2019/20 Impact Report

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A year of adversity, adjustment and achievement 2019/20 Impact Report


MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL 2019/20 Impact Report


Message from the Director of Advancement Back in the fall, few of us could have predicted what was ahead. Slowly, and then suddenly, our lives – our lives at work, at school, and at home – changed in profound and unprecedented ways. It was a year of worry and uncertainty, but also of ingenuity and care. In the months following the pandemic our school community came together. We adapted, kept connected, and continued learning. Meadowridge students, parents, faculty, and staff continued to live well, with others and for others, in a just (albeit slightly changed!) community. It’s a year I will not soon forget. It was a year of challenges and change, but also of reflection, strength, and appreciation. During times like these, we have the chance to step back and reflect on what really matters. And for me – like most of you, I’m sure – it was my family and friends who first came to mind. Indeed, in all the conversations I’ve had and initiatives I’ve witnessed in the wake of the pandemic, I’ve seen a rekindled appreciation for the people around us. While at home, we’ve had the time and the chance to focus on what really matters. We’ve spent more time with each other. We’ve talked more, helped more, and checked-in more. Each of us, I think, will walk away from this with a better appreciation for the people in our lives. I am honoured to share this impact report with you, a snapshot of the many remarkable ways our community banded together over the past year and what, together, we were able to achieve. I am thankful for each of you. Gratefully,

Danielle Christensen Director of Advancement danielle.christensen@meadowridge.bc.ca

2019/20 Impact Report MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL



MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL 2019/20 Impact Report


Your Annual Fund donations enhance learning across the continuum, providing every student and teacher, every program, club, and class, with the things our kids need to learn, play, and grow. Whether it’s adding iPads to support our one-to-one program, stocking the shelves of our library with multilingual books, or equipping our science labs with university-level equipment, transformational learning happens because of you. THE ANNUAL FUND: Community Participation & Support

78% Faculty & Staff




Board of Governors


School Administration

Total Raised $460,162 2019/20 Impact Report MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL



Here’s what you helped us to achieve. Technologies which support exploration and learning LOFT interactive displays have redefined our abilities to quickly navigate, display, and interact with digital resources. In our elementary classrooms the LOFT interactive displays provide more visual cues for students while teaching. The digital whiteboarding tools also make it easy to access and revisit a brainstorm, picture, or piece of work, which is invaluable when teaching children to reflect on their learning. Its wireless connectivity and all in one system has been a game changer! ADI AHARON, Coordinator of Educational Technology

Tools for advanced, fine-tuned designs With the addition of a new router table, students now have the ability to fine-tune their designs in ways not previously possible. The router table, equipped with router bits and a cyclone vac system, allows students to be far more flexible in their project choices and to make professional joints and trims. This allowed our Grade 7 students to build their own stools using a variety of joints. The CAS Woodworking club, meanwhile, was able to make beautiful utility boxes without the use of nails or screws. DARRELL LESTER, Teacher

Lounge areas which foster community and collaboration With flexible new seating, the atrium has become the hub of the middle school. A place that serves many purposes, the atrium needed furniture that could be adjusted for whatever the day might bring. Purchased through the annul fund, this new seating can be arranged for classroom seminars, small group study sessions, or quiet conversations amongst friends. As part of our campus care advisory program, students not only use the furniture, they care for it, too: each day, a different group of students sees to keeping this new space neat and tidy. SCOTT RINN, Middle School Principal

Timeline of Annual Fund Purchases

Outdoor classroom tables Router table and router

JUL 2019 6

MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL 2019/20 Impact Report

OCT LEGO EV3 Mindstorms Robotics kits Galvanized bins for the greenhouse

iPads, accessories, and charging station



Athletic equipment to raise students’ performance The basketball shooting machine lets students put up more shots and get more one-on-one guidance from coaches. With programmable drills, more repetition, and guided instruction from coaches, this machine will greatly improve players’ shooting percentages in game. With the ability to pass and retrieve more basketballs in less practice time, the machine promotes consistent growth and elevated performance. This year, the Bantam Boys Basketball team entered the finals undefeated and went on to win Gold in the Greater Vancouver Independent Schools Athletic Association League (GVISAA)– we believe the use of the shooting machine will help them, alongside all of our teams, to reach the next level of athletic capability!

