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Distribution - Protecting your liquid assets
As applause rang out for the UK’s key workers at 8pm each Thursday evening during the first lockdown, the sense that we were all in this together was palpable. While that heady ‘Dunkirk’ spirit might have waned slightly in subsequent months, communities have still predominantly shown a united front in observing social distancing guidelines, wearing masks and supporting the old and vulnerable with food deliveries and beyond.
Businesses too have largely demonstrated good practice – making allowances for home schooling, selfisolation and understanding how lockdown and remote working could affect physical and mental well-being.
Kegstar was quick to recognise that lockdown required action that was significantly different to a ‘business as normal’ approach. There would inevitably be job losses and closures across the industry, but lockdown also offered an opportunity for brewers, pubs and suppliers to pull together and come out of the pandemic stronger than we went in.
James Bleakley, Kegstar’s general manager for UK and Europe, explains: “Lockdown taught us that as individuals we are vulnerable, but when we all unite with the same goals, we quickly find a sense of hope and togetherness that makes us feel stronger.
“This is as true in our business life as it is in our communities when faced with an indiscriminate threat like Covid-19.”
The industry saw a number of campaigns set up to support or raise awareness for the plight faced by many of its members – causes such as Fair4Hospitality, United We Stand, Pedalling for Pubs and Pubs Matter.
Kegstar played its own small part by launching its ‘Don’t Write Off Reach Out’ campaign. The idea was simple: businesses, like people in general, are often too proud to share their problems or to ask for help, so Kegstar wanted to encourage regular dialogue with its customers to ensure that help could be given early on to those that needed it.
“We got in touch with our customers, by phone, social media and via email newsletters to see how they were getting on,” adds Bleakley. “And if there were issues, we were committed to working through them together and flexing the business to meet their needs.
“Brewing and hospitality, its suppliers and people, were all thrown into a tough situation together. We all had our own thoughts and feelings on COVID-19 and the resulting lockdowns, creating some really personable and honest conversations with customers
and partners on how we could keep punching together and better understand the good people behind the businesses we work with.”
A similar approach was taken internally with Kegstar’s global teams in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Netherlands and UK, most of whom have been working remotely for the past year. Very much a people-first business, Kegstar’s culture and working life is based around ping-pong. With pingpong tables in all of its offices, Kegstar believes they not only encourage team bonding and physical exercise but that they also help in finding headspace and solutions for customers.
But with the tables mothballed during lockdown, the company needed a replacement. So it launched ‘Fitstar’, a daily exercise challenge to encourage friendly competition, health & fitness and mental well-being. As these Fitstar exploits, along with activities like Zoom quizzes, became shared on social media, they soon began to attract and benefit a wider audience, with many Kegstar customers also taking part.
The firm’s ‘Work from Somewhere’ drive was equally designed to promote togetherness and teamwork. Colleagues were encouraged to meet up, where government guidelines allowed, for socially distanced walks or occasional meet-ups in the office.
Where physical proximity was not possible, staff could attend a bi-weekly Virtual Campfire where, from the comfort of their own armchairs, they could socialise online with colleagues and share a beer or two. As Bleakley points out, some things have just not been possible during the pandemic, so the company merely looked for ways in which it could employ best practice to make the most out of what was possible.
“It’s all about controlling the controllables,” he said. “We knew we had to do everything in our power to protect our assets – the business, our staff, our customers and our industry – as well as reducing costs where possible. “All along we were encouraging everyone to keep on punching, get the job done and be in the best shape possible for when this is all over.”
Once the trade fully reopens, Kegstar is looking forward to getting back to normal levels of service, delivering and collecting its smart kegs to and from producers and venues of all sizes.
Thankfully, the way the industry has rallied means that it will potentially emerge stronger and more efficient than it was before the pandemic hit.
But, if you ask anyone at Kegstar what they are personally relishing most, they are united in their answer: it is the prospect of freely sharing a beer and some bonhomie in person, rather than virtually. Some traditions, after all, have lasted centuries for a very good reason.

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