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lrd Edition
Mastering Digital Photography
CHAPTER 7 Scanning and Archiving HOW to copy preciOus analogue photos p lus practical strategies for storing digital images.
CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 1 Equipment Choices How to select the right camera and accessories for your requirements.
Choosing a Printer Factors you should consider v.1len buying a digital printer.
CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 2 l enses and Focusing How to ensure the right partS of the subject will be sharp in your pictures.
Inks and Papers Choosing the best papers and inkS for long-lasting. great¡looking prints.
CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 3: Controlling Subject Brightness Understanding and uSing exposure
controls. CHAPTER 4 Getting Colour Right How to ensure your photos have natural-looking colours.
Image Sharing, Display and Preservation A survey of the latest and most effective ways to share your dig~aI photos.
CHAPTER 5 Equipment for Photo Editing Discover what hardware and software you need to ed~ your photos.
CHAPTER 6 Ed iting Basics Basic editing tools and how to use them.
Get More Out of Your Digital Camera ,
Corrm..ricatng with pictures is al essential pM of
ThiS 9(itiOn of Mastering Digital Photography
CU ~ life so ~'s ~ to have at least
has been written 10" everybody, !rem faTjies
a basic LRJerstMdng of how to take, ad;Jst and
buyhg thai' fIrSt ama-a to ~ts who have
share digital photos. Today's cameras and pri'lta-s
traveled from ftTl 10 digKaI. It's desigled
can deliver great resutts 'Nhen thai' capabilities
aI 0V0KlEII'S Of digital stil cameras to master the
we hAy utiSed.!\rd, regardless of ...methl:w' yoa
eQI.IPnent and processes that &Jerf day become
pictl.l'eS ate holiday
easiEw' to use and ~ faiUe-prool. OJ oI::ljeCtive is to assist you to become a better
creative mages,
ccreUy (;(l(rfXlSEId
goup shots of farriy rnerrtJers
MCilO" friends 0" a gsat shot of yoa pet; all these subjectS make engagng vieYkg,
9'TlOIiOnaI CO'YleCt01 because they're of places
and people you know and ate I'lvoo'ved with. It's
nati.ffl 10 Walt to shcwe yoa besl iTIages - and ~'s never been easiEw' to do so.
guide you'l fnd a wide ra'lge of topics, startrog with d'loosirg equipfnenl that will best
meet yoo-
The Wsl ~er outliles the different types 01
e<rnera available and ~ thai' advantages
Pmtng yoo- photos is the best
way to ~
they ate preserved fO" the tutl6e - and one of the to sI'I<n! yoo-
more w(rf$ to share
the iO'! 01 phot~ with others. In ttMs pocket
'Mlen they're yoo- 0'M'l shots they have al
best ~ 10 shcwe them. But
photcgrap'ler and expb'e
to help
~'s roN
iJSI as easy
JXtues via SOCial websites, tablets
ike the iPad and the latest srna-t-phones,
and liTlilatiOns, It also ksts key featl.l'eS to look
for MIen selectng a mnera and provides ~ for assessi'lg the potential iTlage quafty from them, along with accessories that e<n make yoo- pictl$et<Nlg
more successfIJ.
From there, we move on II"rou\tlIlYee chapters coverng a series of tips on the mnera setlilg$ used 10 control
trig'1Iness and
coIou' to two chapters deaIi'lg with edilng. The frst looks at the eq..ipment you need to ed~ iTlages and movies. The second covers basic adjuStments that c1 photographers $hO.j(I be able to make.
The next chapter looks at ~ and arctMlg preci:xJs mages, We then swap to
ilvest'gatrg priltng optiOns, I'1ck.JdI'g c:hoosrIg a pri'lter for home use and SliIabIe media for pri'lll'lg
with. We end with an CNf:IView of optiOns for sh<ril;J and dispIa'yYlg yoa best photos. The latest cameras and printers make It easy t o produce photographs you're proud to share.