Theatre enhancements which encourage a world of directorial and artist choice Adding a professional-grade Chameleon™ theatre scrim enabled greater creativity from our kids. Unlike traditional scrims, Chameleon scrims can be used for projection, shadow work, reveals, and other effects. They can also be separated into panels to allow for more flexibility, which a traditional scrim cannot. This year’s Diploma Programme (DP) students were able to not only investigate various threatre lighting uses, but also apply it in their final assessed productions thanks to this new resource! DANIELLE DONOVAN, Teacher

Robotics kits to introduce kids to the world of STEM

Compasses to support outdoor play and discovery

Adding three robotics kits in the Design Labs enabled more kids to get hands-on experience with designing, programming, and troubleshooting robots. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) studies become more real and relevant when students can test out their hypothesis in real time, with immediate feedback. Students in Grade 6 were the first ones to use the EV3 kits, encouraging an additional ten new members to join the robotics club. One of these teams even made it to the Provincial Championships of the FIRST Lego League!

Through the purchase of a class set of compasses, students were able to take part in orienteering activities in the North Forest and Campground. With enough compasses for every student in the class, students were able to orient themselves, learn about cardinal directions, read maps, and discover hidden checkpoints around the campus. NATHAN HORNE, PHE Department Head


TOMAS OLJACA, Coordinator of Sport Development

Library working station Harkness table

Commercial radios

DEC Wireless listening station

Garbage picker-uppers Elementary furniture


FEB Classroom soundproofing Theatre scrim Wireless listening station

Physics laboratory equipment Basketball shooting machine

JSTOR Database for the Library Orienteering compasses Scissor lift

JUN 2020



Annual Fund Highlights With your help, we enriched teaching and learning.


MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL 2019/20 Impact Report



IN ENHANCEMENTS AND RESOURCES Donations to the Annual Fund helped us put teacher-requested enhancements and resources into classrooms, common spaces, and – most importantly! – children’s hands. With your help, we enriched teaching and learning with over $210,000 in resources, items such as a router table for Design, Harkness tables for Language and Literature, and technology for the Elementary classes.



Five donor-funded student scholarships were awarded, recognizing recipients’ academic, service, leadership, and co-curricular involvement throughout the school. Since 1997, over $300,000 has been awarded to our graduating and senior students through the generosity of our donors.


PARENT GUILD REPRESENTATIVES We all know how busy the school year gets, but our 14 Grade Representatives help keep our families up to date and in the know. The guild executive, another nine dedicated parents, is also hard at work year round hosting events, keeping us connected, and even managing the used uniform shop.


GIVE BACK Many graduating families donated a portion of their MEID to support generations of students to come. In the last five years, graduating families have supported teaching and learning to the tune of $236,246 through full or partial MEID donations.

“Your donations allowed me to build and code robots for the first time. With the addition of new LEGO Robot kits, I learned how to code a robot to follow through mazes, which was a cool educational experience. I learned how robots help us in daily life and how to recreate their programs through an easy programming software.” DANIEL A. (GRADE 8)

2019/20 Impact Report MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL


Annual Fund Highlights Creative, caring and charitable ways to give back.


MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL 2019/20 Impact Report



WEEKS OF “GIVING THANKS TUESDAY” Ms. Dionne Young goes viral on our Meadowridge social media channels. With 99 loves and likes, the Meadowridge community showed Ms. Young some (much deserved!) gratitude during one of our 12 Giving Thanks Tuesday profiles. The post-secondary team, our trio of principals, and Mr. Petkovic were also part of the months-long campaign, generating hundreds and hundreds of comments, likes, and loves.


FAMILIES WERE INSPIRED TO GIVE Last year, Young J. (Grade 6) raised $6,400 for her school by inspiring 31 families, faculty and staff to match her $200 gift.


For three years in a row, Meadowridge students have hosted a dinner and live auction in support of Child Haven International. This event has become a cornerstone of the school year, not only raising funds for a wonderful cause, but also providing a chance for us to get together and celebrate.

“I have an allowance of 200 dollars, I worked really hard doing my chores for it. In an adult’s eyes, it’s really not a lot of money, but to me, it is a lot of money, I wanted to spend it on snacks and toys, but now I would like to donate it to the school.” YOUNG J. (GRADE 6)


6 Global Service Leaders (GSL) Competition Projects The Vancouver Care Package Project Child Haven Dinner Cops for Cancer Tour Terry Fox Run Halloween Fun Night Scholastic Book Fair Grade 4 Fantastic Fabulous Fundraising Fun Fair Autumn Harvest Dinner Jean Up Day Gryphons With An Impact Senior Council’s Pride Week Senior Council’s Mental Health Week Growing Food for the Foodbank Club Attitude of Gratitude Club Gift Economy Unit Ridge Meadows Hospital Fundraiser Social Justice Club



2019/20 Impact Report MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL



MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL 2019/20 Impact Report


Your donations to the Audacity Campaign make a positive difference in the lives of our students for generations to come, providing the facilities which will enhance the school’s population, programs, and specialty spaces. Our campus challenges children, promotes growth, and encourages multiplicity. Your support provides students multiple kinds of spaces and conditions, with room to move and room to grow. Over the next ten years, with your support, we will take Meadowridge School forward.

