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SEAlly© is a mobile application launched in 2019 by MEDASSET and iSea under the financial programme of the Greek Green Fund and the support of Softweb. The application is a citizen science technology tool, which can deliver to the scientific community valuable data about sea turtle, shark and batoid observations. SEAlly© is the first mobile application that allows multi-taxa recording and consists of a comprehensive Mediterranean species list for all taxa. Its “target group” are fishers, port authorities, divers, sailing community and all sea users interested in the conservation of marine ecosystems. All recordings are validated by the SEAlly© team before uploaded to the app’s map. The user apart from the occurrence can provideinformationaboutthebehavior,the state, the gender, the size and the if the animal was bycaught, making the application’s use broader with potential to be used as a management tool. Furthermore, the app provides open access data to its users as every published record hasallthe aforementioned information available. Since its inception, the app has been developed further to include batoid species observations (2021) and as of 2022 is now available in 4 languages; English, Greek, Arabic and Turkish, expanding its reach across the Mediterranean region. To date, 247 observations have been reported by 89 registered users, of which 79% (n= 197) have been validated from 82 contributors and uploaded to the App’s map. In total 17 species have been recorded, three sea turtles, 10 shark species and four batoids, with 25.9% listed between Vulnerable to Critical on the IUCN Red List with decreasing population trends. Unsurprisingly, the most commonly reported taxa are sea turtles (88.3%, n=218) with 83.9% (n=183) recordings validated, followed sharks (7.7% n=19), with 33.3% (n= 6) recordingsvalidated,andrecentlyadded, batoids (4.0%, n=10), with 80% (n= 8) validated.

Poster Presentations


SESSION 6: Outreach, Conservation & Management



1, MEDASSET; 2, Chios Nature

This poster introduces "CARAPACE RACE", a new and highly interactive game developed for use in either outreach educational work or at facilities such as aquaria or rescue centres that host school groups.Using a large, (2m x 2.5m) playing matandacastof3Dcharacters,playersmust each help' their' turtle avoid threats,findfoodandgrowassheprogresses along the pathway of her life cycle. Each loggerhead will encounter dangers and opportunities, finally arriving at a nesting beachasanadulttolayherowneggs.Turtles gain or lose ping pong ball 'eggs' along the way and the Winner is whichever turtle has the most with her when she reaches the nesting beach!The concept provides for an adult leader or 'animateur' who adjudicates disputes, explains the way things work, and maintains order - because in the battle to collect more eggs or place a threat in an opponent's path, young players can get abitover-excited!42different"Chance Cards"provide opportunities to affect the outcome of the game while dropping nuggets of additional knowledge about sea turtles into the experience. (We like to think of this as "stealthlearning").The physical engagement the game offers is an important element of it. Players get to handle not only their own sea turtle but also a ghost crab, seagull, shark, octopus, hermit crab, jellyfish, and squid. They will also see some of the competing turtles become literally entangled in fishing gear, making the experience very real. They'll have to make decisions about whether to use a precious 'Chance Card' to free a struggling turtle or let her carry on unaided. Suspense and the power to influence outcomes engages the emotions, resulting in a thoroughly memorable experience. MEDASSET launched the game in Greece in 2018 and continues to use it during its educational outreach work. Our poster will fully illustrate it in use and provide images of someofitsdetails.

Sneaking Knowledge and Awareness

▪ Follow the lifetime adventures of a female loggerhead, from hatching to nesting.

▪ Struggle to survive, grow, find a mate and reach a nesting beach!

▪ Play as an individual or in a team!

▪ Aged between 6 and 600 ��? It‛s for YOU!

▪ Free your turtle from a fishing net or send her to the Rescue Centre!

▪ How many eggs will be in your nest at the end of the game?

If you‛ve got the most,you‛re the WINNER…and so are the Sea Turtles!

▪ Find out what the hazards are; neutralise threats and collect (or lose) eggs along the way.

▪ Each of the 42 ‘Chance Cards‛ provides insights along with an opportunity to affect the outcome.

WARNING: We‛ve got plans for World Domination! Currently “Carapace Race”is only available in English and Greek, but we will happily work with you to create an edition in a new language! We‛re a non-profit association,not a commercial enterprise.

Ask us about getting your own copy (at cost) to use in your Outreach Program,School or Visitor Centre!

Talk to the game designer, Anna Stamatiou, during the Conference or contact: medasset@medasset.org

▪Did you know that ghost crabs are furry?

(Errrm… okay, not really)

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