Mastering Digital Photography is writter'l
n non-
tecmballanguage and preser1ts the 1lformat01
It's now easier than ever to improve your photography and e~plore new ways to share the joy of photography.
you need i1 a wert thaI is etaSf 10 LJXIefsI(W"lCL H's a handy general.p!..fJXl66 guide to assist all ph)togapher$, from flrS\-tine C<YIl&'3. tx.rye-s to experienced C<YIl&'3. 0'Mlâ&#x201A;ŹIfS who pIcn to L.P;T<Ide to a reN model with
resokJIiOn ardfor
erhanced featues Md f1.nctiorlaity.
fJ.s with other pocket guides i1 the Photo Review series, the thrd editiOn of the Mastering Digital PtJotography pocket guide is backed by Photo Review Pustraia rnagame Md webSite,
The rnagame is po.bIi:shed qua1:etty Md ccmes i1Sprationai p::rttoIios, t:luyrg guides and
i1formatOlai /eatues on stootilg end edi\i)g dignal photos.
The Photo Review 'N9bsiIe (www,pholoreview. com.au) po..bIistles reviews of the latest caneras, lenses and othEr i'nagI""g ~t. H also provides reguIcY reN up:jales, i1formatiOn sheets on specific product types Md tips on buyi"lg Md
USi1g digital cameras, along witI1li'kS to soflw<re you e<n clowr*:lad. You e<n also Ioc;ale Australian retai&'s that OffEr" good deals on ~t p!..fChases Md have knowledgeable staff to help
you make the rig'1I t:luyrg decisions. 3
Equipment Choices ,
Today's camera buyefs have plenty of options
that can make photography more enjOyable.
to choose from and H should be possible to find
We'll also look briefly at some special
the right type and model for just about anyone,
capabmties, suc/l as video and panorama
as long as you clearly identify your requ irements.
recording and conSider the value of n -camera
The following factors are usually listed as having
speci31 effects.
the greatest W1fluence on buying decisiOns:
percetved image quality, zoom range, desirable
camera functions and price and value for money.
Essentially the camera market can be dMded
Different tx.yers win have different priorities,
most wil want a camera that delivers
1. Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras
the best
mage quality for ~s priCe and comes
offer the highest feature levels and picture quality.
at a size and wHh as many as possible of the
Because they come with interchangeable lenses,
functions they would like. This chapter will cover
they are also the most versatile, Most recent
the different types 01 camera you can choose
modelS can record both still pictures and HO
from and outline some of the useful accessories
video rTlO\Iies.
What Kind of Photographer AreYou?
may also be anracted by the creative shooting
The best w<JI to find out wtic/1 cameras will be
f'1'lOdes and special effects offered by many
the best buys for you is to match the abil~ies and
cameras. AI typeS of caneras wil suH this QIOl.P
I1terests Of the camera user to the CM"l€!ra type.
of PlOtographer$ but advanced digicams and
Poinl-and-press photographers are mainly
entry·1eveI DSLRs wil provide the besl startng
in the end
don', want to
f(ldle around w~h lots of complex controlS.
nto Six main sectors:
for leami'lg more aboul photography.
Photo enthusiasts and professional
DigiCams are usually the best choice for thiS
photographers usually have a goOO
group, a~hough they could also considef an
undarstanding of how cameras work and prefer
entry-level OSLR or mirrorless camera if they
to take full oontrol over all camera functiOns.
want the best image quality plus an optiOn to
In·c:&'Tlera effects are usually Wrelevant to thiS
lake their photography to the nexllevel.
group, whiCh is more likely to be attracted to
Intermediate level photographers require
sopI"i$tiCated OSLRs thaI provide excelent
the reassurance of poi1t-ancHx8SS ~ity but would like to be ~ to use some more
:mage QUality. MirrOr1ess interchangeable-lens carreras Mel ac:tvMCed digiC<wns are the
complex controls, partiCularly if they want to
prefened choices when they want a ~
learn as they shoot. Photographers n thiS goup
·wat{-arOl.....Cf camera for ~ photography.
