Media Mind Magazine, Nanotechnology

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Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH Nanonetz Bayern e. V.

Innovation through Nanotechnology

Technology transfer Project management Public relations and marketing Promoting young talents sponsored by:


Nano – a material marvel... ...that is universally „venerated“, however also viewed with scepticism. Many discuss and write about causes and impact when handling mysterious particles amongst other things.

Come with us to track down the secrets and realities of nanotechnology!

In truth, nano is omnipresent and everywhere and reveals the possibilities for solving future problems in science and in practice.

Walter Fürst, Managing Director

We would like to make a contribution to greater transparency and objectiveness: Where does a close, forward-looking network of science, economics and teaching take place?

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Managing director:

Walter Fürst, Jürgen Bauernschmitt

Who offers professional advice and support in EU research funding for nanotechnologies? What opportunities and risks can nanotechnology offer to the diverse areas of daily life? What does nanotechnology engender at the crossroads between research and application?

Design + DTP:

Jürgen Bauernschmitt

What is it about the „perfect wave“ that gives way to surprising phenomena?


media mind GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible editor:

Ilse Schallwegg

What is the meaning of the design and control of artificial and multifunctional nanosystems?

Published annually:

1 x annually

Where are scientific ideas shared and new interdisciplinary and pan-institutional contacts made?

Printed by: Druckerei Frischmann, Amberg © 2013/2014 by media mind GmbH & Co. KG No part of this magazine may be stored, copied or reproduced without the written consent of the editorial office


Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH Editorial Preface Prof. Dr. Alfred Forchel Greeting Prof. Dr. Wolfgang M. Heckl Cluster Nanotechnology

2. US 3 6 7 8

Cluster Nanotechnology – Technologies advancing key sectors Contact: Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH and Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Nanoproducts and Technologies

Table of contents

EXAKT Advanced Technologies GmbH Precision Three Roll Mills Global Prefer AG nano4consumer Microtrac Europe GmbH Analysis Systems NanoWorld Services GmbH Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) NETZSCHFeinmahltechnik GmbH Parkett Stelzl Clean-free parquet rent a scientist GmbH Silver Nanowires UVEX ARBEITSSCHUTZ GMBH Antibacterial Finish

20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28

Nanotechnology-Transfer and Services Solids physics and material research


The Anwenderzentrum Material- und Umweltforschung of the University of Augsburg Contact: Anwenderzentrum Material- und Umweltforschung, Augsburg

EU-Research Funding


EU Research Funding for Nanotechnologies Contact: Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou Bayerische Forschungsallianz GmbH (BayFOR)

Research and Application


The Bayreuth Center for Colloids and Interfaces Contact: Frau Thunig Bayreuther Zentrum für Kolloide und Grenzflächen


BAYERN INTERNATIONAL bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH Recycling waste material

36 37

Modern materials


European Centre for Dispersion Technologies Contact: Dr.-Ing. Felipe Wolff-Fabris SKZ - KFE gGmbH




Functional surfaces INNOVENT e.V.


SR Huebner & Kollegen Nanotechnology Patents


Nanoresearch and Development Center for NanoScience (CeNS)


Center for NanoScience (CeNS) Contact: Prof. Dr. Joachim O. Rädler, Dr. Susanne Hennig, Center for NanoScience (CeNS) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule of Applied Science Semiconductor Nanostructures

46 48

The perfect wave Authors: Achim Wixforth and associates Universität Augsburg, Experimentalphysik 1

Particle Technology


From particles to functional materials: Customized particles for new high-performance materials Authors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Peukert and associates Prof. Dr. Ulf Peschel


NanoSilver Network


Physics of Nanostructures Universität Regensburg


Nanosystems Chemistry Universität Würzburg


Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)


Experience Nanotechnology Demonstration laboratory Prof. Dr. Hermann Fromme


Centre for New Technologies (ZNT) Deutsches Museum


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Bayerische Forschungsallianz media mind GmbH & Co. KG

3. US 4. US


Nanotechnology – Smallest structures with high economic influence Nanotechnology has become productive. A growing number of innovative companies earn their money in the nanotechnology area. Not only large-scale industry, but also small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a decisive role to convert new ideas into products. Flexibility, little bureaucracy and an impressive mentality of tackling things characterizes these companies. The great properties in very small structures lead to perfectly new applications, e.g. in flexible displays in optoelectronics or functional additions of nonconductive materials that are turned conductive by nanotechnology. In addition, there is a trend to increasingly fast transfer from research to product. This is where the work of the Cluster Nanotechnology that is funded within the framework of the Bavarian State Government´s cluster campaign comes to fruition. By close cross-linking of research and economy, the cluster supports efficient transfer of latest R&D results into products and allows Bavarian companies to ensure a good position in global markets. After 6 years of successful cluster work, we have kept up with the development of nanotechnology. While information events and knowledge transfer were at the focus initially, concrete implementation of the nanotechnology potential has become another focus now. Novel process technologies, economic integration into present production processes, project management, use of synergies and publicity were developed into supporting pillars of our work. Nanotechnology can solve some of the great challenges of our time. Resource protection,

energy efficiency and innovations in many high-technology areas are made possible by nanotechnology. We see our task in increasing these potentials specifically for Bavaria and in minimizing possible risks. Therefore, we particularly support small and medium-sized businesses in implementing nanotechnology innovations into successful products. Besides our project work, the cluster focuses on fostering young talents. In this, it is supported by the Initiative Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher e.V., which has grown from the cluster´s work and aims at getting young people enthusiastic about science and technology. This is of utmost importance, as well-educated experts in high-tech areas are an important prerequisite for further growth of our economy. The cluster team and I, together with our cluster actors and members of the Nanonetz Bayern e.V., are happy to establish contacts with everyone interested in nanotechnology and to strengthen existing contacts. Get excited about the important developments in the field of nanotechnology in Bavaria. For queries and further information concerning all aspects of nanotechnology, please do not hesitate to contact the cluster team. I hope you will enjoy this brochure.

Prof. Dr. Alfred Forchel Speaker of the Cluster Nanotechnology


Nanotechnology – a market opportunity The energy transition in Germany has created numerous opportunities for the development of new technologies and products, especially in the fields of wind, solar and water energies which Bavaria is well positioned to exploit due to its strengths in research and development. Such new approaches often result from further developments of existing solutions. These are often based on a detailed understanding of material properties as well as an optimisation of working principles. This is where nano as a cross-sectional technology comes into its own. Apart from numerous applications in the investigation and development of novel, specifically tailored materials ranging from metals to concrete, this technology offers exciting fundamental insights and development opportunities in a variety of fields such as nanoelectronics, surface coatings, mechanical engineering, chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Bavarian research groups have made significant contributions in all these areas. These are based in universities and colleges, in independent research associations such as the Max Planck, Fraunhofer or Helmholtz institutes, as well as in the Center for NanoScience or the groups cooperating within the NIM initiative of excellence (NanoInitiative München) and similar collaborations in Bavaria. Building on this foundation, the region of Bavaria is also a Champions League player in the development of marketable products. Within the cluster strategy these developments are coordinated by the Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH, which not only establishes networks between industry and research partners, but also helps introduce young researchers to this vital future technology. Yet the benefits of nanotechnology can only be effectively exploited if it finds widespread support in society, with many people able to

comprehend and contribute to finding solutions to the challenges of the future. A broad scientific knowledge will enable people to engage in the public dialogue on benefits and risks, especially important in the field of nanotechnology with its numerous novel consumer products. The Deutsches Museum addresses this in its large permanent exhibition on nano and biotechnologies by presenting not only original objects, developments and applications, but also by showing everyday nano products and organising and conducting a variety of events. The combination of these elements in the public space creates a foundation for the public dialogue in this field. This brochure paints a representative, up-todate picture of the current state of nanotechnology in Bavaria and its important key players. Such an overview is, of course, never absolutely comprehensive, and can only offer a snapshot due to the vitality and the dynamics of this field. After the success of the first edition of the brochure “Nanotechnology in Bavaria”, the rapid developments fairly cried out for an updated version. It is our conviction that from the highly promising first steps, the field of nanotechnology has developed into a success story, both in research and in the market place, which has sustainably increased the attractiveness of Bavaria for the scientific and business communities.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang M. Heckl Oskar-von-Miller Chair for Science Communication Technische Universität München and Director General of the Deutsches Museum


Cluster Nanotechnology Technologies advancing key sectors

Cluster Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology forms new products The forecasted billion dollar market for the nanotechnology sector has become reality. There is hardly any economical sector which does not benefit from nanotechnologies: optics, electronics, mechanical engineering, chemistry, health sector, textile industry, environmental technology, packaging industry, construction material chemistry etc. Bavaria is ranking among the leading nanotechnology locations in Germany. Bavaria’s nanotechnology sector consists of approximately 325 close stakeholders from industry, associations and institutions as well as from R&D. In view of the great potential of nanotechnology, there is still room for more actors. In particular small and medium-sized enterprises in Bavaria take advantage of the enormous potential offered by nanotechnologies. At the same time, there are still excellent chances for growth.

Focus on progress supported by the Cluster Nanotechnology In order to take greater advantage of the potential of nanotechnology for Bavaria, the Cluster Nanotechnology is funded within the framework of the Bavarian Cluster campaign by the Free State of Bavaria. Major objective is the continuous development of a competence network in the field of nanotechnology to support an efficient transfer of latest R&D-

Nanotechnology in Bavaria, Source: VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH, and Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH

results into products. Close crosslinking of the research, economic and educating sectors is of utmost importance. The focus of the cluster activities is on the further development of a dense network between small and medium-sized enterprises with universities, universities of applied sciences and publicly funded research institutions. Beside regional networks we are member of the federal Initiative Nano in Germany to support and develop nanotechnology in Germany and in the federal project “go-cluster: be well-connected!� focused on further development of German clusters into highly effective international clusters. We get decision-makers from

politics to talk to core actors from the economy and research. One result of our networking activities is the flagship project European Center for Dispersion Technologies (EZD). It is currently under construction in Selb (Bavaria) and will be an independent interdisciplinary research and technology transfer institution, in which R&D topics will be addressed and relevant services for the industry will be offered. Our workshops, seminars and information events help you stay well informed. The focuses of these events cover a wide spectrum: material-oriented topics e.g. NanoCarbon, topics from process technology e.g. NanoCoatings

Cluster Nanotechnology

EZD´s ground-breaking ceremony, Source: Florian Miedl (Frankenpost)

and Nano-Regulation and -Politics. Our events gather scientists and industry users and thereby support knowledge exchange as well as joint activities and projects. Visit us at our trade fair stalls or present your results at trade fairs together with us. We perform active research marketing together with our partners on national and international level.

nanoelectronics and photonics nanobiomaterials and processes nanoanalytics, equipment and technologies Our goal is the responsible development of nanotechnology. As in any new technology, there is great need for research in the field of nanotechnology. In addition to technical challenges, some questions on work safety, toxicity


kers in the field of natural sciences is an obstacle to growth and innovation. It is therefore essential that we promote young talent. The promotion of nanotechnology teaching contents at schools and universities is an important part of the cluster's work. The cluster's young-talent promotion activities have been consolidated – and were intensified and broadened with the Initiative Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher (IJF) e.V. (Initiative for Young Researchers), founded in late 2010 (see below). The promoting organisations of the Cluster Nanotechnology are the Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH that was founded in 2006 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Würzburg-Schweinfurt and the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg and the network association Nanonetz Bayern e.V. that was founded in 2007.

Always well advised by the Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH The Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH is responsible for the management of the cluster and has implemented a variety of activities to support rapid implementation of your R&D results in marketable products, processes and services.

Our trade fair stalls at nano tech in Tokyo

Key subjects of our work and our partners include: inorganic nanomaterials (e.g. nanosilver, nanocarbon) nanoprocess technologies and engineering

Information event at a trade fair

and disposal of nanomaterials are still to be clarified. We are happy to provide you with the information you need and we take a stand based on latest scientific knowledge. The bottleneck in qualified wor-

State-of-the-art search Nanotechnology as a key technology has the potential to contribute considerably to a wide range of applications. However, it is difficult to be well-informed on prior art as the field is extremely dynamic and evolving rapidly. Therefore, we offer to collect knowhow on a concrete issue in your area of technology and prepare it for you as a search service. From research to development Targeted support leads to R&D projects for creation of innovative products that are born of cooperations. We support you in your search for a suitable funding

Cluster Nanotechnology


Japan, for instance, included the joint nanoanalytics project to initiate collaborations in the field of nanoanalytics between German and Japanese research institutions and companies. Our branch team

model and in filing applications. Our highly qualified cluster team utilizes its professional competences and guarantees confidentiality and exclusivity upon request. We also coordinate your project down to complete project management on request. From development to the product We support start-ups and SMEs by integrating them into network projects. We successfully manage the nanosilver network that was established in 2011 and is funded

Water-repellent surface on textiles

Nanosilver embedded into a synthetic fibre. Scale bar: 10 µm. Source: ras materials

by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) (see below). We use synergies with the objective of creating products and solutions that are mature for the market. We support the partners by consulting of public funding, publicity, project management, feasibility studies and market analyses. Taking the product to the global market In addition to the US and Japan, Germany holds a global top position in the area of nanotechnology where technology leadership is concerned. We help to secure and develop this peak position in the long term by cooperation with national and international institutions, networks and companies. Within the framework of the network project NanoBRIDGE, we support our partners to set up and expand German–Russian collaborations in the field of nanotechnology. Our ongoing activities in

Computer PCB with typical transistor gate length in production of ≥ 22 nm

Project example: Responsible development of nanosilver in the NanoSilver network The NanoSilver network was established in 2011 by the Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH and consists of eleven partners who are mainly small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as collaborating institutions. The project is managed by the Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

Status meeting of the NanoSilver network

The network's activities focus on the responsible development of nanosilver, taking into account all aspects of the product life-cycle from manufacture to processing, application, production and disposal. The main objectives of the network are the execution of marketoriented and innovative R&D projects and active public relations. For further information, please visit our website or contact us directly (e-mail: phone: +49 931 / 3189 – 371)

Bundled skills in the network association Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Laser chip with ~ 0,3 mm length and ~ 0,3 mm width especially for gas sensor technology, Source: nanoplus

Visiting companies in Japan and Russia

The network association Nanonetz Bayern e.V. acts as an open platform for the cluster activities and is a competent partner for developers and operators in the economy in the nanotechnology field. Synergies are created by combining and cooperating

Cluster Nanotechnology with existing competences in research, economy, the service sector and education. These synergies make essential contributions to the implementation of nanotechnology subjects in the social and economic area. The NanoShuttle on tour

11 Inspiring children and adolescents for future technologies and showing them how to develop and maintain their enthusiasm - that is the goal of the Initiative Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher e.V. (IJF). The IJf has emerged from the Cluster Nanotechnology in 2010. With the slogan „Make the

Science on tour The NanoShuttle brings an exciting nanoworld experience to Bavarian schools. Annual general meeting of the Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Your benefits as an association member Exchange of information and experience and transfer of knowledge with regard to nanotechnology Regular newsletter Promotion of contacts between R&D institutions and users in industry and economy Support of the collective research and development in the field of nanotechnology Provision of information regarding public funding programmes from the European Commission, Federal Government and Bavarian State Government Organisation of conventions, workshops and symposia Sustainable talent support e.g. by - School visits with the NanoShuttle - Teacher training programmes - School competition - Campaigns for nanotechnology - uni@school project

Teaching teachers We supply teachers with ideas for a future-oriented science teaching in trainings across Bavaria.

Young researchers in the student lab "Experimentarium"

Trainings for teachers

Schools in competition Students of all ages can show their research skills and test their ingenuity in the annual NanoSchool Competition.

future your idea“, the IJF continues the successful talent support independently but in close cooperation with the Cluster Nanotechnology. In the IJF’s new students lab ‘Experimentarium’, children and teenagers have the opportunity to independently research and experiment. Have we aroused your interest or do you have any questions about our work? Are you looking for cooperation partners? We would be very happy if you get in touch with us.

