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Incident Reports

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Dec. 31

Destruction of property, monument, was reported in the 11600 block of


Lakeridge Parkway,


Assault and battery of a family member was reported in the 7300 block of Jackson Arch Drive,


Simple assault was reported in the 16600 block of Mountain Road,

Montpelier. Grand larceny, $500 or more not from a person, was reported in the 8000 block of Antique Lane,


ID theft ID to defraud, $200, was reported in the 11200 block of Ashland Park

Drive, Ashland.

Identity fraud use of identifying information to defraud was reported in the 16100 block of Point

Beverly Court, Montpelier.

Petit larceny, $500 not from a person, was reported in the 19200 block of Landora Bridge Road, Ruther Glen.

Assault and battery of a family member was reported in the 8200 block of South Mayfield Lane,


DWI, 2nd offense in 5 years, was reported in the 9100 block of Old Oaklawn

Drive/Studley Road,


Jan. 1

Concealment, price altering

SHERIFF’S REPORTS | Crime, Accidents, Fire & Rescue


merchandise, $500, was reported in the 10100 block of Lewistown Road, Ashland.

Stolen goods: Buy/ receive, larceny, $200, was reported in the 8500 block of Richfood Road/

Chamberlayne Road,


Assault and battery of a family member was reported in the 16800 block of Mountain Road,


Threat to extort money was reported in the 9000 block of Hopkins Branch Way,


Assault and battery of a family member was reported in the 7300 block of Harvest Lane,


Concealment, price altering merchandise, $500, was reported in the 7400 block of Bell Creek Road,


Petit larceny building was reported in the 6400 block of McCauley Lane,


Petit larceny shoplifting was reported in the 7400 block of Bell Creek Lane,


Simple assault was reported in the 7400 block of Sandy Lane,


Possession of marijuana, first offense, was reported in the 7200 block of Battle hill Drive, Mechanicsville. Reckless handling of firearm was reported in the 9100 block of Knight Drive,


Possession of marijuana, first offense, was reported in the 5500 lock o

Anderson-Wright Drive,


Assault and battery of a family member was reported in the 8200 block of Carter Lane,


Jan. 2

Brandishing firearm was reported in the 7500 block of Mechanicsville Byway/

Cold Harbor Road to

Mechanicsville Turnpike,


Driver did not report an accident with damages, $250, in the 10200 block of Washington Highway/

Sliding Hill Road, Glen


Concealment, price altering merchandise, $500, was reported in the 7400 block of Bell Creek Road,


Embezzlement, $200, was reported in the 7400 block of Bell Creek Road,


Petit larceny building was reported in the 7200 block of Fairview Drive,


Assault and battery of a family member was reported in the 7300 block of Travelers Way,


Jan. 3

Trespassing on private property was reported in the 8300 block of Eagle

Drive, Mechanicsville.

Destruction of property, monument, was reported in the 5400 block of McClellan

Road, Mechanicsville.

Concealment, price altering merchandise, $500, was reported in the 7400 block of Bell Creek Road,


Assault and battery of a family member was reported in the 12100 block of Loblolly Lane, Rockville.

Unlawful bodily injury was reported in the 11300 block of Air Park Road, Ashland.

Assault and battery of a family member as reported in the 7200 block of Garden

Park Lane, Mechanicsville.





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Continued from pg. 1 rection resulted in the deaths of five people, including a U.S. Capitol policeman, endangered our elected lawmakers, destroyed property throughout the building, desecrated one of Democracy’s greatest symbols, and breached our national security. The mass hysteria of conspiracy theories with unsubstantiated claims of voter-fraud has led to confusion in and distrust of the democratic process. Through his actions, Donald Trump has proven himself unable to serve. There also is concern about his judgment and ability to carry out the basic duties of the President. This country needs a peaceful transition of power at the inauguration of PresidentElect Joe Biden on Jan. 20.


