By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
The Tools 4 Teacher store is gearing up for its second school year with exciting plans underway to expand the program’s

reach into Hanover County Public Schools (HCPS).The store was born last fall from a community partnership between Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions (MCEF), Services (ACES) HCPS to offer financial assistance to in need of school supplies for students and classrooms.TheTools Teachers program deliv-
see 9/11 pg. 8 see TOOLS, pg. 15
Ashland Christian Emergency

Tools 4 Teachers store is seeking volunteers S cantoSchedulea T o u r Iwouldrecommend Harmonytoothersand infactIalreadyhave. ” “ —DaughterofCurrentResident ASSISTEDLIVING|MEMORYCARE 804.212.2682 INDEPENDENTLIVING|ASSISTEDLIVING 804.420.9798 HANOVER COUNTY GOES BACK TO SCHOOL 2022-23 Contributed Photo Liam Carlson begins the fourth grade at Pearson’s Corner Elementary School. MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 13


County and Town of Ashland officials, public safety personnel and partners invited the community last week to join them in remembrance of the heroic first responders who died on Sept. 11, 2001.The Hanover County 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony was held on the morning of Friday, Sept. 9 in front of the Historic Hanover Courthouse, which stood adorned with American flags in honor of the 21st anni-

By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
Hanover honors 9/11 first responders
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local
Vol. 39, No. 3 | Richmond Suburban News | September 14, 2022 DELIVER TO: Postal Mechanicsville,PatronVA23111 Prsrt. Standard U.S. POSTAGE Mechanicsville,PAIDVAPermitNo.141 STOPS AT EVERY HOME IN TOWN

Public safety officials from Hanover Fire-EMS, the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office and the Ashland Police Department line up to read aloud the names of public safety lives lost in the 9/11 attacks.

Dr.Colliecompletedhisundergraduatedegree atHampden-SydneyCollegeandgraduated fromVCUSchoolofDentistry.Hethenwenton tocompleteaone-yearAEGDresidencyatEast CarolinaUniversityandiscurrentlypursuinga fellowshipintheAcademyofGeneralDentistry. Heenjoyscooking,fishing,spendingtimeatthe beach,andtravelingwithhiswife.

Black Heritage Society launches fall Historical Guest Speaker Lecture

MHS NJROTC honors 9/11 victims with 2,977 flags


The Mechanicsville Local
Contributed Report
Local group seeks World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War veterans for free trip to D.C.
redistricting process and how it has changed the voting precincts, as well as the new laws for this November’s midterm elections.For more information, contact the Voter Registration and Elections office at (804) 365-6080 or
Old Dominion Honor Flight is a nonprofit organization created solely to honor America’s veterans for all their sacrifices. They are a 501c3 corporation. Old Dominion Honor Flight of Virginia serves the Richmond area and Southeastern Virginia to include the Outer Banks and Northeast North Carolina.
To receive a veteran or a guardian application, or to support ODHF, visit the website: https://; visit the Facebook page: “Old Dominion Honor Flight”; email: info@; call 877-261-3430; or write them at 4001 Virginia Beach Blvd #117, Box 150, Virginia Beach VA 23452.
Voter registration office to hold citizen workshop


Barnette receives National Guard recognition for exceptional service
2 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
Information submitted by Tom Harris, communications specialist for Hanover County.
Photo courtesy of HCPS Cadets in terroristanniversaryday9onterroristtheofschoolflplacedVFWinNJROTCHighMechanicsvilletheSchool(MHS)program,partnershipwithPost9808,2,977U.S.agsinfrontoftheinhonorthevictimsofSept.11,2001,attacksFriday,Sept.–thelastschoolbeforethe21stoftheattacks.
Old Dominion Honor Flight (ODHF) is seeking World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War veterans for a free trip to Washington, D.C. on Oct. 22, 2022, to visit the memorials built to honor their service and sacrifice. There is no cost for veterans.AnODHF “Mission” is a “trip of a lifetime” for veterans. Each veteran is assigned a Guardian – their personal escort for the day. On a typical ODHF Mission, veterans will visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps, the World War II Memorial, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and Arlington National Cemetery for the Changing of the Guard Ceremony at the Tomb of Unknowns.
WTKR TV-3 (Hampton Roads) photojournalist David Agudelo covered ODHF Mission 2 on April 23, 2022. Visit the WTKR website and search for “Old Dominion Honor Flight” to see his story.OldDominion Honor Flight is part of the Honor Flight Network – a national network of hubs that work together to honor our World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans by taking them to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials built to honor their service and sacrifice.
Community members are invited to attend Enon United Methodist Church’s 185th Homecoming Worship Service on Sunday, Sept. 25 at 10:30 a.m.The church’s theme is “Remember our past,
Contributed Report
Dr.JohnCollietoour MechanicsvilleOffice.
The last year for the Rev. Michael Dettmer felt full of
The Mechanicsville Local see SERVICE, pg. 8
approximately 9 p.m.
There is absolutely no charge for Veterans for ODHF Missions – it is their honor to give back to those who gave so much. Old Dominion Honor Flight relies on the generosity of volunteers, donors and supporters to make trips possible.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided, as are snacks and drinks. Veterans will also receive an ODHF shirt and jacket free of charge.
The Richmond-area departure point for ODHF Mission 3 on Oct. 22 will be American Legion Post 175, located at 8700 Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23116. Veterans will arrive at Post 175 at 6:30 a.m. and arrive back at Post 175 at
The Hanover County Voter Registration & Elections Office will host a Citizen Workshop on Redistricting and New Legislation on Saturday, Sept. 17, at 10 a.m. in the Administration Building’s Board Room at 7516 County Complex Road, Hanover, VA 23069.They will be discussing the
The Mechanicsville Local
Experience our present, Pray for our future!” Their preacher will be the church’s current pastor, the Rev. Michael Dettmer. The church will offer lunch and fellowship immediately following the service.
Contributed Report
Enon United Methodist to hold 185th Homecoming Service
The Local Pick: Incident
ODHF takes four buses on each mission –two out of the Richmond area and two out of Hampton Roads. There is space for 20 to 25 veterans and the same number of guardians on each bus. Priority is given to World War II veterans.
2979RiverRoadW. Goochland,VA23063 (804)556-2530
25S.NansemondSt. Richmond,VA23221 (804)359-5041
7516RightFlankRd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 (804)746-1300
On Monday, Sept. 5 at approximately 4 p.m., deputies responded to the area of Mountain Road and Overhill Lake Road in reference to a road rage incident where shots were fired.
was pronounced deceased at the scene. The driver has been identified as a licensed juvenile.
On Monday, Sept. 5, deputies responded to the 14500 block of West Patrick Henry Road (Route 54) for a single-vehicle crash.
Information submitted by Lt. James Cooper, information officer for the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office.
Richmond Crime Stoppers at (804) 780-1000. Citizens can also download the “P3 Tips” app for their mobile device to submit their tip. Both Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous.
June 25
Once on scene, deputies met with the victim and observed damage to their vehicle from apparent multiple gunshots. Thankfully, no injuries occurred as a result of this incident.
Contributed Report
June 24

Contributed Report
Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Shown is the suspect vehicle.
DWI: BAC. 15 to .20, second offense within five to 10 years was reported in the 6000th block of Mechanicsville Turnpike, VandalismMechanicsville.was reported in the 15000th block of Blunts Bridge Road, Doswell.
The preliminary investigation revealed that a 2016 Nissan Rogue was traveling westbound on West Patrick Henry Road when the vehicle left the right shoulder of the roadway, struck a dirt culvert and collided with a tree.
Information submitted by Lt. James Cooper, information officer for the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office.
The driver, and sole occupant of the vehicle,

Grand larceny, $500 or more, not from a person was reported in the 3300th block of Spillway Lane, reportedaAssaultMechanicsville.blockreportedPetitMechanicsville.blockreportedMentalMechanicsville.healthwasinthe7000thofStudleyRoad,larceny,buildingwasinthe8000thofOldHickoryDrive,andbatteryonfamilymemberwasinthe11000th
Mechanicsville.Petitlarcenyfrom auto was reported in the 6100th block of Silverbell Lane, AssaultMechanicsville.andbattery on a family member was reported in the 6100th block of Cedar Point Farm Drive, Mechanicsville.blockreportedlessalteredConcealmentMechanicsville.ofprice-merchandise,than$500wasinthe7400thofBellCreekRoad,
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 3
Investigators seek to identify shooting suspect
The Mechanicsville Local
block of Cedarlea Parkway/ Cedar Lane, Glen Allen.
Out of respect for the family and due to the driver’s age, the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office will not be releasing the decedent’s name.The sheriff’s office extends their deepest condolences to the family affected during this difficult time.
The Mechanicsville Local

Unidentified juvenile dies in crash
The suspect vehicle is described as a green 1990s model Dodge pickup. At the time of this incident, there was a motorcycle in the bed of the pickup. At least two individuals occupied the Anyonevehicle. with information about this incident is asked to contact the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office at (804) 365-6140 or the Metro

SponsorshipOpportunitiesAvailable Comeandjoinusforadayoffun, foodandnetworking. Youwillbeabletotakeadvantageof: FreeIcecream.EliteEats&Treats Covid19Vaccination&Bloodpressurecheck Traditionz-Foodvendor FinancialPlanning FreeHotDogs,Chips,JuiceandWater ClassicCars&CustomMotorcyclesonDisplay QualityBounceandpartyrentalsBounce-a-round SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER17,1:00-5:00PM 7193BROOKINGWAY, MECHANICSVILLE,VA23111 804.559.8191 COMMUNITY DAY 1527TappahannockBlvd. Tappahannock,VA22560 RIVERCITYGOLFCARTS (804)443-5066 ALIFTEDEXPERIENCE see REPORTS, pg. 10
Driver not reporting accident with damage less than $250 was reported in the 7400th block of Bell Creek Road,
| Crime, Accidents, Fire & Rescue

Information submitted by Lt. James Cooper, information officer for the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office.
4 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
HCSO recruits graduate from Criminal Justice Academy
Friday, Sept. 16Saturday, Sept. 17
| News, Updates & Listings
County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Justice Academy. These six recruits will now serve as reserve deputies in their respective communities. They will have the same authority and responsibilities as a full-time deputy; however, they are volunteers. They have attended an academy that spanned over 49 weeks. Training was held every Tuesday, Thursday and every other Saturday. This training was completed all while each of them worked
information, visit the net/classic-car-display.“CommunityDay”from1to5p.m.at7193BrookingWay,Mechanicsville.Theeventwillfeatureadayoffun,foodandnetworkingwithfreeicecream,EliteEats&Treats,COVID-19andbloodpressuretests,financialplanning,freehotdogs,chips,refreshmentsandmore.Classiccarsandcustommotorcycleswillbeondisplayalongwithabouncehouse.DoswellRuritanClubwillhostaSaltFishBreakfastfrom6to9a.m.at16433N.WashingtonHighwayfeatur-
Contributed Report Mechanicsville Local
CompleteTraditionalFuneralService withBasicCasket Startingat $3,995**PlusTax CremationPackages Startingat$1,295 MemorialService&CremationPackage Startingat$1,995 REMOTEARRANGEMENTSAVAILABLE FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED INCREASINGLYPREFERRED MEMORIESAREFOREVER Theservicesand facilities youdeserve ataprice thatmakessense. ServingtheRichmondMetroAreaand SurroundingCounties FromTwoConvenientLocations 2720EnterpriseParkwayRichmond,VA 8074 MechanicsvilleTurnpike MechanicsvilleVA 804-477-3136•

every taste and price range), inflatables, corn hole, a DunkTank, prize giveaways, friendly competitions and more for the whole family. Hope to see you there. For more information, visit the website: https://
The Catholic Church of the Redeemer, located at 8275 Meadowbridge Road in Mechanicsville, is hosting its 25th Annual Giant Indoor Yard & Bake Sale for Haiti from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday and from 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday. All proceeds benefit their ministry with Haiti. To donate, volunteer or for more information, visit:
Saturday, Sept. 17
see CALENDAR pg. 12
is hosting a Classic Car Display from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 10447 Woodside Farms Drive, Glen Allen, VA, 23059. Together with the Central Virginia British Car Club & Boomtown Radio, they will host some of the best classic cars in the land in The Red Barn along with the farm’s monthly popup farm stand. The event will feature farm-fresh produce, local vendors, music, prizes, a grab & go-style lunch, and some amazing rides. For more
Fax ments cannot be taken by phone. We reserve the right to edit all items submitted to The Mechanicsville Local.
submissions to calendar to 344-8746, email to, or mail to 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville VA 23116. Deadline is 1 p.m. Thursday for the following week’s issue. Calendar announce-

On Thursday, Sept. 8, four of the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office’s newest recruits graduated from the Hanover County Criminal Justice Academy at a ceremony held at Life Church in Mechanicsville.HanoverCounty Sheriff Col. David R. Hines delivered an address, as well as presented them with their certificates and awards. All of the graduates will enter into their final phase of their training as patrol deputies where they will spend at least 15 weeks with a field training officer. In addition to the four Hanover graduates, one recruit from the Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office and one recruit from the Goochland County Sheriff’s Office graduated from the Hanover
Anyonefull-time.interested in learning more about a career in law enforcement with the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office is encouraged to contact us at 804-365-HCSO or visit our website at www.
Hope Community Church will present the Big Event from 4 to 7 p.m. at 8391 Atlee Road, Mechanicsville, VA, 23116. The event will feature food trucks (offering options for

Send letters to: The Mechanicsville Local 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: (804) 344-8746 E-mail:
Gilligan created “Breaking Bad” and wrote many episodes of Saul, including the concluding last six episodes that drew to a close the story of an unscrupulous lawyer named Saul Goodman. The Saul series explained and expanded on aspects of “Breaking Bad,” featuring episodes both before and after the “Breaking Bad” timeline.
By Jim Ridolphi Contributing Columnist
Hanover ofproposesreadershowsolidarity
Deb Merritt MechanicsvilleBragg The Local Views
Many local viewers were attracted to the unashamedly powerful series by the local connection, and Gilligan’s ties to CentralBornVirginia.inRichmond, Gilligan moved to Farmville where he spent the formative years of his youth attending the J.P. Wynne Campus School. He began a love of film making early and regularly created and produced science fiction films as a sixthAftergrader.his parents divorced, Gilligan moved to Chesterfield County, where he graduated from L. C. Bird in 1984 and moved to New York to study at the prestigious NYU Tisch School of the Arts.
After the Saul series ended with critical acclaim, fans wanted to know what’s next from the talented visionary, but in recent interviews, he rejected the idea of another spinoff to “Breaking Bad.” Gilligan is currently involved in several projects that are described as very different from the “Breaking Bad”Forgenre.viewers, watching a record-
Fax –
establish Hanover’s own dedicated teacher supply store, Tools 4 Teachers, Hubert learned of just how severe this identified need was and how much money teachers pull from their own pockets to supply students in need.
Their undying devotion to the education of students could be seen in their zealous spirit and excited clamoring over what Tools 4 Teachers can accomplish this year. More powerfully, their eagerness to solve the problem was rooted in their own experiences, as some shared the thousands of dollars they spent over the course of their careers on supplies that their students could not afford.
Teachers in the study identified how the pansee TEACHER pg. 8
Gilligan eventually won the Virginia Screen Writing Competition with a production called “Home Fries,” even-
Richmond born Vince Gilligan is largely responsible for both series, and the Virginia connection doesn’t end there.
While following the journey of the newlyopened Tools 4 Teachers store, I have continued to learn of the severity of this longstanding school supply crisis and its toll on our educators. A brief morning meeting last week with the retired teachers who make up a bulk of the store’s volunteers was even more eye-opening.
tually worked on the series “X-Files” in 1996, and is credited with writing more than 30 episodes of the popular sci-fiIndrama.alifethat has supplied Gilligan with a list of successes and a public who respects his abilities as a screenwriter and producer, the “Breaking Bad” series is, so far, the highlight.
The survey found that 80% of teachers who responded to the survey spent an average of $750 of their own money on school supplies for their homes, classrooms and students during the 20202021 school year.
After 14 years and 125 episodes, the “Breaking Bad” series has come to an end. With the last episode of “Better Call Saul” earlier this summer, a “Breaking Bad” spinoff, the series that attracted millions of viewers and won numerous Emmy awards finally reached a conclusion.
6 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
Editorial & Business Office and Mailing Address: 8460 Times-Dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, VA 23116
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
From the editor connectionshasseriesPopularlocal
© 2022 Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. CAC Audited Circulation: 31,156. – (804) 746-1235 – (804) 212-6266 (877) 888-0449 (804) 344-8746
Publisher Monopoli
| Reader Views
A dollar or two in a teacher’s pocket can transform a student’s life
Toll free –
I once read about a neighborhood where a Jewish family resided. When the family displayed their Menorah in the window during Hanukkah, their home was vandalized. The next day, every home in the neighborhood displayed a Menorah. What if EVERY student in the Hanover County school system (per a Richmond TimesDispatch news article) submits "a written request to school administration, asking for access to the schools facilities that align with the student's gender identities”?
thinking how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected classrooms and the overall well-being of the average student, one of the obvious considerations is the staggering rate of mental illness among today’s youth. But there is another deterrent to a thriving learning environment that has existed long before the pandemic that continues to grow in prominence: a lack of school supplies in classrooms.Thecontinued prevalence of this problem was highlighted in my first interview with Pat Hubert, president of Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions (MCEF), who became more aware of the need for school supplies in August 2021 while his church serendipitously had an influx of donated school supplies. From meeting with teachers to
Dear Editor:
Their anecdotal recounting of their willing offerings was striking enough on its own, but their sacrifices barely scratch the surface of just how much teachers across the country are pulling from,pockets. a national nonprofit organization that strives to advance equity in education, has been conducting teacher spending surveys since 2015. The organization’s 2021 report surveyed 5,400 preK-12 teachers at public, private and charter schools in all 50 states, Washington D.C., and U.S. territories and found a 25% increase in teacher spending since 2015.
Editor Laura McFarland Editor Christina Amano Production Manager Denine D’Angelo Sports Editor David Lawrence Sales Representative Tom Haynie Classifieds Cindy Adams
see SERIES pg. 12
Gilligan’s grandfather owned and operated a book store in downtown Richmond, and Gilligan was drawn to its walls of books. He told a reporter recently that he was a product of that television era in Richmond, a regular watcher of Sailor Bob and the Bowman Body, both of whom became Richmond institutions and influenced the lives of a generation of Richmond’s youth.
The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Mechanicsville residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Mechanicsville Local.

