A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem www.meckow-international.com
The MECKOW Aquapur.
Existing Water Collection Point.
Meckow Aquapur Collection Point.
Fact: Approximately 1.1 Billion people Worldwide do not have access to safe clean drinking water, a basic necessity of Life.
Fact: 5,000 Children below the age of Five years old die daily from water borne disease through out the World
Meckow Aquapur is the simple solution to a complex problem.
The Meckow Aquapur was developed and designed specifically for peri-Urban, slum regeneration and rural applications, to help improve the living standards and most importantly improve the health of the neediest communities on our Planet. Water borne disease has no boundaries on age, even though it is the most prolific killer of children under the age of five years old it will attack the population as a whole, causing Dysentery, Typhoid, Cholera, sickness and diarrhoea. This in turn has a detrimental effect on the community as well an avoidable burden on the health services of the Country. Taking these factors into account the design criteria of the Meckow Aquapur were set out: 1) No requirement for electricity for the filter unit to operate. 2) Low maintenance and operational cost. 3) Ease of transport and installation. 4) Capacity building.
The Meckow Aquapur is capable of producing 1,000 litres per hour of Safe/clean drinking water as well as chlorinated water for basic hygiene, from almost any fresh water source. The one requirement for the Meckow Aquapur to operate is a one meter head of water. This head of water may be obtained in a number of ways: 1. The available mains water is contaminated and not fit for drinking. 2. The source of raw water is above the position of the Meckow Aquapur. 3. The raw water is pumped to a reservoir situated on a higher level than the Meckow Aquapur. 4. The raw water is pumped to a header tank immediately above the Meckow Aquapur.
The glass on the left contains the raw water fed into the Meckow Aquapur and the glass on the right is the purified safe potable water produced by the Meckow Aquapur.
The source of raw water is from the mains supply or above the position of the Meckow Aquapur. This may occur where the mains water is contaminated and not fit for drinking or where the raw water supply is above the MECKOW Aquapur i.e. Dam wall, surface irrigation canal, waterfall etc. In these applications the input pressure exceeds 0.1 bar (1 metre head) or the raw water level is 1 meter higher than the position of the Meckow Aquapur thus the water is fed by gravity form the source to the Meckow Aquapur, purified and stored for use.
Fig.1 The diagram (Fig.1) shows the MECKOW Aquapur with the raw water supplied directly into the unit, this could be a mains supply or a gravitational supply from a reservoir or tank. The raw water is purifying and the purified water fed by gravity to an optional additional storage tank which may be installed to cater for peak periods of demand, all mounted on an optional structure.
The raw water is pumped to a reservoir or tank situated on a higher level than the Meckow Aquapur. If the community is spread out over a wide area and a distance from a surface source of raw water then it may be viable to pump the raw water from the source to a large reservoir situated either on high ground or elevated, from here the water can be piped and allowed to flow by gravity to the MECKOW Aquapur. In this situation it is possible to have a number of MMECKOW Aquapur units using the same reservoir/tank as the source of raw water.
The photograph above shows such an application in Angola, where the raw water is pumped 20 km from the Kwanza River to a concrete reservoir, the raw water is then piped out into the community. At regular points along the distribution pipes a MECKOW Aquapur is installed. One advantage of this is the raw water is purified at the point of use. The optional extra storage tank is installed to cater for peak periods of demand.
The raw water is pumped to a header tank immediately above the Meckow Aquapur. In a situation where the community is sited above a surface or subterranean water source, the raw water needs to be pumped to a header tank situated at least 1 meter above the MECKOW Aquapur. In these situations a pump is required which can be powered by either solar, wind, petrol, diesel or electricity. Meckow International is able to provide a solar solution, to pump the water up to the header tank, from here the water is fed by gravity to the Meckow Aquapur and if required an additional storage tank.
Fig.2 The diagram (Fig.2) shows the layout of a system comprising a header tank, MECKOW Aquapur, optional additional storage tank mounted with in an optional structure with the optional solar kit fitted.
