3 minute read
You will probably have to force yourself to put any one of these seven strategies into action but there's no other way of outsmarting your ego and letting your intellect take over.
If you find it too difficult at first, ask a loved one or your colleagues to help you implement these seven strategies. Guaranteed, they will appreciate you downshifting a gear and be happy to support you.
1. Foremost, plan a fixed appointment with yourself of at least one hour every day. Lean back, try to get into a relaxed or meditative state (this needs to happen before the burnout) and seriously ask yourself the following question: what, for me, is really essential?
Also, try to look at your life from a bird's-eye point of view and relate your current state and current situation to a) what your life really needs of you; b) your de facto desired quality of life; c) the entirety of your life, next to which the current project situation in the company or the family problem will, in comparison, look much smaller than they feel to you right now. This way you achieve the necessary distance from your current situation and can ease some of the pressure built up in your mind.
2. Minimise your coffee and black tea consumption or give it up completely. Yes, even if you feel tired for a while as a result. Let's be honest. Despite coffee, tea & co you've surely been tired lately anyway. This caffeine self-denial gives your nervous system some relief and may possibly help you finally to sleep more soundly and for longer.
3. Consult an ayurvedic expert to find out which dietary supplement (medya rasayana) is most suitable for you. It can help to calm your mind a little so you don't drive yourself beyond healthy levels.
4. Give yourself a foot massage in the evening to soothe your mind, to fall asleep faster and achieve sound sleep. Move away from strategy-thinking in the evening and working in your dreams. Instead move towards charging your inner batteries through a quiet and regenerative sleep, which should not, under any circumstances, be disturbed, severely shortened or even omitted during times of stress. Once a week book an ayurvedic oil massage. Preferably in a practice with strict cancellation rules. Your to-do list will be moaning about what you could do in that time but this is to prevent the burnout that will otherwise finish you off, and soon.
5. And while we're on the subject of diaries, only deal with what is essential for your work or your private life, everything else can wait. Create “islands of time” for yourself. Also, be sure to take two days off every week, without exception. Working through is no longer an option, even when the workload increases.
6. Also reduce your overstimulation by enforcing mobile phone bans. The best strategy is to set strict times. For example, do not look at your phone before 8am. The same applies from 8pm onwards. This is the only way to make it possible to fill your “islands of time” with something calming and balancing, to switch off and come back to yourself.
7. Schedule freshly cooked lunches and dinners into your daily work routine to bring maximum regularity. The more structured the framework in which you operate throughout the day, the less you will drain your body’s energies.
Start the deceleration – now!
Carina Alana Preuß is managing director of the Ayurveda Parkschlösschen in its second generation. She is also an Ayurveda lifestyle coach, yoga teacher and laughter yoga instructor. She published the "My Ayurveda Lifestyle" online course. www.ayurveda-parkschloesschen.de www.mein-ayurveda-lifestyle.de
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