All football activities were suspended at the school after Hanover County School Board officials were notified of the allega-
STOPS AT EVERY HOME IN TOWN MECHANICSVILLE — The Hanover County Sheriff’s Office announced Friday that it has referred the names of two juveniles to the Hanover County Commonwealth’s Attorney for prosecution after an investigation of reports of hazing on the Mechanicsville High School football team. The charges involve simple assault in violation of Virginia criminal code section 18.257. Because of the ages of those involved, the Sheriff’s Office will not release the names or other identification of the students involved.
School board adopts transgender bathroom policy S cantoSchedulea T o u r Iwouldrecommend Harmonytoothersand infactIalreadyhave. ” “ —DaughterofCurrentResident ASSISTEDLIVING|MEMORYCARE 804.212.2682 INDEPENDENTLIVING|ASSISTEDLIVING 804.420.9798 Christina

By Christina Amano Dolan Editor Amano Dolan/The Local
After months of heated debate and consideration, the Hanover County School Board voted to adopt a controversial transgender and nonbinary bathroom and locker room policy last Tuesday.Thepolicy, which has caused intense citizen divide over its material, was originally proposed during the regularly scheduled Aug. 9 school board meeting and was the sole topic of discussion at an Aug. 16 special meeting. But while school board members offered citizens some clarity on commonly-raised questions at the second special meeting on the issue held Aug. 30, none of the people in the packed school board meeting room were allowed to speak before the policy was approved in a 5-2 vote. Ashland representative Ola J. Hawkins and John Redd, representative of the Mechanicsville District, voted against its adoption.Thepolicy was drafted under the guidance of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a conservative Christian legal advocacy group. The school board announced its engagement with ADF in March in review of the Hanover County Public Schools (HCPS) transgender see POLICY, pg. 8 see FOOTBALL, pg. 23
DELIVER TO: Postal Mechanicsville,PatronVA23111 Prsrt. U.S. POSTAGE Mechanicsville,PAIDVAPermitNo.141

Compass Christian Church to host ‘Cruise-In’ Compass Christian Church is launching the church’s second annual “Cruise-In Event” this month to benefit another family grappling with childhood cancer. The free event will take place Sunday, Sept. 18 at the church’s grounds, located at 8137 Liberty Circle in Mechanicsville. Similar to last year’s event, the morning will feature a community vehicle display, live music presented by the church’s worship band, a cotton candy cart, Christina Amano Dolan COMPASS, pg. 9
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
The school board’s meeting room reached full capacity last week, with a wave of citizens in attendance to witness the board’s vote on a transgender bathroom policy.

Vol. 39, No. 2 | Richmond Suburban News | September 7, 2022
Editor see

Photos courtesy of Compass Christian Church Harper has a blast with her mom at the Compass Christian Church’s first Cruise-In Event as the day’s guest of honor in 2021. lifts suspension on football program following assault investigation

The Mechanicsville Local Contributed photo Melissa Flood and Emily Endert of Covenant Woods hold their certificates earned from completing a virtual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training program.

Contributed Report


The Local at Denali National Park
Contributed photo Hanover County residents Luke Overstreet, Sean Chaulklin and Rick Stockel hold their copy of The Mechanicsville Local at the entrance of Denali National Park in Alaska. The trio spent five nights and six days in the park’s back country in some very harsh conditions. ‘But it was an awesome experience for all three of us Hanover residents, and we were happy to bring The Mechanicsville Local with us on our trip,’ said Stockel.

Tavern Tour at the Hanover Tavern on Thursday, Sept. 15 at 8 p.m. The event will feature a guided ghost tour of the historic tavern. The cost is $10 per person. To register or for more information, visit the tavern’s website: www.hanovertavern. org. Hanover Autumnfest presented by Anton Paar at the Hanover Tavern on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The family festival will feature food, beer, games, crafts and a petting zoo. The event is free admission.Speaker Series: In Sickness and in Health: The Marriage of Patrick Henry and Sarah Shelton at the Hanover Tavern on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 7 p.m. Author Mark Couvillon will discuss his newest book. The event is free admission. Reservations are appreciated and can be made by calling: 804-537-5050. Football: Atlee, Patrick Henry, Hanover sweep
Covenant Woods launches committee

Diversity, Equality, Belonging, Inclusion
Beer Dinner at the Hanover Tavern on Friday, Sept. 9 at 6:30 p.m. The event will feature Oktoberfest beers, German food and live music. The cost is $40 per person. Reservations are required. To make a reservation, call: 804-537-5050.Haunted
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 Melissa Flood, independent living resident liaison and Diversity, Equity, Belonging and Inclusion (DEBI) coordinator, and Emily Endert, corporate director of human resources, recently completed a three-day intensive virtual

opponents ALSO… The Local Pick: Incident ClassifiedsChurchSportsObituariesCalendarReports........3....................4..........10-11................16-18....................19.........20-23 12 COMMUNITY Shelton family brings Detail Garage to local communities see COVENANT, pg. 5 Contributed Report The Mechanicsville Local BruceBlackwell StateLicensed HomeInspector #3380000220NRS “YourHomeisMyBusiness” P.O.Box67 Powhatan,VA23139 (804)921-8367 HYLTON’STRANSMISSIONSERVICE Automatic*Standard*Clutches *Rebuild*Repair*Exchanges LocatedinMechanicsville,VASince1992 804-730-0001 Hanover upcomingTavern’sprograms

Heritage Music Series: Danny Jams at the Hanover Tavern on Wednesday, Sept. 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. The event will feature live music on the patio and $7.49 burgers. Reservations are recommended. To make a reservation, call: 804-537-5050Oktoberfest
training on diversity, equity and inclusion. The training explores unconscious bias; how to identify it, and how to be mindful of its influence on how we think and perceive others. With that understanding, people are encouraged to slow down and taking a measured approach to situations where the people, the culture and the conversation is different or Endertdifficult.and Flood lead the DEBI committee at Covenant Woods. Each of them is pas-


Missing adult female located deceased

The Ashland Police Department is seeking the public’s help in identifying a suspect involved in the robbery of a local convenience store. On Sunday, Aug. 28 at approximately 12:30 a.m., the suspect shown in the photograph entered the Circle K located in the 10200 block of East Patrick Henry Road. The male suspect entered the store displaying a handgun and was wearing dark clothing, a blue and black mask, a black jacket with a zipper pocket on the left arm, blue gloves and red shoes. The suspect then fled the store with the cash register till containing an undisclosed amount of cash, getting in a black sedan parked on Mount Herman Road, adjacent to the store. The vehicle left the scene on eastbound Route 54/East Patrick HenryAnyoneHighway.with information about this crime or who may recognize this suspect should contact the Ashland Police Department at (804) 798-1227, Crime Stoppers at (804) 780-1000 or leave a tip at Anyone providing a tip can remain anonymous.

Contributed Report The

On Monday, Aug. 29, investigators were following up on a tip in the hopes of locating Jasmine Hughes safe. Information was received from citizens that Hughes was seen at a business in Employees at the business confirmed this information.While conducting another search of Hughes’ property on Robert Terrell Road using canines, investigators located a deceased female in the woods behind her home. The deceased female has been positively identified as Jasmine Destiny signs of foul play and the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office is not seeking any suspects in this case. The Hanover County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) extends their sincerest condolences to the family of Jasmine Hughes during this difficult time.HCSO would also like to extend their sincere appreciation to the media for their efforts in quickly communicating this information to the public. They would also like to thank our community partners that shared this information on social media. Information submitted by Lt. James R. Cooper, Hanover County Sheriff’s Office public information officer. Mechanicsville Local Jasmine Destiny Hughes
Identity theft with financial loss more than $200 was reported in the 11400th block of Garden Terrace Court, ObtainingMechanicsville.blockreportedlessaccidentDriverMechanicsville.ofinmonumentDestructionMechanicsville.ofproperty,wasreportedthe7400thblockBellCreekRoad,notreportingwithdamagethan$250wasinthe7200thofBellCreekRoad,moneyor signature by false pretenses was reported in the 11000th block of Richardson Road, Ashland.Petitlarceny, parts was reported in the 11000th block of Richards Road, AbductionDoswell. by force without justification was reported in the 15300th block of Old Ridge Road, Beaverdam. Dumping trash on highway or private property was reported in the 6400th block of Lark ForgingMechanicsville.Way,wasreported in the 10200th block of Sycamore Drive, ThreatsAshland.inwriting was reported in the 13100th block of Ashleys Boreen Lane, Glen Allen. Driver not reporting accident with damage less than $250 was reported in the 9200th block of Ashcake Road, Ashland. Concealment of pricealtered merchandise, less than $500 was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road, PossessionMechanicsville.ofa Schedule I or II controlled substance was reported in the 13100th block of Mountain Road, Glen Allen. June 24 DWI: BAC .15 to .20, first offense was reported in the 9300th block of Sliding Hill Road/New Ashcake Road, accidentDriverMechanicsville.notreportingwithdamage up to $1,000 was reported in the 7300th block of Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville.blockreportedInhalingMechanicsville.drugswasinthe7300thofBellCreekRoad,

CelebratingOur100 YearAnniversary Weareheretomeetyourstone andbronzememorialneeds. AtA.P.GrapponeandSons,Inc., wearealwaysstrivingfor excellenceinourwork. 1104S.RandolphSt.,P.O.Box5666,Richmond,VA23220 804-358-9174 SavetheDates! ULTIMATE Fri.,Sept. 16 & Sat.. Sept. 17 IT’SBACK! GiantannualINDOOR YARDandBAKESALEtobenefitHaiti. Fri.2pm-6pm&Sat.7am-12noon CatholicChurchoftheRedeemer 8275MeadowbridgeRd.,Mechanicsville Coming Soon! 804-270-0330 OfficesinMechanicsville, InnsbrookandMidlothian SpecialistsInFamilyEyeCare Ashland PD seeks assistance identifying robbery suspect AshlandDepartmentPolice A redglovesarm,onpocketajacketamask,andaclothing,woresuspectmaledarkblueblackblackwithzippertheleftblueandshoes.

The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 3

Crime, Accidents, Fire & Rescue

Contributed Report

The Mechanicsville Local June 23

TheGeorgetownSchool 10000LearningLane,Mechanicsville,VA 804-723-3471||
Tuesday, Sept. 13
The fall season kicks off on Saturday, Sept. 24 with the seventh annual Hanover AutumnFest presented by AntonAutumnFestPaar. is the Hanover Tavern Foundation’s signature community event of the year. The tavern grounds become the backdrop for a day of food, family fun and live music from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event features onsite smoked pork, turkey and beef brisket, Brunswick stew, side dishes and fresh pies from Hanover Tavern's restaurant. In addition, there is local craft beer and wine, live music by the Anvil Brothers and Coleman & Fuller, as well as games and activities for the kids. Children’s activities include pumpkin decorating, petting zoo, hay slide, face painting, outdoor scavenger hunt, magic show and kids' crafts. Admission is free and open to the Proceedspublic.from this event benefit Hanover Tavern Foundation with a mission to preserve, interpret and utilize Historic Hanover Tavern as an historic, educational, community and cultural resource center for the enjoyment of all.
CALENDAR | News, Updates & Listings FallSemester: September12,2022-December16,2022 SpringSemester: January2,2023-May26,2023 CLASSES GED®Preparation– providestargetedinstructiontohelpstudentspreparefortheofficial GED®exams EnglishClass– understandAmericanculturewhilelearningtospeak,write,andread English
anadvancedlevelclassfortheexperiencedEnglishlanguage learner HanoverCountyPublicSchools ADULTEDUCATION 2022-2023
Saturday, Sept. 17 Hope Community Church will present the Big Event from 4 to 7 p.m. at 8391 Atlee Road, Mechanicsville, VA, 23116. The event will feature food trucks (offering options for every taste and price range), inflatables, corn hole, a Dunk-Tank, prize giveaways, friendly competisee CALENDAR pg. 12
Friday, Sept. 9 Saturday, Sept. 10 St. Ann’s Catholic Church Yard Sale will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 105 S. Snead Street, Ashland, VA 23005 (Inside - Rain/Shine). Proceeds will benefit familes in crisis.
4 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022
Saturday, Sept. 10 The McShin Foundation is holding its 18th annual Recovery Fest from 12 to 5 p.m. at Hanover Courthouse Ruritan Club, 13497 Hanover Quarter Road, Hanover. The festival will feature an ice cream truck, music, people’s choice BBQ cook off, kid’s activities, special speakers, KCBS BBQ cook off, cornhole tournament, vendors, gold chipping contest and The Local Cup coffee truck. Contact for more information.
The Mechanicsville AARP Chapter will be meeting from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at First Union Baptist Church, 6231 Pole Green Road, Mechanicsville, VA. Contact President Ed Taylor with any questions: 804398-3759.
Fax submissions to calendar to 344-8746, email to events@mechlocal. com, or mail to 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville VA 23116. Deadline is 1 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announcements cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted to The Mechanicsville Local. ConversationalEnglish–
Friday, Sept. 9 Hanover County will honor first responders who died on Sept. 11, 2001, with a special ceremony at the historic Hanover Courthouse beginning at 9 a.m. The event will include county and Town of Ashland officials and representatives of Hanover Fire/ EMS, the Hanover Sheriff’s Office and the Ashland Police Department. The public is invited to attend. In addition to special remarks, the event will include the reading of the names of public safety lives that were lost on Sept. 11, 2001 and a ringing of the bell in memory of their sacrifices.

Friday, Sept. 16Saturday, Sept. 17
GED®Preparation Registration TheGeorgetownSchool August29@9:00a.m. August29@5:30p.m. August31@9:00a.m. EnglishClass Registration DuncanMemorialUMC August31@5:30p.m. September12@5:30p.m.
This year’s event sponsors are: A1 Asphalt & Paving, Anton Paar; Aries Capital Management; Blary's Lawn & Landscaping; Blue Bell Creameries; Bradley Properties; Chick's General Contracting; Closet Factory; CodeBlue Technology; David W. Fuller; Buddy & Patsy Fowler; Dick & Maria Denecker; Dominion Energy; Doswell Limited Partnership; eTEC Mechanical; Farmers Bank; First Bank & Trust Co.; Graybeale Construction; Green Air; Hanover Memorial Park Cemetery; HHHunt Communities; Hercules Fence; Heron Creek Advisors; Hill Electrical; Hirschler Fleischer; Holtzman Propane; James River Air Conditioning Co.; James River Nurseries; Julie Whitaker Insurance Agency; Kaplan Advisors; K.C. Davis Plumbing & Heating; Keiter; Kings Dominion; Kirby's Landscaping; Kjellstrom + Lee; Knight Dorin & Rountrey; Liphart Steel; Lube Tech; M&E Contractors; MarkelEagle; Marks Family Dentistry; McCaul, Martin, Evans & Cook PC; McDonald's; MidAtlantic Controls Corporation; Monaghan Funeral Homes; Moseley Architects; Kisner Properties LLC; M.P. Barden & Sons; Newmarket Farm; Patrick Buick GMC; Petroleum Carriers; Red Hill Car Wash; Resource International; RTK Family Capital LLC; Southwood Builders; Stanley Shield Partnership; The Schools Family; Transcend Paranormal; United Bank; Uptown Alley; and VSC Fire & Security.
Contributed Report Mechanicsville Local
TheGeorgetownSchool M/W5:30-8:00p.m. T/Th8:30-11:00a.m. EnglishClass(ELL) TheGeorgetownSchool M/W8:30-11:00a.m. T/Th6:00-8:30p.m. DuncanMemorialUnited MethodistChurch M/W6:00-8:30p.m. Conversational EnglishTheGeorgetownSchool Friday6:00-8:00p.m. *Classsizesarelimited *Minimumscoresrequired toparticipate
RegistrationInformation Registrationandtestingbeginpromptlyatthespecifiedtime.Studentsmustbringa photoIDandclassfees(cashorcheck).

