3 minute read
The Bucket List
from henry summer 2020
by ninetyblack
Dyani Van Basten Batenburg
The Bucket List
Take a First Aid Course Actions speak louder
than words immediate family on hand – and one toddler on the go, I knew we It’s not a statistic everyone’s attuned to – in fact it’s a silent were braced for a full-on ride,” says Vanessa. “Fast forward six months, toll – but each year over 2000 New COVID has actually made it easier for Zealanders, children and adults, me to take up the first aid reins again are treated for cardiac arrest in our because courses are run online and communities – only 14% survive in person.” beyond 30 days. Reducing numbers Instead of a two-day practical is no easy feat, but as our Out-of- course, Vanessa undertook three hospital Cardiac Arrest Registry hours of online training, alongside a reports, the more Kiwis who know half day practicum, through a private how to administer CPR and use a first aid provider. defibrillator – the greater the chance we have at saving lives. “I remember sitting a full two-day first aid course 14 years ago as part These are sentiments shared by of my teacher training requirements Hawke’s Bay local, Vanessa Fox. With – it was thoroughly helpful but long.” two boys under three and a move to coastal Bay of Plenty in 2019, upping Same same but different the ante on her first aid knowledge And, whilst the topics covered in both across the board wasn’t just a nice- introductory first aid courses were to-have, it was a must-do. similar: CPR, treating burns and cuts, choking, poison, strokes and heart Life in the fast lane attacks, Vanessa was surprised at “When we moved to Tauranga – how much had changed in response baby number two on the way, no techniques and procedures. “With CPR for instance, I learnt if you rescued someone who was drowning, instead of pulling them ashore and observing their breathing, you should immediately commence compression – 30 pumps and then two breaths. There’s more focus on getting the heart moving not the breathing,” she explains. “With severe lacerations – say someone in car accident – I didn’t realise just how tightly you should bind a wound. And, if there is bone sticking out you should bind around the bone – don’t try to move it or push it back in as this can cause greater complications.”
Braced for the unknown
Whilst Vanessa hasn’t had to put her wound binding to the test yet, as Murphy’s Law would have it, within 10 days of completing the course, she put her first aid skills to practise – three times – choking, ingesting and burns. “Both boys choked on something on two separate occasions – fortunately I knew how to deal with it. If they’re breathing, you bend them over and help them to cough it up – don’t apply pressure or attempt to dislodge anything. If they’re not breathing, that’s when you apply force to the back.” And, whilst Vanessa and her team of boys are hoping for a little more relax and recovery as opposed to surf and rescue when beach going this summer – she’s glad she’s armed herself with more than a few episodes of Baywatch. “You just never know – that’s the thing – car, boat, bike accident, someone standing on a jellyfish. At least if I find myself in any of those situations, I know what to do and what not to do – both equally important.”
If you, family members and friends are looking to partake in a first aid course this New Year head, online and visit one of our many first aid providers, including:
www.redcross.org.nz, www.stjohn.org.nz, www.first-training.co.nz, www.meditrain.co.nz www.mhaw.nz