2. Mirrorless cameras are relativety
new. In
these cameras the rellex mirror systems used in OSLRs are replaced with electrOlliC viewfinders (or sometimes the LCD monitor m.JSt be used for
composing shots). These cameras provicle many of the advartages of DSLRs but in smaller and lighter came-a OOdles. Most models come with A typical DSLR camera fined with a mediumrange zoom lens. This type of camera will best suit photo enthusiasts. (Source: Pentax.)
interchangeable lenses, although there are a few in whiCh the lens is fixed.
The main advantage of the cameras in this ThiS category ranges from sophistiCated profeSSional cameras to models designed for photo
and snapshooters who want
to develop their picture·taking SkillS. DSLRs offer
category is their larger sensors, whiCh ensure high image qual~y in most types of lighting. The main downside is that some models are supplied without viewfinders and, where
the fastest autofocusJng because they use phase
viewfinders are provided, most tend to be
d ifference detectiOn.
electroniC ra:her than optiCal (see comparison
The main downside of these cameras is their
later th is chepter). Autofocusing is also usually
larger, heavier OOdles and lenses. In acld itiOn, the
slower than 'N~h DSLRs because these
viewfinders in entry·level DSLRs are often small
cameras use the same contrast· based systems
and not partiCutarty bright. Both are sign ificant
as digiCams
d isadvantages in dim lighting. Camera OOd ies
3. Sm all-sensor d igicams are the most
tend to be more expenSive than other camera
commonly·found cameras today and prOVide
types and this is one category in whiCh you need
the widest variety of features. Most ilClucle
to invest in more than one lens to take advantage
automated contrds to make it easy to take
of the camera's capabilities.
correctly·exposed shots. This category is easiest to understard
A typical mirrorless camera with a standard 3x zoom kit lens, Thi s model, like others In Olympus's PEN·E series, lacks a viewfinder, and requires users to frame shots with the LCD monitor or attach an optional EVF. (Source: Olympus,)
broken into sub·categories.
The Ricoh CX5 is typical of many polnt-andpress digicams, boasting a slim, pocketabte body plus automated functions to make It easy lor users to obtain cOfTeCtly·exposed photos. (Source: Rlcon.)
A viewfinder allows photographers to see
the image the camera will
record, isolatilg
it from distracting eIemeIlts outside the
scene. OpHcal viewfinders are like reversed
telescopes mounted in the camera bocty.
screen) showing shootmg informatiOn such
Most include small suppiemeotary displays
along the lower or right edge of the
as aperture and shutter speed seUings. Focusng targets are commonly overIaki on the field of view, partiCularly in more
sophistiCated cameras.
Fujifilm 's Innovative Xl00 has a new Hybrid Viewfinder that combines the besllealures of optical and electronic viewing systems. Photographers can choose which system louse with the flip of a leve,. (Source: Fujifilm.)
ElectroniC v~rxlefs consist of small LCD screens that reptay the same image
typeS afthough it is less of an issue with optiCal
can also be used to browse the camera's
view1ir.clers. Low resolutiOn makes manual
or replay shots from the camera's
memory. The table below compares the
main advantageS and disadvantages of both typeS.
focusng diffiCuH and thiS is one area where optiCal viewfinders are preferable to electroniC
,- """'"
onen si(1ltly leSS 1rIaO_ low", rM'Ij enuv_ ........,â&#x20AC;˘
""" ...... oo....ww
l<M1igIt ....
Doo:I$""~llJ~ tI'j _
Resp:inse Iall_
-....... ......
Sao1'Olas atlject
Ilo!perds 00 Image prtO'!SSIl\I
ResolutiOn is a critiCal iSsue lor both ~nder
as the camera's mannor displays. They
V.n.tJle - bo.I~_
~1O_JiI,1IIjngllJ <31 _jef1<y
Mzr rID! reIecI~ ~farogII fUldaIa~""-
. .. '-'" o.mm
a) Slim, pocketa.tlle models weighng less than 200 grams. Popular
snapshooters, these
cameras are highly automated and usually lack
4. Camera-phones and camcorders are often
used for spcntaneous picture-taking but, even though many recent models prOVide quHe high
resolution, they can't matcl1 dedicated cameras
b) Advanced digiCams w~h a range of manual
in three key respects:
controls, inCluding Jetls aperture and shutter
1. Image Quality,
speed adjustments.