The Catholic Church of the Redeemer, located at 8275 Meadowbridge Road in Mechanicsville, is hosting its 25th Annual Giant Indoor Yard & Bake Sale for Haiti from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday and from 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday. All proceeds benefit their ministry with Haiti. To donate, volunteer or for more information,
The Hanover Tavern presents 7th annual Hanover AutumnFest
Conversational EnglishRegistration TheGeorgetownSchool August29@9:00a.m. August29@5:30p.m. August31@9:00a.m. Year: $60(includestextbooks FallOnly: $35(includestextbooks) SpringOnly: $35(includestextbooks) ConversationalEnglish: $20persemester

County students encouraged to

RICHMOND — Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow is encouraging Virginia families to submit free meal applications to local schools. Virginia is expanding eligibility for free meals during the 2022-2023 school year through funding provided by the General Assembly in the state budget. Students with families at or below 185% of the federal poverty level are eligible for free meals. Previously, students from families with an income at or below 130% of the poverty level were eligible for free meals.Emergency federal flexibility that allowed free meals for all students during the pandemic expired at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Moving forward, many Virginia schools will now require applications and use family income to determine eligibility for free, reducedprice or paid meals. “School meals are important sources of nutrition for students and help reduce food insecurity in the commonwealth,” Balow said. “I urge all families to apply to determine if they qualify. Filling out an application is simple and takes less than 15 minutes.” Students are automatically eligible for free meals if anyone in their household receives benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations or Medicaid. Schools will notify families if a child is automaticallyMoreeligible.than 525,000 students qualified for free meals in Virginia when data was last collected in 2019. The new eligibility means approximately 64,500 more kids can access freeManymeals.Virginia schools and divisions use a program called the Community Eligibility Provision to serve free meals to all students, in which case free meal applications are not collected. Families can contact their local school divisions to see if they are a part of the program.“It’smore important than ever for families to apply for free school meals. If no application is on file, students will need to pay for meals on the first day of school and may start to accrue meal debt, said VDOE School Nutrition Director Sandy Curwood. “And the good news is, if you qualify, free meals are seamless. Students will access their meals in the cafeteria with a pin number or a lunch card, with no overt identification. Please apply now,” Curwood said. Filling out a free form may help families qualify for additional benefits to include discounted exam fees and college applications, extracurricular and scholarship opportunities.“School meals are critical to supporting academic success and well-being,” said Director of No Kid Hungry Virginia Sarah Steely. “We are grateful to all school nutrition staff who work hard to fuel our students’ minds and bodies,” Steely Familiessaid.can reach out to their local school nutrition department with questions related to the free meal application form. pg. 2
While the committee is in the early stages, they have begun sharing information with articles in the monthly employee newsletter, highlighting diversity recognition from the diversity calendar, and creating informational boards that are shared in different areas of the community for all to see. The boards are created by committee members and employee volunteers who are interested in the monthly topic selected by the committee. Boards shared to date are: Juneteenth, Women’s Equality Month, and for September-Hispanic Heritage Month. The committee’s goal is to create a safe space for shared learning and to generate dialogue.
Continued from
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 5 sionate about creating an environment where employees and residents at Covenant Woods can have open dialogue to better understand their differences and build an inclusive environment of belonging where everyone can thrive. The DEBI committee is made up of employees, residents, a board member and two community partners. Initially the committee will focus on employees but the opportunity to learn is available for all. They will share diversity updates with residents monthly through informational boards highlighting cultural celebrations across the world during that month.
submit applications for free meals
Contributed Report The Mechanicsville Local Wouldyouliketo advertiseyour localbusiness? Calltoday! 804.746.1235 ForallyourRealEstateneeds,call STEVEADAMS RealEstateProfessional ServingCentralVirginia 6150MechanicsvilleTurnpike Mechanicsville,VA23111 Cell:804-370-5009•Office:804-746-1850 Fax:804-730-4286 51459-01 AlvinE.Strother President/CEO TwoLocations:2909SandyLn./8098ElmDr. Phone (804)343. 1355| Fax (804)343.1413 email&website:• WeSpecializein: *Individual *SoleProprietorship *Partnerships *Corporations *Non-Profit *Fiduciary&Trust *ElectronicFiling *Handlingalltax problemswithLocal, State&Federal Agencies *AssistancewithallTax Auditpreparation& representation Manual&Fully Computerized Bookkeeping &Accounting Services *OriginalBookkeeping Set-up *BankReconciliation *GeneralLedger *Payroll *PreparationofFinancial Statements *Monthly,Quarterly& AnnualClientele *Pickup&Delivery Services SpecialServices *NotaryService *Fax,Email,&Scan Services *OnSiteTaxPrep& Servicesforthe Blind,Handicapped& Elderly *Partnership,LLC& Corporate set-ups-filingofall taxapplications *OfferInCompromise Services Preparationofapplicableformsandfinancial statementsneededto offerapayoffamount toeliminatealltax liabilitiesbasedon clientfinancialabilityor doubtofcollectability. 555115-01 Bookkeeping&TaxService,LLC. “ComeGiveYourBookkeeping&TaxProblemsthePersonalTouch” WHOLEHOUSEGENERATORS FREEHOMECONSULTATIONS 804-730-9000 ELECTRICALSERVICES GENERATORSERVICES WWW.MINSONPOWER.COM HistoricalAdditions•CustomRenovations&Homes •Additions•Barns•ChurchRenovations•Siding& ReplacementWindows•Roofing•TermiteDamageRehab •Kitchen&BathRemodels•HandicapRamps•Decks •Porches•Inter/ExterRenovations •Sunrooms•StampedConcrete •CommercialRenovating&MORE! •InsuranceClaimsWelcome •Lic/InsRes/Comm•37yrsexp •A+RatingwiththeBBB&Angie'sList PurcellConstruction Don'tMove…Improve! CallHunterPurcell972-2215|

OPINION | The Local Views
Classifieds Cindy Adams
As a community that values community, it is no wonder that live performances are a common occurrence in just about any type of gathering – especially those that highlight the talents of Hanover’s own artists. Seeing the way neighbors and strangers and musicians and music lovers are drawn together, it’s wonderful to experience the art form’s unifying power.
There’s no doubt Carey’s song is synonymous with Christmas, and its popularity has only increased since it’s release in 1994. According to Billboard, Carey’s version is the only single to chart in the #1 position in four decades, last topping the charts for several weeks beginning in late December 2019. Carey not only wants to use the title for projects associated with her music, she also hopes to utilize her
Does the music world really need to crown a Queen of Christmas?
Publisher Joy Monopoli Sports Editor
So if you’re a fellow music lover who has, too, fallen victim to the convenience of experiencing music through a smartphone, consider taking advantage of the plethora of community jamborees before the colder months sweep in – such as the upcoming McShin Foundation’s Recovery Fest, Hanover and King William Habitat for Humanity’s Harvest of Hope or the Hanover Autumnfest. There are seemingly countless other opportunities to take a pause and enjoy the unifying power of music in the community.
CAC Audited Circulation: 31,156.
Editor Christina Amano
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor unifying power of live music in the community the editor
In an age where music of any genre, any artist or any generation can be heard from the device that sits conveniently in our pockets, it is almost too easy to indulge our desire for music in the comforts of our homes.
© 2022 Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher.
Recently, Mariah Carey filed suit to use the name Queen of Christmas exclusively in future seasons. She’s certainly gained fame with multiple generations with her classic Christmas song “All I want for Christmas is You,” and there’s no doubt a rousing rendition of the song makes many finally ready for the holidays.
The Sales Representative
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022
Production Manager Denine D’Angelo David Lawrence Tom Haynie
Perhaps this is one of the most surprising and joyous discoveries of the Hanover community. Whether attending festivals, parades, events or small gatherings, live music seems to pervade almost every corner of the community. Most recently while attending CJ the DJ’s Music Fest last month, this realization powerfully hit hard when listening to the energetic medley of Ginny and the Tonics and Allen Cole’s magnifying saxophone. Feeling as the band’s energy was amplified by the crowd’s, with band members laughing and joking along with their listeners, the true enjoyment of experiencing live music was electric.
Prior to exploring Hanover County, concerts and live music opportunities were not a huge priority; I could count on one hand the number of times I experienced one of life’s simplest pleasures. Admittedly falling victim to the convenience of experiencing music through a smartphone – or as far back as I can remember, a cassette player – listening to live music was an experience I never truly knew was missing.
Managing Editor Laura McFarland
By Jim Ridolphi Contributing Columnist of theNo,season.thisyear’s dilemma exposes the more self-centered question of who is America’s Christmas Queen.
Phone – (804) 746-1235 Editor – (804) 212-6266 Toll free – (877) 888-0449 Fax – (804) 344-8746 Online:
It can be easy to forget the organic sound of a guitarist’s electric picking, the swelling of a drummer’s quickening beat, or the vibration of a singer’s highest-hit note in a live performance. It can be easy to take for granted being part of a crowd’s contagious spirit, as there is nothing quite like belting your favorite lyrics in perfect (or sometimes not so perfect) synchronization with strangers who are also falling under hypnosis to the enriching sounds of live creation.
Editorial & Business Office and Mailing Address: 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116
If America was searching for its favorite Christmas song, I’m not sure a clear winner would emerge. After all, we are a nation of different backgrounds, cultures and, yes, generations.Askthe more experienced generations, and you may arrive at far different answers than you might receive from the younger members of society.Forexample, my parents valued a small 45 rpm record of Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” and they played it every Christmas eve on a small record player that hooked in to our television.Mysister and I opted more for “The Christmas Song” by Alvin and the Chipmunks in our youth, and we played that tune ad nauseam throughout the holiday season. At some point in my life, Kenny Loggins’ “Celebrate Me Home” became one of my family’s holiday favorites, evoking a feeling of that special return to what you know best during the holidays. Point being, all three of those songs and many others have special meaning for different groups of people, but I’m not sure any of those selections would qualify for America’s favorite Christmas tune. Honestly, I’m not sure we need one. This year opens a new controversy regarding the sounds of Christmas, a battle more personal than just favorite lyrics or which song makes you get that special feeling that finally puts you in the spirit see QUEEN pg. 11
While there are many theories behind why music first originated, my favorites are the ones that characterize its existence as a sort of “social glue” – originating to lift people’s spirits and unite them into a close-knit society. Even if this wasn’t the intention of the very first musician in existence, it is certainly what enriches the concertgoer’s experience today. And if you happened to attend, for example, this summer’s Hanover Tomato Festival on Friday night, you may have seen the InsideOut Band accomplish just this – unifying the diverse crowd in dance, song and infectious laughter.
The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Mechanicsville residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Mechanicsville Local. Send letters to: The Mechanicsville Local 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: (804) 344-8746 E-mail:
On Saturday, Sept. 24, Richmond National Battlefield Park and the American Battlefield Trust will commemorate the Battles of Fort Harrison and New Market Heights. Rangers and volunteers will offer tours of Fort Harrison exploring the park’s early history, and the Trust will conduct its first-ever tour of newly preserved land at New Market Heights. The public is encouraged to take advantage of this special opportunity to learn about battlefield preservation, past and present. All programs are free and begin at the park’s Fort Harrison unit, located at 8621 Battlefield Park Road, Richmond. In late September, 1864, Federal forces made a surprise assault on the Richmond defenses. In two separate battles at New Market Heights and Fort Harrison, they broke through Confederate lines. The battles here permanently changed the military situation for the rest of the war, as Federal troops now had a secure foothold just outside of Richmond. Fourteen African American soldiers earned the Medal of Honor for their actions at New Market Heights.Fort Harrison was the first of Richmond’s battlefields to be preserved in the 1920s, and recent land preservation has occurred nearby at New Market Heights. Richmond National Battlefield Park and the American Battlefield Trust are excited to partner together to educate the public about these battlefields and their preservationActivitieshistory.for the day include: 10 a.m.: Ranger-led walking tour11 a.m.: Presentation on the early preservation of the battlefield and the Civilian Conservation Corps 1 p.m.: Car caravan tour from Fort Harrison to New Market Heights led by the American Battlefield Trust 2 p.m.: Ranger-led walking tour 3 p.m.: Presentation on the early preservation of the battlefield and the Civilian Conservation CorpsIn the event of inclement weather, updates will be posted to the park’s Facebook page. For more information about the event, contact Ranger Bert Dunkerly at about the park, visit or find them on Facebook at

Shown are Fort Harrison both in the past and present.

The Mechanicsville Local

The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 7 7080BrooksFarmRd.,Mechanicsville,VA23111••804-723-1336 Dads,Moms,KidsandGrandparentsenjoyfood trucks,funactivitiesandmore!Enterintoa drawingfor4KingsDominontickets. PettingZoo • PonyRides Bouncy House • KonaIce Basketball Hoop Grandparent sF unDay GrandparentsFunDay HELPUSKICKOFFASSISTEDLIVINGWEEKWITHOUR6THANNUAL Sunday,September11 • 1pm-3pm RSVPsalwaysappreciated. CallHollyat804-723-1336or Weareanequalopportunityhousingprovider.Wedonotdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color,nationalorigin,religion,sex,familialstatusordisability. ALLISFREE! BESTOF SENIORLIVING 2022 National Park Service to commemorate Battles of Fort Harrison and New Market Heights

Contributed photos

Contributed Report

From left, Robert Hundley, school board representative of the South Anna District, moves to amend the written policy to exclude a ‘criminal background check’ in the language. Bob May, representative of the South Anna District, answers a few commonly-raised questions regarding the policy. George Sutton, representative of the Henry District, voices his opposition to Hundley’s amendment that would strike a criminal background check from the policy’s list of potentially required documentation. see POLICY, pg. 22

8 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022

Continued from pg. 1 POLICY
8266AtleeRd.,MOBII,Suite226,MechanicsvilleVA Call804-256-3020tomakeanappointment.
George Sutton, representative of the Henry District, added that “the board fully intends to consider all relevant information” when reviewing requests.
Robert Hundley, representative of the Chickahominy District, said he is not “100% in favor of the entire policy” and raised concerns with its language, specifically referencing the list of possible student documentation required for Thereview.inclusion of a criminal background check for possible review by school administration was targeted by several citizen speakers during the Aug. 16 public input meeting, who suggested that it may invite harmful implications of transgender students being dangerous.“While I am intending to support the policy, I certainly don’t think it’s perfect,” Hundley said. “And I do believe that we owe it to our faculty, staff and students to have a policy at the beginning of the school year, and that’s primarily why I’m supporting Hundleyit.” moved to amend the proposed policy to strike the criminal background check from the list of bulleted items.“And I would hope and I would pledge to work with interest groups moving forward to make the policy better through other amendments,” Hundley said. “We make amendments to policies all the Suttontime.” said he knows the overall policy is a “very sensitive issue” and said a criminal background check is “always a scary sounding word” but voiced his opposition to Hundley’s suggested amendment.“Keep in mind, when we’re considering, for example, a biological boy is going to be allowed access to the girl’s restroom and there’s any criminal activity in that person’s background that relates to this type of situation, we need to know about that. There will be people that want to know about that,” he said. The amendment did not pass with only three votes of approval from Hundley, May andReddHawkins.voiced his opposition to the overall policy prior to the board’s vote. He was not present for the meeting due to a prior commitment but participated via phone call.Redd said he doesn’t believe the policy is “mutually acceptable to parents of transgender students and parents of cisgender students.”


