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WHAT ARE STEM CELLS Stem cells are usually called progenitor cells as well, which means that they transform in all the other types of cells in our bodies that finally build various organs and tissues. The boom in research in this area began in 1998, when American scientists have discovered human embryonic stem cells and demonstrated their ability to be transformed into any type of human cells. However, the use of Embryonic stem cells in the world is now blocked, as there is no proof of their safety in terms of carcinogenicity. On the other hand, Mesenchymal stem cells are used in various areas of medicine.

Unlike Embryonic, which could be obtained at an early stage of human embryo development (from blastocyst of the inner mass - a fertilized egg - or the rudiments of sexual organs in the earliest stages of development, literally in the early days), Mesenchymal stem cells could be found during a person’s life in all its organs and tissues. The uniqueness and universality of the treatment effect is that stem cells find their way to damaged body areas by themselves. The use of stem cells to treat and prevent a wide range of diseases has led to active development of cell technology. There are almost no diseased organ in the human body can be treated by bone narrow stem cell transplantation now.


WHERE DO WE GET STEM SELLS FOR TREATMENT Bone marrow is a jellylike tissue that fills the inner cavities of bones. Bone marrow is the one and only area in a body where the largest number of stem cells is concentrated during a humans life. However, the greatest concentration of them falls on the first years of life when the organism grows and develops actively. In addition, number of stem cells decreases in a body while aging as well as their qualitative characteristics e.g. their ability to reproduce actively.

WHERE DO WE GET STEM SELLS FOR TREATMENT Donor stem cells utilization helps us to avoid all the possible inconvenience of a bone marrow puncture, pain, and a long period of stem cells growth which is required for injection. In our stem cells bank we keep cells that are suitable to any patient, according to age, gender and health status. Donor's stem cells are completely secure as all of them are tested in accordance with international guidelines for testing of donors of stem cells and bone marrow.

DONOR’S SEM SELLS: RELIABLE AND SECURE DONORS TESTING AND YOUR SAFETY -general health check up -blood tests for: -viruses (HIV, hepatitis (all types), HTLV, syphilis -HLA characteristics

-Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and cardiomyoblasts (cardiac stem cells) that we get out of them are hypoimmune and are not supposed to be rejected by the own body or any other body -We use bone marrow stem cells ONLY as they keep renew continuously unlike adipose tissue stem cells

HOW DOES IT WORK As mentioned above, mesenchymal stem cells have a unique ability to transform into any cells of our body. They also are smart enough to find a way to affected area. Immediately after injection of the cells while the patient concentrated at the injection site. then, for some time, they spread throughout the body, finding those areas that require the help and heal them. The first results of the injection are seen in 2-3 months.

DIABETES TYPE2 Only two injections of stem cells help to cure diabetes. Patients experienced this kind of treatment used to have normal level of glycated hemoglobin and blood glucose.

INFLAMMATORY BOWEL (CROHN’S DISEASE) Stem cells therapy improves the patient's condition perfectly, normalizes intestinal epithelium and let a person to diversify a diet or even forget about diet completely. The results we obtained are stable as we observe our patients for many years. There are no method of treatment of Crohn’s disease that would give such good results other than stem cells therapy.

PARKINSON’S DISEASE Stem cells are able to suspend the degenerative processes of the brain, replacing cells in damaged areas to healthy ones. Effectiveness of Parkinson's disease treatment is 80-85%.

HYPERTENSION Stem cells therapy is the best treatment for hypertension. The vascular system of the body recovers in the first place after the stem cells injection, as stem release angiogenic factors, as well as many anti-inflammatory agents, and replace damaged cells of blood vessels by themselves. Many of our patients are surprised after treatment that blood pressure returned to normal very quickly, literally in the first week the injection.

ISCHEMIC DISEASE Stem cells can cure any type of ischemia. The use of stem cells to treat ischemic diseases created a furor in the medical community. With the help of stem cells we can now save limbs even in those cases when doctor recommended an amputation already. We can handle even the critical condition when gangrene is about to start already. Stem cells are able to release a large number of angiogenic factors that stimulate the growth of blood vessels again and in addition, they differentiate into angioblasts in areas of icshemia literally lining up into new blood vessels, forming a new capillary network and collaterals. We can prevent myocardial infarction and repeated stroke. In this case time matters. The earlier treatment is started the better chances for success we have.

OSTEOCHONDROSIS Osteochondrosis is a pathological process which is based on a metabolic disorder in the spine and especially in the intervertebral cartilages, when intake and of the nutrients in the intervertebral cartilages reduces. There is also a shortage of water, amino acids and trace elements persists. In turn, the lack of water affects the damping (springy) function of disks. Stem cells able to repair cartilage, improve circulation and regulate metabolism in the body, so there are no options for those who suffer from osteochondrosis - a disease that affects 30% of the population after 40 years.

SLEEPING DISORDERS AND CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME Only one injection of stem cells significantly improves quality of your sleep, reduces shallow sleep phase, decreases time needed for recreation. It also Improves mood, the patient feels burst of energy and increase in efficiency. Stem cells are able to recover all the possible damage to the body as they cause a reorganization of all its organs and systems. First of all, they help to recover damaged nervous system which is usually a reason for chronic fatigue syndrome.