The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 7
Private10+PRIVATEacres,within aneighborhood,closeproximity tointerstateexit(off64-Oilville, approximately2miles),&ALLBRICK singlelevellivingrancher!ThisRockville rancherfeaturesover2,400sfofspace withaFloridaRoom,Office,firstfloor primarybedroom,&formaldiningroom. Newroofin2016,waterheaterin2018, wholehousegenerator,HUGEdetached garage(26wx25d),fencedinyard, screenedporch,andsomuchmore. Getreadytoseethisoneonceitlistson Friday,September9th!CallortextTommy toscheduleanappointment. $525,000.


DeaneCheatham ProudlyServing Mechanicsville For30Years! CindyOverton TheRexSullivanTeam FrankieShockley 804-887-0640 MichelleGarcia 804-677-2210 RexSullivan 804-651-8958 RCIBuilders1+acrelotsinHanover Highdistrict,highspeedinternet,10lots availablenow.Startinginthe 700’s. 11768RockWrenCt.ProvidenceForge,VA23140. Stunningtwo-story,4bedroom,3bathroom homelocatedintheBrickshirecommunity. $629,950 138WoodruffDrive 2,572sqft,4Bedrooms,2.5Baths, 7.56Acres. $425,000. 00CrownHillRoad 40.18Acres,SingleFamilyhomeor Recreation, $499,000. 00SimpkinsForest 21.42Acres,potentialuses,SingleFamily HomeorRecreation, $275,000. MikeChenault TylerFleming 804-397-0411 JohnBowden 804-339-4464 ElenaMartinez 804-298-5159 DionneHawkins-Burley 804-677-6757 CyndiWyattBlake 804-357-6848 C.B.Southward 804514-6000 JoshuaChampagne 804-512-1385 SkylerAllen 804-432-4135 KenRohle 804-730-8340 DylanPearson 804-833-1910 DillonPearson 804-370-5733 SamLocklear 804-244-0697 AbbyAllen TowneFirstMortgage 804-517-0592 PamWood 804-513-8842 AudreyKidd TowneFirstMortgage 804-814-2820 DonaldRozell 804-305-0894 TommySibiga 804-551-1702 DanielleBerberich 804-363-5973 JasonCollier 804-912-3515

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“I thank you for joining us today as we remember and as we never forget the nearly 3,000 beautiful lives that were taken from us far too soon on Sept. 11, 2001,” said county administrator John Budesky before the crowd of attendees. “We’re joined today at our historic courthouse to pay respect and to renew our faith that binds us together as one Hanover and as one American family.”“Today, we honor the courage of those who put themselves in harm’s way to save the people they never knew,” Budesky

According to the survey, 80% of teachers said students had less access to needed supplies because they could not share classroom materials, and 70% of teachers reported having to change lesson plans due to a lack of resources.
All rose from their seats as the Hanover County Public Safety Color Guard offered a presentation of colors at the start of the ceremony, which was followed by a powerful performance of the National Anthem by Hanover Junior Idol Rebekah
All churches have to find new ways to connect with their communities due to the pandemic. Enon was able to restart its in-person Salt Fish Breakfast last fall and winter, but they also have continued to offer a livestream of their worship services on Facebook for those who need a virtual worship option. The last few years have been challenging for all churches, but many like Enon have responded with care, ingenuity and the resolve to stay connected as the body of Christ.”
added.Budesky said in addition to the first responders who lost their lives during the attacks, there have been over 7,000 U.S. military deaths and over 52,000 related injuries sustained in the “War on Terror.”

“What better way to honor their memory than to recommit ourselves to the ideals and values that we all share?” KellyWiecek said, calling for the remembrance of the lives lost on 9/11. “Loving our neighbor, helping those in need, supporting our first responders, our service members and our veterans, and an undying commitment to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”Piland spoke of the trying responsibilities of firefighters, including serving their commusee 9/11, pg. 9
The rural aspects of the neighborhood felt to him a lot like ministering in the Shenandoah Valley, with a lot of farms, two lane roads and lifelong residents of the county. The urban aspects of Mechanicsville
MingChin thanksallhisvalued customersforcontributingtohis successovertheyears.“Ilook forwardtotheopportunityof helpingourcustomersinthefuture.”
Overall, ministry has its own independent rhythms –marking important parts of the Christian year like Easter and Christmas, caring for sick and homebound members reaching out to support the surrounding community and preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus Christ.
County community rise to the occasion and assist teachers and students when they are most in need.
versary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks marked on Sunday.

“Memories are precious things,” Kelly-Wiecek said. “Whether it’s the joy of an experience or a celebration with a loved one, or simply the wistful recollection of that which can never be again, even painful memories can be precious to us as I know that they are here today.”Kelly-Wiecek said they gathered to share the painful memories of 9/11 and how the “tragic loss of life” has shaped each life.
Kelly-Wiecek recounted her own memories of the attacks, recalling the image of 150 members of Congress gathered together on the Capitol’s steps on the evening of Sept. 11, 2001, after evacuating the Capitol earlier that day. Democrats next to Republicans held hands as they sang “God Bless America,” offering a symbol of hope and strength to a country shocked by the great Kelly-Wiecektragedy. recalled the stories of strangers sharing rental cars to reach their families across the country when all air-
great deal to learn – everything from where the light switches were in the church building to the quickest route to the local community hospital.
Sept.“We’ve25. been here serving God and our community since 1837, but we are even more thankful God has always been active here drawing us closer in mutual love and service. Through a pandemic, changing cultural expectations and multiple historic events dating back to the Civil War, Enon United Methodist Church has followed the direction of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the mission of the church – to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!”
Contact the Rev. Michael Dettmer with any questions at 804-571-2990.
Congratulations MingChin
CouncilofSales Leadership
“I know that on Sunday, many of us will replay that awful day in our minds – the shock,
demic limited student access to needed supplies in the classroom, with 55% of students having few or no supplies at home when distance learning began.
Yes, these numbers are discouraging, but it is important to note some change has occurred since 2021 that points to a more hopeful future. The Internal Revenue Service announced this year that qualifying teachers and other educators will be able to deduct up to $300 from out-of-pocket classroom expenses when they file their federal income tax returns next year – the first time the annual limit has risen in 20 years. The limit will rise in $50 increments in future years based on inflation adjustments.Outside of more official changes, it is especially hopeful to watch the Hanover
Continued from pg. 2
Chief Jethro Piland, Hanover County Sheriff Col. David Hines and Ashland Police Department (APD) Chief Troy Aronhalt.
ports were closed. She remembered American flags flying everywhere from every home on her street, offering a “simple and beautiful” reminder of unity.
from pg. 1 9/11
ministry and change. He was appointed to Enon United Methodist Church (UMC) on Studley Road in the summer of 2021 – just as many churches were beginning to offer inperson worship and events again. His daughter and son had to transfer schools; his wife kept her job as a teacher in Chesterfield County but now has a longer commute. There were all of their belongings to move to Mechanicsville, including three cats, a dog and a parakeet. And for a pastor new to the community, there was a
felt more like his ministry in Chesterfield County with major shopping areas, lots of stoplights and newer residents moving into the area. Whether rural or urban, everyone has been friendly and welcoming, eager to help the new pastor’s family feel like a part of the church
Alarmingly, 95% of teachers said their classroom supply budget will not be enough to meet their students’ needs.
The flourishing of the Tools 4 Teachers store and its rapid expansion can be credited to the dedicated, philanthropic spirit of the community jumping into action when a need is identified. Only in its second year, the program can look ahead at touching the lives of even more families, students and teachers with an outpour of community donations every month. The need will likely never go away, but Hanover has shown it can achieve so much when children’s futures are on the line.
Continued from pg. 6
make a donation to or volunteer for the Tools 4 Teachers store, visit the MCEF website:
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local Hanover County Administrator John Budesky welcome guests to the county’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony on the morning of Sept. 9 held in front of the Historic Hanover Courthouse.
grief, the anger and the disbelief will all come flooding back,” she added. “But, as I have before, I ask you today to also remember what came after Sept. 11.”
8 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
Steve Trivett, Hanover Fire-EMS
417-3008 393-0996 6530Mech.Pike Mechanicsville
If you’re looking for ways to help the community in a powerful way, consider placing even a dollar or two into a teacher’s pocket by donating to Tools 4 Teachers or another school supply drive. Consider volunteering to help these dedicated, retired teachers deliver these essential gifts to our classrooms. Consider how the unused, dusty composition notebook buried in your attic or an unopened pack of pencils may transform a young student’s life for the better.To
But even with all of this change and with Mechanicsville’s unique aspects, Pastor Mike found that a lot of his new ministry area felt like other areas where he had served as a United Methodist pastor in the last 15 years.
It’s in this context that Enon UMC is preparing to celebrate its 185th anniversary with a homecoming service on
Turner.Heartfelt remarks were given on behalf of the 9/11 first responders by Hanover Board of Supervisors Chair Angela KellyWiecek, Town of Ashland Mayor
The ceremony concluded with a ceremonial “Ringing of the Bell” display and a benediction in honor of the selfless heroes.

Drs.Norman,AaronandBrandonMarks andeveryoneatMarksFamilyDentistryare excitedthatDr.Tomodahasjoinedussowe maycontinuetoprovideoutstandingpatient careutilizingadvancedsolutionsforallphases ofdentistry.

Forforty-nineyearsourgoalhasbeento providethebestdentalcareforyourfamilyby ourfamily.

lives, 25,000 lives were saved by the response that day,” said Hines.
aftermath, numerous first responders have suffered significant health issues due to the exposure of the wreckage on 9/11,” Aronhalt added. “Despite this, many of those workers continue to serve and display the resolve that I think most could only hope to achieve.”Pilandsaid it is the responsibility of the country, state and county to be grateful for the “brave heroes” who answered the call, care and protect their families, and to never forget the names of those who “sacrifice their lives in service to others.”
“What we have to remember is not only the bravery that it took that day, but the bravery that it takes every day for us to watch out for each other,” Hines added. “That’s the common thread that runs through us. It runs through your first responders. It runs through our citizens.”
On behalf of Woodmen of the World, Donald Pressley presented American flags to Piland, Aronhalt and Hines following the remarks.Inhonor of the resolve to “never forget,” public safety officials read aloud the names of every public safety life lost on 9/11.

Budesky thanked all who attended the ceremony in person and virtually, offering a final message to all listeners as they parted ways: “I ask you to go forward in peace today and never forget.”

from pg. 8 9/11
nities with “kindness, respect and compassion” and preparing themselves and their families for the day they may trade their own lives for the safety of others.
With this message, he spoke of the first responders who rushed to the World Trade Center call that day, tasked with entering the towers, climbing the stairs with all of their equipment and attempting to evacuate as many people as possible.
Hanover County Public Safety Honor Guard offers a presentation of colors at the beginning of the ceremony. Donald Pressley presents flags to Hanover County Sheriff Col. David Hines, Ashland Police Department Chief Troy Aronhalt and Hanover Fire-EMS Chief Jethro Piland on behalf of Woodmen of the World. Hanover Junior Idol Rebekah Turner gives a moving performance of the National Anthem. The ceremony concludes with a Ringing of the Bell and benediction in honor of the fallen heroes of 9/11.

The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 9 9150DickeyDrive,Mechanicsville,VA23116 804-746-3336 ConvenientlylocatedoffI-295,Exit41-A-BehindWawa
Aronhalt said the first thing that comes to mind when reflecting on the bravery of these first responders is “resolve.”
“As many as over 3,000 people lost their
Christina Amano Dolan/The Local
WithdegreesfromJamesMadisonUniversity andtheSchoolofDentistryatVirginia CommonwealthUniversity,aResidency attheVeteransAffairsMedicalCenterin Washington,DC,and10years’experience inprivatepracticeinBlacksburg,Virginia, Dr.Tomodabringsthesameknowledge, skills,andcommitmenttopatientcareto providethesamequalitydentistryourpatients havecometoexpect.
“They saved countless lives,” Piland added. “Those heroes performed their duties, I believe, knowing that they would not return home to their families.”
“The first responders made a firm decision to climb 2,071 steps to reach those in need,” Aronhalt said. “They had resolved to climb those steps, knowing there was a
possibility that they would not come back out of the building, and yet they still climbed thoseAronhaltsteps.” said their heroic efforts did not cease that day, as nine-month recovery efforts required 1.8 million tons of wreckage to be removed from the World Trade Center site. He said even today, DNA evidence continues to be examined as additional victims are
Traffic safety unit activation was reported in the 5300th block of Pole Mechanicsville.Road/FallmanGreenDrive,
10 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
Identity theft with financial loss more than $200 was reported in the 10400th block of Rapidan Way, AssaultAshland.and battery on a family member was reported in the 10300th block of Georgetown Road, Mechanicsville.
ENGLAND, Charles Edward. Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022, Charles passed from this life to the next surrounded by his children, their spouses; and his beloved wife, Barbara. Charles was born and grew up in Richmond, where he was student body president and a member of the 1960 Highland Springs High School state championship basketball team. At Highland Springs, he and Barbara met and began dating when they were 16 years-old. After graduating, he attended VMI before completing his degree as a married student at Virginia Tech, becoming the first in his family to do so. His work ethic was a source of pride and respect from his first job at Westinghouse throughout his long career and retirement as a Sales Engineer for Inflico Degremont. Charles had a deep and abiding devotion to his family. He was a

Speedway promoter, Ronnie Sipe. All passengers were transported to Duke Medical Center with multiple injuries, where they remained for several days. Raised in Caroline County, Chris Beazley worked as a transportation manager for Medline. He had raced go-karts since he was 12 years old and was most currently serving as the track promoter for Capital City Speedway in Ashland. The outpouring from the racing community has been enormous, including blood drives, multiple fundraisers and tributes pouring in on social media. The hashtag #BeazleyStrong has been trending. Donations to the families can be made at and 100% of the funds raised will go directly to the families. Although he loved

