 8 to 10 Grade 11 to 12

Ashwin Singh Matthias Kempe

Drama Award

Krystina Bojanowski Bradley Perry

Music Award Jasmine Mah Shyam Singh

Spirit Day 2009

James Maksymetz

Deborah Holbard Memorial Awards for Excellence in Arts Nathan Kotylak Jasmine Mah

Track and Field Records 100 Metres

Old record Daniel Miller ‘02 - 12.72 New record Jacey Wissman ‘09 -12.54

100 Metres

Old record Njideka Obioha ‘07 - 12.65 New record Njideka Obioha ‘09 - 12.29


200 Metres

Mr. Anthony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Mr. & Mrs. John & Terry Becker Dr. T.A. Bianco Mr. Eric Broberg & Ms. Jillian Hull Mr. & Mrs. Norm & Cheryl David Ms. Mary Federici Mr. & Mrs. Warwick & Carolyn Green Mr. & Mrs. William & Leona Healy Mr. Glenn Hope

IBBC - Muriel Reid Mrs. Mavis Kosaka Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Shelley Larsen Mr. Ron McNeil Meadowridge Class of 2009 Meadowridge Golf Committee Meadowridge Parent Guild Dr. & Mrs. Alan & Shaunda Moore Mr. & Mrs. Kandarp & Gita Patel

Gifts in Kind Each year many families generously donate many non-financial gifts to the school; gifts enhance our school programs and facilities. We wish to acknowledge the following donors who made a substantial Gift-in-Kind in the 2008-2009 school year. Mr. Anthony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Dr. & Mrs. Alan & Shaunda Moore Mr. & Mrs. Kandarp & Gita Patel Mr. & Mrs. Igor and Katerina Pogrebinsky Terasen Gas (Mrs. Rebecca Richardson) Mr. & Mrs. William & Kim Weselowski

Awards and Scholarships Meadowridge School is strongly committed to building a sound Financial Aid Program that supports deserving applicants, current students, and graduates, along with Scholarship Funds that rewards exceptional students.

Reza Jahanbakhsh Amir Mohammadi Jun Ho Oh (Kevin Oh) John Jacob Melanie Dearborn Neda Sarmady Nicholas Cho

Financial Aid Program

Gold Level

The Graduating Class of 2008 (The Alumni Scholarship) The Greg Moore Foundation The Maple Ridge Amateur Athletics Association Mr. John McLaughlin (The Mick McLaughlin Memorial Award) The Meadowridge School Board of Governors

Nicole Jahraus

Gryphon Pins 2009 Bronze Silver Gold

Grade 6 and 7 Grade 8 to 10 Grade 11 and 12

Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Anita Perler Mr. & Mrs. Igor and Katerina Pogrebinsky Mr. & Mrs. Govind & Lila Topiwala Mr. & Mrs. David & Lyn Tyler Vancity Mr. & Mrs. William & Kim Weselowski

Ms. Cindy Hops Mr. & Dr. Imran and Hafshah Khan

Scholarship Fund

Thank you 11

The Drive Fore the Future Golf Tournament

The Gala On Saturday, February 28th our Cirque des Arts themed gala came to life, showcasing the breadth of talent within our community of students, parents and teachers. During tough economic times the best a community can do is to come together to laugh and sing and dance and perform – and this is just what we did, like never before. This year’s event will be remembered as “one of the best parties ever.”

Gala Organizing Committee Debbie Andrup Christine Bickle Eva Boyd Julie Bournival Tanya Cloete-Senner Patty Durrance

Maxine Gracey Marlene Graveson Eileen Karmali Elyssa Lockhart Ursula Luitingh Becky Richardson

Marilyn Turner Carolyn Mason Lyn Tyler Susan Waugh Kalie Whitaker

Gala Supporters

Mr. & Mrs. Julian & Marilyn Turner Traveland RV (Walker/Bird Family) Dr. & Mrs. Alan & Shaunda Moore Dr. & Mrs. Alkarim & Eileen Karmali Silver Gryphon Supporters (Above $1,000) Adventure West Resorts Ms. Dawn Bickle & Mr. Bishop Smith Ms. Christine Bickle Canadian Tire Store (Elliott Family) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey & Judy Chadwick Clarke's Photography Four Seasons Lawn & Garden Care (Cloete-Senner Family) Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Amanda Girling Mrs. Davila-Madrid Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Judy Johnston Jungle Jac's (Walker Family) Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Vesna Kliman Dr. Wayne Kuan & Ms. Tracy Lu Lalji Home Furnishings Mr. Hui & Ms. Lee Lindbjerg Academy of Performing Arts Lordco Auto Parts Dr. Ursula Luitingh Mr. John McLaughlin Meyers Norris Penny, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Tammy McNabb Mr. Anthony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Dr. Mostrenko & Ms. vanBeek Perler Financial Group Seville Mortgage Corporation Skin Health Laser & Medi Spa Crossroads TCA Recruitment Group Inc. (Cloete-Senner Family)


Golf Tournament Organizing Committee Brent Perry

Cheryl David

Joie Kotylak

Mr. Daniel tenBrink Dr. & Mrs. Kurt & Melanie Tsuyuki Mr. & Mrs. Darren & Kellie Walker West Coast Dream Homes Ltd. Governor's Table ($500 Plus) Albion Nursery Ltd. (Duyvesteyn Family) Artel Insurance Bare Interiors Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Janet Batty C & K World (Lui Family) Club Intrawest Critics Choice Caterers Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Alexandra Dempsey Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic Dr. Daniel Gouws & Mrs. Kimberley Buchanan-Gouws Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Dana Hagberg Halpern's Haney Sewing & Sound (1994) Ltd. Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Daphne Herberts Mr. Shengtao Huang & Ms. Zhi Ying Jiang Innovative Vinyl Ltd. (Dobie Family) Jigantus Johnson Fu Insurance Drs. Nirmal & Arvind Kang Dr. Harjit & Mrs. Gurparkash Lail Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Rhonda Laurie Mr. & Mrs. Ivo & Justine Marchand Master's Touch Portrait Design Inc. Dr. Shiraz Mawani & Mrs. Yasina Ismaily Mr. & Mrs. Mo & Sandhya McLaren Dr. B. Meetarbhan Inc. Mr. Michael Nice & Ms. Danielle Noel Dr. & Mrs. Godwin & Ezinne Obioha (Park Family) Mr. & Mrs. Terry & Moira Passley Predator Ridge Golf Resort

Red Velvet Woman (Dhanji Family) Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Emily Schlagintweit Mr. & Mrs. Rajindar & Sheila Singh Top Producers Realty Ltd. Veridamo Photography Mr. Yue & Mrs. Ma Headmaster's Circle ($250 plus) Mr. & Mrs. Claus & Debbie Andrup Ben's Clothing & Alterations Dr. T.A. Bianco Bizzy Butler Concierge Services, Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Shirley Brunetta Mr. Lenard Buckles & Ms. Elyssa Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Heather Dearborn Mr. & Mrs. Melvin & Tracey Didyk Durrance Investment Ltd. (Durrance Family) Mr. & Mrs. Jay & Hallie Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Tammy Haywood Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Maureen Jeknavorian Key Images (Chapman Family) Dr. Ockie Lampen & Dr. Kathy Robson Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Shelley Larsen Mark Adrian Enterprises Ltd. (Brunetta Family) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Margot Olah Dr. Michael Orser Mr. Neil Seale & Ms. Zeineen Panju Mr. & Mrs. Kandarp & Gita Patel Mr. & Mrs. Esteban & Shonia Pena Dr. Martin Rebele & Ms. Kester Tomkies Sandpiper Golf Course Swan-e-set Bay Resort & Country Club Dr. Bhasker Thakore & Dr. Nimisha Mehta Mr. & Mrs. David & Lyn Tyler Vancouver Corporate Yoga Volentis Property Inspections Inc. (Rawal Family) Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Susan Waugh Ms. Xiaolin Yang Zippy Signs Inc.

