Making Futures - Fanzine from PDC 2012 Workshop

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Travel Guide to the Futures

Travel Guide to the Futures | Fanzine made at the Making Futures – Challenging Innovation workshop, Participatory Design Conference, Roskilde, DK, August 13, 2012, | Organisers/editors: Pelle Ehn, Laura Watts, Elisabet M. Nilsson & Richard Topgaard | More information:

Archipelago of Futures ISLANDS: OrkneyLab (Watts) Fabriken (Seravalli) Island of Lost Technologies (Light) Threads – a Mobile Sewing Circle! (Lindström & Ståhl) Trentino (D'Andrea & Hakken) Futures in the Making (Dittrich) Reconstruction (Alzate Mora) Cultural Commons (Björgvinsson) Malmö Social Innovation Island (Emilson and Hillgren) Social Island (Aakjær) UBI Mingle (Suopajärvi) Neverland (Storni) Island of Found Souls (Linde) Body Games (Kjærsgaard) Pee & Poop Management (Botero) An Archipelago of Creativity (Andrews & Teli) Tweaking Perspectives (Boess, Pasman & Mulder) Making a Community of Practice (Greenville) Exhibit (Lee & Ho) CONNECTIONS BETWEEN ISLANDS: Temporality Different/Shades/Of power Sensitisation to Multispecies Labour Common Pool Resources The Role of Design in Making Futures Indeterminacy Transitioning Translating Transforming Becoming Ignorance Travelling Methods Landscape/Geography

Thank you!

Fanzine made at the Making Futures – Challenging Innovation workshop Participatory Design Conference 2012

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