ENGLAND CelebratingOur100 YearAnniversary Weareheretomeetyourstone andbronzememorialneeds. AtA.P.GrapponeandSons,Inc., wearealwaysstrivingfor excellenceinourwork. 1104S.RandolphSt.,P.O.Box5666,Richmond,VA23220 804-358-9174 –Whypre-planyourfuneral?–Peaceofmind: pre-planningtakestheburdenofmaking importantdecisionsoffofyourlovedonesduringadifficulttime. –Whypre-payyourfuneral?–Financialassurance: pre-paymentofyourfuneralthrough BennettFuneralHomewillrenderthecostsassociatedwithyour finalexpensesinflationproof. –WhyBennettfuneralhome?–Longevity: BennettFuneralHomehasbeenlocallyownedand operatedsince1897.Foroveracentury,Richmondershaveturned touswithtrustandconfidenceintheirtimeofneed. Forafree,noobligationconsultation, calloneofourfourconvenientlocations: Servingallfaithssince1897 CharlesD.Morehead,president Central 3215CutshawAve 359-4481 Mechanicsville 8014LeeDavisRd 746-8665 West 11020WestBroadSt 270-6321 Chesterfield (OffWinterpockRoad) 14301AshbrookPkwy 639-4975 Continued from pg. 3 REPORTS

loving and supportive father, always present in the lives of his children, Amy, Chip, Andy and Mandy. He embraced each of his 14 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren with joy. His kind and playful heart endeared him as their beloved Gran. He especially loved spending time as a family gathered at their home on the bay, the "rivah." Throughout his lifetime he has been blessed with a wide circle of friends and family. Most of all, he loved Barbara. He kept the smitten spark of falling in love as high school sweethearts all of their 64-plus years of life together. Their love is far too big to be captured in these words. He was a man known by many names: Charlie, Bubba, Gran, Coach, Dad and Honey. He has left a legacy of laughter and love. Family and friends were welcomed at Bliley's, 8510 Staples Mill Road from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 8 to celebrate Charles's life. A funeral Celebration of Life took place at 10 a.m. at Grace Baptist Church on Friday, Sept. 9. The family welcomes donations in his memory to Positive Approach to Care (PAC),'sAssociation, Notices & Funerals
Petit larceny, less than $500, not from a person was reported in the 9100th block of Chamberlayne Road, Mechanicsville.
June 26
Destruction of property, monument was reported in the 8200th block of Stumpy Road, Hanover.
Simple assault was reported in the 16000th block of Theme Park Way, Doswell.
SIMPSON, Linda Jean Bauer, of Mechanicsville, born in Philadelphia, Pa., went to be with Jesus on Sept. 6, 2022. She is reunited with her parents, Adam and Imogene Bauer; brother, Richard Bauer; and her husband of 51 years, Donald A. Simpson. She is survived by her daughters, Deana Simpson Lape (Bryon) and Lauren Simpson McCormick (Jerry); grandchildren, Keleigh and Zechariah Lape, John and Sean McCormick; sister in-law, Gerry Hinig; special friend, Ron Furr (Jeri); and her loving

church family. She loved her family and her church family, but most of all she loved God with all of her heart. She was a faithful member of Liberty Christian Church (now Compass Christian Church) and Gethsemane Christian Church. She loved spending time with friends and family. She would go out of the way for anybody who was in need or needed a place to stay. She was a Sunday school teacher and also a teacher at Fairmount Christian Church Childcare. The family received friends from 6 to 8 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 12, at Compass Christian Church, where a funeral service was held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13. Interment followed in Signal Hill Memorial Park. Online condolences may be registered at com.www.bennettfuneralhomes.
BEAZLEY, Chris. Friends, family and the go-kart racing community are mourning the loss of Chris Beazley, 43, of Mechanicsville. Chris passed away on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022, as the result of a tragic automobile accident while traveling home from a race in South Carolina with his family and a family friend. The accident occurred in the early morning hours of Sunday, Aug. 14, when Beazley's vehicle was struck head-on by a wrongway driver on Interstate I-85 in Durham, North Carolina. Also in the car were Beazley's wife, Elaine Herring Beazley, sixyear-old daughter, Ella Beazley and 16-year-old Isabel Sipe, daughter of former Capital City
racing and was well known along the east coast, his greatest loves were his heavenly Father, his wife and his three daughters. Chris is survived by his wife, Elaine Herring Beazley; three daughters, Tinsley, Faith and Ella Beazley; his father, Hugh C. Beazley; his sister, Donna Whittaker (Troy); two brothers, Mike Beazley (Lisa) and Randy Beazley (Tina); and numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. Chris was preceded in death by his mother, Dottie Beazley; and his brother, Troy Beazley. Chris is laid to rest in Greenlawn Cemetery.
receives National Guard
He additionally aided the organization by providing sponsors for a silent auction and extended invitations to notable functions, such as the Legislative Reception conducted each January at the Library

We'rehereforHanoverCountyfamilies! CaringforsomeonewithAlzheimer’sordementia? EngagingBrain Change: Makingthemost ofyourvisits Wednesday,September21 10:30am • RSVPbySept.19 Thispresentationhelpsfamilymembersandvisitorsprepareforandconsideractionableways tosetupsupportsforasuccessfulandmeaningfulvisitasweconsiderelementsoftime, environment,interests,remainingabilities,approach,andsupportivecommunication.This presentationwillincludeanactionplanandresourcehandouts.MissyHarden,MS,OTR/L,CDP, isaPositiveApproachtoCare® certifiedindependenttrainerandconsultantwithpersonaland professionalexperiencesupportingthoseonthedementiajourney. 7080BrooksFarmRd.,Mechanicsville,•804-723-1336 Weareanequalopportunityhousingprovider.Wedonotdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color,nationalorigin,religion,sex,familialstatusordisability. BESTOF SENIORLIVING

ROBERT N. BARNETTE JR. 804-448-3288

Barnette recognition for exceptional
“I hadn’t planned on staying in the National Guard that long but met some good people, they thought I had the right skills and we just hit it off and had fun from there,” Barnette said. He said one of the most enjoyable aspects of his service was traveling all over the world for assignments, such as to Thailand, Germany, Hawaii, Philippines, Guam and others.“Ienjoy to travel,” Barnette said. “I used to have a saying: ‘When I go to the airport and folks recognize me, that meant I was in the right place.’”
Hisstates.extensive career began in 1971 amid the Vietnam War after enlisting in the U.S. Air Force and serving in a series of overseasBarnetteassignments.went on to graduate from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 1984 with a bachelor’s degree in public safety and secured a master’s degree from Central Michigan University in general administration – all while raising a family, holding several positions as safety engineer for various companies, and serving in the Virginia Air National Guard. Barnette was deployed for seven months in Louisiana for Operation Desert Storm in the early 90s, returned to his civilian job as safety engineer for DuPont after his deployment and continued his committed service to the guard throughout his life.He progressed throughout the guard as a firefighter, deputy fire chief, first sergeant, human resource advisor and eventually became the 10th command chief master sergeant of the Virginia Air National Guard and the first African American to serve in the role. He retired from the guard in 2003 after 26 years of service.
The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) awarded Barnette, who is a retired Virginia Air National Guard chief master sergeant, with the Distinguished Service and Meritorious Service Awards on Aug. 10 during the 51st annual Conference and Expo of EANGUS held in Little Rock, EANGUSArkansas.worksto improve and protect the benefits of those serving in the National Guard and their families. The association was established in 1970 with 23 participating states and now represents all 54 states and territories, with a constituency base of over 414,000 and thousands of retired members, according to the EANGUS website.
Robert N. Barnette Jr., a Mechanicsville resident of almost 30 years and Vietnam War veteran, received national recognition last month for his many years of dedicated service to the Virginia Air National Guard, U.S. military and local communities.
By Christina Amano Dolan Editor
Experiencesmallclasssizes,an engagingfaculty,andacollege preparatoryprogramina transformativeChristianenvironment.

Barnette was nominated by the Virginia National Guard Auxiliary for the EANGUS Meritorious Service Award for going “well beyond the call for promoting the work, membership and legislative endeavors of the Enlisted and State Auxiliary,” the nomination states. He served as president of the Virginia National Guard Enlisted Association (VNGEA) from 2012 and 2016 and was “influential in the success of the [VNGEA] Auxiliary.”Barnette included the auxiliary in discussions, decisions, meetings, emails and any correspondence that related to the Virginia National Guard in general. He was the first president to involve the auxiliary in the VNGEA business forums, introduce the cash match to the auxiliary scholarship and added the auxiliary to the VNGEA agenda for the auxiliary report presentation.
Of the 18 various awards and medals awarded each year during the conference and expo, the Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals with distinguished and prolonged service accomplishments on behalf of EANGUS, to include contributions and service at the national, area or stateBarnettelevel. received this distinction due to his “outstanding dedication, selfless service and legacy of distinguished service” to the U.S. military as an active airman and member of the Virginia Air National Guard, “culminating in his selection as the State Command Chief,” the award
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 11

LearningToday LeadingTomorrow
see BARNETTE, pg. 12


The Pamunkey Woman’s Club is kicking off their new year with a therapy dog program at 1 p.m. at Mechanicsville Baptist Church. Their speaker will be Karla Allen, coordinator of counseling for Hanover County Public Schools, and her certified therapy dog, Brady. She will talk about
Sunday, Sept. 18
For more information on EANGUS, visit the website:
ing scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, spiced apples, biscuits, cornbread, coffee and juice. Take outs will be available. Tickets are $11 for adults. Proceeds support the Doswell Community Center.
“I would say the driving force is seeing young people succeed,” Barnette said, reflecting on his humble beginnings from growing up on a farm in Mecklenburg County to what he has accomplished throughout the course of his flourishing career.Although he doubted himself as a young man, Barnette said he was uplifted by the encouragement of others and hopes to offer the same encouragement to younger generations.
Continued from pg. 11
Call 1-800-485-1013 orvisit foryourfreebrochure. AveryPointhasitall—stylishapartmenthomes, resort-styleamenities,andhealthandwell-being services.We’reintheideallocation,closeto shopping,dining,andentertainment. ShortPump AveryPointIs OpeningThisFall! SHORTPUMP’SNEWEST SENIORLIVINGCOMMUNITY 426404_ML
He is also a member of the Hanover Rotary Club, the Hanover Sheriff’s Advisory Board and the Bell Creek community advisory board. He serves as a deacon at Mount Zion Baptist Church, has served as president of the Hanover NAACP Branch and is the current president of the Virginia State Conference NAACP.
Continued from pg. 4
of Virginia.Barnette continues to support the VNGEA Auxiliary by emphasizing the auxiliary’s importance during the VNGEA general quarterly meetings, state conference meetings and assists the auxiliary in responding to state legislative matters.Other leadership roles Barnette held that were recognized by EANGUS include serving as the Area II director and a member of the EANGUS Executive Council since 2018, which includes his appointment as vice-chair of the EANGUS Legislative Committee.
Compass Christian Church, located at 8137 Liberty Circle, Mechanicsville, VA, 23111, is hosting its second annual Cruise-in Event on Sunday, Sept. 18 to benefit a young boy from Ruther Glen, Virginia, who has been battling cancer since he was 2 years old.
Barnette said he was “totally surprised” when he was called to the stage to accept the EANGUS awards.“Ididn’t know people thought that highly of what I’ve done,” Barnette said. “I definitely was moved with the recognition.”
Barnette said while he never foresaw a career in the military before his enlistment, he discovered the power of teamwork while in basic training and found an unexpected passion for the “Teamworkfield. is putting aside petty differences, putting aside all these things that don’t matter to get the job done… Because when the team succeeds, everybody succeeds,” Barnette said. “And so that has made my career very worthwhile, because it was a team effort.”
Monday, Sept. 19
EANGUS additionally recognized Barnette as an “active member in his community,” referencing his membership in the American Legion Post 175 and leadership duties within the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9808.
Continued from pg. 6
His pursuit of encouraging the success of others is what has driven – and continues to drive – Barnette’s devotion to serving communities locally, nationally and internationally.

“As my grandmother told me, I could do anything I wanted to do – I just had to work hard at it. And that’s what I did,” Barnette said. “I tried to work as hard as I could to be the best firefighter, be the best human resource manager and be the best commander in chief that the National Guard had.”
breaking series that was created by a local made the already intriguing series even more compelling. They immediately recognized the name Davis and Main used as the name of a law firm featured in the series. Gilligan explained the popular fan restaurant was a favorite haunt for him and his significant other when they lived in Richmond.Anothersignificant role in the Saul series is played by Rhea Seehorn, a Norfolk native who grew up in Virginia Beach, adding an another connection to the Commonwealth.Sowhilethe “Breaking Bad” series may or may not be over for good, it’s certain there are good things coming from the talented Gilligan, a local product who made it big on the national stage.
Hatcher Memorial Baptist Church, located at 2300 Dumbarton Road in Henrico, is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The church is reaching out to all current and former members to come celebrate and walk down memory lane together. Service starts at 10:45 a.m. Visit the church’s website at for more details.
12 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022

In-Person Programs
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 13 | CelebrationsBusinessEducation&Community

#1 Berkley Hammond, 4, heads out to his first day at Washington Henry Elementary School. #2 Molly and Daniel Hudson head off to their first day of first grade and kindergarten. #3 Kara C. is ready for her first day of kindergarten. #4 Chef Hudson of the Hanover Trade Center and all of his children celebrate their first day back to school. #5 Boots the cat bids Lilly farewell as she heads off to her first day of fourth grade at Battlefield Park Elementary School. #6 Julianna Ellis jumps into second grade.

Mother Goose Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesday, Sept. 14, 10 to 10:30 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
PageTurners Book Club at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Sept. 15, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Ages 18 & up. An in-person, lively book discussion of "Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant" by Roz Chast. You can place the book on hold and pick it up at the Atlee Branch Library.
Atlee Branch Library
teens with similar interests and watch cool CrafterNoonshows. for Teens at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 17, 3 to 4 p.m. Create orange and vanilla parfait bath salts. Enjoy the scents and a little chemistry that goes into making it.
123 4 5

Upcoming programs at Atlee branch Pamunkey Regional Library
Leaf Rubbing Craft/Art at the Atlee Branch Library. Saturday, Sept. 24, 1 to 2 p.m. Create a beautiful nature leaf rubbing to kick off the fall season. Local artisan Angel Zhao will teach how to create a unique piece of art to display in your home for years to come and an original greeting card. Have twice the fun and bring a friend. Registration is required at
Virtual/Hybrid Programs

Contributed photos

Toddler Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesday, Sept. 14, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.Savvy Safety for Seniors at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Sept. 15, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. A program for seniors with Hanover County Sheriff's Deputy Bland. Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from scams and frauds targeting seniors.
Atlee Anime Club at the Atlee Branch Library. Thursday, Sept. 15, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Join the Atlee Library Anime Club to meet
Call 804-559-0654 or visit the library at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive for more information.
Atlee Book Club. Wednesday, Sept. 14, 11 a.m. to noon. Join the library inperson or on Zoom for a lively book discussion over "The River Widow" by Ann Howard Creel. Pick up a copy of the book at the Atlee Branch Library Circulation Desk while supplies last. Registration is required'tyourreminderemail,thelibrary.

Atlee Bridge Group at the Atlee Branch Library. Tuesdays, Sept. 20 & 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ages 18 & up. Every Tuesday the Atlee Bridge Group meets to play Social Rubber Bridge. All levels welcome, from beginner to expert.

Ashland Halloween invites ghouls and goblins to a four-day event series in Downtown Ashland from Friday, Oct. 28 through Monday, Oct. 31. Local businesses will host quaint and quirky events while Victorian homes take on a spooky glow for the long weekend.
Upcoming speakers offer something for everyone
The Faire supports local nonprofits by reducing their booth fees and offering these groups an opportunity to raise funds. In addition, nonprofit groups who help run the Faire receive funds through a “Grants for Work” program.TheFaire is a nonprofit organization working in partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Ashland.Formore information, email or call 804-997-1946.
Black Heritage Society launches fall Historical Guest Speaker Lecture
This Hybrid Historical Initiative was introduced at that time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Per the welcomed feedback from the Pamunkey Regional Library and the community, the Hanover County Black Heritage Society, in collaboration with the Ashland Museum and the Pamunkey Regional Library, is looking forward to continuing the ongoing fall segments of the Historical Guest Speaker LectureTheSeries.firstinstallation of the new series was held Sept. 7 at the Ashland Branch Library. Titled “Early African-American Schools in Hanover County,” the program invited the public to absorb first-hand oral histories and perspectives. This “Back-toSchool” first segment featured Mr. Earl J. Hunter Jr.; the Rev. Dr. Evans C. White Jr; and Harold Stills Sr.
Since 1982, this nonprofit community festival has brought people of all ages to play, enjoy strawberries, visit friends, listen to music, see animals and shop for unique items and special treats - rain or shine. Best of all, the Faire is free.Next year’s Faire is scheduled for Saturday, June 3, 2023, on the campus of RandolphMaconProceedsCollege.from the Faire go back to the community in the form of nonprofit support and scholarships for Hanover County Public Schools, the Hanover Center for Trades and Technology, and Randolph-Macon College.
“We invite you to explore the mysteries of historic Downtown Ashland,” said Maggie Longest, executive director of Downtown Ashland Association. “It is sure to be a spooktastic Halloween weekend in the Center of the Universe!”
Dr. Jan Meck will discuss her new book, “The Life & Legacy of Enslaved Virginian Emily Winfree,” on Wednesday, Oct. 26.
Contributed Report
There are bewitching events for chil-
Contributed Report
Downtown Ashland Association presents Ashland Halloween
Contributed Report
The Hanover County Black Heritage Society, Inc. invites the public to attend a new Historical Guest Speaker Lecture Series that was first initiated in February and March 2022 in partnership with the Pamunkey Regional Library.
Lantern-lit Ghost Tours offered nightly. Let the haunted stories of the town’s historic events, buildings and personalities entertain you.
The Local
The Local
see HERITAGE, pg. 22
Contributed Report
“The heartbeat of the Faire is our volunteers, and we can always use more people to help us,” said Sharon Chidsey, president of the Ashland Strawberry Faire Board of Directors.
The Local
Barclay DuPriest wraps up the fall series on Thursday, Dec. 1 with a talk about Hercules Mulligan, an Irish-American tailor. He spied for George Washington as he sewed red coats for wealthy British officers during the Revolutionary War.In cooperation with the Ashland Museum and the Pamunkey Regional Library, the Hanover County Black Heritage Society presents two programs this month. On Wednesday, Sept.14, there will be a program on “Early African- American Schools in Hanover County” at the Atlee Library. The next week on Wednesday, Sept. 21, Bessida Cauthorne White, Esq. will offer the program “Genealogy 101: An Introduction to African-American Genealogy” at the Ashland Library. Both programs begin at 7 p.m. and are free and open to the public.
"We can use many different skills to help us run the Faire, and – as a bonus – we are a fun group of people!" said board member Dani Stockwell.Theannual membership meeting is on Friday, Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. at the Ashland Branch Library and will be followed by the Board of Directors meeting at 10:30 a.m., which is also open to the public.
Enjoy the comfortable fall evenings and join the Ashland Museum for a night of questions and answers. Trivia Night will be held on Sept. 15 at 6 p.m. in Origin Beer Lab’s Beer Garden, located at 106 S. Railroad Avenue, Ashland. Reservations are notForrequired.information on these and other events, contact the Ashland Museum by email:, call 804-368-7314, or visit the website:
14 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
dren and adults alike, including: Kids Trick-or-Treat in all Ashland neighborhoods. Plus, play the scavenger hunt forAdultsprizes.Trick-or-Treat with a bar crawl and music concerts. Revelers are invited to crawl the streets after dark. Ashland Theatre hosts a series of classic spooky movies. Enjoy signature cocktails, popcorn and snacks.
Guided walking tours of historic Woodland Cemetery will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 20 and Tuesday, Sept. 27. Woodland has lots of stories to tell about Ashland and Randolph-Macon College. For details and to register, visit
The Local
Ashland Strawberry Faire is volunteersrecruitingfor2023
Visit for more information and a full calendar of events.
The Ashland Museum resumes its HistoryTallks series this fall with three talks at the SunTrust Theater in Brock Commons, 304 Henry Street, Ashland on the Randolph-Macon College campus. All talks begin at 7 p.m. and are free and open to the Onpublic.Thursday, Sept. 22, Miriam Green will discuss Mary Beirne, a well-known daffodil specialist. She lived at Rhodeen on North Center Street in Ashland and was a pioneer in hybridizing and cultivating daffodils in the first half of the 20th century.
This year is the 41st Anniversary of the Ashland Strawberry Faire, and the Faire Committee is recruiting more volunteers.
There are many volunteer opportunities available, including vendor registration, vendor check-in, food and booth judges, grounds set-up, Kid Zone helpers, clean-up and more.
Hunter is a past Hanover County and Virginia School Board president and member. White is the pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Aylett and co-author and co-publisher of “Eastern Hanover County Churches, Schools, & Organizations: A Brief History from A Black Perspective,” which was written in 1985 with the help of Rose B. White. Stills is a retired Hanover County educator, assistant principal and administrator in Human Resources.
| Also serving the communities of Montpelier, Beaverdam, Rockville and Doswell
Photos courtesy of the Hanover County Bessida Cauthorne White will present the Sept. 21 segment: ‘Genealogy 101: Climbing Your Family Tree – An Introduction to African American Genealogy.’