2. Lens performance. 3. Adjustabilty. Photographers looking for high Quality and functiOnality for shooting movies wUt be better off wrth a camcorder than a digital still camera. Although camcorder sensors may be small. they
are adequate for recording high¡definitiOn video. Camcorders are also designed for superior functiOnality and ease of use when shooting
FEATURES TO LOOK FOR Nikon's Coolpix PSOO combines a wide range of manual controlS with a 36x optical :loom lens. (Source: Nikon.)
Although th&,t may differ in size, weight, shape and functiQrelity, all cameras share some corMlOrl features. In this section we'll lQok al the
most important of these. c) Super-zoom cameras with very long (grealer
1. The lens is the camera's 'eye' and its role
lhan lOx) zoom lenses.
is as important as the set1sor's in determining
d) Walerproof cameras that can be used
mage Quality. The price of a camera often
underwater to depths of 5 metres or more. Most
reflects the Quality of
models have limHed room ranges and high levels
Quality optiCs don't come cheap. More
Of automation.
information on lens characteristiCs can be found
e) Dedicated 3D cameras.
in Chapter 2.
because high-
2. The image processo r converts the information collected by the sensor into the pixels (piCture elements) that make up the mage. Each camera manufacturer develops ilS own
processor system and different processors account for different camera capabil~ies and differences in appearance between photographs Fujifilm is the only manufacturer currently producing dedicated 3D cameras with the W3 model (shoWfl above) the most recently released. (Source: Fujifilm,)
from differerr. camera brandS.
The processor also determines whether lhe camera can record video and the maximl.rn
The size of the Iight-capturhg elements (known as 'photosites1 on the canera's
sensor is the best guide to arry camera's mage qualfty. Larger photOSites coI~ more IigI1t, givng the camera's mage processor more 'nformatiOn to wor'K with, Larger photos~es can capture a wider potential
range Of tones (from dark to light) and
produce more accurate colours and less granularity with high ISO settings. Photos~e
Size has very I~tle to do with a camera's rnegapixel count and, in fact, most
snapshootefS would ooten better piCtures
they used cameras
but larger
fewer megapixels
The largest sensors are found
professiOnal DSLR cameras and account for the superior image quality these ~s
typical Image sensors: I. 1I4.flch type (3.6 1 2.7 mn) sensor used in carnc:o-ders and camera-
2. 1I2J-i1ch type (6.16 x 4.62 rrm) used in many dlgicams 3. Flll.lr Thirds System sensor (18 x 13.5 mm) used in many ffillTorteSS
4. 'APS-e sized' (23.5 x 15.8 mm) sensor used In some DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. 5. 35mm film frame (36 x 24 mm). Sensors Ittis sire are used in professional
produce, partiCularly in low light situatiOns.
table beiow compares the 1110$1 popular sensor
Cor'lsum€f-JeveI DSLRs and mirrorless
Sizes i1 today"s digital cameras and gives the a-ea
cameras have slightly smaller sensors but
of the pholOSiles for ead1 for a 12·megapixel
thefe's a signifiCant drop in sensor Size
yw look at digital compact cameras.
Video camcorders and camera-phones often
You can estimate the Size 01 the
have 1I4-inch or 1I6-nch sensors in whiCh the
photosites in any sensor by COI'I'IJ)a'ing
photootes are smaller than one SQuare miCron
the Size 01 the sensor with the I'II.rnbEw" 01 pixels in the mage ~ produces at
in siZe. While thiS won't produce problems with
resolutiOn. 5nlp/y dMcie the k:ngth of the
resojutiOn for video ClipS. still shots often suffer
from bIov;n-out highlighls and blacked·out
longest Side of the sensor in rTU!inelres by
shadows and shots taken in normal room lighting
the longest dimenSion of the pixel array. The
may appear 'grainy" due 10 image noise.
