The Marketplace Magazine September/October 2021

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more bonus money to our team members. We might be offended less by others. We might give out more compliments. We might find out when our team member’s birthday or anniversary is and give them a generous amount of money to go out to dinner. We might take that longer vacation. We might hug our family more and look them in the eyes and say a heartfelt “I love you.” We might go home early and play catch with our kids or walk in the park, or just listen and not tell. We might be less angry with nonperformance. We might apologize for

hurting someone. We might resolve that unresolved conflict from months ago. We might be sure that there is no question that we are followers of Christ so that no neighbor or employee or co-worker at our funeral is surprised we were a Christian. Tim McGraw sings a powerful song that helps us push eject from fog-enshrouded living. It’s called, Live Like You Were Dying. In the song, after the doctor gives out the bad news about cancer, Tim reminds us we should all love deeper, speak sweeter, become better friends, give forgiveness

Harvest Prayer

we’ve been denying, go sky-diving and go Rocky Mountain climbing. Why not take just four minutes now, look up the song and reflect on the message. How about you? What if you knew you had just three months to live? How might you live like you were dying? It’s time to live well in the in-between.


Greg Leith lives in California. He is the CEO of Convene (, an organization that helps Christian business owners do business with excellence on a Biblical platform. His career spans over 40 years of senior leadership roles in corporate, non-profit and academic sectors.

Volume 51, Issue 5 September October 2021

Creator and provider of the harvest, thank you for the food produced by the land. Thank you for the richness of the soil that nourishes plants. Thank you for the work of those who till the ground. For those who plant, tend to, and gather in the crops that we far too often take for granted. Thank you for the rains that sustain plants and trees. Forgive us for any actions we have taken that harm the access of others to the water that they need. Guide us towards restorative actions. Open our hearts to respond to the needs of those whose lives are harmed by too much or too little water. Be with those suffering losses due to drought in some areas, and floods in others. Help government leaders to rule wisely and justly in their responses to those whose harvests fail due to no fault of their own. Bless the farmers who grow our fruits, grains, and vegetables. Watch over those who catch seafood, tend to poultry and livestock. As we give our thanks, inspire us to live lives where good intentions go beyond words and prayers. Give us a sense of contentment, of enough, and a willingness to gratefully share, both in times of abundance and of want. Help us to see how we can contribute to a harvest of justice, of opportunity for the less-fortunate and marginalized. Instill in us the wisdom to use our life experience, our purchasing decisions and donations in ways that contribute to healing and wholeness for people near and far who struggle in ways we fail to appreciate. Instill in us the grace to understand that land, like anything else we temporarily possess, is not something to be owned, but rather a trust to be stewarded. Help us find ways to nurture and sustain instead of degrading the goodness of creation. Amen.


The Marketplace (ISSN 321-330) is published bi-monthly by Mennonite Economic Development Associates at 532 North Oliver Road, Newton, KS 67114. Periodicals postage paid at Newton, KS 67114. Lithographed in U.S.A. Copyright 2021 by MEDA. Editor: Mike Strathdee Design: Ray Dirks

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Cover photo of Craig Martin courtesy CMU

The Marketplace September October 2021

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