Albinastore - toward Green Planet.

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Already in the middle of the last century in many countries of the world turned a powerful movement under the slogan "Beauty without cruelty", resulting in a significant number of companies producing cosmetics, detergents, perfumes, began manufacturing them from plant products (no animal ingredients) and to test alternative way without using animals. Such products mark trademark: the image of the rabbit and the words - "Not tested for animals" ("Not tested on animals"), "Animal friendly". Does not contain animal ingredients cosmetics are marked with "V" (vegan). If you don't want to be the cause of painful death of other livin g beings - our neighbors on the planet, choose only those companies that do not test their products on animals .

Daily eye we get tens of thousands of bottles, jars and vials. Bright labels are full of inscriptions, agitating to purchase a particular product. But what are distinguishing signs of truly pay attention, if you want to use in the salons of high quality tools and cosmetics? Many carefully considered in stores bottles, boxes and bags, hoping to choose the best quality tools. In the same way you do, studying cosmetics - whether it's makeup or skincare skin. For anybody not a secret that natural products are more vitamins, and they are better enrich the skin with nutrients than their synthetic counterparts. When selecting products to work in the beauty salon, the first is to determine whether the cosmetics to the group of "ethical" cosmetics. This standard allows consumers to understand whether this product is tested on animals. This makeup is marked with "Not tested on animals" ("Not tested on animals") or Animal friendly. There are also the sign of V ("Vegan") or the image of a hare, talking about what cosmetics does not contain animal ingredients. Good examples are funds American professional brand SPARITUAL. Packaging cosmetics are safe for use in salinopolis this, the ethics of production is confirmed by certification by the international organization FSC. If you saw this sign means that cosmetics responsible environmental approach to obtaining raw materials for organic cosmetics. In other words, he is legally in accordance with all standards of this organization . Also important recycling symbol means that for the manufacture of packaging partially or fully used recycled materials. Cosmetic brands should seriously care about the environment and ecology, trying to ensure a healthy future for our children, that's why the logo to appear on cans of this or that product. The following mandatory sign, which should be reflected on all types of plastic packaging natural cosmetics, sign recyclable plastic. There are 7 types of plastics, each of which is assigned a specific numeric code. Manufacturers use these symbols to inform consumers about the type of material, its

processing and utilization. As a rule, on the packaging of cosmetics is a numeric chara cter 01: this polietilentereftalat, perfectly amenable to recycling and reuse . Only in the composition of the organic cosmetics all natural ingredients that are grown and packaged exclusively with the use of natural methods and materials. Similar production and technology controls the USDA certificate, which gives the Department of agriculture, and NOP (National Organic Standards). They set to produce 3 levels of characters: 100% organic, organic and made with organic ingredients. If the product contains less than 70% natural ingredients, it has no right to be called organic. This fact makes the possession of such certificate is more than a prestigious and instantly increases the class of cosmetic products. For example, the brand SPARITUAL belongs to the category of "luxury" and, of course, among other symbols you will find on the packaging symbols made with organic ingredients. The use of such products is indispensable for any Spa treatments from manicures to massages and baths . If you saw all of these signs in your hands really decent cosmetics. These certificates do not fall on the packaging is just so, that is preceded by years of tests of production . So, for example, to get the USDA-mark, the manufacturer must cultivate the land on which the plants are grown correspondingly standards, at least within three years, or before certification three years to keep the land fallow. Judge for yourself, what is the quality of cosmetics, produced under such tight control. It is with pride we can talk about brands, which fully meet these standards. Therefore, getting serums, creams, shampoos, lotions, sprays and so on, pay special attention to signs and markings that are on the package, then any client is not only satisfied, but also become a patron of your salon . ALBINA’s GREEN STORE was created to help people, with a responsible attitude towards our planet

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