Marlene Perry

Paddy Perry

Brad Senner

Daniel tenBrink

Lyn Tyler

Golf Tournament Sponsors Presenting Sponsor Perler Financial Group Inc.

We wish to thank all our gala sponsors, supporters and auction donors. Golden Gryphon Supporters (Above $5,000)

This year’s Drive Fore the Future Golf Tournament was held on Friday, June 12th. Taking a bit of risk, as most leaders do, Brent Perry and his committee shifted gears and moved the event from its traditional Sunday date to a Friday, hoping that the move to a week-day would allow for greater business community participation. The risk was well worth it - as for the first time ever, the tournament sold out weeks before the event. Prolific sponsorships made sure that fun activities or food and beverage tents were available at each hole. Congratulations to Brent Perry and his team for organizing one of the finest and the most successful tournaments yet.

Putting Contest Sponsor Heritage Dental Centre (The Germain Family) Golf Cart Sponsor Canadian Mill Industries Dinner Sponsor Lower Mainland Steel Band Sponsor Daniel tenBrink, Remax Ridge Meadows Wine Sponsor Cheryl Bennewith, Notary Reception Beverages Lordco Auto Parts Food & Beverage Holes Perler Financial Group Inc. Rex & Marlene Perry Canuel Catering Habanero Quick Service Grill Shinobi Japanese Restaurant

Players Package Sponsors Daniel tenBrink, Remax Ridge Meadows Michael & Young Fly Shop Iris - The Visual Group Meadow Gardens Tee Sponsors Brown Bros. Motor Lease CJP Architects The Danforth Family The David Family Four Seasons Lawn & Garden Care (The Cloete-Senner Family) Rob Jeeves, Remax Ridge-Meadows Imperial Paving Investors Group Financial Services Johnston Meier Insurance Agency Key Insurance Dr. Kotylak & Dr. Heed Ji Soo Kwon Family Link Developments Ltd. The Moore Family The Turner Family West Coast Ford / Lincoln Westminster West End Pharmacy Prize Sponsors BMO Brown Bros. Motor Lease Colonial Countertops – The Kliman Family

The Cactus Club The Didyk Family Genumark Johnston Meier Insurance Agency The Lampen Family Donald Lockwood, Notary Public The Paul Family The Perry Family Scotia Capital Stylistix Hair Salon & Body Spa The Turner Family Westminster West End Pharmacy Live Auction Sponsors Sean Bright-McCurdy Michelle Clarke Gourmet Dave’s Catering & Bistro Vicki Jermyn Lalji Home Furnishings McLaughlin Family Meadowridge School Gala Committee Nokian Tyres Inc. The Perler Family Swan-e-Set Bay Resort & Country Club Veridamo Photography Flower Sponsors Albion Nurseries Signage Sponsor Zippy Signs

Welcome Back Fair Supporters Our Welcome Back Fair is an annual event which draws our children and families, old and new, to enjoy a day of fun activities, food and friendly competition. Although not a fundraising event, sponsorships assist a great deal by meeting many of the costs of running an event of this nature. We wish to thank the following sponsors for making this special day possible: Mr. Anthony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Ms. Dawn Bickle Mrs. Shirley Brunetta Mrs. Janette Carr Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Cherie Harbour Ms. Vivian Hart Ms. Vicki Jermyn Ms. Kyung Wha Kim

Mr. Ryan McWhinney & Ms. Renata Ruiz Meadowridge Parent Guild Mrs. Radhika Mehta Mr. & Mrs. Kandarp & Gita Patel Mr. & Mrs. Sheetal & Seema Rawal Mr. Richard Schmohl & Ms. Camilla Brown

Daniel tenBrink - Remax Ridge Meadows Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Sue Tsoi Dr. Kurt Tsuyuki Mr. & Mrs. Julian & Marilyn Turner Vancity

Thank you


The Drive Fore the Future Golf Tournament

The Gala On Saturday, February 28th our Cirque des Arts themed gala came to life, showcasing the breadth of talent within our community of students, parents and teachers. During tough economic times the best a community can do is to come together to laugh and sing and dance and perform – and this is just what we did, like never before. This year’s event will be remembered as “one of the best parties ever.”

Gala Organizing Committee Debbie Andrup Christine Bickle Eva Boyd Julie Bournival Tanya Cloete-Senner Patty Durrance

Maxine Gracey Marlene Graveson Eileen Karmali Elyssa Lockhart Ursula Luitingh Becky Richardson

Marilyn Turner Carolyn Mason Lyn Tyler Susan Waugh Kalie Whitaker

Gala Supporters

Mr. & Mrs. Julian & Marilyn Turner Traveland RV (Walker/Bird Family) Dr. & Mrs. Alan & Shaunda Moore Dr. & Mrs. Alkarim & Eileen Karmali Silver Gryphon Supporters (Above $1,000) Adventure West Resorts Ms. Dawn Bickle & Mr. Bishop Smith Ms. Christine Bickle Canadian Tire Store (Elliott Family) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey & Judy Chadwick Clarke's Photography Four Seasons Lawn & Garden Care (Cloete-Senner Family) Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Amanda Girling Mrs. Davila-Madrid Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Judy Johnston Jungle Jac's (Walker Family) Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Vesna Kliman Dr. Wayne Kuan & Ms. Tracy Lu Lalji Home Furnishings Mr. Hui & Ms. Lee Lindbjerg Academy of Performing Arts Lordco Auto Parts Dr. Ursula Luitingh Mr. John McLaughlin Meyers Norris Penny, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Tammy McNabb Mr. Anthony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Dr. Mostrenko & Ms. vanBeek Perler Financial Group Seville Mortgage Corporation Skin Health Laser & Medi Spa Crossroads TCA Recruitment Group Inc. (Cloete-Senner Family)


Golf Tournament Organizing Committee Brent Perry

Cheryl David

Joie Kotylak

Mr. Daniel tenBrink Dr. & Mrs. Kurt & Melanie Tsuyuki Mr. & Mrs. Darren & Kellie Walker West Coast Dream Homes Ltd. Governor's Table ($500 Plus) Albion Nursery Ltd. (Duyvesteyn Family) Artel Insurance Bare Interiors Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Janet Batty C & K World (Lui Family) Club Intrawest Critics Choice Caterers Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Alexandra Dempsey Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic Dr. Daniel Gouws & Mrs. Kimberley Buchanan-Gouws Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Dana Hagberg Halpern's Haney Sewing & Sound (1994) Ltd. Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Daphne Herberts Mr. Shengtao Huang & Ms. Zhi Ying Jiang Innovative Vinyl Ltd. (Dobie Family) Jigantus Johnson Fu Insurance Drs. Nirmal & Arvind Kang Dr. Harjit & Mrs. Gurparkash Lail Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Rhonda Laurie Mr. & Mrs. Ivo & Justine Marchand Master's Touch Portrait Design Inc. Dr. Shiraz Mawani & Mrs. Yasina Ismaily Mr. & Mrs. Mo & Sandhya McLaren Dr. B. Meetarbhan Inc. Mr. Michael Nice & Ms. Danielle Noel Dr. & Mrs. Godwin & Ezinne Obioha (Park Family) Mr. & Mrs. Terry & Moira Passley Predator Ridge Golf Resort