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Stem cells therapy for multiple sclerosis is the only way today to stop this serious disease. Based on the method of substitution therapy stem cells take root at the site of affected nerve cells and replace them. Thereby we deny the out-of-date statement that nerve cells do not regenerate. The first signs of improvement (restored sensitivity) appear in 1,5-2 month after the first injection. After 3-4 month more essential improvements occur in the gait, memory and double vision. According to the results of brain MRI one year after treatment stable remission starts and there is no evidence of new demyelinated areas any more. The effect of treatment lasts for years and depends on patient's lifestyle.

MIOCARDIAL INFRACTION, ANGINA AND OTHER HEART DISEASES Cardiovascular diseases usually present highest death rates. The most common illnesses are coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, heart disease, hypertension, and arrhythmias. Stem cells therapy significantly enhanced the resources in of cardiologists. In the initial stage of developing coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy or immediately after the occurrence of myocardial infarction stem cells injecteded into the bloodstream through a vein can accelerate the recovery of heart muscle. In our practice we managed to get a considerable improvement in patients with severe forms of cardiomyopathy such as dilatation cardiomyopathy.

STROKE Stem cells are able to penetrate into the damaged areas of the brain, bypassing the blood-brain barrier, replacing damaged nerve cells and restoring normal blood flow. After the treatment the patient is ready to get rid of effects of stroke and return to normal life. Stroke can be avoided in case of opportune injection of stem cells as soon as the patient found out the first signs of cardiovascular disorder. The effect occurs during the second month after the procedure and gradually increases during the year. Recovery depends on the stroke severity (the extent of brain damage). However, the effect of the stem cells injection is better than any other treatments effect.

REVITALIZATION&REJUVENATION The aging process begins at the age of 30. For those who wants to feel and look young there is a possibility to achieve it with natural resources, without any use of chemical means. Revitalization stimulates cell regeneration, restores the process of cells supply with nutrients, improves metabolism, reduces the susceptibility to stress. Revitalization is directed at arresting the aging process and restore the whole body to young and biologically active functional level. There is a double effect of stem cells injection: first, the newly arrived cells begin to do work intensively regenerating and revitalizing aging organs and tissues, and secondly, they start to recover and revitalize existing stem cells in the body . Revitalization is very effective but it does not give instant result. First it regulates the endocrine system, kidneys, liver and other organs, (a restoration of general vital body functions). And only then the proper functioning of internal organs provides a beautiful healthy appearance, good mood and sexual activity

STEM CELLS FOR KIDS THE FOLLOWING SEVERE CONDITIONS COULD BE TREATED WITH STEM CELLS: Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Oligophrenia (any stage)

CEREBRAL PALSY Significant improvement of such patients after 2-3 injections with 4-6 month breaks. Depending on the initial condition of our young patients they start to sit up on theirs own or even walk in the first six months of treatment. If cerebral palsy is accompanied by severe mental retardation, stem cells transplant helps to cure both.

During our experience we had a few opportunities to help several well known Russian families from show business to cure their kids. Most of them had almost lose their hope and have been ready to give up. All the small patients have shown great results. We have noticed significant improvement in their movements, much better and almost perfect motor skills and concentration. Involuntary urination and saliva spraying had stopped completely as well.

MENTAL RETARDATION Patients with mental retardation start to develop much faster after the injection. Almost all children begin to speak in 2-3 months after treatment, focus the attention, and even draw and role playing games. The fact that all non-speaking children began to speak - this is our main achievement in mental retardation treatment.

One of our patients one of the Russian governors son, 23 years old, diagnosed with oligophrenia since childhood. Despite of the fact that he was an adult already by the moment his parents took an advice in our clinic after the 3 courses of treatment he started to talk, take care of himself and even read and made his parents absolutely happy.

AUTISM Stem cells treatment for autism is based on their amazing ability to significantly affect the metabolic processes in the body, improve immunity, repair damaged cells tissue. Injected stem cells influence on all the body systems and, above all, the treatment improves brain functioning a lot.

According to our past experience stem cells transplant treatment makes autistic kids more sociable, outgoing, assiduous. Their ability to speak improves and most of them became able to study. We also have to note, that the best results you can get if the child will be treated earlier while his brain is still developing.

DOWN SYNDROME Despite the fact that Down syndrome is caused by the presence in the genome of extra chromosome and essentially incurable, experts of our center have achieved a significant progress in stabilization and improvement of quality of life for these patients. The treatment expedite children’s development, , stabilizes their nervous system, improves overall health and increases chances for successful social adaptation of children with Down syndrome.

All our patients with Down Syndrome that have experienced stem cells therapy now study in public schools with the kids of the same age.