Contact: Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH und Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Hands-on science: highly-sensitive microscopy

School visits

Josef-Martin-Weg 52/ Campus Hubland Nord 97074 Würzburg/Germany Phone: +49 931 / 31 80570 Fax: +49 931 / 31 80569


Members of Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Your specialist for thin coatings Contact: ARA-Coatings GmbH & Co.KG Dr. Ralph Domnick Gundstr. 13 91056 Erlangen 09131 / 907040

Company consultancy services for the investment goods industry Contact: BCM Beck Consulting München GmbH Dr. Eberhard Beck Schrämelstraße 172 81247 München 089 / 820 20 420

Your independent insurance broker

One name, one programme

Contact: ARUNA Süd Versicherungsmakler GmbH Norbert Langer Tückelhäuser Str. 10 97199 Ochsenfurt 09331 / 89000

Contact: bene_fit systems GmbH & Co.KG Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Kräuter Scharhof 1 92242 Hirschau 09622 / 825030

Highly precise positioning in the nano sector

Biological process engineering and analytics

Contact: attocube systems AG Verena Kümmerling Königinstr. 11a 80539 München 089 / 2877809-0

Contact: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH Dr. Klaus Hoppenheidt Am Mittleren Moos 46 86167 Augsburg 0821 / 7000157

The industry-oriented and application-based centre

Protecting ideas. Upholding uniqueness. Being recognisable.

Contact: Bayreuther Zentrum für Kolloide und Grenzflächen (BZKG), Universität Bayreuth Christine Thunig Universitätsstrasse 30, 95440 Bayreuth 0921 / 55-4373

Contact: Bode Meitinger Patentanwalts GmbH Ingolf Bode, Thomas Meitinger Hermann-Schmid-Straße 10, 80336 München tel +49 (0)89 62 303 695-0 fax +49 (0)89 62 303 695-20


Members of Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Buzil – Solutions for cleanliness Contact: BUZIL-WERK Wagner GmbH & Co. KG Dr. Annette Schaadt Fraunhoferstrasse 17 87700 Memmingen Tel.: +49 (0)8331 - 930 805, Fax: +49 (0)8331 - 930 895

From the molecule to the material Contact: Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg Dr. Monika Schenk Nägelsbachstr. 49b 91052 Erlangen 09131 / 8520846

Metal effect pigments as powders, pastes and pellets, metallic inks; pearl-lustre pigments for various industrial applications Contact: ECKART GmbH, Werk Güntersthal Christian Wolfrum Günthersthal 4,91235 Hartenstein 09152 / 77-4740

Precise process engineering for specific dispersing Contact: EXAKT Advanced Technologies GmbH Dipl.-Kfr. Friederike Abresch Robert-Koch-Str. 5 22851 Norderstedt 040 / 529560-28

COTEC, your partner for PVD and CVD thin coating applications

Basis for resources in the nano sector

Contact: COTEC GmbH Michael Fliedner Frankenstrasse 19 63791 Karlstein 06188 / 9946223

Contact: FEI Deutschland GmbH Dipl.-Physiker Markus Wild An der Welle 4 60322 Frankfurt 069 / 669 849-48

Innovative materials, international presence, 140 years of tradition Dyckerhoff AG

Application-oriented research for production technology and automation

Contact: Wilhelm Dyckerhoff Institut für Baustofftechnologie Dr. rer. nat. Josef Strunge Dyckerhoffstr. 7 65203 Wiesbaden 0611 / 676-1710

Contact: Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ivica Kolaric Nobelstraße 12, 70569 Stuttgart 0711 /970-3729


Members of Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Science in action Innovative materials for tomorrow‘s products Contact: Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC Dr. Karl-Heinz Haas Neunerplatz 2, 97082 Würzburg 0931 / 4100-500,,

Contact: Hochschule Darmstadt ikd - Institut für Kunststofftechnik Darmstadt Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralph Stengler Haardtring 100 64295 Darmstadt 06151 / 168000

New high-performing carbon composite-based materials

Studies, higher education, research

Contact: FutureCarbon GmbH Birgit Krauß Gottlieb-Keim-Str. 60 95448 Bayreuth 0921 / 507388-0

Contact: Hochschule Deggendorf Prof. Dr. Martin Aust Edlmairstraße 6 und 8 94469 Deggendorf

Top quality cleaning, care and finishing products

Profile through research cooperation

Contact: Global Prefer AG Karl-Heinz Ostermeier Lagerlechfelder Str. 38 86836 Untermeitingen 08232 / 99550-700

Contact: Hochschule Regensburg Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rupert Schreiner Postfach 12 03 27 93025 Regensburg 0941 / 943-1277

Forward-looking study offers

Representation of interests and services for the business economy

Contact: Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Werner Denner Ignaz- Schön-Straße 11 97421Schweinfurt 09721 / 940-818

Contact: IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt Rudolf Trunk Mainaustrasse 33 97082 Würzburg 0931 / 4194-320


Members of Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Industry-oriented research facility

Pioneering standards as insulator manufacturers

Contact: INNOVENT e.V. Technologieentwicklung Jena Dr. Bernd Grünler, Dr. Arnd Schimanski Prüssingstr. 27 B D-07745 Jena 03641 / 28 25 10

Contact: LAPP Insulators GmbH Dr.-Ing. Jens Martin Seifert Bahnhofstr. 5 95632 Wunsiedel 09232 / 50-195

Systems for microscopic imaging

A world leading brand for microscopes and scientific instruments

Contact: Jeol (Germany) GmbH Dr. Siegfried Falch Oskar-von-Miller-Str. 1a 85386 Eching 08165 / 77-346

Contact: Leica Mikrosysteme Vertrieb GmbH Nina Brauns Ernst-Leitz-Str. 17-37 35578 Wetzlar 06441 / 29-4135

Leading providers in Facility Management

Development in pharmaceuticals with intelligent nanotechnology

Contact: K&S Raumpflegeservice GmbH Micha Strauß Karl-Götz-Str. 32 97424 Schweinfurt 09721 / 7834-0

Contact: leon-nanodrugs GmbH Dr. Wolfgang Beier Kopernikusstr. 9 81679 München 089 / 41424889-0

Plant engineering for low-energy material conditioning

Graphics and media design

Contact: Krause Maschinenbau GmbH Peter Krause Oberainer Feld 40 83104 Ostermünchen 08067 / 909-8306

Contact: LP Drucktechnik Lorenz u. Petre Druck GbR Mathias Petre Am Steinacker 4 90513 Zirndorf 0911 / 9657040


Members of Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Varied programme for the characterisation of particles

NanoZeolite: porous nanoparticles

Contact: Microtrac Europe GmbH Margret Boeck Am Latumer See 11, 40668 Meerbusch 02150 / 705679-11

Contact: NanoScape AG Dr. Wayne Daniell Am Klopferspitz 19 82152 Planegg-Martinsried 089 / 4613 3443-10

Innovative, individual and future-proof automation solutions

The leading nanotechnology associated company

Contact: M+W Products GmbH Dr. Josef Gerblinger Lotterbergstr. 30 70499 Stuttgart 0711 / 8804-1350

Contact: Nanostart AG Marco Beckmann Goethestr. 26-28 60313 Frankfurt a. Main 069 / 219396-110

Development of innovative products

Nano-microscopy made easy

Contact: Nabaltec AG Dr. Annika Luks Alustrasse 50-52 92421 Schwandorf 09431 / 53-522

Contact: Nanosurf GmbH Dr. Marcus Weth Rheinstr. 5 63225 Langen 06103 / 2027163

Manufacturer of innovative Semiconductor lasers

World leading provider of milling and mixing technology

Contact: nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH Dr. Johannes Koeth Oberer Kirschberg 4 97218 Gerbrunn 0931 / 90827-0

Contact: NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH Dr.- Ing. Stefan Mende Sedanstrasse 70 95100 Selb 09287 / 797-215


Members of Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

30 years of experience in the generation and measurement of aerosols

Development services nano-materials

Contact: PALAS® GmbH M. Sc., Bac. Oec. Jürgen Spielvogel Greschbachstraße 3 b 76229 Karlsruhe 0721 / 962130

Contact: rent a scientist GmbH Adi Parzl Nussberger Str. 6 b 93059 Regensburg 0941 / 60717-3

Manufacturer of particle analysis equipment

The production, services and development partner

Contact: Particle Metrix GmbH Dr. Hanno Wachernig Am Latumer See 13 40668 Meerbusch 02150 / 7056790

Contact: REUTER TECHNOLOGIE GmbH Karl-Heinz Reuter Röntgenstraße 1 D-63755 Alzenau 06023/5044-16

Development partner and system provider for medical solutions and products

Tailor-made wire mesh separation solutions for chemical and process engineering

Contact: RAUMEDIC AG Jörg Grzeskowiak Hermann-Staudinger-Str. 2 95233 Helmbrechts 09252 / 359-1871

Contact: Rhodius GmbH Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Heikamp Treuchtlinger Str. 23 91781 Weissenburg

Problem solutions and products made of high-performing ceramics and plastic

Sale of scientific devices and measuring equipment

Contact: Rauschert GmbH Technische Keramik und Kunststoff-Formteile Dipl.-Ing. Friedrich Moeller Paul-Ernst-Metzler Straße 1, 96515 Judenbach-Heinersdorf 09265 / 78-342

Contact: Schaefer Technologie GmbH Dr. Gertrude Goetz Robert-Bosch-Str. 31 63225 Langen 06103 / 300-98-0


Members of Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

Together we move the world

Advice at eye level instead of 08/15

Contact: Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG Leiter Kompetenzzentrum Oberflächentechnik Dr.-Ing. Tim Hosenfeldt Industriestraße 1-3, 91074 Herzogenaurach 09132 / 82-1361

Contact: Sparkasse Mainfranken Rainer Ankenbrand Hofstr. 7-9 97070 Würzburg 0931 / 3828-130

From fibre to the finished component

Patenting of nanotechnology inventions

Contact: SGL CARBON GmbH Dr. Hubert Jäger Rheingaustraße 182 65203 Wiesbaden 08271 / 83-1621

Contact: SR Huebner & Kollegen Dr. Stefan Rolf Huebner Prinzregentenplatz 11 81675 München 089 / 66 610 57-0


Individual customised service offers

Contact: Simon Möhringer Anlagenbau GmbH Dr.- Ing. Stefan Möhringer Industriestaße 1 97353 Wiesentheid 09383 / 950-29

Contact: Stadt Nürnberg, Wirtschaftsförderung Dr. Silvia Kuttruff Theresienstraße 9 90403 Nürnberg 0911 / 231-5796

The place for plastic

Where knowledge becomes science

Contact: SKZ - KFE gGmbH Kunststoff-Forschung und -Entwicklung Dr.-Ing. Karsten Kretschmer Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22 97076 Würzburg

Contact: Stadt Würzburg Eigenbetrieb Congress-Tourismus-Wirtschaft Klaus Walther Am Congress Centrum, 97070 Würzburg 0931/372319


Members of Nanonetz Bayern e.V.

The institute for special textiles and flexible materials

Leading PVC raw material manufacturer – Market and technological leader for PVC specialities

Contact: Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Möhring Zeulenrodaer Str. 42-44 D-07973 Greiz 03661 / 611-0

Contact: Vinnolit GmbH & Co. KG Dr. Robert Hohenadel Industrieparkstr. 1 84508 Burgkirchen 08679 7-5347

Increased safety. Added value

Perfect dosing with ViscoTec dosing technology

Contact: TÜV Süd Industrie Services GmbH Dipl.-Phys. Gerhard Klein Westendstraße 199 80686 München 089 / 5791-1579

Contact: ViscoTec Pumpen- u. Dosiertechnik GmbH Georg Senftl Amperstr. 4 84513 Töging am Inn 08631 / 9274-435

Occupational safety from head to toe

World market leader in the area of vehicle balance weights and battery terminals

Contact: UVEX ARBEITSSCHUTZ GMBH Dr. Maria Raidel Würzburger Str. 181 – 189 90766 Fürth 0911 / 9736 1927

Contact: WEGMANN automotive GmbH & Co.KG Dietmar Wagenschein Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 6 97209 Veitshöchheim 0931 / 32104-300

Would you like to join our network association Nanonetz Bayern e.V.? We will be very happy to answer your questions via phone: +49 931 31-80570 or via mail: We look forward to meeting you personally and to working together with you.


EXAKT – Defined dispersion for defined characteristics of nano materials Nano-particles tend to agglomerate, but only when homogeneously separated can they develop their specific characteristics. EXAKT designs and produces precision Three Roll Mills for directed dispersion to govern the functional properties of nano suspensions.

Precision Three Roll Mills

The quality of the suspension determines the quality of the final product. Critical for the quality of the Suspension are a defined, homogeneous particle size and distribution, the preservation of particle structure and

function as well as rheological properties. Process control and reproducibility are therefore decisive for quality. EXAKT precision Three Roll Mills are suitable for a broad range of applications such as Electronics (Sensors or Resistors, Flexible Displays, Batteries, PV etc.), Technical Ceramics, Functional Inks, Lubricants, Coatings and more.

Contact: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ulf Köpke

EXAKT Advanced Technologies GmbH Robert-Koch-Straße 5 22851 Norderstedt/Germany E-mail:

De-agglomeration and fine, homogeneous distribution of particles through defined energy input in material systems made of a solid and a liquid phase


Surface coating in the daily life

With „GP Wood+Stone coating“ protected piece of wood. The hydrophobic effect keeps the water from drain into the wood.

Partly protected jacket, made of artificial fiber. With the coating is the surface of the jacket hydrophic, but still breathable

Various factors ultimately decide about the quality of a coating. In addition to the sealing product, the preparation of the substrate is a key moment for the durability of the sealing. Global Prefer offers in different areas –“Automotive”, “Facility”, “Home & Garden” and “Maritime” solutions. A verified range of cleaning and polishing products guarantees an optimal result in combination with the coating products. Products used by trained professional service providers, such as automotive painter shops, glass specialists, stonemasons, horticulturists, etc. Distributors and retailers can purchase products with private label. A specialty of Global Prefer is the private label even for small quantities. Data-sheets and safety-datasheets are available in the main European languages and also in Russian, Chinese and Arabic.

Training for customers can be performed centrally but also with the customers at their place. GP supports in application and marketing. In addition to standard applications, Global Prefer offers customized solutions for manufacturers. Products for automotive paint, glass and convertible top were developed together with suppliers of automotive industry. Author: Karl-Heinz Ostermeier

Global Prefer AG Lagerlechfelder Str. 38 D-86836 Untermeitingen/Germany Phone.: +49 (8232)99550-0 Fax: +49 (8232)99550-199 E-mail:


If you made the experience with a coated car-window, the glass of a shower or a protected silk-tie – you will love it and never want to miss it in future. Global prefer AG distributes products for coating of various surfaces since 2005. At first only by specialists, is now ready for the consumer market. These coatings protect against dirt, absorbent surfaces against the penetration of liquids. Water repellent and breath-able is not a contradiction. The effect is generally with: easy-to-clean described. The consequence for cleaning is: less water less chemicals less energy less power less time nd therefore the coating is environmentally friendly. Stone floors and tiles, glass and stainless steel is easy to clean when sealed with GP- Nano-coating. Concerns about the use of nanoparticles are taken seriously by Global Prefer. GP does not offer nano-products as an aerosol-spray.


Microtrac Europe GmbH – Analysis Systems for Characterization of Nanoparticles Smallest particles originate in processes of growth or crushing smallest. These two applications overlap in a wide range at about 0.1 µm = 100 nm which is the declared frontier to the nanoworld. Quite frequently we meet a mixture of both, which is reflected by our portfolio of instruments as „Total Solutions in Particle Characterization“. With laser diffraction a size analysis of grinding can be traced down to 10 nm. Due to the large surface of nanoparticles and the tendency to react with others, stability analysis by means of charge and size measurement instruments is crucial. This starts in the sub-nanometer and ends in the micron range. For rather scientific applications it is the particle tracking method, for industrial the combination of DLS- size sensor and charge.

