6 minute read
Local Girl Scouts celebrate World Thinking Day



Girl Scouts and Girl Guides across 150 countries celebrate World Thinking Day in February each year. World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship and a time to stand up for causes that could improve the lives of girls around the globe. Many local Girl Scouts celebrated Thinking Day on Feb. 12 at the Church of the Redeemer in Mechanicsville. Troops researched their country, explored environmental challenges and how they could work to remediate them, crafted SWAPS, informational displays, and prepared crafts and games to teach their fellow Girl Scouts.
Loraine Boyd
Mark M. Murphy
MURPHY, Mark M., 67, of Mechanicsville, Va., passed on Saturday, January 21, 2023. He is survived by his children, Adam Murphy, 31, Bernadette Nunn, 24, and Joseph Murphy, 22. The family will be together for a small, private service and gathering and a public celebration of life will be held at a later date. Mark had a big, contagious laugh, he never knew a stranger and cared deeply for those around him. We are grateful for your kind words and continued prayers as we process this loss together.
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BOYD, Loraine, 90, of Mechanicsville, Va., gained her heavenly wings, Thursday, February 16, 2023. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jim Boyd; her daughter, Connie Newcomb; her parents, James and Manchie Alexander; and her sister, Nettie Christian. She is survived by her son, Jimmy Jenkins; two grandchildren, Andy Cersley and Jenny Allen; two great-grandchildren, Kimber Allen and Colten Cersley; and many other relatives and friends. Loraine loved the Lord and had a strong faith. She worked as a collection agent for many financial institutions over the years including the Federal Reserve. She loved crafting and owned “My Favorite Things” craft shop. Loraine loved her family and friends with all her heart and was a wonderful mother and grandmother. The family will receive friends from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at Monaghan Funeral Home, 7300 Creighton Pkwy., Mechanicsville, Va. 23111, with a funeral service to follow at noon. Interment will be held at 3 p.m., at Holly Grove Christian Church, 1637 Holly Grove Drive, Bumpass, Va. 23024. In lieu of flowers, donations in her honor can be made to Holly Grove Christian Church.

Obituary submissiOns
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Email: paidnotices@timesdispatch.com natural resources. It also provides guidance on where growth may be appropriate throughout the county and what that growth should look like. Hanover residents’ feedback will shape the Comprehensive Plan and decisions regarding growth, preservation and public investment for years to come. based upon the feedback received, the project team has been working to identify key concepts related to land use, economic development and historic resources. These preliminary ideas will be introduced at a series of events scheduled in January and February. residents will be able to share their ideas by participating with an in-person meeting or webinar, depending upon their schedules. The Hanover board of supervisors will hold public work sessions on the Comprehensive Plan on March 8, May 10 and July 26. The current schedule calls for the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the proposed update in august, with the board’s public hearing to take place a month later. For information on the planning process, and how you can participate, visit www.envisionhanover.com. you can also follow the process on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. background check. This academy is designed to give participants an inside look into law enforcement with the Hanover County sheriff’s Office. Interested seniors are urged to download an application at http://www.hanoversheriff.com/199/senior-Citizens-Police-academy or contact deputy evan Povar at (804) 365-3363 for an application or additional information. also, the application needs to be notarized. The deadline to apply is March 10, 2023.
Deadline is 12 p.m. Friday for the following week’s issue.
Powhatan Today, Month day, 2022

Mechanicsville Churches emergency Functions One stop shop (MCeF Oss) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency.
OBITUARY SUBMISSIONS d eacon in charge of a ll s ouls. Visit www.allsoulsva.org. a Healing and recovery ss Class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove b a ptist Church at 7046 Cold Harbor rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the northstar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The Christian 12 steps and biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. all are welcome. Contact 804-746-5081 or contact Craig simpson at craigwgbc@gmail.com.
Outside the Walls, a narcotics anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey regional Jail at 7240 Courtland Farm rd. in Hanover. Contact John shinholser, Mcshin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://www.mcshin.org.
The ashland rotary Club meets weekly at noon at the Iron Horse restaurant at 100 s. railroad ave. in ashland. For more information, contact steve d unham at 804496-6093 or sandrdunham@yahoo.com.
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Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
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Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.
The Hanover Concert band rehearses from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, mid-January through mid- december, at the Hanover arts and activities Center at 500 s. railroad ave. in ashland, just south of u.s. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a non-string instrument. High school students are welcome with parents’ permission. Visit www.hanoverconcertband.org or call 804-789-0536.
Overcomers Outreach & Women’s Codependency is a Christcentered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering alcoholics, addicts and their families. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at shalom baptist Church at 8116 Walnut Grove road Mechanicsville. For more information, call 804-366-6524 or email mjfaith1@gmail.com. new Highland baptist Church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the Christian Life Center (CLC) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 new ashcake road in Mechanicsville use the side back entrance to enter. Contact Jeff Fitzgerald at jkfitzgerald@comcast.net.
Walnut Grove baptist Church will be conducting Free a dult e nglish Classes ( es L) and Citizenship Classes (Passing the Test) Wednesday mornings with open enrollment through May 17, 2023. Classes will meet from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at 7046 Cold Harbor road, Mechanicsville, Va 23111. For more information, contact the church office at (804) 746-5081 or contact Frank at wgbcinfo@ comcast.net or (804) 402-7701. The classes are free but students are asked to purchase the books required for the class.
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Trinity Lutheran Church, ashland Campus, located at 11515 ashcake road in ashland 2 miles west of u.s. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor rev. dr. roy Minnix. Visit www.trinityrichmond.net or call 804-270-9626.
The american Legion Post 175, located at 8700 bell Creek road in Mechanicsville, holds a “Meet and Greet, Coffee and d o nut” event from 9-11 a.m. every Tuesday for the community and perspective members to meet members and learn about what they do for the community. Visit http://www. post175.org/.
Civil air Patrol, Hanover squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church, 6930 Cold Harbor road, in Mechanicsville. CaP is an awesome program for youth, ages 1221, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train america’s next generation of Leaders. you’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model rocketry, earning rank & awards, and much more. Visit hanover.vawg. cap.gov or contact Capt James Wright at 804-551-3354 or james. wright@vawg.cap.gov.
The Hanover County sheriff’s Office will be hosting its 14th annual senior Citizens Police academy. The senior Citizens Police academy will take place april 11 to June 20. The academy will be held every Tuesday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. at The Montpelier Community Center, located at 17203 sycamore Tavern Lane, Montpelier, Va 23192. There will be no cost for the participants. Class size will be limited to the first 30 seniors who register. The program will be available to people 55 years of age or older who are residents, business owners or county employees. applicants must also be willing to submit to a send news items to Powhatan today e-mail: lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com or call 804-363-1577 all souls episcopal Church celebrates Holy eucharist rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran Church at 8154 atlee rd. in Mechanicsville. a nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. d ougherty is the
Hanover rotar y meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at roma’s restaurant at 7240 bell Creek rd. in Mechanicsville. due to the pandemic, contact President Penny at pennyguiles43@gmail.com for current meeting at roma’s or Zoom connection information.
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue. Do
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Email: paidnotices @timesdispatch.com
The building bridges group of n arcotics a nonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville united Methodist Church, 7356 atlee road in Mechanicsville. Visit rvana.org.
Deadline is noon Friday for the following week’s issue.