The Distillers Journal - Issue 2, Autumn 2021

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AUTUMN 2021 | ISSUE 2 ISSN 2754-0014

SHIVERING MOUNTAIN Nick Malaczynki, gin and that ‘damn bottle’ 32 | ANNE BROCK MASTER GIN DISTILLER





uring my Hong Kong days,

flavours are Salted Caramel, Vanilla,

I could be found most

Texas Mesquite and Apple. Past flavours

evenings with my fellow

include Honey and Maple – its first fla-

journalists in a four- or

voured whiskey released in 2013.

five-star hotel bar being

hosted by the hotel’s public relations

“We found there was a huge, untapped

team. Upper management measured the

market for people who aren’t what I like

success of PR efforts by the amount that

to call ‘flavor snobs,’” says Nicola Heckles,

their team spent on entertaining clients

vice president of Crown Royal, refer-

and not much else. The PR folks could

ring to whiskey drinkers who have long

care less about what we wrote, only that

ignored flavored products.

we ran up a massive bar tab – which we were happy to oblige.

Why are flavoured whiskies so popular in North America? I suspect it has a lot to

There was an Irish kid I saw at all these

do with the high sugar content and not

events who worked for a weekly, Despite

tasting like whisky.

being able to drink anything, he drank Malibu and orange all night. That was

US food magazine Delish describes

it, Malibu and orange. Winter, summer,

Fireball Cinnamon (3rd best seller) as

autumn and spring, it was always Malibu

an embarrassment to alcohol, made for

and orange. If nothing else, you had to

young people new to drinking. “If it’s your

respect him for being consistent.

favourite booze, then you really need to sort out your priorities.”

One night while most were knocking back rare whiskies and I was working my

“What is strange to me is how quiet-

way through the grappa cart, I started

ly Crown Royal Peach has become a

giving him grief about his drink. He finally

bonafide sensation. As far as I can tell,

replied: “Why not? It’s what I like.”

until now, an article had never once been written about it,” says spirits writer Aaron

And thinking about it the next morning in


a more sober state, I realised he was 100

“It has made me explicitly aware that

percent correct. Why not?

people who write about whiskey and


read about whiskey and collect whiskey

I was remembering this after reading an

are in a serious snob bubble and some-

article from the States about Crown Royal

times not aware what regular people are

Peach. This is a peach-flavoured, sweet

really drinking these days.”

70-proof (35% ABV) blended Canadian whiskey that’s been available throughout

This has left me wondering. It’s hard to

North American since 2019 and shot to

ignore the sound of the cash registers

instant fame.

as people fight to get bottles of Crown Royal Peach, on the other hand, should

Have you ever heard of it? Probably not.

we be making a sweetened, flavoured

It’s not the kind of beverage that whisky/

blended whisky whose claim to fame is

whiskey reviewers choose to write about.

that it doesn’t taste like whisky?

Still, Crown Royal is the second largest

But if nothing else, can we acknowledge

whiskey brand in North America. Due to

what people are drinking without scorn

insane demand for the limited-edition

or snobbery? I’m sure 25-years-later my

Peach, this year shops are having to limit

Irish friend is still drinking Malibu and or-

the number of bottles people can buy.

ange and enjoying every drop. Why not.

Besides Peach, other Crown Royal

Velo Mitrovich Editor






News Chinese baijiu brands dominate top 5 international spirit spots with Jack Daniesl at 6th


Food fraud can hurt you Criminals make more from food and drink fraud than drugs, but most companies ignore the risks


Big potential in low-to-no Truman’s Brewery hosts Low2No Bev as no-alcohol spirits come into their own


Funding your distillery Making a profit underpins the financial stability and sustainability of the distillery


Don’t be average with your bottle On a crowded supermaket shelf, you need your bottle to instantly tell your story and grab their eye.


Branding your spirit It is a whole new post-pandemic world – is your branding ready to take advantage of it?


Life in miniature New packaging system lets Loch Lomond fill and package miniature bottles quickly and neatly


There’s gold in your casks! Treat your casks right and they will show the love back. An interview with expert Matt Strickland


Control the humidity A humid distillery can lead to many problems throughout the plant including safety



Truly unique Springbank

Campbelton distillery has been marching to the beat of its own drummer since 1828






CONTACTS Velo Mitrovich Editor +44 (0)1442 780 591

Jake Sharpe

Independent bottler and modern whisky baron explains his favourite drink and the pitfalls of cask investing

Tim Sheahan Managing Editor +44 (0)1442 780 592 Josh Henderson Head of sales +44 (0)1442 780 594 Jon Young Publisher Reby Media 42 Crouchfield, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP1 1PA, UK


Shivering Mountain

Brand new Shivering Mountain Gin’s distillery has the taste and the look. The question is: Is this the best or worst time to be in gin?

32 ‘Best job in the world’

A profile of Anne Brock, master distiller at Bombay Sapphire

SUBSCRIPTIONS The Distillers Journal is a published four times a year and mailed every January, April, July and October. Subscriptions can be purchased for four issues. Prices for single issue subscriptions or back issues can be obtained by emailing: subscribe@

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without the express prior written consent of the publisher. The Distillers Journal ISSN 2754-0006 is published quarterly by Reby Media, 42 Crouchfield, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 1PA. Subscription records are maintained at Reby Media, 42 Crouchfield, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 1PA. The Distillers Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of statements or opinion given within the Journal that is not the expressly designated opinion of the Journal or its publishers. Those opinions expressed in areas other than editorial comment may not be taken as being the opinion of the Journal or its staff, and the aforementioned accept no responsibility or liability for actions that arise therefrom.






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Meanwhile, just five percent of shoppers

The great online grocery shopping boom is here to stay as 90 percent of Brits plan to keep shopping for their groceries online once the peak of COVID-19 passes.

he Chinese market and spirits industry has a firm grip on the top

say they are planning to stop doing so,

five spirit spots, according to data from Brand Finance. This Lon-

according to a survey conducted by

don-based international company evaluates the strength and value of


more than 5000 global brands every year.

Distillers who are dependent on super-

Growth, however, is across the spirits sector with the total value of

market sales might have to revaluate

the world’s top 50 most valuable spirits brands having increased by five percent,

how they will reach customers or entice

up from $129.7 billion in 2020 to $135.9 billion in 2021. Performing particularly well

new ones.

in the ranking this year are the Chinese brands, with the nine brands that feature,

An impressive three in five (59%) Brits

growing 27 percent in brand value on average.

are online grocery shoppers, up from 50 percent in 2019 – this represents the

Once again, Chinese baijiu brands dominate the 2021 Brand Finance Spirits 50

highest level of growth recorded in the

ranking, claiming the top five spots. Moutai maintains a clear lead at the top with a

past decade. In addition to user growth,

brand value of $45.3 billion, up 15 percent year-on-year.

the category is experiencing increased usage from existing users, with over half

According to the list, Jack Daniel’s was the highest rated non-Chinese company,

(53%) of online grocery shoppers doing

coming in at 6th place, with a worth of $3.388 billion.

more shopping through the channel as a result of COVID-19. Less than one in ten

Moutai’s revenues have suffered recently with sales reaching a five-year low, as

(7%) current online grocery shoppers had

the brand grapples with the sharp decline in consumer spending, as a result of the

not used the online channel before the

pandemic. The brand has been working towards increasing its direct sales chan-

pandemic, rising to 14 percent of over

nels, however, so that it can control prices more effectively as well as expanding it


production capacity.

Nick Carroll, Mintel Associate Director of Retail, said: “We’re witnessing a step-

Richard Haigh, managing director of Brand Finance which complied the list, told

change in online shopping engagement

Distillers Journal that what is amazing about the Chinese spirit companies are they

caused by the pandemic, as evidenced

tend to produce only one type of spirt. In this case, baijiu, which has close to zero

by the vast majority of consumers who

market outside of China except in overseas Chinese communities.

plan to continue online grocery shopping once we’re past peak-COVID.

“Although we are beginning to witness a rise in popularity of international spirits

“Greater engagement in social media

across the country, the nation’s traditional baijiu spirit still dominates on home soil

commerce has opened up new opportu-

with immense volumes sold each year, particularly by market leaders Moutai and

nities in direct-to-consumer, with grocery

Wuliangye. This dominance is reflected in their brand values being significantly

manufacturers cutting out retailers and

ahead compared to other brands across the sector,” he said.

selling directly to consumers. So not only have new shoppers been enticed into

Baijiu is commonly distilled from sorghum, but can also be distilled from rice,

buying their groceries online as a result

wheat, corn or millet. Although most drinkers outside of China are unfamiliar with

of the pandemic, but in the future, there

the spirit, it accounts for around one-third of the world’s total consumption of

will also be a broader range of online


grocery shopping opportunities. “The next few years will, however, also

London’s auction Sotheby’s has announced that it has sold a case of 24 bottles of

be a period of rebalancing as consumers

Moutai for $1.4 million (around £1 million).

reassess what circumstantial behaviours from 2020, they will stick with, and re-

This was five times more than what was expected, and the highest price ever

tailers decide what aspects of their rapid

paid at auction for a single lot of Moutai outside of China, according to Sotheby’s.

scaling of online operations are sustaina-

Fourteen bidders were involved in the auction. Sotheby’s did not give the winning

ble long-term.”

bidder’s name except to say that they were an Asian collector.





40 percent and 42 percent respectively.

have been nowhere near enough to haul

While Saturday 26 June was boosted by

drinks sales back to pre-Covid levels,”

the Wales v Denmark quarter-final, Brit-

says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing

ain-wide trading was down 32 percent.

director, UK and Ireland. “A full recovery is impossible for drinking-out operators

It suggests that table service, social

and suppliers under the current trading

On premise drinks sales are still running

distancing and limits on group sizes are

limits, and it is absolutely essential that

more than a quarter below pre-Covid

all having a major impact on weekends,

restrictions are eased as scheduled on

levels, with trading restrictions outweigh-

when drinks sales would normally be

19 July.”

ing any boost from the Euros – though

lifted by high tempo and socialising

England’s game with Germany provided

occasions. Concerns about rising Covid

a welcome lift for some.

infections may also be prompting some consumers to choose quieter days and

CGA’s latest Drinks Recovery Tracker data

dayparts for drinking out.

shows average sales in the week prior to last 26 June were down by 28 per-

The Drinks Recovery Tracker showed

cent on the same week in 2019. It is the

pubs (down 25 percent on 2019) again

third week in a row that the comparison

performed better than restaurants (down

with 2019 has weakened. CGA’s service

32 percent) and bars (down 48 percent)

measures drinks category, supplier and

– thanks in part to the lift in sales for

brand rate of sale performance versus

venues screening Euros matches. Wine

pre-Covid-19 sales.

(down 17 percent) had a slightly better

NON-ALCOHOLIC SPIRIT GOES MAINSTREAM CleanCo, the non-alcoholic spirit brand, is now being listed in Morrisons. This continues CleanCo’s clean-sweep of the industry.

week than previously, running ahead of

Brand creator Matthew Spencer through

The recent four-week delay to lifting all

soft drinks (down 23 percent), beer (down

clever marketing is bringing low-to-no

Covid restrictions and the confusion it has

26 percent) and cider (down 42 per-

spirits to the forefront of people’s drinking

caused has shattered the UK hospitality

cent). Spirits continue to suffer from the


industry, which is liable to lose around £3

absence of group occasions, with sales

Three of CleanCo’s non-alcoholic prod-

billion in trade and sees a “lost summer”

down 37 percent.

ucts from the best-selling range will be

of bookings, according to UKHospitality.

available to purchase on the shelves of Drink sales got a brief but much-need-

478 Morrisons stores nationwide, each at

CGA said the pattern of sales followed

ed boost from England’s 2-0 win over

an RRP of £19.

that of most weeks since hospitality’s

Germany at the Euros on Tuesday 29

These include CleanCo’s gin alternative,

reopening, with trade starting well but

June. Sales in English outlets showing

‘Clean G’, rum replacement ‘Clean R’ and

falling away towards the weekend. With

the game that day were up by 56 percent

vodka-style spiced apple spirit ‘Clean V’.

both England and Scotland playing in the

on the equivalent day in 2019.

Euros, sales on Tuesday 22 June were

Jack Coleclough, Spirits Buyer Manager

12 percent up on the equivalent day in

While the Euros have been good news

at Morrisons said: “No and low alcohol

2019. But with a break in fixtures on 24

for some pubs – especially as England

drinks in particular are growing in pop-

and 25 June, sales dropped steeply by

goes deeper into the tournament – they

ularity, so it makes perfect sense to be introducing CleanCo to our spirits range. We’re excited to be offering three products – Clean R, Clean G and Clean V – so that customers can experiment with the various spirits.” Its range of spirits are now non-alcoholic (less than 0.5%); a recent development from the premium British startup, who initially launched their CleanCo range in 2019 as a low ABV spirits brand, with Clean G and Clean R, both at 1.2% ABV. Offering flavourful, healthier replacements to some of our favourite tipples,

CleanCo has recently secured a listing at Morrisons





from just 13 calories per serving, CleanCo has officially evolved to offer an entirely non-alcoholic repertoire. Founder and CEO of CleanCo Spencer Matthews said; “Our goal is to become the biggest player in the low and no category, and we are making huge progress in doing so. In order to appeal to the widest possible audience, moving to a non-alcoholic brand, whilst maintaining the delicious taste that has secured us over 4000 five star reviews, made perfect sense. “We pride ourselves in being the best tasting non-alcohol alternative on the market, and recently conducted a study to prove this theory - using brainwave electroencephalogram (EEG) technology and blind-testing customers to measure the taste, preference and pleasure response to gin drinks with varying levels

The new bottle design from Vetroelite strikes “perfect balance”

of alcohol content. “What we uncovered is that our CleanCo

mean greater choice for UK consumers,

gin alternative, provided the greatest

reports the Wine and Spirit Trade Associ-

average brain pleasure increase (36%)

ation (WSTA).

with every sip of the drink, followed by

NEW BOTTLE BOASTS PERFECT BALANCE A new bottle design is claimed to be the

Gordon’s (30%) and Ceder’s (28%).

In 2020, the UK exported £27m worth of

the answer to the continuous research for

“Moreover, results also showed that

British gin to Australia, which was one of

a “perfect balance” between two oppos-

there was a clear preference for Clean

the few markets to continue growing dur-

ing creative inputs.