Red Velvet Woman (Dhanji Family) Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Emily Schlagintweit Mr. & Mrs. Rajindar & Sheila Singh Top Producers Realty Ltd. Veridamo Photography Mr. Yue & Mrs. Ma Headmaster's Circle ($250 plus) Mr. & Mrs. Claus & Debbie Andrup Ben's Clothing & Alterations Dr. T.A. Bianco Bizzy Butler Concierge Services, Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Shirley Brunetta Mr. Lenard Buckles & Ms. Elyssa Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Heather Dearborn Mr. & Mrs. Melvin & Tracey Didyk Durrance Investment Ltd. (Durrance Family) Mr. & Mrs. Jay & Hallie Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Tammy Haywood Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Maureen Jeknavorian Key Images (Chapman Family) Dr. Ockie Lampen & Dr. Kathy Robson Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Shelley Larsen Mark Adrian Enterprises Ltd. (Brunetta Family) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Margot Olah Dr. Michael Orser Mr. Neil Seale & Ms. Zeineen Panju Mr. & Mrs. Kandarp & Gita Patel Mr. & Mrs. Esteban & Shonia Pena Dr. Martin Rebele & Ms. Kester Tomkies Sandpiper Golf Course Swan-e-set Bay Resort & Country Club Dr. Bhasker Thakore & Dr. Nimisha Mehta Mr. & Mrs. David & Lyn Tyler Vancouver Corporate Yoga Volentis Property Inspections Inc. (Rawal Family) Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Susan Waugh Ms. Xiaolin Yang Zippy Signs Inc.

Marlene Perry

Paddy Perry

Brad Senner

Daniel tenBrink

Lyn Tyler

Golf Tournament Sponsors Presenting Sponsor Perler Financial Group Inc.

We wish to thank all our gala sponsors, supporters and auction donors. Golden Gryphon Supporters (Above $5,000)

This year’s Drive Fore the Future Golf Tournament was held on Friday, June 12th. Taking a bit of risk, as most leaders do, Brent Perry and his committee shifted gears and moved the event from its traditional Sunday date to a Friday, hoping that the move to a week-day would allow for greater business community participation. The risk was well worth it - as for the first time ever, the tournament sold out weeks before the event. Prolific sponsorships made sure that fun activities or food and beverage tents were available at each hole. Congratulations to Brent Perry and his team for organizing one of the finest and the most successful tournaments yet.

Putting Contest Sponsor Heritage Dental Centre (The Germain Family) Golf Cart Sponsor Canadian Mill Industries Dinner Sponsor Lower Mainland Steel Band Sponsor Daniel tenBrink, Remax Ridge Meadows Wine Sponsor Cheryl Bennewith, Notary Reception Beverages Lordco Auto Parts Food & Beverage Holes Perler Financial Group Inc. Rex & Marlene Perry Canuel Catering Habanero Quick Service Grill Shinobi Japanese Restaurant

Players Package Sponsors Daniel tenBrink, Remax Ridge Meadows Michael & Young Fly Shop Iris - The Visual Group Meadow Gardens Tee Sponsors Brown Bros. Motor Lease CJP Architects The Danforth Family The David Family Four Seasons Lawn & Garden Care (The Cloete-Senner Family) Rob Jeeves, Remax Ridge-Meadows Imperial Paving Investors Group Financial Services Johnston Meier Insurance Agency Key Insurance Dr. Kotylak & Dr. Heed Ji Soo Kwon Family Link Developments Ltd. The Moore Family The Turner Family West Coast Ford / Lincoln Westminster West End Pharmacy Prize Sponsors BMO Brown Bros. Motor Lease Colonial Countertops – The Kliman Family

The Cactus Club The Didyk Family Genumark Johnston Meier Insurance Agency The Lampen Family Donald Lockwood, Notary Public The Paul Family The Perry Family Scotia Capital Stylistix Hair Salon & Body Spa The Turner Family Westminster West End Pharmacy Live Auction Sponsors Sean Bright-McCurdy Michelle Clarke Gourmet Dave’s Catering & Bistro Vicki Jermyn Lalji Home Furnishings McLaughlin Family Meadowridge School Gala Committee Nokian Tyres Inc. The Perler Family Swan-e-Set Bay Resort & Country Club Veridamo Photography Flower Sponsors Albion Nurseries Signage Sponsor Zippy Signs

Welcome Back Fair Supporters Our Welcome Back Fair is an annual event which draws our children and families, old and new, to enjoy a day of fun activities, food and friendly competition. Although not a fundraising event, sponsorships assist a great deal by meeting many of the costs of running an event of this nature. We wish to thank the following sponsors for making this special day possible: Mr. Anthony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Ms. Dawn Bickle Mrs. Shirley Brunetta Mrs. Janette Carr Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Cherie Harbour Ms. Vivian Hart Ms. Vicki Jermyn Ms. Kyung Wha Kim

Mr. Ryan McWhinney & Ms. Renata Ruiz Meadowridge Parent Guild Mrs. Radhika Mehta Mr. & Mrs. Kandarp & Gita Patel Mr. & Mrs. Sheetal & Seema Rawal Mr. Richard Schmohl & Ms. Camilla Brown

Daniel tenBrink - Remax Ridge Meadows Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Sue Tsoi Dr. Kurt Tsuyuki Mr. & Mrs. Julian & Marilyn Turner Vancity

Thank you


Award Winners 2009 Top Academic Awards Jennifer Ahn Victoria Horne Katrina Kwan Melody Sizer Mira Motani Alisa Walsh Georgina Price

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade

6 7 8 8 9 10 11

Headmasters Art Choice “Trees” “My Paper Face” “Clay Faces” “Defiance”

Brianna Tsuyuki (Kindergarten) Nicole Chua (Grade 4) Zameer Devraj, Mia Yin, Nicholas Larsen,Thomas Laurie, Jaspal Sanghera (Grades 6 & 7) Carolyn Pelton (Grade 12)

General Financial Gifts

Long Jump

We wish to acknowledge the families and businesses that made general financial contributions to the school in the past year. These gifts were not made in response to one of our campaigns or events, rather they simply saw a need for support and made a decision to help.

Old record Njideka Obioha ‘07 - 26.68 New record Njideka Obioha ‘09 - 25.92 Old record Njideka Obioha ‘08 - 5.02 m New record Njideka Obioha ‘09 - 5.27 m

Esprit de Corps Award Bradley Perry

House Bowl Jr. Sr.