“PERSONALIZEDCAREFORYOUR EYESANDYOURVISION” student policy. The policy proposes that a student who identifies as transgender or non-binary must request access to the restroom or locker room that aligns with their gender identity but not their sex. The student and their parent or legal guardian must submit a written request to the principal of their school and any relevant information requested by school administration that may include a statement on how the student has “consistently, persistently and insistently” expressed their gender identity, signed statements from the student’s physician, therapist or licensed counselor verifying a gender dysphoria diagnosis, the student’s disciplinary or criminal records and any other relevant information from interested parties.School administration may request a meeting with the student and parent or guardian to discuss the request and solicit additional information. After all relevant documentation is submitted, the principal of the school will provide a written summary of the request, along with supporting documentation, to the school board for review at its next regularlyscheduled monthly business meeting. Each request and relevant information will remain confidential, and the school board will provide their decision in writing to the parent or guardian of the student. The board can request additional information if necessary and wait to resolve the request until it obtains all relevantCitizensinformation.raised a series of concerns with the policy’s language during the school board’s Aug. 16 special meeting, which invited citizens to address the board on the policy.During last week’s meeting, vice chair Bob May, representative of the South Anna District, clarified that transgender and non-binary students who have had a similar request resolved in the past will not be required to complete the policy’s process.
“I’m sympathetic to the needs of our students on each side of this issue and sympathetic to the need for a policy that will protect our teachers and administrators from exposure to lawsuits,” Redd said. “But I am not in favor of the policy that has been presented here.” After Redd’s comments, the board immediately moved into the vote, which passed 5-2 in favor of adopting the policy. The meeting adjourned immediately after the Mayvote. clarified during the meeting that the policy applies to all HCPS schools moving forward. In a press conference held by the Virginia State Conference NAACP on Aug. 24, state NAACP branches called on John Axselle, representative of the Beaverdam District, to resign from the school board and his current position as the board’s chairman in relation to the engagement of ADF in drafting the policy and other matters. Axselle told The Richmond Times-Dispatch last Tuesday that he does not plan on resigning from the board. “I’m here to serve the children… I don’t want anything else,” Axselle said. “I’ve been doing it for 27 years. If folks are upset with me and want me to resign, I’m sorry. I really am. I’m sorry. But I’ve tried to do my best for the kids. That’s all IAxsellewant.” told The TimesDispatch that the board’s “overall concern truly is all the “Ifchildren.”I’mgoing to be letting a biological male or female, in Christina Amano Dolan/The Local
see COMPASS, pg. 11 Photo courtesy of Compass Christian Church
The church identified the Roberts family through Harper’s family, with this year’s event directly benefiting Oliver Roberts.
The church’s first Cruise-In Event benefited Harper, a young girl battling cancer, and her family. The day drew a crowd of around 1,000 attendees and raised around $24,000 to directly benefit the family.
“It was just a fun day for her,” Jones said. She said Harper confused the event for a birthday party, and she excitedly told everyone that she turned four on the day of the Cruise-In Event.
“This particular family, you know, they have been through so much with such a small child,” Jones said. “Oliver has overcome a whole lot.” Oliver was diagnosed with Philadelphia chromosome-like Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on March 1, 2021, at 2 years old.
“She thought she aged that day,” Jones said.
“She was like, ‘I’m now 4 because I had my birthday party at Compass, which was like the best birthday party ever!’”
Continued from pg. 1
A crowd of over 1,000 attendees popped in to last year’s Cruise-In Event on the Compass Christian Church’s lawn while enjoying a live performance by the church’s worship band.

face painting, outdoor games and activities, and a series of raffle prizes geared toward both children and adult attendees. All cars and bikes are welcome to participate with no fee required. Bike and car registration opens at 8:30 a.m. at the start of the event, accompanied by live music, activities, free beverages and raffle opportunities. Registration will close at 10 a.m. and a live outdoor workshop service will follow. At 11 a.m., all vehicle awards and raffle prizes will be distributed. A complimentary lunch will be offered to attendees featuring a BBQ meal from Smokey Bottom BBQ. Christie Jones, the church’s outreach director, said the idea for a local Cruise-In Event was inspired by the Rappahannock Church of Christ’s annual events, which have been held for 18 years to benefit families in the surrounding “Andcommunity.wethought this is such a great thing,” Jones said. “We could do something similar, since we’re not in the same area, and help twice as many families each year because we’re both doingJonesit.” said the Rappahannock Church hosts their Cruise-In Events in the spring and Compass Church hosts theirs in the fall. This year, the event is being held during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The church identified a family to benefit this year through connections from the previous year’s recipients “wanting to bless someone else and recommending them,” Jones said.
According to Jones, organizers aim to spotlight each child during the events by offering them the “royal treatment,” with Harper cruising around with her family in a personalized golf cart decorated with PAW Patrol cartoons and her favorite colors along with getting her face painted for the very first time. The church also uniquely allows the child and their family to select the top three bikes and top three cars on display for the awards ceremony. Harper chose a purple truck last year as one of the winning vehicles, as purple is her favorite color.
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 9 CompleteTraditionalFuneralService withBasicCasket Startingat $3,995**PlusTax CremationPackages Startingat$1,295 MemorialService&CremationPackage Startingat$1,995 REMOTEARRANGEMENTSAVAILABLE FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED INCREASINGLYPREFERRED MEMORIESAREFOREVER Theservicesand facilities youdeserve ataprice thatmakessense. ServingtheRichmondMetroAreaand SurroundingCounties FromTwoConvenientLocations 8074MechanicsvilleTurnpikeMechanicsvilleVA2720EnterpriseParkwayRichmond,VA804-477-3136•

Over the last year, he has spent 30 days in the hospital and received 10 different types of chemotherapy, orally, through his Hickman and PICC line, port and shots administered at home. He is less than a year away from the end of his treatment and is currently in the “maintenance” phase of treatment with monthly blood work, chemo infusions and daily chemo medications.Heisconsidered “cancer free” at this time but due to the type of cancer, he faces a high

Death Notices & Funerals
BRITTON, Elizabeth Cavan, 103, widow of Henry Douglas Britton, died in Hanover County on Aug. 30, 2022. She is survived by a daughter, Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey Britton of Hanover. Mrs. Britton was born in Richmond on February 20, 1919, to John Richard Cavan and Emma Elizabeth Lindsey at the height of the Spanish Flu Epidemic. Her only sister, Jane Cavan Budwell, died in 2017. Mrs. Britton graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School, attended William and Mary, and graduated in 1942 from RPI (now VCU) with a B.S. in Economics and Political Science. She was married in Shreveport, La. in 1943. After the birth of her daughter, she and her husband and parents moved to Fox Hill (then Bucabri Farm), took graduate courses in fine arts at RPI, opened an antiques shop and occasionally substituted at Washington Henry. From 1957 to ‘58, she served as Commercial Gift Consultant for Miller & Rhoads, was Head of the Social Studies Department at Collegiate Country Day School from 1958 to 1960, and in September, 1960, opened Fox Hill School for ages three through first grade. After her retirement in June, 1979 as Head Mistress of Fox Hill, she joined the Valentine Museum Guild Board where she worked as a volunteer conservator of antique toys and dolls until 1996 and sculpted Santas and other figures from paper mache and wood which she exhibited at the Handwork Shop and Anderson Gallery. She was President of the ECW at St. Paul’s Church (1980 to ‘83), ECW missionary representative for the Diocese of Virginia (1983 tp ‘86), served on the By-Laws Board of the ECW (1986 to ‘87), was Program Chairman of the Hanover Woman’s Club (1988 to ‘89) and a Trustee of St. Paul’s Church until her death. Mrs. Britton supported the Historic Richmond Foundation and Hanover Branch of the APVA, was a member of The Country Club of Virginia, the Hanover Woman’s Club, the Deep Run Hunt Club, the Scotchtown Chapter of the DAR, a former member of the Virginia Historical Society and The Woman’s Club in Richmond, life member and organizer of the Hanover Historical Society, and a member of the Jamestowne Society as a descendant of the Hon. John West of West Point, son of the 2nd (and 11th) Baron De La Warr. A graveside service will be held in Forest Lawn Cemetery at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 7, with a reception to follow at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Hanover. Contributions may be made to St. Paul’s Church.

PEROE, Mary Lee Berry, died peacefully at the Masonic Home of Virginia on Aug. 26, 2022 in Richmond, Va. at the age of 90. She was preceded in death by her husband, Richard Edward Peroe; her parents, Rachel Ripley and Maurice Arthur Berry. Mary Lee is survived by her daughters, Karen Peroe Catlett (Willard Hughes), Laura Peroe Fabrizio (Steven John); grandchildren, Richard H. Catlett, W. Hunter Catlett (Brittany), Andrew R. Butts, Jonathan P. Fabrizio, Kristen E. Fabrizio; and her greatgrandchildren, Josephine K. Catlett and Hayden W. Catlett. Mary Lee was born on Dec. 18 in Frederick, Md. She graduated from Highland Springs High School and was married to Richard in 1951. Mary Lee was a resident of Mechanicsville, Va. for 46 years prior to moving to the Masonic Home of Va. Mary Lee was employed by Tredegar Industries until her retirement in 1993. She was a member of the Certified Professional Secretaries from 1982 until her retirement. Prior to joining Tredegar, Mary Lee worked at Ethyl Corporation from 1981 to 1988 and was personal secretary to Andrew J. Asch, entrepreneur, who was instrumental in the redevelopment of Shockoe Slip (1970 to 1981). Mary Lee loved her friends; she was instrumental in organizing a Red Hat Society group with her lifelong friend Shelley Ivester. She was Queen of the Red Hat Hanover Best Tomatoes group for 10 years. Mary Lee was a member of Fairfield Presbyterian Church from 1949 to 1962 and then moved her membership to Mechanicsville Presbyterian Church, where she was very active throughout her remaining years, serving as wedding coordinator for many years, as well as being an active youth leader to the Mechanicsville Presbyterian & Methodist Youth Fellowship throughout the 1970s. Mary Lee enjoyed volunteering at Bon Secours Hospital for 15 years after her retirement, including being co-chair of the Festival of Trees one year. A graveside service is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10, at Forest Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Masonic Home of Va. at P.O. Box 7866, Henrico, Va. 23231 or Mechanicsville Presbyterian Church at 7339 Atlee Rd., Mechanicsville, Va. 23111. The family would like to thank the staff of the Masonic Home of Va. for the years of care they provided our parents. Online condolences may be registered at

10 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022
ANDERSON, Ernest “Ernie” Lee, A graveside service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022, at Signal Hill Memorial Park Cemetery. This will be followed by a memorial service at Broadus Memorial Baptist Church at 2 p.m.
–Whypre-planyourfuneral?–Peaceofmind: pre-planningtakestheburdenofmaking importantdecisionsoffofyourlovedonesduringadifficulttime. –Whypre-payyourfuneral?–Financialassurance: pre-paymentofyourfuneralthrough BennettFuneralHomewillrenderthecostsassociatedwithyour finalexpensesinflationproof. –WhyBennettfuneralhome?–Longevity: BennettFuneralHomehasbeenlocallyownedand operatedsince1897.Foroveracentury,Richmondershaveturned touswithtrustandconfidenceintheirtimeofneed. Forafree,noobligationconsultation, calloneofourfourconvenientlocations: Servingallfaithssince1897 CharlesD.Morehead,president Central 3215CutshawAve 359-4481 Mechanicsville 8014LeeDavisRd 746-8665 West 11020WestBroadSt 270-6321 Chesterfield (OffWinterpockRoad) 14301AshbrookPkwy 639-4975 ANDERSON BRITTON BRITTON OBITUARY SUBMISSIONS Call 804-643-4414, ext. 3 Email: paidnotices Deadline is noon Friday or the following week’s issue. PEROE


JOHN ALLEN HERRIN HERRIN, Mr. John Allen, Retired Special Agent, CSX Railroad, 69, passed away Aug. 22, 2022. He was preceded in death by his loving wife, Peggy. He is survived by his loving children, John Herrin Jr, Christopher Herrin and Steven Herrin (Kristi); stepchildren, Kim Marinelli (Jeff), Cindy Rodgers (Chris) and Carl “Hooty” Spiller (Mandy); grandchildren, Isabella, Ezra, Eli, Matthew, Avery, Aiden and Farah; stepgrandchildren, Lauren, Jeffrey, Colby, Mackenzie, Ethan and Carley; siblings, Eddie Herrin, Ocklawaha, Fla., Tom Herrin, Yorktown, Va., Kathy Kendrick, Gray, Ga., Becky Burt, Forth Worth, Texas. The family will receive friends on Sept. 13, 2022, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the home of John and Peggy Herrin, 8758 Kailtin Court, Mechanicsville, Va. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his memory to St. Jude Hopital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tenn. 38105.

Atlee Branch Library In-Person Programs
2979RiverRoadW. Goochland,VA23063 (804)556-2530
25S.NansemondSt. Richmond,VA23221 (804)359-5041
I’m not sure how all of this ends, but suffice it to say, lawsuit of not, Christmas is right around the corner and all of our favorite holiday selections will be available. It’s not clear which of those titles will be performed by royalty.
7516RightFlankRd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 (804)746-1300
Dr.JohnCollietoour MechanicsvilleOffice. Dr.Colliecompletedhisundergraduatedegree atHampden-SydneyCollegeandgraduated fromVCUSchoolofDentistry.Hethenwenton tocompleteaone-yearAEGDresidencyatEast CarolinaUniversityandiscurrentlypursuinga fellowshipintheAcademyofGeneralDentistry. Heenjoyscooking,fishing,spendingtimeatthe beach,andtravelingwithhiswife.