G, with over 73% of participants showing

ing a year in which exports were heavily

the greatest pleasure increase, and over

hit by the pandemic. UK distillers are ex-

Vetroelite has illustrated this design with

50% of participants subjectively choosing

pecting to see those exports continue to

a gin made with the infusion of fresh

CleanCo as their favourite tasting liquid.

grow, with an agreement likely to remove

raspberries: an innovative spirit, with a

“Fundamentally, we champion moder-

the 5% tariff Australia levies on the spirit.

natural tasting, for which we have chosen

ation - and with more consumers than

On top of good for UK spirits exports, an

a red paint that evokes the characteristic

ever embracing no and low, being listed

FTA should also see tariffs removed on

colour of the fruits. “The rich and vibrant

in such a credible, nationwide establish-

wine imports from Australia. Wine is the

taste of juniper berries captures the

ment as Morrisons will help us on our

largest agricultural export from Australia

essence of fresh raspberries, harvested

mission to give more people more choice

to the UK and in 2020 the equivalent of

at their maximum moment of ripening,

when it comes to alcohol consumption.

230 million bottles were sold in UK shops

balancing perfectly and revealing an

“We are always looking to innovate and

and supermarkets, worth £1.5 billion in

unexpected botanical taste,” they said.

improve our product offering - and we


are confident that our new non-alcoholic

The company added that Evan is a bottle

product range to be listed within Morri-

Miles Beale, chief executive of the

with a design that leaves space and

sons is our best version yet.”

Wine and Spirit Trade Association, said:

freedom of expression for its content.

“The benefits of a tariff-free, quota-free

The unexpected detail on the shoulder

UK-Australia trade deal are great news

gives a charismatic temperament and

for British producers exporting English

an almost architectural essentiality. The

wine and spirits to Australia. It’s also good

impact is a style between pure concept

news for importers as it will enhance the

and authentic elegance.


UK as a global hub for wine trading and will ultimately benefit UK consumers too.”

Vetroelite is an Italian company which of-

Not all UK businesses are celebrating the

fers an exclusive range of glass contain-

UK spirit and wine businesses are cele-

deal, however. UK beef and lamb pro-

ers for liquid and food products.

brating the free trade agreement (FTA)

ducers have yet to be given assurances

with Australia, which will reduce the cost

that cheaper Australia meats won’t flood

for exporters and importers alike and will

the market.












hile you would think that the real money in crime is found in illegal drugs, criminals

make more money through fraudulent food. And, part of food fraud involves spirits, wine and even beer. When most of us think of illegal spirits, what springs to mind are stories we see in the tabloids, such as a Polish shop in Lincoln selling bottles of ‘Krackoff’ vodka, containing 150,000 times the safe level of industrial alcohol, or bottles of ‘Atomik’ vodka, made from apples harvested close to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Kimberly Coffin, Lloyd’s Register

According to the Financial Times, a third of all alcohol production worldwide is

Our government is mostly concerned

illicit, with that number rising to half in

about illegal alcohol coming in due

places such as China and Africa. A lion’s

the loss of duty – mostly because this

share of this is home-brewed ‘moonshine’

is cut and dry. As far as the contents

and is never sold as an authentic product.

of the bottles and potential danger

However, much like in the cigarette

to consumers, that can be lost in

industry, counterfeiters still target real

bureaucracy of various agencies, says

brands. This is easier than you might

the same FCU source.

imagine. Distillers Journal found that it took less

The reality is criminal gangs selling

than five seconds on Google to find a

fraudulent spirits or ingredients in supply

source of distinct Jack Daniel’s bottles

chains can very well be affecting your

and labels.

brand that you have worked so hard to establish.

The National Food Crime Unit put out

What is surprising, though in looking at

a release recently that stated they had

data from a recent survey conducted by

identified two consignments at 32,000

Lloyds Register, the concern seems to

glass bottles that offenders ordered from

be low from those who could be actual

a legitimate manufacturer. In speaking off


the record to the NFC, Distillers was told that actual number was probably closer

A survey of 100 senior executives in

to half million.

the beverage sector found 97 per cent




had been affected by food fraud in the

supplier issues in the last 12 months, with

a recognised GFSI benchmark standard.

past 12 months, and 80 per cent agreed

70 per cent of confirming they had been

Almost one in five (19 per cent) admitted

food fraud was a growing worry for their

forced to change at least one of their

that either no food safety checks are


suppliers in the past year.

made as part of sourcing decisions, or that meeting regulatory requirements is considered sufficient, it found.

Kimberly Coffin, Lloyd’s Register (LR)

Coffin said the stakes were high when a

global technical director, says that

brand’s reputation is at risk. Food fraud is

despite the risk to brands and potential

not an easy fix due to the dynamic nature

Why is this? Simply, it’s because it is

serious consequences for people’s

of where and how fraud risk arises, but

difficult to do.

health, only 37 percent of those surveyed

“doing nothing is not an option. Coffin says that across the alcoholic

regard managing fraud as a ‘very high

beverages sector, it is hard to do right.

priority’, with a minority (one in five) in the

“A systematic assessment of the

alcohol sector rating it as an ‘average

vulnerabilities across supply chains

priority’ or lower.

is essential to understand where

“There isn’t a silver bullet that we can

weaknesses lie, but there is clearly a long

throw at fraud, it really needs to be

Coffin says Covid-19 had highlighted

way to go, given that industry standards

managed, and we need to actually

deep-rooted issues in beverage supply

are currently being overlooked when

think about kind of the upstream and


vetting suppliers.

the downstream vulnerabilities to my

“With food fraud occurring almost

“The simple step of adopting Global Food

universally across the sector and supply

Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarking is

“Taking the time and effort to actually

chain performance under pressure, it is

a solid first step towards much needed

understand where we’re sourcing

hard to believe that the two aren’t linked,”

peace of mind in times of growing

materials from and then really spending

Coffin said.

uncertainty and risk,” Coffin says.

the time to understand those sources,

business,” she says.

what and where those risks are, and LR found 92 per cent of beverage

LR’s findings showed only 32 per cent

where we our vulnerable to be in regards

manufacturers reported ‘significant’

confirmed they check suppliers against

to fraudulent activity.”





FRAUD TRENDING A specific problem that the gin sector has

bought it in good faith from suppliers

She adds: “Our survey uncovers some

is its ingredients are quite varied, creating

who had been tricked as well, with the

surprising trends in the frequency of

a complex distribution chain. Do you

deception taking place somewhere

supply chain audits, but the key point

have absolute faith that your dealer of

further back in the supply chain? It is

to understand is that when it comes to

botanicals is completely honest?

difficult and complex to figure out where

managing risk, not all suppliers are equal

the fraud comes in.

and one size does not fit all.

quite confident about their sourcing of

Although better known for its work in the

“Being able to flex how performance

beef from outside the UK until 2013 when

maritime sector since the 17th century,

is managed across suppliers with

both countries were rocked by the horse

according to Coffin, Lloyd’s interest in

different risk profiles can ensure a more

meat scandal.

food fraud comes from its business

appropriate mix of proactive and reactive

assurance and inspection services

measures to build confidence levels.”

The UK and Irish supermarket sector felt

Foods such as frozen burgers and

business. Fraudulent spirts can destroy lives and

meatballs that were advertised as being beef, had instead horse meat at a

“I work closely with our commercial

businesses – the criminals that make it

quantity of up to 100 percent.

teams as well as our key customers

don’t care. While as a distiller you might

in looking at how best to assess and

thing that the problem is best just swept

Around 15 years ago, The New York Times

mitigate risk across their supply chains,

under the rug and forgotten, don’t. You

bought salmon from 25 restaurants and

whether it be through audit, through

need to take action.

high end supermarkets, such as Whole

training, and more recently looking at

Foods, with all claiming that the salmon

a variety of different types of digital

For more on this subject, listen to The

was wild Alaskan. However, DNA checks

solutions to actually help them pinpoint

Distillers Journal Podcast ‘Fraud hitting

showed that almost all was actually

where they’ve got vulnerabilities and


farmed Atlantic salmon.

understand what the best form of intervention is with regards to confirming

Did the restaurants and stores know full

and verifying risk management.”

well it was farmed salmon or had they

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nce, low-to-no alcohol

refreshing beverages, most tasting like

beers weren’t up to

they can give the real-deal a run for their

scratch – there is no


other way to describe it. Only drunk by people

An advantage that low-to-no beer has

with no choice, it was nobody’s first pick.

over similar spirits is in the UK the use of

However, over the last two-years its

the word ‘beer’ is more flexible. There is

flavour and potential has grown by leaps

no beer guild waiting on the side lines to

and bounds. With spirits, it will be the

come crashing down on anyone whose

same with constant improvement.

beer does not fulfil strict standards.

If you’re thinking about creating a low-to-

For example, when Spencer Matthews

no alcohol spirit, you need to have your

first launched his Clean G alternative gin-

flavour and selling costs sorted before

like drink and called it ‘gin’ on the label,

taking the plunge.

the UK’s Gin Guild came down on him

This is according to findings in a

like a ton of bricks. To be called ‘gin’, it

report from Lumina Intelligence, a

must be at least 37.5% ABV with a juniper-

sister company of Low2No Bev which

led flavour.

sponsored the recent low-to-no alcohol event at Truman’s Brewery in east

However, how long this strict


interpretation will last is anyone’s guess. Major-players Gordon’s and Tanqueray’s

And, in observing the numerous stands

alcohol-free gin-like beverage comes in

and the amount of visitors to each, a

bottles looking exactly like their real gin.

spokesperson with an near-to over-thetop personality helps as well.

The labels look pretty much the same – except they don’t say ‘gin’ – and

With this being the first in-person drinks

some supermarkets stock it next to the

trade event since the pandemic began

distiller’s real gin.

last year, this reflects how the low-to-no spirts, beer and wine industry is being

Nobody asking for Gordon’s 0.0 beverage

looked at by the industry as a whole.

will call it that, instead saying, “Where is your Gordon’s double-O gin?” Even when

While major alcohol-free spirit producers

doing a Google search of Gordon’s 0.0,

Lyre’s and CleanCo had the largest

Google automatically added in “alcohol-

stands at the show, they were far from

free gin”.

being alone with numerous others also exhibiting, with some using the show to

And indeed, Distillers was asked at the

officially launch their entry into the field.

event why the use of ethanol as an ingredient be seen as the key factor in

Along with the low-to-no spirits were

how a beverage is defined? Why not only

alcohol-free beers, sparkling meads,

style and flavour? It is a question that

CBD drinks, ciders, and other cold

ultimately needs to be addressed for/by




all producers.

However, the two largest age-group fans

According to a recent BBC article, even in

of low-to-no – those 18 to 24 and 25 to 34

Australia producers and consumers are

– say that what stops them from buying

being to question the idea of why alcohol

low-to-no is not seeing the product in

needs to be included in an adult drink.

stores and this applies to spirits as well. One of the issues around this is the lack

“There is a big wave coming,” says

of supermarket shelf space. When asked

Alistair Whiteley, who set up alcohol-free

why BrewDog quit making its alcohol-

distillery Seadrift with his wife Carolyn in

free sour Raspberry Blitz, BrewDog

Sydney, Australia.

told Distillers that no supermarket was

He says non-alcoholic products need to

willing to give them shelf space for three

go “head-to-head” with what’s offered by

alcohol-free drinks.

sophisticated drinks brands. Then, they need to recreate the entrenched ritual

Very few supermarkets seem willing

of drinking without that powerful social

to give up shelf space for alcohol-free

lubricator, alcohol.

spirits unless the distillers also have a massive marketing campaign in place,

To a one at the event, all low-to-no spirit

which will make it very hard for small

producers told Distillers that their appeal

producers to get a shot on the shelf.

for going low-to-no, there is a sharp divide according to age.

was not to non-drinkers but instead to regular spirit drinkers who, after having

The biggest barriers to buying low-to-no

a regular drink or two, wanted to keep

beverages of all types are that they are

Eighteen to 24 and 35 to 44 are the most

drinking but without the alcohol effect.

considered too expensive, poor value

likely to be driven by health reasons

In addition, there is a strong appeal from

for money, and lack flavour, according

while it is the complete opposite with

drinkers who want a cocktail during the

to Lumina. With a much lower price-per-

those over 65. A staggering minus 15

week, but not the alcohol. It is all about

unit, this is a major advantage that low-

percent of this age group are motivated

looking for balance.

to-no beer has over spirits.

by health reasons, according to Lumina.

Almost all low-to-no spirits cost There is always the concern of driving, as

anywhere from £15 pounds and up. Most

One problem with low-to-no spirits that

well. According to Lumina Intelligence,

low-to-no beers cost the same as a

Distillers sees is a lack of clarity as to

a strong interest for low-to-no spirits

regular beer.

where low-to-no producers view their product existing on a shelf.

comes from automobile drivers who want a drink but are worried about being

You try a non-alcoholic beer that set

over the limit.

you back two to three pounds, it’s not a

Are low-to-no producers making a spirit,

disaster if you’re not happy with it.

a premium soft drink, a regular soft drink

With beer, Lumina says that

Paying £25 for an completely unknown

or a ready-to-drink cocktail?

supermarkets are both the primary and

spirit is a pretty big gamble. When

If a distiller is making drinks similar to

first place where consumers purchased

pubs reopened it will be easier to get

Lyre’s, which specialises in creating

alcohol free beer, That said, more women

customers sampling your drink, but be

extremely close tasting ‘knock-off’ spirits,

buy it online as opposed to a brick and

sure to have a ‘Plan B’ ready to go.

should for example an Italian orange

mortar store.

While health reasons are a major reason

drink be found next to Campari? If you’re





making a spirit which tastes like no


founder – CleanCo was his idea.

alcoholic spirit, this is even more puzzling for stores.

the ‘face’ of the company, he is also the

For too many years, many in the spirits industry have viewed low-to-no as a

There is nothing traditional about

This confusion leads to supermarkets not

freak show, way off to the side of the ‘real’

alcohol-free spirits and CleanCo reflects

having a consistent strategy as to where

drinks’ industry.

this from its hip, ultra-modern bottle to

and how to display low-to-no beverages.