2019/20 Impact Report MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL


Audacity Highlights Our campus challenges students, promotes growth, and encourages multiplicity.


MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL 2019/20 Impact Report



“In creating buildings, we are aware that we create buildings and the buildings create us. It teaches us what it is to be a student, to be a person. Where there is room, there is room to be thoughtful of, and to learn about, others.” MR. HUGH BURKE, HEADMASTER


HIGH SCHOOL COMPLEX Including seven new classrooms, two science labs, a student lounge and loft.



outfitted with custom cabinetry, LOFT technology, and brand-new chairs and desks. Classrooms include:

> The Zhan Mao He & Xin Dong Room > The John Shen & Mia Dong Room > The Na Ni & Shunhua Tang Room > The Xianzhong & Liqin Zhang Room > The Penny Pan Room > The Catherine Jing Liu ’18 Room > The Johnson Liu & Fay Xu Room



outfitted with university-level lab equipment, enhanced safety features, and LOFT technology. Science Labs include:

> The Gandesha Family Science Lab > The George Zhao & Annie Peng Science Lab



Fostering a collaborative environment where students work out answers together. In Harkness English classes, students prepare for their textual discussion prior to class, and then come to class with their questions, observations, and interpretations. They then conduct a discussion, adding to, linking with, and challenging ideas.




Including both parents and alumni, the campaign committee helps provide counsel for our capital projects and is one of the four committees which help our school’s operations.


RECREATIONAL SPACE More space, more opportunity. In addition to the campground, cookhouse and firepit across the way, a new frisbee golf course is in the works and will open shortly to provide students with even more opportunity for physical recreation and outdoor play.


For more details about Audacity, visit: meadowridge.bc.ca/audacity

2019/20 Impact Report MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL


A year of adversity, adjustment and achievement

MAR 2020

Meadowridge comes together to continue learning. Meadowridge launches the At-Home Learning Program, a program designed to continue learning and keep us connected while at home. “While the COVID-19 virus will certainly have an effect on the content and process by which we teach, we are committed to providing a high degree of care, attention, and support for all of our children with their well-being as our primary focus,� writes Deputy Headmaster Mr. Scott Banack during the program’s inaugural first day.



The Audacity Campaign launches,

with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The first step in our big, bold ten-year-long plan to build a high school complex, gymnasium, great hall, fine arts building, library, and students service centre.



Momentum builds. All seven

classrooms and the two science labs are named in recognition of generous donors to the Audacity Campaign.

Then, the unthinkable: a global pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) declares COVID-19 a global pandemic. The government announces a five-week shut down, with businesses, schools and other organizations quickly following suit. On March 17, Kindergarten to Grade 12 schools across British Columbia close indefinitely. Meadowridge begins to investigate methods for online learning.

MAR 2020





To ensure safety, the Gala is cancelled.

The committee shares its decision in a formal announcement. With a special venue just 15 minutes from the school, this year would have been the first in eight to see the Gala brought closer to home.




The hybrid program launches, offering both


in-class and at-home learning options.

Meadowridge is brought back together again. The school safely reopens with fulltime instruction for students across the continuum. “This year, more than any other in my career, will call upon all of us to be flexible and nimble in responding to events as they happen. We have developed our capacity to do just that.” Mr. Hugh Burke writes in a community welcome.

The annual Golf Tournament follows closely after, announcing its

cancellation months before the tournament, slated for June. “Without these events, parents haven’t been able to get to know each other as well. We look forward to the time we can host these special events again and carry on with Meadowridge tradition.” writes Candace Gottschalk ‘00, the Gala and Golf Co-Chair.

With school closed for the summer, preparations for the fall begin. Meadowridge undergoes a

series of upgrades and enhancements to prepare for students’ arrival in September.



The Audacity Campaign enters a quiet phase for now.

MAY 2020

FALL 2020

2019/20 Impact Report MEADOWRIDGE SCHOOL


We did it together

Thank you!

Stay involved How you can help your school Share your story How has Meadowridge impacted you? Share your family’s story with us at communications@meadowridge.bc.ca.

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Keep in touch Book a conversation with us over Zoom or by phone. Want to chat about the school? Have a question? Want to know more about giving to your school? Email advancement@meadowridge.bc.ca or call 604.467.4444.

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Learning to live well, with others and for others, in a just community.

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