Analysis Systems

ZetaView®: Size, Zeta Potential and Counting of Nanoparticles For trace analysis of water or microvesicle diagnosis the usual methods like DLS Dynamic Light Scattering or LDE Laser Doppler Electrophoresis aren‘t sensitive enough to detect minor amounts of small particles or agglomerates. An attractive alternative is automatic Particle Tracking in the ZetaView® Laser Light Scattering Microscope. Nanoparticles down to 10/20 nm of size and a concentration of 105/mL can be reproducible traced. Size is derived from the Brownian motion, zeta potential from the electrophoretic mobility. Concentration is

The „DUO“ Stabino®/NANO-flex offers an unprecedented efficiency of nanoparticle characterization

a by-product of both methods. The system is vibration decoupled and comes with an autofocus function. Distribution data and multiple point scans are available within minutes and analyzed by the intuitive software. No calibration is necessary.

Comprehensive Particle Colloid Analysis Zeta potential titrations with Stabino® and 180° DLS particle size analyses with NANO-flex provide a comprehensive overall picture of a colloid formulation. pH,

conductivity and total charge are some of the titration variables. With both methods together a size range of 0.3 nm to 100 µm is covered. Samples of up to 40% v/v may be analyzed requiring hardly any physical parameters. In addition, an easy Debye molecular weight measurement in the range from 1000 Da to 20 Mio Da is included. As a total result you get: stability parameters agglomeration behavior optimum dosage coating evidences a colloidal fingerprint Contact: Microtrac Europe GmbH

The particle size and charge distribution is derived from the mobility of single nanoparticles with and without field

Am Latumer See 11 40668 Meerbusch/Germany Phone: +49 (0)2150-705679-0 Fax: +49 (0)2150-705679-29 E-mail:


NanoWorld Services is a foundry in the field of Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS). Our main expertise is turning customer’s ideas into products with the inherently tight integration of MEMS design, process development and volume production. We are specialized in the development and fabrication of microtechnological products based on semiconductor fabrication methods. We not only realize our customer‘s individual requests but offer them a one-stop solution for their needs in the field of MEMS business. We strive to be the long-term OEM MEMS manufacturing partner for our clients and structure all business relationships accordingly. We have highly trained, skilled and motivated personnel with 50+ years of MEMS experience and a team-based problem solving approach. Our staff has the analytical ability to meet your MEMS development challenges and save you time and money. An effective communication between you and our staff allows projects to run smoothly. Being located at the Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB) in Erlangen/Germany we are closely collaborating on several projects in the field of MEMS products with this renowned research institution. This collaboration enables us to access a clean room class 10 to class 1000 and the full

4” silicon wafer containing ~400 mechanical probes produced on customer‘s request

capacity of equipment for 100 mm and 150 mm wafer fabrication which is ideally complemented by our own facilities.

Array of individually addressable microstructures

Micromachining The company has been involved in MEMS micromachining since 2001. The micromachining of MEMS involves the selective etching of silicon and deposited thin films to form three dimensional mechanical structures such as cantilevers, diaphragms, and channels. We have expertise in both, surface micromachining and bulk micromachining.

Manufacturing and Analyzing Services NanoWorld Services has access to a large variety of manufacturing technologies which can be offered

to our customers. We provide the subsequently listed services which are an integral part of the whole production process: MEMSdesign, product development, process development, mask design, prototype realization, small/large series production, quality control. The DIN ISO 9001 and 14001 certification in 2010 confirms our outstanding quality and environmental consciousness. Measuring technology is of high importance for the production of MEMS parts. To guarantee the optimal results most of the necessary measuring techniques are carried out under clean room conditions. Amongst others the following measuring tools are available: Scanning Electron Microscope, Scanning Probe Microscope, White Light Interferometer, Optical Layer Thickness Measurement System, Nano-Vibration Analyzer.

Contact: NanoWorld Services GmbH Schottkystraße 10 91058 Erlangen Tel: +49 (0)9131 7612-05 Fax: +49 (0)9131 7612-02

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

From idea to finished product


NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH

Fit for the Challenges of the Nano Age The NETZSCH Group is a family-run, internationally operating company with headquarters in Selb/Bavaria, Germany. The 140 sales and production centers in 27 countries worldwide underscore the international presence. The three Business Units – Analyzing & Testing, Grinding & Dispersing and Pumps & Systems – operate independently with the goal to offer the customer the best individualized solution. Over 130 years of experience have resulted in technology and market leadership. The Business Unit Grinding & Dispersing offers an extensive machine program for all tasks related to the processing stages dispersing, de-aerating, wet and dry grinding and classifying. The machines manufactured by NETZSCHFeinmahltechnik GmbH are used for processing liquid and pasty products and those manufactured by NETZSCH-CONDUX Mahltechnik GmbH for dry grinding. With the equipment from NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH, it is possible to develop products from a wide range of industries on the smallest laboratory scale and to scale up to production scale. Typical applications are paints and lacquers, pesticides, ceramics, carbides, foods, pharmaceuticals and life science as well as InkJet inks, UV protection and easy-to-clean or anti-fingerprint coatings. No mat-

Fig. 1: Zeta® RS – Easy handling thanks to the swiveling grinding chamber

ter which of these areas we address with our customers, questions about the possibility to improve product properties through the addition of nano particles or with nano coatings are becoming increasingly commonplace. There are many ideas. NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik offers customized solutions ranging from extensive consultation to pilot plant trials to complete production plants. With long service lives, the machines guarantee a high level of production reliability. The production of very fine particles through comminution of coarse particles is referred to as the dispersion or „top-down“ method. High energy densities, such as those realized in agitator bead mills, must be available for such grinding tasks. Agitator bead mills are primarily operated as wet systems. They are used in many branches of industry for grinding raw materials as well as dispersing fine pigments and pro-

ducts from „bottom-up“ processes. In contrast to the „bottomup“ methods, particles that deviate from the spherical shape are created during wet grinding in agitator bead mills. The product, in the form of primary particles, is stabilized in a suspension and, in many applications, can be processed further without additional preparation. The main advantage of comminution processes in the production of nano particles is that the process can be scaled-up. A disadvantage of wet grinding in agitator bead mills can be contamination of the product through abrasion on the grinding beads. In the colloidal particle size range it is important to distinguish between true comminution and dispersion. While with true comminution, i.e. where the crushing of coarse primary particles must be realized through fracture, pressure and impact stresses, during dispersion these direct stresses often damage

NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH agglomerated nanoscale primary particles. The reason for this is the change in the mechanical properties of the product particles with decreasing particle size from brittle-elastic behavior to plastic behavior. Transitions from crystalline to amorphous material structure or mechanochemically triggered reactions can have a negative effect on the product properties. For the most part, agglomerates of nanoscale primary particles should be subjected to shearing stress, which requires the use of very small grinding beads at very low circumferential speeds in the mill. For these complex applications, NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH has developed a new generation of mills they have named Zeta® RS (Fig. 1). Due to the refined grinding media separation system with rotating sieve, grinding beads with diameters from 50 µm can be used in the Zeta® RS. In addition, this new mill is extremely user friendly, since the grinding chamber of the machine, similar to that of a laboratory machine, can be swiveled for both filling and discharging.

Fig. 2: M 10.000 Agitator Bead Mill

The spectrum of agitator bead mills ranges from the smallest laboratory machines to gigantic production machines with a grinding chamber volume of 10,000 l (Fig. 2). The M 10.000 horizontal disk agitator bead mill, with a drive capacity of 3.25 MW and a total weight of approx. 65 t, is employed by the largest mine

Fig.3: MicroCer Laboratory Mill

operators in the world for ore dressing. Integration in the treatment process has resulted in a further increase in the overall yield, for example, of platinum, gold and copper. But even the smallest continuous mills, the MicroFer, MicroPur and MicroCer (Fig. 3) with a grinding chamber volume of 80 ml are becoming increasingly popular with customers of NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH. Products from the most diverse sectors of industry are developed on these laboratory machines and then manufactured in production-scale machines. In the area of dispersion technology, the Ψ-Mix® (Fig. 4) is one of the outstanding developments of recent years. Compared to conventional dispersion units, the inline disperser requires only a fraction of the energy for generally better results, is practically maintenance free and facilitates dosing of solids at up to 5 m 3 bulk volume/h. The low specific energy input required during dispersion allows the processing of temperature-sensitive products. Another exceptional feature of the Ψ-Mix® is the dustand emission-free dispersion that takes place in an enclosed process chamber. In addition, the machine features a lower susceptibility to foreign bodies in pigment fills compared to conventional dispersers with rotor-stator systems. Due to the structural design of


the inline disperser, both temperature-sensitive products and those with a broad range of viscosities can be processed. The dosing of solids is extremely flexible from a BigBag, container, silo or bagged product. The Ψ-Mix® is a machine predestined for integration in automated plants and for processing large batches, especially in emission-critical or explosion-proof areas.

Fig. 4: Ψ-Mix® Inline Disperser

NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH is a technological leader in the global market. More than 50 years of experience, a sound personnel structure and an innovative team spirit guarantee the customers of NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH the best consulting service and customized solutions for future applications.


Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mende Manager of Research & Development Sales SupportNanotechnology

NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH Sedanstrasse 70 D-95100 Selb/Germany Phone: +49 9287 797-215 Fax: +49 9287 797 149


Clean-free parquet

Nano on parquet saves on time-consuming cleaning Thanks to a new and intelligent parquet solution, tedious and frequent cleaning rituals are a thing of the past. This has been made possible thanks to unique poredeep special sealing based on Nano-technology. This keeps the shine on the new product and the floor is permanently beautiful – without doing absolutely anything. The 7-fold PRO STRONG Surface varnish sealing, a unique sealing technology, protects parquet flooring against scratches and wear even under the toughest demands. Decade-long experience with drying guarantees the utmost stability in shape, fitting accuracy and prevents problematic joint formation at the recommended indoor climate. The result is that dirt and dust do not gather and cannot penetrate more deeply. The PROSTRONG – Surface of the clean-free parquet has been given the “Blue Angel” label. The “Blue Angel” is the worldwide and most widely known hallmark of any

Clean-free hall, smoked oak

product which is particularly environmentally-friendly, whilst at the same time meeting strict health and occupational safety requirements.

Cleaning made easy Only gentle cleaning is required for the unique clean-free parquet and even this is made easy by special cleaning products. For the optimum and easy cleaning of the clean-free parquet the “Clever Cleaner” has been developed.

This cleaning product, perfectly adapted to the clean-free parquet, guarantees lasting, clean, hygienic and lovely parquet flooring. Whoever decides on clean-free parquets merely requires water and the “Clever Cleaner” and saves on time-consuming and complicated parquet care. Naturally all the products used are ecologically tested and are completely safe for people and the environment. Author: Robert Stelzl

Parkett Stelzl

Clean-free parquet, strip appearance, natural oak

Forstenrieder Alle 195 81549 München/Germany Phone +49(0)89/689 21 77 Fax: +49(0)89/689 21 78


The backbone of modern nanotechnology markets is established, not only in Bavaria, by small and medium enterprises (SME). Already in the very near future the nanotechnology will direct the global economy’s consumption of resources into reasonable paths. Particularly in modern industrial nations the demand for more and more electronic devices is raising, driving the demand for basic raw materials. The silver nanowire technology is a serious alternative to replace state of the

Percolating network (TEM-picture) of silver nanowires; rent a scientist GmbH, Regensburg

art ITO (indium tin oxide) which dominates the market of transparent conductive surfaces. Resulting from the rapid increase of ITOprices and the limited availability there is an urgent necessity to replace ITO in the very near future. Substantially, actual research and development has identified not more than three classes of substances that meet the challenges for

Transparent conductive coating with silver nanowires on a PET-foil

transparent conductivity: conductive polymers, carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires. The principal of generating transparent conductive surfaces with silver nanowires is clear and simple. It is trivial that surface conductivity will be obtained by coating a continuous film of conductive material onto a surface. In the case of spherical particles, huge amounts are necessary to ensure inter particle contact. Regarding silver, this leads to intransparent silver coatings. In contrast, a percolating network is sufficient to ensure conductivity by using smarter morphologies as demonstrated by silver nanowires. The silver nanowire technology therefore enables us to generate high brilliant, conductive surfaces with a minimum material consumption. Transparent conductive electrodes are indispensable for the

manufacturing of optoelectronic devices. Touchscreens, solar cells, liquid crystal screens and (organic) light emitting diodes are the predominant applications. In Bavaria, the technology driven company ras materials GmbH, Regensburg has filed some basic patents concerning the synthesis of silver nanowires. Following this strategy the Bavarian technology specialist is now leading the field as manufacturer of the eligible silver material. Ras materials has already been recognized as a main player in the field of nanotechnology. In team with the rent a scientist GmbH, as a sister company, on the edge research and development has been performed for recent years: Their tailored silver nanomaterials are chosen as industry relevant, standard reference material of the OECD (Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development). Author: Dr. Georg Maier Executive Partner

rent a scientist GmbH Nussbergerstr. 6b D-93059 Regensburg Fon: +49 (0)941/60 717-59 Fax: +49 (0)941/60 717-44

Silver Nanowires

Silver Nanowires: Advanced Material for global megatrends


Disposable protective clothing with silver AgPure™ nanosilver antibacterial action As an innovative provider of brand systems and an expert manufacturer, the uvex safety group has been synonymous with quality head-to-toe workplace protective clothing for many years. The range,comprising of helmets,hearing protection,safety eyewear,safety gloves and safety footwear, as well as protective and work clothing brings all major product groups together under one umbrella. The latest collection of lightweight breathing protection and functional disposable clothing perfectly complements the existing comprehensive PPE range.

Antibacterial Finish

Many people are subjected to special risks in the course of their daily work, including fine dust, noise, falling objects, hazardous chemicals, viruses and bacteria. uvex‘s mission is “protecting people” from such hazards and this not only means providing innovative PPE products of the highest standard that are extremely comfortable to wear, but also individual guidance, expertise and a multitude of services.

uvex disposable clothing With the disposable protective clothing product range, uvex offers highly functional protective coveralls with protection types 3B, 4B and 5/6 for various areas of application, from disposable coveralls against dirt and dust to special protective solutions against viruses and bacteria. Top-quality high-tech materials guarantee effective protection. The surface of uvex 3B extra vibatec disposable coveralls is coated with the active bacteriostatic layer AgPURE™. This combines the broad antibacterial effective-

duces the odours released through metabolic activity of microorganisms, prevents mould and slows down growth of other harmful germs.

Effect of AgPURE™ nanosilver

Graphic illustrating the effect o AgPURE™ on microbes

ness of silver with a very low dosage of active nanoparticles, which means it is extremely safe and sustainable. The silver ions integrated in the coating have scientifically proven antimicrobial properties and protect the wearer against viruses and bacteria. AgPURE™ also effectively re-

Silver is an efficient, extremely soft antimicrobial substance that is of no risk to either humans or the environment. The effective concentration of AgPURE™ is extremely low, at around 0.01% silver. AgPURE™ provides surfaces with a bacteriostatic coating, protecting them (though not their immediate surroundings) against bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is invisible to the naked eye and extremely effective, without affecting the basic properties of the material. Contact: Dr. Maria Raidel UVEX ARBEITSSCHUTZ GMBH

Protection from a wide range of chemicals and microorganisms – uvex 3B extra vibatec

Würzburger Str.189, DE-90766 Fürth Phone: +4991197361927 Fax: +49 911 9736 1302 +49 151 58246400


The Anwenderzentrum Material- und Umweltforschung of the University of Augsburg The Anwenderzentrum Materialund Umweltforschung (AMU) was founded at the Institute for Physics (IfP) of the University of Augsburg in the year of 2000, with the objective of creating a „local contact point for the industry“. The AMU is your competent partner for research and development projects in the area of solids physics and material research in cooperation with the IfP and the newly founded Institute for Materials Resource Management (MRM) at the University of Augsburg. The professors of the IfP and the MRM have bundled their specialist competences for implementation of application-related industrial projects in the AMU. This offer is used by many Swabian companies. The performance range of the AMU ranges from processing of short-term material research analysis to perspective cooperation projects in material or process development. The AMU makes use of the diverse analysis options present at the two institutes IfP and MRM for this. These are a few examples: Microscopy and topography Mechanical properties Magnetic and electronic properties Phase and structure analysis Chemical and thermal reactions Material coating and modification

The AMU supports the industry with the following services: Mediation, planning and coordination of cooperation Acquisition of promotional funds Project management with individual contract design, management of property rights, schedule monitoring, controlling Provision of state-of-the-art labs and high-tech devices The diversity of the analysis options and targeted expansion of the method part lead to continuous growth of the customer base. New devices, such as the universal nanomechanic surface scanner (Universeller NAnomechanischer OberflächenTaster; UNAT) that permits quick and comprehensive determination of mechanical characteristics of a material surface or coating or the new device for sensitive and locally resolved analysis of the element structure of surface materials (Auger-probe) permit processing of highly diverse tasks in applied research. One example of a particularly innovative and extraordinary form of cooperation is the scientific competence office project completed in 2012 that was performed in the highly current subject area of carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) for the first time: Six scientific „project architects“ support the companies in this industry in initiation and implementa-

tion of cooperation projects with scientific institutions. Implementation of this unique concept was possible with the help of companies SGL Group, MT Aerospace AG, Carbon Composites e.V. and promotional funds from the ESF fund of the European Union. The University of Augsburg is active in the area of nano sciences as well. One example for this is the article „The Perfect Wave“ on page 48. Another example is cooperation with AxynTeC Dünnschichttechnik GmbH in the area of development of innovative thin layer and layered systems both for the design of new functional materials and for clarification of basic physical questions in this area. For example, thin, transparent Teflon layers (PTFE) that have retained the most important property of PTFE, i.e. low wettability, can be produced. Additionally, good adhesive properties of the layers appear on the underground so that they are suitable for use in many different applications.