In the meantime, those in the low-to-no

its marketing both through social media

At a Tesco Superstore, employees

industry have quietly been developing

and television. While you are left thinking

stocking both the alcohol beverage

skills and techniques that can make low-

that CleanCo has a budget that most of

section and the soft drink section were

to-no beverages rival those with alcohol.

us can only dream about, it also has an

unable to tell Distillers where low-to-no

That said, however, there is an uphill

imagination that we all have – except

beverages were at.

battle that low-to-no producers have

CleanCo is not afraid to use it.

which will be a challenge to overcome at

Distillers Journal hopes that Low2No

With low-to-no spirits, many seem to

least in the short term. Although quality

Bev becomes an annual event and

be getting around this by marketing and

has gone up amazingly over the last

thrives. While there are still challenges

selling online and through social media,

two years with low-to-no spirit taste and

the industry has to overcome to be fully

forgoing supermarkets. Along with

flavour, marketing almost seems to be a

accepted, this event is an excellent

alcohol-free beer, there are a growing

forgotten aspect with some.


number of low-to-no online bottle shops

Love him or hate him – and there are

We will continue to cover the low-to-no

which do an excellent job in offering

many in both camps – Spencer Matthews

market as it develops. No doubt there will

consumers a wide range of low-to-no

does an amazing job in promoting

be contractions and many small players


CleanCo. What a good portion of the

will fall by the wayside. But, you would be

public don’t realise is that he’s not just

foolish to think it’s going way.







rowing any business

you will need, if any, and when you will

can mean many things

need it.

– increasing turnover,

As you grow you will need to fund new

market share, owner’s

equipment, marketing costs and new

lifestyle, employee

employees to enable you to meet the

numbers, reputation or profit.

increased demand.

Understanding how the owners, investors and management team measure

Being prepared for this and having

“growth” will ensure operations are

facilities in place beforehand will ease

aligned and the whole team is pulling in

the pressures on the business.

the same direction.

You should also be aware of grant funding may be available and

This shouldn’t be just financial but

opportunities such as research and

include lifestyle and other factors, such

development tax incentives.

as environmental sustainability. Some key financial information is needed You may call this a budget, a forecast,

to feed in to your plan. Importantly you

a projection or a financial model, the

need to know how much it costs to make

name is less relevant but it should be a

your beer.

roadmap of where you want to be and

This should be on two levels, the

how the numbers need to look in order to

ingredients, packaging and labour that

achieve this.

go into producing each pint (your direct

These valuable documents will ensure

costs) and a contribution towards the

your target is achievable and your plans

overheads of the distillery, including the

will actually make the profit you require.

premise costs, sales team and office costs (your indirect costs).

Once you know where you are and where you want to be you can work on how

This information will tell you how much

to get there and performance can be

profit you should make on each pint and

monitored against the milestones.

allow you to monitor whether this is being

Running a business without this key

achieved. You can use this information

information is like driving a car without

to help set your pricing and assess

a dashboard. Are you driving too fast or

opportunities as they arise.


MARKETING SPEND FUNDING AND INVESTMENT To grow your distillery, you will need to




Your plan should include a cashflow

raise the profile and market your product,

forecast to help you view what funding

which will of course have a cost.



Choosing where or how to spend on

Direct to consumer sales through your

doubting it’s reliability as analysis needs

marketing and advertising is difficult, but

website will likely achieve much lower

to be timely in order to be most useful.

plan it and set a budget for this area.

volumes but at a higher margin.

Software can be used to effectively

This budget shouldn’t be set in stone

Interestingly £150,000 of sales at a 20%

gather much of the financial and non-

as you will need to adapt and identify

profit margin and £50,000 of sales at a

financial data if the systems are designed

the activity producing the best results.

60% margin will achieve the same profit.

and configured correctly.

Monitoring the results alongside your

Which works best for reaching your

financial budget or forecast will help keep


Last but certainly not least is your sprit. Producing great sprits is fundamental,

you on the right track.


but great spirits by itself will not make a sustainable distillery.

When focusing on growth and ramping up operations, overheads can potentially

Successful businesses use the data

spiral. Regular monitoring alongside your

from recent periods to make changes

The quality of your spirit is only

forecast or budget will help pick this up

and sculpt the future of the business. It

recognised when people are drinking

at the earliest opportunity.

enables you to identify successes and

it. Establishing your brand identity and

importantly where improvements can be

unique selling point will help ensure


you reach as many potential customers

Depending on the spirit you are

as possible and hopefully they can tell

producing, there are many routes to

others how great it is!

market for you to consider. These routes

Fundamental to using this key

to market will often achieve very different

information well is to ensure your

profit margins.

systems capture the source data

Neil Stevens, is a director at Bromhead

For instance, supermarkets could

accurately and efficiently.

Chartered Accountants and a brewery and distillery specialist.

achieve a high volume of sales but at a low margin.

You really don’t want to be spending too much time gathering this information or

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hen Nick

Because gin is relatively easy to make


and relatively easy to get a permit for if

created Shivering

you’re not making the base spirit, it’s the

Mountain Distillery

beverage where craft distillers often start,

in the Peak District,

taking a couple of classes here and there

he had numerous goals in mind. He

until an instructor inspires them to take

wanted to distil a gin which was smooth

the leap.

enough to drink straight or on the rocks. He wanted to create a distillery which

For Nick, the instructor and consultant

supported the local community with

was Jamie Baxter of Craft Distilling

jobs, giving young people a reason to

Services who has helped around 30

stay in the area. He even wanted to distil

distilleries go from dream to distilling.

a gin using local botanicals, which made

Nick had read numerous distilling books

the gin reflect the peak Mam Tor whose

and looked at countless YouTube videos.

nickname the distillery is named after.

By the time he took Baxter’s class, his mind was pretty much made up; he was

But, as he sets two bottles of gin in front

going to become a distiller.

of you, it is hard taking your eyes off them and concentrating on what Nick is

Nick says that despite spending most

saying. The dry gin comes in a stunning

of his working life in London, it was

blueish bottle, the pink gin in a red, and

always his intention to return to where

inside each bottle is an actual glass copy

he was born in the Peak District, going

of Shivering Mountain. With the dry gin

as far as buying farmland with plenty of

bottle directly in front of the pink gin, and


the morning sun shining from behind, it looks like sunrise surrounding Shivering

“My plan was to come to London for five


years, make my fortune and go home. But 25-30 years later, I was still down in


London. I wanted to find some way of using the farmland, but I didn’t want to be

Most craft brewers follow the same well-

pushing cows and sheep around muddy,

worn path. You start as a hobbyist, you

muddy fields. So, I looked at polytunnel

start making too much and you give it

growing of tomatoes, herbs, and a variety

away to friends, you improve the quality

of other different things and one option

and start selling it on the sly, and then

that came up in that thought process was

you make the leap.

gin,” he says.

With craft distilleries, almost to a one, the

Nick says that he grew up with spirits,

distiller had another career, another life,

he had travelled the world and tasted

but then suddenly decided that it was

spirits wherever he went so the idea of

time to have some fun. ‘I know, I’ll open a

doing something with gin was appealing.


“Besides, there is no noise, no wastes, no real pollution and it’s a nice, clean, easy

As if they had any idea what they were

business to get involved with.”

really in for. With the last two years having seen a





record number of distilleries open in the

then to have a couple of days between

UK – with the majority being gin – you

distillations,” says Nick. “If I’m lucky, I can

would have thought that this would have

probably get maybe 1,000 bottles of gin

As many have discovered, almost anyone

put Nick off, but it didn’t.

a week if I was really, really pumping

can make gin. Not all can make quality

hard, but we’d be at the limits of our

gin and even fewer can actually sell their

capability at that point.


where there were locals who were well

“Right now, we’re just doing a couple of

“In one of Jamie’s lectures he says that

established and you had to take market

distillations a week and that’s 500 bottles.

if you want to get involved in distilling,

share from them,” he says.

That’s enough when you’ve got other

the last thing you should be doing is

things to do to spend your evenings

to open a distillery because you’ll end

But, as he points out, for him launching

including bottling and labelling, stopping

up spending two percent of your time

a business in the Peak District was more

and sealing, packing, and everything

making spirits and 98 percent of your

like a circle with him – returning home

else. It’s hard work – there’s not as

time trying to sell it,’ he says. “And he’s

– with the idea that he would build a

glamour in being a distiller as a lot of

dead-right with that.”

business in the local area, trying to use

people think.”

“From my investment background, I was used to always going into places

as much as possible local workers and suppliers. Because he still had other

He hired The Allotment to help with


businesses, he would be able to fund the

branding and a person to make sure the distillery has a presence on social

gin venture himself and make sure it was

A trend that’s been going on for the last

media. With the gin market at perhaps

done right in building a strong brand, with

10 to 15 years in the UK has been people

near-saturation point in the UK, Nick

the idea of selling it throughout the UK

buying second homes in country or

and the branding team felt they need a

and international markets.

coastal communities. Locals are unable

good liquid, a good bottle and a good

to buy homes or even afford rent, forcing

story. The bottle was the creation of

Nick says that he did considerable

some to move out of the area. Nick says

James Bachurst from The Allotment who,

research on the internet, reading books

that the location and the local workforce

according to Nick, is a bit of a disruptor

and then started going on gin courses.

was key to opening the distillery.

in his marketing philosophy and likes something that’s very different. They

Jamie Baxter and his Craft Distilling “I think the UK has a lot of issues in rural

all agreed they wanted something that

communities where wealthier city people

would stand out on the shelf when you

“Jamie is a guy with very little ego and

have moved into those areas, bought up

saw it either in a bar or in the shop –

with phenomenal experience, he’s

farmhouses and so forth, and generally

people first buy with their eyes.

been involved with something like 25

raise the price of property in that the

to 30 distilleries. Along with design and

locale guys and gals who’ve grown up

“The gin market is immensely saturated

creating the flavour, he gave a great

there can’t afford to stay.

and competitive,” says Bachurst. “With

Services was the final part of the puzzle.

over 800 brands competing in this space

deal of help in building the business – it was a complete turnkey operation. He

Nick says that one of the things that that

we were, admittedly, slightly sceptical

helps you buy and install the equipment,

got him motivated with creating Shivering

when an entrepreneur and passionate

teaches you how to use it and then works

Mountain Gin was the idea of been able

gin expert approached us to create a

with you on recipe development.”

to involve some of the people he had

new brand for his distillery in The Peak

grown up with. There has been a whole

District. Our enthusiasm though climbed

Nick says he went with a Holstein still,

generation of kids that are going to

when we saw his commitment and when

which he describes as the “Rolls Royce of

leave the area to find jobs and affordable

we started to understand the potential

stills”. With it being very copper heavy, it’s

housing, so he has been trying to find

to tell an amazing, authentic and visually

this amount of copper which helps make

a way of keeping them in the area and

evocative brand story.”

Shivering Mountain Gin so smooth.

helping them make the money to buy property. “One of the ways of doing that

According to the design team: ‘People

He says with each distillation they get

is to give them a piece of equity of the

don’t buy brands they buy into the story

around 240 bottles, with the limiting

of the distillery and give them part and

behind brands’.

factor being more with how much energy

parcel of the way it grows.” “In this case, through our research we

does he have, as opposed to the still’s. In order to get Shivering Mountain Gin

discover a rich historic and geological

“We try – and we’re trying – to be as

tied to the local area as far as flavours

tapestry that led us to a big idea

environmentally friendly as possible so

are concerned, as part of the recipe Nick

(Ginology – Gin+geology similar to a

we don’t disperse the water after the

uses local heather and gorse, bilberries

wine’s terroir) and the brand name –

distillation, we keep it in a tanking system

and sloe berries.

Shivering Mountain, after the mountain

to let it cool before reusing it. I need




that dominates Hope Valley, the location


of the distillery. A gin and story forged

Nolan Kane, head of emerging brands

What they were asked to create was a

in the local terroir that literally moves

at Allied Glass in Leeds, was in on the

glass bottle with a mountain inside –

the hand-crafted, premium gin to new

Shivering Mountain bottle from the

requiring a double-punch – and then

depths of experience and taste.”

beginning. Nobody had any idea of just

lines shaping around the bottle to create

how challenging the bottle design would

an illusion of constant change when

The Shivering Mountain story is based

be or that it would take 18-months to

light passes through the bottle creating

on an actual mountain in the valley


refraction. This is to simulate all the small earthquakes that Shivering Mountain has.

where Nick lives called Mam Tor. It’s very unstable and is constantly having

“The idea was there pretty much there

landslides, thus its nickname Shivering

when Nick and the design team from The

“From a design and a bottle


Allotment came to see us,” says Kane.

manufacturers point of view, there is a

The idea then was to put an actual glass

“Shivering Mountain was definitely a

of elements but they all feed into each

copy of the mountain inside the bottle,

challenging bottle to make, one of

other to give this overall proposition

which necessitated a wider, slightly

the most challenging projects that I’ve

which is not only the gin in the bottle

squatter base, but which would make it

worked on since I’ve been at Allied. A lot

but it’s also what the distilleries brand is

easier to put the mountain’s coordinates

of people went the extra mile within our

about, which I find really interesting. Yeah,

on the bottom. Then they wanted a tall

organisation to make that work. But it’s a

there’s a lot going on in that bottle,” says

neck to get a bit of height coming up

fantastic result and one we’re definitely


from the bottle so it would stand out

proud of.”

lot going on in that bottle, there are a lot

when placed next to other bottles of gin.





Even if expansion doesn’t demand it

shop, bar and entertainment. All of this

soon, the distillery will need to move to a

will require a larger space.

better location.

HINDSIGHT With two bottles of Shivering Mountain

Right now he just wants to build up the

Gin directly in front of him, Nick is asked

Right now, it is located literally right next

two gins for at least the rest of this year

what the easiest part was in starting

door to Nick’s house, in an area that is

before thinking of any other spirits.

the distillery. “The whole license issue, I was really impressed with HMRC.

off the beaten path. With that location and narrow country roads, the distillery is

He’s not desperate to produce a huge

They’ve been really clear, very open, and

limited in terms of access.

family of gins, believing that people are

incredibly quick all the way through from

looking at moving past gin and trying

start to finish, and when there’s been the

“It’s a nightmare every time I have a

other spirits. Nick believes he has a

odd wrinkle, they’ve been right on it,” he

delivery. You tell the delivery guys to not

Derbyshire whisky inside of him waiting


bring anything bigger than a 7 ½ tonne

to get out, maybe moonshine (unaged

“I was anticipating a lot more a lot more

lorry. And every time they at least have

whisky) along with even a cachaca-type

fractious arguments and debate, but they

an 18-tonne lorry turn up at my house,


were incredibly quickly and easily. Very easy to work with.”

which can’t turn around and it blocks up the road,” he says. “You buy in bulk to

Nick doesn’t believe that gins with crazy

save money but to get it delivered, it is a

flavours and ingredients is the way to go.

complete nightmare.”

