9 minute read
Th ursday, Aug. 25
Hanover NAACP is hosting a Town Hall with the Ashland Police Department and Chief Aronhalt at the Hanover Arts & Activities Center, 500 Center Street in Ashland, from 6 to 7 p.m. to answer any questions from the community on policing; hear any changes residents would like to see; find out how the community can support its officers; and find out how to reduce gun violence in the community.
Th ursday, Aug. 25 – Saturday, Aug. 27
Friends of the Atlee Branch Library are hosting a series of lobby book sales in the lobby of the library, located at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive, Mechanicsville. Thursday’s book sale will be held from 4 to 8 p.m., Friday’s book sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday’s book sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact the library with any questions at: (804) 559-0654.
Wednesday, Aug. 31
Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Mechanicsville is hosting a free COVID-19 vaccine clinic conducted by Chickahominy Health District from 4 to 7 p.m. at the church, located at 7046 Cold Harbor Road in Mechanicsville. All doses will be available for ages 6 months and up. They will be providing free test kits and all vaccines are free. Walk-ins are welcome. Contact Frank Antkievicz with any questions: antkie1942@gmail.com.
January2,2023-May26,2023 Year: $60(includestextbooks FallOnly: $35(includestextbooks) SpringOnly: $35(includestextbooks) ConversationalEnglish: $20persemester
GED®Preparation– providestargetedinstructiontohelpstudentspreparefortheofficial GED®exams EnglishClass– understandAmericanculturewhilelearningtospeak,write,andread English ConversationalEnglish– anadvancedlevelclassfortheexperiencedEnglishlanguage learner
M/W5:30-8:00p.m. T/Th8:30-11:00a.m.
M/W8:30-11:00a.m. T/Th6:00-8:30p.m.
DuncanMemorialUnited MethodistChurch
Conversational English-
Friday6:00-8:00p.m. *Classsizesarelimited *Minimumscoresrequired toparticipate
GED®Preparation Registration
August29@9:00a.m. August29@5:30p.m. August31@9:00a.m.
EnglishClass Registration
August31@5:30p.m. September12@5:30p.m.
Conversational EnglishRegistration
August29@9:00a.m. August29@5:30p.m. August31@9:00a.m.
Registrationandtestingbeginpromptlyatthespecifiedtime.Studentsmustbringa photoIDandclassfees(cashorcheck).
TheGeorgetownSchool 10000LearningLane,Mechanicsville,VA 804-723-3471|www.hcps.us/georgetown|adulted@hanover.k12.va.us
Friday, Sept. 9 Saturday, Sept. 10
St. Ann’s Catholic Church Yard Sale will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 105 S. Snead Street, Ashland, VA 23005 (Inside - Rain/Shine). Proceeds will benefit familes in crisis.
Saturday, Sept. 10
The McShin Foundation is holding its 18th annual Recovery Fest from 12 to 5 p.m. at Hanover Courthouse Ruritan Club, 13497 Hanover Quarter Road, Hanover. The festival will feature an ice cream truck, music, people’s choice BBQ cook off, kid’s activities, special speakers, KCBS BBQ cook off, cornhole tournament, vendors, gold chipping contest and The Local Cup coffee truck. Contact honesty@mcshin.org for more information.
Tuesday, Sept. 13
The Mechanicsville AARP Chapter will be meeting from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at First Union Baptist Church, 6231 Pole Green Road, Mechanicsville, VA. Contact President Ed Taylor with any questions: 804-398-3759.
Friday, Sept. 16 - Saturday, Sept. 17
The Catholic Church of the Redeemer, located at 8275 Meadowbridge Road in Mechanicsville, is hosting its 25th Annual Giant Indoor Yard & Bake Sale for Haiti from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday and from 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday. All proceeds benefit their ministry with Haiti. To donate, volunteer or for more information, visit: http:www. churchredeemer.org/HaitiMinistry
| News, Updates & Listings
Fax submissions to calendar to 344-8746, email to events@mechlocal. com, or mail to 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville VA 23116. Deadline is 1 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted to The Mechanicsville Local.
Sunday, Sept. 25
Enon United Methodist Church is hosting a “Homecoming” celebrating 185 years at 10:30 a.m. More information is available at 804746-4719 or enonumc.org.
Saturday, Oct. 1
St. Paul Lutheran Church is seeking vendors for their 2022 Fall Craft Sale. This event will be rain or shine and held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 8100 Shady Grove Road in Mechanicsville, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will need to bring their own table, chair and tent and cannot sell food or quilts. Vendor spaces offered will be outside and are limited to a first come/first serve basis. The cost to rent a 9’x16’ space is $25. Vendors should contact Debbie Harris at Saintpaul.sec@gmail.com to sign up or call the church office at 804-427-7500.
Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions One Stop Shop (MCEF OSS) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 Stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Ashland Campus, located at 11515 Ashcake Road in Ashland 2 miles west of U.S. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor Rev. Dr. Roy Minnix. Visit www.trinityrichmond.net or call 804-2709626.
All Souls Episcopal Church celebrates Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 Atlee Rd. in Mechanicsville. A nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. Dougherty is the Deacon in charge of All Souls. Visit www. allsoulsva.org.
A Healing and Recovery SS Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor Rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the NorthStar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 Steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. All are welcome. Contact 804-7465081 or contact Craig Simpson at craigwgbc@gmail.com.
