14 minute read
Foundation accepting nominations for teaching awards
Contributed Report
The Community Foundation is now accepting nominations for the 2023 R.E.B. Awards for Teaching Excellence, a program that recognizes Hanover County Public Schools teachers and others in the Richmond area for their distinguished work in the classroom.
dant and high quality selections as they filled their tote bags and inquired of future book sales.
Inspired by the communities’ patronage of the Fall Book Sale and the donation of more books by several patrons, the Friends of the Mechanicsville Library extend their gratitude to those who stopped by to avail themselves of our cornucopia of literary works. All funds raised from the sale go toward supporting the library and library programs.
The Friends have pledged to continue their mission to unite books with book lovers via a book drive in the late spring followed by a book sale several weeks later. The Mechanicsville Library will be accepting a maximum of one bag of books per person, per visit on a continu- ing basis. Contact the Mechanicsville Branch Library via phone at 804-746-9615 or via e-mail at ask@pamunkeylibrary.org for details on what can be accepted for donation.
The next drive-up book donation drive will be held on Saturday, Feb. 18 at the Sherwood Crossing Place location of the Pamunkey Library. The spring book sale will be held at the same location on Friday and Saturday, April 21 and 22.
You can find the Friends of Mechanicsville Library on Facebook for more details on the book collection drive and the spring book sale. Oh, a closing thought from the Friends of the Mechanicsville Library courtesy of Dr, Seuss, “Be awesome! Be a book nut!”
Hermitage HS Classes of 1960-1969 to hold reunion
Contributed Report
A ‘Decade of the 60’s Reunion’ for all alumni of Hermitage High School for the classes of 1960 through 1969 will be held from 4 to 9 p. m. on Saturday, April 15 at Richmond East Moose Lodge Ballroom, 7167 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. Music, food, plenty of tables, chairs, memories and old friends. Cash bar, casual attire.
The event is limited to 400 attendees. The cost is $25 per person. To reserve your spot, make out your check to HHS 60’s Reunion and mail to: HHS 60’s Reunion, 7330 Staples Mill Rd.
#249, Henrico, VA 23228. Include your full name and address and which year you graduated. For more information, contact Sue Halsey Cox (class of ‘66) 804387-9182 or suecox3@yahoo. com. Or contact Dale Morris (class of ‘64) at 804-897-7452 or brendale68@yahoo.com.
Students, parents, colleagues, school staff, including assistant principals and senior teachers, and community members may nominate an outstanding teacher by visiting the Community Foundation website.
The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 5 p.m.
The R.E.B. Awards recognize public school teachers in the Richmond area who have distinguished themselves by their inspiring classroom performance.
They will give grants ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 each to ap- proximately 15 teachers to support professional learning activities. Recipients will need to share educational ideas and experiences with fellow teachers.
Four Hanover teachers were honored as part of the 2022 awards. Nominees must have served as a teacher for at least three years. The qualities of an outstanding teacher may include, but are not limited to the following:
Strong knowledge of subject matter;
Dedication to the teaching profession;
Inspires students and peers;
Motivates students to develop skills and form positive habits towards learning and discipline;
Utilizes creative methods to engage students in the subject matter.
Winners will be announced this fall.
Mechanicsville Lions Club offers assistance programs
The Mechanicsville Lions Club has survived the pandemic. It was a rough couple of years to know that there were people who needed the club’s assistance programs and members did not have the resources to provide that help.
But now its volunteer members are ready and able to get back to business.
If you live in Hanover County and need help with an eye exam and glasses, call the Lions Help Line at 804-756-0288 and give your name and mailing address to receive an application or contact gasplion@aol.com with your information to get that mailing.
Mechanicsville Lions continue its participation with the Central Virginia Lions Hearing Aid Bank and people living in Caroline, Hanover, Henrico, Goochland and Chesterfield counties may apply for hearing aids. Visit www.lionshabva.org to download and print the application and instructions, or you can call the Lions Help Line and one will be sent to you.
There is no application fee for either of these programs.
Upcoming Programs At Hanover Libraries
Call 804-798-4072 or visit the library at 201 S. Railroad Ave. for more information.