“What people really want is something

And the hardest part.

that’s authentic, is good quality and is

Nick thinks for a minute, starring at the

Nick also has plans on creating a

based in the in the area that that where

two gins. “That damn bottle. I had 18

destination for people to drive to with a

it’s being made.”

months of pain.”





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t seemed like once that the only

the change was only the award-winning

thing that mattered was the


liquid inside the bottle – not the bottle itself. While some of the

Don’t ever say that a book’s cover doesn’t

big players had – and still have –

matter. Eyes buy.

trademarked distinct bottles, few bottles stood out unless you consider that tall,

For distillers in the UK and Ireland you

now dust-covered bottle of Galliano on

are fortunate to have numerous glass

the back shelf of every pub, once used

bottle manufacturers and dealers to help

for making that 1970s classic Harvey

you achieve your bottle story. Some of


these include Beatson Clark, Allied Glass, Croxsons, Estal and Covim, along with

But, the rising popularity of craft gin

packaging design agency Stranger &

during the past 10-years has created a

Stranger and The Collective.


strong need to stand out among a field of




many competitors. What has happened

More and more the style of your bottle

to gin is now also happening to craft

for any craft spirit matters. While

whisky, rum and even low-to-no alcohol

20-years-ago consumers tended to be


brand-loyal, those days are over. Craft spirit fans are as much collectors as

You can no longer can have a great liquid

drinkers, seeing their hoard of different

and survive with average branding. In

spirits – showcased by bottle design – as

every aspect of your product, you need

a sense of pride.

to be at the top of your game and this definitely includes the bottle.

“Five, six years ago, you’d be setting up

You need something that can instantly

with a new gin brand, you’d get an off-

tell your story and what makes you

the-shelf bottle, you’d put a label on it,

unique, be it a nearby mountain with

and the key was getting it to market. It’s

where you get some botanicals, attitude,

not like that anymore,” says Nolan Kane

or friendly mermaids.

of Allied Glass.

It has been reported that sales of the Isle

“Once customers were loyal to brands,

of Wright Distillery’s Mermaid Gin shot

but today nobody is sticking with Bob’s

up by 170 percent after its bottle was

Craft Beer or Sally’s Gin. They want to

redesigned so it resembled the gentle

experience new drinks all the time.

curve and scales of a mermaid’s tail. The blue colour was chosen to match the

“People buy with their eyes. There are

surrounding seas.

over 1,000 gins in the UK – at least – and it is competitive. How are you going to

You question how that much growth

stand out on shelf? How are you going to

could be attributed to just some melted

get that first buy?”

sand poured into a mould? According to co-director and owner Conrad Gaunlett,

How does having the right bottle fit into

their gin recipe stayed exactly the same;

this mindset? It’s about standing out.



“It is not for everyone.” But, even this “We live in an age of social media and

didn’t prove enough for their story. When

Instagram,” says Kane. “Everybody wants

Hendrick’s created Orbium, it described

to show that they’ve got something

it as what Hendrick’s might taste like

interesting and they’re up to something

in a parallel universe, with its motto for

interesting and that that breaks down to

Orbium being: “It is almost certainly not

the discovery of a new bottle that they

for everyone.”

How are you going to stand out on shelf? How are you going to get that first buy?” Nolan Kane, Allied Glass

found. You keep the customer interested and you’ll keep them coming back.”

While Sipsmith helped create the entire craft spirit industry, Hendrick’s might be


credited with creating new age gin when it started distilling in 1999 in Scotland,

Today’s drinkers – especially those

breaking away from the London Dry style.

younger and with more disposable income – want a brand that connects to

In choosing its bottles, there seems to

them personally. They want a brand that

be a strong steampunk element, looking

fits into their perceived values; something

like a something a Victorian chemist

that might twig a pleasant memory; or

might bring out from a hidden backroom

reflects where they live or visit.

after locking the shop’s front door. While others have followed its example using

were originally designed for something

An ad which ran for some time in Turkey

vintage-looking apothecary bottles,

else – ready-mixed cocktails in a food jar,

showed a middle aged man, dressed in

Hendrick’s was one of the first.

for example, or tomato passata in a beer bottle.

jeans and a black leather jacket, riding his Harly motorcycle.

“Customers often ask us for something

“This latest move by spirits brands using

Like his bike, you could see he had some

different from the traditional bottles in

pharmaceutical bottles is just the latest

miles on him giving him a lot to reflect

our standard range but without the price

expression of that trend, and it’s one that

on as he’d stop his motorcycle and stare

tag and minimum volumes of a bespoke

can be extremely effective,” she says.

off into the sun – which always seemed

design that’s unique to them,” says

to be setting in this land. Finally, he met

Charlotte Taylor, marketing manager at

If Hendrick’s story is that it isn’t for

up with some fellow biker friends who

Beatson Clark.

everyone, Haig Club’s is that not only is it whisky for rule breakers, it’s also for those

enjoyed each other’s camaraderie while “Our pharmaceutical bottles are proving

“who don’t think they like whisky”.

a popular alternative to the usual shapes

Guy Ritchie directed its television ad;

The story from this ad is: ‘I’m as individual

on the market, and they look fantastic –

celebrity collaborationist David Beckham

and unique as the tea I drink.’

very distinctive and appealing.

stars in it, and the square dark blue Haig

drinking Lipton tea.

Club whisky bottle looks like it’s more for

It doesn’t matter that Lipton is the world’s

cologne or perfume.

fourth largest tea company – extremely

“Customers can even have these bottles

popular in the Middle East and India,

embossed with their own name, logo or

this is still tea for the person who is an

design, and the resulting bottle will still

“I think it did the job, it broke the mould

individual, who answers to no one except

cost much less than a bespoke container

of the traditional whisky bottle, especially

themselves. Just like how some gin

that we’ve designed for them.

when Haig Club first came out,” says Kane. “The bottle is clever marketing

companies tell their story. For example, Hendrick’s Gin motto is:

“We’ve noticed a trend recently for

– anything that you do that helps your

brands to choose bottles and jars that

brand stand out on shelf, then you’ve




FOCUS BOTTLING done the right thing. And I think for that

the budget to have their own custom

transformed to any colour – or a frosted

brand, what they did was definitely right

bottle desinged and made.

effect or metallic sheen can be applied.

There are advantages with going

“Black spray coating is particularly

bespoke, from having a unique market

popular at the moment; this not only

view that directly reflects your style to

creates a luxurious feel, but it also

knowing that no one else is using the

protects the product inside the bottle.

Does your bottle convey a story about

same bottle since you own the moulds.

Our amber glass already protects the

sustainability? About location? About

(Read the Fraud feature in this issue).

product inside from at least 90 percent

how your distillery uses local botanicals,

However, there are numerous ways

of UV rays, and the additional coating

grains or other ingredients?

to have an individual style, while still

enhances this protection even further,”

keeping costs down.

says Taylor.

Baker and Conrad Gauntlett spent a year

If a bespoke bottle is beyond the budget


in a bottle redesign project that captured

of small distilleries there is a range

all of these elements. The pair aimed

of decorations that can be applied to

With more spirits being sold online

to create a stunning, environmentally

standard bottles which will create a

as opposed to supermarkets, you’d

friendly, bottle, using 100 percent plastic-

distinctive look, according to Charlotte

think that putting money into a unique

free materials.

Taylor, marketing manager at Beatson

bottle would be money poorly spent.


Here and in the States, some online

for them. It translated to sales, a lot of sales!”


Isle of Wight Distillery owners Xavier

“We worked hard to create a brand-

beer companies are actually taking

new bespoke Mermaid bottle, trying

At Beatson Clark, embossing and

the barebones approach figuring they

to capture the essence of our beautiful

debossing on a standard bottle reduces

already have the sell before the customer

Island by representing the sea, mermaids

the minimum volume of an order to

actually sees the real can and label so

and our marine environment – with

150,000 – or it could be reduced to as

why bother with those two.

sustainability a key focus,” says Xavier

low as 80,000 for spirits bottles. This


approach also halves the tooling costs

According to Nolan Kane of Allied Glass,

incurred by creating a unique bottle from

that belief for spirits is 100 percent wrong.

The small batch gin is hand-crafted,

standard container.

distilled and bottled at the Isle of Wight

“If you’re basing yourself on social media,

Distillery using 10 ethically sourced

“We have an in-house design team that

you still need to stand out, you need to

botanicals, including rock samphire

specialises in sculpted embossing. Using

be intriguing to someone, you need to

foraged from Island cliffs, Boadicea hops

the latest advanced software, even the

have a story to tell – it is a visual world we

from Ventnor Botanic Garden and locally

most complex embossed designs are

live in,” he says.

grown elderflower.

defined with a high-quality finish,” she says.

Judges at the International 2019 Design

The average supermarket has around 39,500 items, with the average shopper

Awards said: “This bottle is exceptional:

Fully bespoke spirit bottles are available

spending 43 minutes there, 1.6 times

perfect at every possible level. This

from 300,000 units, but from as little as

a week. As miniscule then as the time

is a gin with a sense of place and

80,000 units a producer can emboss a

given for glancing at each item, it’s even

provenance, a beautiful symbol of the

name, logo or slogan on a standard glass

less online. Click – BOOM – and you’re on

Isle of Wight with its marine motifs.

bottle from the Beatson Clark range. The

a different page.

It perfectly highlights the story of the

cost is less than half of that for a fully

distillery, and the scales and graduating

bespoke design, but the finish is unique.

colour give a beautiful representation

“Producers are in tune with trying to catch consumers eyes while having

of the sea and island life. Impossible to

Both embossing and debossing can

that very small window to do so,” says

ignore, this was the stand-out piece in

transform the aesthetic appeal of a

Kane. “You have to have something that

the room. A highly innovative design and

bottle, but the advantage of debossing

intrigues them and an interesting bottle

a worthy winner indeed.”

is that the entire container can be

– compared to a boring bottle – is the

debossed and a label still applied,

make or break.”


whereas with an embossed bottle space for labelling is limited.

Today in San Diego Country, California, there are more craft brewers than in any

In reading about Shivering Mountain’s bottle in this issue or Mermaid Gin, it

Spray coating is another technique that

other county in the States and for that

would seem that going bespoke with

can lift a bottle out of the ordinary and

matter, any similar sized area in the world.

your bottle is the only option – which is

give it a truly premium finish. Bottles can

For at least the last 10 to 15 years, what

enough to discourage anyone without

easily be spray coated and completely

every beer pundit, writer and journalist





A very attractive design which does nothing to obscure the colour of the gin, but highlights its honey ingredient


wanted to know was when would market

unique flavour.

saturation occur? Sipsmith was trying for the same when Industry experts – using everything

they first started distilling, asking around

from gut-feeling to complicated math

£25 for a bottle of gin when you could

formulas – would throw out a figure every

buy a bottle of Beefeaters for around

year and every year this figure would be

£8. But now, price isn’t so much the

surpassed. Right now, it’s somewhere

determining factor as opposed to flavour

around 165 and would have probably

and marketing. Drinkers want a spirt

reached 180 if it hadn’t been for the

that not only has a taste that justifies the

pandemic. Regardless, that is still an

cost, but also an appearance that looks

impressive figure.

good on the drinks shelf, something with

(L) As the name says, Porcelain’s bottle is made from porcelain. (R) Shivering Mountain’s bottle with the mountain inside. This complex design took Allied Glass 18 months to create.

a ‘wow’ factor when pouring drinks for Here in the UK, it’s small craft gin


distilleries we hear the same thing being asked: When will market saturation

If you are thinking about becoming a

occur? Back to craft beer and San Diego,

craft gin, rum or whisky distiller, you’ve

prior to the 1990s, beer came from four

just started out, or your business is not

major US brewers, and a small amount of

doing as good as you think it should be,

imports from Mexico and Europe, with all

don’t lose sleep over perceived market

costing pretty much the same.

over-saturation. Instead, worry about flavour and appearance. As far as flavour

For drinkers used to paying a dollar or

goes, that is in your hands, but as far as

less per can, suddenly being asked to

appearance goes, talk to an expert and

pay three dollars or more for an unknown

see how far your vision can go.

drink took a leap of faith. Once those first craft brewer pioneers blazed the trail, it

For more about all things bottle, listen to

was easy for others to follow – along with

Distillers Journal Podcast. June, ‘It’s not all

a huge rise in prices that drinkers here

clear in selecting your bottle.’

and in the States are willing to pay for a





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’ve got the best job in the world!” beams Anne Brock. It has been more than a year since the global pandemic struck. A period that can be defined by

uncertainty, ever-changing restrictions and challenging conditions, regardless of your profession. But for Brock, the master distiller at Hampshire’s Bombay Sapphire, she is




MEET THE DISTILLER BOMBAY SAPPHIRE only looking back on this time with a

in distilling, something that would be

figures released last year which revealed

sense of pride.

the perfect marriage of her chemistry

that Bombay Sapphire was the fastest

knowledge and expertise in hospitality.

growing premium gin brand in the world,

“The first lockdown was especially challenging,” she recalls. “But we got

reporting a 7.9 percent increase to 4.7m So she did just that.

cases in 2019.

fantastic team we have here and the

The, now, doctor would become the

Leading her team of distillers, Brock

incredible network of support I had

lead distiller at Bermondsey Distillery in

works with Ivano Tonutti, the master of

through Barcadi’s operations.

London before taking on the prestigious

botanicals for Bombay Sapphire, who has

“As a result we managed to produce all of

title of master distiller at Bombay

been responsible for sourcing each of

the gin we needed to and more.”

Sapphire in 2017.

the 10 individual botanical ingredients for

While hospitality continues to reopen,

Little more than two years later, Anne

Tonutti works alongside the growers to

Bombay Sapphire has once again

Brock was installed as the first female

ensure that the distillery gets the best

opened its doors to a wealth of visitors

head of The Gin Guild, the industry

quality crop each year. The flavour of the

eager to enjoy a tour and a gin-based

body that celebrating excellence in the

gin comes from these botanicals so any

cocktail at its picturesque Laverstoke Mill

distillation and worldwide promotion of

changes in harvest can affect the gin that

home in Winchester.

the spirit.

is made at Laverstoke Mill.

