7 minute read
OPINION Heart of cold: A snowy story of courage and compassion
ROSLYN RYAN Richmond Suburban News
So here we are: It’s mid-February in Virginia, that time of year when the weather report should just be the shrug emoji and most of us are beyond ready for the warm embrace of spring. Tax time is looming and inflation is still hanging around. The State of the Union address was basically an episode of the Maury Povich show minus the paternity test reveals (at least that would have made it more interesting) and all of my wellintentioned New Year’s resolutions (“I’m going to keep a food journal!” “I’m going to start opening my mail!”) have completed their slow march to the dustbin.
In short, a feel good story would come in handy right about now.
Fortunately, the time I save by jettisoning New Year’s resolutions is time I am able to spend doing other things, like Googling what important events happened in history on certain days (a peculiar habit but one that comes in handy when trying to avoid keeping a food journal or discussing the State of the Union address with people who
A) didn’t find it embarrassing and B) have never even seen an episode of Maury Povich—bless their hearts).
And that is how, late last week, I came across the story of the 1925 Serum Run to Nome, an incredible tale of heroism featuring some of the world’s bravest men and toughest dogs battling the ferocious Alaskan winter in an attempt to rescue the tiny population of Nome, Alaska from an impending diphtheria epidemic that occurred right around this time.
Apparently this was all the subject of a Disney movie in
Future of retail cannabis not set in stone
JIM RIDOLPHI Contributing Columnist
Asteady stream of cars line up at the drive thru window of a former fast food restaurant in Richmond’s trendy Short Pump area. Through the same window that months earlier served burgers and shakes to anxious customers, a single clerk distributes previously ordered medical marijuana to the prescription holders. Each customer pos- sesses a medical marijuana certificate allowing them to purchase the real thing after clearing protocol to obtain the permit to purchase.
The outlet is one of the three ongoing operations in the Richmond area that dispense medical marijuana to those who qualify. For those selected few, searching for pot through nefarious means has become a thing of the past, and they now order their
LMechanicsville-Ashland marijuana in the same way they get their heart medicine.
It may seem the current system is a logical step to Virginians being allowed to buy recreational marijuana at some point in the near future, but recent discussions in the General Assembly have clouded the issue and left supporters unsure of when or where the program will land.
Please see CANNABIS, Page 8 the mid-90s, which I somehow missed because I was busy writing a ground-breaking research paper on some nuance of theoretical physics or maybe just watching reruns of “MTV Cribs” in my college dorm room. I’m not sure which, and, in any event, that was a long time ago. If you are wondering why the place was called Nome and not Gnome, I am saddened to say that my research turned up very little, and also that you are completely missing the point of the story. The dedication, passion and courage it took to get the vaccine to the waiting children is
Letter To The Editor
Center of attention for the wrong reasons
Dear Editor, Loved your article about life lessons. Brought back a memory. Back in the day of mini skirts I went to the old Safeway store in downtown Mechanicsville wearing mine. Knew just about everyone there as so many friends/family worked there. As I was
Publisher Joy Monopoli jmonopoli@Rsnva com
Managing Editor laura McFarland lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com
Sports Editor Robby Fletcher rfletcher@powhatantoday.com
Production Manager denine d’angelo ddangelo@mechlocal.com
Classifieds cindy adams ..........................................cadams@mechlocal.com the stuff of legend, and reminds us all what people—and animals—are capable of overcoming when lives are at stake. The Wikipedia entry alone forced me to clutch a cup of scalding tea. (I don’t really like tea that much so I just kind of held it, but still—it was that gripping a story!)
Please note: Feb. 15 actually marks the anniversary of quite a few other incredible historic events, including the 1944 assault on Italy’s Monte Cassino during World War II and the publishing of the entire human pushing my cart down the aisles I noticed people kept smiling and looking at me. Not so much employees, just others there doing their shopping. Smiling I thought gosh I must really look great today. The more it continued the more it was going to my head. Then it happened, the last aisle, the meat department which had mirrors all across it. I looked and my face turned beet red. I had gone to the restroom
The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Mechanicsville and Hanover residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Mechanicsville-ashland Local.
send letters to: The Mechanicsville-ashland Local 8460 Times-dispatch blvd. Mechanicsville, Va. 23116 Fax: (804) 344-8746 e-mail: editor@mechlocal.com when I arrived at the store and yep the back of my mini skirt was caught in my underwear. My butt exposed to all. No one told me!! So embarrassed, pulled out my skirt, left my cart, and headed for the door. Moral to this story: When you think you are the toast of the town check yourself out carefully. To this day before leaving the restroom believe me I do!!
Gaynelle Morris Mechanicsville
News tips, story ideas, community events, photos, birth announcements, milestones, anniversaries (40 years & above) or birthdays (80 yrs. old & above) by contacting events@mechlocal.com.
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Upcoming Programs At Mechanicsville Libraries