Contact: Anwenderzentrum Material- und Umweltforschung Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstr. 1a D-86159 Augsburg Phone: 0821/598 3590, Fax: 0821/598 3599

Solids physics and material research

Material Sciences Competence in your Area


EU Research Funding

EU Research Funding for Nanotechnologies Daily life would no longer be conceivable without them, even though they are invisible to the human eye: Nanoparticles (Greek nános = dwarf ) have a size of 10-9 m. That means one nanometer is one billionth of a meter in length. For comparison: Our fingernails grow approximately one nanometer per second. And still our life is dominated by these „ultrasmall particles“: They are omnipresent, be it in creams in the cosmetics industry, scratch-resistant elements of paints in automobile production or as bactericides in medical products. Especially in the field of medicine and biotechnology (cancer treatment, simpler diagnosis of diseases), in nanoelectronics (development of efficient semiconductors, multifunctional sensors) or in renewable energies (solar cells, catalytic conversion of biomass), scientists are faced with key challenges that can be counteracted with the aid of nanoscience. That is not the only reason why nanotechnology is regarded by the EU as one of the important key technologies of the 21st century. Market estimates suggest that the share of nanoproducts on the world market will amount to about EUR 700 billion by 2015. By 2020, the total revenue of products incorporating nanotechnology as the key component should even reach two trillion euros. In other words, these „tiny“ particles will generate about six million jobs.1 1

Interinstitutional Dossier of the Council of the European Union from May 24, 2012 (10218/12, DE, 2011/0401 [COD], p. 65)

Sunlight is absorbed by the carbon nanotubes and utilized to generate electricity. Photo: Hannes Kraus (Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg)

Optimal use of solar energy with new materials comprising carbon nanotubes Since November 1, 2012, the international consortium of the European research project POCAONTAS (Polymer-Carbon Nanotubes Active Systems for Photovoltaics) has been investigating how nanotechnologies may contribute to the efficient use of solar energy. Five Bavarian partners representing science, academia and industry are participating in this project. For the next four years, the European Commission will fund this joint project with EUR 3.5 million aiming at developing an alternative to silicon-based solar cells, the production of which is extremely costly and energy intensive. By contrast, the production and recycling of solar cells based on plastic are resource efficient. In

addition to that, they are light and flexible, which makes them versatile as well. The carbon nanotubes composite (CNT) offers the optimum prerequisites for improving the performance of solar cells. Generally carbon nanotubes facilitate a long-term use of cells thanks to their good photochemical stability. Moreover, they absorb light over a broad spectral range and their electrons possess high mobility. All of these characteristics may contribute to an efficient conversion of solar energy. Polymer-based solar cells to date don’t carry out the efficiency of silicon-based solar cells. The participating scientists of POCAONTAS rise to this ambitious challenge. Therefore they intend to optimize the interaction of materials with the aid of modern spectroscopy, and finally make these usable for the efficient energy conversion. The training of young scientists is in addition to research an important objective of the project, which is promoted via an „Initial Training Network“ (ITN) as part of the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme. The project partners will offer scientific and complementary courses and workshops for young scientists throughout the network.

Innovation driver for the 21st century Nanotechnology is an innovation driver for many industrial sectors, which is taken into account by

EU Research Funding the European Commission in its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7, 2007-2013) with approx. EUR 3.5 billion for the research theme „Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies – NMP“ (Theme 4 in Cooperation). That corresponds with about 5 to 10 percent of the overall funds of FP7. The EU also lays great emphasis on the fostering of cross-cutting technologies; thus the calls for proposals for the themes such as nanotechnologies and new materials are also reflected in themes like health, energy, information and communication technologies. Hence, long-term objectives are pursued for facilitating a better quality of life with an increased life expectancy, a safe environment and energy savings.

Nanotechnology as a key feature in „Horizon 2020“ In the EU’s next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020 (20142020), topics involving nanotechnologies will be found in all three thematic pillars „Excellent Science“, „Industrial Leadership“ and „Societal Challenges“. Nanotechnology will be mainly funded in the second pillar. To facilitate implementation, the so-called „Key Enabling Technologies - KETs“ are integrated in the following six fields of research: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Nanotechnologies Innovative materials Biotechnology Advanced manufacturing and processing Aerospace

The prior proposal of the EU Commission with regard to Horizon 2020 envisaged a budget of EUR 13.7 billion for the KETs, where approx. EUR 4 billion thereof is earmarked for interdisciplinary technologies.

Competent support for your EU project The Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) offers professional advice and support to Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences as well as small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are interested in European research funding, prior to, during and after the application process. The current FP7 and the forthcoming programme, Horizon 2020, form a key aspect in this regard. Our scientific officers provide specific technical information, advice and their active support during the project initiation phase, the setup of international research consortia and the application process. In case of a successful evaluation, BayFOR also provides assistance during contract negotiations with the European Commission and, if necessary, assumes project management and the dissemination of scientific results. For instance, BayFOR has supported the POCAONTAS consortium during the preparation of the proposal and will presumably be responsible for the complementary training as an associated partner. Another aim is to increase the par-

31 ticipation of Bavarian companies, especially SMEs, in European funding programmes. As a partner organization in the support network for SMEs „Enterprise Europe Network“ (EEN), BayFOR acts as an interface between science, academia and the industry. BayFOR has also been commissioned by Bavaria’s State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts to supervise the Bavarian University Funding Programme for the Initiation of International Projects (BayIntAn). Our efforts are aimed at initiating or strengthening transnational collaboration in research projects involving Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences. The Bavarian Research Alliance is a partner organization in the Haus der Forschung (“House of Research”). Further information: Picture: Nanotube (Copyright:Tyler Boyes, Shutterstock)

Contact at BayFOR: Unit Information & Communication Technologies, Engineering & Natural Sciences POCAONTAS:

Dipl.-Ing. Bohyun Katharina Lee Scientific Officer Focus: Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies

Phone: +49 89 9901888-132 E-mail: Nanotechnology:

Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou Head of Unit

Phone: +49 89 9901888-130 E-mail:


The Bayreuth Center for Colloids and Interfaces

Research and Application

Nanotechnology at the interface between research and application The Bayreuth Center for Colloids and Interfaces (BZKG) is a central research institution of the University of Bayreuth, in which several research groups jointly combine their expertise and equipment. The aim of the BZKG is to connect fundamental research and industrial applications. The University Bayreuth with its research priorities in “Macromolecular and Colloid Research” as well as in “New Materials” offers a high level of competence in the areas of colloidal or interface-dominated systems and their applications in the biological or material sciences. Companies, especially small and medium sized ones, have with the BZKG a direct partner for research projects. These companies have not necessarily to be situated in the vicinity of Bayreuth but can be found across the entire Bavaria. The BZKG is not only enabling bilateral collaborations but also collaborative projects on the European level. In the BZKG we study various types of colloidal objects, which span dimensions of few nanometers up to several micrometers. Therefore, our research compromises nanoparticles as well as the typical ingredients of paints. Other examples for colloidal systems are proteins or cosmetic formulations. Due to the dimen-

Monolayer of small 180nm polystyrene particles assembled on a 10 ìm particle

sions of the colloidal objects it is possible to consider colloid science as a classical and ‚green‘ form of nanotechnology. The origins of colloid science can be traced back to the preparation of the first inks in the ancient Egypt or to the preparation of colloidal gold sols in China, more than thousand years ago. These examples illustrate an important aspect of colloid and macromolecule science: it has an inherent connection to real-life applications, which on one hand provides new impulses for the fundamental research and on the other hand leads to new products or procedures that can be readily applied. It is characteristic for colloidal systems that many of their properties are determined by the interface formed between particles and the aqueous phase and not by the bulk properties of dis-

solved objects. A simple example illustrates this point: In a glass of 0.2 liters that contains a 10% (w/w) colloidal suspension of latex particles with a diameter of 1 micrometer, the total surface area of the particles is equal to about is equal to about 60 m2. In consequence, the properties of the interface determine how these colloids will behave together as colloidal suspension. For example, the surface forces are responsible for the stability of a colloidal particles suspension and thus determine how long it can be stored and under which conditions, e.g. in respect to the temperature, before the particles aggregate. Interface science as discipline is dealing with the interfaces between phases in general, not only those between a colloidal particle and the adjacent solution. A representative example would be a water-based paint developed to color walls. This paint must be stable as colloidal suspension but it must also stick to the wall during (and after) the painting process (interface between two solids) as well as possess suitable drying properties (solid/gas interface). Thus, in interface science one studies the defined preparation of interfaces for specific applications, the purposive surface modification by suitable coatings as well as the development of sui-

Research and Application table analytical techniques. The interfaces studied can be either of organic or inorganic origin. Typical organic interfaces might be formed for example by polymer materials. It represents great advantage of the University of Bayreuth that here colloid and interface science are represented by chairs from inorganic chemistry as well as macromolecular chemistry. The latter discipline studies primarily polymeric components and suitable additives. Besides, only by the combination of these two disciplines, it is possible to develop and to study socalled hybrid materials that have found applications as flame resistant materials as well as for gas tight barriers in packing or for optoelectronic devices. Furthermore, many other important processes in chemistry are dominated by interfaces, in particular catalysis. Another example, this time in material science, would be adhesion processes. Adhesion is not only important for the development of glues but also for the cleaning of surfaces. In addition, the structuring of surfaces on the scale of nanometers or micrometers becomes increasingly important in interface science. Typical examples are water-repellent surfaces whose design is based on the so-called “Lotus-effect�. The portfolio of the BZKG is completed with the chairs from the engineering faculty that can provide expertise in polymer engineering or biomaterials. A comprehensive analytical characterization of colloidal or interface-based systems is a prerequisite in order to optimize their synthesis or applications in a rational manner. The BZKG provides also smaller companies the possibility to access a broad range of analytical techniques. It offers a number of well-known techniques, such as microscopy (scanning transmission microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force micros-

Scanning electron microscopy image of a copolymer micro-gel load by gold nanorods. (Prof. M. Karg)

copy, and confocal laser scanning microscopy, etc.), light and X-ray scattering or electrokinetic methods. Additionally, more specialized techniques for characterization or synthesis are available, such as solid-state NMR, direct measurement of interaction forces, or innovative techniques for electrospinning. The research groups or key laboratories, respectively, maintain these analytical and preparative techniques. A comprehensive description of available techniques is given on website of the BZKG. A representative example of how the BZKG triggers synergetic effects in research are recent studies on nano-platelets: Thin sheets of phyllosilicates with highly defined properties, especially with respect to their charge and aspect ratio, have been synthesized at the chair of Inorganic Chemistry I.

33 The mechanical properties of these platelets have been quantitatively evaluated at the chair of Physical Chemistry II with a newly developed method, which is based on the AFM and resembles tests known from the macroscopic world. In cooperation with the chair of Macromolecular Chemistry I and chair of Polymer Engineering these silicate platelets have been incorporated in a custom-designed polymer matrix in order to develop new hybrid-materials with unique properties such as optical transparency and gas impermeability. The concept of merging different competencies available in the field of colloid and interface research at the University of Bayreuth for a specific project with one administrative contact, namely the BZKG, provides many advantages, especially for small and medium sized companies. These companies often lack of a specialized research department, here the BZKG offers a central point of contact in order to connect to the expertise of many research groups with competences in various fields. For example research groups from Inorganic and Macromolecular Chemistry as well as Engineering can jointly

By techniques like force spectroscopy with colloidal probes it is possible to determine interaction forces between microparticles and surfaces

Research and Application


These nanofibers have been prepared by coaxial electrospinning of soft and hard polymers. By choosing polymers with appropriate properties it possible to form “nano-springs” (Prof. S. Agarwal)

work together in a temporary fashion for a specific industry-related project, while the administrative framework is given by the BZKG. In this manner industry-related projects of various dimensions, ranging from small feasibility studies up to European collaborative research, can be administratively accompanied in a very flexible manner. Historically, the BZKG developed from the association of five chairs at the University of Bayreuth. It was founded in July 2000 with the aim of bringing together the expertise in the various fields of colloids and interface research

present in the various research groups. Prof. Dr. H. Hoffmann has been the founding director, who also significantly established and shaped the nearly 30-year old tradition of colloid and interface research at the University of Bayreuth. With the construction of a separate building, the BZKG provides also its own laboratory and office space. The support of the state of Bavaria has been essential, especially in the framework of the Bavarian HiTech-Initiative. These laboratories of the BZKG represent also the underlying idea and the spirit of this center: The open access not only to the expertise

but also to the instrumental resources of all participating research groups. This principle has been followed for many years now and it represents also the basis for the Key-Lab-Structure as found today in the research priority area of “Macromolecular and Colloid Research” at the University of Bayreuth. Expensive and large instrumental equipment, such as electron microscopy are not only grouped in terms of laboratory facilities but also provided with central scientific support structure. This approach allows for an optimal scientific benefit for the users but also allows all research groups, especially those of young group leaders, a direct and non-bureaucratic access to these techniques for their projects. To date, the BZKG counts 16 members, which come from three different faculties and covers nearly the complete field of colloid and interface science. The large number of BZKG-members, which have to also contribute by membership fees to the infrastructure of the BZKG, demonstrates that this center is highly attractive, not only for collaboration partners from industry but also for the research groups at the University of Bayreuth.

The Bayreuth Center for Colloids and Interfaces (BZKG) Members: 16 chairs and research groups at the University of Bayreuth Founded: July 2000 (Former managing directors: Prof. Dr. H. Hoffmann 2000-2003 and Prof. Dr. M. Ballauff 2003-2009) Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery (Chair for Physical Chemistry II) E-mail:

Bayreuther Zentrum für Kolloide und Grenzflächen (BZKG) an der Universität Bayreuth

Contact: Frau Thunig Bayreuther Zentrum für Kolloide und Grenzflächen Universitätsstrasse 30 95440 Bayreuth/Germany Phone 0921 / 55 — 4373 E-Mail: Further Information: A comprehensive corporate brochure with detailed information regarding the participating research groups is available in pdf-format and can be downloaded from the webpage.

Research and Application Core competencies of the participating research groups


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Recycling waste material: Products containing Nanomaterials

bifa Umweltinstitut: Office and laboratory building with technical center (left)

nanomaterials and plant operators that wish to process the resulting waste products. Both the variety of nanomaterials used as well as the large range of waste management process methods will demand specific case-by-case consideration. The bifa Umweltinstitut supports the projects of manufacturers of innovative products and waste disposal plant operators, who recycle such products as part of their disposal process. Inter-disciplinary teams (engineers, natural and social scientists, economists) have worked on over 800 practice-oriented projects for research funding organisations, local authorities and industrial enterprises over the last 20 years. The activities of the bifa Umweltinstitut cover a broad task spectrum in environmental protection technologies. Developing solutions to realise recycling waste management is usually at the fore.