And, in the form of Anne Brock, the

Speaking at the time Nicholas Cook,

Brock explains: “Ivano and his team work

guardian of Bombay Sapphire, those

director general of The Gin Guild, said:

tirelessly to ensure that we see very

lucky patrons are in very safe hands

“There is a strong historical tradition of

minimal changes in the quality and taste

indeed. But before the wonderful world

women distillers and female Master

profile of the batches of botanicals we

of gin came calling, Brock has envisioned

Distillers are adding the variety and

receive at the distillery.

becoming a doctor and to work for

innovation that is fuelling the continuing

“Once they are put into the still then my

Médecins Sans Frontières.

global success of gin.

distillers are trained to nose and taste the

through it and that’s thanks to our

more than a decade.

gin as it is made, this constant monitoring However, it swiftly became clear that it

“We are delighted to welcome Anne as

allows us to notice any differences in the

simply wasn’t the right time for her to

The Gin Guild’s fourth – and first female

spirit and adjust the distillation if needed.

pursue this path so Brock would depart

– Grand Rectifier, to continue the work

medical school. Upon leaving education

of her predecessors in bringing together

“Finally, I nose and taste each batch and

she combined roles in hospitality with

craft distillers, brand leaders and all

can blend different batches together so

travelling before eventually returning

those involved in the industry around the

that every bottle of Bombay Sapphire

to university, securing a PhD in Organic

world to share knowledge and promote

that reaches our consumers tastes

Chemistry from the University of Oxford.

excellence in the category.”

exactly as they would expect. It is not an

It wasn’t long before a friend suggested

And in her role at Bombay Sapphire,

that she should potentially pursue a role

Brock continues to excel. Evidenced in

easy job, but it is very satisfying!”


Exquisite events and experiences

Mill Bar helping you choose a cocktail

include: Explore the Bombay Sapphire

from our menu, selected using your fla-

Distillery with a guided tour in the glass-

vour preferences with a take home card

A short train journey from London, this is

house that helps you discover the ten

detailing your personal taste profile.

the perfect stop over for a trip outside the

exotic botanicals infused into every drop

city. Forty-five minutes from Stonehenge,

of Bombay Sapphire Gin, including an

Elsewhere, the Gin Cocktail Masterclass

the Bombay Sapphire distillery is based

insight into Heatherwick Studios’ inspired

is an interactive session on cocktail cul-

in Winchester, the historical capital of


ture where you can learn the tricks of the trade, creating your own cocktails that

England. Your host will take you through the

you can later master at home.

Laverstoke Mill is the home of the be-

Botanical Dry Room, a sensory experi-

loved Bombay Sapphire gin. Guests can

ence to uncover your flavour preferences

Your experience begins with a fully

explore the stunning Heatherwick Studio

and you learn all about the rare vapour

guided Discovery Experience followed

-designed botanical glasshouses and

infusion distillation process which makes

by a complimentary cocktail in the Mill

the Victorian and Georgian paper mill in a

Bombay Sapphire gin so exquisite.

Bar. There, you will be hosted by one of their gin experts to create one of Bombay

beautiful conversation area with over 100 years of history.




Later on the host will drop you off at the

Sapphire signature cocktails.






And with that aforementioned,

But the team at Bombay Sapphire aren’t

unprecedented, year hopefully behind

simply resting on their laurels when it

us, Brock is more than keen to get

comes to pubs, bars and restaurants

back to her job of focusing on making

reopening, instead focusing on new

excellent gins that are enjoyed the world over by millions. “The post-pandemic world cannot come soon enough for me!” she says. “It has been amazing to see how people have adapted over the past year and how that has driven trends in the gin world. “And whilst we have seen people becoming more confident in making great drinks at home and being a bit more creative in the way they use their favourite spirits I think that everyone, myself included, cannot wait until they can go back to the bars and restaurants they love and have the experts make drinks for them,” she says.

It has been amazing to see how people have adapted over the past year and how that has driven trends in the gin world.” Dr Anne Brock, master distiller

product innovations such as Sunset. Sunset is a limited edition expression inspired by the delicate warmth and golden orange glow of the setting sun, Bombay Sapphire Sunset adds Indian white cardamom, turmeric and Murcian sun-dried mandarin peel to create a softly spiced flavour profile with a background hit of bittersweet citrus. Product innovation is of particular importance especially, as Brock says, in a constantly changing gin space. She explains: “We see so many innovations and new releases monthly driven by a consumer ap-preciation of all things gin. It is why I love gin so much, if

“These at-home cocktail making skills will

you have a prominent flavour of juniper

not be lost, but they will not replace the

you can be a creative as you like.

brilliant pubs, restaurants, and bars that

“As an industry we do need to make sure

we have all missed so much.”

that all the products that are claiming





BOMBAY SAPPHIRE MEET THE DISTILLER to be ‘GIN’ comply with the definition of

“IWSR predicts the category to grow 32%

what a gin is to protect this glorious spirit

in the next four years, which means it will

whilst continuing to recruit new con-

be worth £350m by 2024,” she explains.

sumers into the space.”

“They are no longer are they something you drink for convenience but a product

She adds: At Bombay Sapphire, we are

you would choose to drink and are now

constantly exploring new innovations in

attracting a more premium audience.”

the category to best serve our trend-


savvy consumers and we know that

Brock adds: “As we go in and out of

innovation is a key driver of performance.

lockdowns, the rise of the outdoor and

u Juniper berries | Tuscany, Italy

park or picnic occasion becomes more

u Angelica root | Saxony, Germany

“At the moment, key trends which are

and more important. People want to

u Almonds | Spain

driving growth include new flavour

enjoy their favourite drinks without the

u Lemon peel | Murcia, Spain

expressions occasions to enjoy super-

quality or taste being compromised.

u Liquorice | China

premium products (our Bombay Bramble

u Orris root | Tuscany, Italy

launch played into this trend – a new

“We have launched three RTDs for

u Coriander seeds | Morocco

gin bursting with the 100 percent

Bombay Sapphire across various parts

u Cassia bark | Indonesia

natural flavour of freshly harvested

of Europe including Bombay and Tonic,

u Cubeb berries | Java

blackberries and raspberries), and a need

Bombay & Light Tonic and Bombay

u Grains of paradise | West Africa

for convenience without compromise,

Bramble, allowing our gin fans access to

as demonstrated by the booming RTD

their favourite Bombay drinks, whenever


they want, wherever they are.”

And Brock says that RTDs are here

While RTDs are undeniably a booming

to stay – drinks that are experiencing

part of the sector, away from the

extraordinary growth in all markets, and

beverage itself, Brock highlights a

we can expect more to come.

number of other areas that should be placed in the spotlight.

Anne Brock, master distiller at Bombay Sapphire, says she has the best job in the world





“Sustainability is certainly something that

tainable with the ‘For Life’ certification by

But regardless where people enjoy these

a lot of distillers are looking at now and

ECOCERT – a first for any gin.

drinks, Anne Brock is rightfully confident that the distillery she calls home will play

working hard to develop technologies

a part.

to reduce our impact on the planet,” she

“We have adopted a 360-degree

says. “I am not sure you could call it a

approach to sustainability – caring for the

‘trend’ as such, but it will be continued

farmers, their communities as well as the

“Bombay Sapphire is the fastest growing

to be talked about by brands as more

botanicals they grow.”

premium gin brand in the world, so it is definitely at the front of the growth in gin

consumers expect sustainable practices. Brock also says she’s seen a rise in the “We are confident that Bombay

amount that people are making cocktails

Sapphire can help lead the way on this

at home and “upskilling” themselves.

we are seeing in the UK. “The gin is perfectly balanced making it the ideal canvas for creativity which

– sustainability has long been an area of focus for us, and we continue to work

She explains: “We don’t see this trend

means we see people choosing Bombay

hard at it every day, including our efforts

going away as people continue to host

Sapphire, time and time again, to make

to keep our distillery at Laverstoke Mill

at home, as well as heading back into

drinks at home, or have drinks made for

running as efficiently as possible with

bars when it’s safe to do so. Due to this

them in a bar when they are celebrating

measures like using a biomass boiler

new upskilling, as bars reopen, bartend-

those moments that matter.”

which is fuelled by local, sustainably

ers will be greeted by more informed

sourced woodchips.


“Energy is further reduced by recovering

“This is exciting because aficionados

heat from the distillation process and

make better appreciators and hopefully

using it to pre-heat the spirit. We recently

people will be open to experimenting

announced that by the end of this year

and trying new, more creative cocktails

all 10 botanicals will be certified sus-

back in the bar.”





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t has been a crazy year and

“Covid has really sped up shopping

unfortunately, nobody with any

trends and quickly changed business

sense would bet that the Covid-19

plans, and we’ve found many brands

pandemic is behind us for good.

have taken this opportunity to innovate

Of all spirits, whisky distillers

their business and get real clarity on what

have the longest memories and while

their message is,” says Sophie Cowles,

things have been tough this last year, the

strategy director of branding agency

past-down tales of having your largest

Kingdom & Sparrow.

market drying up due to US Prohibition 100-years-ago is enough to still send

“Although we finally seem to be returning

shivers down their spines.

to some sort of social normality, it’s safe to assume that some Covid-cultivated

At least with Covid people were still

habits will remain and people will still

drinking, just not in pubs or clubs.

expect brands to be convenient for home use, and not just revert back to

With some of the new kids on the block

trade and offline retail only. Businesses

such as craft gin, rum and others who

have learnt a lot about their values,

depend more on immediate sales, Covid

their market trends and their changing

was more than a kick in the seat of the

customer mindsets over the last year,


and distilleries should be no different.

“It’s definitely been a tough time and the

“As we emerge from Covid people want

world still looks very different to how

certainty and consistency more than

it did a year or so ago, but we’ve also

ever, so it’s a great time to invest all that

seen distilleries find real opportunities

learned knowledge back into your brand

and insight into the way people are

and make sure it really engages people,

interacting with their brands.

reflecting who you are and what you




FOCUS BRANDING offer,” she says.

designing with the consumer in mind

as an update, like painting your house.

To expand on this forward thinking,

for real effectiveness. Any good rebrand

Same core values, just adding a bit of

consider your branding. As US-based

should see an uplift in sales, as long as

excitement to something that seems a

CODO Design asks, is it time for a refresh

the rest of the business plan is working

bit dated.

or a rebrand; an evolution or a revolution?

alongside it.

Do you need just a little tweak to get rid

“It’s a difficult time for many across

positioning, which is also called a point

of a perception of brand staleness, or

industries to be investing money back

of difference. A point of difference is a

do you need a rebrand due to outdated

into their brands for sure, but the tough

something about the brand that makes it

thinking, to reflect new ownership or

times are often when people need to do

different from other competing brands.

some other major change?

it most and I’d argue when they are more

The Covid-19 pandemic was worldwide

focused on what’s really important. We’ve

What brings these terms together is

event that none of us were expecting, like

definitely experienced this with our own

educating the consumer, according to

looking up an seeing a black swan flying

business too,” she says.

Richard Horwell of Brand Relations.

Another term we need to define for you is

“You can have the best tasting product

across the sky. When lockdown started last April, people started panic-buying


combination in the best of times.

on the market, but if no one picks it up and tries it, no one will ever know,” says

toilet paper, pasta and flour – an odd Let’s first go over a few definitions.

Horwell. “Ninety percent of a first-time purchase is based on the branding;

Some countries like South Africa flat-out

Your brand is your customer’s perception

it’s why a consumer will pick your

banned alcohol sales – prompting a

of your brewery, including your products

product over their regular choice or your

massive buy of pineapples used to make

and your culture. It’s your total package,


homemade hooch – others limited the

defining who you are and what makes

hours alcohol could be sold, while here

you different from all your competitors.

What Horwell cautions is that you do not confuse design with branding. “Design

in the UK pubs, taprooms, tasting rooms, restaurants and clubs were all closed.

Your brand identity is the visual

is what goes on your bottle’s label,

While many of us were positive the

language you use to tell this story. This

branding is the message you want to

corona virus would disappear by summer

includes your logo, your bottle shape,

give your target consumer – and that

and there would be a quick return to

can label, and image.

message should be ‘BUY ME’,” he says.

Covid summer, led into a Covid autumn,

Brand essence is a distillation of the

So how do you communicate your

winter and spring. But, finally a light can

most compelling idea behind your

message to your target audience?

be seen at the end of the tunnel. One

brewery. When you’re having a meeting

Education and that starts with yourself.

of the coldest springs in decades has

and someone says: ‘This is who we are’,

ended, pubs have reopened, and craft

and you all nod in agreement, that is

It is hard thinking of another industry

distilleries are amping-up production.

brand essence – though most times

where the founder sees themselves as

someone says: “This isn’t who we are….”

the product, as much as in craft distilling

normal, that never happened, and a

industry. If it is impossible for you to take

As this issue goes to print, it appears that tough travel restrictions will be remaining

Rebranding is a shift in your core

a step back and see your spirit as your

in place through summer. People who

message. Coors realized that by far its

customer sees it and how it reflects on

would have been doing their cocktail

biggest seller was Coors Light – they

them – not you – then you’re wasting

drinking in Spain, Greece or France, will

dropped the ‘light’ and now it’s just

your time in rebranding.

be doing it here in the UK. It is back to

‘Coors’. Kids’ cereals dropped ‘Sugar’

being a good time to be a distiller.

in their names, ‘Sugar Frosted Flakes’

“From an agency perspective though

became ‘Frosties’. Core logo, website,

we see many distillery brands without a

and brand identity can all be changed.

very strong consumer-facing identity. It’s

“The spirits category has so much

very hard to differentiate on just quality

potential at the moment, to tap into new selling channels and engage customers

Sometimes these rebrands work and

or process or botanicals now, and there

differently. It doesn’t necessarily mean a

sometimes they’re total disasters.

were a record number of distilleries

rebrand, but it does mean relooking at

Remember Royal Mail’s change to

opened in 2021, despite Covid-19. For

the business plan and creating as many

Consignia. What does the Royal Mail

distilleries who want to be more than just

opportunities as possible,” says Cowles.

do, handles mail. What does Consignia

local, it’s a real challenge to get noticed,”

“Branding shouldn’t work in isolation.

do? Nobody knew and after a year, it

says Cowles.

It sits side by side with great sales

rebranded its rebrand back to Royal Mail. “When an existing distillery comes to us,

and marketing plans, so our focus is on understanding the business and

What most of you do from time to

common themes are often they don’t

the category, and making sure we’re

time is a brand refresh. Think of this

have a clear and engaging proposition, or





Sophie Cowles, strategy director of branding agency Kingdom & Sparrow: “We see many distillery brands without a very strong consumer-facing identity.”