Hanover Quilting Circle at the ashland branch Library, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 5:30 — 8:30 p.m. Grab your sewing machine, supplies and current project! This group meets the second Wednesday of every month to share ideas, fabric, skills and stories! beginners, experienced quilters and those curious about the hobby are all welcome to drop in.
Comets and Impactors at the ashland branch Library, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 6:30 — 8 p.m. all ages. Join dr. rachele dominguez and dr. Michael rodruck from randolph Macon College for an interactive lesson on comets and impactors. Part of “Celebrating space in the Center of the universe Week”
Must Love Words at the ashland branch beginning Chair yoga at the ashland branch Library, Thursdays, Feb. 9, 16 and 23, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga which is done with the assistance of a chair for those with physical challenges or adults who don’t want the rigor of a typical yoga session. attendees should wear loose clothing and bring a small blanket. space is limited. stomp rockets at the ashland branch Library, Thursday, Feb. 9, 4 — 5 p.m. For grades two to eight. How high can a rocket fly? Make some stomp rockets to celebrate space in the Center of the universe! registration required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/9682991. Part of “Celebrating space in the Center of the universe Week”
Library, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 7 – 8:30 p.m. ages 18 and up. Writers, are you looking for inspiration? need readers with a discerning eye? Join us for constructive feedback and discussion about the craft of writing on each of this month. due to group resources, email and word processing are used to communicate outside of meetings. access to email and familiarity with word processing is preferred.
Mother Goose storytime at the ashland branch Library. Mondays, Feb. 13, 20 and 27, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Toddler/Preschool storytime at the ashland branch Library. Tuesdays, Feb. 14, 21 and 28, 10:30 to 11 a.m. enjoy a storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Family storytime at the ashland branch Library. Tuesdays, Feb. 14, 21 and 28, 11:30 a.m. to noon. enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. searching Family Histories at the ashland branch Library, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1 — 2 p.m. ages 18 and up. Interested in engaging in genealogy research but don’t know where to begin? Familysearch.org is the world’s largest collector and disseminator of genealogical records. Jody raab, Familysearch volunteer, will offer a handson experience on Family search.org. We will learn how to build a tree and search
3 rivers Livestock Club at the ashland branch Library, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 6:30 — 8:30 p.m. ages 5-18. Would you like to participate in planning community service events and hone your expressive arts skills? at our meetings, you can learn how to get involved in community and public affairs, how to be a good role model, how to give back to your community and how to use time management skills to enjoy every part of your life.
Elmont Elementary Students Celebrate Gingerbread Day
Holly duley’s third grade class at elmont elementary school recently had a room transformation in which everything had a gingerbread theme! each student even went home with a gingerbread kit to do with their families.
records available on this database. In preparation, please create a free account and bring your user name and password with you to the program. Laptop computers will be provided for use during the workshop, or feel free to bring your own. reading Olympics Game Play at the ashland branch Library, Thursday, Feb. 16, 3:30 — 4:30 p.m. Grades 4-5. For participants in Hanover County schools reading Olympics. Practice your knowledge of When Life Gives you O.J. with a challenging game. Come alone or bring your team. among us Game night at the ashland branch Library, Thursday, Feb. 16, 6:30 — 8 p.m. ages 12-18. Quit acting sus and come join us for a few rounds of among us. bring your smartphone, tablet or laptop and be ready to play. We recommend pre-installing the app before the event.
Please see LIBRARIES, Page 15 a fternoon b ook Club at the ashland branch Library, Monday, Feb. 20, 1 – 2 p.m. ages 18 and up. read our book of the month and engage in a lively discussion about it. share views about the book and author and share reading recommendations.
Mad about Mahjong! at the ashland branch Library, Friday, Feb. 17, 10 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. Looking for experienced players to play with?
Join other Mahjong enthusiasts in playing the cultural tile game at the ashland Library!
Morning book Club at the ashland branch Library, Friday, Feb. 17, 10:15 — 11:15 a.m. ages 18 and up. read our book of the month and engage in a lively discussion about it. share views about the book and author and share reading recommendations.
What’s in Poe’s Trunk? at the a shland b ranch Library, s aturday, Feb. 18, noon — 1 p.m. and 1 – 2 p.m. On Oct. 3, 1849, edgar allan Poe, was found delirious in b altimore, Maryland, “in great distress, and ... in need of immediate assistance.” a t the time , Poe was only in possession of his trunk. representatives from the Poe Museum will host an interactive program involving artifacts from the museum and will allow participants to come up with their own story based on artifacts found in their trunks. registration required for the noon – 1 p.m. slot at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal. com/event/9731809 or 1 — 2 p.m. at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal. com/event/9779688.
