Gilroy Santa Maria College, Ingham | New Student Information Booklet

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New Student Information


We welcome you to Gilroy Santa Maria College!

"Our mission is to nurture the growth of the whole person in a safe, supportive and inclusive Catholic learning environment "

We are all about working with you and your family to create the best possible learning opportunities by supporting you academically, emotionally and spiritually

Our caring staff - from the leadership team, teachers, learning assistants, office staff to school officers - are all here to support and assist you in any way we can

The following pages include all the information you need to know as you commence your educational journey here at Gilroy.

Please feel free to reach out at any time should you need assistance.

College Contact Details






8.00amto4.00pm,MondaytoThursday 800amto330pm,Friday

Santa Maria Centre M Block
(Junior Classrooms)
Chapel of Our Lady

College Leadership Team

Kevin Barnes Principal

Melissa Carr

Deputy Principal, Administration and Learning & Teaching

Maddyn White

Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care mwhite16@gilroysm catholic edu au

Cassandra Venturato

Acting Assistant Principal, Religious Education cventurato@gilroysm catholic edu au

Roslyn Giuliano Business Manager

First Day

On your first day, you will be provided with: chromebook/laptop computer school bag textbooks College diary timetable

For students commencing at the beginning of the school year, text books/diary can be collected from the Library during the week prior to commencement Families will be advised of details closer to that time

Replacement school bags are available for purchase for $65 from the College office.

Bell Times

The school day consists of seven 45 minute periods, plus homeroom and lunch breaks

Homeroom & Morning Prayer

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Morning Tea

Period 4

Period 5


Period 6

Period 7

End of Day

8 30am (10 mins)

8 40am 9 25am


(25 mins)

Drop Off & Pick Up Zones

Year 7 to 9 students: M Block - turn right as you enter the school and follow the road.

Year 10 to 12 students: the Santa Maria Centre (SMC) - turn left as you enter the school

If there are children in both junior and senior, parents may choose the zone they prefer.

Bus Transport

A number of local bus companies service the school across the district. Arrangements need to be made directly with these companies. Buses depart from the College at 3 05pm each afternoon Contact the College Office for more information

Student Reception

This is the first point of call for all student enquiries, including the sick room The Student Reception entrance is located at the back of the Administration building, facing the Chapel.

Students must present to Student Reception for late arrivals and early departures and will need to sign in and out

Late Arrival & Early Departure

If a student is late (after 8.30am), they must present to Student Reception first to sign in and have their diary stamped, before proceeding to class.

Parents/caregivers must advise Student Reception if they wish to take their child during the course of the school day. The student will need to sign themselves out at Student Reception.

Student Absences

We ask that parents and caregivers please inform the College of any absences no later than 9am each day in one of the following ways:

Via the Compass Parent Portal

By emailing Student Reception at studentreception@gilroysm catholic edu au By telephoning the College Office on 4776 2888 - press 1 for Student Reception

For medical absences of more than two days duration, a medical certificate is strongly encouraged If assessment/examinations occur during this absence, a medical certificate MUST be supplied for Years 10 to 12.

If on any day, a student is away but we have not received notification, Compass will deliver an automated text message after 9am asking families to explain the absence

Student Timetable

Timetables are available on Compass Students will be given a paper copy for insertion into their diary Copies are available upon request from Student Reception.


Each student is provided with a College diary each year It is important that students have this diary at all times. It is essential for parents to check their child’s diary regularly, to monitor work and to view any communications from teachers. It is expected that the diary be signed by a parent/caregiver and homeroom teacher every week

Replacement copies can be purchased from Student Reception, then collected from the Library.

Lockers & Keys

All students will need to bring their own lock (either keyed or combination) for the school lockers It is a good idea to keep your key on a lanyard, in a safe place

For younger students, it is a good idea to bring a spare key, labelled with a key tag, for their Homeroom Teacher to hold In some cases, locks will need to be cut in order for students to gain access to belongings


Tuckshop is open from Monday to Friday and ordering is via the Flexischools app

Miscellaneous items can be purchased at lunchtimecash and card. For more information, visit

ICT & Devices

Students will be issued a chromebook in Year 7 which is returned at the end of Year 9. In Year 10, students are then issued a laptop which they keep at the completion of Year 12. If a student leaves prior to graduation, all devices must be returned to the College office with the charger, and carry bag Replacement fees apply.

All students sign a Laptop Program and Responsible Use Agreement and agree to terms of use set by the Diocese

Compass Parent Portal

The College uses the Compass Parent Portal for:

Reporting and viewing absences Report cards

Important messages Parent/Teacher interview scheduling

The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google play Upon enrolment, parents/caregivers will be provided with login details Please contact the College Office for assistance at any time.