Many brands have taken this opportunity to innovate their business and get real clarity on what their message is,” Sophie Cowles, Kingdom & Sparrow very distinctive brand assets (usually due


“The most expensive word in the food and drink category is ‘education’, if

to not having a strong proposition) and lack brand consistency across platforms

When you first start developing your

you need to take time to educate the

and selling channels.

product you will need to ask yourself a

consumer, away from the packaging,

lot of questions, those questions will be

then you will either spend millions or fail,

“Distillery brands of course need to be

much the same as the ones your target

or both,” says Horwell.

flexible as they’re engaging visitors,

audience will ask. The best place to educate your target

buyers, bar managers, bartenders and now consumers in their home on

For example: ‘what is unique about

audience is on your product’s packaging,

and offline, so parts of the brand will

this product?’; ‘why is it better than the

so your branding needs to be clear and

need to be dialled up, depending on

competition’; ‘should I risk spending

perfect. Trade buyers and consumers

the audience and the format. However

money on this untried brand?’; ’does

need to understand the product without

having consistent and engaging visual

this product offer value for money?’

having you standing there. That’s what

brand assets that flex and strengthen the

Your branding needs to answer all these

the branding is for; to provide instant

brand and hold everything together are



sure to build trust and loyalty,” she says.


DIRECT-TOCONSUMER CONVENIENCE Although in pure spirit sales figures it remains low, according to some experts direct-to-consumer (DTC) beer sales is one of the most exciting things to come out of the pandemic. US design company CODO Design believes convenience will be one of the most important drivers of the economy over the next 10-years, what CODO says is a natural outgrowth of the Amazon “Prime-ification” of the world. “Why go to the grocery store if I can buy something with one click on my

Richard Horwell of Brand Relations: “99% of a firsttime purchase is based on the branding”

phone? And to think that the alcohol shopping experience will be an exception to this trend is myopic,” says CODO.

According to Horwell, what helps this

brands will sit alongside it?

Will a distillery that decides to only

along is linking your brand to what your

u How will my spirit stand out against

do DTC succeed? That is the million

audience already understands.


pound question. Already some spirit

“We all tend to pigeonhole everything in

u What is my brand message? For

brands – especially no-alcohol brands

our lives and whether we are conscious

example, is it based on great taste,

– are doing this, with the thought

of it or not, when we see a new brand, we

treating yourself or pure refreshment?

behind this being it is too difficult to

put it in its place. So, if you are attempting

u Will my consumer be able to read the

get onto a supermarket shelf.

to break new ground with an idea or

messages I have on the packaging from

By developing a compelling brand

base ingredient then you need to add

a distance, without picking it up?

and marketing campaign, pouring

something to the mix that the consumer

u Why should a consumer buy my brand

money into advertising on TV and

knows,” he says.

instead of their regular choice?

social media, and you might succeed.

u What is the point of difference The key is to make sure the messaging is

between the other brands and mine?

easy to understand and include elements

successful businessman who could

that consumers can understand instantly.

Getting the answers to these questions is

turn his hand to anything. When I asked

Trade buyers only want products that will

the first step to creating brilliant branding.

him his secret to success, his response

sell, they don’t want old stock taking up

was ‘when you explain something to

room on their shelves. A product has to

“Today we have more choice of food

someone and they don’t understand,

sell easily and quickly. Buyers won’t give

and drinks than ever before and the big

it’s not them that’s stupid, it’s you for not

you long to prove that your brand works,

brands are no longer dominating the

explaining it properly’.

it’s in one day and out the next, so, make

market. Many consumers want to try

it easy for the consumer to choose your

something different, but that doesn’t

“This is the same with branding, just

product fast.

mean they have all day to stand around

putting your brand name on the front

in-store or go online to research every

and thinking the brand will sell is crazy,

Horwell says that in order to get your

product. They need to be drawn to a

Consumers don’t care about a ‘new’

branding right, you need to ask yourself

brand that relates to then and says, ‘buy

brand name, they care about what’s in it

and others some questions:

me, I am new and exciting’,” says Horwell.

for them. So, make sure your message

u Where will this product sell and what

“When I lived in Australia, I knew a very

conveys this. Always focus on them, your




customers, not you,” he says.


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remember this stage when their favourite word is ‘because’.

In going through global whisky fans and

“Why did you draw all over the

collectors’ blogs regarding Springbank,


there never seems enough whisky being


made to meet demand. While this is

“Why won’t you eat your broccoli?”

wonderful position to be in, it is also a


very frustrating position to be in, says Allen.

When talking to David Allen of Springbank, the distillery’s head of sales

“We can only sell today what was made

marketing, this comes back to you. Not to

10-plus years ago and it’s easy to for

imply, infer, or otherwise say that Allen’s

everyone to get overexcited about the

vocabulary is limited to just one word –

lack of Springbank right now,” he says.

and indeed the articulate David’s speech

“We have a limited product and it’s

is far from being constrained in any way.

frustrating, but demand for whiskey – not just Springbank –has really grown

However, there are some things that

exponentially over the last few years.”

Springbank does that you just have to accept with a ‘because’. Because

You would think then that Springbank

somewhere in the eons since this

would follow the example of other whisky

distillery began creating highly coveted

distilleries and ramp up production,

whisky nearly 200-years-ago, the

but Springbank has never taken this

reasons why certain procedures are done

approach. Why? This is one of those

a certain way seems to have been lost.

questions that can be best answered

But, if what you are making whiskies that

with ‘because’.

fans and buyers treat like gold dust, why change? Just accept that ‘because’ is

“We’ve been around since 1828 and still

reason enough.

owned by the same family. Our chairman is a pretty conservative person when it

Home for Springbank is Campbeltown,

comes to business,” says Allen.

one of the five areas in Scotland categorized as a distinct malt whisky

Which isn’t to say that his management

producing region and home to

style is prone to inertia – when he acts,

Campbeltown single malts. At one point

he acts decisively.

the region had over 30 distilleries and

In 1998, the Scotch Whisky Association

proclaimed itself the whisky capital of the

decided that two distilleries were not


enough to classify Campbeltown as a whisky region, such as Speyside, Islay,

However, a focus on quantity instead

Highlands and Lowlands. The association

of quality, along with the combination

then merged Campbeltown into the

of Prohibition and the Great Depression


in the United States led to most of these distilleries going out of business.

But Mr Wright noticed that there were

In addition, the Campbelton tradition

only three operational distilleries in the

of heavy, oily malts fell out of a favour.

Lowlands, and with three being the

Today, only three active distilleries remain

magic number, in 2000 he purchased the

in Campbeltown: Glen Scotia, Glengyle

old Glengyle Distillery buildings located

and Springbank.

in Campbeltown. After considerable amount of investment,

Archibald Mitchell established

the modernised Glengyle distillery was

Springbank in 1828 with an illicit still;

completed in 2004, and Campbeltown

today the distillery is in the hands of

was restored to being a whisky region.

Hedley Wright, Mitchell’s great, great grandson, the fifth generation of the

“As long as you’re making enough

Mitchell family to own and manage

money to pay the staff, employ local

Springbank Distillery.

people, and you invest in the building’s



f you’ve raised a toddler, you will


We have a limited product and it’s frustrating, but demand for whiskey has really grown exponentially over the last few years,” David Allen, Springbank




SPRINGBANK DISTILLERY TOUR infrastructure, he’s quite happy. Mr Wright

Crosshill Loch, which was built sometime

reviving the identity and character of a

is not necessarily interested in expanding,

in the 1860s during Campbeltown’s

Campbeltown distillery which closed in

taking over the globe and being in every

heydays. While water is often discussed

1896. The malt used in its production is

airport and supermarket across the world.

in whisky production and the qualities of

dried for 48 hours over a peat fire giving it

it – hard, soft, mineral content, etc – Allen

a highly peaty flavour.

“We can’t meet the demands of our

does not see it playing that great of part,

established markets, it’s a struggle to

believing that there are bigger factors

In addition, for around the last 25-years,

keep Springbank at our own shop in

that have an overall impact on flavour.”

the distillery has each year devoted

Campbeltown and we haven’t looked at

These include barley, yeast, and the

part of its output to the production of

new market enquires in the last five to six

aging casks.

Hazelburn single malt, reviving another Campbeltown name and Scotch whisky.

years,” says Allen. “People joke that we’re not the sales team as much as the sales

The barley used is mostly from the east

The malt used in its production is dried

prevention team.

coast of Scotland, but Springbank also

over hot air only, with no peat used at all.

uses west coast sourced barley for its

With its triple distillation and the lack of

“At Springbank we are in a situation

local barley whiskies.

peat, it is more similar to Irish whiskies

where we pretty much pre-allocate every

Its distillers have found that with the

than Scottish.

single case of whisky we have for the

more severe weather conditions of

entire year,” he says.

Scotland’s west coast, local barley is

Springbank has been using yeast from

“We like to look after the markets that

smaller, it is a bit more difficult to work

as far back as anyone remembers from

have been loyal to us so it would be

with and has a lower yield of alcohol.

a small place called Menstrie, Scotland.

unfair to take reallocations of whiskey

More is then needed to produce the

Although other distilleries experiment

from an established market to give to a

same amount of whisky.

with yeast, that’s not in the character of Springbank.

brand-new market. We’re in this situation where we get weekly inquiries from

So, why do they use as much west coast

importers for new markets asking about

barley as they can it? Because.

these guys don’t take it well.”

INGREDIENTS AND PROCESS Springbank is the only Scottish distillery

“We’re very much traditionalists at Springbank and we don’t want to do

Springbank. Unfortunately, I say no – and The easy answer would be that there is

anything to the process, which is going to

a difference in flavour between the two

differ from how the previous generation

barleys. Whisky connoisseurs, masters

made the whiskey,” says Allen.

and sommeliers love this unique whisky

“We won’t change the yeast that we use,

and it sells out quickly.

or any of the processes because we are worried about changing the character

that does 100 percent of the production processing on site, with most done by

But don’t all their whisky sells quickly,

or Springbank. And that’s something we

hand. This means from the malting of the

so why go through all the added effort?

feel quite strongly about is continuing

barley through to the bottling; everything


that that character of the whiskey from generation to generation.”

is done at Springbank. You have to wonder though, what do they gain from

After the barley soaks for three days


becoming malt, it is conveyed onto a

Springbank uses an unusual set-up for

malting floor, with Springbank being one

distilling, using one wash still and two

“It’s one of our top unique selling points,

of the very few distilleries still using a

spirit stills. The wash still has a capacity of

but the problem with this approach is

malting floor. Workers armed with heavy-

10,000 litres, with the spirit stills having a

if anything goes wrong, we’ve only got

duty rakes called ‘grabbers’ keep the six-

capacity of 6,000 litres.

ourselves to blame,” says Allen. But he

inch-deep barley moving, in what almost

says the advantage is twofold: First, the

looks like a Zen meditation design,

And here is where it gets complicated.

distillery has complete control over the

processing around 23 tonnes a week.

You might distil twice; you might distil three times. Not Springbank, they distil

entire process and second, it’s another opportunity for to ensure that there is

Until 1973, Springbank’s only product

2.5 times. This is based on a ratio, which

more local job creation.

was the single malt Scotch whisky that

makes perfect sense when it is explained

bears its name. The malt that goes into

to you, but one minute later and this

“A big part of our philosophy is to create

the fermentation during its production is

theory is back to sounding like total

employment for Campbeltown, which is

dried for six hours over a peat fire, then


a small isolated rural community where

for a further 24 hours over hot air, giving it

there isn’t too much in employment

a mildly peaty character.

approach to production, it makes jobs All water for Springbank comes from the

According to Allen, part of the output from the first distillation is drawn off

opportunities.” By using a ‘many-hands’ Since that same year, some of

before the second distillation, then

Springbank’s output each year has

mixed with the feints going into the first

been released as Longrow single malt,

distillation. The result is a hybrid “two and





Springbank believes supporting the local community with jobs is just as important as making outstanding whisky

casks. Depending on the type of whisky,

Or, it’s just the way they like doing things.

it’s aged for 10, 12, 15, 18 or 21 years.


Although quite a few whiskies are 40%

Campbeltown has been described as

ABV, Springbank’s are 46% ABV except a

the nearest place to nowhere and the

12-year-old whisky which is a potent 54%

furthest from anywhere. The nearest

ABV. This whisky is released at its cask

large town is Glasgow – 140 miles

strength – its purest natural form – giving

away by road. As the bird flies or the

consumers more control over how much

salmon swims, Ireland is actually closer.

water to add.

Campbeltown is a place where new businesses come in with much fanfare,

Like all the other operations, Springbank’s

how they’re going to bring in jobs, etc,

whisky is bottled at its plant.

and then seem to creep out the door late a night, hoping nobody will notice all the

a half times” distillation process which

unfulfilled promises.

many believe gives Springbank some of its unique character.


“People always ask us why and the very honest answer is, we don’t know

You have to wonder if the professors at

why, we’re simply following the recipe

the Harvard Business School shake their

David Allen says that the distillery

process used and passed down by word

heads at Springbank. While the distillery

could be doing more with sustainability;

of mouth,” says Allen. “For us, it’s to the

doesn’t go out of its way to avoid sales –

being a bit more green in their

point of paranoia, nobody wants to be

like playing a game of tag – it does seem

approach. However, from almost any

the person on watch who changes the

to come close to that.

perspective, they are the true definition of sustainability, keeping 90 jobs in a

character of Springbank. So, we adhere to this 2.5 times distillation.” Or in other words, because.

In talking with many distilleries,

struggling community, giving families a

expansion is seen as the key to their

reason to stay on the peninsula.

survival. Not at Springbank. Perhaps it was just seeing in Campbeltown when

While all the while, making one of the

The spirit is aged primarily in ex-

quantity was the most important value –

most sought after whiskies. If we all could

bourbon and ex-sherry casks, although

not quality – and what was the end result

only find a bottle of Springbank, we

sometimes Springbank’s distillers get

of that approach.

could all join in raising a toast to this most

a bit wild and use ex-rum or Calvados




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hile the history of

serious enough to even be thought of as

Scottish whisky

a distant great-great nephew of one of

dates to over

the original Whisky Barons.