Alouette/Fraser Fraser

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Level


Alex Kwon Faran Mahboubi Dashen Gounden Somayan Chakrabarti Kerrin Hagberg Kyle Grewal Kimberly Paletova Kyle Sholes Madeline Hanson Kelly Han Stephanie Cramer Allan Read Diba Taghvai Lyndsey Merry Shyla Badiani Amir Jinnah Mira Motani Yoo Jung Go Blake Didyk

Science Council Award

Silver Level

Female Athlete of the Year Grade 8 to 10 Grade 11 to 12

Celia Palmer Andrea Palmer

Male Athlete of the Year Grade 8 to 10 Grade 11 to 12

Ashwin Singh Matthias Kempe

Drama Award

Krystina Bojanowski Bradley Perry

Music Award Jasmine Mah Shyam Singh

Spirit Day 2009

James Maksymetz

Deborah Holbard Memorial Awards for Excellence in Arts Nathan Kotylak Jasmine Mah

Track and Field Records 100 Metres

Old record Daniel Miller ‘02 - 12.72 New record Jacey Wissman ‘09 -12.54

100 Metres

Old record Njideka Obioha ‘07 - 12.65 New record Njideka Obioha ‘09 - 12.29


200 Metres

Mr. Anthony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Mr. & Mrs. John & Terry Becker Dr. T.A. Bianco Mr. Eric Broberg & Ms. Jillian Hull Mr. & Mrs. Norm & Cheryl David Ms. Mary Federici Mr. & Mrs. Warwick & Carolyn Green Mr. & Mrs. William & Leona Healy Mr. Glenn Hope

IBBC - Muriel Reid Mrs. Mavis Kosaka Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Shelley Larsen Mr. Ron McNeil Meadowridge Class of 2009 Meadowridge Golf Committee Meadowridge Parent Guild Dr. & Mrs. Alan & Shaunda Moore Mr. & Mrs. Kandarp & Gita Patel

Gifts in Kind Each year many families generously donate many non-financial gifts to the school; gifts enhance our school programs and facilities. We wish to acknowledge the following donors who made a substantial Gift-in-Kind in the 2008-2009 school year. Mr. Anthony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Dr. & Mrs. Alan & Shaunda Moore Mr. & Mrs. Kandarp & Gita Patel Mr. & Mrs. Igor and Katerina Pogrebinsky Terasen Gas (Mrs. Rebecca Richardson) Mr. & Mrs. William & Kim Weselowski

Awards and Scholarships Meadowridge School is strongly committed to building a sound Financial Aid Program that supports deserving applicants, current students, and graduates, along with Scholarship Funds that rewards exceptional students.

Reza Jahanbakhsh Amir Mohammadi Jun Ho Oh (Kevin Oh) John Jacob Melanie Dearborn Neda Sarmady Nicholas Cho

Financial Aid Program

Gold Level

The Graduating Class of 2008 (The Alumni Scholarship) The Greg Moore Foundation The Maple Ridge Amateur Athletics Association Mr. John McLaughlin (The Mick McLaughlin Memorial Award) The Meadowridge School Board of Governors

Nicole Jahraus

Gryphon Pins 2009 Bronze Silver Gold

Grade 6 and 7 Grade 8 to 10 Grade 11 and 12

Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Anita Perler Mr. & Mrs. Igor and Katerina Pogrebinsky Mr. & Mrs. Govind & Lila Topiwala Mr. & Mrs. David & Lyn Tyler Vancity Mr. & Mrs. William & Kim Weselowski

Ms. Cindy Hops Mr. & Dr. Imran and Hafshah Khan

Scholarship Fund

Thank you 11

Annual Giving Campaign The Annual Giving Campaign directly supports our students through academic, athletic and cocurricular program enhancements. With funds raised this year we were able to purchase some exciting new items. Significant upgrades to the fitness facility Booster seats for the primary grades A new set of home reading books for the elementary students Several new resources for primary classrooms, including a loft play area for the Kindergarten class A dimmer rack for our new theatre A digital camera for our art classes 6 additional television sets for photo display A clowning workshop for the “Comedy of Errors” production Diaper changing station in new theatre washroom facility Two new table tennis sets New house banners for use by Junior and Senior Student Councils Portable art gallery walls for student art exhibitions Two new goal posts and nets for back field

We wish to thank the donors who contributed in excess of $50,000 which made these and many other Annual Giving purchases possible. Mr. Gashaw Abebe & Mrs. Nancy Johnson Alouette Animal Hospital (Dr. Michael Orser) Mr. & Mrs. Claus & Debbie Andrup Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. Raffi Antepyan & Mrs. Karen Ruckenstein Mr. Tony Baldo & Mrs. Kirsteen Moore Mr. & Mrs. John & Terry Becker Ms. Christine Bickle Ms. Julie Bournival Mrs. Lana Brindley Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Shirley Brunetta Mrs. Raylene Burke Mr. Peter Burke & Ms. Lisa Theimer Mr. Xiang Jing Chen and Mrs. Xiao Ming Yang Ms. Michelle Clarke Mr. Nigel Collett Dr. Isabelle Cote Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Heather Dearborn Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Doris Didyk Mrs. Pat Duprat


Mr. & Mrs. Roger & Debbie Duyvesteyn Ms. Allison Esau Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Kelly Fry Ms. Cindy Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Stan & Kathy Giles Mr. & Mrs. Andy & Cathy Graetz Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Dana Hagberg Mr. Byueung Gyu Han & Mrs. Joo Yun Kang Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Cherie Harbour Dr. & Mrs. Michael & Daphne Herberts Mrs. Cynthia C. Hill Ms. Cindy Hops Mr. Roger Hsueh & Ms. Lily Chiu Mr. Shengtao Huang & Ms. Zhi Ying Jiang Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Nimala Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Karen Jahraus Ms. Paula Jasek Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Judy Johnston JPE-Design Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gurdeep and Harpal Kainth Mr. & Mrs. Lyle and Valerie Kennedy Mr. & Dr. Imran and Hafshah Khan Ms. Kyung Wha Kim Mr. Mas Kosaka Mrs. Ki Jeong Lee Mr. Keun Jae Lee & Mrs. Kyung-Hee Park Mrs. Joanne Lee Ms. Jong Hae Lee Ms. Sue Leighton Mr. Bill Li and Mrs. Mindy Yang

Mr. Liao and Mrs. Lu Mrs. Xiao Ling Ms. Shirley MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Ivo & Justine Marchand Mrs. Sophia Mark Mr. Gareth Mason & Ms. Carolyn Treger Mr. Ryan McWhinney & Ms. Renata Ruiz B. Meetarbhan Inc./Port Coquitlam Medical Clinic Mr. & Mrs. Guy & Patricia Merry Mr. Michael Nice & Ms. Danielle Noel Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Barbara Niwa Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Margot Olah Mr. Jaysen Palangio Mrs. Rita Palangio Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Lisa Park Mr. & Mrs. Kern & Sarah Pegg Ms. Toni Perretta Mr. Alex Podulsky & Dr. Marni Heed Dr. Martin Rebele / Cedar Grove Animal Hospital Mr. & Mrs. James & Susan Rumble Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Kelly Rusnak Mr. Majid Sarmady & Mrs. Mahin Shakeri Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Emily Schlagintweit Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Karen Schouten Mr. and Mrs. Matt & Suzanne Stadnick Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Susan Waugh Mr. & Mrs. William & Kim Weselowski Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Kalie Whitaker Mr. Wen Yong Yang & Mrs. Jie Luan Mrs. Xiao Ming Yang Ms. Delores Zibulak

Award Winners 2009 Grade 7

Grade 6 So Yeon Ahn Elina Blomley Danielle Chapman Yu Jin Go Connor Goudal Taya Hanson Alexander Howkins Rosie Hsueh Jessica Jacob Charaney Johal Siara Kainth Kalvin Kwan Luna Lo Diana Oh Jarek Olah Maxine Owers Elizabeth Ren Alia Virani Morgan Waugh Mia Yin Douglas Zhu

Grade 8

Grade 9

Shyla Badiani Christopher Awram Caja Blomley Bayley Germain Lauren Crawford Somayan Chakrabarti Stephanie Cramer Davina Gounden Janine de Klerk Emma Germain Emma Graveson Sarah Dugdale Kerrin Hagberg Victoria Horne Raheem Esmail Madeline Hanson Mehar Kang Tyler Goudal Alex Kwon Joshua Lampen Ming Hsu Lyndsey Merry Thomas Laurie Katrina Kwan Kimberley Paletova Helena Lee Shermaine Lee Allan Read Adriana Marchand Marlena Ornowska Kyle Sholes Kyle Monda Ashwin Singh Diba Taghvai-Arabi Emily Pegg Melody Sizer Sydney Umlah Katlyn Richardson Adrian Spira Aidan Waugh Eric Tsoi Geneva Weber Omar Virani Rebecca Zhang