Sensor "Type"
Imaging Area Dimensions Width (mm) Height (mm)
57 6.6
112.s-inch 112.3-inch
1/1.7·inch 213·irlch 4!3-inch 'APS-C' (Canon) APS--C (others) 35mm ("F\AI Frame')
The re:ationships between the sizes of
5.76 6.17
23 .6
15.6 24.0
Photosit e area at 12MP In microns squared
'2 1.44
'" "
2.2 '5 5.2 5.56 8.24
resolutiOn and recordlng times for video clips. Most recently-released cameras can record HD video ClipS: some with Full HD (1920 x 1080
pixels or 1080p), the remaincler at a reduced '72Op' (1280
x 720 pixels) resolutiOn the Quality
of whiCh is more than acceptable on most widescreeo TV setS. Another functiOn controlled by the processor
Professional cameras usually provide only four shooting modes. (Source: Sigma.)
is the maximum speed at whiCh the camera can record a continuous burst of shots. The camera's
digicams - and all DSLR and mirrOrless cameras
buffer memory limits the number of shots that can be recorded in a burst. 3. Shooting m odes are a good way to gauge a
- provide a fJU
camera's capability - and the extent to whiCh you
parameters. Serious enthuSiasts and anyone
range of contrOls for adjusting
aperture and shutter speed settings as well as
white balance and many other
can control camera settings for creative effects.
who wants to learn more alXlut photography
POint-and-shoot cameras restriCt the range of
should faVOl.J" these camera typeS.
user-adjustable controls to a selectiOn of Scene
modes that match stanclard reQuirements for
the selected type Of scene.More sophisticated
Some accessories are mandatory, while others are optiOnal- and some are supplied
the camera, while others must be purchased separately. All digital cameras are supplied with battene, and most interchangeable¡lens cameras
come with at least one lens (although
you can often buy the body on its own). Memory cards are seldom, if ever, provided,
although many 6giCarns come with nternal
I-bwever. these are usuaty too smaI to more than a brief shooti1g session.
CCNer anything
Memory is relatively cheap so purchase at The mode dials on consumer OSLRs usually inClude several pre-set scene modes. (Source: Nikon.)
least one hi!;;h-capacity (4G8. 8G8 or 18GB)
memory card with your dig~aI camera. Get at least 8G8 if '/00 plan to shoot movies as video consumes rremory very QuiCkly, partiCularly at high resolutiOn . Buy extra cards if you're travelling - or consider a portable storage device - so you can store photos as they're taken.
The follov>ing camera accessories can enhance yOU" shooti1g experiences: 9
1. Le nses range from the uHra-wide ·fish-eyes· with their characteristiC distortion to the ultra-
long telephoto lenses favoured by sports and
wildlife photographers. In between are.zoom and prime (sngle focal length) lenses w ith local lengths to suit most subject types.
ZOom lenses ccrrt>ne versatility with affordability ald are Cfi excellent choice 'Nhen you need to keep yQlI" kit compact and lXJrtabie. Pmle lenses
Joby's Gorilla-series 01 tripods are the lightest and most adjustable camera supports available and come In sizes to suit all cameras from diglcams to DSLRs. (Source: Maxwell International Australia.)
provide the best mage QUaity and the widest
maxrn.m aper\ll"eS >Mlen you want total control ~
rkne of sharpness n yQlI" shots.