MCEF President Pat Hubert said they are running the program under a similar model to last year’s with various changes made to expand operations.Theordering process opens up the 20th of each month and closes the last day of each month. Orders will be shipped out each month beginning in October and must be complet-
DemiltaAnonymoussaid. notes of appreciation sent by teachers were on display during the Tools 4 Teachers store’s ribbon cutting ceremony on June 25.
the storeroom, identify items needing replenishment and prepare for the next delivery.

ers school supplies ordered by middle school teachers from September to April of the year.
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 15
Two volunteers are needed one or two days a month to receive and inventory donations, place them on the shelves and enter the quantities into an Excel spreadsheet.
If the store succeeds in reaching the four HCPS high schools this year, available volunteer shifts will multiply with two sets of deliveries each month.Demilta said the abundance of positive feedback received from educators reveal how essential the growing program is for teachers and students in the community.
“It was so exciting to receive a bag of supplies from you this morning! I know our students will benefit from this gift, but beyond the practical aspects, it energizes me to think that this is a community which is ready and eager to support its classrooms and teachers. Thank you most especially for that
Thanks to an outpour of community support and a recently-secured inventory space at the Arc of Hanover Thrift Store, the store has significantly grown since the start of 2022. With an abundance of donations waiting on the shelves and a refined program, the store is seeking to build its volunteer base to induce even greater change in the community and expand into HCPS high schools this year.
All work is performed in the back of the Arc of Hanover Thrift Store building, located at 10193 Washington Highway in GlenHubertAllen.said the biggest change from last year is the amount of donations pouring in from the community.
ed and delivered by the 10th of the month following the closing Thisdate. year, SignUpGenius will be utilized for monthly volunteer scheduling to enhance communication among volunteers and offer an easy-tonavigate platform. People will be able to sign up for a number of volunteer opportunities through SignUpGenius and select the length of the shift theyAroundprefer. three volunteers are needed to pick, check and pack orders toward the beginning of each month, which typically takes about four hours depending on the number of orders. Since they are transitioning from semimonthly shipping to monthly shipping this school year, the number of orders processed for one delivery may increase and additional time may be required.Twoto three volunteers will be needed during the month for a four-hour shift to tidy up
waited until all orders were submitted and then “scramble” to purchase any remaining items needed to fulfill requests through Amazon or other stores.“Now with this inventory over the summer, we have enough probably to make one to two months deliveries with what we have on the shelf now,” Demilta said. He added this change also enhances the need for a larger volunteer base.
Haveyounoticedcrampinginyourhips,thighsorcalveswhen walkingorexercising?Doesitresolvewhenyourest?Ifso,this maybeasignthatyourbloodflowisblockedbyplaquebuildup inyourarteries.Thiscondition,knownasPeripheralArterial Disease(PAD)shouldbeevaluatedbyaphysicianpromptly. Untreated,itcanleadtolossoflimb,heartattackorstroke. Giveusacalltodaytoscheduleascreening.

8243MeadowbridgeRoadMechanicsville, AcceptingNewPatients: Continued from pg. 1
“I could tell from the smiles on the staff’s faces and the notes from the teachers that they write themselves that the appreciation is immense,”
encouragement! Thank you for the Tools,” an anonymous noteThestated.program asks community members to consider donating the following school supplies to help decrease the personal investment teachers make every year: reams of colored card stock, colored pencils, black pens, red pens, expo markers, adult scissors, white index cards, colored index cards, stickie notes, boxes of tissues, labels, binders, mag-
Don’tLetYourLegs SlowYouDown.
Ron Demilta, the store’s logistics manager and head volunteer, said they previously
Photo by Christina Amano Dolan The Tools 4 Teachers office and inventory is located at the back of the Arc of Hanover Thrift Store, located at 10193 Washington Highway, Glen Allen and has been expanding since the store’s official opening in July with an influx of donated school supplies.
“This summer, we were kind of wondering… knowing what we have left over from last year what’s going to happen, because summer has just been wonderful,” Hubert said, particularly noting the “phenomenal” contributions of MCEF and ACES churches over the summer.
see TOOLS, pg. 21
administrative investigation. Mechanicsville principal Charles E. Stevens announced last Friday the investigations had concluded and that football activities for both the JV and varsity teams were resuming thatInday.amessage to families, faculty and staff, Stevens wrote, in
Stevens also said the school’s priority was “to begin to establish a positive, supportive culture for the entire football program. We will be working with Coach Reynolds, his coaching staff, and players to establish team norms and will be holding various team-building activities and trainings in an effort to build that strong culture.”
see STARTED, pg. 19
The message continued, “While I am unable to share specific details about the investigation and its findings due to confidentiality laws involving juveniles, as well as protections
mer player, is in his first season after replacing Ryan Turnage, who had been in charge of the program since Mechanicsville2014.forfeited its first two games against Deep Run and Powhatan. It had three practices in shirts and two in pads before playing Freeman on Friday.“Playing against these guys, it’s tough any week,” Reynolds said. “… They’re the No. [9] team in the region. … They’ve got a heck of a team.”
By Tim Pearrell Richmond Times-Dispatch
The Hanover school system also conducted an
Mechanicsville High football coach Shane Reynolds was pleased with his team’s effort after it played its first game of the season on Friday following a hazing investigation that shut down the program for two weeks.And that’s what he wanted to focus on, his team and the game, after the Mustangs made things tough for No. 9 Douglas Freeman before falling 21-6 at Freeman.“It’stough to tell where we’re at really because we’re in the third week of the season but it’s our first game,” said Reynolds, who declined comment on the investigation. “There’s a lot of things we need to clean up.
Mechanicsville finally gets season started
Jason Abbey got a packed house on Freeman’s side excited in the third quarter when he blocked a punt and recovered it in the end zone, making it 14-6. The Mavericks essentially put the game away with a 99-yard TD drive early in the fourth quarter.“Ithought the guys ran to the ball on defense pretty well,” Reynolds said. “I thought we got in the backfield at times. I think we need to clean up the penalties. That last [scoring drive by Freeman] was assisted
Mechanicsville cut it to 7-6 midway in the second quarter on a reverse throwback, with Ben Payne connecting with Evan Buchanan on a 35-yard TD pass. The extra point failed.
Reynolds, a 2012 graduate of the school (when it was known as Lee-Davis) and for-
part, that “we are confident that a thorough accounting of the misconduct concerns within the program has taken place.”
afforded to employee personnel records, please know that those found to be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and/or School Board policy are being held fully accountable.”
Freeman (3-0) won its first two games 44-6 and 34-10. The Mustangs got a roar from a good crowd on their side by stuffing the Mavericks on their first possession. They held Freeman to 84 yards of offense in the first half and yielded only Jadyn Reece’s 3-yard TD run.
Douglas Freeman’s Jake Lohmann (8) cuts off Mechanicsville’s Evan Buchanan (2) during the Rebels’ 21-6 victory over the visiting Mustangs Friday night. This was Mechanicsville’s first football game after being suspended during a hazing investigation.

Hanover County Public Schools suspended practices and games for the varsity and JV football teams at Mechanicsville after the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office received an anonymous tip on Aug. 19 alleging upperclassmen were assaulting other students at Mechanicsville.Thesheriff’s office conducted an investigation and said last week that two juveniles have been charged with simple assault. The sheriff’s office said it would not release names or identifying information.
“I know teams typically get better between Weeks 1 and 2. Obviously we have not had that second game yet,” he continued.
16 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 UPCOMING 17EVENTS092022Sports Prep 7:00atDeepfootball:RunPatrickHenryp.m. Prep cross country: RVA Relays at Pole Green Park 4:30 p.m.16092022 | Youth, High School, College, Recreational & Professional
Eva Russo/Times-Dispatch
A 6-1, 205-pound junior, Seelmann rushed 18 times for 118 yards. Sahnow carried 23 times for 107.
“The O-line just went out there and blocked,” Seelmann said. “I just got the ball and ran. All the preparation we’ve done since February when we started working out, we’ve just got a bunch of dogs in there. We’re tough.”Then came the punch.
Though the Hawks held Matoaca to just 11 rushing yards, they had less success containing quarterback Ryley Justus, who completed 13-of-24 passes for 169 yards and two touchdowns.Thefirst, a 29-yard strike to Bryce Yates, came at 3:00 of the third quarter and ended an eight-play, 64-yard drive. The second, 19 yards to Dillon Newton-Short, came 9:05 from the end. Jon Gates’ second PAT cut the Warriors deficit to 20-14.“We had a great game plan,” said Fahed, a 6-3, 170-pound senior inside linebacker in the Hawks’ multifaceted defensive scheme. “It didn’t really matter what they did. We just stuck to the “Allplan.the success you see on the field didn’t come easy. It came from a lot of hard work andHanoverpreparation.”answered Matoaca with a time-consuming 14-play, 75-yard drive that included two key third-down conversions and ended when Seelmann drilled a 20-yard field goal out of Sahnow’s hold 3:00 from the end, then shut down the Warriors’ final drive at their 44.
Hawks hold off Warrior rally in 23-14 win
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 17
Deonte Harris recovered a pooched kickoff on the Matoaca 32 to open the game, and seven plays later Hawks’ quarterback Beau Sahnow connected with Malachi Madden for a 4-yard touchdown.Onthe third snap of the Warriors’ first series, Grady Fahed forced a fumble, William Webb recovered, and on the Hawks’ first play, Sahnow teamed with Cole Elrod for a 41-yard touchdown.
A Sahnow-to-Clement Schraa pass for the points-after
Madden and fumble recovery by Fahed ended two other firsthalf drives, and the home team
Joel Klein for The Local Hanover’s Peyton Seelmann (2) celebrates with teammate Mason Clements after Seelman’s 12-yard touchdown run giving Hanover a 20-0 lead in the Hawks’ 23-14 victory over visiting Matoaca Friday night.

By Weldon Bradshaw for the Times-Dispatch
Sam Rogers knew. His Hanover Hawks knew.
Receivers did everything.”
opened the second with a foray into Matoaca territory that ended with a 12-yard touchdown run by Peyton Seelmann.
Their 20-0 late third-quarter lead over visiting Matoaca Friday seemed comfortable enough. But the Warriors, they figured, were far too talented and tough to go easily into the clear, cool night without putting up a whale of a fight.
“Yeah, we took the punch,”put Hanover up 14-0 at 7:36 of the first “Thatquarter.quick start set the tone,” said Sahnow, a 5-foot-8, 155-pound senior. “Our offensive line executed everything.
The fight came, of course. Rogers’ guys were ready as he expected them to be, and when the clock ticked to zero, they and the Hanover faithful exulted in a well-earned 23-14 victory.“Opportunities presented themselves, and we were able to capitalize on them,” said Rogers, the Hawks’ head coach, referencing his squad’s fast-out-ofthe-box start. “That was awesome.“A great team like Matoaca’s going to give an awesome punch. What I’m most proud of was that we were able to respond.”Hanover (2-0) converted two costly first-period mistakes into touchdowns, seized the momentum, and held the Warriors (2-1) at bay throughout most of the way.
The rally was coming.
The Hawks’ defense did its part as well. An interception by
see HAWKS, pg. 19
“We were in the same situation last year. We lost to Hermitage. We made some mistakes. We knew we made some mistakes. You’re not going to win every game. But if you learn from that and continue to
“We’veon. got a good group of guys,” Wakefield said. “If we take this and learn from this experience, we’ll be back.
P. Henry 0 13 12 0 — 25 Glen Allen 3 14 7 13 — 37
Patrick Henry’s offense outmatched Glen Allen’s in the air with 203 passing yards to 174 for the Jaguars. But the Patriots struggled on the ground, with only 87 yards rushing to 251 for GlenEvenAllen.worse, they couldn’t get the plays they needed when they needed them most. The Jaguars did otherwise.
By Dave Lawrence Sports Editor
Glen Allen took an early lead on the only score of the first quarter: an 18-yard field goal by Omar Elshami. The Jaguars and Patriots then proceeded to trade touchdowns through the end of the third quarter.
PH — Grant 30 pass from Brown (kick failed)
GA — Michelow 5 pass from Milwit (Elshami kick)
PH — Johnson 6 run (kick failed)
GA — Moss 20 run (Elshami kick)
Patrick Henry, which reached the Region 4B final where it lost to eventual state champion Varina, lost a large group of seniors to graduation last year and has little more than a dozen this season. But Wakefield expects his team to get and do better as the season wears
Patriot mistakes costly in loss to Glen Allen
PH — Williams 35 pass from Brown (pass failed)
GA — Michelow 40 pass from Milwit (Elshami kick)
grow, you’ll be OK.”
PH — Williams 55 pass from Brown (Crabbe kick)
18 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
PH: Ross 9-47, Williams 5-34, Johnson 4-11, Brown 6-(minus 5); GA: Noel 19-136, Milwit 10-26, Robinson-Clarke 2-8, Moss 13-78, Johnson 2-3.
Dave Lawrence/TheLocal Patrick
GLEN ALLEN — Patrick Henry had its chances but couldn’t take advantage of enough of them.
PH: Ross 6-108, Grant 2-66, Sylvia 1-13, Hanson 2-10, Rouse 1-6; GA: Noel 1-1, Michelow 4-69, Davis 2-55, Mosley 3-49.
“Hats off to them. They made the plays when they needed to,” said Patrick Henry head coach Ken Wakefield. “We didn’t. It’s got to be a learning experience. We’ve got to take this, and we’ve got to learn from it.”
GA — FG Elshami 18
The Patriots, in a scrappy contest at Glen Allen, traded leads with the Jaguars through the first three quarters of the game, but could not keep up in the fourth as Glen Allen scored a pair of unanswered touchdowns en route to a 37-25 victory Friday night.