COMPASS crown on body lotions, hair care products and nail polish, just to name a few of the items tagged for the crown branding.Carey’s lawsuit did not go unnoticed after it was announced in July. Christmas artist Elizabeth Chan filed documents claiming she is the Queen of Christmas, the contention bolstered by a long list of Christmasthemed songs in her musical library. She has filed suit to block Carey’s request and explained in Variety interview why she opposes Carey’s legal“Christmasaction. has come way before any of us on earth, and hopefully will be around way after any of us on earth,” Chan said. “And I feel very strongly that no one person should hold onto anything around Christmas or monopolize it in the way that Mariah seeks to in perpetuity. That’s just not the right thing to do. Christmas is for everyone. It’s meant to be shared; it’s not meant to be owned.” Singer Darlene Love was also not impressed with Carey’s claim, and told reporters she has a legitimate claim to the title. Her claim to fame entitled “Christmas, Baby Please Come Home,” was performed annually on the David Letterman Show; and, according to Love,the host formally declared Love the Queen 29 years ago, a year before Carey’s single was released.Love, now 84, says she can still hit the high notes on her song and doesn’t plan to change a thing in the future. She made her position clear on Facebook with a recent posting defending her position.“If Mariah has a problem call David or my lawyer!!”
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 11 see LIBRARY pg. 23
Atlee Bridge Group at the Atlee Branch Library. Tuesdays, Sept.13, 20 & 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Every Tuesday the Atlee Bridge Group meets to play Social Rubber Bridge. All levels welcome, from beginner to expert. Fun & Games at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1 to 4 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Meet up with friends and have a great time with card and board games.
September programs at Mechanicsville area libraries

Atlee Book Club. Wednesday, Sept. 14, 11 a.m. to noon. Join the library in-person or on Zoom for a lively book discussion over "The River Widow" by Ann Howard Creel. Pick up a copy of the book at the Atlee Branch Library Circulation Desk while supplies last. Registration is required at'treceive

PageTurners Book Club at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Sept. 15, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Ages 18 & up. An in-person, lively book discussion of "Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant" by Roz Chast. You can place the book on hold and pick it up at the Atlee BranchAtleeLibrary.Anime Club at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Sept. 15, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Join the Atlee Library Anime Club to meet teens with similar interests and watch cool CrafterNoonshows. for Teens at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 17, 3 to 4 p.m. Create orange and vanilla parfait bath salts. Enjoy the scents and a little chemistry that goes into making it. Leaf Rubbing Craft/Art at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 24, 1 to 2 Createp.m.abeautiful nature leaf rubbing to kick off the fall season. Local artisan Angel Zhao will teach how to create a unique piece of art to display in your home for years to come and an original greeting card. Have twice the fun and bring a friend. Registration is required event/9349457.
Continued from pg. 9
Virtual/Hybrid Programs
Continued from pg. 6
Chickahominy Colored Pencil Artists at the Atlee Branch Library. Friday, Sept. 9, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Join the Chickahominy Colored Pencil Artists at a monthly meeting to share ideas, techniques and skills in using colored pencils. Bring your own individual supplies and projects and enjoy a time to sketch and make new friends. This is not an instructional class.Paper Sparrows at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 10, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Create a beautiful sparrow out of natural and recycled material. Registration is required musicerytheirchildrenwithatmusic,12,Atleeevent/9349438.,Sept.10to10:30a.m.Enjoybooks,fingerplays,andmuchmorepreschoolStorytime.Forages3-5acaregiver.MotherGooseStorytimeattheAtleeBranchLibrary.Wednesday,Sept.14,10to10:30a.m.MotherGooseisaStorytimeforage6to24monthsandcaregivers.Havefunwithnurs-rhymes,singingandreading.ToddlerStorytimeattheAtleeBranchLibrary.Wednesday,Sept.14,10:45to11:15a.m.EnjoyaStorytimeofbooks,andfunfortoddlersages2-3 and theirSavvycaregivers.Safetyfor Seniors at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Sept. 15, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. A program for seniors with Hanover County Sheriff's Deputy Bland. Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from scams and frauds targeting seniors.
Metro Creative Services
risk of the disease returning. Jones said Oliver’s treatments have already placed a financial burden on the family with hotel stays, travel, cost of treatments and more heavily affecting the family’s“We’refinances.hoping to create an opportunity for them to have funds available that they can use to pay off the debt that they’ve already incurred, as well as to be able to help them in the future so that they… can focus on being present with their boys…and not have to stress over all of the financial burdens that come with this as well,” Jones said. Jones said this year’s activities will feature children’s activities that the two young Roberts family boys will enjoy. Oliver will cruise around with his family in his own personalized golf cart and will even receive a surprise gift – a kid’s car gator donated by James River Equipment. Jones said “every cent” received on the day of the event will directly benefit the Roberts family. She encourages community members who cannot attend the event in person to donate through the church’s website. To donate or for more information on the event in general, visit the website:
Contributed Photo The Sheltons draw crowds of car enthusiasts to their monthly Cars & Coffee events held at their Detail Garage shops in Fredericksburg and Ashland.

Detail Garage is an auto care store that provides auto enthusiasts with car care, professional auto detailing supplies, detailing equipment, car care accessories and training. The franchise currently has 70 stores and counting nationwide. Brandi said her husband, Jeremy, was inspired to buy into the Detail Garage franchise after purchasing his first Chemical Guys product. Despite the pair’s existing thriving landscaping business keeping them busy, the two decided to try their hand at owning and operating their favorite auto care shop amid the COVID-19 pandemic.“Iwaslike, ‘Who does this? Who opens a detail store during a pandemic in the winter in Virginia?’” she said. But the Sheltons’ first store saw immediate success from the Fredericksburg shop’s grand opening, located at 4114 Lafayette Boulevard, on Dec. 12, 2020. Shelton said the Fredericksburg location’s grand opening produced almost 300 transactions that day. “I knew that day… the community needed this because of just the outpouring of support we had that first day,” she said. The pair decided to open another Detail Garage shop in Ashland in June 2020, located at 9456 Charter Gate Drive, as a high percentage of their Fredericksburg customers were commuting from the Richmond area.
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
Contributed photo Brandi and Jeremy Shelton have organized community drives at their Detail Garage shops, including a Christmas and BTS supply drive, to benefit their fellow community members.

CALENDAR tions and more for the whole family. Hope to see you there. For more information, visit the website: https://www.hopenow.
“That’s how we are with every customer – you feel like you’re family once you walk in and once you leave,” she said. She said they even keep their communication sources completely open, typically answering questions on the phone until 1 or 2 a.m. from customers regarding their products. Shelton also enjoys giving Hot Wheels toy cars to every child that walks through the shop, bringing one of her three dogs to entertain customers and chatting with anyone that walks through the door.
“I think our goal right now is one a year until we’re at five or six stores,” she said, adding they hope to expand to Gainesville, south of Richmond and other areas. She said it has been “amazing” opening up Detail Garages as they have been able to connect and get involved with the community, conducting backto-school drives, Christmas drives and supporting local clubs, sports teams and shows through monetary donations. They additionally put together “Cars and Coffee” events on the last Sunday of the month at the Fredericksburg shop and the second Saturday of the month at the Ashland shop. Shelton said she believes their family’s shops offer a uniquely intimate experience despite being a chain store, as they strive to connect with community members as if they are part of the family.
The Pamunkey Woman’s Club is kicking off their new year with a therapy dog program at 1 p.m. at Mechanicsville Baptist Church. Their speaker will be Karla Allen, coordinator of counseling for Hanover County Public Schools, and her certified therapy dog, Brady. She will talk about adopting Brady, a 2 year old yellow Labrador retriever, his journey of training and his rewarding work with students. The club invites women in the community to join them for this exciting program. For more see CALENDAR, pg. 19
12 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 | CelebrationsBusinessEducation&Community
Continued from pg. 4
Christian Church, located at 8137 Liberty Circle, Mechanicsville, VA, 23111, is hosting its second annual Cruise-in Event on Sunday, Sept. 18 to benefit a young boy from Ruther Glen, Virginia, who has been battling cancer since he was 2 years old.
cc/.Woodside Farms is hosting a Classic Car Display from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 10447 Woodside Farms Drive, Glen Allen, VA, 23059. Together with the Central Virginia British Car Club & Boomtown Radio, they will be hosting some of the best classic cars in the land in The Red Barn along with the farm’s monthly popup farm stand. The event will feature farm-fresh produce, local vendors, music, prizes, a grab & go-style lunch, and some amazing rides. For more information, visit the net/classic-car-display. Sunday, Sept. 18 Hatcher Memorial Baptist Church, located at 2300 Dumbarton Road in Henrico, is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The church is reaching out to all current and former members to come celebrate and walk down memory lane together. Service starts at 10:45 a.m. Visit the church’s website at for moreCompassdetails.
Brandi and Jeremy Shelton have jumped into the Detail Garage franchise, bringing the popular auto care store to local communities in Fredericksburg, Ashland and beyond with their family-run business quickly booming.
“This is our life and we all love it,” she said. “My kids at any given day, if they’re not in school… they’re right in here withBothus.” stores offer classes twice a month on polishing, paint correcting and others. For more information about either location, visit the Facebook pages: Detail Garage Fredericksburg or Detail Garage Richmond. For more information on Detail Garage in general, visit the franchise’s website:
Monday, Sept. 19
Shelton family’s Detail Garage shops thrive in local communities
Last month I commemorated a 19th century astronomy professor at Vassar (born in 1818 on Aug. 1), but I didn’t tell her name. She’s Maria Mitchell, who is most famous for numerous discoveries of comets but also legendary among astronomers for reportedly sending word to the college president that she was too busy to attend when summoned to a faculty meeting.
Contributed Report
Looking into Ashland Gardens through the Ashland Museum
Full Moon on Sept. 10 at 5:59 a.m.; Last Quarter on Sept. 17 at 5:52 p.m.; and New Moon on Sept. 25 at 4:54 p.m. All times are Eastern Daylight.
Mars rises around midnight this month. Jupiter and Saturn are both visible all night. Fans of Mercury and Venus will have to wait – they’re not visible (too close to the sun). At midmonth, about three hours after sunset, find the Summer Triangle (Deneb, Altair, and Vega) high overhead. Cygnus is at zenith, with Deneb marking the tail of the Swan. I have noted before that this constellation lies in the direction toward which the sun is orbiting in the plane of the Galaxy. The solar system is moving at about 220 kilometers per second – but, so are the stars of Cygnus, so the shape of the constellation changes very slowly over the millennia. Vega is about 20 degrees to the west of Deneb, while Altair is about 30 degrees to the south.

Turning to the northwest, see the familiar “big dipper” of Ursa Major. Following the two “pointer stars” at the end of the bowl to Polaris, the so-called North Star, you’re facing a fraction of a degree from true north. Extending the line brings you to the constellation Cepheus, which looks like an inverted crude line drawing of a house (a triangle on top of a rectangle). Here, the triangle is on the bottom. A bit to the right and below Cepheus is Cassiopeia, which looks like a W rocked back a bit counterclockwise. Follow the line of the bottom two stars (the left side of the W), and on a clear night find the faint glowing patch of the Andromeda Galaxy. As I have noted before, at a little over 2 million light years, this is the most distant object you can see with the naked eye. The Milky Way arcs overhead from northeast to southwest passing through Cygnus at zenith. Just above the southwest horizon, though it may be difficult to see through horizon clutter and haze, is the constellation Sagittarius, which marks the direction toward the center of the Milky Way. Consider the geometry. With the center at the southwest horizon and our direction of travel at zenith, just below Cassiopeia at the northeast horizon is the direction away from the center and out into intergalactic space. The northwest and southeast horizons mark the directions perpendicular to the plane of the Galaxy. If readers have questions about astronomy in particular (or science in general) that you would like covered in one of these columns, feel free to contact me at (I have retired from Randolph-Macon College but will continue these columns and use of that email address for the foreseeable future).
Metro Creative Connection FROM CENTER
Photos courtest of The Ashland Museum
The Mechanicsville Local ASHLAND/ WESTERN HANOVER |
Introducing the Space Launch System, the most powerful rocket booster
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 13 The Ashland Museum starts the fall season with a look at gardens around town over the past 100 years. The museum begins a celebration of the Ashland Garden Club’s 100th anniversary by showcasing their work and programs at Fourth Fridays on Sept. 23, 5 to 8 p.m. The exhibition will be on display through the fall. The museum is located at 105 Hanover Avenue, Ashland, and is free and open to the public on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and by appointment. To introduce the Ashland Garden Club exhibition, Miriam Green will discuss Mary Beirne, a well-known daffodil specialist. Miss Beirne lived at Rhodeen on North Center Street in Ashland and was a pioneer in hybridizing and cultivating daffodils in Virginia during the first half of the 20th century. This HistoryTalk is the first in a series of fall talks. It will be held at the SunTrust Theater in Brock Commons on the Randolph-Macon College campus on Thursday, Sept. 22, at 7 p.m. This is free and open to the public. Guided walking tours of historic Woodland Cemetery will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 20, and Tuesday, Sept. 27. Woodland is an excellent example of the rural or garden cemetery movement that began in the mid-19th century. In addition to the landscaping underway at Woodland, the cemetery has lots of stories to tell about Ashland and Randolph-Macon College.
Ashland Garden Club’s 100 years of dedication to stimulating the knowledge and love of gardening among amateurs will be on display at the Ashland Museum beginning Sept. 23.