Passport to Education Grade 10 $250.00 Anne Liao Celia Palmer Alisa Walsh Khallil Mangalji Rachel Kosaka Heidi Ye Harrison Collett

Passport to Education Grade 11 $250.00 Carla Jahraus Georgina Price Zahra Mawani Samantha Bull

Passport to Education Grade 12 $500.00 Krystina Bojanowski Anita Chang Nicole Jahraus Andrea Palmer Suhani Thakore Sandra Wan

Board of Governor’s Scholarship

Grade 11

Grade 10

Grade 12

Carla Jahraus Olivia Andrup Michael Abebe Soleina Maherali Krystina Bojanowski Alysha Badiani Zahra Mawani Anita Chang Harrison Collett Georgina Price Nicole Jahraus Gabrielle Gouws Matthias Kempe Omar Hasham Michelle Kosaka John Jacob Andrea Palmer Reza Jahanbakhsh Nava Taghvai-Arabi Khalil Kassam Suhani Thakore Annie Kim Tamsyn Tyler Rachel Kosaka Sandra Wan Shaun Lampen Anne Liao Khallil Mangalji Amir Mohammadi Kevin Oh Alannah Olah Celia Palmer Kelsie Perler Taylor Perry Kathleen Read Alexander Speckman Alisa Walsh Heidi Ye

Alumni Scholarship $500.00 Nicole Jahraus

Hookey Family Scholarship $1,000.00 Michael Abebe

Greg Moore Memorial Scholarship Nicole Jahraus $5,000.00 Anita Chang $2,500.00

McLaughlin Scholarship

Tamsyn Tyler $4,000.00 Krystina Bojanowski $4,000.00 Andrea Palmer $4,000.00

Provincial Scholarship Recipients Krystina Bojanowski Anita Chang Nicole Jahraus Michelle Kosaka Jasmine Mah James Maksymetz Andrea Palmer Suhani Thakore

Thank you

$500.00 Carla Jahraus


Meadowridge School

Capital Campaign Our Capital Campaign has completed its third year and is steadfastly bringing in financial support for the expansion project. This has been an economically trying year for our whole community, however many of our families held fast to their commitment to this vital campaign, contributing over $160,000 this school year.

It is with greatest appreciation that we thank the school families who made contributions to the Capital Campaign in the 2008/2009 school year: Mr. & Mrs. John & Terry Becker Ms. Christine Bickle Mr. Hugh Burke & Ms. Eva Boyd Mr. Peter Burke & Ms. Lisa Theimer Mr. Seok Hyun Cho & Ms. Kyung Wha (Nicole) Kim Dr. & Mrs. Darren & Rochelle Dahlman Dr. & Mrs. Anton & Elna de Klerk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Heather Dearborn Mrs. Amrita Dhanji Mr. & Mrs. Ryan & Selena Dobie Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Kelly Fry Ms. Cindy Gallagher Drs. Robert & Diana Germain Dr. Daniel Gouws & Mrs. Kimberley Buchanan-Gouws Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Dana Hagberg Dr. & Mrs. Jacobus & Marthie Hauptfleisch Mr. & Mrs. Don & Linda Hincks Mr. Nick Hohorelos & Ms. Trudy Conniff Mr. Kuang-Chih Hsu & Mrs. Chiu-Lin Chen Hsu Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Maureen Jeknavorian Dr. & Mrs. Alkarim & Eileen Karmali Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Vesna Kliman Mrs. Wendy Ko

Mr. Todd Ko Dr. Wayne Kuan & Ms. Tracy Lu Mr. Hyeok-Sang Kwon & Mrs. Ji-Yeon Ahn Dr. Ockie Lampen & Dr. Kathy Robson Ms. Sue Leighton Dr. Shiraz Mawani & Mrs. Yasina Ismaily Dr. & Mrs. Alan & Shaunda Moore Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Barbara Niwa Mr. Suk In Oh & Ms. Eun Suk Kim Mr. Sae Won Oh & Mrs. Jin Hee Lee Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Lisa Park Mr. & Mrs. Rexford & Marlene Perry Mr. & Mrs. Igor & Katerina Pogrebinsky Mr. & Mrs. Ross & Julie Paul Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Lynn Rounding Mr. & Mrs. Rajindar & Sheila Singh Dr. Bhasker Thakore & Dr. Nimisha Mehta Mr. & Mrs. Julian & Marilyn Turner Mr. & Mrs. David & Lyn Tyler Mrs. & Mrs. Alexander & Alison Wakeling Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Kalie Whitaker Mr. Ken Yen & Ms. Su-Ming Tang Mr. & Mrs. Jacob and Esther Zwanenburg

We wish to acknowledge the following families for completing their pledge to the Capital Campaign in the 2008/2009 school year. Dr. & Mrs. Anton & Elna de Klerk Dr. Bhasker Thakore & Dr. Nimisha Mehta Dr. Wayne Kuan & Ms. Tracy Lu

Our Mission Statement: Learning to live well, with others and for others, in a just community.

We gratefully acknowledge the donors who made significant contributions in the 2006/2007 school year. These gifts laid the foundation for the continued success of this campaign. Ms. Vicki Jermyn Johnston Meier Insurance Agency Mr. Ron McNeil Mr. & Mrs. John & Janet McLaughlin



Report from the Advancement Committee

Report from the Facilities Committee Structure

In a year of economic uncertainty we are fortunate our Meadowridge families rallied to maintain our philanthropic culture. Without volunteers, gifts in kind and monetary donations Meadowridge could not remain one of the top schools of our nation.

The Chair of this Committee is Dr. Diana Germain. The Advancement Committee consisted of Dr. Ockie Lampen, Mr. Scott Park and Mrs. Susan Waugh as well as Administration representatives Mrs. Lyn Tyler, Mrs. Kalie Whitaker and Mr. Sandy Wakeling. The school’s committed Headmaster, Mr. Hugh Burke supported us routinely. We were grateful to have Mrs. Sue Leighton with us every month to take minutes. Thank you all for your valuable time and insight. This past year our Gala committee consisted of a remarkable group of volunteers. They were able to corral more individual sponsorships and ticket sales than ever. The atmosphere and entertainment were extraordinary. This single event raised $77,000 for our children. I am pleased that many families have taken advantage and have purchased their tickets to next year’s Gala along with their re-registration. It is bound to be another spectacular event and time to connect with other families of the school. The golf tournaments, chaired by parent volunteer Brent Perry, soared to new heights. All targets were not only met but exceeded. The tournament sold out for the first time since its conception and the participants were showered with food and drinks from the numerous sponsorship tents. The event was a remarkable community builder and raised an incredible $35,000 for the school.