[1] SRU (2011): Vorsorgestrategien für Nanomaterialien. Sondergutachten (Precautionary strategies for [managing] nanomaterials. Special report). [2] Struwe, J.: Schindler, E. (2012): Bedeutung von Nanomaterialien beim Recycling von Abfällen. Arbeitspapier 270. (Significance of nanomaterial when recycling waste. Working paper 270), Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (Hans Böckler Foundation) Author: Dr. Klaus Hoppenheidt Project Manager Biological Process Engineering and Analytics

bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH Am Mittleren Moos 46 D-86167 Augsburg/Germany

Recycling waste material

For some years now, more and more products have reached the market that have a special product feature based on the use of nanomaterials. After their useful life has expired, such products are supposed to be fed back into one of various material cycles of the waste management industry: According to the waste management regulations in both Germany and the EU, waste that cannot be avoided must be prepared for reuse as far as this is possible. Should reuse not be feasible, these waste materials are to be recycled (used as source materials). Energy is to be recovered from the waste materials that cannot be recycled. Refuse that cannot be recycled is to be disposed of. At present, it is still largely unclear, whether the infiltration of products containing nanomaterials can influence mainstream recycling and disposal processes of waste management [1, 2]. The considerable influence caused by the infiltration of other trace substances has however become apparent in the meantime: For example, the illegal infiltration of radioactive substances when metals are recycled or the diminished quality of recycling paper when printing inks containing mineral oil have been used. Requirements on work safety and environment protection, as well as specific targets for the quality of the products make it necessary to clarify the situation for manufacturers of products that contain


European Centre for Dispersion Technologies Modern materials are composed of a number of different constituents, and in most of the cases, these constituents are not soluble in each other. Such mixtures are described as dispersions, which include suspensions, emulsions, composites and aerosols. Plastic parts, paints, coatings, nanocomposites and ceramics are important application fields of dispersions.

Modern materials

Nano-additives are currently used to tailor the properties of different products, such as nano-silver for antibacterial effect or layered silicates to improve mechanical and barrier properties. In comparison to microadditives, nanotechnology allows to reach similar or better performance at much lower additive contents. However nano-particles tend to form agglomerates due to the very large specific surface and strong attraction forces. The manufacture of Nano-Dispersions is therefore a complex process. Not only the choice of the right components and formulation is essential for tailoring the final properties, but also the dispersion method plays an equally important role. In order to produce homogeneously dispersed nanocomposites, three aspects have to be taken into consideration: 1. The surface of the particle has to be matched to the matrix, which can be achieved by chemical and/or physical surface modification.

2. Agglomerates have to be mechanically destroyed leading to the homogeneous isolation of single particles in the matrix, for instance by shear forces (e.g. three-roller mill or high pressure homogeneiser) or by cavitation (e.g. ultrasonic dispersion). 3. The stabilisation of the nanosuspension is required to avoid re-agglomeration, and can be assured either by a suitable previous surface modification or by addition of surfactants. The newly founded European Centre for Dispersion Technologies, a further business unit of the research division, is an interdisciplinary research and technology transfer institution, in which R&D topics related to Dispersion Technologies as well as relevant services for the industry are available.

About SKZ – The German Plastic Centre The SKZ is one of the largest plastics institutes in Germany. As partner of the plastic industry, with over 300 partners in a strong active network, the SKZ is for more than 50 years working in the field of testing and quality assurance. Moreover, with more than 10,000 participants each year, we are the market leader for training and the transfer of knowledge in the field of plastics. Our research division focuses on the development and improvement of material and production technologies in line with the market requirements. Finally, with the certification of management systems we offer you the best prerequisite for efficiency and economic success.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Felipe Wolff-Fabris

The major topics of this Centre are: Materials: Modification of additives and stabilization of microand nano-dispersions Processes: Optimization of the manufacture of dispersions


Analysis: Characterization of particles and dispersions

Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22 97076 WĂźrzburg - Germany Phone: +49 (0)931 4104 330 Fax: +49 (0)931 4104 717 E-mail:

Training: Course, seminars and networking

European Centre for Dispersion Technologies


Functional surfaces for sustainable products

Functional surfaces

A toolbox of combined coating technologies In the “Innovative Regional Growth Core” J-1013 scientists from INNOVENT and partners with designated expertise in the glass/ ceramic area and special knowledge in textiles work together with other technology developers on novel coating processes. These processes function under normal pressure conditions – hence the name J-1013 is explained: J stands for Jena and 1013 for normal pressure. This technology enables the developers to apply new functionalities on virtually any surface on the nanometre scale. The research and development is focused on the application of atmospheric-pressure plasma- (APCVD) and flame-assisted (CCVD) process layouts for chemical vapour deposition and specially designed sol-gel coating processes and aims to achieve the transfer of respective applications into a kind of toolbox, which are then readily available to users for their specific needs in product development. This approach works already well for selected application situations.

Antimicrobial Surfaces Bactericidal active surfaces are often based on the use of silvercontaining agents. Such bactericidal active plastics surfaces can be made by incorporating silver particles into the plastics matrix

Plasma Jet for the Deposition of thin films under atmospheric pressure on virtually any surface

during the extrusion process. However, a disadvantage of this approach consists in the uselessness of the main silver fraction in the bulk material, since only the comparable tiny silver fraction on the surface takes effect. Another approach would be the applicati-

on of an ultra-thin silver coating, however a layer thickness of few nanometres already changes the optical appearance of the treated work pieces. Within the framework of the “Growth Core” INNOVENT developed a technology that allows virtually substrate-independent deposition of thin, transparent films, which are doped with silver and leave the optical appearance unaffected. The respective thin glass-like layer is deposited by APCVD applying a special dosing process that facilitates the incorporation and immobilisation of silver in the growing nano-layer. Further investigations and tests proved the bactericidal effect of the coated surfaces [1] and it could be demonstrated, that specifically dosed silver can adjust the surface properties to provide antibacterial effect but without cyto-toxicity occurring [2]. This particular aspect is important for all applications requiring or purposing a direct interaction between human cells and the surface. The bactericidal films were recently applied on glasses, ceramics and textiles. A long-lasting effect was proved with respective tests of durability [1]. Ongoing investigations focus on the utilisation of silver-free bactericidal active substances as well as on the deposition of release-layers offering controlled release of the active components.

Functional surfaces


Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of bacterial cellulose coated by plasma jet

Metallization of nonconductive plastic surfaces Another example for the use of coatings from the toolbox is the metallization of non-conductive plastic surfaces. Scientists from Jena found methods to deposit composite nucleation layers applying APCVD or sol-gel processes on the surface. The nucleation layer serves as initial base layer for a chemical metallization in a subsequent process, for example electroless nickel or electroless copper plating. The novelty and advantage compared to conventional metallization methods consists in elimina-

SEM-image of a silver-containing SiOx-layer (from [1])

ting the use of chromosulfuric acid for pickling and palladium for nucleation. The APCVD method also allows structuring the metallized surface by respectively scanning the plasma jet over the surface when the base layer is deposited. This method has proved itself effective and reliable for the metallization of non-conductive materials like plastics and glass.[3]

Literature [1] O. Beier, A. Pfuch, K. Horn, J. Weisser, M. Schnabelrauch, A. Schimanski; „Low Temperature Deposition of Antibacterially Active Silicon Oxide Layers Containing Silver Nanoparticles, Prepared by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition“ Plasma Processes and Polymers, Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 77–87, January 2013 [2] 502553 [3] J. Schmidt: Metallisierung von nichtleitfähigen Substratwerkstoffen (durch Aktivierung mittels Atmosphärendruckplasma), 16. ak-adp Workshop in Dortmund, 18.04.2013


Dr. Arnd Schimanski Managing Director, Research & Development Manager


Copper-plated ABS-substrate after 1000 cycles of abrasion (ASTM D2486), a plasma layer was used as nucleation for electroless plating

Pruessingstrasse 27B D-07745 Jena


New rules in the race for nanotechnology patents The competition for nanotechnology patents is hotting up. In this interview the Munich patent attorney Dr. Stefan Rolf Huebner explains why patent offices have so many problems with nanotechnology and what the pioneers in this young field of research have to do if they want to take advantage of the great opportunities offered by nanotechnology patents.

Nanotechnology Patents

Nanotechnology has benefited from a good deal of investment in the past years. Does that translate into patent applications? The number of patent applications in nanotechnology is increasing considerably faster than in other fields of technology. In particular, a sharp rise is currently observable in patent applications relating to graphene. This has sparked off a real race for patents.

to the whole field. Consider biotechnology, which was probably in more or less the same position in the 1980‘s as nanotechnology is today. At that time Mullis and colleagues discovered the PCR (editor‘s note: the polymerase chain reaction, for which the patents were sold to Hoffmann-La Roche for 300 million dollars). The best protection against becoming blocked by other companies‘ patents is to have a strong patent portfolio of one‘s own.

What role does publicly funded research play in this development? Roughly a third of the nanotechnology inventions we deal with originate from publicly funded laboratories, predominantly universities. Two thirds originate from companies – not only from large technology companies but also from young start-ups spawned by a university on the back of a promising idea. Some people are warning that firms are monopolizing the foundations of nanotechnology with their patents and may thereby be hampering progress. In some cases, perhaps. But it is in the nature of things that the pioneers of a new technical field make many fundamental discoveries that later prove very valuable

What do patent applicants have to beware of in nanotechnology? The greatest challenge facing patent applicants in nanotechnology is the fact that they often break new ground not only in technology but also in patent law.

Patent applications newly published annually at the European Patent Office. Source: European Patent Office data, 2013

What do you mean by that? Patent law is surely the same for all research disciplines. Not at all. European patent law draws a distinction between, for instance, chemical substances and technical devices, a distinction which, incidentally, can quickly become absurd in nanotechnology: Is a nanorobot made up of a single macromolecule, a substance or a machine? But even more importantly, patent law only sets out the general principles; case

Nanotechnology Patents law develops these further for the individual technical fields. Let‘s take an example: According to the law it is only possible to patent something that the ‘average person skilled in the art’ does not already regard as obvious from the state of the art. But, you tell me, who exactly is an average person skilled in the art of nanotechnology? And what does he regard as obvious? In conventional mechanics, electrical engineering, chemistry, and so on, patent offices and courts have been answering such questions for many decades in numerous individual cases, and there is standard literature that analyses and systematizes this case law. In nanotechnology, on the other hand, there are only relatively few decisions so far. The field is still in its infancy. So how can patent offices actually assess nanotechnology inventions? In the absence of genuine nanotechnology case law, patent examiners try to find analogies to conventional technical fields which often fails. For example, reference is repeatedly made to the ‘downsizing’ argument, which is derived from mechanics and states that merely making an

43 the ways of exploiting them. The old downsizing argument does not apply here. This is only one example, of course, but it shows that we need separate rules for nanotechnology.

Origin of the applicants of the European patent applications on graphene published in 2012. Source: European Patent Office data, 2013

already known device smaller does not constitute an invention. That may well make sense in the case of a conventional technology. For example, it should be obvious to equip a tablet computer with a smaller screen if the market demands handier devices but the situation is very different with nanotechnology. The issue here is the new properties which materials can assume when shrunk to the nanoscale. Carbon in the form of graphene is an outstanding electrical conductor; nano-gold is a semiconductor. It‘s about the new possibilities offered by these new properties, and

What advice do you have for inventors until such rules come into existence? To take advantage of this void and fill it with their own arguments – why their own concrete idea satisfies the patenting criteria very well, and why its particular implications justify a particularly broad protection. Those who exploit this opportunity, argue well and don‘t give up have the chance to achieve even more than in conventional technical fields. Finally, what is it about nanotechnology that fascinates you? I came across nanotechnology as a young graduate studying for a doctorate in biophysics. It has stayed with me ever since. What fascinates me as a patent attorney is that, more than virtually any other new technology that preceded it, nanotechnology questions established concepts of patent law. It is great fun rethinking these concepts from a nanotechnology perspective. The interviewer was Bernd Müller. Dr. Stefan Rolf Huebner is one of the leading European experts in the field of nanotechnology patent law. The physicist and patent attorney advises and represents some of the most important companies and research establishments at the leadingedge of nanotechnology in Europe, Asia and the USA. Contact:

Dr. Stefan Rolf Huebner Patentanwalt European Patent Attorney

SR Huebner & Kollegen Intellectual Property Attorneys Prinzregentenplatz 11 81675 Munich/Germany Phone: +49 (89) 66 610 570 E-Mail:


Center for NanoScience (CeNS)

Center for NanoScience (CeNS)

The Center for NanoScience (CeNS) was founded in 1998 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich. The mission of CeNS is to promote and coordinate interdisciplinary research in the field of nanoscience in the Munich area. CeNS is an association of junior and senior scientists from basic research and industry and is conceived as a network, connecting people from various institutions (LMU, TU Munich, University of Augsburg and others) and disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Medicine). Currently, about 100 senior researchers and young group leaders and about 200 PhD and Master‘s students interact with each other within this lively network, exchanging scientific ideas and establishing new research collaborations. All members co-operate on a voluntary basis and shape the creative, stimulating atmosphere of CeNS which is coordinated by a small management team and funded by LMU Munich. The diversity of the CeNS members and the institutions involved is reflected in the breadth of the research topics, ranging from nanoelectronics, organic photovoltaics and photocatalysis,

Fig. 1: Fluids containing gold particles that are organized in chiral configurations exhibit designable optical activity.The gold particles were assembled in space with nanometer precision using DNA origami (image: Anton Kuzyk, Robert Schreiber, Christoph Hohmann [NIM])

single-molecule machines and manipulation to applications in nanomedicine. Nanoscience crosses the traditional boundaries between disciplines, and thus collaborative research projects between different CeNS groups are specifically supported. As an example, Professor Tim Liedl (LMU) and Professor Friedrich Simmel (TUM) use the so-called DNA origami technique to create two- and three-dimensional DNA nanostructures of any desired shape. In a joint project with the nanophotonics group of Professor

Alexander Högele, they succeeded in designing plasmonic DNA nanoparticles with precisely definable optical properties (fig. 1).1 The development of nanoparticle-based systems for targeted drug delivery is another example of a successful collaboration between CeNS groups from Chemistry, Physics und Pharmacy (fig. 2). 2,3 Special emphasis is put on the interdisciplinary training of CeNS graduate students. Regular workshops, seminars, colloquia, student initiated events and an annual conference in Venice with renowned international speakers add up to a program which covers the broad spectrum of nanosciences and gives new impetus for one‘s own research. At the same time, these events show the strong external network of CeNS and contribute to its international visibility. Since its foundation, the CeNS network has been extremely fruitful. It formed the basis for numerous successful third party funded projects, e.g., the cluster of excellence “Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)” (see page 61) and several collaborative research centers (e.g., SFB 1032 “Nanoagents for Spatiotemporal Control of Molecular and Cellular Reactions”) funded by the

Center for NanoScience (CeNS)

45 the two founders is, as often in nanosciences, interdisciplinary because lush, green pastures are now only to be found between the disciplines, while established research fields, which require high levels of resources, keep the grazed meadows in check.”