As I write this a 322 foot tall rocket sits on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, preparing for an Aug. 29 liftoff to the moon on a lunar orbital mission designated Artemis I. The total mission is planned at 42 days, returning to splash down in the Pacific on Oct. 10. Artemis II will carry a crew to lunar orbit. Artemis III is designated as a lunar landing mission. (Artemis was Apollo’s sister in Greek mythology). There will be no crew, as this is an engineering test of the fully integrated system under computer control. Atop the Space Launch System (SLS) is the new Orion space craft, which is designed to carry up to six astronauts to the Moon and beyond (and back). I’ll say more about Orion for October’s column; I will concentrate on SLS this month.
Also serving the communities of Montpelier, Beaverdam, Rockville and Doswell
SLS is the most powerful rocket booster yet designed, generating a total thrust at liftoff of 8.8 million pounds. Compare to the Saturn V that launched Apollo to the Moon with a “mere” 7.5 million pounds. The core stage (first stage) is 212 feet long and 27.6 feet in diameter. It is powered by four RS 25 rocket motors generating 418 thousand pounds of thrust each. They are fueled by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Space afficionados will recognize these as the same motor as the space shuttle main engines. In fact, they are reusing shuttle engines for SLS, though they will not be reused again. After each shuttle flight they were swapped out for maintenance, and there are enough in inventory for at least six flights of SLS. Adjacent to the core stage are two solid rocket boosters -each producing 3.6 million pounds of thrust. These will also be dropped in the ocean after they complete launch, much like the solid boosters for the space shuttles. The core will carry the payload and second stage into Earth orbit.The second stage is officially designated the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS), which will boost the space craft to the moon, insert into lunar orbit and fire again to return home. ICPS is 45 feet long and 16.7 feet in diameter. It uses a single RL 10 hydrogen/oxygen motor which generates 24,750 pounds of thrust. This is essentially the same engine used for the Atlas V launch vehicle.
Artemis I better work, or it’s unlikely we’ll see Artemis II or III. The program is years overdue and billions of dollars over budget. A failure on its first flight would make it a target for budget hawks in Congress – though a fair share of the blame for delays and cost overruns can be traced to political interference over multipleLunaradministrations.phasesforSeptember:
-Dr. George Spagna
see GARDENS, pg. 19
By Dr. George Spagna Special toThe Local

ContentsinsidesealedVaultBricksrevealoldU.S.coinswithrare24KaratGoldLayeringissuedbythe U.S.Gov’tnearly100yearsagoareactuallybeinghandedovertoVirginiaresidentswhofindtheirzipcode below;butonlythosewhobeatthe48hourdeadlinearegettingthematjuststateminimum VAzipcodesturnupgoldforresidents
“TheseGoldVaultBricksmakethemost impressivegiftsforChristmas,birthdays, graduations,weddings,andanyotheroccasion,especiallyforthathard-to-buy-for person,”Lynnesaid.
Thisisallhappeningbecausethousands ofU.S.residentsstandtomissthedeadlinetoclaimthegold.Nowanyresident whofindstheirzipcodelistedintoday’s publicationandcallstoverifyitgetsto claimtheGoldVaultBricksforthemselves andkeepallthevaluablegoldfoundinside. Andhere’sthebestpart.Virginiaresidentswhofindthefirstthreedigitsof theirzipcodelistedintoday’spublicationaregettingSealedVaultBrickscontainingtheonlyVirginiaStateGoldBank Rollsknowntoexistwiththeexclusive StateRestrictedDesignandeachloaded withrarelyseenU.S.Gov’tissuedBuffalo Nickelslayeredinvaluable24KaratGold byNationalMintandTreasury.
“AsDirectorofCoinandCurrencyfor NationalMintandTreasury,oneofmyjobs istodeliverbreakingnews.Andtoday’s announcementconfirmingthereleaseof SealedGoldVaultBrickstoresidentsofthe stateofVirginiaisasbigasitgets,”Lynne said.
That’sbecauseVirginiaresidentscan reallycashinforthenext48hours.Here’s why.Non-stateresidentsandthosewho missthe48-hourdeadlinemustpay $8 percoin,butVirginiaresidentswhotake theVaultBrickscoverjustthe $4 percoin stateminimum.ThatmeansVirginiaresidentsgetall125coinswithrare24Karat GoldLayeringforjust $500 whichisa realstealsincenon-stateresidentsmust payover $1,000 foreachVaultBrick.And itgetsevenbetterforthoseclaimingthe JumboGoldVaultBricks.

“IfyouliveinthestateofVirginiayouneed tofindthefirstthreedigitsofyourzipcode listedintoday’snewspaperannouncement andcallimmediately,”saidLauraA.Lynne, DirectorofCoinandCurrencyforNational MintandTreasury.

“Somyadviceisthis,anyonewhogets anopportunitytogettheirhandsononeof theseGoldVaultBricksfullofcoinsissued bytheU.S.Gov’tnearly100yearsago withrare24KaratGoldlayeringfromthe NationalMintandTreasurybetterjumpat thechancewhiletheystillcan,”Lynnesaid.

14 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 201 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 VIRGINIARESIDENTS:IFYOUFINDTHEFIRSTTHREEDIGITSOFYOURZIPCODEBELOWCALL:1-800-997-8036EXT:BNA1465 ■ FLYINGOUTTHEDOOR: LuckyVirginiaresidentsarehopingtofindtheirzipcodelistedintoday’s publication,butnoteverybodywill.That’swhythosewhodoneedtoimmediatelycalltheStateDistribution Hotlines.EveryonewhodoesisauthorizedtoclaimsealedVaultBricksloadedwiththeonlyVirginiaStateGold BankRollsknowntoexistforthelowestever $4 percoinminimumsetforVirginiaresidents-non-stateresidents andthosewhomissthe48hourdeadlinemustpay $8 percoin,ifanyremain. ■ VALUABLE: RARE24KARAT GOLDLAYERING ■ RARELY SEEN: ISSUED BYTHEU.S.GOV’T NEARLY100YEARSAGO R1093R-4
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”Wealreadyknowthephoneswillbe ringingoffthehook.That’swhyhundreds ofagentsarestandingbytoanswerthe phonesbeginningat8:30amthismorning. We’regoingtodoourbest,butwithjust 48hourstoanswerallthecallsitwon’tbe easy.Somakesuretotelleveryonetokeep callingifalllinesarebusy.We’lldoour besttoanswerthemall,”Lynnesaid.
But,Ms.Lynneadded,“TheSealedGold VaultBricksareonlyavailableasinventory permitsduringthespecial48hourrelease sopleasedonotmissthedeadline.”The directoradded,“Wehavenopowertostop coindealers,resellersorcollectorsbuying upalltheGoldVaultBrickstheycanget theirhandson,”Lynnesaid.
Theonlythingreadersoftoday’snewspaperpublicationneedtodoismakesure theyliveinoneofthezipcodeslistedand calltheStateDistributionHotlinesbefore thespecial48hourdeadlineendsmidnight tomorrow.
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The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 15 R1093R-4
BNA1465 beforethedeadlineends.EveryonewhodoesisgettingtheBankRollsforjust thestateminimum.That’sasealedGoldVaultBrickcontainingtheonlyVirginiaStateBank RollsknowntoexisteachloadedwiththerarelyseenU.S.Gov’tissuedBuffaloNickels layeredinvaluable24KaratGoldforjustthe $4 percoinstateminimumsetbytheNational MintandTreasury,whichtotalsjust $500 forthefullsealedGoldVaultBrick.That’sareal stealbecausestateresidentsandnon-stateresidentswhomissthedeadlinemustpay $1,000 foreachsealedGoldVaultBrickifanyremain.
A:TheonlythingVirginiaresidentsneedtodoisfindthefirstthreedigitsoftheirzip codeintoday’spublicationandcalltheStateToll-FreeHotlineat 1-800-997-8036Ext.
ShownaboveisasneakpeakinsidetheGoldVaultBricks.TheGoldVaultBricksareloadedwithVirginia StateGoldBankRollscontainingU.S.Buffaloseachlayeredin24KaratGold.Thephonelineswillberingingoffthehookbeginningatprecisely8:30am this morning.That’sbecauseVirginiaresidentscanreallycashinforthenext48hours.Here’swhy.Non-stateresidentsandthosewhomissthe48-hourdeadline mustpay $8 percoin,butVirginiaresidentswhotaketheGoldVaultBrickspicturedabovecoverjustthe $4 percoinstateminimum.ThatmeansVirginia residentsgetall125coinswithrare24KaratGoldLayeringforjust $500 whichisarealstealsincenon-stateresidentsmustpayover $1,000 foreachGold VaultBrick.AnditgetsevenbetterforthoseclaimingtheJumboGoldVaultBricks.
A:BecausetheyaretheonlyVirginiaStateBankRollsknowntoexistwe’rebracingfortheflood ofcalls.ThesearenotordinaryBankRolls.ThesearefullBankRollscontaining25Buffalos datingclearbacktotheearly1900’s.BestofalleachBuffaloislayeredin24KaratGoldand thestateminimumsetbyNationalMintandTreasuryisrestrictedtoVirginiaresidentswhofind thefirstthreedigitsoftheirzipcodelistedintoday’spublicationandbeatthedeadlineonly. ThatmeansVirginiaresidentscoveronly $4 perBuffalowhentheyclaimtheGoldVaultBricks, whichisjust $500 forthenext2days.
“That’swhyNationalMintandTreasurysetuptheStateDistributionHotlines inordertomakesureresidentsofVirginia cangetthemnow,”Lynnesaid.
A:It’simpossibletosay,buttheseBuffalosdateclearbacktotheearly1900’sandarenotordinary U.S.coins.That’sbecauseonlyanextremelylowpercentageofBuffaloswerethencommissioned byNationalMintandTreasurytobecoveredwithrarelyseen24KaratGoldLayering,thensealed andprotectedinbrilliantcollectorconditioninsidespecial25countVirginiaBankRolls.That’swhy youbetterhurryifyouwanttogetyourhandsonthem.Collectorvaluesalwaysfluctuateandthere areneveranyguarantees.ButwedoknowtheyaretheonlyVirginiaStateBankRollsknowntoexist. SoanyoneluckyenoughtogettheirhandsonthesesealedVaultBricksshouldholdontothem becausethere’snotellinghowmuchtheycouldbeworthincollectorvaluesomeday.
ofU.S.residentsstandtomissthedeadline toclaimthegold,todayandtomorroware intendedasa“special48hourrelease”for thebenefitofVirginiaresidents.Thisgives themafairchancetoclaimtheSealed GoldVaultBricksandallthevaluablegold loadedinsideforthemselves.

MECHANICSVILLE — They labor in anonymity. They rarely get the kudos, but, hey, neither do they expect them.Playing in the offensive line, you see, giving their quarterback time to execute, and opening holes for their runners is a matter of pride. Their reward, they feel, is the prodigious effort they expend.
By Weldon Bradshaw for the Times-Dispatch
Raiders rebound with win over Wildcats

16 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 UPCOMING 10EVENTS092022Sports Prep 7:00atMatoacafootball:Hanoverp.m. Prep cross country: Pole Green Classic at Pole Green Park 8:30 a.m.09092022 | Youth, High School, College, Recreational & Professional
“Our No. 1 responsibility is to recreate the line of scrimmage,” said Atlee guard Brock Taylor Thursday after the Raiders dispatched visiting Deep Run 38-14. “Most importantly, we want to protect our guys in the backfield. “I don’t really care about individual success. If the scoreboard says a win, I’m fine.” Standing in the half-light outside the Raiders’ team room, Taylor, a 6-3, 285-pound junior, was speaking for Dylan Kildoo (6-1, 260), Matthew DiGiovanna (6-2, 250), Jacob Rose (6-4, 265), and James Nicholson (6-4, 270), the other big guys who man the trenches and enabled the home team to amass 365 yards on 45 plays. “That unit has grown really tight,” said Atlee coach Matt Gray. “They want to pave the way for guys like J.J. (Lewis) and Bryce (Bucholz) and protect a guy like Brooks (Hollins). They don’t get their name in the paper a lot. They’re good with that. They’re a humble group, but they’re hard-working, and they’re fun to coach.”
“Sometimes the ball rolls your way,” Gray said. “It worked out exactly the way we wanted it to.”Atlee received the secondhalf kickoff, and on its second play Lewis swept right, reversed direction, and raced 71 yards to the house. Tschantre once again drilled the extra point, his fourth of five.
On a refreshingly clear, temperate, low-humidity evening with a brilliant crescent moon looming in the western sky, Taylor and company provided the blocking that allowed Hollins to connect twice with Tae Gilpin for touchdowns and Lewis to carry 21 times for 244 yards (and three scores) and Bucholz eight times for 58. “The O-line was doing the work,” said Lewis, whose TD runs covered 55, 71, and 24 yards. “They were making everything big and driving down the field. They had everything wide Withoutopen.”allowing Deep Run to touch the football, the Raiders (1-1) scored 17 points in a 1:04 span in the second and third quarters to stretch their 14-7 lead to 31-7. A well-placed 35-yard Zachary Tschantre punt that rolled dead at the Deep Run 5-yard line set the momentumaltering sequence in motion. The Atlee defense stopped the visitors three-and-out, and Gilpin returned the ensuing punt 10 yards to the Wildcats’ 35. Five plays later, Hollins directed a laser to Gilpin just inside the back line of the end zone 15 seconds before halftime for a 14-yard score. Tschantre added the Tschantrepoint-after.thenpooched the kickoff high in the air, his teammate Iziah Riley fielded it on the Deep Run 30, and 1.5 seconds before halftime, Tschantre drilled a 37-yard field goal.
Dave Lawrence/The Local Atlee lineman Brock Taylor (72) fights off a double-team block in the Raiders’ 38-14 win over visiting Deep Run Thursday night.
“It was a cutback that was intended to happen,” Lewis said of the quick hitter that proved the Wildcats’ undoing. “The line just made a huge hole.”
The Raiders allowed Deep Run 219 yards (139 rushing, 80 passing) on 59 plays and stopped drives on their 27 and 12 (with team defensive efforts) see RAIDERS, pg. 18
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 17 Patriots open season by thrashing Godwin
By Tim Pearrell Richmond Times-Dispatch HENRICO
— In case some folks are wondering what’s in reserve for Patrick Henry this season after losing a lot of firepower to graduation … The Patriots started on an answer by throttling Mills Godwin 32-7 in their opener on Thursday at Godwin. Several newcomers began to make their marks for Patrick Henry, along with an old one — 5-foot-7, 165-pound senior dynamo Gracyn Ross. Playing wide receiver and running back, Ross racked up 135 yards rushing and receiving and two touchdowns. He also played safety on a defense that settled in after allowing an early“We’ young guys stepping up in those roles,” Ross said. “There’s a lot of talk we lost a lot and we’re not going to be able to produce like we did. I think we’ll be just fine.” So does coach Ken Wakefield, whose team went 10-3 last season. The last loss was 16-14 in the region final to eventual Class 4 state champ Varina.Voters in The TimesDispatch preseason Top 10 were uncertain about PH, ranking it ninth. Wakefield, though, has gone 26-8 in his first three seasons with the Patriots and has established them among the area’s top programs. He expects to stay“Everybody’sthere. looking at us,” he said. “The reality is we have talent here. We’re extremely confident as a coaching staff we can coach our kids up to play at a high level. … My expectation is for us to be competitive regardless of the year. “I think this team will slowly and surely continue to get better as the season progresses.”
Godwin, which opened its season last week with a 20-7 victory over Kecoughtan (Hampton), went 85 yards on its second possession and took a 7-0 lead on Daniel Viener’s 31-yard pass to Nick Clark (four catches, 81 yards). Good field position on the kickoff and a facemask penalty helped PH reach the Godwin 33 on the next possession. Junior starting quarterback Grayson Johnson was in until that point, but Wakefield, feeling his team “needed something a little different,” inserted junior quarterback Jayden Brown. Brown’s second play was a 30-yard TD strike to Jeremiah Grant on a slant route. His second pass was an 8-yard completion, and his third was to Ross in the flat that Ross turned into a 50-yard TD. Ross shed a tackler on the sideline, ignoring a facemask in the process. Brown stayed in thereafter, finishing 8 of 13 for 141 yards and three TDs. Playing cornerback, he also knocked away a pass in the end zone on defense. Johnson, who also plays linebacker, was 1 of 3 for 15 yards and had 28 yards rushing on eight“Eachcarries.quarterback has different strengths, and we’re going to continue to play them both as the season goes on,” Wakefield said.Ross started last season at wide receiver and about half the season in the secondary. Wakefield describes him as pound for pound the strongest player in the state. He can deadlift more than 500 pounds and squat more than 400. His hands are a strength, too, latching onto a 26-yard TD pass after juggling it against tightAlongcoverage.with the catches, Ross had 59 yards on 13 carries. Shamar Williams added 72 yards rushing, including a 35-yardGrant,TD.a6-3 junior, also had a nice evening. He caught five passes for 72 yards and used his length in the secondary to disrupt some passes. PH intercepted two passes, one of which sophomore Montrell James took 51 yards for a score. “If you asked going in this game, ‘Who’s Jeremiah Grant?’ Well, people will find out he’s a good football player,” Wakefield said.“We don’t ever talk about rebuild. That’s not what we do. We continue to grow and we continue to get better each see PATRIOTS, pg. 18

Shaban Athuman/Times-Dispatch Above, Patrick Henry’s Jayden Brown (15) leaves Mills Godwin defenders behind in the visiting Patriots’ 32-7 victory Thursday night. Left, Patrick Henry’s Gracyn Ross (2) carries the ball past Eagle defender Logan Rhoades (12).