Improv n ight! at the a shland branch Library, Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7 — 8:30 p.m. Teens and adults welcome! Through a variety of fun exercises and games, participants will learn about improvisation. Improv is built on the foundation of yes, and; accepting offers; and teamwork. Have fun and have a laugh — no scripts needed! This is a great opportunity to develop other skills such as communication, collaboration and more in a very supportive environment to learn more about the craft of improv. Learn with James Wasilewski (honing the art for over 20 years — on stage and off stage — in real life and in classes as an instructor and participant). a Look into the Hanover County archives 1734-1859 at the ashland branch Library, Thursday, Feb. 23, 7 — 8 p.m. Through the presentation of images of historic plats, court orders, pleadings, exhibits and other documents filed in Hanover County from its earliest days in the 1700s to the time immediately preceding the Civil War, Circuit Court Clerk Frank d. Hargrove Jr. provide unique insight into the early history of Hanover County. He also will share information about ongoing efforts to conserve and digitize the County’s historical records.
From the Heart stitchers at the a shland b ranch Library. Thursdays, Feb. 23, noon to 4 p.m. From the Heart stitchers began in 2001 making chemo hats for the Massey Cancer Center and today has over 1,899 stitchers making thousands of items for service groups across the Commonwealth. sew, knit, crochet or loom anything from blankets to shawls and everything in between. bring a sewing machine, knitting needles, etc. and supplies, and make items for From the Heart every fourth Thursday. see https://fromtheheartstichers. org/ for more information about this organization.
Call 804-365-6210 or visit the library at 7527 Library Drive for more information.
Family storytime at the Hanover branch Library. Fridays, Feb. 10, 17 and 24, 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family stor ytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
Hanover book Club at the Hanover b ranch Library, Tuesday, Feb. 21, noon — 1 p .m., d o you like to read? Join our fun group at the library or via Zoom to enjoy a good book and discuss it among your peers. registration is required for the Zoom portion at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal. com/event/10215317. The meeting link will be sent to the email registered 1 day before the event occurs. If you don’t receive your reminder email, contact the library.
Call 804-883-7116 or visit the library at 17205 Sycamore Tavern Lane for more information.
P u P r ead e rs at the Montpelier branch Library, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 6 — 7:30 p.m. Grades K-3. ready to transform from reluctant reader to ready reader? sign up for a 20-minute session with Chrissie, a PuP readers reading education assistance dog.
Family stor ytime at the Montpelier branch Library. Thursdays, Feb. 9, 16 and 23, 4 to 4:30 p.m. enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
d ungeons and d ragons at the Montpelier b ranch Library, s aturday, Feb. 11, 10:30 a.m. — 12:30 p .m. For ages 13 and up. Join us to create an exciting story where you will go on bold adventurers and confront deadly perils. refreshments will be provided. re gistration required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.
Mystery book Club at the Montpelier b ranch Library, Monday, Feb. 13, 6:30 — 7:30 p .m. a ges 18 and up. Join us for a monthly discussion on our favorite mystery titles.
Montpelier Writer’s Group at the Montpelier branch Library, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 4 — 5 p.m. ready to share your love of words? Whether our stories are already published or locked away in a drawer, every writer can benefit from the support and encouragement of other writers. you don’t need a work-inprogress to begin! This monthly workshop is led by Valerie FordeGalvin, Writer’s digest award winner and published author.
reading Olympics at the Montpelier branch Library, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 6 — 7 p.m. Grades four and five. For participants in Hanover County schools reading Olympics. Prepare for your upcoming competition. Join us as we discuss the story “Wedgie and Gizmo” by suzanne selfors.
black rebellion in early america at the Montpelier branch Library, Thursday, Feb. 16, 6 — 7 p.m. ages 18 and up. Presented by the John Marshall House. Find out about the causes, history and legacy of Gabriel’s Conspiracy
(1800), the German Coast uprising (1811), and n at Turner’s rebellion (1831). Learn the impact each rebellion had on the identity of both enslaved, free black, and white citizens; the overarching impacts these rebellions had on shaping american politics and law; and the role they had on shaping the future of slavery within the united states.