Both teams had their share of big plays. One of the Patriots quarterbacks, Jayden Brown, combined with Shamar Williams for a 55-yard score in the second put Patrick Henry on the scoreboard and later for a 35-yard score for the Patriots’ final TD in the third. Brown hit Jeremiah Grant for another score late in the second quarter.
Glen Allen quarterback Andrew Milwit likewise connected with receiver Ford Michelow for a pair of touchdowns, a 40-yard connection and a 5-yard toss, both in the second quarter.
GA — Noel 6 run (Milwit run) GA — Milwit 3 run (Elshami kick)
PH: Ross 11-15-90-0, Johnson 1-3-3-0; GA: Milwit 10-24-174-0.
Dave Lawrence can be reached at
DF — China 17 run (Bowman kick)
Reynolds said his message to his team has been get “1% better every day.”
Tim Pearrell can be reached at
Weldon Bradshaw can be reached at sports@mechlocal. com.
MHS: Buchanan 4 receptions 33 yards, Maxie 1-14, Caplinger 1-9, Messe 1-5, Morris 1-0; DF: Moore 2-34, Chizuk 2-29, Lohmann 2-29, McWilliams 3-8, Abbey 1-2.
HAN — Seelman 12 run (run failed)
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 19 Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 WEWANTTOBEYOURPLUMBER 746-5853

Patrick Henry’s Olivia Joyce won the girls ‘B’ race, with teammate Natalie Cooley finishingSmithsixth.finished in 16:15.7, less than a minute after Mills Godwin’s Berkley Nance clocked in with a winning time of 15:41.3. Connor Linehan (Grafton), William Griesmer (Princess Anne), Patrick Lowry (Patriot) and Hayden Hauser (Colgan) rounded out the top five. Eric Fagan (Glen Allen) finished seventh. Senfield finished in 16:20.5, followed by Andrew Bennet (Clover Hill)
Matoaca 0 0 7 7 — 14 Hanover 14 0 6 3 — 23
HAN — Madden 4 pass from Sahnow (kick failed)
Fahed said. “I just thought back to practice when we took the punch from the heat, the weather and exhaustion. We have this thing: Focus on your key, and physical finish. That’s what we did, and we came out with the W.”
MHS: Messe 27 carries 64 yards, Payne 4-21, Buchanan 3-8; DF: China 6-51, Reece 6-29, Martin 8-22, Bland 12-.
MAT — Yates 29 pass from Justus (Gates kick)
probably by 30 yards worth of penalties. We’ve just got to play tough down the stretch.”
Mary Ann Magnant for The Local
Mechanicsville’s Carter Smith comes in for a sixth-place finish in the Pole Green XC Classic at Pole Green Park Saturday morning.
Continued from pg. 17
The rest of the top 10 consisted of seventh-place Keeley Maddux (J.R. Tucker), Mary Mansfield (Matoaca), Thea Motes (Independence) and Olivia Priddy tie-breaker.placeGrassfield(129)BishopfollowedgirlsDelcourtMechanicsville’s(Massaponax).Inesfinished19th.Independencewonthe‘B’racewith55points,byJ.R.Tucker(74),Ireton(90),GrassfieldandPatrickHenry(129).wasawardedfourthandPatrickHenryfifthbyTheCovenantSchool’sReese
Smith, Senfield among top 10 in XC Classic
DF — Abbey recovered blocked punt in end zone (Bowman kick)
HAN — Elrod 41 pass from Sahnow (Schraa pass from Sahnow)
MAT: Yates 5-72, Newton-Short 5-71, Lewis 2-22, Hall 1-4; HAN: Elrod 1-41, Seelmann 2-7, Madden 1-4.
Dalton and Maddie Gardiner combined for a one-two finish in the girls Championship ‘A’ race, but Pacers Homeschool, with 97 points, earned the team title, edging Deep Run in a tiebreaker.
J.R. Tucker, led by winner Matthew Conrad, claimed both the individual and team titles in the boys ‘B’ race.

MECHANICSVILLE — Mechanicsville High School’s Carter Smith and Patrick Henry’s Andrew Senfield were among the top finishers in the boys championship ‘A’ race at the Pole Green XC Classic at Pole Green Park Saturday morning.Smith finished sixth and Senfield eighth in the race. Carter’s teammate, Josh Gray, just missed the top 10, finishing 11th in the event, which featured 225 runners in all.
DF — Reece 3 run (Bowman kick) MHS — Buchanan 35 pass from Payne (pass failed)
“I just want to improve every single day we go to practice,” he said. “I want to see the improvements on the field during the game.”
Mechanicsville 0 6 0 0 — 6 D. Freeman 7 0 7 7 — 21
PASSING MAT: Justus 13-24-169-1; HAN: Sahnow 4-13-52-0.
By Dave Lawrence Sports Editor
MAT — Newton-Short 19 pass from Justus (Gates kick)
HAN — FG Seelman 20
and Armaan Chopra (Princess Anne).Clover Hill handily won the boys championship team title with 116 points to runner-up Grassfield’s 190. Deep Run was third with 199 points, followed by Freedom-South Riding (231) and Patriot (248).
Dave Lawrence can be reached at
MHS: Payne 8 completions 11 attempts 61 yards 1 interception; Messe 0-1-0-0; DF: Bland 9-15-75-1; Reece 1-1-27-0.
Continued from pg. 16
MAT: Clanton 9-40, Williams 11-1, Justus 3-minus 23, Team 1-(minus 6); HAN: Seelmann 18-118, Sahnow 23-107, Madden 2-5, Elrod 1-0, Team 1-(minus 19).
In the girls ‘B’ race, Joyce turned in a winning time of 21:12.8. She was followed by Madeline Binkley (Independence), Rory Kipp (Bishop Ireton), Ingrid Abegg (Bishop Ireton) and Carolyn Heyel (J.R. Tucker). Cooley’s sixth-place time was 21:44.7.
TheCommissionhastakenjudicialnoticeoftheongoingpublichealthissuesrelatedtothespreadofthecoronavirus,orCOVID-19.Inaccordancetherewith,allpleadings,briefs,orotherdocumentsrequiredtobeservedinthismattershouldbesubmitted electronicallytotheextentauthorizedby5VAC5-20-150, Copiesandformat,oftheCommission’sRulesofPracticeandProcedure(“RulesofPractice”),5VAC5-20-10 etseq.ConfidentialandExtraordinarilySensitiveInformationshallnotbesubmittedelectronically andshouldcomplywith5VAC520-170, Confidentialinformation,oftheRulesofPractice.AnypersonseekingtohanddeliverandphysicallyfileorsubmitanypleadingorotherdocumentshallcontacttheClerk’sOfficeDocumentControlCenterat(804)371-9838to arrangethedelivery.
TAKENOTICEthattheCommissionmayapportionrevenuesamongcustomerclassesand/ordesignratesinamannerdifferingfromthatshownintheApplicationandsupportingdocumentsandthusmayadoptratesthatdifferfromthoseappearinginthe Company’sApplicationandsupportingdocuments.
AnelectroniccopyoftheCompany’sApplicationmaybeobtainedbysubmittingawrittenrequesttocounselfortheCompany:ElaineS.Ryan,Esquire;TimothyD.Patterson,Esquire;orBenjaminA.Shute,Esquire;McGuireWoodsLLP,GatewayPlaza,800East CanalStreet,Richmond,Virginia23219;,,’
OnorbeforeNovember22,2022,,asapracticalmatter,to fileanoticeofparticipationelectronicallymayfilesuchnoticebyU.S.mailtotheClerkoftheCommissionattheaddresslistedabove.Suchnoticeofparticipationshallincludetheemailaddressesofsuchpartiesortheircounsel.Therespondentsimultaneouslyshall serveacopyofthenoticeofparticipationoncounseltotheCompany.Pursuantto5VAC5-20-80B, Participationasarespondent,oftheCommission’sRulesofPractice,anynoticeofparticipationshallsetforth:(i)aprecisestatementoftheinterestoftherespondent; (ii)astatementofthespecificactionsoughttotheextentthenknown;and(iii)thefactualandlegalbasisfortheaction.Anyorganization,corporation,orgovernmentbodyparticipatingasarespondentmustberepresentedbycounselasrequiredby5VAC5-20-30, Counsel,oftheRulesofPractice.AllfilingsshallrefertoCaseNo.PUR-2022-00052.
OnorbeforeMarch24,2023,eachrespondentmayfilewiththeClerkoftheCommission,,anytestimonyandexhibitsbywhichtherespondentexpectstoestablishitscase.Anyrespondentunable,asapracticalmatter,tofile testimonyandexhibitselectronicallymayfilesuchbyU.S.mailtotheClerkoftheCommissionattheaddresslistedabove.Eachwitness’stestimonyshallincludeasummarynottoexceedonepage.AlltestimonyandexhibitsshallbeservedontheCompany,Staff, andallotherrespondents.Inallfilings,respondentsshallcomplywiththeCommission’sRulesofPractice,asmodifiedherein,including,butnotlimitedto:5VAC5-20-140, Filingandservice;and5VAC5-20-240, Preparedtestimonyandexhibits.Allfilingsshallrefer toCaseNo.PUR-2022-00052.
VNGisproposingrevisionstotheTermsandConditionsofitsexistingTariffincluding:SectionsI,III,VI,VII,XandXIXforclarityanduniformitypurposes;SectionXVIII,toexpanditsexistingCommissionapprovedpracticeofprovidingupto100feetofserviceline fromthemaintothecustomer’smeterwithoutcharge,toalsoincludecertaincustomersinstallinganytwonaturalgasappliances;andSectionXX,toupdatetheSystemPeakDayFirmSalesVolume,DemandChargeAllocationFactors,andthetargetmarginforthe MarginSharingAdjustment.
20 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
OnorbeforeJune6,2023,anyinterestedpersonmaysubmitcommentsontheApplicationbyfollowingtheinstructionsfoundontheCommission’,asapracticalmatter,to submitcommentselectronicallymayfilesuchcommentsbyU.S.mailtotheClerkoftheStateCorporationCommission,c/oDocumentControlCenter,P.O.Box2118,Richmond,Virginia23218-2118.AllcommentsshallrefertoCaseNo.PUR-2022-00052.
OnAugust1,2022,VirginiaNaturalGas,Inc.(“VNG”or“Company”)filedwiththeStateCorporationCommission(“Commission”)anapplicationpursuanttoChapter10ofTitle56(§56-232 etseq.)oftheCodeofVirginia(“Code”)andtheCommission’sRules GoverningUtilityRateApplicationsandAnnualInformationalFilingsofInvestor-ownedGasandWaterUtilities,requestingauthoritytoincreaseitsratesandchargeseffectiveforusagebeginningJanuary1,2023,andtoreviseothertermsandconditionsapplicable toitsgasservice(“Application”).Specifically,VNGstatesthattheproposedratesandchargesaredesignedtoincreasetheCompany’sannualratebaserevenuebyapproximately$69.3millionperyear.TheApplicationstatestherequestedincreaseincludes approximately$15millionofrevenuesassociatedwiththeCompany’sStepstoAdvanceVirginia’sEnergy(“SAVE”)planpursuanttoCode§56-603 etseq.(“SAVEAct”).VNGstatesthatitisproposingtoincluderecoveryofthecostsassociatedwithapproximately $176millionofcumulativeSAVEinvestmentsasofDecember31,2022,inbaserates,aspermittedbytheSAVEAct.
VNGrequeststhatimplementationoftherateandtariffmodificationsproposedinitsApplicationbeauthorizedonaninterimbasis,subjecttorefund,effectiveJanuary1,2023.TheCompanyassertstherequestedbaserateincreasewouldincreasetheaverage residentialmonthlybillby$12.88basedonanannualconsumptionof599cubicfeetofnaturalgas.
TheCompanyalsoproposestoupdateRidersB,C,andDtoapplytheratesandconsumptionpatternsproposedbytheCompanyinthisfilingtoreflecttheWeatherNormalizationAdjustmentandtheRevenueNormalizationAdjustment.TheCompanyfurther proposestoupdateRiderEtoreflectthatexistingSAVERiderrelatedcostsareincludedintheRateYearrevenuerequirementandwillberecoveredinbaserates,notRiderrates.
Additionally,theOrderforNoticeandHearingsetsthepublichearingonVNG’sApplication.OnJune12,2023,at10a.m.,theCommissionwillholdatelephonichearing,withnowitnesspresentintheCommission’scourtroom,forthepurposeofreceivingthe testimonyofpublicwitnesses.OnorbeforeJune5,2023,anypersondesiringtooffertestimonyasapublicwitnessshallprovidetotheCommission(a)yourname,and(b)thetelephonenumberthatyouwishtheCommissiontocallduringthehearingtoreceiveyour testimony.ThisinformationmaybeprovidedtotheCommissioninthreeways:(i)byfillingoutaformontheCommission’;(ii);or(iii) bycalling(804)
AhearingwillbeconvenedonJune13,2023,at10a.m.,intheCommission’ssecondfloorcourtroomlocatedintheTylerBuilding,1300EastMainStreet,Richmond,Virginia23219,toreceivetestimonyandevidencefromtheCompany,anyrespondents,andthe Commission’sStaff.
TheCompanystatesthatitisnotearningsufficientannualrevenuestocoveritscostofservice,includingareasonablereturnoncommonequitycapital.VNGindicatesthattherevenuerequirementrequestedisdriveninlargepartbyincreasestotheCompany’s ratebasesinceitslastratecasein2020(“2020RateCase”)andthoseprojectedtooccurduringthe12-monthperiodendingDecember31,2023(“RateYear”),includingcapitalcostsassociatedwithinfrastructureprojects,andchangesinVNG’soperatingcostsasit continuestoexpandoversightoffieldoperations,implementprogramstoenhancecustomersatisfaction,modernizeitscomplianceandrecordkeepingsystems,andengageincommunityoutreachandsafetyeducationinitiatives.
AccordingtotheCompany,itsproposedrateincreaseisbasedonareturnoncommonequity(“ROE”)of10.35%.PerVNG,itsproposedweightedcostofcapitalfortheRateYearis7.68%(basedonthe10.35%proposedROE)withacapitalstructureof53.2% equityand46.8%totaldebt.VNGfurtherrequestsrecoveryoftworegulatoryassets:(1)forthepipelinesafetyinitiativescostsdeferredin2018and2019,totaling$300,000;and(2)fordeferredCOVID-relatedcostsandforegonelatefeesin2020and2021,totaling $3,582,212(theCOVIDdeferralincludescarryingchargesonanydeferredbalancesfor2020through2022),pursuanttotheStipulationapprovedbytheCommissioninVNG’s2020RateCase.
AnydocumentsfiledinpaperformwiththeOfficeoftheClerkoftheCommissioninthisdocketmayusebothsidesofthepaper.Inallotherrespects,exceptasmodifiedbytheCommission’sOrderforNoticeandHearing,allfilingsshallcomplyfullywiththe requirementsof5VAC5-20-150, Copiesandformat, oftheCommission’sRulesofPractice.
Pursuantto5VAC5-20-140, Filingandservice,oftheCommission’sRulesofPractice,theCommissionhasdirectedthatserviceonpartiesandtheCommission’sStaffinthismattershallbeaccomplishedbyelectronicmeans.PleaserefertotheCommission’s OrderforNoticeandHearingforfurtherinstructionsconcerningConfidentialorExtraordinarilySensitiveInformation.
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 21

