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Skincare spotlight: photo rejuvenation
from henry | Winter 2023
by ninetyblack
Shining a light on youthful looking skin

What is photo rejuvenation?
IPL photo rejuvenation is a popular, non-invasive light therapy used to improve many varied skin conditions. It uses precise amounts of powerful light to penetrate skin, before being absorbed by the melanin in the skin to break it down. This intense light source with broad-spectrum highintensity pulses is much gentler than lasers, which use a more intense, narrow wavelength.
Photo rejuvenation is used to lessen the appearance of brown pigmented and red vascular lesions in the skin, while simultaneously stimulating the production of collagen. It’s less invasive than similar treatments like chemical peels, and improvements can be seen from just the first appointment. Photo rejuvenation is recommended in winter because you’ll need to stay out of the sun and wear good sunscreen for 4 weeks prior to and after treatment.
How does it work?
Photo rejuvenation works on the theory of selective photothermolysis. Freckles, sunspots, birthmarks, and skin discoloration are patches of the pigment melanin. IPL (intensepulsed light) lasers target these spots of unwanted pigment, which absorb the light and begin to break down, leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. These darker spots naturally move toward the surface of the skin and shed, leaving behind fresh skin cells. And thanks to the way IPL works, special filters can be used to effectively treat specific skin concerns, rather than a one-sizefits-all treatment.
What are the
key treatment areas?
The most common treatment area is the face, but you can treat any part of your body that experiences:
• sun damage
• uneven and blotchy skin
• freckles, sunspots, and general pigmentation
• redness, rosacea, and red scarring
• vascular lesions, spider veins, broken capillaries, and red spots
How many treatments are needed?
Most clients see a marked improvement after just one session, but you’ll generally need between two to six sessions performed roughly every 7 to 28 days, or when all the darkened cells have completely shed. This will help achieve the best results in skin texture, pore size and firmness.
What does photo rejuvenation feel like?
Don’t worry if it sounds a bit scary - each pulse of light usually feels no worse than a hot elastic band snapping on your skin. This is due to the light converting to heat in the targeted lesion. Thanks to the advanced technology used at Diamond Laser, patient comfort is high.
What sort of results can I expect?
Visible improvements can be seen after each treatment, including the first, with a 70-90% reduction of pigmentation overall. After treatment, the spots, freckles, or blood vessels will generally go darker, then will naturally fade, or flake off within a few days. These areas can easily be covered with a mineral makeup during this process.
How will my skin react after the treatment?
This varies from person to person; however, you may be a bit pink and sensitive immediately afterward. This can be covered with a little makeup, but the treatment should be avoided just before a big event as your skin will need time to recover. Be sure to avoid going out in the sun without SPF protection – a 30+ SPF mineral sunscreen is best – for at least a month afterward. This will help protect the skin while maintaining results for much longer. Using the correct prescribed skin care following your treatment will net better results, and your dermal therapist will recommend some great products after your session.
Who will perform my photo rejuvenation treatments?
Your treatments will be performed by one of our dermal therapists, who are all qualified and experienced photo rejuvenation and laser safety officers.