FULL LIST OF DISEASES THAT COULD BE TREATED SUCCESSFULLY BY STEM CELLS THERAPY NERVOUS SYSTEM ■ multiple sclerosis ■ acute ischemic stroke ■ stroke rehabilitation ■ effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) ■ ischemia ■ brain injuries and their consequences ■ paralysis and its consequences ■ Parkinson's disease ■ Alzheimer's disease ■ peripheral neuropathies of various origins ■ neuralgia ■ sciatica ■ sleep disorders ■ chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) ■ cerebral palsy (CP) ■ mental retardation ■ mental retardation (not genetically caused) ■ effects of meningitis ■ neonatal hypoxia ■ posthypoxic encephalopathy ■ cerebral infarction ■ ischemia ■ dementia ■ encephalopathy

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM DISEASES ■ myocardial infarction in the acute period and during the subsequent recovery ■ long flowing coronary heart disease, accompanied by cardiosclerosis ■ heart failure ■ myocardiodystrophy of various origins ■ cardiomyopathy ■ hypertension VASCULAR DISEASES ■ vasculitis ■ limb ischemia ■ pre-gangrene (critical limb ischemia) ■ Raynaud's disease ■ endarteritis obliterans SKIN DISEASES ■ dermatitis ■ neurodermatitis ■ burns, ulcers and scarring of the skin ■ the effects of trauma and burns ■ eczema ■ cosmetic blemishes MUSCULOSCELETAL SYSTEM DISEASES ■ osteochondrosis ■ degenerative changes in joints ■ arthrosis ■ arthritis ■ coxarthrosis ■ gout

ENDOCRINE DISORDERS ■ type II diabetes ■ effects of diabetes first and second type ■ hyperthyroidism ■ thyrotoxicosis ■ hypothyroidism AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES ■ Crohn's disease ■ rheumatoid arthritis IMMUNODISEFFICENCY CONDITIONS ■ immune system disorders in women (due to menopause) ■ secondary immunodeficiency of various etiologies BLOOD DISEASES ■ anemia of various origin GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT DISEASES ■ stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer ■ colitis of various etiology ■ pancreatitis ■ cirrhosis ■ effects of hepatitis B and C ■ cholecystitis ■ chronic hepatitis ■ chronic hepatocellular failure UROGENITAL SYSTEM DISEASES ■ prostatitis ■ reproductive disorders in men and women ■ potency disorders ■ ovarian dysfunction GERIATRICS ■ prevention of premature aging ■ rejuvenation and revitalization

STEM CELLS AND CARDIOMYOBLASTS INJECTION. PREPARATION AND PROCESS 1. Send a medical report to hospital. Once its done the doctor will select the proper donor’s stem cells for a patient.

2. You can come for an injection during 2 weeks time after we received a report. 3. The injection itself takes 2 hours (you have to have a rest in a clinic for a while after it)


-about 10-15% of patients had slight transfusion reaction (shivering or fever), which is actually passes after 24 hours without any treatment. The reaction could be controlled by using medication before the procedure of transplantation. --the result is seen in 2-3 month

--depending on the diagnosis injection has to be repeated 2-3 times every 6 month

WHERE YOU CAN FIND STEM CELLS TREATMENT ? Europe? Only animal stem cells could be used for human treatment by law.

USA? An active research is being conducted. But the question about the legality of stem cells therapy is still pending. Best Stem Cells laboratories works for US Army.

China? Human embryonic material is often used for stem cells therapy.

MOSCOW ? RUSSIA? As we know from history USSRs’ leaders used to invest huge amounts of money in science. It helped Soviet Union to be a worthy counterpart to the United States in the Cold War.

STEM CELLS HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED BY RUSSIAN SCIENTIST -The term "stem cell" was proposed for scientific use by the Russian histologist Alexander Maksimov in 1908

-Another Russian scientist Alexander Friedenstein became a founder of Mesenchymal Stem Cells concept 40 about 40 years ago.




First researches of Stem Cells were started more than 40 years ago in secret Center of Radiation Medicine.

Medical Radiology Scientific Centre holds all the necessary licenses of Ministry of Health (Russia)


Our company MedCoordinator provides full package of services: visa, transfer, security, medical coordination, interpreting services and tour guide.

ACCOMODATION - HOTEL “UKRAINA’’ (RADISSON ROYAL HOTEL, MOSCOW) Luxury five-star hotel in the central part of the City. The hotel features five hundred and five rooms, thirty eight apartments, five restaurants, a conference centre, executive floor, banquet hall, library, spa & wellness centre with 50m indoor swimming pool, and a fleet of Moskva River yachts. Enjoy your 3 days staying with us.

RUSSIAN FEDERATION PRESIDENT ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL The procedure will be done in one of the best medical centers in Moscow Russian Federation President Administration hospital where only VIP service is provided in nice environment by attentive and high qualified staff.


-if you want to look younger plastic surgery will cost you about 50.00070.000 USD -if you suffer from diabetes, few years of never ending treatment will cost you 50.000 USD -the figures will grow as we are getting older and require more and more medical services


TODAY YOU HAVE A UNIQUE CHANCE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE COMPLETELY ! We are happy to inform you that you have a chance to get a ticket to your happier and healthier future for only 29 000 USD for adult. Children Treatment only 16 000 USD. *The trip is sponsored by The air-ticket SingaporeMoscow-Singapore and 3 days staying in Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow are included in package. Patients who go for 3 or more Injections Package Treatment have discount 30%

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