Fig. 2: Schematic representation of colloidal mesoporous silica (CMS) nanoparticles coated with an anticoagulant heparin shell travelling in a blood vessel.This novel nanoscale injectable drug delivery system combines the biocompatible and anticoagulant properties of heparin with the highly porous feature of the nanoparticles, leading to an efficient multifunctional drug delivery system and offering new options for smart drug delivery, e.g. in cancer therapy (image: Bastian Ruehle, reprinted with permission from reference [3]. (Copyright 2012 Wiley-VCH)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and other interdisciplinary projects. CeNS members are also involved in SolTech, a 50 million euro interdisciplinary project initiated by the Free State of Bavaria to explore innovative concepts for converting solar energy into electricity and non-fossil fuels. In addition, CeNS offers the creative scientific atmosphere and the support necessary for technology transfer from basic research to applications. This has led to the foundation of 12 successful spin-off companies since 1998. One of them is NanoTemper Technology GmbH, founded in 2008 by two former PhD students from Professor Dieter Braun‘s lab (fig. 3). The physicist Philipp Baaske and the biochemist Stefan Duhr realized that thermophoresis, i.e. the directed motion of molecules in a temperature gradient, could be used to elegantly measure the binding forces between biomolecules, e.g. a protein and a drug, and transferred this result into a marketable technology.4 The now CEOs Baaske and Duhr have won numerous awards with their start-up company. On the other hand, basic research also profited from this startup: the application of this technology which is now available worldwide has contributed to more than 120

publications in prestigious journals. Professor Braun reports: “First and foremost, our work is basic research. However, the foundation of NanoTemper has demon-

Fig. 3: Dr. Stefan Duhr und Dr. Philipp Baaske, CEOs of NanoTemper Technologies GmbH and winners of the STEP award 2012. The CeNS spin-off NanoTemper develops, produces and markets innovative, high-quality instruments for biomedical research. The products are based on their unique and proprietary technology called Microscale Thermophoresis (image: F.A.Z.-Institut GmbH)

strated impressively that exploring basic research questions in the right context can rapidly lead to successful products. NanoTemper is now on a firm financial footing and has more than 10 employees. The company, which is less than 5 years old, has already paid more money in tax than my group has ever spent on research. So basic research first creates knowledge, but pays off in the long run. The scientific background of

[1] A. Kuzyk, R. Schreiber, Z. Fan, G. Pardatscher, E.-M. Roller, A. Högele, F.C. Simmel, A.O. Govorov and T. Liedl: DNA-based Self-Assembly of Chiral Plasmonic Nanostructures with Tailored Optical Response. Nature Volume 482, 7389, pp 311-314 (2012) [2] C. Dohmen, D. Edinger, T. Fröhlich, L. Schreiner, U. Lächelt, C. Troiber, J.O. Rädler, P. Hadwiger, H-P. Vornlocher and E. Wagner: Nanosized Multifunctional Polyplexes for ReceptorMediated SiRNA Delivery. ACS Nano 6(6), pp 5198–5208 (2012) [3] C. Argyo, V. Cauda, H. Engelke, J.O. Rädler, G. Bein, T. Bein: Heparin-Coated Colloidal Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Efficiently Bind to Antithrombin as an Anticoagulant Drug-Delivery System. Chemistry A European Journal 18(2), pp 428–432 (2012) [4] S. Duhr and D. Braun: Why molecules move along a temperature gradient. PNAS 103(52), pp 19678–19682 (2006)


Prof. Dr. Joachim O. Rädler Spokesman

Dr. Susanne Hennig Managing Director

Center for NanoScience (CeNS) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Schellingstraße 4 D-80799 München Phone: +49(0)89/2180-5791


Competence Center for Analytics, Nanoand Materials Technology


Materials Development at the OHM from One Source New substances and Materials are the basis for advancements in technology. Polymers and composites, dispersions and emulsions, surfaces and interfaces play their roles as well as metals, ceramics and all the other “classical” materials. When developing new materials, formulations and processes cannot be separated. On the contrary, they both are integral part of materials research and the introduction of new material systems. Nanotechnology is becoming a major part for all new materials and their applications, even when it is “only” as a new interface layer. The design of interfaces, the use of nanoparticles or the application of specific undercoatings are some of the possibilities of nanotechnology research which can be conducted at the chemical and materials laboratories at the Georg-SimonOhm University of Applied Science. The areas of application for new material systems span a wide range, from materials in the automotive industry and the modification of surfaces in electronic devices to particles and emulsions in medical and pharmaceutical implementations. In recent years, the development of new materials and their applications increasingly have become a cross-sectional technology, which only can be mastered by involving

materials, manufactured articles and devices, the competence center offers all areas of expertise and extensive experience in materials and chemistry research. The Competence Center for Anayltics, Nano- and Materials Technology offers all the necessary knowhow from one source: Detail of a high temperature press for the fabrication of nanostructured ceramics (©KAM)

all scientific fields from chemistry, physics, materials science, electronics, engineering and process technology. The analytical methods for new matter and the testing of materials are part of this development as well as the materials and processes themselves. The Competence Center for Analytics, Nano- and Materials Technology coordinates and focuses the materials research and development across all laboratories at the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Science in order to master this challenge. The competence center is presenting all the competences and laboratories from all the necessary fields of chemistry, process technology, engineering, electronics and materials science for complex development tasks. From development of new materials and systems to analytics, characterization and testing of raw

chemistry physics materials science process technology electronics biotechnology engineering and production technology Topics are amongst others development of new materials (metals, ceramics, polymers) composites and modification of surfaces biogenic materials and analytics of agents new processes for the manufacturing of new materials and devices


Transparent conductive films based on carbon nanoparticles (framed in red) (©KAM)

analytics, characterization and testing of materials For example, the laboratory for packaging technologies at the competence center is currently conducting research on the inkjet printing of electrical circuits. In cooperation with industry and other research facilities the complex interdependence of printing parameters, nanostructured inks and the desired substrates for the circuits, often thermoplastic materials, are examined. As for all projects conducted at the competence center, the focus is on the application, so that not only the feasibility of new processes is studied but also the boundaries of the applications are discovered. Apart from the inkjet printing, new surface modifications are developed at the materials laboratory at the department of engineering. These surface modifications lead to an easy-to-

clean effect for heat exchangers in heating furnaces. The challenge for these new surface layers lies in the elevated temperatures of up to 600 degrees centigrade, which led to the development of inorganic nanostructured systems.

Filling level indicator realized by functional inkjet printing of electrical circuits on a thermoplastic container. (©KAM)

In the laboratories of the department of materials technology, sol-gel derived layers for surface applications are examined. In addition, transparent conductive

47 films on the basis of nanoparticles, which can be applied by dip coating or spraying, are developed. The modified surfaces can be analyzed by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy, which offers the possibility to determine the elemental composition down into the nanometer range. The Competence Center Analytics, Nano- and Materials Technology offers you services in the whole area of materials and nanotechnology. From the analysis of raw materials and the testing of materials and devices up to the complete development material solutions for your applications the complete knowhow of the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Science is at your disposal. Additionally, the competence center can act as a reliable partner for the preparation of your application for grants together with the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Science. In cooperation with regional and supraregional networks, the GeorgSimon-Ohm-University of Applied Science can help you with your materials development in a small and a large scale up to the application.


Dr. Jens Helbig Geschäftsführer Kompetenzzentrum Analytik, Nano- und Materialtechnik (KAM)

Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

Nanostructured surfaces for a heat exchanger used in wood firing heating furnaces to reduce the sticking of soot, ash and organic condensates (left side: surface without modification, figure b-c: with nanostructured surface modifications) (©KAM)

Campus 4 Nord, Raum W204 Hohfederstrasse 40 90489 Nürnberg/Germany Phone: +49 911 / 5880-1751 Fax: +49 911 / 5880-5750 E-Mail:


Semiconductor Nanostructures

The perfect wave In the vast field of nanoscience, at the boundaries between technology, physics, biology, chemistry and medicine, the properties of matter are investigated, when shrunk down to typical length scales in the sub micron range. Here, many surprising new phenomena are found that are not known from the macroscopic world. To exploit these phenomena, it is important to understand, analyze and possibly optimize their suitability for new applications or devices. As a typical example semiconductor nanostructures may be mentioned, in which the motion of free charges is confined in at least one direction such that quantization phenomena occur. Here, the wave nature increasingly prevails over the particle nature of the electron (or hole) in a semiconductor. Similar is the situation for so called photonic systems. Here, mostly also in semiconductor nanostructures, scientists deal with tiny amounts of light. Like the charges above, light naturally does not come only continuously in form of a wave, it also exhibits particle like signatures. In this case, we speak of photons, the energy quanta of electromagnetic radiation. As in modern semiconductor nanostructures with charge carriers, in modern nanophotonics we deal with single light quanta or photons.

Fig. 1: A snapshot of a surface acoustic wave, which causes a spatially and temporally periodic deformation of the chip surface.The mechanical wave is accompanied by a piezoelectric wave, also propagating at the speed of sound

On the other hand, the nanosciences also investigate systems that are well known from chemistry, biology and medicine. Especially important is the study of very small amounts of matter like single molecules, polymers, or even living cells. These systems are usually examined in aqueous environments. Here, too, completely new physical phenomena occur, which are not known to us from the macroscopic world in this form. For example, very small amounts of liquid do not require any containers or vessels anymore to hold together. Effects of surface tension in small volumes become significantly more important than, for example, gravity related effects. Who has not seen these glistening little dewdrops on a spider web? These self-assembled dro-

plets would obviously not be possible at macroscopic volumes. Their size defines their stability. On the other hand, due to the small size of the systems also novel difficulties arise: Apparently simple tasks like the mixing of two fluids becomes very complicated on small length scales. It turns out, that for small amounts of liquid, viscous and surface effects dominate the so-called inertial phenomena. A consequence of this is that liquids cannot move turbulent any more but only laminar. In this case, they appear as if they were highly viscous, and mixing can be extremely difficult.

Nano quakes on the chip A specialty of our group, which we have developed and optimized over many years is the investigati-

Semiconductor Nanostructures on and the active control of both solid-state-based nanosystems (nanoelectronics, nanophotonics) and systems and structures from the soft matter world by so-called surface acoustic waves (SAW). These represent tiny ‚earthquakes‘ that can be excited and propagate at the surface of a substrate. It turns out that they exhibit fantastic properties for the study and the active control of nanosystems. In Fig. 1, we present a snapshot of such a surface acoustic wave. The wave propagates at about 3 km / sec (speed of sound v) over the chip and reaches amplitudes up to a few nanometers. All the properties of the wave decay into the depth of the substrate, justifying their names. Excitation at radio frequencies (f = 100 MHz to several GHz) results in wavelengths λ between 100 micrometers down to a few hundred nanometers. Our favorite waves are usually excited on piezoelectric substrates. These are materials reacting with a defined deformation in the presence of a suitable electric field. Conversely, a deformation of piezoelectrics leads to the occurrence of strong electrical fields. The latter phenomenon is well known from piezoelectric cigarette lighters: a deformation of the crystal gives rise to such strong electric fields that sparking may occur. Scaled down to our world of nanostructures, surface acoustic waves are excited by means of so-called transducers which can at the same time also be used to detect the waves by exploiting the reciprocal effect. Interdigitated comb-like metal electrodes on the surface of a chip, exposed to a high-frequency alternating voltage (f ) lead to a periodic deformation of the underlying substrate. These periodic deformations constructively superimpose at resonance (f = v/λ) in the form of a propagating wave. This resonance condition is now-

adays technically used for radio frequency filters, which are found in large numbers in cell phones and other modern means of communication.

Acousto-electric interaction Apart from the purely mechanical wave, in piezoelectrics we also find a propagating (piezo) electric wave at the same speed of sound. These dynamic electric fields very effectively interact with, for example, free charges in a semiconductor layered structure. The interaction leads firstly to an effect on the propagation of the wave (attenuation, change of sound velocity), but on the other hand also to an active manipulation of the charges in the system. As for the interaction between the charge carrier systems and a measuring device in this case no electrical connection is required, we are dealing with a non-contact method of analysis, which is especially valuable for the study of the dynamic conductivity of quantum systems. In the past, we were for example able to examine many systems in extreme quantum states this way, such as the quantized Hall effect [1]. On the other hand, the electric fields of the surface wave also directly have an effect on free charges in the system. The accompanying, periodically modulated electric fields cause a temporal and spatial lateral potential modulation within the plane of the semiconductor layer structure, which in turn dynamically trap free charges. Electrons are captured in the positive (conduction band) and holes are confined in their negative counterparts of the valence band. As the wave is propagating, the charges are swept along, literally surfing it, and being transported over macroscopic distances along the chip. The fact that the respective SAW potential minima are laterally separated by about half a wave-


length leads to a separation of the charge carriers, and to an efficient reduction of the so-called photoluminescence. In this way, for example, photo-generated electron-hole pairs are spatially separated and transported over macroscopic distances with strongly reduced wave function overlap and interaction. If a recombination center is placed at a location being spatially removed from the point of excitation, the trapped charges can recombine again at this point. This way, photonic signals can be ,stored' and released after a defined period of time and at a specific location on the chip. Those ‚photon conveyor belts‘ may in the future find their use as light storage devices and optical delays for telecommunication purposes [2]. Particularly interesting is this kind of dynamic carrier control if the recombination centers are present in the form of so called quantum dots. These are tiny, about 30 nm “small” areas within a semiconductor structure. Inside these islands, which consist of approximately 100,000 atoms, charge carriers are confined in all three spatial directions. They in turn emit light not in a broad spectrum but in sharp spectral lines. Since this property is known only from atoms, quantum dots are often referred to their ‚artificial atoms‘ counterparts. They are, however, so small that it is possible to confine only very few or even single electrons and holes. If such single electronhole pair recombines, exactly one single photon is emitted during this quantum jump. The surface acoustic wave in this case serves as a conveyor belt, which charges and loads a quantum dot with individual electrons and holes which then leads to the periodic emission of single photons at the frequency of the SAW [3].

Semiconductor Nanostructures


Acousto-mechanical interaction The mechanical properties of a SAW can also be very effective for the study of active and control of nanosystems. A fine example is the modification of the active acoustic transmission and resonance properties of so-called photonic crystals (pXtal). These are periodically arranged refractive index modulations on a substrate. In a particular embodiment, periodically aligned tiny holes are etched into a semiconductor membrane and in a suitable position, artificial defects (such as missing holes) are defined. This creates a certain transmission spectrum of the system, including an extreme localization of the light field in the vicinity of the deliberately positioned defects. The transmission and resonance properties of photonic crystals sensitively depend on its precise geometric structure. A surface acoustic wave, propagating through such pXtal (see Fig. 2), due to its

mechanical strain amplitudes hence creates a periodic modulation of the geometry of the system and as a result, a periodic modulation of the transmission and resonance spectrum [4]. Combined with the above-mentioned quantum dots and taking advantage of the so called Purcell effect, a spectrally pure and extremely bright single photon source can be realized, which is ready for its use in the field of quantum communication.

Lab on a Chip A further application of the mechanical lattice and surface deformations of a surface acoustic wave is their use in the field of microfluidics [5]. As already stated in the introduction, smallest amounts of liquids behave quite differently than in the macroscopic world. Surface tension keeps them together in the form of tiny droplets, and they need no container for their existence. We employ such small liquid droplets

as ‚virtual test tubes' with volumes in the range of a few nanoliters. Placed on the surface of a piezoelectric chip, a chemical functionalization (wettability modulation) in the form of liquid tracks ensures that the droplets may reside only in certain areas of the surface. Such as the charges in the above semiconductor chips, the small droplets can then manipulated and actuated by means of acoustic surface waves. The can only move along the chemically defined paths like boxcars in a train station and the SAW is used to maneuver them to specific locations and have them react with each other [5]. Tiny programmable chemical or biological laboratories on a chip (see Fig. 3) are then the result. At the same time, SAW have a very important side effect: Due to their interaction with the liquid on the chip surface, they cause internal streaming within any small amount of fluid. This in turn enables a rapid and efficient mixing of the constituents by overcoming of the long time constants of diffusion based mixing only [6]. For fast and homogeneous chemical and biological reactions at the nanoliter scale, this is essentially important! Among many other applications, which until recently represented a major technological challenge, we were able in this way, for example, to extract the genetic material of a single living cell and multiply it by means of the so-called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on a chip laboratory [7, 8]!


Fig. 2: An acoustically modulated photonic crystal for optical applications. In the background the temporal behavior of the resonator luminescence is shown

The study and the active manipulation and control of nanosystems, both from the solid state based as well in the field of soft matter has for some time now been performed with unprecedented precision, and full control over the system by using tiny nanoquakes on a chip. The

Semiconductor Nanostructures

Fig. 3: Acoustically driven Lab-on-a-Chip. Tiny droplets are conveyed on the chip under the influence of acoustic waves and allowed to react with each other

accompanying electric fields and the mechanical surface deformations of such waves provide an entirely new method in the field of nanoscience being superior to many other methods in many aspects. First devised and born for high frequency filter elements for telecommunications, the SAW found a completely new role in our laboratories, which is documented in many impressive experiments and applications. We are proud that our technology has become quite famous and useful and many other laboratories in the world use these ‚perfect waves‘ extensively, meanwhile.

