The profession is of primary importance. This is the foundation upon which we educate our students. Being close to working life, taking part in on-going work and collaborating with business, industry and the public sector is essential to our academy. To us, work is a big thing.
work is a big thing
close to reality
Some things can only be learned through direct observation. Being close to what actually goes on increases understanding. Observing, and then following suit, facilitates in-depth, relevant knowledge. This is why we focus on applied research with clear links to relevant issues in professional life. Our students are educated in close contact with specific professional fields, so that it is easier for them to adapt to working conditions in their chosen profession after graduating. Striving to create tomorrow’s employees, employers and innovators is essential, and we work continuously to close the gap between theory and work in practice. We are convinced that both academy and industry gain through consistent and synergistic cooperation. We bring the academy out into the professions, and the professions into the academy.
ScIENcE FOR ThE PROFESSIONS Six areas of education and research
L i b r a ry a n d i n fo r m at i o n s ci en ce s
bUsiness and informatics
The development of information services is the focus of this field of study, which centres on how individuals and organisations cooperate and exchange information. Studies and research for the purposes of facilitating and optimising the information community are conducted with the support of information and communication technology.
This field of study include economics, administration, management, logistics and information. Research focus足ing on the development of information technology as support for e-trade and logistical information systems is conducted.
edUcation and behavioUraL sciences
textiLes and design
Development, the future and society are the overriding concepts in all of the courses and research areas. The search for information leading to the accumulation of knowledge essential to schools, colleges and working life are given special focus. Digital tools used for educational purposes are dealt with, as well as the new conditions that information and communication technology have created.
Creativity and technology are combined and applied to education in textiles and design. Methods and theory, as well as materials and technological development are treated. Subjects dealing with construction, design and the use of high-technology textiles, whose appearance and function interact with external stimuli, are also included.
heaLth sciences This profile includes education and research driven development work with the goal of increasing the quality of life and care provided to patients and their relatives. This is done through the development of new methods and approaches in health care and nursing with a focus on care for the elderly and out-patient emergency care.
engineering This field of study includes many engineering specialties such as civil, chemical, electrical, energy, mechanical and industrial. Environmental sustainability is prioritised through intense research focused on the development of new bio-based materials, as well as converting biomass to bio-ethanol and renewable materials.
The Pedlar is the symbol of the University College of Bor책s. This male figure in the centre of the coat of arms is a tribute to the merchants, whose trading activities laid the foundation for the economic development in the region.
he products sold by the pedlars ranged from textile items and wooden articles to tin products and iron tools. In order to sell their handcrafted goods they often travelled great distances. In fact, the length of the most important trading route was about 400 kilometres. This, of course, put high demands on under standing longdistance transport strategies. The pedlars were one of the early, knowledgeable precursors of the discipline now known as logistics.
Even today, long after the abandonment of the guild system, the pedlar spirit lives on. The commerce and textile industries form the historical foundation of the economy in the region around Borås known as Sjuhärad. Creativity and entrepreneurial culture are as vivid and alive today as they were 400 years ago. The Sjuhärad region is experiencing strong growth in economy, employment and population, and businesses are flourishing. As a result of the constant trading activity, Sjuhärad is regarded by some as the Scandinavian financial centre of textiles, logistics and ebusiness. Based upon this tradition, the University College of Borås has developed a conceptual idea – Science for the Professions.
ETHANOL MADE OUT OF BLUE JEANS We work continuously to ensure that research focuses on the solution of current problems in the working world. We want to create change and improvement, and are at the leading edge in many areas of research. We strive to extend the limits of what is possible. Take for example, the making of ethanol out of jeans.
The University College of Bor책s is a partner in a research project called Waste Refinery, in which research is conducted into transforming refuse and residual waste products into energy and materials. Recently, a research team at the university college made a unique and revolutionary
discovery: a special mushroom, which can transform jeans fabric into ethanol. The discovery has great potential regarding sustainable development and can make important contributions to reducing harmful environmental impact.
The Swedish School of Textiles’ fashion design department maintains top quality and is among the world’s best. Demands upon students are high, and as part of studies, students have the opportunity to collaborate with internationally renowned teachers from London, New York and Tokyo.
A research project entitled Smart Textiles has gathered researchers in the fields of textiles, fashion design, fibre technology and interaction design. The research conducted embraces high-technology textiles whose appearance and functioning interact with external stimuli.
Our students are already developing nano-fibre cloth that stimulates the healing of wounds, gloves with built-in telephones, curtains that begin to emit light when the sun sets and infant clothing that measures breathing frequency.
The preservation of digital objects is a global challenge. In an effort to make progress in this field, the University College of BorĂĽs is cooperating with 18 other universities in Europe and the USA. The project is EU financed and focus on the long-term archiving of CDs, video tapes and
digital books. The project studies the computer’s storage capacity and conducts research into ways for librarians to access information in the future. The purpose of the project is to preserve our scientific, technical and cultural heritage.
Our pedagogical research includes studies on social, political and economical conditions necessary for democracy and involvement in the learning processes in pre-schools, schools and society as a whole. It is conducted in close proximity to actual, on-going practices and
concentrates on the contents of what is taught, as well as how actual learning, communication and the accumulation of knowledge occurs in different groups.
we are not a traditional university
The University College of Borüs is not a typical centre of learning. The fact is, we aim to be Sweden’s first university of professions. For such a university, it is of course natural to establish a method of approaching scientific challenges in a manner that cuts across the boundaries of traditional scientific and academic fields. We do just this, as the issues involved are multifaceted and seldom related to only one traditional, academic subject or field of research. Through new combinations and unexpected shifts in perspective, unforeseen insights reveal themselves. Cooperation is the key. Broader research themes with links to several of the college’s professional fields are developed based upon existing and established research environments. Cooperation with Swedish and international educational institutions, research institutes, the business sector, cultural organisations and publicly financed activities are also a part of our programmes. Researchers from other universities, as well as actors from other professions contribute to discoveries made. Our research must always demonstrate its legitimacy in two ways. Firstly, to the national and international scientific community, and secondly to the respective professional field. Research is conducted on the basis of scientific integrity as well as a continuous dialogue with representatives from relevant professional fields. We conduct science for the professions.
LIBRARY & LEARNING RESOURCES Our library is far from usual. The Library & Learning Resources offer not only a first-class scientific library, but also student counselling, health services, support for disabled students and pedagogical support. Our neverending goal is to contribute to students and researchers becoming successful in their studies. The 6 000 m2 library building has over 800 individual places to study and 31 study rooms on six floors. Altogether, there are 155 000 books, 35 000 e-books and 8 000 e-magazines.
The Swedish School of Textiles is a part of the University College in Borüs and is one of Europe’s leading institutes in the field of textiles. We have very advanced machinery at our disposal, as well as sewing rooms, facilities for textile printing and a machinery hall for weaving and the manufacture of knitwear.
P R O F E S S I O N s
University College of Borås · Allégatan 1, SE-501 90 Borås · Phone: +46 33-435 40 00 · Fax: +46 33-435 40 03 · Website: www.hb.se First Edition © Högskolan i Borås Production: Mecka Advertising Agency, www.mecka.se. Photography: Andreas Norén: p. 21, 25. Jerker Andersson: p. 14 – top two images, p. 15–16. Klas Svensson: p. 14 – bottom left image. Lars Hallnäs: p. 14 – bottom right image. Linda Worbin: p. 14 – textile by Linda Worbin. Patrik Johäll, Superstudio: p. 8, 18 – collection by Heidi-Kristin Andersson, www.udavinn.se, p. 24, 28–32. Åsmund Sollihögda: p. 22 – collection by Marlene Schön.