Outside the Walls, a Narcotics Anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey Regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm Rd. in Hanover. Contact John Shinholser, McShin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://www.mcshin. org.
The Hanover Concert Band rehearses from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, mid-
see CALENDAR, pg. 11
Hanover’s ‘Triple-AAA’ bond rating status affi rmed
Contributed Report Th e Mechanicsville Local
The three major creditrating agencies – Fitch Group, Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Global Ratings – have affirmed Hanover County’s Triple-AAA bond rating in advance of a $42.7 million general obligation bond issuance on Aug. 16. The bonds will be issued through the Virginia Public School Authority (VPSA) and will be used to finance construction of the replacement John M. Gandy Elementary School and various school facility improvements included in the adopted Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Improvements Plan.
All three ratings agencies cited Hanover’s prosperous and diverse tax base, strategic economic development, and strong and conservative financial management as supporting the affirmed TripleAAA rating, which the County achieved in 2010.
As of August 2022, 14 states, 49 counties and 31 cities have a AAA bond rating from all three major rating agencies, which is the equivalent to a perfect credit rating for a citizen. This distinction means that Hanover County can borrow money at the lowest rate the market allows, creating considerable savings in interest costs, which in this particular issuance allows the county to maximize the number of projects which improve student learning environments without creating additional tax burden on our residents.
“We have long been proud of our county’s AAA ratings,” said county administrator John A. Budesky. “We take pride in being careful stewards of the funds provided by our taxpayers and stakeholders. This bond issuance is a great example of how your government’s financial management has led to greater savings on needed capital expenditures.”
“The AAA rating reflects the county’s favorably located, sizable and diverse tax base, as well as its sound prospects for continued economic development, which will drive further tax base expansion,” noted Moody’s Investors Service.
“The rating reflects our opinion of Hanover County’s very strong property tax base that continues to grow…supporting continued positive budgetary performance that has led to year-over-year increases in available reserves,” noted S&P Global Ratings. “The county has a favorable debt profile… with medium-term debt plans that we believe will remain sustainable for the county.” The agency also cited Hanover’s “disciplined and prudent financial management policies.”
“The affirmation of the County’s Triple-AAA rating is a testament to the county’s commitment to sound fiscal stewardship and the continuation of following best financial management practices. These ratings continue to show Hanover’s focus on being prudent stewards of taxpayer funds,” said Jay A. Brown, deputy county administrator.
“These ratings are supported by notable financial flexibility, which stems from the county’s large reserve balance in relation to expected cyclical revenue volatility and solid expenditure flexibility,” noted Fitch Ratings. Fitch expects that these factors, coupled with a low long-term liability burden and conservative financial management, would enable the county to maintain financial stability and solid reserves through a future economic downturn.”
“Deliberate planning and strategic use of funds has allowed for all three major credit-rating agencies to once again affirm that Hanover’s approach to investing in our community, while maintaining our tax rate and conservative approach to financial management, is one that will allow us to respond to the needs of our citizenry for years to come,” said Amanda Six, director of finance and management services.
Information submitted by Tom Harris, communications specialist for Hanover County.
Contributed Report Th e Mechanicsville Local
Hanover County’s schoolbased mental health services program has received a 2022 achievement award from The Virginia Association of Counties (VACo). The VACo Achievement Awards recognize excellence in local government programs in the areas of innovation, cooperation and model practices.
Hanover’s school-based mental health services have been named a model program in the area of health and human services. The program was created to enhance the overall emotional, behavioral and academic wellbeing of students by providing access to therapeutic supports within a familiar, reassuring setting. A full-time licensed clinical social worker was fully imbedded in the school environment and worked alongside existing school counselors to address concerns related to the challenges impacting a student’s ability to function successfully. This allowed students to receive an assessment, care coordination, brief intervention, outreach and linkage to additional resources. The program was made possible through a partnership between Hanover County Community Services Board (HCCSB) and Hanover County Public Schools (HCPS).
“Meeting within the school environment allows students to feel safe, while reducing barriers to access and allowing for natural collaboration. Students have reported feeling more open to receiving mental health supports and interventions in this format,” said Ivy Sager, executive director of the Hanover County Community Services Board. “We have since been able to expand this program to an additional high school and are working toward further expansion. We appreciate VACo’s recognition and hope this model can aid other communities as we all work to support the mental health needs of our youth.”
“As a school division, we recognize that each child is unique and has different needs – academically, socially, physically and emotionally – and we must work to meet these complex and ever-evolving needs for them to be as successful as possible,” said Dr. Michael Gill, superintendent of schools. “I am encouraged to see our county’s school-based mental health services program recognized for its exceptional work, adding another vital layer to supporting our students’ wellbeing. We are fortunate to have long-standing partnerships such as this one with the Community Services Board, which was made possible by the strong support of our school board and Board of Supervisors. I look forward to seeing the continued benefits of this collaboration as we work to further address mental health challenges among our county’s youth.”
Twenty-nine recipients out of 100 submissions earned honors in this year’s s VACo Achievement Awards. Winning entries focused on addressing issues of the pandemic, connecting citizens and other challenges that counties face daily. The VACo Achievement Awards is a competitive program open to local government members of the association. More about this award and all of the 2022 achievement entries can be found on this VACo
Information submitted by Kerri O’Brien, communications director for Hanover County.

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