References: [1] A. Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, G. Weimann, Physical Review Letters 56, 2104–2106 (1986) [2] C. Rocke, S. Zimmermann, A. Wixforth, J. P. Kotthaus, G. Böhm, G. Weimann, Physical Review Letters 78, 4099–4102,(1997)

[3] S. Völk, F. Knall, F. J. R. Schülein, T. A. Truong, H. Kim, P. M. Petroff, A. Wixforth, H. J. Krenner, Nanotechnology 23, 285201 (2012), cws/article/lab/50193 und KIc_k4xHlw [4] D. A. Fuhrmann, S. M. Thon, H. Kim, D. Bouwmeester P. M. Petroff, A. Wixforth, H. J. Krenner, Nature Photonics 5, 605-609 (2011) und y7nTW6CTo [5] A. Wixforth, C. J. Strobl, C. Gauer, A. Tögl, J. Scriba, Z. v. Guttenberg, Anal Bioanal Chem 379, 982-991 (2004) [6] T. Frommelt, M. Kostur, M. Wenzel-Schäfer, P. Talkner, P. Hänggi, A. Wixforth, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 034502 (2008) [7] Z. v. Guttenberg, H. Mueller, H. Habermueller, A. Geisbauer, J. Pipper, J. Felbel, M. Kielpinski, J. Scriba, A. Wixforth , Lab on a Chip 5, 308–31 (2005) [8] S. Thalhammer, M. F. Schneider, A. Wixforth: Integrated Lab-on-a-Chip systems in life sciences. In: Nanoscale Phenomena – Fundamentals and Applications Edt.: H. Hahn, A. Sidorenko, I. Tiginyanu, ISBN 978-3-642-00707-1. Springer: 161-190



Thomas Franke

Andreas Hörner

Hubert Krenner

Stefan Thalhammer

Achim Wixforth

Universität Augsburg Experimentalphysik 1 86159 Augsburg Tel: +49-(0)821 598 3300 Sekretariat: ext. 3301, Fax: ext. 3225


From particles to functional materials: Customized particles for new high-performance materials

Particle Technology

A critical mass of research expertise in particle technology has been established at FAU in Erlangen. Particle technology is an application and fundamental-science oriented interdisciplinary field which works closely with the research areas of optics, electronics, catalysis, lightweight materials and life science in a unique approach. The production, formulation and characterization of particles are central to the work of the Institute of Particle Technology, chaired by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Peukert at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nßrnberg (FAU). Particle technology researchers adopt a molecular understanding of surfaces and interfaces in order to investigate and improve methods of particle production and processing. This research, in which chemical and physical phenomena are studied in great scientific detail is, driven by the need to configure and control the functional properties of particle systems for a broad spectrum of applications. Both, top-down and bottom-up processes are used to generate

Zinc oxide particles with tailored morphologies for electronics and UV-protection

Example of nanostructured mesocrystals comprising copper/zinc hydroxycarbonate

particles with metallic, semiconducting and insulating properties. Bottom-up processes include hotwall reactors, flame-spray pyrolysis and plasma arc furnace in the gas phase, as well as precipitation and crystallization processes and solvothermal synthesis in the liquid phase. The most important top-down processes are dispersing and grinding, although spraying and emulsification have also been researched intensively. During processing, researchers control the particle size, shape and structure. An important trend in particle technology research is achieving finer particle sizes. Particle sizes under 10 Âľm and in the nano-range have a very high surface area, meaning that their properties are interface-dominated.

Particle technology research therefore focuses on the control of surface characteristics using chemical functionalization in liquids or layering in the gas phase (such as atomic layer deposition). Particle surfaces are physically and chemically characterized with state-ofthe-art methods, including surface-sensitive non-linear optical spectroscopy. The production, functionalization and formulation of particles such as in the form of conductive or semiconducting pastes or dispersions require scalable processes, i.e. production in sufficient quan-

Through self-organization strategies complex composites can be produced from nanoparticle building blocks

tities. For this reason, continuous processes have been developed and coupled with in-situ measurement technology. These analysis methods allow direct insights into

Particle Technology chemical and physical processes and provide the basis for new methods of controlling and optimizing processes and products. Semi-technical testing facilities (such as solid-fluid reactors, fluidized beds and melt emulsification equipment) make it possible to handle larger product quantities, and to develop scale-up rules.

Interdisciplinary approach – research in process chains Modern high-performance materials with custom properties play a key role in progress and breakthroughs in promising areas of innovation. Work in process chains at the Cluster of Excellence ‘Engineering of Advanced Materials’ (EAM) aims to produce particles with defined shapes, sizes and surface properties, which are then arranged in functional structures with very specific properties. Examples of applications include electronic components, such as field effect transistors, light-emitting diodes or solar cells, optical meta-materials (materials with completely new optical properties), catalysts with specific selectivity and metal sheets which are improved by the incorporation of particles. A key challenge is the understanding

and control of macroscopic properties through microscopic control of particle interfaces. This can be supported with state-of-theart, highly precise, non-invasive measurement processes, especially through optical characterization of individual nanoparticles or in-situ observation of synthesis processes. At EAM, the Centre for Nanoanalytics and Electron Microscopy (CENEM) incorporates a high level of expertise and state-of-the-art equipment for exsitu and in-situ structural analysis (aberration corrected electron microscopy using a TITAN3, scattering methods and spectroscopy). The Multiscale Modeling and Simulation research area makes more complex and realistic theoretical research possible. At the same time, optimization strategies enable the property-driven design of hierarchical structures for functional materials and components. Model-based methods are essential to the understanding and control of ongoing processes. At the Central Institute for Scientific Computing (ZISC) – founded by EAM – working groups for modeling and simulation investigate multi-scale approaches and methods for structure, property and process optimization.

Process chain from the building blocks to components

53 Application Example: Particles with new optical properties In automobiles, at home and in the office, dark and tinted surfaces absorb sunlight, heat up and distribute heat to the surroundings. The development of new types of coated nanoparticles can help surfaces to remain cooler. The objective of an interdisciplinary EAM project was to form a process chain leading from the defined optical properties (e.g. a freely adjustable extinction spectrum) to a custom particle with the desired optical properties. One aspect of the project was to develop particles which are transparent, but leave near infrared radiation, i.e. heat, outside. The research involved a unique approach of modeling the particles using computer simulations, refining particle designs using optimization strategies and producing particles with state-ofthe-art production methods. Researchers were able to successfully combine expertise in the simulation and optimization of optical properties with nanoparticle synthesis at Erlangen. Special mathematical algorithms for optimizing particle shape and topology and for the rapid calcu-

Particle Technology


Design chain for the development of optically active particles Left: Definition of the optical property, Middle: Topology optimization, Right: Experimental implementation

lation of the optical properties of complex particles and aggregates were used in order to generate particle design specifications. These in turn made demands for new approaches to synthesize asymmetric and multifunctional particles. Researchers found that

high visible transmittance and high extinction in the infrared spectrum. For the first time, simple and scalable solutions have been developed to create patchy particle morphologies and thus target particle properties. This


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Peukert Institute of Particle Technology Coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence EAM

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Karl-Ernst Wirth Product development, large-scale production EAM Member Silicon dioxide (glass) particles coated by silver with various anisotropic morphologies, prepared using highly scalable techniques

particles with a silicon dioxide (glass) core and only a partial silver coating (a so-called patchy particle) have the best properties for applications which require

Prof. Robin N. Klupp Taylor MEng, DPhil (Oxon)

underlines the future potential of this type of particle as a building block for multifunctional mesoscale materials with a wide variety of applications.

Nanostructured Particles Research Group EAM Junior Professor

Particle technology at Erlangen The Institute of Particle Technology is at the center of particle technology at Erlangen and is chaired by Professor Wolfgang Peukert, who is also the coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence 'Engineering of Advanced Materials' (EAM). EAM will be funded from 2007 until 2017 as part of the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal Government and the States, by the Free State of Bavaria and by FAU. In an interdisciplinary approach, EAM brings together a broad range of expertise, integrating research groups from chemistry, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, physics, mechanical engineering, mathematics, materials science, the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light and both Fraunhofer Institutes (IISB, IIS). EAM develops new high-performance materials for four fields of application: electronics, photonics, catalysis and lightweight materials. The Institute of Particle Technology is part of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Functional Particle Systems (CFPS), one of three cross-sectional topics in the EAM. The institute is also part of Research Training Group 1161 'Disperse systems for electronic applications', CRC 814 'Additive manufacturing', CRC 953 'Synthetic carbon allotropes' and the AiF/DFG Cluster 'Protein foams'. Numerous projects with partners in industry such as Bayer Technology Services, BASF, EVONIK, Solvicore and Merck have closed the gap between research and applications for particle technology.

Institute of Particle Technology Cauerstr. 4 91058 Erlangen

Prof. Dr. Ulf Peschel Professorship of Experimental Physics Nanooptics, New Optical Materials Coordinator of the EAM research area for photonic and optical materials

Interdisciplinary Centre for Functional Particle Systems Haberstr. 9a 91058 Erlangen Chair of Particle Technology: Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials:

NanoSilver Network Targeted development Thorough risk assessment Comprehensible public communication Market- oriented innovative R&D projects Interested in joining the network? Please contact us:


Physics of nanostructures

Physics of nanostructures at the University of Regensburg Nanotechnology and nanosciene embrace many research areas dealing, e.g., with the physics and chemistry of individual atoms and molecules as well as with larger aggregates of condensed matter with sizes of up to 100 nanometer. It is a subject of substantial social impact as the field promises, apart from accumulation of new knowledge, various applications in different areas. At the University of Regensburg about 25 professors and young researchers work within the topical area “NanoScience” on different aspects of nanostructures. Several programs of the German Science Foundation (DFG) sup-

port these activities. In one of the programs, the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 689 on “Spin phenomena in reduced dimensions”, we explore the role of spin in different types of nanosystems. Sloppy speaking, the spin gives the direction of an electron‘s magnetic south and north pole. Another key aspect of our work are carbon based nanostructures like carbon nanotubes or graphene, a lattice of carbon only one atomic layer thin (Research Training Group 1579 on “Electronic properties of carbon based nanostructures“). Further miniaturization and application of innovative

physical concepts are key components for the development of a solid state based quantum information technology. Together with colleagues from the universities of Munich and Augsburg we explore these problems within SFB 631 on “Solid state based quantum information processing”. Within a joint German-Japanese Research Unit on “Topological electronics“ we investigate together with colleagues from Würzburg, Tokyo and Tohoku unusual electronic states in semiconductors. The Regensburg “NanoScience” cooperation focuses on magnetic, metallic,

Fig. 1: The illustration shows the electron distribution within a monolayer of graphene (hexagonally arranged carbon atoms) with adsorbed hydrogen (H). If the electric field of the light wave points to the right, the magnetic field pushes the electron cloud downwards (region of high electron mobility), if it points to the left the cloud moves upwards (region of low electron mobility). This results in a preferential electron motion to the right and dc current flows (ratchet effect)

Physics of nanostructures semiconducting and carbon based nanostructures and is with this topical orientation unique within Germany and internationally well recognized. Below I introduce some examples of our current work.

chet effect, illustrated in Fig. 1, utilizes that the electromagnetic wave pushes the electron distribution (red “cloud”) in the presence of a magnetic field periodically into regions with higher and lower electron mobility.

Graphene ratchets

Ferromagnetic single electron transistor

Graphene is one atomic layer of carbon and shows interesting new electronic and mechanical

Fig. 2: Constriction within a ferromagnetic Gallium Manganese Arsenide (GaMnAs) film. The black insulating lines of 22 nm width separate wider regions of the GaMnAs film

properties. In a combined experimental and theoretical effort the groups of Sergey Ganichev and Jaroslav Fabian demonstrated that for certain conditions, electromagnetic radiation (high frequency alternating electric field) in the terahertz frequency range drives an electric dc current. This rat-

One focus of SFB 689 lies on integrating the electron spin into conventional electronics. A model system for such type of investigation is ferromagnetic semiconductors which get explored experimentally in the groups of Dieter Weiss, Christian Back and Dominique Bougeard. We investigate, e.g., electrical transport through extremely narrow constrictions of ferromagnetic semiconductor films aiming at the realization of a ferromagnetic single electron transistor. An election micrograph of such a constriction, 22 nm wide and 25 nm long, is shown in Fig.2.

Molekular switch The ultimately smallest transistor consists of one molecule, only. Corresponding experiments, conducted in the group of Jascha

57 Repp, demonstrate that the current through a molecule can be deliberately switched. This is shown in Fig. 3. The presented examples show only a small part of the research on the physics of nanostructures conducted at our university. We focus especially on basic research connected with the physics taking place on the nanoscale.


Prof. Dr. Dieter Weiss

Universität Regensburg Universitätsstr. 31 93053 Regensburg/Germany Phone: +499419433197 E-mail:

Fig. 3: Illustration (a) and experimentally observed switching (b) of a molecular switch. (a) displays the molecular structure of a naphtalocyanine molecule. The grey, white and blue balls represent, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen atoms, respectively. The hydrogen molecules in the center of the molecule (highlighted) are placed on two oppositely located sites out of four equivalent positions. The hydrogen atoms can, triggered by current flow through the molecule, change their position (red arrows), accompanied with a change of the molecule‘s conductance. The experimental trace (b) shows such an excitation, during which the measured current jumps between two well defined values. Scanning tunneling micrographs, taken after such a switching event (right), show the orientation of the two hydrogen atoms associated with the high and low current level. The red dots mark the position of the current injection during switching


Nanosystems Chemistry – A New Research Center at the University of Würzburg

Nanosystems Chemistry

The preparation of molecules and the exploration of their properties are the key aspects of University education for Chemists. Numerous applications of molecules are based on a complex interplay of molecules with each other, the association of molecules into greater molecular assemblies, or even interaction of molecules in so called bulk materials such as, e. g., polymer films or solids. In 2010, the Center for Nanosystems Chemistry (CNC) was founded at the University of Würzburg for which a new research building will be built until 2015 by the Federal State of Bavaria in the close vicinity of the Chemistry Center at the Hubland campus. Chemists and Physicists will explore the development of synthetic nanosystems constructed from thousands of molecules by utilizing all the nanoanalytic methods available at this center. One of the priority research topics of the CNC is the development of nanosystems for the conversion of solar energy into electricity and non-fossil fuels.

About 120 years ago, Emil Fischer, a chemist in Würzburg (1885-1892), laid the fundament for the understanding of supraand biomolecular recognition processes with his pioneering work in the field of sugar chemistry and the “Key and Lock Principle”, for which he was awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1902). Nowadays, the association of molecules evoked by intermolecular interactions has, more than ever, the status of being a chemical key process that can explain the formation and function of living organisms and enables a rational design of functional materials. Scientists at the CNC in Würzburg approach the question, how molecular building blocks can be assembled in a well-defined manner into greater molecular structures even up to hierarchically structured nano and bulk materials, and which functions will emerge from the interactions of individual components in such complex chemical systems.