1,000 years ago, the success

For example, he has some crazy ideas

and refinement of what the world calls

regarding whisky. Get this, Sharpe

Scotch, is more recent when a select

believes whisky is for drinking and

group of whisky merchants took the

enjoying, not investing.

business by storm in the late 18th and

That if you drink your whisky neat or with

early 19th centuries, who are referred to

the smallest amount of water, that’s fine.

as the whisky barons.

Just like it’s fine to drink whisky with ice, with Coke or in a cocktail.

John Dewar, James Buchanan, Alexander Walker, Arthur Bell, Peter Mackie and

Just like it’s fine if your favourite whisky is

pioneer rum runner Captain William ‘Bill’

Haig Club or even Sainsbury’s Blended.

McCoy established their brands and kick-

And, perhaps his most insane idea of all,

started the industry.

whisky enjoyment should be for all, not


the self-appointed few.

The men had much in common: they were all Scots from humble beginnings,

The original Scottish whisky barons didn’t

served long apprenticeships and

necessarily create whiskey as we know

ultimately set out on their own to build

it today, but they certainly modernised it

their companies.

and turned it from what was considered

Whisky writer David Broom says the

quite a sort of rough rugged northerners

whisky barons didn’t just sell whisky, they

drink to the drink of the modern-day

sold an idea, and in doing so created this


new concept called ‘branding’. By being seen in the right theatres, race

Prior to the whisky barons’ transformation

meetings, sporting events, hotels, clubs

of whisky, gin, sherry, port and other

and restaurants, they built whisky’s

fortified wines would have been the

credibility as an acceptable drink for

choice of the gentry. It you drank whisky


it was something you hid.

With whisky’s popularity firmly entrenched around the world, however, is

“The whiskey barons started creating

there a need for a whisky baron today?

blended consistent products that were able to be mass marketed the world over,

Jake Sharpe is not who you’re expecting

some of which we still know and love

when you meet The Whisky Baron. To be

today, creating brands that have really

fair, that’s not what he calls himself, it’s

lasted,” says Sharpe.

the name of his whisky bottling company. “I didn’t really decide to call myself the But when you look at The Whisky Baron’s

whiskey baron. The idea was to create

label, back at Sharpe, then back at the

a brand that sort of paid homage to the

bottle and it is hard not to think there is

whiskey barons. And as a result of me,

a more than passing resemblance. Still,

apparently looking a bit like the guy on

Sharpe seems too young at 27 and not

the label, I have been since dubbed the



IN INTERVIEW THE WHISKY BARON Whiskey Baron, which is quite a privilege

Independent bottlers can buy new

An independent can come in, buy a cask

but comes with a lot of responsibility.”

whiskies and leave them exactly as they

and then bottle it under their own brand,

are to age, or they can take young stock

allowing whisky drinkers to try something

While we are all familiar with whisky

and age it in a series of different casks

that wouldn’t be on the market otherwise.

distillers, we’re not as much with the

to manipulate the flavour and get to a

concept of being an independent bottler.

different end goal that would the distillery


was doing. This is, in essence, creating According to Sharpe, unlike the

their own brand. But, just like what

If you want to watch Sharpe start to

distilleries who produce their own

distilleries face in planning their spirits,

sputter, ask him what is the perfect

whiskies, independent bottlers purchase

independent bottlers need to be able

whisky and what makes it so. If you have

casks or barrels of whiskey from different

to guess what coming tastes and trends

a sibling or more, it would be easier to

distilleries and bottle it under their own

will be.

ask your mother who is her favourite


child. One problem the public has in getting

‘Our brand is The Whisky Baron. We

their heads around independent bottlers

“How do I know there is such a thing, I

have currently seven different whiskies

is if they are being offered something

suppose it’s also subjective,” he finally

from six different distilleries as part of

from Distillery X, why not just buy it from


our range,” he says. “The point of being

Distillery X? What can an independent

an independent bottler is that you get to

bottler offer that a distillery can’t?

put forward different expressions from different distilleries and sing their praises.

With The Whisky Baron’s Founders Collection Range, it’s to get a vast

According to Sharpe, an independent

array of different flavours and different

bottler can offer you a different view

terminology out there for people to try.

of the distillery as far as offering cask

distilleries that haven’t been watered

strengths which the distillery might not

“A big part of our brand is trying to get

down to 40% ABV for the mass market


non-whiskey drinkers or novice whiskey

and allow real whisky enthusiasts to dive

Other distilleries – relatively unknown

drinkers who maybe don’t feel so

in and get an idea of what the whiskey is

– make fantastic whisky but only sell it

comfortable or confident in their whiskey

like, straight out of the cask, untouched

in casks, primarily to the big brands like

knowledge to learn a bit more. With our

and unadulterated.”

Johnny Walker, which then use it as an

first three releases, what we’re trying to

ingredient in their blended whisky.

do is to be present in as many different


“You also get to find expressions from







styles as possible to cater to as many

and really interested. We found a lot

When The Whisky Baron first started,

different palettes as possible.”

of younger people, too. When I set

on its website it mentioned investing in

up The Whisky Baron, I was 23 years

casks. But the company has now walked

A feature The Whisky Baron has is an

old. Arguably, I didn’t belong in the

away for that idea – despite it becoming

app which allows the consumer to select

whisky industry. But I think it’s all about

common and popular.

their dram, scan the label through their

conversation, breaking down those

phone/tablet, and then the Whisky Baron

barriers and welcoming new people in.”

Sharpe says when he first started in the industry working it was for a company

character appears to jump off the label and starts explaining about the whisky,

One of the ways The Whisky Baron is

that sold casks as an investment: “It made

how it could be drunk, used in cocktails

doing this is with its Infinite bottles.

perfect sense to me at the time, it was my first foray into the whisky industry.”

or paired with foods. “Each bottle comes with a unique code If you have seen the first ‘Jurassic Park’,

that when logged into our website, it

But as time when on, Sharpe began

it looks a bit like when John Hammond’s

gives you your own unique database.

to realise that there were people in

animated character explains the science

The first 35 whiskies that we’ve put

the industry mis-selling casks, giving

behind the dinosaurs.

in the blend are listed there with the

misinformation and promising returns

exact amount that is in your bottle,”

that were not possible. He finally decided

“I think it’s all about welcoming new

says Sharpe. As the bottle gets drunk,

there were too many issues in this part

people into the category. Typically, it

the person adds whisky to it before it

of the industry which made him feel

has been the drink of an old man next to

is finished, leaving a very, very small


the fire with a cigar, wearing his slippers,

amount of the first whisky in the blend.

drinking it neat or with a cube of ice and

Notes are kept online as to which new

“We do work with a small number of

that’s it. We try and break those ridiculous

whiskies are added to the blend.

private individuals that allow us to sort of lock up stock for future bottlings,

premises by, providing a cocktail recipe with each of our whiskeys. If you enjoy


whiskey cocktails?” says Sharpe.

we stopped publicizing it, because we didn’t want the average whiskey investor

cocktails, why shouldn’t you drink If you use any social media platform

coming to us.

that has ads and if you’ve ever clicked “What we first have to do is break down

on any whisky site, you can be almost

“I think what the average whiskey investor

those ridiculous notions that whiskey

guaranteed that you’ll be receiving ads

is now, generally, people who aren’t even

has to be a certain thing. Whiskey is

for investing in whisky casks. The returns,

interested in drinking whiskey, they’ve

for everybody. We have found a lot of

however, that they imply strongly are

seen it in the media as being something

women coming into the category are

possible, never seem to be copacetic.

that can produce amazing returns. One






figure that’s bandied around is 582 percent because there was one bottle that achieved this, according to a report Knight Frank did in collaboration with Rare Whisky 101 on the top performing bottles at the time.” A return that will probably never to be repeated. Sharpe says that he is finding it now harder and harder to source casks at a reasonable price. People are buying casks with the promise of returns, but there is no exit strategy except trying to find someone who will buy your cask at even a higher price. The novices that are getting involved in whisky cask investment do not really understand the industry and are ignorant of duties, bottling costs, and the cost of building a brand. “It’s ruining the whiskey industry, in my opinion. We took a big step back from that, because I didn’t want to be sort of lumped in with that crowd. Our aim

that are selling it for five times the

let’s not forget, make a tidy profit in the

really is to get great whiskey in front of

price. That’s not fair. And so ultimately

process. You would say, too, they had

people and to sing the praises of all the

distilleries are pulling back their stock,

considerable pride in their product.

wonderful distilleries that we work with.”

they’re not allowing new entrants to buy from them. The casks that are already in

During US Prohibition, Captain Bill McCoy

One of the knock-on effects of cask

the open market continue to rise in value,

came into his own, bringing whisky to

investing is that is becoming harder for

which means it’s harder and harder to

the three-mile limit of US coastal waters

independent bottlers to source casks at a

buy them at a price that you can then

for small boats to then smuggle ashore.

reasonable price – despite independent

bottle and sell.”

For US drinkers at the time, pretty much anything with alcohol in it would do, and

bottlers becoming more popular. If a bottler is going to put a bottle on a

The end result of this, believes Sharpe,

despite the fancy label on the bottle, very

shelf at a price that is close to what the

will be independent bottlers dying out

few believed it was anything but cheap

distillery would charge, bottlers need

due to them not being able to get the

rot gut. Not however with what Captain

to be buying casks at true trade prices,

product they need.

McCoy sold. How good was his whisky? Well, that’s where the expression the ‘real

not the overly inflated prices caused by investors.

“I’m very lucky in that despite having

McCoy’ came from.

started in the industry with a less than “The distilleries are getting frustrated,

honest company, I managed to make a

Sharpe is similar in many ways except

because they’re putting all the hard work

swift exit. I’ve managed to make a good

he’s interested in making whisky for

into making this spirit. They’re selling it to

name for myself. I think that people in the

everyone. For people who say they don’t

individuals on the basis that it’s going into

industry know that we are bottling these

like whisky, Sharpe answers: “You just

a b0ttle. But then it’s not, it’s being traded

casks, that we do care about the industry

haven’t met the right one yet.” As he

around being flipped to auctions, three,

and that we’re not just looking to make a

pointed out, making it as an independent

four or five times a year, with the distillery

quick buck. We’re here for the long run.”

bottler is getting harder to do. But there is something of the old whisky barons

getting nothing from that after they’ve What would the original whisky barons

about him. If anyone will succeed, it is

think of Jake Sharpe? They were trying

going to be Jake Sharpe, the modern

“They’re the one who put all the hard

to elevate whisky, to make it a better

whisky baron.

work in, and then you get these cowboys

product and one fit for gentlemen. And,

sold it to somebody at a fair-trade value.





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och Lomond Group has a

came, the stone on which all Scottish

family of old established

Monarchs were crowned.

distilleries: Loch Lomond, Glen Scotia and Littlemill.

Founded in 1832 as Scotia, this distillery survived a decline in the industry in the

The Loch Lomond Group markets

early part of the 20th century. The ‘Glen’

a portfolio of highest quality brands

was added to the name in 1939 and Glen

including: finest malt expressions; quality

Scotia changed hands again

whisky blends; and the second most

With their own modern bottling plant

popular vodka brand in the UK in the

Loch Lomond Group are able to control

form of Glen’s Vodka.

all aspects of the production and

They also produce Ben Lomond Gin

packaging of their products.

which encompasses flavoured infused

It was into this illustrious history that in

gins such as Blackberry & Gooseberry

2004 Enterprise Tondelli first started

Gin and Raspberry & Elderflower Gin.

supplying equipment to the bottling plant

Since 1814, the Loch Lomond Distillery

to enhance the performance.

has been producing the finest single malt

The latest installation in a long line of

whisky. Situated on the banks of Loch

projects is the replacement of line 5,

Lomond it takes its name from this most

historically used for miniatures and small

picturesque and famous of all Scotland’s


lochs. Campbeltown was, reportedly, the

The new line can handle miniatures,

ancient seat of the Scottish Parliament

100ml, 200ml and 350ml in a variety of

set up here by King Fergus in 503AD.

shapes and designs with either ROPP

Indeed the first site of the Scotia distillery

or “T” shaped corks all on the same line,

in Parliament Street is said to be on the

filling brown and white spirits along with

site from where the Stone of Destiny

flavoured gins.



The range of spirit fillers from Enterprise vary from 20 to 600 bottles per minute

labeller supplied by Enterprise Tondelli can handle all of the bottle range as above and has the facility for base notch spotting device for label orientation. The two station 9 platform labeller can also handle transparent labels as well. Full bottle conveyor and also the conveyor control system housed in a stainless steel panel and field wiring were part of the system integration supplied from Eurosistemi from Enterprise Tondelli to give a turn key project. Andrew Macpherson, technical team leader at the bottling plant said: “I started A special depalletising area allows the

handle all of the above formats with

with the company in 2001 and have seen

combining of both the miniatures arriving

a very ease change over for the filling

Enterprise Tondelli give very consistent

in trays along with the larger bottles on

valves using a quick release button.

results over the years and especially for the project management aspect.

pallets. A pressure less combiner from

The filer block base frame has a

Eurosistemi, a wholly owned subsidiary

stainless steel underframe for reduced

“These have included single machines

of Enterprise, ensures they are all single

maintenance and direct gearing between

to the complete high speed flask line. Of

filed correctly and the new area now only

the filler and blower.

course we have used other contractors

requires one operator compared to the

The range of rotary spirit fillers from

over the years but Enterprise Tondelli are

multiple operators required before for

Enterprise start at just 20 bottles per

among the very best”

this task.

minute to 600 bottles per minute with

Craig Wilson, managing director of

The rotary blower/filler/capper is

multiple closing turrets and valve

Enterprise UK added: “That it has been a

mounted on a common base frame with

solutions. A low level bulk closure hopper

very long lasting relationship based on

star wheel transfer between the blower

and elevator was provided for operator

mutual understanding and appreciation

and filler for improved bottle handling.

safety and machine autonomy.

of strengths. We look forwards to working

The gravity or low vacuum filler can

The BRB Globus rotary self-adhesive

with Loch Lomond for another 20 years.”







f you invented a time-machine

the Distilling Board of Examiners for the

and brought back a Celt from the

Institute of Brewing and Distilling. Not

year 350 BCE, there are few things

only does he knows the subject of casks,

he would recognise except for

he has literally written the book, Cask

a wooden barrel. They’ve been

Management for Distillers, available here

around that long and there really hasn’t

in the UK through Amazon.

been much change in their appearance or purpose.