205 England Street Ashland,VA 23005
Giveusacall: (804)401-7007

EverythingEverywhere AllAt Once:
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February 25 at 11am (FreeShowing)
Hanover CountyParks &Rec celebrates Black HistoryMonthwiththisfreeshowing!
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Call 804-559-0654 or visit the library at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive for more information.
Hula dancing Class at the atlee branch Library, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 10:30 a.m. – noon. ages 18 and up. Join us to exercise your brain and body as you learn about hula dancing and culture at the atlee
From 6 genome in 2001. I just noted the Nome story because it was neat and, well, I like dogs.
I plan on bringing this

From 6

Under legislation endorsed by former gover- branch Library.

Fun and Games at the a tle e branch Library, Wednesdays, Feb. 15, 1 – 4 p.m. ages 18 and up. Meet up with friends and have a great time with card and board games.
Page Turners book Club at the atlee branch Library, Thursday, Feb. 16, 3:30 — 4:30 p.m. ages 18 and up. Join us for an in-person, lively whole business of the Serum Run up to my own dog, who at present is lying at my feet hoping that I will drop a bite of my mid-afternoon snack on the floor somewhere close enough to him that he won’t have to get up to nor Ralph Northam and passed by last year’s General Assembly, Virginians can legally possess small amounts (up to 1 ounce) of marijuana for personal use and can produce up to four plants per household for that same purpose.
Even with the somewhat relaxed atmosphere, it’s noteworthy that Virginians are still prohibited from purchasing recreational marijuana for personal use without the certificate.
Northam’s plan had envisioned the continuation of a vision to make recreational cannabis available through local dispensaries by 2024, but that timeline seems in peril as lawmakers began discussion at this year’s General Assembly.
Adding to the confusion is the introduction of several cannabis related products currently on the market, including low grade CBD, that are derived from hemp but contain no intoxicating elements. In addition, vape shops are selling book discussion! We will be reading “a Man Called Ove” by Fredrik backman. you can place the book on hold and pick it up at the atlee branch Library. new members always welcome! atlee anime Club at the atlee branch Library, Thursday, Feb. 16, 7:30 — 8:30 p.m. ages 12-18. Join the atlee Library anime Club! Meet get it. Later on, he might brave the mid-40s temperatures to bark at a bird or two, then promptly return to taking up way more than his fair share of my couch.
While I doubt it will motivate him too much, what’s called delta-8, another widely available hemp based product that does offer some form of intoxication.
Republicans claim they were left with the mess as democrats hurriedly legalized and then quickly relinquished control of the legislature, leaving with no clear cut plan on how to proceed with the details of recreational sales.
Another factor complicating the discussion is a concern that underserved communities who are often most affected by cannabis related enforcement have a seat at the distribution table when recreational sales begin.
Some supporters of legalization have conceded that established dispensaries should not have the unfair advantage of long-term operation when recreational cannabis is available to everyone. Some plans outline transitional retail sales to begin as early as this year at established dispensaries.
Even republican filings include provisions to pro- teens with similar interests and watch cool shows.

Hanover Master Gardeners’ Home Gardening s eries at the atlee b ranch Library, s aturday, Feb. 18, 10:30 a.m. — 1 p.m. Learn about a variety of home gardening topics from Virginia Cooperative
Please see MECHANICSVILLE, Page 19 tect the state’s historically economically-challenged areas, and both sides concede reaching common ground may be difficult. But both sanctions agree there’s a need to remove to remove confusion regarding Virginia’ cannabis program now controlled by the State’s Board of Pharmacy. Some have called for all hemp related products to be overseen by the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority, while other legislators have filed bills that would outlaw delta-8.
I, for one, do plan on taking a healthy dose of inspiration from the nearly 100-year-old tale of heroism.
As the saying goes, I can do hard things.
Just don’t ask me to go outside until May.

The final element in the room may be the governor himself who formed a task force to study hemp related products that recommended a registration system for all businesses that sell the products including hefty fines for violations.
Where legalization lands is anybody’s guess, but it’s an issue that won’t go away, and even if republicans pass a retail sales plan, it’s unclear if the the governor will sign it.