By Dave Lawrence Sports Editor
the(11)AndrewquarterbackMaconRandolph-Ilhleescapesgraspof an N.C. afternoon.FieldvictoryJackets’thedefenderWesleyaninYellow49-7atDaySaturday
18 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 WEWANTTOBEYOURPLUMBER 746-5853

RUSHING DR: Miller 19 carries, 97 yards, Taber 3-11, Paster 8-10, Taylor 2-7, Kaitsounis 3-6, Gauch 3-6, Barnes 1-2; ATL: Lewis 21-244, Bucholz 8-58, Hollins 1-0. PASSING DR: Gauch 5 completions, 20 attempts, 1 interception, 80 yards; ATL: Hollins 7-15-0-63. RECEIVING DR: Taylor 1 reception, 35 yards, David 2-29, Centeno 1-10, Kaitsounis 1-6; ATL: Gilpin 2-35, Holmes 3-13, Clark 1-10, Whitehead 1-5. Continued from pg. 16
The Old Dominion Athletic Conference schedule begins Oct. 1 at home against Guilford.
PH — Ross 50 pass from Brown (Crabbe kick) PH — Ross 26 pass from Brown (kick failed) PH — James 51 interception return (Crabbe kick) RUSHING PH: Williams 17-72, Ross 13-59, Johnson 8-28, Brown 2-8, Others 2minus-18; MG: Eakes 11-33, Brown 6-23, Clark 3-12, Others and team 7- minus-18. PASSING PH: Johnson 1 for 3, 15 yards, 0 TDs, 0 interceptions; Brown 8-13141-3-0; MG: Viener 15-27-117-1-2; Roberts 2-7-29-0-0. RECEIVING PH: Ross 2-76, Grant 5-72, Henderson 2-8; MG: Clark 4-81, Berry 3-38, Busbee 3-22, Others 7-5. Continued from pg. 17
Tim Pearrell can be reached at Patrick Henry 6 13 6 7 — 32 Mills Godwin 7 0 0 0 — 7 MG — Clark 31 pass from Viener (Lockhart kick) PH — Grant 30 pass from Brown (run failed) PH — Williams 35 run (pass failed)
Dave Lawrence/TheLocal
week. Every team in the country loses kids every year. We don’t ever look at it as we lost a lot of guys. Those other guys have to be ready to play.”
CORRECTION: Due to a miscommunication, Atlee golfer Teddy Buchanan was misidentified as J.P. Burkett in a photo caption in the sports section of the Aug. 24 edition of The Local. We regret the error.
R-MC has questions, gets answers in win
ASHLAND — Against the backdrop of the nearly completed Duke Hall, the 135th Randolph-Macon College football team took to Day Field Saturday evening with looming questions. Specifically, who would be their quarterback? With Presley Egbers departed and Brecht Heuchan injured, the duo that led the Yellow Jackets to an average of 41 points per game a year ago were replaced with veteran senior Andrew Ihle and transfer Drew beat went on.
Randolph-Macon scored touchdowns on all five first half possessions and did not punt until late in the fourth quarter of a 49-7 rout of North Carolina Wesleyan in the first meeting ever between the two schools. “I thought they played well,” said head coach Pedro Aruzza of his new tandem. “I thought they had their best week yet this week. Yeah, it was good.” Ihle got the start and led Randolph-Macon (1-0) on a seven-play, 70-yard drive, capped by a 2-yard touchdown run. Late in the first quarter, a 76-yard drive ended with Ihle powering his way to the end zone from 15 yards out. That drive also showed off Ihle’s arm, as he hit speedy wideout David Wallis for a 47-yardAftercompletion.aNickHale 1-yard scoring run made it 21-0 in the second period, it was Campanale who connected with Wallis on a 71-yard touchdown strike. Just 23 minutes into the game, the rout was on. Ihle would connect with Zach Bowman on a 4-yard pass to finish the first-half scoring, as the Yellow Jackets took a 35-0 lead to the half. Campanale led two scoring drives in the second half, throwing touchdown passes to Davis Clemmons and Jo Jo Marinella. North Carolina Wesleyan (0-1) scored their lone touchdown in the third quarter on a 1-yard run by Trevon Crank. The Battling Bishops were held to 237 yards total offense, all of it in the air. Randolph-Macon ran 65 plays, 48 of them on the ground, churning out 284 of their 523 total yards on the legs of five different tailbacks, along with both Defensively,quarterbacks.role players from 2021 stepped up to center stage. Silas James lead the team with five tackles. The Yellow Jackets sacked quarterback Chaz Hirschman four times. The game film will certainly show Arruza and his staff where adjustments need to be made, and the inevitable bevy of improvement for a team just one game into a season filled with the hope of earning their first NCAA Division III championship berth since 2018. Arruza is taking an excellent approach to this first month of play.“We’ve got to get better over the course of the next four weeks, and develop some guys,” Arruza noted. “We really have to evaluate some guys, find out who can play, because it’s going to be a gauntlet down the stretch.”The Yellow Jackets head to Washington, D.C., Saturday for their first game at Catholic University since 2016. They’ll then return to Day Field on Sept. 17 to host Southern Virginia University ahead of an early bye week on Sept. 24.
PATRIOTS and 14 (with a Gilpin interception).“Winning is fun,” Gray said. “That’s why you work so hard. You have to go through the process to put yourself in a position to win and then take that product on the field and compete. They did that tonight. I’m proud of them.” Weldon Bradshaw can be reached at sports@mechlocal. com. Deep Run 0 7 0 7 — 14 Atlee 7 17 7 7 — 38 ATL — Gilpin 21 pass from Hollins (Tschantre kick) ATL — Lewis 55 run (Tschantre DRkick)— Taylor 35 pass from Gauch (Vantre kick) ATL — Gilpin 14 pass from Hollins (Tschantre kick) ATL — FG Tschantre 37 ATL — Lewis 71 run (Tschantre ATLkick) — Lewis 24 run (Tschantre DRkick)— Taber 3 run (Vantre kick)

Sunday, Sept. 25
As part of that responsibility, administrative histories are written to ensure records of the park’s history are maintained, and to provide guidance for future management decisions.
On Wednesday, Sept. 14, the public is invited to join Dr. Megan Shockley and staff from the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site at the Library of Virginia for a presentation on the site’s recently completed administrative history. This free program begins at noon and is open to the public. Titled “Community, Preservation, and Perseverance: The History of the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site,” Shockley’s talk will explore key developments in the site's nearly 50-year history that highlight the relationship between the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site – the nation’s first public site dedicated to preserving and interpreting the legacy of an African American woman – and the wider public. From the beginning of its story as a potential historic site, the Walker house benefited from the vision of local community leaders and National Park Service staff. Throughout the last few decades, community collaboration has positioned the Walker house as an example of successful partnerships to promote the history of Maggie Walker beyond the boundaries of Richmond and throughout the world.
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 19 information, contact Bonnie Walter, the club’s membership chairman, at 804-650-0391.

Photos from the Ashland Museum’s collaboration with Ashland Parks & Recreation at DeJarnette Park remain on display. Check out the young anglers and photographers who found the park a wonderland of water and plant life. For information on these and other events, contact the Ashland Museum by email:, calling 804-368-7314, or visiting the website:
Formoreinfo,checkusoutat MechanicsvilleUnitedMethodist Church 7356AtleeRoad746-5118 ReverendAmyDunn,pastor 10aminpersonworshipor Facebooklive@MechUMC ChildrensandYouthPrograms CubScoutsPack517 ShadyGroveUnitedMethodist 8209ShadyGroveRd. atthecornerofMeadowbridge Rd.,Mechanicsville,804-746-9073 In-personWorshipSundaysat 8:15,9:45,&11:15a.m., Onlineat9:45a.m. Programsforallages. Rev.WayneSnead,Pastor ChurchoftheRedeemer 8275MeadowbridgeRoad 746-4911 Masscelebratedon Saturday5:30PM Sunday8:00&10:00AM EVANGELICALFRIENDS INDEPENDENTBAPTIST INDEPENDENTCHRISTIAN NAZARENE PRESBYTERIAN SEVENTH-DAYADVENTIST SOUTHERNBAPTISTSOUTHERNBAPTISTSOUTHERNBAPTIST LUTHERANUNITEDMETHODIST ROMANCATHOLIC MECHANICSVILLECHURCHES Toadvertise,emailusat Call746-1235tofindout aboutupcoming opportunitiesto advertisewithTheLocal inprintandonline! ADVERTISE Call746-1235tofindout aboutupcoming opportunitiesto advertisewithTheLocal inprintandonline! ADVERTISE Continued from pg. 12 CALENDAR see CALENDAR, pg. 20
CalebBittler,Minister SundaySchool9:30AM, Worship10:45AM BibleStudy/Prayer Youth&Childrenactivities 6:30pm,Wednesday NewHighlandBaptistChurch 550-9601,9200NewAshcakeRd,9:15AMBible Study,10:30AMWorshipInPerson&online.Rev.LarryFrakes ShalomBaptistChurch 8116WalnutGroveRd. Office:746.7737 Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:30p.m. andBibleStudyat6:15p.m. Findusonthewebat WalnutGroveBaptistisaChurch committedtofollowingJesus& lovingpeople.Youcanfindusat wgva.church7046ColdHarborrd LebanonUnitedMethodist Church 8492PeaksRoad,746-0980 SarahSealand,Pastor WorshipInPersonandon FacebookLive: 10:00ameachSunday 9:00amSundaySchool
More information about this process can be found at engagement,Walkercharterhisnps/NPSHistory/adminhistory.htm.,dedicatedherselftoalifeofcivicchallengingbothracialdiscrimination and gender bias. In the mid-1970s, Walker's descendants and community leaders led the effort to preserve her Jackson Ward home, culminating with the establishment of the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site. Since 1985, the home has been open to the public as a furnished house museum where Walker's story of leadership and self-determination continues to resonate with and inspire people around the world. For more information about the park, call the visitor center at (804) 226-5041, visit or find them on Facebook at www.facebook. com/MaggieL.WalkerNHS
NewBethesdaBaptistChurch 9019NewBethesdaRd.779-2101
The mission of the National Park Service is to protect and preserve some of the nation’s most valued cultural and natural resources.
Contributed Report The Mechanicsville Local Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site and Library of Virginia to host park’s history program Continued from pg. 13
BlackCreekBaptistChurch, 6289McClellanRoad SundaySchool-9:00a.m. SundayWorship-10:15a.m. AdultBibleStudy&YouthGroup Wed.nightsat6:00p.m. Pastor,StephenKendrick orcall(804)781-0330 BroadusMemorialBaptist 804-779-2700 1Churchin2Locations WorshippingonSundays! In-person&onFacebook! 5351PoleGreenRd. Mechanicsville,23116 PhilPeacock,Pastor SundaySchool9a.m. Worship10a.m. 3407KingWilliamRd. Aylett,23009 JeffPoythress,Pastor Worship9:30a.m. SundaySchool10:30a.m. Makingeachoneawitness! CoolSpringBaptistChurch 9283AtleeStationRd. Forinfo,activities&worship timesvisit orcall746-0800 FellowshipCommunityChurchof Mechanicsville After10yearsatHanoverHigh Schoolwehavepurchasedour ownbuilding.Wecontinueto teachtheWordofGodand watchforthemiraculous. JoinusSundaymornings9:45am at8505BellCreekRoad,SuiteK.
HanoverEvangelicalFriends 6420MechTrnpk.804-730-9512, Worship:Sun.10:30AM SundaySchool@9:15AM AdventCommunityChurch Mechanicsville,8079StudleyRd, (804)746.0895or746.0279 Worship/Children’schurch10am FairmountChristianChurch, 559-8070 6502CreightonRd. SundayAMWorshipTraditional 8:00&10:15,Contemporary9:00, Modern11:15,BibleSchoolat 9:00,10:15,&11:15. RickRaines,SeniorMinister; ChrisSantasiere,AssociateMinister;SethWortman,Associate Minister;TracyThomas,Worship &MusicMinister;BillNicol,AssociateWorshipMinister;Davis Ellenberger,YouthMinister; AshleySears,Children’sDirector GethsemaneChurchofChrist 5146MechanicsvilleTurnpike SundayAMWorshipServices (Checkwebsitefortimes) 804-779-2044 BillWines,SeniorMinister TruthBaptistChurch,627-2170 COME&SEE! Allinfoat: StPaulLutheranChurch(LCMS) 427-7500 ∂ 8100ShadyGroveRd, Rev.RodneyBitely,Pastor;Sun. Sch.9:15am,Worship10:30am HOPECOMMUNITYCHURCH HomeofAtleeChristianAcademy&HopeNowCounseling. info& FairfieldPresbyterianChurch 6930ColdHarborRd.,23111 8:45&11:00amservices MeadowbridgeSeventh-Day AdventistChurch 7400AntiqueLaneMech., SaturdayServices: SabbathSchool,9:45am. WorshipService,11am. WednesdayeveningPrayer Meeting,6:30pm. Churchphone:746-2788 meadowbridgesdachurch@gmai
GraceUnitedFamilyChurch "WhereGraceUnitesUs" 7252BeulahChurchRoad (HistoricBeulahChurch) Mechanicsville,23111 Sundays,10:30AM& Wed.Dinner,Study,Prayer: 6:00-8:00p.m. Forinfo,call335-6728 "LoveGod,Learn theBible,CareforPeople" GlennHawkins,Pastor MechanicsvilleBaptistChurch 8016AtleeRd. Office:746.7253 Worship in person andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m. WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:00p.m. andBibleStudyat6:00p.m. Findusonthewebat
Enon United Methodist Church is hosting a “Homecoming” celebrating 185 years at 10:30 a.m. More information is available at 804-746-4719 or Administration (VA) and Disabled American Veterans (DAV) will conduct a VA Claims Clinic and Benefit Visit for details and to register. Join the Ashland Museum for a night of questions and answers at Trivia Night on the third Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m at Origin Beer Lab, 106 S. Railroad Avenue, Ashland. No reservations needed. The winning team receives gold medals. Find out what questions and songs MC Woody and DJ Brent are digging up to test your knowledge on Sept. 15.
20 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 Continued from pg. 19 CALENDAR see CALENDAR, pg. 20
Concrete,RetainingWalls,Pavers, Brick,Sidewalks.Install&repair. FreeEstimates.Licensed&Insured. References.CallorText804-874-9184 RVAPAVING Commercial&ResidentialAsphalt Paving.SealCoating,Repair,Crack Filling,&Restriping.ClassA.Lic&Ins. Call804-840-9993,forFreeEst. AffordableElectricalInstallations Foryourhomeorbusiness. Lic./Ins.BBB746-4350 BLSElectrical SpecializinginResidential Service,NewResidential andalsoLEDLighting. AffordablepricingLic/Ins. 804-397-5478oremailat DannyElectric SpecializinginResidential Service.Professionalworkthat youcanafford!Lic/Ins. DannyHinton,804-640-5044 **FenceScapes**559-8797 CustomWood,Chain-Link, Vinyl,OrnamentalAluminum. GoodNeighborFenceInc Customwood,Aluminum, Vinyl,Chainlink&repairs A+BBB…Angie’sList 804-737-4664 HomeMaintenance&Repairs Veteranoperated. Over30yearsexperience CallDave,804-874-4774 Purcell Construction CustomBuilder HunterPurcell 804-972-2215 www.PurcellConstruction.Biz CustomRenovations&Homes ∂ Additions ∂ ChurchRenovations ∂ Decks ∂ Porches∂ Siding ∂ Windows ∂ Barns ∂ Ramps ∂ InsuranceClaims ∂ Renovations&MORE!ClassA License&Insured ∂ 38yrsexp ∂ A+RatingwiththeBBB&Angie’s List. Don’tMove...Improve! GutterSpecialist SeamlessGutters,Guards,Cleanings& Repairs,21yrs.exp.Lic/Ins.FreeEst. StrongholdConstruction804-218-1136 HerringHomeImprovementWindows,Decks,Sheds,Repairs Licensed&Insured.Call537-5755 ABROWN’SHOUSEWASHING ROOFSTAINSREMOVAL 804-937-8351 AffordableQualityWash Homes,decks,sidewalks,etc 804-550-2345 ServingHanoverfor25years HANOVERHANDYSERVICES LowPressurePowerwashing GutterCleaningLic.&Ins.Call363-8393 GroundKeepersLawnCare Your#1Choice GrassCutting•Trimming•Hedges TreeWork•Mulching•Aerating• Seeding•FREEEst.•ReasonableRates RickCustalow,804-517-3321 LAWNCAREPLUS- Complete LawnCare&Landscaping LEAFREMOVAL WeofferCurbside&FullService LeafRemoval! FullyLic/Ins. FreeEstimates 730-2367 OverstreetEnterprise&LandscapeLLC Landscaping,Irrigation,Concrete, Patio,Brickwork,TreeWork,Grading, TopSoil,Drainage&Gravel. Call804-337-1281forfreeest PoleGreenLawnCare,LLC. Providingmowing,hedgetrimming, andmulchingservices. PleasecallortextJarrod804-514-8214 GuyStinchfieldPainting&Repair Int./Ext.Painting,Carpentry,Drywall Repair,PressureWashing,Wallpaper Removal.Lic/Ins.20yrsexperience Refereneces.FreeEst.804-439-7700 PCTRemodeling Exterior/InteriorPainting. Licensed/Insured.264-9352 Gary’sPlumbing RepairService.Lic./Ins. 218-1467 PaulBrownPlumbing-inBusiness Since1983.NewResidential,Light Commercial,Renovations,Additions& Service.Wedoitall!SeniorCitizen Discounts.Forfreeestimate,746-5030 30+YearsofLocalExperience FinancingOptionsAvailableNOW!! Residential&Commercial Repairs,StormDamage,StandingSeam Metal&Copper,GutterInstallation ClassA Licensed-FullyInsured CallUsTodayForYour FreeEstimate Mechanicsville: 804-559-4144 NorthernNeck: 804-435-4044 Website: TheLocalsChoiceWinner2017-2020 DavidsonRoofingCo. ResidentialRoofing&Repair Specialists.Lic/Insured GAFMasterEliteContractor BBB/FreeEstimates 804-672-0540 Roofing-AllTypesofInstallation& Repair.40+yearsofexperience. Licensed/Insured.BBBA+Rating! JimMartin804-347-3812 STUMPGRINDING 804-387-5797 Mechanicsville PCTRemodeling Tile/Kitchens&Baths FreeEst.Licensed&Insured. Call264-9352 24HourEmergencyStormService Trimming,Topping, Tree&StumpRemoval.Firewood. Lic.&Ins./Res.&Comm804-937-3671 WilliamA.SilvaJr.,Owner/Operator Bernard’sTreeService TreeRemoval,StumpGrinding,Landscaping,Cleanout,Mulching,Planting &More!FreeEst.Licensed&Insured References.CallorText804-874-9184 PayitForwardTreeServiceTree,Lawn&HandymanServ. StormDamage,StumpGrinding &LogSplitting.CreditCards Acct.FreeEst.Ins.804-387-3434 TreeRemoval,Trimming,Stump Grinding,etc.NoJobtooBIGor small.Lic/Ins.FreeEstimates. Tree&ShrubPruning,Removals, StumpGrinding.Health/RiskAssessments.Insured.FreeEstimates. 804-779-2170 CertifiedArboristandMDLTE Tree&StumpRemoval ∂ Lot Clearing ∂ BrushRemoval Topping&Trimming InsuredFreeEstimates 804-730-0600 Trimming&TakeDowns.Stump Grinding.Ifit’streework wedoit!Insured.FreeEst. BBBTHANKYOU!!! MC/VISA/Discover. EXTERIORHOUSECLEANINC 804-550-0313 WindowWashing-Res.&Comm. Totalexteriorhousecleaning DiscountsforSeniors,Military& FirstResponders.Licensed&Insured. VETERANOWNEDBUSINESS! CHIMNEYCLEANING STUMPREMOVAL TILE TREESERVICE TREESERVICE CARPENTRY GUTTER CONCRETE&BRICK DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICAL FENCING GENERALREPAIR GENERALCONTRACTORS WINDOWS HOMEREPAIR HOUSEWASHING LAWNCARE PAINTING PLUMBING ROOFING HOMEIMPROVEMENTSPECIALISTS Call746-1235tofindout aboutadvertisewithThe Localinprintandonline! Toadvertise,emailusat

