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From 8 speaker is unable to travel that evening, but members are welcomed and encouraged to join the watch party at Lewis Ginter botanical Garden. a Zoom meet and greet and Lewis Ginter gathering starts at 6:30. a short business meeting will follow the speaker. For more information, visit the state website: http://vnps.org/.
Free COVId-19 vaccines will be available to all from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at First union baptist Church, 6231 Pole Green road, Mechanicsville, Va 23116. The event is sponsored in partnership with The Hanover County naaCP, Chickahominy Health district and First union baptist Church.
The Hanover County na aCP is sponsoring an ongoing free black History Film Festival throughout the month of February in local libraries. The festival will included: Feb. 4, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Mechanicsville Library, “The Color of Friendship” (G-rated); Feb. 9, 6 p.m. at Mechanicsville
Library, “Tulsa, the Fire & The Forgotten”; Feb. 20, 6 p.m. at atlee Library, “do the right Thing”; and Feb. 25, 1:30 p.m. at ashland Library, “King a Filmed record.”
Glowing smiles dentistry, located at 9097 atlee station road, suite 120 in Mechanicsville, is hosting its second annual Give Kids a smile event from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is offering free dental care for children of low-income families. Call 804-559-3250 with any questions.
shared experiences from the Civil rights era is the theme for this year’s untold stories. This annual program of oral histories about growing up in ashland and Hanover County will be sunday, Feb. 5 at 4 p.m. at the Patrick Henry High school, ashland. This year’s storytellers will be rebecca d oggett b ray, Mary Jane Ghee, Trisha Leonard Higgins, Matt “Moto” Lewis, Ollie Lewis and steve Trivett. The moderator will be anthony Keitt, and dr. Jamelle Wilson will be the wrap-up speaker. The Community Gospel Choir, led by Tyler spurlock, will close out the program. The program is free and open to the public. Come listen to the stories shared and continue the conversation. Visit ashlandmuseum. org or call 804-368-7314.
The men of Mechanicsville united Methodist Church will be preparing and selling brunswick stew again this year. For $10 a quart, enjoy some of the most delicious brunswick stew in the area. The group strongly encourages those interested to preorder their stew, which became available on Jan. 9, by calling the church office at 804-746-5118, emailing mechumc@comcast.net or placing your order through the website, mechumc.org. Include name, phone number and number of desired quarts. Prepayment is required for all orders over 6 quarts. Church office hours are Tuesday — Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Pick-up will be on saturday, Feb. 11 from 8 to 10 a.m. stew not sold in the preorders will be available for purchase on saturday morning. The women of the church will also be selling their fabulous baked goods on saturday morning. Contact the church office with any questions.
The studley ruritan Club’s famous “super bowl Chili” will be available for pick up at the studley store/Post Office (on the corner of studley and Williamsville roads) starting at 9 a.m. on saturday, Feb. 11. Order early before it sells out, and stock up your freezer for the cold winter ahead. The price is $9 per quart. Proceeds go to benefit the community. Call douglas newcomb at 804-730-0570 or any studley ruritan member.
The Independence ruritan Club will be hosting an all you can eat benefit breakfast, from 6:45 to 8:45 a.m. at The ruritan building located behind Independence Christian Church, 14033 Independence road (off route 54, west of ashland) for The arc of Hanover. breakfast includes: salt herring fillets, scrambled eggs, bacon, spiced apples, cornbread, grits, coffee, and orange juice, just $11. for adults. For more information call 804-798-5171 or contact dave at e-mail: wdtoney@mindspring.com.
Mechanicsville aarP Chapter 5407 will meet from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at First union baptist Church, 6231 Pole Green road in Mechanicsville. They will be doing Chapter