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Va. Republican chair condemns actions

(Editor’s note: The following was submitted on Wednesday, Jan. 6, by Richard L. Anderson, chairman, Republican Party of Virginia.) Today, the American people witnessed unspeak•BoardCertifiedOphthalmologists •Specialtiesincludeglaucoma, able, disturbing, and horrify•Routineeyeexaminations •ThreeOpticalShops •Threeconvenientlocationsso we’reneverfarfromyourhome oroffice •DoctorsofOptometry cataractandlasersurgery, corneaandexternaldiseases, anteriorsegmentdiseases, visionproblemsassociated withdiabetes,andrefractive surgery. •Richmond’scompletesourcefor familyeyecareforover25years ing acts of violence at the seat of national government of the greatest nation the world has ever known. As chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, 804270-0330 richmondeye.com OfficesinMechanicsville, InnsbrookandMidlothian I condemn in the strongest possible terms those who have today employed violence,



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As one who was privileged to wear the Air Force uniform of a great nation for 30 years and


Continued from pg. 1

When I got the invitation, I wasted no time RSVPing “Yes!” On the appointed day, I jumped in my car with my security detail (a mutt named “Smoochie”) and headed up to Warsaw where the drive-thru vaccination clinic was being held.

Despite news reports of vaccine hesitation among health care workers – which is, unfortunately, a real phenomenon – I found a long line of vehicles – people – waiting to get vaccinated, many of them official vehicles representing the EMS and law enforcement organizations from the counties that comprise the Three Rivers District. Among them that day were at least two members of my rescue squad, including JJ, my driver for my shift later that evening.


Continued from pg. 3 In addition to the removal of Donald Trump, the Hanover Democratic Committee is calling for the resignation of First District Congressman Rob Wittman and all of those who witnessed first-hand the corrosive effects of acts of national violence in other countries, I am disturbed beyond measure by today’s events on Capitol Hill. The God-given and Constitutionally-protected right of peaceful assembly and protest must be preserved, protected, and defended at all costs — but we as free citizens must be equally quick to condemn any and all acts of violence and hatred wherever and whenever they occur.

We are a nation of laws, not of men. In that spirit, the Republican Party of Virginia

Prior to the event, I was sent a registration form and a pre-vaccination screening form. I filled out both before I left, which sped up the process once I got near the front of the line. Given that the event was for first responders only, I was asked to present my credentials. I did not think to bring my rescue squad badge or identification card, but I did have my EMT credentials, which sufficed.

The wait to get to the front of the line was long, but it was encouraging to see so many of my fellow first responders doing the right thing. The volunteers and staff were doing their best to keep the line moving, but it does help to be patient – a task easier for me than for my excited, whining co-pilot with the whipsawwagging tail.

As I was about to reach the front, a Virginia Medical

made an effort to block the certification of Biden and Harris. This group of Congressmen aided in turning a largely ceremonial event into a catastrophe. The storming of the Capitol was a traitorous event that should never happen again.

We feel unsafe with Trump calls on all citizens who are present on Capitol Hill to obey law enforcement personnel, respect the laws of our land, withdraw from Capitol Hill, and restore peace to the hallowed ground that is our nation’s capital.

Today of all days is when we must answer to the better angels of our nature. Thank you to those law-abiding citizens who today respected the laws of our land, and may God bless and keep our brave law enforcement personnel who today defended the seat of our national legislature.

Reserve Corps volunteer took my paperwork, verified my identity and screening information. He filed the forms I brought and returned with a card containing my vaccination record.


The record is vital. Given that both the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines consist of a series of two shots, one will need the record of the first shot to get the second. The card lists the date of the vaccination(s), the type of vaccination – Moderna for me – and list the date the cardholder should return for the second round.

The volunteer also offered information about v-safe, a post-vaccination health monitoring tool produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Given that the

see VACCINE, pg. 7

in the White House, and we feel that our Congressman has not shown himself able to carry out the duties he swore to uphold.

Our country deserves to have leaders who are willing to serve and protect us from insurrection, not promote it.

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