Annual Giving campaign then we will be able to meet the needs of our children. I am pleased with the advances of the school and thank each and every one of you that do their part to raise Meadowridge to new heights. Dr. Diana Germain Chair of Advancement

The Chair of this committee is Dr. Ockie Lampen. The other members of the Committee are Mr. Rajindar Singh, Mrs. Cindy Gallagher, Mr. Terry Jung, Mr. Steve Olah, Mr. Don Hincks, Mr. Denis Saltel, Mr. Scott Spurgeon, Ms. Julie Bournival, Mrs. Colette Roussy, Mrs. Lyn Tyler and Mr. Hugh Burke. Meadowridge School was started on a five acre rental property. The building was 18,000 sq. feet of prefabricated modular units. There were 85 students from Kindergarten to grade 9 with 12 teachers. Over the years we have expanded to add a double gym, library, MYP area and the latest expansion to add a cafeteria, theatre, kitchen, additional classrooms and administration offices is now complete and the school is now just under 106,000 sq. feet. We now have over 500 students in grades Junior Kindergarten to grade 12. At the present time, we are completing a 110 x 60 yard playing field to the east of the school. This area will include a multisports area. Around the field, there will be natural berms for bleachers and lighting so the field can be used in the evening.

In the past year, the Committee had to budget for some major upgrades and repairs. At the present time, the area of concern is the roof above the PYP art room and library and this will be repaired over the summer. The roof over the primary building will have to be repaired in the coming years. The boiler and water tank in the primary area also needs replacement over the next few years. This year we are pleased to say that we completed the CESI accreditation report and the Board Facility Committee joined with the Internal Facilities Committee to form a joint committee. Dr. Ockie Lampen Chair of the Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee plans to complete improvement to security around the campus for the students. Electronic entrance, exit and pedestrian gates have been installed. Entry doors were equipped with electronic locks and we now have the ability to program the gates and key scan cards for access. Security beams were added to all outside areas as well as external buildings and twenty cameras were also installed around the school to monitor the property at all times.

The retention of our donors for our Capital campaign remains high and their on-going pledges continue steadily, donations in excess of $160,000 were received. That being said, Annual Giving was the only fundraising campaign that actively sought support this year. Annual Giving raised $51,042.50. It was wonderful to see many families that have never given to any of our campaigns initiate the process. The school depends heavily on donations. If everyone can support the school’s



Meadowridge School

Celebrating Excellence Our halls were overflowing with outstanding student art work, which indicated that our children have developed wonderful visual literacy, and are able to express nuanced thought through a dynamic and growing visual and graphic vocabulary, which is growing in importance and use due to the growth of digital communication. This visual literacy is enhanced through the growing use of personal computers from about grade five on; in fact, it is because of this growing use that the school has now mandated the purchase and use of computers from grade six and up for next year. We have also moved to become one of few schools in Canada to be a licensed Microsoft IT Academy, which will provide great opportunities for our children in years to come. The digital revolution may be changing the landscape of learning and business, but things such as confidence, interpersonal skills, focus, courage, and imagination continue to be foundations upon which our children can build, and are brought out not only in academic classes, but also, and importantly, through the performing arts and athletics. As I noted last year, we are building our athletic program consciously over five years, and last year was the first of those building years. I am pleased to note that our teams have done very well this past year - notably in soccer, water polo, and basketball - and we will continue to build on these emerging strengths. We continue to push for even greater participation, and for greater achievement. Our performing arts programs this year have been exceptional in number and quality, and include performances at each IB level, each of which was terrific for the development of our children, and terrific entertainment. Our graduation students provided our first rock opera - RENT - as well as a remarkably enjoyable production of "The Comedy of Errors". Both stretched our students to do their best work, and both incorporated dramatic risks, excellent acting, and top production values. The musical quality of RENT was also outstanding. The MYP production of "Into the Woods" was also just excellent, as was the PYP production of "Pirates". In addition, the many musical nights, concerts, and productions enhanced our community, provided enjoyable evenings, and developed our children well.

Meadowridge School has come a long way in a few short years. We have built a school that is safe, caring, warm, and one that provides our students with opportunities to take risks and shape their own futures.


This year was the first full year of occupying our new facility, and the whole community enjoyed the wonderful spaces, facilities, and programs that can now be offered. We also enlarged the library, doubled the size of our fitness facility, added another athletic area on the old stage, and enjoyed the hugely expanded parking lot. Notably, we are now completing the final stages of our campus plan by adding a new, full-sized lit field. Our children are eagerly anticipating being able to use this sand-based natural grass field, which will now provide the space for all of our teams to practice and to play games.

Our teaching staff has done a wonderful job for us in the past, and I am pleased that all will be returning, except for those who were only hired to fill in during a maternity leave. Our administrative team has also done a great job this past year. I am also pleased to note that at the time of writing this report - early August - it appears that our school will open with another record number of students. Given the difficult economic times, this is a testament to the commitment of our parents and children, as well as to the value provided by our school. This coming year, we will welcome an arms-length criteriabased accreditation by the Canadian Educational Standards Association (CESI), which is highly regarded both nationally and internationally. We have worked all this year to prepare a description of everything in our school, and, in November, a team of about twelve educators from across Canada will spend seven days going through our school, interviewing parents and students and alumni and teachers and Board members and - well, everybody. They will go through our policies and practices, examine our facilities, look at our finances and admissions, and review our academic and co-curricular programs. At the end of that week, they will gather to write an extensive report which will be provided to our Board, outlining strengths and any areas of concern, and providing recommendations. We are anticipating this eagerly, as it will be a chance to really look at our school in depth, and make it even better. Currently, only three schools in B.C. are, like us, members of CESI, and it is just another external indicator of quality for our parents and our Board. As well, we have also spent the past year preparing for two other external accreditations by the International Baccalaureate Association (IB) which will also happen in the next eighteen months. Finally, I would like to take a moment to thank our Board members, all of whom have devoted many, many hours to ensuring the quality and health of our school. The quality of an independent school is directly attributable to the quality of its Board. We are fortunate to have an excellent one, and so I think that our school is in very capable hands. I also want to especially note the commitment, skill, and ability of our Board Chair, John Becker. To be a Board Chair is a demanding and often thankless task, and John - in his first year as Board Chair - has demonstrated both the humility and ability which characterize outstanding Chairs. Thank you, Mr. Becker. Mr. Hugh Burke Headmaster


Report from the Finance Committee

Meadowridge School

Message from the Headmaster

Mr. Hugh Burke, Headmaster


The 2008/2009 school year was a very successful and productive one, both academically and institutionally. Our enrolment climbed again, and we were glad to welcome many new students, who joined our community of wellrounded and highly achieving students. Once again, all of our graduates were accepted to post-secondary institutes, both in Canada and around the world, and were offered hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships. We continued to post outstanding measures of success in government exams at grades four, seven, ten, eleven and twelve, leading the province in academic achievement. Our grade five and ten students completed, respectively, their final year of PYP and MYP, and also completed independent and publicly demonstrated individual projects, of which they can be proud.

Structure The Chair of this Committee is Mrs. Kelly Fry. The other members of the Committee are Treasurer Mr. Mike Jahraus, Governor Mr. Bruce Johnston, and Mr. Mike Schutz has joined as a member at large, approved by the Board of Governors. Administration is represented by the Business Manager Mr. Don Hincks and Controller Ms. Julie Bournival. Functions The role of the Finance Committee is to provide advice and oversight of the budget and strategic financial plan prepared by Administration for the Treasurer and the Board of Governors. The Committee is concerned with the long-term benefit to the school in all financial matters, including property acquisition. They are also responsible for drafting financial policies for Board consideration and approval.