Optional Ancillaries The Tower A tower is not necessarily a requirement, as it is dependent on the site where the MECKOW Aquapur is required. The MECKOW Aquapur may purely be mounted on a plinth with enough clearance to allow a jerry can under the outlet tap. To reduce costs and help build capacity in Country, where required, Meckow International will supply technical drawings so as to source the fabrication of the tower locally. Header Tank, Storage Tank and pipe work. If required and where possible these will be sourced locally.
Typical Layout of Solar Pump Kit
If there is a requirement to pump water to a header tank from either a surface or subterranean source the solar pump kits are basically the same. However there are a number of points which need to be taken into consideration when sizing the components to the application, namely: 1) Geographical situation. 2) Suction head and Delivery head. 3) Capacity required.
Calculation of the MECKOW Aquapur running costs per litre. The calculations for the MECKOW Aquapur running cost are based on the following assumptions: The water flow through MECKOW Aquapur is 1000 litres per hour The two primary (String Filters) are replaced every 3 months 600 000 litres of water will use one dose of chlorine which is 1.4 litres volume. (2ppm) lt 1.4 litres volume of calcium hypochlorite granules - approx 1.25 kg Activated Carbon filter replaced every 4 months with 2.5 kg of activated carbon MECKOW Aquapur will operate for 10 hours per day but it is capable of running 24 hours per day. Primary (String) Filter replacement 12 months/3 months for replacement = 4* Cost per set of two String Filters = USD7.00 Over a One year period - 4* USD7.00 = USD28.00 HTH Chlorine replacement The MECKOW Aquapur runs every day of the year for 10 hours per day and purifies 3.65 million litres of water annually. (Note: the unit is capable of running 24 hours a day). 600 000 litres of water will use one dose of chlorine which is 1.4 litres volume 1.4 litres volume of calcium hypochlorite granules = approx 1.25 kg Over a One year period – 3.65 million / 600 000 = 6 doses of chlorine 6 doses @ 1.25 kg per dose = 7.5 kg HTH granules sell at ± USD33.00 for 10 kg 7.5 kg/10 = 0.75* USD33.00 = USD25.00 Activated Carbon replacement 12 months /4 months for carbon replacement = 3* Cost of 2.5 kg of carbon = USD34.00 per dose) Over a One year period – 3* USD34.00 = USD102.00 Cost per litre of water purified taking into account the above assumptions:a) Primary filters = b) HTH Chlorine = c) Activated Carbon =
USD 28.00 USD 25.00 USD 102.00
Total running Cost
USD 155.00
15500 US cents / 3,650,000 litres = 0.004 US cents per litre. Therefore 1000 litres of DRINKING water will cost 4 (four) US Cents to produce. This demonstrates the attractiveness of such an investment that has immense benefits to the community.
Sustainability of a Project If for instance a MECKOW Aquapur unit is installed at a Clinic and School, the drinking water is produced for the use of patients and pupils. As the MECKOW Aquapur will produce excess drinking water to the requirements of these facilities it is envisaged that the excess water may be retailed at a nominal fee to the local community. This revenue stream will then provide a means to enable the maintenance of the unit as well as provide a revenue stream for the Clinic and Schools to help purchase essential materials such as medicines, books, stationary etc. For Example:As can be seen in the calculation above, the Running Cost to produce 1000 litres of safe DRINKING water is approximately 4 (four) US cents. If the MECKOW Aquapur unit runs for 20 hours a day, it will produce up to 20,000 litres. The Clinic or School may use 6,000 litres per day, leaving a balance of 14,000 litres to be sold. If this excess water was sold a 1 (one) US cent per litre it would generate US$140-00 per day. Note by putting a value on the DRINKING water it stops wastage. BENEFICIARIES Households Schools Clinic EXPECTED OUTCOMES Quality water delivery services for domestic, clinic and schools, greatly improved. Human health is greatly improved. Water supplies are regular, reliable and predictable. The community is empowered as they are trained to maintain the system and to a limited extent can access good quality water easily and more cost effectively.