Research Topic Molecular Nanomaterials The application of supramolecular construction principles for targeted creation of highly structured molecular nano and bulk materials comprises a major subject of several research groups at the CNC. The team of Professor Frank Würthner, who is the founder and director of the center,

deals with dyes and organic semiconductor molecules and their organization into functional molecular assemblies for applications in organic electronics, photonics and photovoltaics (Fig. 1). For the understanding of formation and organization of nanoscale molecular structures, several new methods had to be established at the CNC, for example the atomic

Fig. 1: In a self-organization process two types of molecular building blocks are arranging in an appropriate manner (1) to convert solar energy into electricity (3) after installation of electrical contacts (2)

Nanosystems Chemistry

Fig. 2: An organic semiconductor molecule is crystallizing from solution in the interface of two gold electrodes (a, b). The nano-crystal formed by directed hydrogen bonding (c) can be used as an organic transistor (d)

force and scanning electron microscopy as well as X-ray and efficient spectroscopy methods. The development of nanostructures by self-assembly of molecules is also the research field of the Spanish Junior Professor Dr. Gustavo Fernández, a Sofja-Kovalevskaja awardee at the CNC. His research work focuses on the assembly of molecules into nanosystems in water, representing a highly interesting interface between biology and medicine. For this purpose, he utilizes so called amphiphilic molecules that are composed of water-soluble and water-insoluble segments. Due to their inherent properties to avoid water contact, these molecules assemble into fascinating structures whose formation and structural elucidation is still a great challenge for scientists.

Research Topic Molecular Solids A molecular solid is, in the narrow sense, molecular crystals in which millions of molecules are packed in a highly ordered manner. Such crystals have been used since

more than half a century for the determination of molecular structures. Yet, the scientists at the CNC raise the question, whether it would be possible to produce complex solid materials that exhibit interesting functional properties (Fig. 2). A closely related subject to this is liquid crystals and this topic is addressed by Professor Lehmann at the CNC. Liquid crystals and their technical applications in displays are well known to us. But, the formation of liquid crystalline phases is likewise promising for other applications as they offer the opportunities for directed orientation of functional molecules by means of mechanical forces or electrical fields.

Research Topic Organic Electronics While electronics based on semiconductors provide more and more sophisticated high-tech commodities, the basic inorganic semiconductor material for such applications, i. e. highly pure silicon, has already been abundantly explored from chemists point of view. However, the situation is

59 quite different for organic semiconductors that were neglected for many decades. Pleasingly, this has been fundamentally changed during the last decade since organic photoconductors have found their way to our office life in form of photocopiers and laser printers, and the most brilliant displays of smartphones and televisions are using organic light-emitting diodes (OLED). These OLEDs are based on amorphous thin films of organic semiconductors. However, current development reveals that organic semiconductors in highly ordered crystalline layers exhibit much better charge transport properties that lead to organic transistors or sensor systems (Fig. 2). A research team led by Professor Frank Würthner and Dr. Matthias Stolte is attending this research field at the CNC. During the last couple of years they could show that numerous industrial color pigments are excellent organic semiconductor materials.


Topic Photovoltaics and Photocatalysis In the framework of the Bavarian research network “Solar Technologies Go Hybrid” so called “Key Laboratories” have been established in 2012 at five universities in Bavaria which explore innovative concepts for the conversion of solar energy into electricity (photovoltaics) and chemical fuels (photocatalysis). Besides Professor Frank Würthner, the Chemistry Professors Christoph Lambert, Todd Marder and Tobias Brixner as well as the Physics Professors Vladimir Dyakonov and Jens Pflaum belong to the Würzburg Key Lab at the CNC. Their mutual research focus is on the better understanding of transport processes of charge carriers and excited states to improve the efficiency of organic semiconductors for photovoltaics. As the

Nanosystems Chemistry

60 active layers of organic solar cells are built from two different types of molecular building blocks, and both packing arrangement of molecules and the layer interface

are of high significance, a close relation of this subject is given to the research topic “molecular nanomaterials” (Fig. 1). A further objective of this research project

is the development of artificial chloroplasts, which similarly as in plant cells utilize light energy for the generation of fuels. Such an artificial photosynthesis, reminiscent of natural archetype, could help mankind in future to reduce carbon dioxide emission in the atmosphere and to obtain high energy fuels such as hydrogen or methanol. Contact:

Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner

Universität Würzburg Center for Nanosystems Chemistry

Fig. 3: Nanotubes formed by self-organization of semisynthetic chlorophyll dyes shown as a model (above) and structural prove by electron microscopy (below, the black bar has a length of 200 nm which is nearly 600 times thinner than a human hair)

Am Hubland 97074 Würzburg/Germany Phone: +49 (0) 931 3181800 Fax: +49 (0) 931 3184756 www.nanosystems-chemistry.


Research at NIM is divided into five research areas designated I through V

Since its foundation in 2006, the Nanosystems Initiative Munich has established itself as an internationally leading nanocenter, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Its science program is built on the twin pillars of design and control of synthetic and multifunctional nanosystems. Now in its second funding period, the initiative‘s research primarily focuses on the integration of these types of systems in complex and realistic environments. Artificial nanosystems have wide-ranging potential applications in information technology and biotechnology, but also in the efficient use of solar energy.

Quantum Nanophysics (Research area I) Modeling and understanding nanosystems on the quantum physics

level are prerequisites for applying nanosystems to hybrid devices, to energy conversion as well as to biomolecular and biomedical systems. Research Area I scientists therefore have made it their goal to thoroughly analyze quantum nanosystems as

well as to develop techniques for their realization, manipulation and control. They systematically investigate quantum systems based on solid-state nanostructures and also tailor-made systems composed of interacting particles trapped in optical lattices. These research efforts particulary focuses on 1) the design of nanoscale quantum materials as well as understanding the mechanisms of these systems, 2) the development of hybrid quantum nanosystems, in which different quantum functionalities are selectively combined, 3) the investigation of non-equilibrium dynamics in the quantum limit, and 4) the foundations of quantum Xtronic circuits (X here stands for electric charge, spin, photon, etc.). The quantum computer, which, if realized, would revolutionize computing, is an important example of how quantum X-tronic circuits might be applied.

Nanosystems Initiative Munich

The Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM): World-class nano research in the Munich region

Nanosystems Initiative Munich


separation and transport. These two processes play a key role in the efficient conversion of solar energy. Decisive here is the ability to precisely control the nanosystems‘ morphology, to tune their electronic properties and to limit undesired losses due to charge carrier recombination. Research Area III hence tackles fundamental problems such as: 1) how the harvesting of light can be improved, 2) how the recombination of excited electrons and the electron holes they leave behind, and thus the related energy loss, can be prevented, 3) what are the best combinations of materials, dimensions at nanoscale and spati-

Hybrid Nanosystems (Research Area II) Research Area II functions as NIM‘s “nano foundry.” Here, the scientists create novel systems with optimized or even completely new properties by ingeniously linking various existing nanostructures into hybrid nanosystems. They are primarily based on nanoscale objects coming from the other four Research Areas. The expectation is that, when newly combined, these structures, with their optical, electrical, magnetic or mechanical degrees of freedom, will cross-fertilize each other. Transfers of materials and methods from various disciplines, such as semiconductor technology and micro/nano fluidics, go hand in hand here. The systems studied range from electro-optomechanical nanosystems, in which the mechanical degrees of freedom of nano resonators are coupled with their optical properties, through nanomagnetic systems to nanosystems based on biological structures. For example, biological self-assembly capabilities are utilized in realizing photonic devices or to customize and optimize the mechanical and magnetic properties of nanoscale matter.

Nanosystems for Energy Conversion (Research Area III) Research Area III‘s long term goal is to use nanostructures in developing new concepts for sustainable photovoltaics that are both conversion- and cost-efficient and for storing solar energy as chemical energy (such as hydrogen or methane). Small dimensions and the ability to extensively manipulate the physical properties of nanostructured materials permit optimizing the conditions required for charge

al arrangement of the involved components in order to achieve optimal energy levels for charge separation and the ensuing use of charge carriers.

Biomolecular Nanosystems (Research Area IV) In Research Area IV, the scientists study nanosystems that contain structures based on biomolecules. The goal is to understand and reconstruct natural biological systems and to design artificial systems possessing defined functionalities. These range from single biomolecu-

Nanosystems Initiative Munich

les through molecular systems, enzyme complexes such as RNA polymerase or cellulosomes, to celllike compartments. Theoretical modeling and numeric simulations supplement the experimental studies. NIM‘s expertise in single-molecule analysis is unique in the world. It enables the scientists to measure and control precisely the interaction between molecules as well as the dynamics of individual molecules. Aided by the so-called DNA origami technique, they also construct and study larger synthetic units such as protein analogs or molecular motors. Here, the building material is provided by strands of DNA that self-assemble into a preprogrammed shape. These two- or three-dimensional structures moreover can serve as scaffolds for other molecules or as drug delivery containers in nanomedicine. Artificial “minimal cell” systems are intended for use in studying the principles of cellular selfassembly in a clearly defined environment. With the help of a kind of artificial “primordial cell,” the scientists at NIM are investigating, among other things, basic functions during cell division, the assembly of cytoskeletal structures as well as simple biochemical protein networks with a role in template formation and elementary signal processing.

Biomedical Nanotechnologies (Area V) The focus of Research Area V is the application of nanosystems in living cells and organisms for targeting therapies to affected tissues. Nanosized drug delivery systems are developed that encompass multiple functionalities for a given drug to accumula-

te in a target tissue and to exert a pharmacological effect specifically on target cells. In their research, the NIM scientists cover the entire process from development of the nanocarriers to first use in clinical trials. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles are an example of materials that can be effectively loaded with

63 drugs and programmed to release them in a target tissue. Another fundamental factor for the successful development of delivery systems are the numerous highresolution nanoscopy methods established in NIM. They provide tools for the scientists to observe the particles on their journey, their penetration into cells and their interactions in biological systems. Nanoscopy technologies within NIM comprise, among others, complex 3-D renderings, single particle tracking and opto-acoustic imaging. One focus of current interest are drugs based on RNA structures (among others siRNA, miRNA and SNIM RNAs). Another focus of research are biogenic cancer drugs. First pre-clinical trials for treating lung diseases are already under way, conducted by the Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC) at the LMU hospital in Großhadern.

Author: Dr. Birgit Gebauer Public Relation

Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM) Schellingstraße 4 D-80799 München/Germany Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 5091 E-Mail:


Demonstration laboratory

Demonstration laboratory for nanotechnology and health NanoLab The introduction of nanotechnology and its products in diverse areas of our daily life, as well as the rapid development of the nanosciences overall, make it essential to assess the opportunities and potential risks. This new, forward-looking technology will also necessitate considerably more intensive, in-depth investigation in the field of consumer and health protection. Early recognition of potential health risks and their characterisation are particularly important in order to facilitate timely and targeted action among other things. It is of vital importance in this respect to communicate with the population about all aspects in an open and responsible manner right from the start. In this context the young generation plays a key role. Familiarising young people with this forward-looking technology, describing the possibilities and difficulties in a frank manner, thereby contributing towards a responsible and futureoriented use of this technology, are also key tasks of preventive medicine. On behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health, the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority has set up a so-called NanoLab in its Munich department. The aim of this demonstration laboratory

System to analyze nanoparticles in fluids (asymmetric flow field flow fractionatio, A4F)

for nanotechnology is to present the currently available analytical possibilities for measuring and characterising nanoparticles (e.g. in the air and in foodstuffs) and to address future developments. To this end, within the framework of an overall educational concept, target-group-specific presentations and animated features have been created, for instance on the

Scanning electron microscope

subject of “health risks associated with nanoparticles�. The concept focuses on imparting the biological, chemical, physical and social aspects of nanotechnology in an integrative way against the background of preventive medicine and consumer protection. Pupils are regarded as the priority target group. Owing to the limited space available, in a laboratory that is also used for other purposes, and due to the need to impart the subject matter in a practical way, the groups of pupils have to be small. For that reason, the pupils of a school class are split up after a general introduction and are allocated to one of four learning stations. The individual groups visit the learning stations

Demonstration laboratory


one after the other, which is intended to provide all the pupils with a good overview of the topic by the end of the session. Learning station 1: Introduction to the topic with a brief overview of nanotechnology as well as health aspects of nanoparticles in the workplace and in the environment Learning station 2: Nanoparticles in the air (occurrence of nanoparticles, collection and measurement methods, protective measures) Learning station 3: Nanoparticles in food, food supplements and consumer products (examples of applications, measurement possibilities and future developments) Learning station 4: What do nanoparticles look like? Electron-optical imaging of the particles by means of scanning electron microscopy, on the basis of examples) There are further opportunities for the interactive transfer of knowledge on the subject of nanotechnology / nanoparticles available for the pupils in order to maintain in-depth knowledge in the long term. As the planned structure of the NanoLab is only able to reach a limited circle of participants, work was begun at the same time to set up a “virtual” laboratory on the Internet. By imparting the subject matter via the Internet, the me-

Systems to analyze nanoparticles in air

dium frequently used by young people, it is possible to reach far more people than by the direct guided tours in the laboratory. This additional service can be accessed via our information platform about the opportunities and risks of nanotechnology, “NanoWissen Bayern” (http://www.nanowissen. bayern. de/index.htm), which brings together aspects related to health protection, safety at work and consumer protection in an integrative way. In addition, links to interesting websites, points of contact in research, industry, authorities and other organisations, as well as references to relevant events and

projects can be found there. Together with the organisation “Virtuelle Schule e.V.”, the NanoLab has been integrated into the existing learning platform (http://www. as a “virtual” laboratory in order to facilitate enhanced online learning in the field of nanotechnology. It includes videos, texts, charts and additional links, and provides a guide about how to work as part of a cooperative network with the aid of web-tools. In order to raise a broad awareness of the subject in schools, targeted teacher training events are offered in cooperation with Virtuelle Schule e.V . Author:

Prof. Dr. Hermann Fromme (MD) Department of Chemical Safety and Toxicology

Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority

Anteroom of the laboratory

Pfarrstrasse 3 D-80538 Munich Phone: ++49 9131 6808 4265 Fax: ++49 9131 6808 4297


Centre for New Technologies (ZNT)

A platform for current research – The Centre for New Technologies at the Deutsches Museum Nanotechnology – it makes coatings scratch resistant, surfaces water-repellent and self-cleaning, solar cells more efficient or protects our skin from ultraviolet light in suntan lotions. We encounter nanotechnology almost daily. Nevertheless, it is largely unknown to the public, as well as its opportunities and risks. This is partly due to the complex scientific context with which we are confronted in case we try to understand nanotechnology. The Deutsches Museum has taken up the challenge to present nanotechnology on a generally comprehensible level: The Centre for New Technologies (ZNT), opened in November 2009, provides a communication platform for nanotechnology – one of the key technologies of the 21st century. An interdisciplinary exhibition on nano- and biotechnology is the core of the centre where the visitors can view the latest findings in research, development and production. For example, huge moving molecular models illustrate how the appearance of a molecule determines its function; a family of scanning probe microscopes shows how the world of nanoparticles can be made visible and a “nano supermarket” displays products from everyday life which already contains nanotechnology. Interactive and audio stations in-

Amgen. In three laboratories visitors can watch scientists doing their daily work, carry out molecular biology tests by themselves or try experiments for automation or robotics.

View into the ZNT: The DNA visitors‘ laboratory is housed in the UFO floating above the nanotechnology exhibition. Photo: Deutsches Museum

vite the visitors to deal with the social, societal and ethical implications of nano- and biotechnology. A large auditorium is also inclu-

The Centre for New Technologies includes the exhibition of the Deutsche Zukunftspreis. It shows ten of the award-winning research projects, many of them from the field of bioand nanotechnology and presents outstanding researchers. The aim of the overall concept of the Center for New Technologies is to give the visitors the opportunity to comprehensively inform themselves about nanotechnology, its risks and opportunities, and to develop an informed personal opinion with the help of the manifold contents.

Nano products are everywhere - a selection is presented in the showcase "It‘s the product that counts". Photo: Deutsches Museum


ded in the exhibition which hosts a regular variety of events, from nanotechnology shows and lectures up to civil society dialogue. The surrounding gallery on the ground floor displays research projects of the scientific and industrial partners of the Centre for New Technologies: the Fraunhofer Society, the Helmholtz Association, the Max Planck Society and the biotechnology company

Dr. Christine Kolczewski Leader Zentrum Neue Technologien

Deutsches Museum Museumsinsel 1 D-80538 München Phone +49/(0)89/2179-517 Fax. +49/(0)89/2179-513

Magazines Future Technologies in Bavaria

Volkartstr. 77 · D-80636 München · Tel.: +49(0)89-23 55 57-3 · Fax: +49(0)89-23 55 57-47 E-mail: ·

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