HanoverChimneySweeps Chimney&GutterCleaning.

Information Session from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the NAACP King William Branch, located at 694 Sharon Road, Suite K, King William, VA, 23086. Topics of discussion will include changes in VA policy and processes, Health Care Eligibility/ Caregivers Program, Women’s Veterans Program, Burial and Memorial Benefits. Veterans who are interested in filing a claim must bring DD-214 and a recent VA decision letter. All military veterans, spouses and dependents are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Lonnie O. Pierce, Sr. at: 410-991-5871 or ajplop@ Saturday, Oct. 1 St. Paul Lutheran Church is seeking vendors for their 2022 Fall Craft Sale. This event will be rain or shine and held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 8100 Shady Grove Road in Mechanicsville, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will need to bring their own table, chair and tent and cannot sell food or quilts. Vendor spaces offered will be outside and are limited to a first come/ first serve basis. The cost to rent a 9’x16’ space is $25. Vendors should contact Debbie Harris at to sign up or call the church office at 804-427-7500.CoolSpringBaptist Church, located at 9283 Atlee Station Road in Mechanicsville, is hosting an “Understanding Dementia” workshop from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. For more information call 804-789-5510. Ongoing Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions One Stop Shop (MCEF OSS) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 Stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency. Walnut Grove Baptist Church, located at 7046 Cold Harbor Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111, will be conducting classes Wednesday mornings with open enrollment from Sept. 14, 2022 through May 17, 2023. Classes will meet from 9 to 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact the church office: (804) 746-5081 or Frank at or 804-402-7701. The classes are free but they ask the students to purchase the books required for their class. Saturdays Trinity Lutheran Church, Ashland Campus, located at 11515 Ashcake Road in Ashland 2 miles west of U.S. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor Rev. Dr. Roy Minnix. Visit or call 804-270-9626. Sundays All Souls Episcopal Church celebrates Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 Atlee Rd. in Mechanicsville. A nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. Dougherty is the Deacon in charge of All Souls. Visit A Healing and Recovery SS Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor Rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the NorthStar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 Steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. All are welcome. Contact 804-746see CALENDAR, pg. 22


Carpentry,Roofing,Siding, ReplacementWindows,Gutters &Decks.Lic/Ins.BBBA+Rating! JimMartin,804-347-3812

The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 21 AdministrativeAssistant(part-time) MechanicsvilleBaptistChurchseeksan AdministrativeAssistant(25hoursper week)forthechurchoffice.Theideal candidatemustbeahighschoolgraduateandwouldberesponsibleforgeneralofficeduties,whichincludesansweringphonecalls,generatingchurch publicationsusingavarietyofsoftware applications,andperformingbasicaccountingfunctions. Pleasesendresumesorinquiriesto personnel@mechanicsvillebapti HillElectrical,Incishiring Electricians&Helpers. DriversLicense&own TransportationRequired. Call804-746-3122 L&LCleaningServices-Wecreate FREETIMEforbusypeople! Recurringservice,deepcleans, movingcleans&one-timecleans Calltodaytoschedule! Bonded&Insured. AccreditedA+RatingBBB! Hauling-AllTypesofLightHauling Trash-Brush-Junk-CleanOut GaragesandSheds-Etc. ReasonablePrices. Call804-347-4943or804-746-8653 2005GMCEnvoy,25,642miles, Sunroof,4x4,PaintFaded, InteriorGreatShape.$9,995. Call804-746-3170 42INCHROUNDOAKPUBTABLEWITH 2-BARSTOOLS,$300;BUZZAROUND LITEMOBILITYSCOOTER,$300,NEEDS BATTERY;PLEASECALL804-730-1548. Business& ServiceDirectory CLEANING&HOUSEKEEPING HAULING Merchandise MISCELLANEOUSFORSALE Transportation 4WHEELDRIVE Recruitment ADMIN.&OFFICEWORK GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE INSTALLATION&REPAIR CLASSIFIEDS PLACEYOURADTODAY (804)746-1235ext.2 FAX:(804)344-8746 BUSINESS&PROFESSIONALDIRECTORY TOPROMOTEYOURSERVICESIN THISDIRECTORY, CALL746-1235X2 OREMAIL: CLASSIFIEDS@MECHLOCAL.COM Toadvertise,emailusat orcallusat(804)746-1235. 100%SatisfactionGuaranteed PriceMatchGuarantee 15%OFF ANYSERVICECALL Installs&Service—Residential&Commercial DuctCleaning•AirQualityTesting•TanklessWaterHeaters 804-784-4354• FamilyOwnedandOperatedSince1974 ShortonCash? Becomeanindependentcontractor,deliverycarrier QUALIFYFORA $1,500SIGNINGBONUS Benefitsofthispart-time,contractopportunitywiththe RichmondTimes-Dispatchteam: • Manageyourownschedule andfreeupmostofyourday; workonly3-4hoursbetween1-6a.m.daily •Excellentsupplementalincome– Earnupto $1,800permonth AllyouneedisadependablevehicleandavalidVirginiadriver’s licenseforconsideration. Signingbonusisforalimitedtime,sodon’tmissout. (804)649-6872tolearnmore. Roofing StandardRoofingCo. 746-5110 Hotline837-7240 Nojobtoosmall-alltypesofroofing FREEEstimatesLicensed/Insured EOE AllPositionsAreOpenUntilFilled. Forfulljobdescriptionsandtoapplyvisit YOURNEWCAREERSTARTSHERE! BUSINESSSYSTEMSANALYST StartingSalaryrange$68,000-$80,000basedonexperience. DIRECTOROFMHOUTPATIENTSERVICES Startingsalaryrangeis$85,000-$95,000basedonexperience. DEVELOPMENTALSERVICESCASEMANAGER StartingSalary$50,000-$55,000basedonexperience. SUBSTANCEUSEDISORDERLEADCLINICIAN ** $5000 SIGNINGBONUSOFFERED** Startingsalaryranges;Licenseeligiblecandidates$57,000. Licensed candidates $63,000-$68,000. PEERSUPPORTSPECIALIST Salaryrange$42,000-$45,000 INHOMESUPPORTSPECIALISTS, DIRECTSUPPORTSPECIALISTS(DSP) Parttimeafternoon/evening&weekend.$18.50/hour. VANTRANSPORTATIONDRIVER Morninghoursandlateafternoonhours.$18.00/hr. NOWHIRING