Accomplishments In collaboration with the Administration and the Board of Governors, the Committee has participated in the following: The Finance Committee was pleased to see the transition of the banking and financing to the Bank of Montreal as approved in last summer’s extra-ordinary general meeting. As a result of the move there has been substantial interest savings particularly due to the low interest rates on the variable components of our current debt structure. The Finance Committee, in conjunction with other board members and staff members, worked to quantify the cost of implementing the goals and objectives as outlined in the strategic plan. The Finance Committee, with the administration, has continued to monitor the school’s cash reserves for the Meadowridge Education Investment Deposit Funds and for major facility improvements or maintenance. Our financial comparatives continue to be among the best in the country and are helping us to establish financial stability. During the year the Committee and the Board reviewed comparative financial data from independent schools across Canada provided as part of an annual survey done by CAIS. Revenues were in excess of expenses again this past fiscal year, despite lower than expected fundraising. A higher than projected student count generated revenue in excess of budgeted amounts.

Goals Now that we have completed the 5 year Financial Plan, we will be working with Administration to determine how we will be able to fund the implementation of the high priority objectives. We will continue to work with the Business Manager and the Administration to develop improved reporting to assist the Board and Committee members. We will provide ongoing support and recommendations in conjunction with the Facilities Committee with regards to the acquisition of neighbouring land and properties. We will offer solutions to hedge the school from rising costs and inflation through investments and additional revenue sources. We will continue to prepare policy recommendations regarding the ongoing financial requirements including cash reserves, signing authorizations, approvals for variance levels, etc. We will provide an ongoing review with the Administration regarding the current accounting software and the school’s insurance coverage and risk procedures. Mrs. Kelly Fry Chair of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee, in consultation with the Board and Administration, approved a 7% tuition increase to cover most of the school’s operating costs and keep pace with the increase in teaching salaries.


Message from the Chairman of the Board

Financials Statement of Operations For the year ended June 30, 2009

June 2009

June 2008

$5,781,378 1,101,180 170,144 77,399 208,500 7,338,601

$5,379,033 1,055,742 178,906 70,186 88,400 6,772,267

3,795,085 1,949,321 1,795,664 7,540,070

3,503,392 1,594,895 1,666,788 6,765,075



Other Revenue Other Expenses Net Other Revenue

293,945 21,500 272,445

539,046 26,000 513,046

Excess of Revenue over Expenses



Revenue Tuition Government Grants Field Trip Revenue Program Revenue Registration and Assessments Expenses Instructional Operating Administrative Income from Operations

Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended June 30, 2009

Operating Activities Excess of Revenue over Expenses Amortization (Loss) Gain on Disposal of Property, Plant, and Equipment Net Change in Non-Cash Working Capital

$70,976 863,203 (426) 600,622 1,534,375

$520,238 609,502 767 (526,642) 603,865

(1,665,650) 2,878 230,000 (39,500) (64,260) 51,306 8,000,000 (10,315,370) (3,800,596)

(4,916,549) 1,000 207,000 (127,500) 5,314 65,683 4,105,129 (89,030) (748,953)



Cash and Cash Equivalents Beginning of Year



Cash and Cash Equivalents End of Year



Financing and Investing Activities Acquisition of Property, Plant, and Equipment Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment Net Deposits Received Deposits Donated Deferred Financing Costs Deferred Contributions Received Proceeds From Long-Term Debt Principal Reduction of Long-Term Debt Change in Cash Position


John Becker

In 2009, Meadowridge School forged ahead with its plans of excellence in all aspects of school life. One of the most important achievements of the year was accomplished with little fanfare at the end of the school year. I am very pleased to announce that the services of Mr. Hugh Burke as our headmaster have been secured for another seven years. Mr. Burke’s internal and external achievements would require the full annual report to detail and celebrate. It will have to suffice here to say, our school’s commitment to excellence has been guaranteed. The Board of Governors continues to work diligently on the current issues and strategic planning of the school. Meadowridge School is fortunate to have such a great team at its helm. It has been my pleasure to work with them over the past year. I am pleased to report that we have for the first time in some years the full return of all of the existing Governors. I would particularly like to thank Dr. Michael Orser as Past Chair for his continued friendship and mentorship. It was during Dr. Orser’s many years as Chair of the Board that our financial stability and commitment to excellence were assured. In 2008, the Board of Governors approved a new Strategic Plan. In 2009, through the facilitation of Governor Mr. Mike Jahraus, the Board of Governors together with the senior administration team began to build a Strategic Financial Plan to prudently cost, prioritize, and budget the Strategic Plan initiatives required to keep Meadowridge School as one of the finest schools in the world. The Strategic Financial Plan will be in place during the 2009/2010 school year.

Our larger fundraising and friend-raising projects (the Welcome Back Fair, Gala and Golf Tournament) were again great successes. Increasing the sense of community within the school is hugely important and thanks go out to the many volunteers who made these projects the successes they were. Updating the Bylaws of the Meadowridge School Society remains a consultative work in progress. The Board will have the changes completed over the summer months with the final draft ready to be put to the Annual General Meeting in September 2009. Lastly, but most importantly, our children continue to excel at all levels. Our academic achievements continue at a very high level while at the same time fine arts, athletics, and community service prepare our children to be citizens of the world when they graduate. This would not be possible without the dedication of our wonderful educators and administration - they cannot be thanked enough. Mr. John Becker Chairman of the Board

The Board of Governors will be embarking upon an Advancement Strategic Plan in 2009/2010. Together with the creation of a formal Alumni Association the Advancement Strategic Plan will bring together the past and current members of the school community to support strategic initiatives and capital plans.



Meadowridge School

Statement of Financial Position

2008-2009 Board of Governors

As at June 30, 2009

Assets Current Assets Cash Term Deposits Tuition Fees Receivable Other Accounts Receivable Inventory Prepaid Expenses

Kelly Fry

Diana Germain

Daniel Gouws

Deferred Financing Costs Property, Plant, and Equipment

June 2009

June 2008

$1,990,252 80,210 21,883 109,763 7,684 81,332 2,291,124

$2,630,790 80,210 28,593 265,127 4,349 106,858 3,115,927







$1,625,681 532,885 5,648 1,908,937 208,655 4,281,806


Liabilities and Net Assets Mike Jahraus

Bruce Johnston

Ockie Lampen

Gareth Mason

Current Liabilities Bank Indebtedness Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Deposits Payable Unearned Tuition Revenue Current Portion of Long-Term Debt Deposits (MEID) Deferred Contributions Long-Term Debt Total Liabilities

Mike Orser

Scott Park

Rajindar Singh

Susan Waugh

Net Assets Invested in Property, Plant, and Equipment Unrestricted Total Net Assets

$321,019 26,501 1,683,593 102,102 2,133,215

3,126,000 502,127 7,664,387

2,935,500 450,818 10,086,310



4,646,040 (116,504)

3,799,982 658,578





The Board’s decisions and long-term vision for Meadowridge are guided by the strategic plan for the school, which is revised on an ongoing basis. An important aspect of the Board’s mandate is the clear distinction made between its governance role and the operational role of the Headmaster and his staff. The Board of Governors are the guardians of our future, providing strategic advice while focusing on the long-term well-being of the school.



Report from the Governance Committee Structure The Chair of this Committee is Dr. Daniel Gouws. Committee members for the term were Mr. John Becker, Mr. Gareth Mason, Mr. Gordon MacIntyre and Mr. Hugh Burke regularly attending. I would like to thank them all for their valuable input and hard work during the year. Policies relating to Board of Governance issues:

We started off the year with Mr. Gareth Mason, our new Board member joining the Governance Committee, and spearheading our Policy Sub-Committee, which has made progress in formalizing and reviewing policy and protocols for the Board of Governors.