Which makes you wonder, why in the

One ‘fact’ that always keeps batted

distilling industry do we still seem a bit

around is that barrels make up anywhere

lost and confused around them. Almost

from 70 to 90 percent of a spirit’s flavour.

like the story of the seven blind men

However, like a lot of ‘facts’ that you hear

trying to feel and describe an elephant,

mention only during distillery tours, you

distillers seem to know bits and pieces of

have to wonder how true is this?

barrels, but few really grasp the big cask picture.

“Yeah, I think it depends on how you look at that – I’ve never been entirely sure

But, if you want your whisky, rum,

where they’ve gotten that metric from. In

cognac, rye or pretty much any other

the UK, distillers typically say around 70

spirit to stand out in a crowded field, it

percent, while when you’re in Kentucky,

starts with that wooden barrel in your

they typically say around 90 percent,”


says Strickland. “This actually makes sense since the

A proper barrel can bring out flavours

contribution of the barrel is a bit more in

in your spirits that are otherwise

American whiskey styles, versus that of

unattainable. But, if you want to buy that

the UK.

“proper” barrel, you’ll need to do much more that ‘click’ on the first one you see.

“When the spirit comes off the still, it’s generally not something you’d want to

In the quest to find a barrel expert,

drink. There are sharp edges to it, fusel oil

one name Distillers Journal found

notes and it can have a bit of sulphur in it.

being mentioned repeatedly was Matt

During a visit to Macallan distillery, they

Strickland of Montreal, Quebec.

let you drink a couple of whiskies at the

Along with Strickland having a Masters

end, including new spirit. It’s not that it

in Food Science & Technology from

was bad, but it wasn’t particularly good,”

Oregon State University, he has worked

he says.

at a number of distilleries and is currently the master distiller at Distillerie Cote des

“You think of Macallan as being this very

Saints in Quebec where he focuses on

luxurious, pristine spirit and it absolutely

single malt whisky.

is, but the stuff that goes into it has a lot

And if that wasn’t enough, Strickland

of edges that have to be smoothed away through Macallan’s fantastic wood policy.

owns and runs DRAM Services and




Consulting, a distillery production

“A lot of those negative flavours get

consultancy that focuses on small start-

removed in the cask. You get the

up distilleries.

addition of colour, you get wood sugars,

He is also the only American to sit on

you get tannins, vanillin, and all these



by-products of lignin breakdown. The

to magically transform it into this liquid

Just as there are variances between

truth is we don’t really understand all

butterfly. It just doesn’t happen,” says

American, French, Japanese and Oregon

the chemistry, there’s so much stuff


oak, in each group there are variances as well due to growing conditions.

that happens. It’s definitely a fantastic intellectual exercise to try somebody’s

WHA T MAKES A GOOD CASK You have to ask yourself what are you

newly made spirit alongside their matured version. You really can start to

We want casts that hold liquid, which has

trying to accomplish with your spirit and

get a grasp on how important the barrel

been the primary purpose for wooden

how the type of oak used will help you

actually is,” says Strickland.

barrels for the last 2,371 years, so you’d

accomplish this.

think we’d have cast selection down to Which leaves one wondering why bother

an art, but we don’t. What makes a good

According to Strickland, when buying

with finding the right barley, the right

cast? What are things that a distiller

barrels you first have to find a broker or

water and the right yeast? The flavour

should be looking for?

cooperage that you can trust.

comes from the cask. Although other woods besides oak are

“I always tell people, do some research,

“If you’re saying that there’s only 70

used to make barrels, the vast majority

talk to other distillers to find a broker or

percent flavour from the cask, that other

for the distilling industry are oak.

cooperage, that is making top quality

30 percent is not is not an insignificant

American Oak (Quercus alba) is the most

stuff that everybody is happy with,” he

amount. There’s also a lot of the

important oak in the spirit industry. It


compounds, a lot of the interactions that

forms the basis of nearly all American

“Then it really boils down to getting

happen between the spirit in the barrel

whiskey and when the casks are

to know that that broker and that

that really are contingent upon getting

emptied, many are sold to the Scottish

cooperage, and finding somebody that’s

all those other factors. You cannot put

whisky industry, as well as to the world’s

willing to give you as much information

junk in the barrel and expect the barrel

rum, tequila and brandy industry.

as possible about what you’re buying.




FOCUS CASK MANAGEMENT Where did they purchase the oak? How

sherry inside the barrel. “Usually, it’s only

to craft beer once they understand the

old was the oak when they felled the

a few litters, but it keeps the wood a little

flavour,” says Strickland.


moist during transport – I don’t tend to

“What are some of their quality control

have as many leak issues with those

“With spirits, we don’t really have that


luxury. I can say that Jack Daniels might not the most exciting whiskey out there.

standards? Are they pressure testing the barrels properly?


“For me, a lot of just a lot of it boils down

In the craft beer industry, small brewers

a lot of flagships. At worst, they might be

to what type of barrel I’m looking for. If

realised from the beginning that they

considered a little basic or simple, but

I’m buying new barrels – which I don’t

couldn’t compete head-on against big

they’re actually made to a really high

too often – I don’t want to see any knots

beer. If for some reason they decided


in the wood. I want to see fairly straight

they were going to brew a beer that

grained wood, wavy grains and knots and

tasted just like Budweiser, they’d get

“I’ve met a lot of these major brand

things like that are typically signs that I


distillers; they know their stuff and they

But I definitely cannot say that it’s bad and the same thing with Jim Beam, and

know what they’re doing; they are making

could wind up with some leaks.

high quality spirits. “There are other little things that are a

“We can’t go out and just say, ‘We’re

level of skill by the cooperage or a level

small, clearly our stuff is a higher quality.’

of care. I like to see a barrel that has a

That argument just doesn’t work. We

chime on the end of it, which is sort of the

can’t beat them on price. We can make

raised portion that comes off the head. With a decent sized chime that I can actually put my hand on it means I can maneuverer the barrel butt easier. That’s a quality of life improvement. “If you’re purchasing used barrels, making sure you buy used barrels from a company you know. For example, if you’re buying used bourbon barrels, try to buy those from a bourbon distillery that you actually enjoy their whiskey. If you don’t like Jack Daniels, don’t buy their barrels because it will contribute some of Jack Daniels’ character to your

It’s definitely a fantastic intellectual exercise to try somebody’s newly made spirit alongside their matured version,” Matt Strickland.

something just as good if not better, but it’s definitely going to cost more,” says Strickland. A problem small craft distillers have is not always being able to get exactly the same type of barrels from their broker. You need to know exactly what type of bourbon, sherry or rum was in the casts beforehand and if you’re happy with those casts because they help to define your flavour, will your broker send you the exact same type? You ordered Four Roses casks six months ago, when you order casks again will you get Four Roses


or Jack Daniels?

“I always make sure that all the barrels

A vast number of customers place a

are inspected by me or my guys. We

There is no way they could compete

premium on product consistency, which

make sure that there’s all the aromas,

against big beers’ volume. So, they

is again, something small distillers cannot

everything is what it should be. If the

decided to complete with quality. ‘Yes,

compete against the major players.

hoops are overly rusted, which is a big

our beer is going to cost you double than

Some craft distillers believe this quirk is

thing with bourbon, it might be indicative

that Coors in your hand, but when you

something customers expect, though it

that the barrels weren’t stored that well.”

taste ours, you’ll see where that money

is hard seeing all customers being this

is going.’


your spirits wonderful flavours, you need

In cask selection, what are things that a

But, according to Strickland, there are

to avoid anything which had considerable

craft distiller can do?

some ways those small distillers can

While wine and sherry barrels can give

outshine big, and one of these is being

sulphur in it like some wines. While you can get rid of it from the barrel, in the

“When it comes to brewing beer, the

a risk taker. Small distillers can pivot

process you will end up stripping out a

craft brewers have a leg up, because

a lot faster, they can experiment, and

lot of the flavour from the wine that was

you can make the argument that as

do things that when you’re producing

there to begin with.

consistent as something like Budweiser

thousands and thousands and thousands

is, it’s not that great of a beer. And, while

of barrels a year, you can’t do.

Strickland says that he likes to deal with

a lot of the population does like it, it’s

brokers that actually leave a little bit of

pretty easy to convert a beer drinker




“For example, with Distillerie Cote des



Saints I currently have in my program

“Lo and behold, it’s a completely different

are matured in at least three casts before

somewhere between 16 to 20 different

whiskey than the rest of our whiskies

they come out and so they’re layering all

barrel profiles. Two or three of those

– you wouldn’t even think it was made

these different levels of complexity and

profiles are different types of bourbon

in the same distillery. The only thing I

flavour on top of one another, and they’re

casks that I’ve been experimenting with,

did differently was I just bumped the fill

getting something totally unique that the

but for the most part, these profiles are

strength up.

larger distilleries would find just be too logistically difficult to do,” he says.

wildly different from each other. “There are a lot of people that say small


“We’re using Armagnac casks and I just

barrels don’t make good whiskey; the

laid down a couple Aquavit casks. We

truth is quite a bit more complicated than

have Pedro Ximenez brandy, and PX

that. I’ve seen distillers and I’ve worked

At times it is hard not to see what

Sherry – which are two very different

for distilleries that have made small

happens in the barrel as some form

things – and old Amaro barrels and all

cask whiskies that have out competed

alchemy or magic. Pull it off correctly

this stuff,” he says.

20-year-old Scotches. If you know how

and you’ll have the crowd cheering in

to use them, you can make some really

wonderment and buying your spirits. Flub

Strickland says that fill strength is

fantastic whiskey in small casks and so

it, and you’ll be out of business.

something that he is experimenting with,

we’re seeing a lot of experimentation with

With so much resting on that barrel, it’s

something that the big guys won’t play


a wonder we don’t wrap them in a soft

with. How strong the spirit is, when you

blanket and sing them a lullaby every

go into the cast has a dramatic impact on

“There are a lot of blending and cask-

character of the spirit that comes out.

layering multi-cask experiments that

night in our warehouse.

on a large scale would be almost too

Distillers Journal will be bringing Matt

Two years ago at the urging of one of the

cumbersome to pull off, even with a

Strickland back later in the year to

distilleries board members, Strickland

larger workforce.

discuss the warehouse, maturation and

put into a barrel whisky at 68.5% ABV, which as he admits is high for a whiskey.

stock management. In the meantime, “But I know quite a few smaller distilleries

you can hear him on the Distillers Journal

that are making whiskies and rums that

Podcasts at








he ability to control levels

Today’s operations strive for consistency

of humidity is one of

and conformity across production and

the most significantly

over years. Controlling variables such as

overlooked issues in the

humidity must be a concern across all

modern distilling industry.

steps of the production operation.

Most people don’t notice humidity to

A good example of this is how a lack of

anywhere near the same degree that

humidity control in a whisky distillery was

they are aware of other equally basic

causing large losses due to evaporation.

conditions, such as heat, cold and

In this particular application the whisky


was being matured in oak casks over years to get its unique flavour and colour.

Humidity can have a profound influence on materials, on production costs, on

These wooden casks equalise with the

service and maintenance expenditure

surrounding air, which means liquid

and on asset durability, as well as energy

transforms outwards when the air

consumption and the resultant envi-

humidity in the storage areas is too low.

ronmental impact. This applies to virtually

This means great volumes of loss of

all sectors of both manufacturing and

whisky and, of course, loss of income.

service industry.

This ‘angels’ share’ that occurs in the maturing process can now be controlled

Uncontrolled humidity makes nasty

by installing an Adiabatic humidification

things happen:

system which uses a high pressure pump station and controls several zones

Condensation: This is the result of the

independently, using nozzles mounted

fact that the air, which inevitably contains

on heads that distribute the moisture in a

a certain level of moisture, has a different

controlled manner.

temperature from the surfaces with which it comes into contact.

Humidifying to the correct level and

Corrosion and rust: The combination

stabilizing the humidity in the storage

of humidity and oxygen makes metals

areas have ensured losses are at an

corrode, significantly affecting both

absolute minimum and profit margins are

strength and durability. Iron and steel rust

no longer affected.

and lose structural integrity, copper is

Similarly, as too little humidity can cause

plagued by verdigris, affecting electronics

issues, there are also many problems

and electrical equipment.

associated with too much humidity as

Clumping and blockages: Powders and

stated above, whilst we may know of

granulate absorb humidity particularly

these problems the important thing is

easily. They then clump together,

how they are dealt with.

affecting quality and causing blockages in processing equipment, as well as

The layman’s idea about dealing with

providing a fertile breeding ground for

humidity and condensation problems


is simply to turn up the heat, However,

Inconsistent production conditions:

turning up the heating has only very

Seasonal fluctuations in humidity result

limited effects on humidity.

in inconsistent production conditions

Heating does not alter the absolute level

that can affect product quality, energy

of humidity present in the air – it only

consumption and profit margins.

increases the overall temperature. The relationship between the heat








content and the water vapour content of

and fixed assets

air is relatively complicated and non-

u lower costs for service, maintenance

linear, and temperature isn’t as important

and refurbishment

as air humidity, because of the dew point.

u lower energy costs and reduced

This usually results in excessive energy costs to very little effect, because it takes much more energy to heat moistureladen air than to heat dry air. And it does not provide a year-round solution. In virtually all cases, removing

Turning up the heat has limited effects on humidity.”

environmental impact u longer service life for buildings and equipment u a way to actively prevent detrimental processes such as rust and corrosion, mould and rot, condensation, electrical faults, and spoilt materials and products. And, better control is good business

moisture from the air using adsorption

Humidity control technology is the most

dehumidification technology is significantly more effective, and makes

ready to absorb water.

cost-effective and environmentally

it possible to work with consistent levels

The entire process is cyclic, making the

responsible way to tackle many

of effectiveness regardless of season or

system largely self-reliant, with no need

problems widespread throughout the


for manual intervention and very little

production industry.

The heart of this process is a slowly

need for maintenance.

It’s an easy, inexpensive way to

turning rotor coated with silica gel, which

Controlling humidity is ultimately a

implement pro-active measures that help

absorbs the water molecules present in

question of establishing – and keeping

make sure you can maintain the value of

the air passing through it.

– control over parameters that can have

key structures, processes and other high-

In a designated regeneration zone,

big effects on efficiency, reliability and

value assets.

the saturated rotor is then dried with a


separate flow of heated air.

Effective humidity management gives:

As all buildings are different and owners

u better control of parameters that

have their own unique requirements. It

The warm, humid regeneration air is then

affect your raw materials, production

is wise to get specialist advice to ensure

led away, and the rotor is once again

processes, manufacturing installations

the most appropriate solution.



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