Continued from pg. 8 POLICY
Request(s)aConditionalUsePermitinaccordancewithSection26-174.1oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitaprivatetennis facilityonGPIN7788-63-3927,consistingofapproximately1.69acres,zonedM-2(c),LightIndustrialDistrictwithconditions,andlocated onthewestlineofLakeridgeParkway(StateRoute782)approximately0.67milessouthofitsintersectionwithLewistownRoad(State Route802).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasDestinationCommerce.(PUBLICHEARING)
Request(s)torezonefromA-1,AgriculturalDistrictandAR-6(c),AgriculturalResidentialDistrictwithconditions,toAR-6(c),Agricultural ResidentialDistrictwithconditionsonGPINs7871-10-9202,7871-02-8509,and7871-11-9890,consistingofapproximately170.81 acres,andlocatedontheeastlineofIndependenceRoad(StateRoute669)approximately600feetsouthofitsintersectionwithBlunts Road(StateRoute716).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasAgricultural.Theproposedzoning amendmentwouldpermitthecreationof27buildinglotsforagrossdensityofone(1)dwellingunitper6.33acres.(PUBLICHEARING)
Continued from pg. 20
Request(s)torezonefromA-1,AgriculturalDistricttoRS(c),SingleFamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditionsonGPIN7768-45-3682, consistingofapproximately11.74acres,andlocatedonthenorthlineofRockyRidgeRoad(StateRoute648)atitsintersectionwithDoe CrossingLane(privateroad).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasSuburbanGeneral(1.5to3dwelling unitsperacre).Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitthecreationofoneadditionalbuildinglotforfamilyforagrossdensityofone (1)dwellingunitper5.87acres.(PUBLICHEARING)
MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna CUP2022-00015,GAYLEANDJEFFSTONEMAN
MagisterialDistrict:Beaverdam CopiesoftheabovecasesmaybereviewedinthePlanningOffice,MondaythroughFriday,betweenthehoursof8:30a.m.and5:00p.m. pleasecontactthePlanningOfficeoryoumayalsogoto formoreinformation
Request(s)aConditionalUsePermitinaccordancewithSection26-20.14oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitaneventvenue onGPIN7853-77-7755,consistingofapproximately105.58acres,zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedonthesouthlineofOldRidge Road(StateRoute738)approximately0.47mileswestofitsintersectionwithNewMarketMillRoad(StateRoute685).Thesubjectproperty isdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasAgricultural.(PUBLICHEARING)
NoticeisherebygiventhattheHanoverCountyPlanningCommissionhasset Thursday,September15,2022,at6:00P.M., intheBoard RoomoftheHanoverCountyGovernmentBuildingatHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia,astheday,date,time,andplaceforapublic hearingtoconsiderthefollowingcases,atwhichpubliccommentswillbeaccepted: CUP2022-00014,GENERATIONCHURCH
Terra Lawrence, a mother of children enrolled in HCPS, said “I am pleased that the school board made the decision to pass this policy, which I think protects parental rights and protects the privacy rights of ourChrisstudents.”Berg,the father of a non-binary high school student in Hanover County, said he is “really disappointed in the school board.”
Request(s)anamendmenttoCUP2020-00016,GayleandJeffStoneman,whichwaspermittedinaccordancewithSection26-20.14of theHanoverCountyZoningOrdinance.ThepurposeoftherequestistoamendthesketchplantoincreasetheareaoftheConditional UsePermitfortherecreationfacility/eventvenuetoincorporateanexistingstructureandaddapaviliononGPIN7822-78-2097(part), consistingofapproximately90.9acres(CUPareawillbelimitedtoa5.29-acreportionofthesubjectparcel),zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict, andlocatedonthenorthlineofRobertTerrellRoad(StateRoute712)approximately1,750feetwestofitsintersectionwithWestPatrick HenryRoad(StateRoute54).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasAgricultural.(PUBLICHEARING)
Richmond Times-Dispatch reporter Anna Bryson contributed to this article.
Request(s)aConditionalUsePermitinaccordancewithSection26-120.1oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitaplaceofworship onGPIN8714-87-6877(part),consistingofapproximately7.86acres(CUParealimitedto0.21acres),zonedB-3(c),GeneralBusinessDistrict withconditions,andlocatedintheBrandyHillPlazaShoppingCenteronthewestlineofLeeDavisRoad(StateRoute643)approximately 550feetsouthofitsintersectionwithMechanicsvilleTurnpike(U.S.Route360).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUse PlanMapasCommercial.(PUBLICHEARING)
22 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 5081 or contact Craig Simpson at, a Narcotics Anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey Regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm Rd. in Hanover. Contact John Shinholser, McShin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://www.mcshin. org.
Magisterial District:SouthAnna
MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville REZ2022-00022,MARYHELENANDJEFFREYC.CROWDER
either direction OK, I would want to make sure that we know ahead of time that they don’t have any ulterior intent,” he said.Because of anticipated interest from the public on this topic, the school board issued free tickets on a first come, first-served basis, with some people who couldn’t fit in the room watching the meeting on a live broadcast on a screen outside the building. Although the school board meeting did not offer the public the opportunity to weigh in on the issue again, a few parents spoke with The Local after it ended to share their thoughts on the vote.
“I really hope that they actually listen to some of the feedback from community members,” Berg said.
In its announcement, the sheriff’s office pointed out that it was the only entity involved in the criminal investigation and that it had no role in the decision to temporarily suspend the football program The office also thanked the Mechanicsville High School staff, parents and students for their cooperation with the investigation.
In-Person Programs Tabletop Gaming at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 3, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Ages 18 and up. A fun session of tabletop games. Activities range from tabletop RPGs (roleplaying games), board games and other fun games. Senior Bingo at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Ages 55 & up. Need to get out and do something that's both fun and relaxing? Stop by the library for a game of Senior Bingo, presented by Jessica Ross, education and enrollment specialist at JenCare Senior Medical Center. Tai Chi Class at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Wednesday, Sept. 7, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Tai Chi may help improve stress, health, fitness, balance, flexibility, coordination and posture. Often described as meditation in motion, tai chi promotes serenity through gentle, flowing movements. This class will be presented by ordained Won-Buddhist priest Kaesung Kim. Hula Dancing Class at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Mondays, Sept. 12, 19, & 26, 10:30 a.m. to noon. Ages 16 & up. Exercise your body and brain while learning about hula dancing and culture at the library. Wear clothing to dance in easily. Registration required at atSeniormentRoss,nailfunandAgesMonday,,1:30to3p.m.18&up.Bringfriendsjointhelibraryforsomepamperingwhilemakingart,presentedbyJessicaeducationandenroll-specialistatJenCareMedicalCenter.MotherGooseStorytimetheMechanicsvilleBranch
Mechanicsville Branch Library
Continued from pg. 11
“Moving forward, our first priority is to begin to establish a positive, supportive culture for the entire football program,” Stevens added. “We will be working with Coach [Shane] Reynolds, his coaching staff, and players to establish team norms and will be holding various team building activities and trainings in an effort to build that strong culture.”
The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 23 your reminder email, contact the library. Call 804-559-0654 or visit the library at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive for more information.

Library. Tuesdays, Sept. 13, 20, & 27, 10 to 10:30 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.Toddler Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Tuesdays, Sept. 13, 20, & 27, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.Preschool Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Thursdays, Sept. 15, 22, & 29, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy books, music, fingerplays and much more at preschool storytime. For ages 3-5 with a caregiver.Anime Club at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Friday, Sept. 16, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Join the Mechanicsville Library Anime Club to meet teens with similar interests and watch some cool shows.Family Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 17, 11 to 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and much more. Family storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.FamilyMovie Matinee at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 17, 3 to 5 p.m. Bring the whole family to the Mechanicsville library to watch a movie matinee with light refreshments. All ages are welcome.Mechanicsville Book Club at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 11 a.m. to noon. Ages 18 & up. Bring ideas for discussion and escape to a world of pure imagination.ComicBook Keychains at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 24, 11 a.m. to noon. Ages 18 & up. In honor of National Comic Book Day on the 25th, stop by the library to create your own comic book keychain using Jenga blocks.Adult Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Wednesday, Sept. 28, 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. Ages 18 & up. You’re never too old to listen to a good story. If you are, or are the caregiver of, an adult who would enjoy the lively reading of picture books and lighthearted stories, join the library
for AdultSTEAMStorytime.Challenges at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Friday, Sept. 30, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Teens (ages 12-18) & Tweens (ages 8-11) are invited for an afternoon of STEAM challenges including marshmallow cannons, constellation cups and bridge building. Virtual Programs Author Chat with Susanne Dunlap. Thursday, Sept. 15, 7 to 8 p.m. Join the library to welcome awardwinning historical fiction author Susanne Dunlap. Dunlap’s newest book is titled “The Portraitist: a novel of Adelaide Labille-Guiard,” released on Aug. 30, 2022 by She Writes Press. Talk about books, music, podcasts and more. This program will be hosted virtually on Facebook Live at,regis-athttps://pamunkeylibrary.Ifdon'treceiveyourremind-emailbyTuesday,Sept.14,thelibrary. Call 804-746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place for more information.

sellormanufacturealcoholicbeverages. RobertD.Smith,Owner Datenoticepostedatestablishment: 8/26/2022 NOTE:ObjectionstotheissuanceofthislicensemustbesubmittedtoABCnolaterthan 30daysfromthepublishingdateofthefirstof .govor800-552-3200. LegalNotices LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS ABCLICENSES Needforhelpgrows againexpectsfull Localteentaking talentstoTexas CheeringonAtlee SocialServicesofficersdiscussbenefits,demand PublishedWednesdays... ...Onlineeveryday! PublicNotice

Noticeisherebygiventhat theHanoverCountyBoardof Supervisorshasset Wednesday, September14,2022at2:00P.M., intheBoardRoomoftheHanover CountyAdministrationBuildingat HanoverCourthouse,7516County ComplexRoad,Hanover,Virginia, astheday,date,time,andplacefora RegularBoardMeeting. tions and began its own investigation. Mechanicsville High School principal Charles Stevens issued an announcement Friday that the football program will resume. The investigation began on Aug 19 after the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office received an anonymous tip of an assault of students at the school. The complaint alleged that upperclassmen on the football team targeted other MHS students. Stevens, in a message to faculty, staff and students, said that the football program would resume following the release of the sheriff’s office announcement. “As you know, we made the difficult but necessary decision to suspend football practices and games due to serious allegations of misconduct within the program and subsequent investigations,” Stevens wrote. “I can now share with you that this important and time-consuming work has concluded We are confident that a thorough accounting of the misconduct concerns within the program has taken place. We would like to extend our gratitude to our partners at the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office. As a result, we are resuming football activities, effective immediately.” In the statement, Stevens said he was unable to share specific details about the investigation due to confidentiality laws involving juveniles and protected employee personnel records, but he added that those found to be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and/or school board policy are being held fully accountable.

Continued from pg. 1
DYSJLLCtradingasSportspageBar&Grill,504 EnglandStreet,Ashland,HanoverCounty,Virginia23005-2200. Theaboveestablishmentisapplyingtothe VIRGINIAALCOHOLICBEVERAGECONTROL (ABC)AUTHORITYforaBeer&Wineonpremises/MixedBeverageRestaurantlicenseto
The Hanover County School Board launched its own parallel investigation into the allegations, but has not com mented on the results of that inquiry. Anyone with further information about this case is asked to contact HCSO at (804) 365-6140 or the Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers at (804) 780-1000. Citizens can also download the “P3 Tips” app for their mobile device to submit their tip. Both Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous. Christina Amano Dolan can be reached at
24 The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 RICHMOND:1516KogerCenterBlvd|MECHANICSVILLE:7424BellCreekRd 50%OFF SAVEUPTO LARGEIN-STOCKSELECTION! orupto72months0%financing

A Special Supplement to September 7, 2022 Improvement2022 Improvement YOURIMPROVEMENTGUIDELOCALTOHOMEPROJECTS

A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 2B3B A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 2022Fall HOME IMPROVEMENT LICENSED&INSURED RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL•FREEESTIMATES 25YEARSOFEXPERIENCE 804-937-3671 MarkChurch,Owner ClassAContractor PhoneorText:(804)840-9993 RVAPAVING,LLC Commercial&Residential AsphaltPavingandRepair AsphaltSealcoatingandStriping C CallustodayforFallSpecials! 804-539-9682 ServingMechanicsvilleSince2001 SHANNONPROSSER-WALL BRANCHMANAGER Cell:804-339-4480 Office:804-328-5500 Chickahominy/NewKentSales 7410CooperTavernRd,#E,Quinton,VA23141 NORMAN’STREESER NORMAN’STREESERVICE VICE NOJOBTOOBIGORSMALL NOJOBTOOBIGORSMALL FREEESTIMATES•LICENSED•INSURED (804)769-7197 Office ReasonablePrices BucketTruck Hauling Firewood TractorWork BrushChipping StumpGrinding TreeRemoval Topping/Trimming DeadWoodRemoval StormDamageRemoval FullLawnCareService BucketTruck TreeRemoval Topping/Trimming DeadWoodRemoval StormDamageRemoval FullLawnCareService Hauling Firewood TractorWork BrushChipping StumpGrinding PurcellConstruction Don’tMove…Improve! www PurcellCo CallHunterPurcell 972-2215 HistoricalAdditions•CustomRenovations &Homes•Additions•Barns•Church Renovations•Siding&Replacement Windows•Roofing•TermiteDamage Rehab•Kitchen&BathRemodels• HandicapRamps•Decks•Porches•Inter/ ExterRenovations•Sunrooms•Stamped Concrete•CommercialRenovating& MORE!•Insurance ClaimsWelcome• Lic/InsRes/Comm •38yrsexp•A+ RatingwiththeBBB &Angie’sList ClassAContractor

floors can be awe-inspiring. Some homeowners can install such flooring on their own, and the project can be much easier if they learn as much about installation as possible prior to beginning the project. -Metro Creative
DOhire a professional if you have limited or no DIY flooring experience. Hardwood flooring installation is not generally a project for novice DIYers. Hardwood flooring projects may present some common challenges, but no two homes are the same. So unless they have prior experience installing floors in multiple rooms or homes, homeowners may save themselves time, trouble and a significant amount of money hiring a professional to do the job.
DOexpose wood flooring to the elements in your home prior to installation. The home improvement resource BuildDirect recommends acclimating hardwoods to the space where they will be installed. Skipping this important step could result in gaps during the winter and cupping over the summer. To acclimate hardwoods, open the boxes and spread them out for about a week while running the air conditioner or heater at normal levels. When storing hardwoods prior to installation, avoid keeping them in potentially moist areas like a basement.

Metro Creative Services

DON’Tignore Newsubfloor.thehardwoods won’t erase the problem of subfloors in poor condition. According to the home renovation experts at, squeaky floors could be an indication that the subfloor has begun to warp or twist. Sinking floors are another indicator of deteriorating subfloors. Subfloors should be somewhat level before new hardwoods are installed, so DIYers should inspect and address subfloor issues before installing new flooring.
4B A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 7, 2022 FALL HOME IMPROVEMENT Wood installationfloor dos and don’ts 8082MechanicsvilleTurnpike 804-746-4470 APPLIANCESTORE WhereyouALWAYS getaBETTERBUY andSERVICEToo! FactoryTrainedTechnicians TrainedSalesAssociates RelaxedAtmosphere•Since1964 BeverageChillers Compactors&Disposers CookingParts&Accesories Refigerators Washers&Dryers WolfGourmet Weselllargeandsmallappliancesincluding: CLocals h ice the 2020 TheMechanicsvilleLocal Ashland-HanoverLocal WINNER 1st Place CLocals h ice the 2021 TheMechanicsvilleLocal Ashland-HanoverLocal WINNER 1st Place

DON’Tskimp on tools. A hardwoodDIY flooring installation might be less expensive than hiring a professional, but homeowners should resist any temptation to increase those savings further by purchasing less costly tools or fewer tools than is necessary to complete the job. BuildDirect notes that DIYers will need at least a miter saw, table saw, cleat-nailer or stapler, finish nailer, compressor, jamb saw, chalk line, nail set, and tape measurer when installing hardwood floors. Purchase all necessary tools and read product reviews to ensure each tool is up to the task.Wood
Jaw-dropping features can sell a home in a heartbeat. A penthouse apartment with floor-to-ceiling windows and a panoramic view of a city skyline likely won’t prove a hard sell, nor will a home with an infinity pool overlooking a landscape of rolling hills. As awe-inspiring as such features can be, some more subtle components, such as authentic hardwood floors, also can do much to make a home more appealing to prospectiveHardwoodbuyers. flooring is a sought-after commodity. Data from the National Association of Realtors indicates that 54 percent of home buyers are willing to pay more for hardwood floors. In fact, NAR figures indicate that 28 percent of buyers between the ages of 35 and 54 consider hardwood floors ‘very important’ when looking for a home. Homeowners who are considering selling their homes, or those who simply want to upgrade their existing flooring, may want to consider installing hardwood flooring. Though it’s a project best left to professionals, hardwood flooring can be installed by skilled DIYers. In such instances, homeowners may want to keep these dos and don’ts in mind.