Constitutional and legal matters:

We continued with the review of the Bylaws of the Meadowridge School Society, a process that was started in the previous term. This was a long and tedious task, and I would like to thank Mr. John Becker, Chairman of the Board for his significant input and research into this matter. The proposed Bylaw changes were sent out to the members of the School Society provoking considerable interest. The planned Extraordinary General Meeting for approval of the proposed Bylaw changes did take place but it was determined that it would be appropriate to allow more time for a dialogue with the membership and a motion to adopt the new Bylaws. A second motion accepted for the Governance Committee to adjourn this topic to the Annual General Meeting set for September 23, 2009. In the interim the Board’s Communication Committee is implementing a process for dialogue with families so that the intent of the Bylaw changes can be clarified, and so that concerns can be addressed and shared for discussion. We feel confident that we now have relevant and up to date Bylaws that will serve the Society well.

Review of Board structures, CESI accreditation:

Meadowridge is undergoing a Canadian Educational Standards Institute (CESI) evaluation this year. CESI has created different standards and effective practices that they believe all great schools should have. It was our task to address the standards that specifically speaks to Governance. The standard Governance is broken into 10 effective practice sections with questions to answer for each one. One of the goals of the CESI accreditation process is for it to be used authentically as a school improvement document, which


added considerable value to this exercise. Therefore, it was important to note our areas of strength as well as focus on the ones that need improving.

Evaluation of the Head of the School:

Considerable work went into crafting a Head Evaluation Process (as part of the Head Evaluation and Support function), and we are very thankful for the input from Mr. Gordon McIntyre in this regard. After various models of assessment were reviewed we finally decided to create our own document and process which included the strategic planning goals for the Headmaster, as well as making use of existing evaluation instruments. The Head Evaluation and Support Committee have subsequently met with the Headmaster, and have found this a very useful process and dialogue, which will now be used on an ongoing basis.

Table of Contents

Annual Board Evaluation:

We have adopted the practice of reviewing and discussing the individual chapters in the International Trustee Handbook, at monthly Board meetings throughout the school year, both to stimulate discussion of a Board’s current practices and to motivate Board members to familiarize themselves with the corresponding chapters in the handbook. The idea was to transform the concept of “Board training” from a once-a-year, isolated event into an accepted and valuable item on the Board’s monthly agenda. This process was then expanded to include and implement a strategic Board assessment process, which will be ongoing. Dr. Daniel R Gouws Chair of the Governance Committee

Board of Governors


Message from the Chairman of the Board


Message from the Headmaster


Report from the Advancement Committee


Capital Campaign


Annual Giving Campaign


Award Winners


Report from the Facilities Committee


Report from the Finance Committee


Statement of Operations


Statement of Financial Position


Report from the Governance Committee


Past Board Members

23 3

Meadowridge School

We thank you for your service...

Meadowridge School Board Member

Years of Service

Board Member

Yasmin Alladina Ronald Andrews Ken Antifaev

1993/94, 94/95 1985/86 1999/2000, 00/01, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05 1987/88, 88/89 1991/92, 92/93 2002/03, 03/04, 04/05 2001/2002, 02/03,03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08, Chair 08/09 1988/89, Chair 91/92, Chair 92/93, Chair 93/94, Chair 94/95, Chair 95/96, Chair 96/97, Chair 97/98 2003/04, 04/05, 05/06 2002/2003 1987/88, 88/89 1995/96 1990/91 1996/97, 97/98 1987/88 1997/98, Chair 1998/99, Chair 99/2000 1987/88, 88/89 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04 1985/86, 86/87 1986/87, 87/88, 88/89 1990/91, 91/92 2000/2001, 01/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 06/07 2003/04, 04/05, 06/07, 07/08 1991/92, 92/93, 93/94, 94/95, 95/96, 96/97, 97/98 1993/94, 95/96 1996/97, 97/98, 98/99 2007/2008, 08/09 2005/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09 1995/96, 96/97 2005/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09 1999/2000 1996/97, 97/98, 98/99 1993/94, 94/95, 95/96, 96/97 1997/98 1985/86, Chair 86/87 1991/92, 92/93, 98/99, 99/2000, 00/01 1987/88, 88/89 1991/92 1985/86, Chair 86/87, Chair 87/88 2005/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09

Bruce Johnston

Gregory Ardon Awni Ayoubi Randy Bach John Becker

Anil Bharwani

Ted Bojanowski Gary Campbell Marjatta Chapman Greg Clark Jos Clement Stephen Coret Trish Darby Pat DeLuca Thomas Dinsley Cori Doering Louis Duprat Kenneth Eis Faye Embree Ann English Peter Ferguson Julie Ferguson Clarence Fernandes Kim Fox Kelly Fry Diana Germain Christopher Godwin Daniel Gouws

We endeavour to form positive relationships with others and seek to better the community as we better ourselves. Our school’s mission looks beyond gender, nationality, and culture to guide staff, administration, students, and families to both meet responsibilities and fulfill dreams.



Shirley Hannah Toni Hawkes Susan Hayes Paul Hayes Trish Higgins Karim Hirji Ron Hoffart Deborah Hogarth Wilf Jacobson Mike Jahraus

Al Just Eboo Keshani Frank Klassen Anne Kober Ockie Lampen Jeanne Kurz Susan Levine Roy Lind Gary Lycan Lloyd Mah Gareth Mason Hanif Mawji Darrel McEachern Donna McKenzie Susan McLeod Leo Mide Ken Miki Lorne Montaine Donna Moore Chris Nieman Stephan Nolan Michael Orser

Scott Park Harry Perler Anar Popatia James Prince Richard Rainey Mary Robson Gordon Robson Chris Rounding Joy Rutquist Fares Salloum Rudy Sanchez Ron Seymour Rajindar Singh Donna Slauenwhite Donna Telep Jolanta Teszka Kevin Thomas Masami Tomioka Dereck Walker Maureen Walsh Andrew Walters Aurora Weinlein Susan Waugh Chad Whyte

Years of Service 2004/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09 1999/2000, 00/01, 01/02 1991/92, 92/93, 93/94, 94/95, 95/96, 96/97 1988/89, 90/91, 97/98, Chair 91/92 1990/91, 91/92 2007/2008, 08/09 1990/91, 91/92 1997/98 1987/88, Chair 88/89, Chair 90/91 1988/89 2000/2001, 01/02, 02/03 2008/2009 2005/06, 06/07, 07/08 1985/86 1988/89 1998/99, 2004/05 1988/89 1986/87, 87/88 1987/88, 91/92, 92/93, 93/94, 94/95 1991/92, 92/93 1994/95, 95/96, 96/97 1991/92 1998/99, 99/2000, Chair 00/01, Chair 01/02, Chair 02/03, Chair 03/04, Chair 04/05, Chair 05/06, Chair 06/07, Chair 07/08, Past Chair 08/09 2007/2008, 08/09 2001/2002 2002/2003, 03/04, 04/05 1999/2000, 00/01, 01/02, 02/03 2007/2008 1986/87 1985/86, 86/87, 87/88, 90/91, 00/01 2002/2003, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07 1988/89 1991/92, 92/93, 93/94 1998/99, 99/00 1998/99 2004/05, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09 1986/87, 87/88 1999/2000, 00/01 1993/94, 94/95, 95/96, 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04 1985/86 2005/06, 06/07 1985/86 2004/05, 05/06, 06/07 1998/99 1991/92, 92/93 2007/2008, 08/09 1986/87 23

12224 240th Street, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 1N1 Tel: 604-467-4444 Fax: 604-467-4989

Celebrating Excellence

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