Cochrane Rockville Branch Library

Call 804-749-3146 or visit the library at 16600 Pouncey Tract Road for more information.
Family s tor ytime at the Cochrane rockville branch Library.
Fridays, Feb. 10, 17 and 24, 10:30 to 11 a.m. enjoy a fun time with books, singing, rhymes and more. Family stor ytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. r e ading Olympics at the Cochrane rockville branch Library, s aturday, Feb. 11, 2 — 3 p .m. Grades four and five. For participants in Hanover County school’s reading Olympics. Practice your knowledge of “The Wild robot and The Last Human” through trivia and games! Together we’ll prep for the upcoming reading Olympics Competition or just test your knowledge.
avoiding the Pitfalls of Medicare at the Cochrane rockville branch Library, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 6 — 7 p.m. Medicare is confusing! Join us to learn how to simplify the decision making process with bryan Gay of boomer Insurance. read 2 rover at the Cochrane rock ville branch Library, Thursday, Feb. 16, 4:30 — 5:30 p .m. Grades K-2. read 2 rover provides comfort and motivation for beginning readers as they read aloud to Colby or Pepper, our therapy dogs. s pace is limited. Call the rockville branch at 804-749-3146 or visit the library for more information to register for this rewarding program!

Virginia is bear Country! at the Cochrane rockville branch Library, Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7 — 8 p.m. ages 18 and up. If you live in Virginia, you live in bear country. Have you been visited by one of these fascinating creatures — yet? Learn about our Virginia bears, some of their natural history, why and when you might see one, and how to protect your property from their antics. Presented by the Virginia department of Wildlife resources and the riverine Chapter of Virginia Master naturalists.
— Submitted by Carolyn Garner, adult public services coordinator.
Testing The Waters
VestHines later commented that Hanover citizens hear him talk about strong community partnerships quite often, but sometimes it’s hard to understand what that looks like.

“On Tuesday afternoon, Luca showed us. This young man saved up a substantial amount of money over the summer to make sure our newest police K9, Yoshi, was safe,” Hines said. “He told us he ‘wanted to find a way to help.’ This young man did this on his own. Luca helped us more than he knows. Not only did he provide K9 Yoshi with a ballistic vest, he lifted the spirits of everyone in attendance. I know the future of our community is in good hands with young people like Luca that live here.”
Brianne Marchelletta, Luca’s mom, remembers Luca seeing that story last year and asking why the dog that was killed wasn’t protected. When she and her husband Michael explained that not all K9 units could afford them, she saw his seriousness and determination when he said he wanted to make sure they are protected.
“He is always very serious about any idea he comes up with. I told him ‘if you want to try, that is totally fine, just don’t expect it to happen overnight,’ ” Marchelletta said.
The next day, Luca was out raising money with a neighborhood lemonade stand. Luca said he had his friend ride around and tell people in the neighborhood what he was doing. His brother Zachary and friends Drew and Ryan Chappell helped him with his stand. Luca got great support from neighbors, but his mom also posted what he was doing on a few local social media groups, which garnered more support.
“Apparently, a lot of them shared it with their fire, EMS and police friends and all of a sudden people just kept showing up from all around the community,” his mom said. “People were literally just driving by and handing him money and saying how happy they were to see that he was doing something not just for himself but to help a worthy cause.”
Luca said he was happy people were supporting something good for the community with their money.
Over the course of August and September 2022, Luca’s Lemonade Stand raised $809.

“I was just very appreciative to all the community and I want to say thank you to everybody who donated. I was just very happy that I was able to get my goal and keep that dog safe,” Luca said.
The day Luca reached his goal, Marchelletta reached out to the sheriff’s office and was told they couldn’t take the money directly but provided her with the details for ordering the vest, which is both bullet proof and knife proof.
The vest they chose was a little over $900 – his parents made up the difference – and took several months to arrive, but when it did, Luca was over the moon about the chance to help protect a local K9 officer.
“It feels like I really did this,” Luca said. “It made me so proud of me and my friends. I really thought I am not going to be able to do this, but with a lot of hard work and commitment I did it.”
Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.