2. Fla sh gun s enable you to light up dark
4. Rem ot e co ntrollers let you trigger the cameras shutter from a distance, a useful facility
for very long exposures and when shooting
If your camera has a buiH-in flash you may only
easily·spooked wild life. (The camera MUST
need an accessory flash when you require much
be tripod-mounted!) Two types
more light, for example when pIlotograp/1ing large groups Of people or large n terior spaces.
wired and wirelesS. Wired remotes usually have
'Nhen using flash, n'S important to understand
are available:
cables between two and IIvee metres long: wirela>s remotes use radio freQuency or nfrared
can trigger the camera from
that light output decreases with the square of the
communiCatiOn and
distance. A subject four metres from the camera
more than 10 metres. IR remotes require direct
limn for many digiCams) receives one quarter
line-a-sight to the camera.
of the light that falls on a subjeCt two metres from the camera. Consequently, Ws pointless to use flash when photograp/1ing the Sydney Opera House (or a Sim ilar structure) at night from a passing ferry.
3.. Tripods and m onopods ~ 10 stEOOy the
ccrnera 'Nhen shooIi"lg with OON shJtter speeds. Even th::u;;tl modem image stabisatbn $ySI€JTlS
ae good, they rafJ.I provide rrore IhcI1 ttree or !oJ EV (exporuevakJes orf·stops) d
Remote controllers are uselullor wildlife photographers and anyone who enjoys taking long exposures atter dark. (Source: Nikon.)
whEn 'PJ need to use SOw sh..Jtter speeds some
Kind d stabisaticJ1 is 1"9(JkeCf.
5. GPS dat a logg ers allow you to embed
one leg, are compact
locatiOn data in the image file . (Some C8o'T1eras
carry but only stabilise the camera in one directbn and aren't much use for eXjXlSUres longer than one second. Even compacttrip:xfs
have 1hem buiH-n .) They must be able to pick
can provide enough stability for eXjXlSUres many
areas dominated by tall buildingS.
seconds long.
6. A cam era bag is a wrse investment that
Monopods, whiCh have and light to
up signals from
won't work under dense tree
and, therefore,
cover or in urban
can protect yo.x equipment against impact
damage, adverse weather Mel theft, QIoose one that is comfortable 10 'werar',
activities you partq,ate In Mel Ia'ge accorrvnodate the
for the
8I"IOI.J!1l to
you wi use on a
t')1licaI shoot. 7. Waterproof houslngs are available lor
many d9tal caToEII'as Mel offer varying levels of t.rdefwater protection, ranging from one metre to 40 metres or more. Some camera manufacturers offer hovsngs for pwtiCul¥ models. while specialist manufacturers like Fantasea and I~ite cater for several brands. 8. Bluetooth connections are also available for wi"eIess printing from some cameras. Some cameras come with buiH -1n facilit~ for uploading mages and video clips to social ne\WOI1( sites. AI C&'nWas Sl.pporI direct printing via Sl.ppIied
USB """". USEFUL URLS The foIbW'9 websites ~ adcifunaI ir*lrmatioo 00 the ~
a-ed i11tis~.
~ 01 ti1gs )OJ strud kdI at v.ften w,;ng a
'ihn-w,;ng·a·dW-<:amefa.aspc • FiICbn to cmsi:Ier befmI tv,;ng orb 'INNI.~.CQ'I1~·~·a·
• AI.Mce 00 eq.ipment l.WlIIIiog 'INNI,byth:)m,COII\ItIame.htm
• lists 01 recorMlel1ded camefa accessaies httpJlcameras,about,coovbI2OtOltW3itles!·camera·
Mastering Digital Photography The It*d ecttIcn of PhaIo Rrttaw'I A', rOr 'tIg DIg/IJIl
PhotofIJ.,my pocIeI: QL*ie ' - been COITIIllellt)' I,f)dat8d to teIect r8C*1I ctwQI!I8ln dgIIaIlmIIgIng .m .....,. IechIOIogIea. It'l been wrIhen 10 help 8'o'If)'dIy phcIagiaphM 10 more "'!ektlO. fn:m ~
IIIIctv b¥ chooeIng the ~ eQIJpment, UlldlietallCillg toN to uae • .., rnakqJ the belli: a:Ap.C dIc:iIIoI .. Regaide88 d)'OLl" ..... €A expertIIe. lhIa Iwxti gUde wi por!IiCtt the reeoucee you naad to like bItI8r dIgIbII