Those interested in volunteering for or donating to the Tools 4 Teachers store can visit either website for information, email Office@4MCEF. com, or call 804-365-4300 with any questions.
RickRaines,SeniorMinister; ChrisSantasiere,AssociateMinister;SethWortman,Associate Minister;TracyThomas,Worship &MusicMinister;BillNicol,AssociateWorshipMinister;Davis Ellenberger,YouthMinister; AshleySears,Children’sDirector
MeadowbridgeSeventh-Day SabbathSchool,9:45am. WorshipService,11am. Churchphone:746-2788 meadowbridgesdachurch@gmai
LebanonUnitedMethodist Church 8492PeaksRoad,746-0980 SarahSealand,Pastor WorshipInPersonandon FacebookLive: 10:00ameachSunday 9:00amSundaySchool Formoreinfo,checkusoutat
WalnutGroveBaptistisaChurch committedtofollowingJesus& lovingpeople.Youcanfindusat wgva.church7046ColdHarborrd
ShadyGroveUnitedMethodist 8209ShadyGroveRd. atthecornerofMeadowbridge Rd.,Mechanicsville,804-746-9073
In-personWorshipSundaysat 8:15,9:45,&11:15a.m., Onlineat9:45a.m. Programsforallages. Rev.WayneSnead,Pastor
Saturday, Oct. 1
FairmountChristianChurch, 559-8070
adopting Brady, a 2 year old yellow Labrador retriever, his journey of training and his rewarding work with students. The club invites women in the community to join them for this exciting program. For more information, contact Bonnie Walter, the club’s membership chairman, at 804-650-0391.
Sunday, Sept. 25
The seventh Annual Hanover AutumnFest presented by Anton Paar will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hanover Tavern, 13181 Hanover Courthouse Rd, in Hanover and feature onsite smoked pork, turkey and beef brisket, Brunswick stew, side dishes and fresh pies from Hanover Tavern’s restaurant. In addition, there is local craft beer and wine, live music by the Anvil Brothers and Coleman & Fuller, as well as games and activities for the kids. Children’s activities include pumpkin decorating, petting zoo, hay slide, face painting, outdoor scavenger hunt, magic show and kids’ crafts. Admission is free and open to the public
The Mechanicsville Tea Party will meet at 7 p.m. at 6701 Cold Harbor Road in Mechanicsville. It is close to the traffic circle at Cold Harbor Road and Creighton Road directly across from Dollar General. This month Paul Thiel and Rick Ryan will speak about a topic that has been on the minds of a lot of people for the last two years: election integrity. In addition, they will hold their handgun raffle with a Shadow System MR-920 worth almost $1,000 as the prize.Meetings are open to everyone.
Worship inperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m. WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:00p.m. andBibleStudyat6:00p.m. Findusonthewebat
Continued from pg.
ShalomBaptistChurch 8116WalnutGroveRd. Office:746.7737 Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m WednesdayNightSuppersat 5:30p.m. andBibleStudyat6:15p.m. Findusonthewebat
Masscelebratedon Saturday5:30PM Sunday8:00&10:00AM
The Ashland Strawberry Faire’s annual membership meeting will be held at 10 a.m. at the Ashland Branch Library and will be followed by the Faire’s Board of Directors meeting at 10:30 a.m., which is also open to the public. For more information, email or call 804-997-1946.
Tuesday, Sept. 20
AdventCommunityChurch Mechanicsville,8079StudleyRd, (804)746.0895or746.0279
TruthBaptistChurch,627-2170 COME&SEE! Allinfoat:
see CALENDAR, pg. 22
BlackCreekBaptistChurch, 6289McClellanRoad SundaySchool-9:00a.m. SundayWorship-10:15a.m. AdultBibleStudy&YouthGroup Wed.nightsat6:00p.m. Pastor,StephenKendrick orcall(804)781-0330
NewHighlandBaptistChurch 550-9601,9200NewAshcakeRd,9:15AMBible Study,10:30AMWorshipInPerson&online.Rev.LarryFrakes
NewBethesdaBaptistChurch 9019NewBethesdaRd.779-2101 CalebBittler,Minister SundaySchool9:30AM, Worship10:45AM BibleStudy/Prayer Youth&Childrenactivities 6:30pm,Wednesday
The Veterans Administration (VA) and Disabled American Veterans (DAV) will conduct a VA Claims Clinic and Benefit Information Session from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the NAACP King William Branch, located at 694 Sharon Road, Suite K, King William, VA, 23086. Topics of discussion will include changes in VA policy and processes, Health Care Eligibility/ Caregivers Program, Women’s Veterans Program, Burial and Memorial Benefits. Veterans who are interested in filing a claim must bring DD-214 and a recent VA decision letter. All military veterans, spouses and dependents are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Lonnie O. Pierce, Sr. at: 410-991-5871 or
CoolSpringBaptistChurch 9283AtleeStationRd. Forinfo,activities&worship timesvisit orcall746-0800
Continued from pg. 12
6502CreightonRd. SundayAMWorshipTraditional 8:00&10:15,Contemporary9:00, Modern11:15,BibleSchoolat 9:00,10:15,&11:15.
Contact Glenn Baker with any questions at 804-752-8389. If he does not answer, leave a message and he will return your call.
WorshippingonSundays! In-person&onFacebook! 5351PoleGreenRd. Mechanicsville,23116 PhilPeacock,Pastor SundaySchool9a.m. Worship10a.m.
MechanicsvilleUnitedMethodist Church 7356AtleeRoad746-5118
427-7500 ∂ 8100ShadyGroveRd, Rev.RodneyBitely,Pastor;Sun. Sch.9:15am,Worship10:30am HOPECOMMUNITYCHURCH HomeofAtleeChristianAcademy&HopeNowCounseling. info& FairfieldPresbyterianChurch 6930ColdHarborRd.,23111 8:45&11:00amservices
"WhereGraceUnitesUs" 7252BeulahChurchRoad (HistoricBeulahChurch) Mechanicsville,23111
ChurchoftheRedeemer 8275MeadowbridgeRoad 746-4911
Sundays,10:30AM& Wed.Dinner,Study,Prayer: 6:00-8:00p.m.
AdventistChurch 7400AntiqueLaneMech., SaturdayServices:
Friday, Sept. 23
Enon United Methodist Church is hosting a “Homecoming” celebrating 185 years at 10:30 a.m. More information is available at 804-7464719 or
FellowshipCommunityChurchof Mechanicsville
nets, magnet clips, colored duct tape, pencils, notebook paper, highlighters, markers, a bag with a variety of incentive items, colored construction paper, wall hanging putty, birthday certificates, accomplishment certificate, packs of glue sticks, reusable water bottles, large post it tablets, earbuds, subject notebooks, picture hangers, stress balls, cups, erasers, colored pencils, wooden toothpicks, scotch tape and dividers.Item donations can be dropped off at either MCEF, located at 7235 Stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville, or ACES, located at 507 Caroline Street # B in MonetaryAshland.donations can be made on either the MCEF ( or ACES ( websites. More information on the Tools 4 Teachers program can be found on both websites.
After10yearsatHanoverHigh Schoolwehavepurchasedour ownbuilding.Wecontinueto teachtheWordofGodand watchforthemiraculous. JoinusSundaymornings9:45am at8505BellCreekRoad,SuiteK.
WednesdayeveningPrayer Meeting,6:30pm.
"LoveGod,Learn theBible,CareforPeople" GlennHawkins,Pastor MechanicsvilleBaptistChurch 8016AtleeRd. Office:746.7253
St. Paul Lutheran Church is seeking vendors for their 2022 Fall Craft Sale. This event
Saturday, Sept. 24
5146MechanicsvilleTurnpike SundayAMWorshipServices (Checkwebsitefortimes) 804-779-2044
3407KingWilliamRd. Aylett,23009 JeffPoythress,Pastor Worship9:30a.m. SundaySchool10:30a.m.
ReverendAmyDunn,pastor 10aminpersonworshipor Facebooklive@MechUMC ChildrensandYouthPrograms CubScoutsPack517
BroadusMemorialBaptist 804-779-2700
A genealogist for more than 40 years, Bessida Cauthorne White is the family historian for 10 families, manages DNA results for more than 40 persons, is widely sought as a presenter and has conducted workshops on genealogy and family reunion plan-
ning. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Virginia State College, now Virginia State University, in 1969. She then received a Juris Doctorate from the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William and Mary in 1980. She was the first black person and the first woman to serve as president of the Student Bar Association at College of William and Mary. She became the first black woman to serve on the bench in Virginia when appointed a substitute judge of the General District Court of the City of Richmond in 1983.
AffordableHomeRepairs Carpentry,Roofing,Siding, ReplacementWindows,Gutters &Decks.Lic/Ins.BBBA+Rating! JimMartin,804-347-3812 HanoverChimneySweeps Servingareasince1981.Ins. Chimney&GutterCleaning. 746-1056 Bernard’sConcreteServices Concrete,RetainingWalls,Pavers, Brick,Sidewalks.Install&repair. FreeEstimates.Licensed&Insured. References.CallorText804-874-9184 RVAPAVING Commercial&ResidentialAsphalt Paving.SealCoating,Repair,Crack Filling,&Restriping.ClassA.Lic&Ins. Call804-840-9993,forFreeEst. AffordableElectricalInstallations Foryourhomeorbusiness. Lic./Ins.BBB746-4350 BLSElectrical SpecializinginResidential Service,NewResidential andalsoLEDLighting. AffordablepricingLic/Ins. 804-397-5478oremailat DannyElectric SpecializinginResidential Service.Professionalworkthat youcanafford!Lic/Ins. DannyHinton,804-640-5044 **FenceScapes**559-8797 CustomWood,Chain-Link, Vinyl,OrnamentalAluminum. GoodNeighborFenceInc Customwood,Aluminum, Vinyl,Chainlink&repairs A+BBB…Angie’sList 804-737-4664 HomeMaintenance&Repairs Veteranoperated. Over30yearsexperience CallDave,804-874-4774 Purcell Construction CustomBuilder HunterPurcell 804-972-2215 www.PurcellConstruction.Biz CustomRenovations&Homes ∂ Additions ∂ ChurchRenovations ∂ Decks ∂ Porches∂ Siding ∂ Windows ∂ Barns ∂ Ramps ∂ InsuranceClaims ∂ Renovations&MORE!ClassA License&Insured ∂ 38yrsexp ∂ A+RatingwiththeBBB&Angie’s List. Don’tMove...Improve! GutterSpecialist SeamlessGutters,Guards,Cleanings& Repairs,21yrs.exp.Lic/Ins.FreeEst. StrongholdConstruction804-218-1136 HerringHomeImprovementWindows,Decks,Sheds,Repairs Licensed&Insured.Call537-5755 ABROWN’SHOUSEWASHING ROOFSTAINSREMOVAL 804-937-8351 AffordableQualityWash Homes,decks,sidewalks,etc 804-550-2345 ServingHanoverfor25years HANOVERHANDYSERVICES LowPressurePowerwashing GutterCleaningLic.&Ins.Call363-8393 GroundKeepersLawnCare Your#1Choice GrassCutting•Trimming•Hedges TreeWork•Mulching•Aerating• Seeding•FREEEst.•ReasonableRates RickCustalow,804-517-3321 HANOVERLAWNCARE Offering localresidentsHighQuality LawnCareservicesatanAffordable Rate.AerateOnlyorwithseed/ fertilizer.LIC&INS ∂ Call804-398-8287 LAWNCAREPLUS- Complete LawnCare&Landscaping LEAFREMOVAL WeofferCurbside&FullService LeafRemoval! FullyLic/Ins. FreeEstimates 730-2367 PoleGreenLawnCare,LLC. Providingmowing,hedgetrimming, andmulchingservices. PleasecallortextJarrod804-514-8214 GuyStinchfieldPainting&Repair Int./Ext.Painting,Carpentry,Drywall Repair,PressureWashing,Wallpaper Removal.Lic/Ins.20yrsexperience Refereneces.FreeEst.804-439-7700 PCTRemodeling Exterior/InteriorPainting. Licensed/Insured.264-9352 Gary’sPlumbing RepairService.Lic./Ins. 218-1467 PaulBrownPlumbing-inBusiness Since1983.NewResidential,Light Commercial,Renovations,Additions& Service.Wedoitall!SeniorCitizen Discounts.Forfreeestimate,746-5030 30+YearsofLocalExperience FinancingOptionsAvailableNOW!! Residential&Commercial Repairs,StormDamage,StandingSeam Metal&Copper,GutterInstallation ClassA Licensed-FullyInsured CallUsTodayForYour FreeEstimate Mechanicsville: 804-559-4144 NorthernNeck: 804-435-4044 Website: TheLocalsChoiceWinner2017-2020 DavidsonRoofingCo. ResidentialRoofing&Repair Specialists.Lic/Insured GAFMasterEliteContractor BBB/FreeEstimates 804-672-0540 Roofing-AllTypesofInstallation& Repair.40+yearsofexperience. Licensed/Insured.BBBA+Rating! JimMartin804-347-3812 STUMPGRINDING 804-387-5797 Mechanicsville PCTRemodeling Tile/Kitchens&Baths FreeEst.Licensed&Insured. Call264-9352 24HourEmergencyStormService Trimming,Topping, Tree&StumpRemoval.Firewood. Lic.&Ins./Res.&Comm804-937-3671 WilliamA.SilvaJr.,Owner/Operator Bernard’sTreeService TreeRemoval,StumpGrinding,Landscaping,Cleanout,Mulching,Planting &More!FreeEst.Licensed&Insured References.CallorText804-874-9184 PayitForwardTreeServiceTree,Lawn&HandymanServ. StormDamage,StumpGrinding &LogSplitting.CreditCards Acct.FreeEst.Ins.804-387-3434 TreeRemoval,Trimming,Stump Grinding,etc.NoJobtooBIGor small.Lic/Ins.FreeEstimates. Tree&ShrubPruning,Removals, StumpGrinding.Health/RiskAssessments.Insured.FreeEstimates. 804-779-2170 CertifiedArboristandMDLTE Tree&StumpRemoval ∂ Lot Clearing ∂ BrushRemoval Topping&Trimming InsuredFreeEstimates 804-730-0600 Trimming&TakeDowns.Stump Grinding.Ifit’streework wedoit!Insured.FreeEst. BBBTHANKYOU!!! MC/VISA/Discover. EXTERIORHOUSECLEANINC 804-550-0313 WindowWashing-Res.&Comm. Totalexteriorhousecleaning DiscountsforSeniors,Military& FirstResponders.Licensed&Insured. VETERANOWNEDBUSINESS! CHIMNEYCLEANING PLUMBING ROOFING STUMPREMOVAL TILE CARPENTRYFENCINGTREESERVICE HOMEREPAIR CONCRETE&BRICK DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICAL GENERALREPAIRTREESERVICE GENERALCONTRACTORS GUTTER WINDOWS HOUSEWASHING LAWNCARE PAINTING HOMEIMPROVEMENTSPECIALISTS Toadvertise,emailusat Call746-1235tofindout aboutadvertisewithThe Localinprintandonline!

Photo courtesy of the Hanover County Black Heritage Society Shown is Old Pole Green Elementary School presented by the “Early African-American Schools in Hanover County” segment of the Hanover County Black Heritage Society’s fall Historical Guest Speaker Lecture Series.

The Hanover County Black Heritage Society encourages the community to also share their stories, as school and life experiences will be reflected upon by students and employees of the Hanover County Public School system and from where they drew inspirations for life. An Encore Presentation of the program will be held today, Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Atlee Branch ContinuingLibrary.theseries, the Ashland Branch Library will host “Genealogy 101: Climbing Your Family Tree – An Introduction to African American Genealogy” on Wednesday, Sept. 21 from 7 to 8 p.m. This program will have limited capacity and requires registration with the Ashland Branch Library.
African American research will be discussed with special attention given to tracing African Americans back to the period of slavery. Session attendees will receive multiple handouts containing relevant resources.
Continued from pg. 21
22 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022

from pg. 14
will be rain or shine and held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 8100 Shady Grove Road in Mechanicsville, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Vendors will need to bring their own table, chair and tent and cannot sell food or quilts. Vendor spaces offered will be outside and are limited to a first come/ first serve basis. The cost to rent a 9’x16’ space is $25. Vendors should contact Debbie Harris at Saintpaul. to sign up or call the church office at 804-427-7500.

Cool Spring Baptist Church, located at 9283 Atlee Station Road in Mechanicsville, is hosting an
In 2004, she co-founded the Middle Peninsula African-American Historical and Genealogical Association and currently serves as its president. She teaches genealogy at Rappahannock Community College and is also a co-founder of the Greater Richmond, Virginia Chapter of the Afro-American Genealogical and Historical Society (AAHGS). She serves or has served on the boards of the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia, the Library of Virginia Foundation, and the Middlesex County Museum and Historical Society.
see CALENDAR, pg. 25
This talk will provide tips and strategies for beginning family research. It will include an overview of basic genealogy terms and tools, the use of public and private records, internet sources, oral history and DNA. Techniques and resources that are unique to
-Metro Creative

odern homes showcase many dazzling features, but perhaps none draw as much as instant attention as floor-to-ceiling windows. Often seen in high-rise apartments that boast panoramic city views, floor-to-ceiling windows also are right at home in single-family dwellings. Homeowners considering floor-to-ceiling windows may have lots of questions. The following rundown can provide some basic information that can help homeowners decide if floor-toceiling windows are right for their homes.
Lighting and energy efficiency
Cost is often the primary consideration when mulling a home renovation, and that’s even more significant as the world confronts the rising costs associated with inflation. The cost of installing floor-to-ceiling windows depends on a host of variables, including how many windows will be needed and where homeowners live. According to Modernize¨, a service that facilitates connections between renovation-minded homeowners and local contractors, a floor-to-ceiling window wall costs somewhere between $700 to $1,600
efficient floor-to-ceiling windows will likely cost more due to excess energy consumption.

