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Ancient wisdom for modern well-being Ayurvedic living today
By Dr. Marc Halpern
Ayurveda is a system of medicine that has been practiced for more than 2,000 years. But the ancient knowledge is still valid today – and that is not all. It is more popular than ever before and in the meantime Ayurveda is officially recognized as a system of medicine in 17 countries. More and more people live according to Ayurvedic principles. But what is the reason for this? It is reasonable to assume that they do not decide on Ayurvedic therapies and lifestyle based on the evidence or philosophy but for very pragmatic reasons – therapeutic efficacy. In this article you will learn why Ayurvedic medicine is still up-to-date and effective and which small changes can help us in everyday life to stay healthier in the long term.
The Principles Of Ayurveda Are Timeless And Universally Valid
Ayurveda works 100% of the time for 100% of the people who apply 100% of the available knowledge. But how is this possible? After all, the roots of Ayurveda lie in the ancient Indian Vedas which were written down several thousand years ago. How can this ancient source of knowledge from another time and culture still be relevant, valid and effective today?
The Laws Of Nature Have No Country Borders
Ayurveda is a paradigm that can be applied worldwide. Although Ayurvedic medicine has its origins in India, it is a universal model of health care based on the laws of nature and the laws of nature have no country borders. Sometimes it seems as if Ayurveda is a form of medicine that only works for the Indian culture. However, this is because the knowledge of Ayurveda is clothed in Indian customs and explained in the regional language of India. Just as every great source of knowledge has to be translated in order to be understood in other regions, the same is true also for Ayurveda. This task falls to those who are versed in the science of Ayurveda. They must find the words to speak to the people within their own culture.
Individual And Holistic
Ayurveda is a holistic form of medicine that always treats body, mind and soul. Since the cause of disorders usually lies on several levels, ayurvedic therapy always addresses all three levels. At the same time, Ayurveda works highly individually. This holistic and individual approach of Ayurveda ensures that treatments are always adapted to the individual person's environment so that one therapy is never the same as another. The effectiveness of the therapy can be achieved only if these principles are heeded.
Possibilities And Limitations Of Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda works within the framework of what is possible within the laws of nature. When we live in conflict with the laws of nature, our health is affected and we suffer. When we live in harmony with the laws of nature, we maximise our potential for healing.
If the imbalance in our body has not yet passed the point of healing within the laws of nature, healing will take place. For this reason it makes sense to start Ayurvedic treatment programs as soon as possible. Because if the disorder is too advanced, Ayurveda can no longer work. When this happens, the heroic methods of modern medicine will be required to intervene. I always tell my students – "If I have a car accident and lose my right arm, don't take me to an Ayurvedic doctor". Take me to a neurosurgeon who will stitch my arm back on. After that I will use Ayurveda to maximise the healing of the tissues. There are limits to what nature can do on its own. No matter how much I live in harmony, I can't grow a new arm.
To prevent disease and maximise the potential for healing, various Ayurvedic practices and principles must be successfully applied. Since only a few people live a perfectly harmonious life, diseases do occur. By living as harmoniously as possible, a person's quality of life is improved and thus also the lifespan.