Call for proposals:
Production of a documentary in the framework of the LIFE MareNatura Project
MEDASSET is an international NGO registered as a not-for- profit organisation in Greece. Partner to the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) and Permanent Observer-Member to the Bern Convention, Council of Europe, since 1988. With roots back to 1983, MEDASSET was founded in 1988 in England and in 1993 in Greece, having as its core mission to contribute to the conservation and protection of sea turtles in their natural habitats throughout the Mediterranean.
MEDASSET is announcing a call for proposals for the production of a Documentary in the framework of the project LIFE MareNatura. Production companies interested to take part in the call for proposals are kindly requested to read the information provided herein and contact Nadia Andreanidou, Programmes Officer and cc: Onteta Netzipi, Communication Officer ( for clarifications and additional information.
Conservation of priority species of marine megafauna in Greece and Italy
Co-funded by: Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) of the European Union.
Direct Partners: Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR) (Lead), Istituto Superiore Per La Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) (Italy), Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA), University of the Aegean ( UAegean), University of Crete (UoC), National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS), Hellenic Society for the Study and the Protection of the Monk Seal (MOm), ARCHELON, The Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece (ARCHELON), MEDASSET –Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (MEDASSET), Nature Conservation Consultants ( NCC), Waterproof Marine Consultancy & Services (Netherlands)
Special Policy Advisor: The Green Tank
The aim of the project is to mitigate the threats faced by nine vulnerable marine animal species of exceptional importance for the Greek and European biodiversity and the marine environment: the Mediterranean monk seal, the sperm whale, the Cuvier's beaked whale, the harbor porpoise, the common dolphin, the loggerhead sea turtle, the green turtle, the yelkouan shearwater and the Audouin’s gull. This will be achieved through the identification of important areas for these species, within the Greek territorial waters and the Greek EEZ, which will be proposed for inclusion in the Greek Natura 2000 network of protected areas. In this way, the project is expected to contribute decisively to Greece’s implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030"Bringing nature back into our lives", which stipulates, among other th ings, that at least 30% of sea and land in Europe must be placed under protection status by 2030 ("30 by 30" target), one third of which should be strictly protected.
LIFE MareNatura strategy lies in filling the knowledge gaps on the presence of the target species and the threats they face in marine offshore areas, beyond the coastal waters where research has been focused to date. In particular, extensive field surveys will be conducted to collect data on the migration routes, feeding grounds, and aggregation areas of these species, using stateof-the-art techniques (e.g. telemetry, aerial, boat, radar, bio-acoustics, and environmental DNA surveys), to formulate a scientifically documented list of the most important areas for their conservation, within the Greek territorial waters and the Greek EEZ.
Further actions will be implemented such as a) the mapping of the threats these species face, b) the development of a decisionsupport tool for systematic conservation and spatial planning, which will contribute to the identification and delineation of the new candidate Marine Protected Areas and to marine spatial planning, c) the development and operation of an integrated monitoring and early warning system for the regular assessment of the conservation status of the priority species, as well as, d) policy actions for effective communication and interaction with the competent authorities and other stakeholders, and actions for public awareness.
The LIFE MareNatura project, is the largest European project for the protection of marine biodiversity that has ever been implemented in Greece, and it will contribute significantly to the scientific documentation of the ecological value of the marine areas Greece intends to declare as MPAs, to achieve the "30 by 30" goal.
Scope, production information and deliverables
In the framework of the LIFE MareNatura project, MEDASSET announces a call for proposals for the production of a documentary to be used as a communication and advocacy output on a regional and international level.
The main objective of the documentary is to highlight the coordinated efforts of experts in mitigating threats faced by vulnerable marine species such as seabirds, sea turtles, and marine mammals. Through relevant activities, it aims to provide a holistic and multi -level conservation approach. This project is the first of its kind to focus on providing the necessary tools for the systematic monitoring of offshore biodiversity hotspots, with the goal of proposing new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for designation. Ultimately, the project seeks to expand the Natura 2000 network in Greece and Italy, contributing to the EU's 30x30 biodiversity strategy. The documentary will highlight these objectives, showcasing the innovative approach, the monitoring process, and the project's role in enhancing marine conservation efforts within the European Union.
Target Audiences of LIFE Mare Natura Project:
1. Policy Makers and State Officials
2. Marine Protected Area (MPA) Managers and Staff
3. Local communities in the pilot areas
4. General Audiences
5. Fishers
6. Scientific Community in Greece, Italy and EU
7. NGOs, Regional and National Institutions and civil society in Greece, Italy and the EU
8. Energy sector
Tagline: Protecting Marine Life in a Changing World
Keywords: protected areas, conservation, marine species, N2K network, EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 (Please visit the links at the end of the document for more information)
Production: The services undertaken by the production company should cover all aspects and costs of the pre-production, production, post- production, promotion (Inc. travelling).
● Concept, Script, Voice Over, Production and Promotion plan (Regionally and internationally)
● Documentary (festival version - DCP, online version)
● One trailer
● One teaser – mainly for use in social media
● 25 still images from the documentary mainly for use on social media and press
● Two posters
● Origina l music (at least one theme).
All deliverables of the LIFE MareNatura Project should feature the logo of the project, the logos of all project partners, the LIFE Programme logo and the Natura 2000 logo and funding statement "Co-funded by the European Union". The name of the project and names of partner organisations should also be mentioned in the titles and all outputs related to the documentary (trailer, poster, teaser, press releases, online publications etc).
Kindly consider that there will be at least 2 review rounds for each deliverable and your availability will be needed for bilateral meetings with all project partners organized and coordinated by MEDASSET.
Promotion and Distribution:
The documentary should be released and promoted successfully in festivals and other events and exposure opportunities starting July 2025 and at least until March 2029 and may continue to be promoted after the project's completion, in coordination with MEDASSET. A report on the total reach of the film, awards, nominations and overall exposure should be presented by May 2029. The documentary will be promoted regionally and internationally by the production/distribution company, MEDASSET and all partners of the LIFE MareNatura project.
Usage rights of deliverables: Worldwide, unlimited, exclusive, in perpetuity, all channels, commercial and non -commercial rights for LIFE MareNatura Project Partners as listed above.
Budget: The overall budget for the production and the promotion of the film is 57.000 Euros Inc. VAT.
Production companies interested to take part in the call for proposals should submit the following:
a. Confirmation of interest: Please send an email confirming your interest to participate in the call for proposals to until Thursday June 20th.
b. Submission of proposals:
Kindly submit your proposal in English by June 20th, 2024 via email to and c.c. o.netzipi@
Proposals received after this date or incomplete will not be considered. The proposal should include:
- Motivation letter stating why the company is fit to produce and successfully promote the documentary
- Profile of the company
- List of related works (please provide links)
- CVs of associates - crew
- Awards, references and other credentials you consider important.
- Technical proposal including: concept, methodology, budget analysis and timeframe for the production and promotion of the documentary.
All proposals will be treated with confidentiality and evaluated until the 30th of June 2024. Assignment of the provider to be completed by 10/07/2024.
Additional information:
● LIFE Mare NaturaProject:
● LIFE MareNatura Youtube channel:
Selection criteria
Nadia Andreanidou, Programmes Officer
Onteta Netzipi, Communication Officer