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Candidate for MEA Secretary‑Treasurer

Frank Burger

Frank Burger is a proud 25‑year public school educator in the Carman‑Ainsworth School District, where he serves as the president of the Carman‑Ainsworth Education Association. He became active with the union early in his career when he was elected Vice‑President of the CAEA. Frank has served on the MEA Board and Executive Committee, NEA Board of Directors, MEA Region 10 President and Treasurer. He also serves as the co‑chair of the MEA PAC Governing Board and Statewide Screening and Recommendation Committee, and co‑chair of the NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus. Frank lives with his hus band Michael of 16 years in Grand Blanc.


Campaign Statement

Honesty, Integrity, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Commitment, Passion, Visionary. These are the words that best describe me as a leader.

As a proud union member and local president of the Carman‑Ainsworth

Education Association, I currently teach high school biology and physical science. Growing up in an MEA family, I learned the importance of unionism. I h ave appreciated your past support as an NEA Board Member, and am now seeking your support for the office of MEA Secretary‑Treasurer.

Good leaders have vision, are pas sionate, focused, committed and caring. Strong leaders go further by motivat ing others to achieve higher goals and take collective action. I am passionate about advocating for members, lifting up social justice issues, educating the public, and building alliances at the grass roots level. My goal is to ensure MEA has a budget that is transpar ent, provides an equitable dues system, serving the needs of all members and reflects our union values!

Members’ voices must be heard no matter where they live or work. People want to see their MEA officers fighting for every aspect of public education! As stated in our mission statement, MEA must “to ensure that the education of our students and the working environ ments of our mem bers are of the highest quality.” As Secretary‑Treasurer, I will work to make certain our union has the resources needed to achieve these goals. MEA must build on the strong partnerships already established to solidify its place as the education policy experts. I’m proud to have built success ful coalitions with several labor unions, including the AFL‑CIO, Teamsters, and UAW in Genesee County, that allow us to stand together united. MEA will be able to leverage these relationships I have fostered at the local, state and national level to garner more resources for all members.

As your next Secretary‑Treasurer, I know we can build on our successes that we have seen in the last year alone at the ballot box and work to build a strong union that represents all of our members!

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