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the view floor-to-ceiling windows provide, especially in homes surrounded by serene natural settings like woods or properties that abut waterways. But that view outward also provides a view in, potentially compromising privacy. All that extra exposure to sunlight also can cause fabrics to fade over time. Floor-to-ceiling blinds and shades can protect homeowners’ privacy and reduce fading on furniture, but this extra feature will add to the final cost of the project. Smart window tinting is another way to improve privacy and reduce fading, but this feature also will drive up the cost.
Privacy and fading
Floor-to-ceiling windows can be awe-inspiring. Homeowners considering such windows for their homes are urged to do their homework to ensure their homes are well-suited to this unique feature.
FALL HOME IMPROVEMENT What to know about floor-to-ceiling windows Metro Creative Connection 8082MechanicsvilleTurnpike 804-746-4470 APPLIANCESTORE WhereyouALWAYS getaBETTERBUY andSERVICEToo! FactoryTrainedTechnicians TrainedSalesAssociates RelaxedAtmosphere•Since1964 BeverageChillers Compactors&Disposers CookingParts&Accesories Refigerators Washers&Dryers WolfGourmet Weselllargeandsmallappliancesincluding: CLocals h ice the 2020 TheMechanicsvilleLocal Ashland-HanoverLocal WINNER 1st Place CLocals h ice the 2021 TheMechanicsvilleLocal Ashland-HanoverLocal WINNER 1st Place


A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 3B

per linear foot. Framing and glazing will add to those costs. Homeowners considering floorto-ceiling windows are urged to receive several estimates for the project prior to choosing a contractor.
One of the more appealing aspects of floorto-ceiling windows is all the natural light they allow in. Of course, all that light also can drive up energy costs on sunny summer days. One way around that is to install energy efficient windows. Such windows include extra insulation to prevent cool air from escaping the home on summer days, which can reduce the need to lower the thermostat on your air conditioning. A wall of glass also can provide less insulation against the cold. The extra insulation in energy efficient windows also helps keep warm air from escaping a home in the winter. Energy efficient windows may cost more than less efficient alternatives. However, over the long haul, a wall of less
Request(s)aSpecialExceptionPermitinaccordancewithSection26-175.1oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetoallowachilddaycarecenteronGPIN8704-74-4460,consistingof approximately0.76acres,zonedM-2,LightIndustrialDistrict,andlocatedontheeastlineofElmDrive(StateRoute1108)approximately350feetsouthofitsintersectionwithEagleDrive (privateroad).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville
Request(s)aSpecialExceptionPermitinaccordancewithSection26-334.2oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitatemporarysalestraileronGPINs7796-94-6872, 7796-95-4087,and7796-95-8003,consistingofapproximately8.34acres,zonedR-1,Single-FamilyResidentialDistrict,andlocatedonthesouthlineofAtleeRoad(StateRoute638)atits intersectionwithHollycroftCourt(StateRoute2329).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Chickahominy
Request(s)anamendmenttotheproffersandconceptualplanapprovedwithrezoningrequestC-20-04,Am.1-15,TLHunt,L.L.C.,onGPIN8706-24-3693(part),consistingofapproximately 1.05acres,torezonefromB-1(c),NeighborhoodBusinessDistrictwithconditions,toB-2(c),CommunityBusinessDistrictwithconditions,andlocatedonthewestlineofChamberlayneRoad (U.S.Route301)approximately450feetnorthofitsintersectionwithRutlandshireDrive(StateRoute2320).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasSuburban General(1.5–3dwellingunitsperacre).Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitarestaurantwithadrive-throughintheproposedB-2District.(PUBLICHEARING) Magisterial District:Chickahominy
Request(s)torezonefromR-1(c),Single-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,B-2(c),CommunityBusinessDistrictwithconditions,andB-O(c),BusinessOfficeDistrictwithconditions, toB-3(c),GeneralBusinessDistrictwithconditions,onGPINs8714-57-1638,8714-47-9589,8714-47-8592,8714-47-8443,8714-47-9308,8714-47-9457,8714-57-0448,and 8714-57-0592,consistingofapproximately1.61acres,andlocatedonthesouthlineofMechanicsvilleTurnpike(U.S.Route360)atitsintersectionwithBellCreekRoad(StateRoute642).The subjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasCommercial.Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldallowforanautomatedcarwash.(PUBLICHEARING) Magisterial District:Mechanicsville
CopiesoftheabovecasemaybereviewedinthePlanningOffice,MondaythroughFriday,betweenthehoursof8:30a.m.and5:00p.m.,pleasecontactthePlanningOfficeoryoumayalso goto
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 23
Request(s)torezonefromB-1(c),NeighborhoodBusinessDistrictwithconditionstoRM(c),Multi-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,onGPIN8714-77-2332,consistingofapproximately 6.5acres,andlocatedonthesouthlineofMechanicsvilleTurnpike(U.S.Route360)approximately350feeteastofitsintersectionwithMeadowDrive(StateRoute1120).Thesubject propertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasMulti-Family(8to15dwellingunitsperacre).Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitthecreationof144age-restricted apartments.ThisdevelopmentwillshareaninternalroadthatprovidescrossaccesswiththeCambridgeSquareApartments(GPIN8714-87-1189).Thetotalnumberofdwellingunitsforboth developmentswillbe351unitson26.2acresforagrossdensityof13.4unitsperacre.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville
Request(s)aSpecialExceptionPermitinaccordancewithSection26-336oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermitastructuretallerthanpermittedonGPIN7787-47-6301, consistingofapproximately25.95acres,zonedM-1(c),LimitedIndustrialDistrictwithconditionsandR-5(c),Multi-FamilyResidentialDistrictwithconditions,andlocatedonthewestlineof LakeridgeParkway(StateRoute782)approximately0.39milesnorthofitsintersectionwithSlidingHillRoad(StateRoute656).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna
NoticeisherebygiventhattheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorshasset Wednesday,September28,2022at6:00P.M., orassoonthereafterastheBoard’sconsiderationofthe administrativeagendapermits,intheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCountyGovernmentBuildingatHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia,astheday,date,time,andplaceforapublichearing toconsiderthefollowingcases,atwhichpubliccommentswillbeaccepted:
Request(s)torezonefromA-1,AgriculturalDistricttoAR-6(c),AgriculturalResidentialDistrictwithconditionsonGPIN7799-56-6779,consistingofapproximately11.54acres,andlocated ontheeastlineofMechumpsCreekLane(privateroad)approximately0.25milesnorthofMountHermonRoad(StateRoute656).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLand UsePlanMapasAgricultural.Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitthecreationofoneadditionalbuildinglotforfamilyforagrossdensityofone(1)dwellingunitper5.77acres. (PUBLICHEARING)
Request(s)torezonefromR-1,Single-FamilyResidentialDistrict,toB-2(c),CommunityBusinessDistrictwithconditions,onGPINs8705-53-2068and8705-52-4989,consistingof approximately1.57acres,andlocatedontheeastlineofMeadowbridgeRoad(StateRoute627)approximately700feetnorthofitsintersectionwithAtleeRoad(StateRoute638).Thesubject propertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanMapasCommercial.Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldallowforthedevelopmentofathree(3)unitretailstripcenterthatincludes asingledrive-throughrestaurant.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Mechanicsville
Pleasereference“Route1–Route30IntersectionImprovements” inallcorrespondence.Commentswillbereceiveduntil5:00PM, October3rd,2022tobeincludedinthepublicrecord.
HanoverCountywillholdaninformationmeetingonMonday, September19th,2022,from5:30PMto6:30PMinthecafeteria oftheMechanicsvilleElementarySchool,7425Mechanicsville ElementaryDrive,Mechanicsville,Virginia,topresentpreliminary roadwayplansfortheproposedimprovementsfortheRt.360 Business/AtleeRd/ColdHarborRdintersection.
HanoverCountywillholdaninformationmeetingonThursday, September 22nd,2022,from6:30PMto7:30PMattheDoswell Community Center (Ruritan Club meeting loca tion) loca ted at 16433WashingtonHighway,Doswell,Virginia,topresentpreliminary roadwayplansfortheproposedimprovementsfortheRoute1/ Route30intersection.
Questionsandcommentswillbeacceptedpriortoandfollowing themeetingandeveryeffortwillbemadetoaddressquestions receivedpriortothemeetingduringthepresentation.Questionsand commentscanbesubmittedtopublicworks@hanovercounty.govor mailedtotheDept.ofPublicWorks,P.O.Box470,Hanover,VA23069.
Adiagramofthepreliminaryroadalignment,plansandotherexhibits canbeviewedontheDept.ofPublicWorkswebpageunder“Quick Links”atthefollowinglink:
HanoverCountyensuresnondiscriminationandequalemployment inallprogramsandactivitiesinaccordancewithTitleVIandTitleVII oftheCivilRightsActof1964.Anyonerequiringspecialassistance toattendandparticipateinthismeetingmaycontacttheDept.of PublicWorksat(804)365-6181orTTY/TDD711orviaemailat
Thepurposeofthismeetingistopresentthepreliminary roadwaydesignincludingtheroadalignment,intersection layoutandpedestrianaccommodationsearlyinthe developmentoftheprojecttoallowthepublictohaveearly inputinthedesignprocess.RightofWayneedshaveNOTbeen fullyassessedatthistime.
Adiagramofthepreliminaryroadalignment,plansandother exhibitscanbeviewedontheDept.ofPublicWorkswebpage under“QuickLinks”atthefollowinglink: HanoverCountyensuresnondiscriminationandequalemployment inallprogramsandactivitiesinaccordancewithTitleVIandTitleVII oftheCivilRightsActof1964.Anyonerequiringspecialassistance toattendandparticipateinthismeetingmaycontacttheDept.of PublicWorksat(804)365-6181orTTY/TDD711orviaemailat
Questionsandcommentswillbeacceptedpriortoandfollowing themeetingandeveryeffortwillbemadetoaddressquestions receivedpriortothemeetingduringthepresentation.Questions andcommentscanbesubmittedtopublicworks@hanovercounty. govormailedtotheDept.ofPublicWorks,P.O.Box470,Hanover, VA23069.Pleasereference“Rt.360BUS./AtleeRd/ColdHarbor RdIntersectionImprovements”inallcorrespondence.Comments willbereceiveduntil5:00PM,September29th,2022tobeincluded inthepublicrecord.
Thepurposeofthismeetingistopresentthepreliminaryroadway designincludingtheroadalignmentandintersectionlayoutearly inthedevelopmentoftheprojecttoallowthepublictohaveearly inputinthedesignprocess.RightofWayneedshaveNOTbeen fullyassessedatthistime.
24 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS LEGALDISPLAYADS Weddingannouncementandengagementsubmissions Forinformationonsubmittinganengagementorwedding, contactCindyAdamsat804-775-4616 Joininthe conversation. We’reonFacebook at
All Souls Episcopal Church celebrates Holy Eucharist Rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 Atlee Rd. in Mechanicsville. A nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. Dougherty is the Deacon in charge of All Souls. Visit www.
Noticeisherebygiventhat theHanoverCountyBoardof Supervisorshasset Wednesday, September28,2022at6:00P.M., intheBoardRoomoftheHanover CountyAdministrationBuildingat HanoverCourthouse,7516County ComplexRoad,Hanover,Virginia, astheday,date,time,andplacefora RegularBoardMeeting.
Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions One Stop Shop (MCEF OSS) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 Stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency.
•Excellentsupplementalincome– Earnupto $1,800permonth

“Understanding Dementia” workshop from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. For more information call 804-789-5510.
• Manageyourownschedule andfreeupmostofyourday; workonly3-4hoursbetween1-6a.m.daily

Continued from pg. 22
Trinity Lutheran Church, Ashland Campus, located at 11515 Ashcake Road in Ashland 2 miles west of U.S.
AllyouneedisadependablevehicleandavalidVirginiadriver’s licenseforconsideration.
Noticeisherebygiventhat,pursuanttoVirginiaCode Section15.2-2507,theHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisors willholdapublichearingonanamendmenttotheFY23 Budgetintheamountof$10,500,000.Thesefundswillbe usedbytheHanoverCountyDepartmentofPublicUtilitiesto completeaconstructionprojectattheDoswellWastewater TreatmentPlant.ThispublichearingwillbeheldonWednesday, September28,2022at6:00p.m.intheBoardRoomof theHanoverCountyAdministrationBuilding,7516County ComplexRoad,Hanover,Virginia.Atthattime,interested personsmaypresentwrittenororalstatementsandask questionsregardingtheproposedbudgetamendment.The optionsavailableforprovidingwrittenororalstatementsare
1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor Rev. Dr. Roy Minnix. Visit or call 804-2709626.
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 25 LEGAL DISPLAYADS LEGAL DISPLAYADS

Becomeanindependentcontractor,deliverycarrier QUALIFYFORA
Walnut Grove Baptist Church, located at 7046 Cold Harbor Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111, will be conducting classes Wednesday mornings with open enrollment from Sept. 14, 2022 through May 17, 2023. Classes will meet from 9 to 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact the church office: (804) 746-5081 or Frank at or 804-402-7701. The classes are free but they ask the students to purchase the books required for their class.
and Recovery SS Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist Church
see CALENDAR, pg. 27
Signingbonusisforalimitedtime,sodon’tmissout. (804)649-6872tolearnmore.
Benefitsofthispart-time,contractopportunitywiththe RichmondTimes-Dispatchteam:

26 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 HillElectrical,Incishiring Electricians&Helpers. DriversLicense&own TransportationRequired. Call804-746-3122 LargehomeintheAvondaleSub-Nice quietneighborhood.Privatebedroom/ bathroom&useofkitchenandlaundry room.Mustbeneat,clean,honest& drug-free.$700/month.Fordetailscall 804-512-6236 ResponsibleRoommate neededimmediately. 1/3rent&1/3utilitiespermonth. Call804-516-7282 L&LCleaningServices-Wecreate FREETIMEforbusypeople! Recurringservice,deepcleans, movingcleans&one-timecleans Calltodaytoschedule! Bonded&Insured. AccreditedA+RatingBBB! Hauling-AllTypesofLightHauling Trash-Brush-Junk-CleanOut GaragesandSheds-Etc. ReasonablePrices. Call804-347-4943or804-746-8653 BackAgain! 23116-HugeAnnualIndoor Yard&BakeSaleBenefitsHaitiMinistry Fri.9/16,2pm-6pm& Sat.9/17,7am-12noon CreditCardsAccepted. THEULTIMATESALEfor BargainHunters! CatholicChurchoftheRedeemer 8275MeadowbridgeRoad,Mech. Haiti-Ministry MULTI-FAMILYYARDSALE GeorgetownSubdivison Saturday,September17 8amtoNOON 11046MillpondLane Furniture,HouseholdItems,Children’s clothingandtoys,Decorations,Craft ItemsandSupplies,Toolsandmuch muchmore!*CLOSEOUT-INVENTORY -LONGABERGERPRODUCTS-PRICED TOSELL! 42INCHROUNDOAKPUBTABLEWITH 2-BARSTOOLS,$300;BUZZAROUND LITEMOBILITYSCOOTER,$300,NEEDS BATTERY;PLEASECALL804-730-1548. Announcements YARD&ESTATESALES YARD&ESTATESALES Business& ServiceDirectory CLEANING&HOUSEKEEPING HAULING Merchandise MISCELLANEOUSFORSALE Residential forRent ApartmentReferral ServicesPolicy

Apartmentreferralservicecompaniesselllists ofavailableapartments forrentinyourarea.

Pleasereadcontracts thoroughlytoensure

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DIRECTOROFMHOUTPATIENTSERVICES Startingsalaryrangeis$85,000-$95,000basedonexperience. DEVELOPMENTALSERVICESCASEMANAGER StartingSalary$50,000-$55,000basedonexperience. SUBSTANCEUSEDISORDERLEADCLINICIAN ** $5000SIGNINGBONUSOFFERED** Startingsalaryranges;Licenseeligiblecandidates$57,000. Licensed candidates$63,000-$68,000. PEERSUPPORTSPECIALIST Salaryrange$42,000-$45,000 INHOMESUPPORTSPECIALISTS, DIRECT SUPPORTSPECIALISTS(DSP) Parttimeafternoon/evening&weekend.$18.50/hour. VANTRANSPORTATIONDRIVER Morninghoursandlateafternoonhours.$18.00/hr. NOWHIRING 100%SatisfactionGuaranteed PriceMatchGuarantee 15%OFF ANYSERVICECALL Installs&Service—Residential&Commercial DuctCleaning•AirQualityTesting•TanklessWaterHeaters 804-784-4354• FamilyOwnedandOperatedSince1974 Roofing StandardRoofingCo. 746-5110 Hotline837-7240 Nojobtoosmall-alltypesofroofing FREEEstimatesLicensed/Insured 434-906-8865 4 w APRILWARD