Report Cards

A Term 1 interim report is issued early in Term 2, and report cards are issued at the end of Semester 1 and 2 These are issued via the Compass Parent Portal

Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews

These are held early in Term 2, following the release of Term 1 interim report cards, and bookings can be made through the Compass Portal Families will receive an email with details ahead of time

Term Assessment Planners

These are made available to students and parents at the commencement of each term They are also available on the College website at any time


The College has Assessment Guidelines & Procedure documents that clearly set out expectations for assessment and examinations. These can be found on the College website under the Policies & Guidelines tab.

Academic Support Program

Additional academic support is provided for all students in the College Library as follows:

Second Lunch each day, Monday to Friday

After school from 3pm to 4pm, Mondays and Wednesdays

Students/teachers may request additional assistance at any time.

College Rules & Expectations

These are clearly set out on the College website under Policies & GuidelinesPastoral Care Guidelines and relate to:


Mobile phone/electronic device usage, including smartwatch

Uniforms & Dress Code

Internet Usage

Motor Vehicle Usage


Day uniform - Tuesday and Thursday

Sports uniform - Monday, Wednesday and Friday

House shirt - Wednesday (optional)

Uniforms can be purchased from local stockists, Menz or Ingham School hats with house colours can be purchased from the Colleg for $17. House shirts can be purchased online - Ask the office fo

Please see our website for detailed Uniform Guidelines


Rice (Red), McAuley (Gold), O’Meara (Blue)

Students are evenly allocated to houses on a random basis - siblings in the same house

Houses compete in the College’s Interhouse Swimming, Cross Country an Carnivals, together with a variety of activities throughout the year, and ba for the Gilroy Santa Maria Cup, our year-long house competition


If a student needs to take medication during the school day, it must be administered by Student Reception staff. It will be necessary for parents/caregivers to complete an Authority to Administer Medication Form available from Student Reception


For the safety of all, we ask that students are not given medication to carry in their bags and selfadminister during the day

Injuries & Illness During School Hours

StudentsshouldpresenttoStudentReceptionifthey aresickorareinjuredduringschoolhours.Office staffwilladministerappropriatefirstaidbutmaycall parentsandcaregiverstocollecttheirchild

Pleasebeawarethateachstudentiscoveredbya StudentCareinjuryinsurancepolicywithCatholic ChurchInsurance,whichmayassistwithsome medicalexpenses Formoreinformation,visit

How to Stay Informed

TheCollegedisseminatesinformationtofamiliesin thefollowingways:


Newsletter,distributedelectronicallyeverythree weeks



Lettersrecertainevents/activities,sometimes requiringsignedpermission

Assemblies, School Masses & Special Events

Whole school assemblies and masses are generally held during Period 3 (10.10am) on selected Thursdays throughout the term - dates are advertised in the newsletter Families and community are welcome to attend Special events will be communicated to families.

Up To Date Information

It is the responsibility of parents and caregivers to ensure that the College is updated of changes to family contact details and student medical information. Contact details can be updated via Compass or contacting the College office. Fees

Termfeestatementsaresenthometofamilies electronicallyeachterm.

DiscountsforHealthCareCardholdersandfor thosewithsiblingsatotherCatholicschoolsare availableuponapplication.

Avarietyofpaymentoptionsavailable-please seetheBusinessManager.

Ifyouwishtodiscussfeeassistanceatany time,pleasemakecontactwiththe Principal/BusinessManager.

PleasenotethatsignatoriestotheEnrolment Agreementarelegallyresponsibleforfees-see theCollegewebsiteformoreinformation.

Who to Contact for Help

For school work related enquiries, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance

Teachers can be emailed via the Compass app, the preferable method for first contact

For pastoral concerns, please contact the relevant Pastoral Leader in the first instance:

Pastoral Leaders

Paula Rand

Year 7 & 8 Pastoral Leader

Jordan Di Bella

Year 9 Pastoral Leader jdibella1@gilroysm catholic edu au

Jack Dixon

Year 10 Pastoral Leader

Erin Cerutti

Year 11 & 12 Pastoral Leader

ecerutti1@gilroysm catholic edu au

Guidance Counsellors

Kate Stringini & Peter Groundwater

The College has full time guidance support available to students Referrals can be made via our website under the Students tab, by contacting the College office or via Pastoral Leaders Students may also self-refer

College Chaplain

Sandra La Rosa

Mission Statement

" To nurture the growth of the whole person in a safe, supportive and inclusive Catholic learning environment "

For more information, please contact the College office on 4776 2888 or visit the College website at

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