Third Thursdays
Continued from pg. 25
The Ashland Rotary Club meets weekly at noon at the Iron Horse Restaurant at 100 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland. For more information, contact Steve Dunham at 804-4966093 or sandrdunham@yahoo. com.Overcomers Outreach & Women’s Codependency is a Christ-centered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering alcoholics, addicts and their families. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at Shalom Baptist Church at 8116 Walnut Grove Road Mechanicsville. For more information, call 804366-6524 or email mjfaith1@ Baptist Church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the Christian Life Center (CLC) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 New Ashcake Road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. Contact Jeff Fitzgerald at with anyCivilquestions.AirPatrol, Hanover Squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church, 6930 Cold Harbor Road, in Mechanicsville. CAP is an awesome program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train America’s next generation of Leaders. You’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model Rocketry, Earning Rank &
Hanover County Historical Society will be conducting free tours of the Old Hanover Courthouse on the Historic Courthouse Green from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every second Tuesday through December. The address is 13182 Hanover Courthouse Road in Hanover. For more information, visit
The Atlee Ruritan Club meets every fourth Monday at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Route 301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. Ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill and community service. The Atlee Club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve a spot for dinner, call (804) 789-9365.
Second Wednesday
Alzheimer’s/Dementia support group for caregivers and others who want to help and encourage those who have loved ones with dementia illnesses meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month on Zoom. For more information, contact Jennifer Bean at 804-559-2805 or the church office at 804-746-9073.
Second Mondays
Ruritan Club meets every fourth Monday at Hillcrest Baptist Church on Rt.301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. Ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill, and community service. The Atlee Club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve your spot for dinner, call (804) 789-9365.
Hanover Rotary meets
January through October, The American Legion Post 175 hosts a “Community Breakfast” from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The breakfast is open to the public and is located at 8700 Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville.
The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD meets the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the new Atlee Library, 9212 Rutlandshire Drive, Mechanicsville. The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD is a program that focuses on providing information to seniors to improve their quality of life. The Hanover-Ashland TRIAD is a joint venture involving the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Ashland Police Department, AARP, Hanover County governmental agencies, human services agencies, civic groups and seniors themselves.
The Hanover County Community Services Board meets at 6:30 p.m. at 12300
Third Tuesdays
The Building Bridges group of Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville United Methodist Church, 7356 Atlee Road in Mechanicsville. Visit
Third Mondays
from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Roma’s Restaurant at 7240 Bell Creek Rd. in Mechanicsville. Due to the pandemic, contact President Penny at for current meeting at Roma’s or Zoom connection information.
The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 27
The Hanover Ruritan Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month, at Walnut Grove Baptist Church with dinner at 6.30 p.m. Ruritan is a national organization dedicated to improving communities and building a better America through fellowship, goodwill and community service. The first Ruritan Club was chartered May 21, 1928, in Holland, Virginia. Ruritan has grown throughout the United States of America, and in doing so has become. “America’s Leading Community Service Organization”. Membership in Ruritan is an honor and privilege. To learn more about Ruritan, how to become a member, request a membership application or with questions, please call, 746-5728 or by letter to, Hanover Ruritan, P. O. Box 625, Mechanicsville, VA 23111. To be a guest of the club, call the numbers listed above. Hanover Ruritan welcomes both men and women.
The WEB of Hope meets from 10 a. m. to noon at the Black Creek Baptist Church at 6289 McClellan Road in Mechanicsville. It is one of several groups in the Richmond area that crochets, knits, sews, and quilts gifts for the American Red Cross to distributed to those in need. Since its inception, the WEB has donated over 153,000 gifts locally, nationally and globally. If you can make it, the WEB can use it. There are so many organizations in need of help. For more information, call Laurie Wagner at 804-7810338.
Fourth Monday
at 7046 Cold Harbor Rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the NorthStar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 Steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. All are welcome. Contact 804-7465081 or contact Craig Simpson at, a Narcotics Anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey Regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm Rd. in Hanover. Contact John Shinholser, McShin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://www.mcshin. org.
Second Tuesdays
The FeedMore Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing food from 10 to 11 a.m. at the First Shiloh Baptist Church at 8150 Walnut Grove Rd. in Mechanicsville. Contact Heather at hshaheen96@
Washington Hwy. in Ashland.
Hanover Community Services Board says if you are a family member or friend of someone who has a mental illness, you are not alone. There is support. Hanover Community Services Board offers a family support group on the second Wednesday of every month from 7p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Bell Creek location, 8475 Bell Creek Road in Mechanicsville. Facilitators Rebecca Strader and Heidi Brown invite you to attend this group that follows NAMI principles of confidentiality, respect, empathy and support to one another. No sign up or registration is required. Contact Rebecca at 804-365-6746 or Heidi at 804-365-6769.
Last Saturday
The Hanover Concert Band rehearses from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, midJanuary through mid-December, at the Hanover Arts and Activities Center at 500 S. Railroad Ave. in Ashland, just south of U.S. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a nonstring instrument. High school students are welcome with parents’ permission. Visit”aRoad175,callhanoverconcertband.orgwww.or804-789-0536.TheAmericanLegionPostlocatedat8700BellCreekinMechanicsville,holds“MeetandGreet,Coffeeandeventfrom9-11a.m.Tuesdayforthecommu-andperspectivemembersmeetmembersandlearnwhattheydofortheVisithttp://www.
The Mechanicsville Fellowship Club meets each month (excluding July and Aug.) at 10:30 a.m. in Room G110 of Shady Grove United Methodist Church at 8209 Shady Grove Rd. in Mechanicsville. Bring a covered dish and join in with a group celebrating faith, fellowship, friends and fun. Meetings are cancelled if Hanover County Public Schools are two hours late or cancelled due to inclement weather. To register, call the church at 804-7469073. For more information, call Janet Lewis at 804-3988947.The
Fourth Mondays
Second Thursday
The Ashland Museum holds Trivia Night on the third Thursday of each month at Origin Beer Lab, 106 S. Railroad Ave., Ashland, 6pm. Free, no reservations needed. Follow us on instagram (@ ashlandmuseum) or facebook. For information, email calllandmuseum@comcast.netash-or804-368-7314.
Awards, and much more. For more information, visit You can also call or email Capt James Wright at 804-551-3354 or james.wright@vawg.cap. gov.
28 The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 ERAWillBuyYourHouse&CloseInAsLittleAs30Days! Contactustoseeifyourhousequalifies ERAEXPRESSSELL (804)559-4644 or

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Charmingcoveredfront porchforrelaxingand sippingacooldrinkinthe eveningorenjoyingyour morningcoffee.Open livingroomleadsintothe kitchenanddiningarea. The3-sidedgasfireplaceprovidesgreatambiance.Fencedbackyardw/patio andanautomaticawning.Kitchenhasgasstove,dishwasher,andrefrigerator, alargepantryw/pulloutshelves&amuchneededlazySusan.1stfloor primarybedroomw/anensuiteandalargewalkincloset.Homeofficeorden withdoubleglassFrenchdoors(Caneasilyberepurposedasa2nd1stfloor bedroomw/fullbathbesideit).2ndfloorhasanotherbedroomandbath-Perfect forguests.Walkinatticwithstorage,UtilityRoomhaswasher&dryerthat conveys,builtinironingboardandacabinetforstorage.Alreadywiredfor ADTalarmsystem.AllthisandaWHOLEHOUSEGENERATOR!Youdon’t
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3bedrooms,21/2baths;butespeciallyexcitedtohave afirstfloorprimarybedroomwithabeautifultray ceiling,largeclosetandspaciousprimarybath!Your kitchenopensupintoanice,cozylivingroomwitha three-sidedgasfireplacealongwithamorningroom thatgivesgreatnaturallightandabeautifulviewof yourbackyard.Andtoreallyenjoyyourmorning coffee,stepoutbacktoyourpatiospace.Head upstairstothetworemainingbedrooms,onefull bathandagreatloftthatoverlooksyourdownstairs livingareaandcontinueswiththeviewsofyouryard. Thelofthasendlesspossibilitiesbutcanbeutilized askidsspace,craftareaorreadingnook.Doorways areabitwiderandwheelchairaccessibleaswell.


Improvement2022 A Special Supplement to YOUR LOCAL GUIDE TO HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS September 14, 2022

Cool-season grasses may keep growing and require moving even after a few frosts, so it’s imperative that homeowners determine which type of grass is in their yards.
ach weekend in spring, summer and fall, millions of homeowners fire up their mowers and cut the grass in their yards. A few hours spent mowing the lawn can be a great time to get some sun and some exercise in the great outdoors.
Metro Creative Connection
2B A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022
perature to determine if their grasses have stopped growing.
Shade trees that can make yards more comfortable
Warm-season grasses typically go dormant after a couple of significant frosts. Homeowners can jot down each frost during fall. Frosts are most noticeable in the early morning hours, so be sure to check lawn conditions each morning as the weather begins to grow cold. Frost may be noticeable without even
How to recognize when you can stop mowing
As fall gradually transitions to winter, homeowners may wonder when to stop mowing their lawns. Each lawn is different, and when to stop mowing may depend on a host of factors, including local climate and the type of turf. In addition to climate and turf, homeowners can keep an eye on these conditions to determine when the time is right to put their mowers away for the winter.

see SHADE, pg. 7
Warm-season grasses tend to stop growing once the soil temperature is consistently at 55 F or below, while cool-season grasses tend to stop when temperatures are 45 F or lower.
going outside, but homeowners may need to go outside to check on chilly mornings or on days when the previous night was especially cold. If you must go outside, stay off the grass to protect it. Two or three frosts might be enough to make warm-season grasses go dormant for the winter.
The Arbor Day Foundation notes that the northern catalpa is easily identifiable thanks to its heart-shaped leaves and twisting trunks and branches. Nature enthusiasts, and particularly those who enjoy birdwatching, may be happy to learn that the flowers of the catalpa are frequently visited by hummingbirds.
Quaking aspen
Falling leaves have long been a barometer used by homeowners to determine if they need to keep mowing their lawns. That’s not necessarily a reliable metric, as grass can still keep growing even if leaves have been falling for weeks.
Soil temperature
In addition, using a mulching mower when leaves begin falling is a great way to provide the lawn with nutrients it can use throughout the winter. Some trees shed their leaves more quickly than others, but it’s a good rule of thumb that lawns
The quaking aspen has the widest natural range of any tree in North America, spanning 47 degrees of latitude, 110 degrees of longitude (nine time zones) and elevations from sea level to timberline. That impressive range is no doubt why the United States Forest Service notes that the quaking aspen can grow in greatly diverse regions, environments and communities.
will need to keep being mowed if trees are still retaining more than half their leaves.
If it’s hard to determine if frosts have occurred, homeowners can try checking the temperature of their soil to decide if they need to keep mowing. The lawn care experts at Pennington recommend homeowners continue mowing warm-season grasses so long as they keep growing. Lawns may not grow as quickly in fall as they do in spring or summer, and growth may not be as visible to the naked eye during this time of year as it is in other times. Homeowners can routinely check soil tem-
A host of factors can help homeowners determine when it’s safe to put their mowers away for the winter.
arious factors motivate the decisions homeowners make when designing their landscapes. Some may be motivated by the ways additions will affect the resale value of their homes, while others may be guided by a love for a particular type of plant. Comfort is yet another motivator, and shade trees can make yards more comfortable as the mercury rises. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the following are some popular shade trees that can add beauty to a landscape and make it more comfortable come the dog days of summer.
Northern catalpa
A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 4B5B A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 2022Fall HOME IMPROVEMENT LICENSED&INSURED RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL•FREEESTIMATES 25YEARSOFEXPERIENCE 804-937-3671 MarkChurch,Owner ClassAContractor PhoneorText:(804)840-9993 RVAPAVING,LLC Commercial&Residential AsphaltPavingandRepair AsphaltSealcoatingandStriping C CallustodayforFallSpecials! 804-539-9682 ServingMechanicsvilleSince2001 SHANNONPROSSER-WALL BRANCHMANAGER Cell:804-339-4480 Office:804-328-5500 Chickahominy/NewKentSales 7410CooperTavernRd,#E,Quinton,VA23141 NORMAN’STREESER NORMAN’STREESERVICE VICE NOJOBTOOBIGORSMALL NOJOBTOOBIGORSMALL FREEESTIMATES•LICENSED•INSURED (804)769-7197 Office ReasonablePrices BucketTruck Hauling Firewood TractorWork BrushChipping StumpGrinding TreeRemoval Topping/Trimming DeadWoodRemoval StormDamageRemoval FullLawnCareService NOJOBTOOBIGORSMALL BucketTruck TreeRemoval Topping/Trimming DeadWoodRemoval StormDamageRemoval FullLawnCareService Hauling Firewood TractorWork BrushChipping StumpGrinding PurcellConstruction Don’tMove…Improve! www PurcellCo CallHunterPurcell 972-2215 HistoricalAdditions•CustomRenovations &Homes•Additions•Barns•Church Renovations•Siding&Replacement Windows•Roofing•TermiteDamage Rehab•Kitchen&BathRemodels• HandicapRamps•Decks•Porches•Inter/ ExterRenovations•Sunrooms•Stamped Concrete•CommercialRenovating& MORE!•Insurance ClaimsWelcome• Lic/InsRes/Comm •38yrsexp•A+ RatingwiththeBBB &Angie’sList ClassAContractor

Planting evergreens to block
Shade trees can add beauty to a property and make a yard more comfortable. Homeowners are urged to discuss shade trees with a local lawn and garden professional prior to planting.
side of their homes.
to the south of the home. When planted to the south of the home, deciduous trees can screen between 70 and 90 percent of the summer sun while still allowing residents to feel summerConsiderbreezes.sun angles.
yellow and golden brown in the fall. The Tree Center Plant Supply Co. notes that the sawtooth oak can thrive in warmer climates where shade trees that can coexist with high temperatures can be hard to find.
Homeowners who want to shade their homes from low afternoon sun angles should plant trees with crowns that are lower to the ground on the west
Evergreen trees
Northern red oak
The state tree of New Jersey, the northern red oak is, according to the Arbor Day Foundation, both beloved for its aesthetic appeal and valued
Tips when planting shade trees in your yard
Plant trees on either side
Another tree that produces some awe-inspiring color, the sawtooth oak is a durable, adaptable shade tree. Golden yellow leaves in the spring will give way to dark green in summer, only to turn
of the house. Planting trees on either side of the house will direct cooling winds toward the home in the summer.
Its name alone makes many people think of lazy summer days spent lounging in the yard. The red sunset maple provides ample shade and comes with the added benefit of producing an
for its adaptability and usefulness. Northern red oaks can tolerate urban conditions, but they do not do well in hot climates.
Sawtooth oak
Red sunset maple
A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 7B
The U.S. Department of Energy notes that shading is the most cost-effective way to reduce solar heat gain in a home. Shading also cuts air conditioning costs, which tend to be expensive in areas with warm, humid climates. In fact, the DOE notes that wellplanned landscapes can reduce unshaded homes’ air conditioning costs by anywhere from 15 to 50Whenpercent.planting shade trees, one of the first decisions homeowners will need to make is which type of tree, deciduous or evergreen, they want to plant. Deciduous trees are those that seasonally shed their leaves, while evergreens are trees that keep their leaves throughout the year. Deciduous trees can help keep homes cool in the summer by blocking sun, and those same trees can be beneficial in winter after they shed their leaves by letting the sun in and keeping homes warm. But evergreens also can be benefi-
deciduousPlanting trees
The DOE says that deciduous trees that are between six and eight feet tall when planted will begin shading the windows of a home within a year of being planted. Depending on the species of the plant and the home, those same deciduous trees may begin shading the roof within five to 10 years of being planted.
When planting deciduous trees, homeowners should keep these tips inPlantmind.trees
-Metro Creative
Continued from pg. 2
Shade trees can help homeowners reduce their energy bills, making them valuable and attractive additions to any landscape. -Metro Creative
eautiful landscaping can add instant curb appeal to a property.

Cool air before it reaches your home. Shrubs and groundcover plants can be planted to cool air before it reaches a home.
When planting shade trees, techniques vary depending on which type of tree homeowners ultimately choose to plant.
But beauty isn’t the only thing that makes idyllic landscaping attractive to homeowners. Some landscaping features, such as shade trees, save homeowners money while adding aesthetic appeal.
Metro Creative Connection
cial in winter by blocking wind, potentially preventing cold air from making its way into a home through cracks in walls or around windows.
awe-inspiring blend of red and orange leaves come the fall. Red sunset maples can survive in a range of habitats and their adaptable roots means they can thrive in various soil types.
wind is known as ‘windbreaking,’ which lowers the wind chill near a home. Wind also can be used to cool a home in summer. But these benefits can only be realized when evergreens are strategicallyLocation,planted.location, location: The DOE advises planting
evergreen trees to the north and northwest of the home to stop wind. In addition, to get the most bang for your windbreaking buck, the distance between the home and windbreak should be two to five times the height of the mature tree.
8B A Special Supplement to The Mechanicsville Local September 14, 2022 Metro Creative Connection Takeadvantageofupto5 yearsinterest-freefinancing whenyoupurchaseanew HVACsystemwithGilman.


Guide to outdoor lighting
Flood lights and security lights are a good investment for those who want to beef up visibility and security around the home. These lights are high-intensity and designed to illuminate large areas. The brightness and reach can serve as a preventive measure to keep animals and even criminals away. Motion-sensor lights will immediately engage if something crosses the path of the sensor. Some lights will remain on from dusk until dawn. Lowes Home Improvement suggests using the correct wattage on outdoor security lights so they flood an area thoroughly without affecting neighboring properties.
Additional pointers
Accent landscapeandlighting
ensure that any fixtures that are being used are safety-rated for outdoors. Wet-rated fixtures are designed to withstand direct exposure to outdoor elements, advises the design experts at Schoolhouse, a lighting and lifestyle goods company. Damp-rated fixtures are built for outdoor locations protected from harsh weather. Look for the product details or work with an electrician to choose the right lighting choices.
When shopping for bulbs, consider the number of lumens. A standard 100-watt bulb produces around 1,600 lumens. Security lights should range from 700 to 1,300 lumens for optimal brightness. Other lights needn’t be so bright.Furthermore,
A bevy of accent lighting choices are available. Accent lighting is designed to enhance the mood and appearance of certain elements of a landscape. Accent lighting is not intended to add bright light. For example, upwarddirected lights can be cast on trees or shrubs to accentuate their shapes. Accent lighting also may call out a structure, such as a garden or a fountain. While accent lighting may be hard-wired, homeowners who want the luxury of changing lighting can opt for solar fixtures, which are more mobile but not as bright
Lighting can transform outdoors spaces for the better. -Metro Creative Connection

Security lighting
ighting is an essential component of interior and exterior home design. Not only does lighting add style and make spaces more appealing, when done correctly, it also makes a home safer and more functional.Homeowners who plan to utilize outdoor spaces like backyards, front porches and walkways to the fullest should think carefully about lighting. These guidelines can assist with selecting outdoor lighting fixtures.
Wall, post and ceiling lights
Outdoor lighting fixtures beyond security options come in a variety of styles, according to Lamps USA. Wall lights are mounted to the outdoor wall of the home. These typically flank doorways or the garage. Post lights are often installed on the posts of decks and porches, or are free-standing on properties, providing visibility but also style. Ceiling-mounted lights may be above doorways or installed in any structure that has an overhead area. Warmcolored temperature bulbs in these fixtures can create an inviting atmosphere that is not too bright and jarring, especially when multiple lighting fixtures are working together. When selecting lighting for wall-mounted fixtures, experts suggest sizing up if you are not sure of the size to pick, as lights will look much smaller in scale from a distance.